public CouponUsageRecordHandler(IPromotionUsageService usageService, IPromotionUsageSearchService promotionUsageSearchService, IPromotionService promotionService) { _usageService = usageService; _promotionUsageSearchService = promotionUsageSearchService; EqualityComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PromotionUsage x) => string.Join(":", x.PromotionId, x.CouponCode, x.ObjectId)); _promotionService = promotionService; }
public void OnNext(OrderChangeEvent value) { var origStockOutOperations = new ShipmentItem[] { }; var modifiedStockOutOperations = new ShipmentItem[] { }; if (value.OrigOrder != null) { origStockOutOperations = value.OrigOrder.Shipments.SelectMany(x => x.Items).ToArray(); } if (value.ModifiedOrder != null) { modifiedStockOutOperations = value.ModifiedOrder.Shipments.SelectMany(x => x.Items).ToArray(); } var originalPositions = new ObservableCollection <KeyValuePair <string, int> >(origStockOutOperations.GroupBy(x => x.LineItem.ProductId).Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, int>(x.Key, x.Sum(y => y.Quantity)))); var modifiedPositions = new ObservableCollection <KeyValuePair <string, int> >(modifiedStockOutOperations.GroupBy(x => x.LineItem.ProductId).Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, int>(x.Key, x.Sum(y => y.Quantity)))); var changedInventoryInfos = new List <InventoryInfo>(); var inventoryInfos = _inventoryService.GetProductsInventoryInfos(originalPositions.Select(x => x.Key).Concat(modifiedPositions.Select(x => x.Key)).Distinct().ToArray()); var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((KeyValuePair <string, int> x) => x.Key); modifiedPositions.CompareTo(originalPositions, comparer, (state, source, target) => { AdjustInventory(inventoryInfos, changedInventoryInfos, state, source, target); }); if (changedInventoryInfos.Any()) { _inventoryService.UpsertInventories(changedInventoryInfos); } }
/// <summary> /// Patch changes /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> public static void Patch(this dataModel.Property source, dataModel.Property target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } var patchInjectionPolicy = new PatchInjection <dataModel.Property>(x => x.PropertyValueType, x => x.IsEnum, x => x.IsMultiValue, x => x.IsLocaleDependant, x => x.IsRequired, x => x.TargetType, x => x.Name); target.InjectFrom(patchInjectionPolicy, source); //Attributes patch if (!source.PropertyAttributes.IsNullCollection()) { var attributeComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((dataModel.PropertyAttribute x) => x.IsTransient() ? x.PropertyAttributeName : x.Id); source.PropertyAttributes.Patch(target.PropertyAttributes, attributeComparer, (sourceAsset, targetAsset) => sourceAsset.Patch(targetAsset)); } //Property dict values if (!source.DictionaryValues.IsNullCollection()) { source.DictionaryValues.Patch(target.DictionaryValues, (sourcePropValue, targetPropValue) => sourcePropValue.Patch(targetPropValue)); } }
protected virtual CouponUsageRecordJobArgument GetJobArgumentsForCouponUsageRecord(CustomerOrder order) { var objectId = order.Id; IHasDiscounts hasDiscounts = order; var customerId = order.CustomerId; var customerName = order.CustomerName; var usageComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PromotionUsage x) => string.Join(":", x.PromotionId, x.CouponCode, x.ObjectId)); var result = hasDiscounts.GetFlatObjectsListWithInterface <IHasDiscounts>() .Where(x => x.Discounts != null) .SelectMany(x => x.Discounts) .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Coupon)) .Select(x => new PromotionUsage { CouponCode = x.Coupon, PromotionId = x.PromotionId, ObjectId = objectId, ObjectType = hasDiscounts.GetType().Name, UserId = customerId, UserName = customerName }) .Distinct(usageComparer); return(new CouponUsageRecordJobArgument() { OrderId = objectId, PromotionUsages = result.ToArray() }); }
public override void Patch(OperationEntity operation) { base.Patch(operation); var target = operation as PaymentInEntity; if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentException(@"operation argument must be of type PaymentInEntity", nameof(operation)); } target.Amount = Amount; target.Price = Price; target.PriceWithTax = PriceWithTax; target.DiscountAmount = DiscountAmount; target.DiscountAmountWithTax = DiscountAmountWithTax; target.TaxType = TaxType; target.TaxPercentRate = TaxPercentRate; target.TaxTotal = TaxTotal; target.Total = Total; target.TotalWithTax = TotalWithTax; target.CustomerId = CustomerId; target.CustomerName = CustomerName; target.OrganizationId = OrganizationId; target.OrganizationName = OrganizationName; target.GatewayCode = GatewayCode; target.Purpose = Purpose; target.OuterId = OuterId; target.Status = Status; target.AuthorizedDate = AuthorizedDate; target.CapturedDate = CapturedDate; target.VoidedDate = VoidedDate; target.IsCancelled = IsCancelled; target.CancelledDate = CancelledDate; target.CancelReason = CancelReason; target.Sum = Sum; if (!Addresses.IsNullCollection()) { Addresses.Patch(target.Addresses, (sourceAddress, targetAddress) => sourceAddress.Patch(targetAddress)); } if (!TaxDetails.IsNullCollection()) { var taxDetailComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((TaxDetailEntity x) => x.Name); TaxDetails.Patch(target.TaxDetails, taxDetailComparer, (sourceTaxDetail, targetTaxDetail) => sourceTaxDetail.Patch(targetTaxDetail)); } if (!Discounts.IsNullCollection()) { var discountComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((DiscountEntity x) => x.PromotionId); Discounts.Patch(target.Discounts, discountComparer, (sourceDiscount, targetDiscount) => sourceDiscount.Patch(targetDiscount)); } if (!Transactions.IsNullCollection()) { Transactions.Patch(target.Transactions, (sourceTran, targetTran) => sourceTran.Patch(targetTran)); } }
public virtual void Patch(DynamicContentPublishingGroupEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } target.Description = Description; target.Name = Name; target.Priority = Priority; target.IsActive = IsActive; target.StoreId = StoreId; target.StartDate = StartDate; target.EndDate = EndDate; target.PredicateVisualTreeSerialized = PredicateVisualTreeSerialized; if (!ContentItems.IsNullCollection()) { var itemComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PublishingGroupContentItemEntity x) => x.DynamicContentItemId); ContentItems.Patch(target.ContentItems, itemComparer, (sourceProperty, targetProperty) => { sourceProperty.Patch(targetProperty); }); } if (!ContentPlaces.IsNullCollection()) { var itemComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PublishingGroupContentPlaceEntity x) => x.DynamicContentPlaceId); ContentPlaces.Patch(target.ContentPlaces, itemComparer, (sourceProperty, targetProperty) => { sourceProperty.Patch(targetProperty); }); } }
public void Patch(QuoteItemEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } var _ = this; target.ListPrice = _.ListPrice; target.SalePrice = _.SalePrice; target.TaxType = _.TaxType; target.ImageUrl = _.ImageUrl; target.ProductId = _.ProductId; target.Comment = _.Comment; target.CatalogId = _.CatalogId; target.CategoryId = _.CategoryId; target.Currency = _.Currency; target.Name = _.Name; target.Sku = _.Sku; if (!ProposalPrices.IsNullCollection()) { var tierPriceComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((TierPriceEntity x) => x.Quantity + "-" + x.Price); ProposalPrices.Patch(target.ProposalPrices, tierPriceComparer, (sourceTierPrice, targetTierPrice) => { }); } }
protected async Task <Member[]> SearchMembersByIdAndOuterIdAsync(string[] internalIds, string[] outerIds, string[] memberTypes, bool deepSearch = false) { var criteriaById = new ExtendedMembersSearchCriteria() { ObjectIds = internalIds, MemberTypes = memberTypes, DeepSearch = deepSearch, Skip = 0, Take = ModuleConstants.Settings.PageSize }; var membersById = internalIds.IsNullOrEmpty() ? Array.Empty <Member>() : (await _memberSearchService.SearchMembersAsync(criteriaById)).Results; var criteriaByOuterId = new ExtendedMembersSearchCriteria() { OuterIds = outerIds, MemberTypes = memberTypes, DeepSearch = deepSearch, Skip = 0, Take = ModuleConstants.Settings.PageSize }; var membersByOuterId = outerIds.IsNullOrEmpty() ? Array.Empty <Member>() : (await _memberSearchService.SearchMembersAsync(criteriaByOuterId)).Results; var existedMembers = membersById.Union(membersByOuterId , AnonymousComparer.Create <Member>((x, y) => x.Id == y.Id, x => x.Id.GetHashCode())).ToArray(); return(existedMembers); }
public void TestMaxByFuncTSourceTKeyIComparableTKey() { Person taro = new Person { Name = "Taro", Age = 28 }; Person jiro = new Person { Name = "Jiro", Age = 27 }; Person saburo = new Person { Name = "Saburo", Age = 26 }; Person anotherSaburo = new Person { Name = "Saburo", Age = 26 }; IComparer <string> comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((string lhs, string rhs) => lhs.Length - rhs.Length); { IList <Person> maxNameLengthPersons = new [] { taro, jiro, saburo }.MaxBy(it => it.Name, comparer); Assert.True(maxNameLengthPersons.SequenceEqual(new [] { saburo })); } { IList <Person> maxNameLengthPersons = new [] { taro, jiro, saburo, anotherSaburo }.MaxBy(it => it.Name, comparer); Assert.True(maxNameLengthPersons.SequenceEqual(new [] { saburo, anotherSaburo })); } { Assert.Catch <InvalidOperationException> (() => { new Person[] { }.MaxBy(it => it.Name, comparer); }); } }
public virtual void Patch(PropertyEntity target) { target.PropertyValueType = PropertyValueType; target.IsEnum = IsEnum; target.IsMultiValue = IsMultiValue; target.IsLocaleDependant = IsLocaleDependant; target.IsRequired = IsRequired; target.TargetType = TargetType; target.Name = Name; target.CatalogId = CatalogId; target.CategoryId = CategoryId; if (!PropertyAttributes.IsNullCollection()) { var attributeComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PropertyAttributeEntity x) => x.IsTransient() ? x.PropertyAttributeName : x.Id); PropertyAttributes.Patch(target.PropertyAttributes, attributeComparer, (sourceAsset, targetAsset) => sourceAsset.Patch(targetAsset)); } if (!DictionaryItems.IsNullCollection()) { var dictItemComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PropertyDictionaryItemEntity x) => $"{x.Alias}-${x.PropertyId}"); DictionaryItems.Patch(target.DictionaryItems, dictItemComparer, (sourceDictItem, targetDictItem) => sourceDictItem.Patch(targetDictItem)); } if (!DisplayNames.IsNullCollection()) { var displayNamesComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PropertyDisplayNameEntity x) => $"{x.Name}-{x.Locale}"); DisplayNames.Patch(target.DisplayNames, displayNamesComparer, (sourceDisplayName, targetDisplayName) => sourceDisplayName.Patch(targetDisplayName)); } if (!ValidationRules.IsNullCollection()) { ValidationRules.Patch(target.ValidationRules, (sourceRule, targetRule) => sourceRule.Patch(targetRule)); } }
/// <summary> /// Patch CatalogBase type /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> public static void Patch(this LineItemEntity source, LineItemEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } var patchInjectionPolicy = new PatchInjection <LineItemEntity>(x => x.BasePrice, x => x.Price, x => x.Quantity, x => x.DiscountAmount, x => x.Tax, x => x.Height, x => x.Length, x => x.Width, x => x.MeasureUnit, x => x.WeightUnit, x => x.Weight, x => x.TaxType, x => x.IsCancelled, x => x.CancelledDate, x => x.CancelReason); target.InjectFrom(patchInjectionPolicy, source); if (!source.Discounts.IsNullCollection()) { source.Discounts.Patch(target.Discounts, new DiscountComparer(), (sourceDiscount, targetDiscount) => sourceDiscount.Patch(targetDiscount)); } if (!source.TaxDetails.IsNullCollection()) { var taxDetailComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((TaxDetailEntity x) => x.Name); source.TaxDetails.Patch(target.TaxDetails, taxDetailComparer, (sourceTaxDetail, targetTaxDetail) => sourceTaxDetail.Patch(targetTaxDetail)); } }
/// <summary> /// Patch CatalogBase type /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> public static void Patch(this ShipmentEntity source, ShipmentEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } var patchInjection = new PatchInjection <ShipmentEntity>(x => x.ShipmentMethodCode, x => x.Total, x => x.ShippingPrice, x => x.DiscountTotal, x => x.TaxTotal, x => x.TaxIncluded, x => x.Currency, x => x.WeightUnit, x => x.WeightValue, x => x.DimensionHeight, x => x.DimensionLength, x => x.DimensionUnit, x => x.DimensionWidth, x => x.TaxType); target.InjectFrom(patchInjection, source); if (!source.Addresses.IsNullCollection()) { source.Addresses.Patch(target.Addresses, new AddressComparer(), (sourceAddress, targetAddress) => sourceAddress.Patch(targetAddress)); } if (source.Items != null) { source.Items.Patch(target.Items, (sourceItem, targetItem) => sourceItem.Patch(targetItem)); } if (!source.TaxDetails.IsNullCollection()) { var taxDetailComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((TaxDetailEntity x) => x.Name); source.TaxDetails.Patch(target.TaxDetails, taxDetailComparer, (sourceTaxDetail, targetTaxDetail) => sourceTaxDetail.Patch(targetTaxDetail)); } if (!source.Discounts.IsNullCollection()) { source.Discounts.Patch(target.Discounts, new DiscountComparer(), (sourceDiscount, targetDiscount) => sourceDiscount.Patch(targetDiscount)); } }
/// <summary> /// Patch changes /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> public static void Patch(this dataModel.Organization source, dataModel.Organization target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } var patchInjection = new PatchInjection <dataModel.Organization>(x => x.Name, x => x.Description, x => x.OwnerId, x => x.OrgType, x => x.BusinessCategory); target.InjectFrom(patchInjection, source); if (!source.Phones.IsNullCollection()) { var phoneComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((dataModel.Phone x) => x.Number); source.Phones.Patch(target.Phones, phoneComparer, (sourcePhone, targetPhone) => targetPhone.Number = sourcePhone.Number); } if (!source.Emails.IsNullCollection()) { var addressComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((dataModel.Email x) => x.Address); source.Emails.Patch(target.Emails, addressComparer, (sourceEmail, targetEmail) => targetEmail.Address = sourceEmail.Address); } if (!source.Addresses.IsNullCollection()) { source.Addresses.Patch(target.Addresses, new AddressComparer(), (sourceAddress, targetAddress) => sourceAddress.Patch(targetAddress)); } if (!source.Notes.IsNullCollection()) { var noteComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((dataModel.Note x) => x.Id); source.Notes.Patch(target.Notes, noteComparer, (sourceNote, targetNote) => sourceNote.Patch(targetNote)); } }
public async Task SaveChangesAsync(IHasAssociations[] owners) { var changedEntities = new List <AssociationEntity>(); foreach (var owner in owners) { if (owner.Associations != null) { var dbAssociations = owner.Associations.Select(x => AbstractTypeFactory <AssociationEntity> .TryCreateInstance().FromModel(x)).ToArray(); foreach (var dbAssociation in dbAssociations) { dbAssociation.ItemId = owner.Id; } changedEntities.AddRange(dbAssociations); } } using (var repository = _repositoryFactory()) { //Optimize performance and CPU usage repository.DisableChangesTracking(); var itemIds = owners.Where(x => x.Id != null).Select(x => x.Id).ToArray(); var existEntities = await repository.Associations.Where(x => itemIds.Contains(x.ItemId)).ToArrayAsync(); var target = new { Associations = new ObservableCollection <AssociationEntity>(existEntities) }; var source = new { Associations = new ObservableCollection <AssociationEntity>(changedEntities) }; //changeTracker.Attach(target); var associationComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((AssociationEntity x) => x.ItemId + ":" + x.AssociationType + ":" + x.AssociatedItemId + ":" + x.AssociatedCategoryId); source.Associations.Patch(target.Associations, associationComparer, (sourceAssociation, targetAssociation) => sourceAssociation.Patch(targetAssociation)); await repository.UnitOfWork.CommitAsync(); } }
public DynamicProperty[] SaveProperties(DynamicProperty[] properties) { if (properties == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("properties"); } using (var repository = _repositoryFactory()) using (var changeTracker = GetChangeTracker(repository)) { var sourceProperties = properties.Select(x => x.ToEntity()).ToList(); var targetProperties = repository.GetDynamicPropertiesForTypes(properties.Select(x => x.ObjectType).Distinct().ToArray()).ToList(); var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((DynamicPropertyEntity x) => $"{x.Id?.ToLowerInvariant() ?? x.Name.ToLowerInvariant()}:{x.ObjectType.ToLowerInvariant()}"); sourceProperties.CompareTo(targetProperties, comparer, (state, source, target) => { if (state == EntryState.Modified) { changeTracker.Attach(target); source.Patch(target); } else if (state == EntryState.Added) { repository.Add(source); } }); repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); var result = repository.GetDynamicPropertiesByIds(sourceProperties.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray()) .Select(p => p.ToModel()) .ToArray(); return(result); } }
public void TestDistinctUntileChangedKeyselectorComparer() { IEqualityComparer <Point> comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create <Point> ((lhs, rhs) => lhs == rhs, it => it.X ^ it.Y); Assert.True(new [] { new { value = 1, point = new Point(0, 0) }, new { value = 2, point = new Point(0, 1) }, new { value = 3, point = new Point(1, 1) }, new { value = 4, point = new Point(1, 2) }, }.DistinctUntilChanged(it => it.point, comparer).SequenceEqual(new [] { new { value = 1, point = new Point(0, 0) }, new { value = 2, point = new Point(0, 1) }, new { value = 3, point = new Point(1, 1) }, new { value = 4, point = new Point(1, 2) }, })); Assert.True(new [] { new { value = 1, point = new Point(0, 0) }, new { value = 2, point = new Point(0, 1) }, new { value = 3, point = new Point(1, 1) }, new { value = 4, point = new Point(1, 1) }, new { value = 5, point = new Point(1, 1) }, new { value = 6, point = new Point(1, 2) }, }.DistinctUntilChanged(it => it.point, comparer).SequenceEqual(new [] { new { value = 1, point = new Point(0, 0) }, new { value = 2, point = new Point(0, 1) }, new { value = 3, point = new Point(1, 1) }, new { value = 6, point = new Point(1, 2) }, })); }
public virtual void Patch(DynamicContentPublishingGroupEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(target)); } target.Description = this.Description; target.Name = this.Name; target.Priority = this.Priority; target.IsActive = this.IsActive; target.StoreId = this.StoreId; target.StartDate = this.StartDate; target.EndDate = this.EndDate; target.ConditionExpression = this.ConditionExpression; target.PredicateVisualTreeSerialized = this.PredicateVisualTreeSerialized; if (!this.ContentItems.IsNullCollection()) { var itemComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PublishingGroupContentItemEntity x) => x.DynamicContentItemId); this.ContentItems.Patch(target.ContentItems, itemComparer, (sourceProperty, targetProperty) => { }); } if (!this.ContentPlaces.IsNullCollection()) { var itemComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PublishingGroupContentPlaceEntity x) => x.DynamicContentPlaceId); this.ContentPlaces.Patch(target.ContentPlaces, itemComparer, (sourceProperty, targetProperty) => { }); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves collections of associations for given objects. Replaces all collection - adds new, updates existing and deletes associations that are not presented in the saved objects associations. /// </summary> /// <param name="owners"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task SaveChangesAsync(IHasAssociations[] owners) { var changedEntities = new List <AssociationEntity>(); foreach (var owner in owners) { if (owner.Associations != null) { var dbAssociations = owner.Associations.Select(x => AbstractTypeFactory <AssociationEntity> .TryCreateInstance().FromModel(x)).ToArray(); foreach (var dbAssociation in dbAssociations) { dbAssociation.ItemId = owner.Id; } changedEntities.AddRange(dbAssociations); } } using (var repository = _repositoryFactory()) { var itemIds = owners.Where(x => x.Id != null).Select(x => x.Id).ToArray(); var associationComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((AssociationEntity x) => x.ItemId + ":" + x.AssociationType + ":" + x.AssociatedItemId + ":" + x.AssociatedCategoryId); var existingEntities = new ObservableCollection <AssociationEntity>(repository.Associations.Where(x => itemIds.Contains(x.ItemId)).ToList()); existingEntities.ObserveCollection(x => repository.Add(x), x => repository.Remove(x)); changedEntities.Patch(existingEntities, associationComparer, (sourceAssociation, targetAssociation) => sourceAssociation.Patch(targetAssociation)); await repository.UnitOfWork.CommitAsync(); } }
public void AdjustInventoryHandler_GetProductInventoryChanges_ForOrderChanges(GenericChangedEntry <CustomerOrder> orderChangedEntry, IEnumerable <AdjustInventoryOrderChangedEventHandler.ProductInventoryChange> expectedChanges) { // Arrange var inventoryServiceMock = new Mock <IInventoryService>(); var settingsManagerMock = new Mock <ISettingsManager>(); var storeServiceMock = new Mock <IStoreService>(); storeServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(TestStoreId)) .Returns(new Store { MainFulfillmentCenterId = TestFulfillmentCenterId }); var targetHandler = new AdjustInventoryOrderChangedEventHandler(inventoryServiceMock.Object, storeServiceMock.Object, settingsManagerMock.Object); // Act var actualChanges = targetHandler.GetProductInventoryChangesFor(orderChangedEntry); // Assert var equalityComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((AdjustInventoryOrderChangedEventHandler.ProductInventoryChange x) => $"{x.FulfillmentCenterId} {x.ProductId} {x.QuantityDelta}"); Assert.Equal(expectedChanges, actualChanges, equalityComparer); }
public virtual void Patch(PropertyEntity target) { target.PropertyValueType = this.PropertyValueType; target.IsEnum = this.IsEnum; target.IsMultiValue = this.IsMultiValue; target.IsLocaleDependant = this.IsLocaleDependant; target.IsRequired = this.IsRequired; target.TargetType = this.TargetType; target.Name = this.Name; if (!this.PropertyAttributes.IsNullCollection()) { var attributeComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PropertyAttributeEntity x) => x.IsTransient() ? x.PropertyAttributeName : x.Id); this.PropertyAttributes.Patch(target.PropertyAttributes, attributeComparer, (sourceAsset, targetAsset) => sourceAsset.Patch(targetAsset)); } if (!this.DictionaryValues.IsNullCollection()) { this.DictionaryValues.Patch(target.DictionaryValues, (sourcePropValue, targetPropValue) => sourcePropValue.Patch(targetPropValue)); } if (!this.DisplayNames.IsNullCollection()) { var displayNamesComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PropertyDisplayNameEntity x) => $"{x.Name}-{x.Locale}"); this.DisplayNames.Patch(target.DisplayNames, displayNamesComparer, (sourceDisplayName, targetDisplayName) => sourceDisplayName.Patch(targetDisplayName)); } if (!this.ValidationRules.IsNullCollection()) { this.ValidationRules.Patch(target.ValidationRules, (sourceRule, targetRule) => sourceRule.Patch(targetRule)); } }
public static void Patch(this ApplicationUserExtended user, ApplicationUser dbUser) { dbUser.Id = user.Id ?? dbUser.Id; dbUser.LockoutEnabled = user.LockoutEnabled; dbUser.LockoutEndDateUtc = user.LockoutEndDateUtc; dbUser.PasswordHash = user.PasswordHash ?? dbUser.PasswordHash; dbUser.PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber ?? dbUser.PhoneNumber; dbUser.PhoneNumberConfirmed = user.PhoneNumberConfirmed; dbUser.SecurityStamp = user.SecurityStamp ?? dbUser.SecurityStamp; dbUser.TwoFactorEnabled = user.TwoFactorEnabled; dbUser.UserName = user.UserName ?? dbUser.UserName; dbUser.AccessFailedCount = user.AccessFailedCount; dbUser.EmailConfirmed = user.EmailConfirmed; dbUser.Email = user.Email ?? dbUser.Email; // Copy logins if (user.Logins != null) { var changedLogins = user.Logins.Select(x => new IdentityUserLogin { LoginProvider = x.LoginProvider, ProviderKey = x.ProviderKey, UserId = dbUser.Id }).ToList(); var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((IdentityUserLogin x) => x.LoginProvider); changedLogins.Patch(dbUser.Logins, comparer, (sourceItem, targetItem) => { sourceItem.ProviderKey = targetItem.ProviderKey; }); } }
public void SaveSettings(SettingEntry[] settings) { if (settings != null && settings.Any()) { var settingKeys = settings.Select(x => String.Join("-", x.Name, x.ObjectType, x.Id)).Distinct().ToArray(); using (var changeTracker = new ObservableChangeTracker()) { var alreadyExistSettings = _baseUnitOfWork.BaseWorkArea.Setting.Query() .Include(s => s.SettingValues) .Where(x => settingKeys.Contains(x.Name + "-" + x.ObjectType + "-" + x.Id)) .ToList(); changeTracker.AddAction = x => _baseUnitOfWork.ExecuteAndCommit(uow => { uow.BaseWorkArea.Setting.Add((SettingEntity)x); }); //Need for real remove object from nested collection (because EF default remove references only) changeTracker.RemoveAction = x => _baseUnitOfWork.ExecuteAndCommit(uow => { uow.BaseWorkArea.Setting.Delete((SettingEntity)x); }); var target = new { Settings = new List <SettingEntity>(alreadyExistSettings) }; var source = new { Settings = new List <SettingEntity>(settings.Select(x => x.ToEntity())) }; changeTracker.Attach(target); var settingComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((SettingEntity x) => String.Join("-", x.Name, x.ObjectType, x.Id)); source.Settings.Patch(target.Settings, settingComparer, (sourceSetting, targetSetting) => sourceSetting.Patch(targetSetting)); } ClearCache(); } }
public virtual void Patch(CategoryEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } target.CatalogId = CatalogId; target.ParentCategoryId = ParentCategoryId; target.Code = Code; target.Name = Name; target.TaxType = TaxType; target.Priority = Priority; target.IsActive = IsActive; if (!CategoryPropertyValues.IsNullCollection()) { CategoryPropertyValues.Patch(target.CategoryPropertyValues, (sourcePropValue, targetPropValue) => sourcePropValue.Patch(targetPropValue)); } if (!OutgoingLinks.IsNullCollection()) { var categoryRelationComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((CategoryRelationEntity x) => string.Join(":", x.TargetCatalogId, x.TargetCategoryId)); OutgoingLinks.Patch(target.OutgoingLinks, categoryRelationComparer, (sourceLink, targetLink) => sourceLink.Patch(targetLink)); } if (!Images.IsNullCollection()) { Images.Patch(target.Images, (sourceImage, targetImage) => sourceImage.Patch(targetImage)); } }
/// <summary> /// Patch CatalogBase type /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> public static void Patch(this dataModel.Catalog source, dataModel.Catalog target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } var patchInjectionPolicy = new PatchInjection <dataModel.Catalog>(x => x.Name, x => x.DefaultLanguage); target.InjectFrom(patchInjectionPolicy, source); //Languages patch var sourceCatalog = source as dataModel.Catalog; var targetCatalog = target as dataModel.Catalog; if (sourceCatalog != null && targetCatalog != null && !sourceCatalog.CatalogLanguages.IsNullCollection()) { var languageComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((dataModel.CatalogLanguage x) => x.Language); sourceCatalog.CatalogLanguages.Patch(targetCatalog.CatalogLanguages, languageComparer, (sourceLang, targetlang) => sourceLang.Patch(targetlang)); } //Property values if (sourceCatalog != null && !sourceCatalog.CatalogPropertyValues.IsNullCollection()) { sourceCatalog.CatalogPropertyValues.Patch(targetCatalog.CatalogPropertyValues, (sourcePropValue, targetPropValue) => sourcePropValue.Patch(targetPropValue)); } }
public void SaveSettings(SettingEntry[] settings) { if (settings != null && settings.Any()) { var settingKeys = settings.Select(x => String.Join("-", x.Name, x.ObjectType, x.ObjectId)).Distinct().ToArray(); using (var repository = _repositoryFactory()) using (var changeTracker = new ObservableChangeTracker()) { var alreadyExistSettings = repository.Settings .Include(s => s.SettingValues) .Where(x => settingKeys.Contains(x.Name + "-" + x.ObjectType + "-" + x.ObjectId)) .ToList(); changeTracker.AddAction = x => repository.Add(x); //Need for real remove object from nested collection (because EF default remove references only) changeTracker.RemoveAction = x => repository.Remove(x); var target = new { Settings = new ObservableCollection <SettingEntity>(alreadyExistSettings) }; var source = new { Settings = new ObservableCollection <SettingEntity>(settings.Select(x => AbstractTypeFactory <SettingEntity> .TryCreateInstance().FromModel(x))) }; changeTracker.Attach(target); var settingComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((SettingEntity x) => String.Join("-", x.Name, x.ObjectType, x.ObjectId)); source.Settings.Patch(target.Settings, settingComparer, (sourceSetting, targetSetting) => sourceSetting.Patch(targetSetting)); repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); } ClearCache(settings); } }
public async Task <Property[]> GetPropertiesAsync(BulkActionContext context) { var result = new List <Property>(); var propertyIds = new HashSet <string>(); var dataSource = _dataSourceFactory.Create(context); result.AddRange(GetStandardProperties()); while (await dataSource.FetchAsync()) { var productIds = dataSource.Items.Select(item => item.Id).ToArray(); var products = await _itemService.GetByIdsAsync(productIds, (ItemResponseGroup.ItemInfo | ItemResponseGroup.ItemProperties).ToString()); // using only product inherited properties from categories, // own product props (only from PropertyValues) are not set via bulk update action var newProperties = products.SelectMany(CollectionSelector()) .Distinct(AnonymousComparer.Create <Property, string>(property => property.Id)) .Where(property => !propertyIds.Contains(property.Id)).ToArray(); propertyIds.AddRange(newProperties.Select(property => property.Id)); result.AddRange(newProperties); } foreach (var property in result) { await FillOwnerName(property); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override async Task <IdentityResult> UpdateAsync(Role role) { //TODO: Unstable method work, sometimes throws EF already being tracked exception // var result = await base.UpdateAsync(role); if (result.Succeeded && role.Permissions != null) { var sourcePermissionClaims = role.Permissions.Select(x => new Claim(PlatformConstants.Security.Claims.PermissionClaimType, x.Name)).ToList(); var targetPermissionClaims = (await GetClaimsAsync(role)).Where(x => x.Type == PlatformConstants.Security.Claims.PermissionClaimType).ToList(); var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((Claim x) => x.Value); //Add foreach (var sourceClaim in sourcePermissionClaims.Except(targetPermissionClaims, comparer)) { await base.AddClaimAsync(role, sourceClaim); } //Remove foreach (var targetClaim in targetPermissionClaims.Except(sourcePermissionClaims, comparer).ToArray()) { await base.RemoveClaimAsync(role, targetClaim); } SecurityCacheRegion.ExpireRegion(); } return(result); }
public virtual void Patch(PromotionEntity target) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } target.StartDate = StartDate; target.EndDate = EndDate; target.StoreId = StoreId; target.Name = Name; target.Description = Description; target.IsActive = IsActive; target.IsExclusive = IsExclusive; target.EndDate = EndDate; target.Priority = Priority; target.PredicateVisualTreeSerialized = PredicateVisualTreeSerialized; target.PerCustomerLimit = PerCustomerLimit; target.TotalLimit = TotalLimit; target.PerCustomerLimit = PerCustomerLimit; target.IsAllowCombiningWithSelf = IsAllowCombiningWithSelf; if (!Stores.IsNullCollection()) { var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PromotionStoreEntity entity) => entity.StoreId); Stores.Patch(target.Stores, comparer, (sourceEntity, targetEntity) => targetEntity.StoreId = sourceEntity.StoreId); } }
public virtual void Patch(MemberDataEntity target) { var patchInjection = new PatchInjection <MemberDataEntity>(x => x.Name); target.InjectFrom(patchInjection, this); if (!this.Phones.IsNullCollection()) { var phoneComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((PhoneDataEntity x) => x.Number); this.Phones.Patch(target.Phones, phoneComparer, (sourcePhone, targetPhone) => targetPhone.Number = sourcePhone.Number); } if (!this.Emails.IsNullCollection()) { var addressComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((EmailDataEntity x) => x.Address); this.Emails.Patch(target.Emails, addressComparer, (sourceEmail, targetEmail) => targetEmail.Address = sourceEmail.Address); } if (!this.Addresses.IsNullCollection()) { this.Addresses.Patch(target.Addresses, new AddressDataEntityComparer(), (sourceAddress, targetAddress) => sourceAddress.Patch(targetAddress)); } if (!this.Notes.IsNullCollection()) { var noteComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((NoteDataEntity x) => x.Id ?? x.Body); this.Notes.Patch(target.Notes, noteComparer, (sourceNote, targetNote) => sourceNote.Patch(targetNote)); } if (!this.MemberRelations.IsNullCollection()) { var relationComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((MemberRelationDataEntity x) => x.AncestorId); this.MemberRelations.Patch(target.MemberRelations, relationComparer, (sourceRel, targetRel) => { /*Nothing todo*/ }); } }
protected virtual async Task <SeoEntity> FindEntityBySlugPath(string path, WorkContext workContext) { path = path.Trim('/'); var slugs = path.Split('/'); var lastSlug = slugs.LastOrDefault(); // Get all SEO records for requested slug and also all other SEO records with different slug and languages but related to the same object var allSeoRecords = await GetAllSeoRecordsAsync(lastSlug); var bestSeoRecords = GetBestMatchingSeoRecords(allSeoRecords, workContext.CurrentStore, workContext.CurrentLanguage, lastSlug); var seoEntityComparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((SeoEntity x) => string.Join(":", x.ObjectType, x.ObjectId, x.SeoPath)); // Find distinct objects var entities = bestSeoRecords .Select(s => new SeoEntity { ObjectType = s.ObjectType, ObjectId = s.ObjectId, SeoPath = s.SemanticUrl }) .Distinct(seoEntityComparer) .ToList(); // Don't load objects for non-SEO links if (workContext.CurrentStore.SeoLinksType != SeoLinksType.None) { foreach (var group in entities.GroupBy(e => e.ObjectType)) { await LoadObjectsAndBuildFullSeoPaths(group.Key, group.ToList(), workContext.CurrentStore, workContext.CurrentLanguage); } entities = entities.Where(e => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.SeoPath)).ToList(); } // If found multiple entities, keep those which have the requested SEO path if (entities.Count > 1) { entities = entities.Where(e => e.SeoPath.EqualsInvariant(path)).ToList(); } // If still found multiple entities, give up var result = entities.Count == 1 ? entities.FirstOrDefault() : null; if (result == null) { // Try to find a static page var page = FindPageBySeoPath(path, workContext); if (page != null) { result = new SeoEntity { ObjectType = "Page", SeoPath = page.Url, ObjectInstance = page, }; } } return(result); }