Пример #1
        public async Task StartAnnoyService_NoRunningTimer_BalloonDescription()
            var timeEntries = new List <TimeEntry>
                new TimeEntry
                    Duration    = 99,
                    Description = "Watching Little Britain."
                new TimeEntry
                    Duration    = 42,
                    Description = "Drinking coffee."
            var timeEntryService = new Mock <ITimeEntryService>();

            timeEntryService.Setup(x => x.List()).Returns(timeEntries);

            var balloonNotification = new Mock <IBalloonNotification>();

            var sut = new AnnoyService(timeEntryService.Object, balloonNotification.Object);


            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            balloonNotification.Verify(x =>
                                       x.Show("You have no active timer at the moment.", "Toggl your work now!"));
Пример #2
        public async Task StartAnnoyService_Exception_BalloonDescription()
            var timeEntryService = new Mock <ITimeEntryService>();

            timeEntryService.Setup(x => x.List()).Throws <Exception>();

            var balloonNotification = new Mock <IBalloonNotification>();

            var sut = new AnnoyService(timeEntryService.Object, balloonNotification.Object);


            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            balloonNotification.Verify(x =>
                                       x.Show("Could not retrieve time entries from Toggl.",
                                              "Make sure your internet connection is up and your Toggl API key is valid."));
Пример #3
        public async Task StartAnnoyService_RunningTimer_BalloonDescription()
            var timeEntries = new List <TimeEntry>
                new TimeEntry
                    Duration    = 99,
                    Description = "Watching Little Britain."

                new TimeEntry
                    Duration    = -42,
                    Description = "Writing unit tests."

                new TimeEntry
                    Duration    = 42,
                    Description = "Drinking coffee."
            var timeEntryService = new Mock <ITimeEntryService>();

            timeEntryService.Setup(x => x.List()).Returns(timeEntries);

            var balloonNotification = new Mock <IBalloonNotification>();

            var sut = new AnnoyService(timeEntryService.Object, balloonNotification.Object);


            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            balloonNotification.Verify(x =>
                                       x.Show("Writing unit tests.", "That's not what you are doing right now? Toggl your work now!"));