/// <summary>
    /// Show how to add a 1D tree
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateMove()
        // Load Animation
        AnimationClip walkClip = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(AnimationPath + "Walk.FBX");
        AnimationClip runClip  = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(AnimationPath + "Run.FBX");

        // new a tree
        BlendTree tree = new BlendTree();

        // Set blendtree parameters
        tree.name      = "Move";
        tree.blendType = BlendTreeType.Simple1D;
        tree.useAutomaticThresholds = true;
        tree.minThreshold           = 0f;
        tree.maxThreshold           = 1f;
        tree.blendParameter         = "FloatA";

        // Add clip to BlendTree
        tree.AddChild(walkClip, 0f);
        tree.AddChild(runClip, 1f);

        // Add tree to controller asset
        if (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(productController) != string.Empty)
            AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(tree, AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(productController));

        // add tree state & set state motion
        stateMove        = baseLayerMachine.AddState(tree.name, new Vector3(600f, 0f));
        stateMove.motion = tree;
    /// <summary>
    /// Show how to set speed parameter, And set state motion in other way
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fbxPath"></param>
    private void CreateCrouchIdle(string fbxPath)
        // Load Animation
        AnimationClip idleClip = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidCrouchIdle");

        stateIdle = crouchLayerMachine.AddState("Idle", new Vector3(300f, 0f));
        stateIdle.speedParameterActive = true;
        stateIdle.speedParameter       = "FloatA";

        // Set state motion,the other way
        productController.SetStateEffectiveMotion(stateIdle, idleClip);
        // set to default state
        crouchLayerMachine.defaultState = stateIdle;
    /// <summary>
    /// Show how to add a basic state, And add a behaviour
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateIdle()
        // Load Animation
        AnimationClip idleClip = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(AnimationPath + "Idle.FBX");

        // add tree state & set state motion
        stateIdle        = baseLayerMachine.AddState("Idle", new Vector3(300f, 0f));
        stateIdle.motion = idleClip;

        // Add behaviour to state
        stateIdle.AddStateMachineBehaviour <CharacterIdleState>();

        // set to default state
        baseLayerMachine.defaultState = stateIdle;
    /// <summary>
    /// Show how to relate exitState and anyState
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateDeath()
        AnimationClip deathClip = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(AnimationPath + "WalkTurn.FBX");

        stateDeath = baseLayerMachine.AddState("Death", new Vector3(200f, 100f));
        productController.SetStateEffectiveMotion(stateDeath, deathClip);

        // death to exit
        var exitTransition = stateDeath.AddExitTransition();

        exitTransition.AddCondition(AnimatorConditionMode.If, 0, "TriggerA");
        exitTransition.duration = 0;

        // anyState to death
        var anyTransition = baseLayerMachine.AddAnyStateTransition(stateDeath);

        anyTransition.AddCondition(AnimatorConditionMode.If, 0, "TriggerB");
        anyTransition.duration = 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// Show how to add a child machine
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fbxPath"></param>
    private void CreateCrouchWalk(string fbxPath)
        AnimatorStateMachine walkMachine = crouchLayerMachine.AddStateMachine("Walk", new Vector3(0f, 100f));

        walkMachine.entryPosition    = Vector3.zero;
        walkMachine.anyStatePosition = new Vector3(0f, -200f);
        walkMachine.exitPosition     = new Vector3(0f, -400f);

        AnimationClip walkClip      = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidCrouchWalk");
        AnimationClip walkLeftClip  = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidCrouchWalkLeft");
        AnimationClip walkRightClip = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidCrouchWalkRight");

        stateWalk             = walkMachine.AddState("Walk", new Vector3(200f, 0f));
        stateWalk.motion      = walkClip;
        stateWalkLeft         = walkMachine.AddState("WalkLeft", new Vector3(200f, -200f));
        stateWalkLeft.motion  = walkLeftClip;
        stateWalkRight        = walkMachine.AddState("WalkRight", new Vector3(200f, -400f));
        stateWalkRight.motion = walkRightClip;
    /// <summary>
    /// Show how to add 2D tree
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateJump()
        // Load Animation
        string        fbxPath        = AnimationPath + "IdleJumpUp.FBX";
        AnimationClip fallClip       = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidFall");
        AnimationClip idleJumpUpClip = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidIdleJumpUp");
        AnimationClip jumpUpClip     = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidJumpUp");
        AnimationClip midAirClip     = AnimatorFactoryUtil.LoadAnimClip(fbxPath, "HumanoidMidAir");

        // create a tree
        BlendTree tree = new BlendTree();

        // Set blendtree parameters
        tree.name      = "Jump";
        tree.blendType = BlendTreeType.FreeformDirectional2D;
        tree.useAutomaticThresholds = true;
        tree.minThreshold           = 0f;
        tree.maxThreshold           = 1f;
        tree.blendParameter         = "FloatA";
        tree.blendParameterY        = "FloatB";

        // Add clip to BlendTree
        tree.AddChild(fallClip, new Vector2(0f, 0f));
        tree.AddChild(idleJumpUpClip, new Vector2(0f, 1f));
        tree.AddChild(jumpUpClip, new Vector2(1f, 0f));
        tree.AddChild(midAirClip, new Vector2(-1f, 0f));

        // Add tree to controller asset
        if (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(productController) != string.Empty)
            AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(tree, AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(productController));

        // add tree state & set state motion
        stateJump        = baseLayerMachine.AddState(tree.name, new Vector3(300f, -100f));
        stateJump.motion = tree;