Пример #1
        public void Update(float elapsed)
            foreach (AnimationState state in animationStates)
                if (!state.IsActive())

                Animation animation = state.GetAnimation();
                float timePosition = state.GetTimePosition();

                for (int i = 0; i < animation.GetTrackCount(); i++)
                    AnimationTrack    track    = animation.GetTrack(i);
                    AnimationKeyFrame keyframe = track.GetInterpolatedKeyFrame(timePosition);
                    int boneIndex = skeleton.GetBoneIndexByName(track.GetName());
                    keyframe.GetMatrix(out animationTransforms[boneIndex]);

            // convert animation transforms from local to world coordinates
            for (int i = 0; i < animationTransforms.Length; i++)
                int parent = skeleton.GetParentBoneIndexByIndex(i);
                if (parent == -1)

                Matrix.Multiply(ref animationTransforms[i], ref animationTransforms[parent], out animationTransforms[i]);

            // create the skinning matrix
            // the skinning matrix takes world space vertices to joint space and then back
            // to world space using the animation transform
            for (int i = 0; i < animationTransforms.Length; i++)
                Matrix        invWorldBoneMatrix;
                AnimationBone bone = skeleton.GetBoneByIndex(i);
                bone.GetInvWorldTransform(out invWorldBoneMatrix);

                Matrix.Multiply(ref invWorldBoneMatrix, ref animationTransforms[i], out animationTransforms[i]);

            effect.World = world;