public Animat() { Locations = new AnimatEnvironmentData<Geo<float>>(); }
 /// <summary>
 /// Populates AnimatStartPoints with the starting locations of every animat in the file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader"></param>
 private void ReadStartPositions(BinaryReader reader)
     //skip to where animat state data is
     reader.BaseStream.Seek((long)AnimatsState, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     Locations = new AnimatEnvironmentData<Geo<float>>();
     //uint datasize = GetSize(OutputConfiguration);   
     for (var i = 0; i < TotalAnimats; i++) Locations.Add(ReadAnimat(reader));
        /// <summary>
        /// the header load procedure terminates once we have determined the species name, output configuration, and total number of animats -- it's all we need to display points on a map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="species"> </param>
        /// <param name="fileName">the full path to the .ddb file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public new static AnimatDDBFile Load(ScenarioSpecies species, string fileName)
            if (Path.GetExtension(fileName) != ".ddb") throw new FileFormatException("only ddb files are supported.");
            var result = new AnimatDDBFile();
            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
                //nuwc tests for header if 3mb here. (16 byte check)
                result.MbLibSuperVersion = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.MbLibSubVersion = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (result.MbLibSuperVersion > 4)
                    result.MbSbSuperVersion = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbSbSubVersion = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbOutSuperVersion = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbOutSubVersion = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbSbSuperVersion = 0;
                    result.MbSbSubVersion = 0;
                    result.MbOutSuperVersion = 0;
                    result.MbOutSubVersion = 0;

                result.MbNumSpecies = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.TotalAnimats = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.MbIterationCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.MbSavedStateCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.MbStartClockTime = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.MbOutputConfiguration = reader.ReadInt32();
                result.MbSizeData = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (result.MbLibSuperVersion > 4)
                    result.MbSpeciesGroup = 0;
                    result.MbMscParams = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbSeedValue = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbAcsticSourceLimitsOutput = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbNumAcsticSrcTypes = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbNumAcsticSrcs = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbSpeciesGroup = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbMscParams = 0;
                    result.MbSeedValue = 0;
                    result.MbAcsticSourceLimitsOutput = 0;
                    result.MbNumAcsticSrcTypes = 0;
                    result.MbNumAcsticSrcs = 0;

                // case for special .smb readers with pop and species name
                // logger.trace("Checking for super version 4 and subversion greater than 200");

                if (result.MbLibSuperVersion == 4 && result.MbLibSubVersion > 200)
                    //logger.trace("version > 4.200 ( real value: " + getVersionString() + ")");

                    //  this.population = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.ActualMammalPopulation = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var latinName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(32)).TrimEnd('\0').Trim();
                    if (latinName != species.LatinName) throw new FileFormatException(string.Format("{0}: expected species name {1}, got {2}", fileName, species.LatinName, latinName));
                    //result.LatinName = reader.ReadString().TrimEnd('\0').Trim();

                    //  this.speciesName = new String(specName).trim();

                    // SpeciesEntry e = SpeciesTable.lookupEntryByScientific(speciesName);

                    //   if (e != null)
                    //  {
                    //       this.speciesCode = e.getKey();
                    //    }
                    //  else
                    //    logger.warn("species table lookup failed: " + speciesName);
                    //          logger.trace("version <= 4.200. actual " + getVersionString() + ". no spec name or pop");

                    //if we can't get the population and name, it's not a valid .ddb file.  Choke and die.
                    throw new System.IO.FileFormatException("");

#if false

    // Internal File Pointers To Various Regions

                result.MbScenarioParams = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbBathymetryMap = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbSalinityMap = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbTemperatureMap = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbPostAnalisys = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbSpeciesDescription = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbAnimatToSpeciesAssociation = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbAnimatsState = reader.ReadInt64();
                result.MbAcousticExposure = reader.ReadInt64();
                    throw new System.IO.FileFormatException("");

                // Storage Bytes of Each Region

                // this is in case the file was written by a 64 bit system.  4 = 32
                // bit, 8 = 64 bit.
                if (result.MbSizeData == 4)
                    result.MbScenarioParamsSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbBathyMapSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbSalinityMapSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbTemperatureMapSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbPostAnalisysSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbSpeciesDescriptionSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbAnimatSpeciesAssSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbAnimatStateSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.MbAcousticExposureSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                    byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes(12);
                    if (bytes.Length != 12) throw new ApplicationException("loadFromFile: skip 12 failed");
                    result.MbScenarioParamsSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbBathyMapSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbSalinityMapSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbTemperatureMapSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbPostAnalisysSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbSpeciesDescriptionSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbAnimatSpeciesAssSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbAnimatStateSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    result.MbAcousticExposureSize = reader.ReadInt64();

                        throw new System.IO.FileFormatException("");
                if (result.MbLibSuperVersion == 4 && result.MbLibSubVersion > 300)
                        throw new System.IO.FileFormatException("");

                    result.SimAreaTotal = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.SimAreaPopulation = reader.ReadSingle();
                    result.TrackAreaTotal = reader.ReadInt32();
                    result.TrackAreaPopulation = reader.ReadSingle();

                    this.population = (int)(result.SimAreaPopulation + result.TrackAreaPopulation);
                    this.totalAnimats = result.SimAreaTotal + result.TrackAreaTotal;

             //       logger.trace("total population overridden by inbox / outbox based on file version");
                        throw new System.IO.FileFormatException("");
                    // Species Groups.  form a list for viewing.


                    var speGroupName = new byte[32];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        var name = reader.ReadBytes(32).ToString();

                        float lvlAphys = reader.ReadSingle();
                        float lvlBphys = reader.ReadSingle();
                        float lvlBBeh = reader.ReadSingle();

                            throw new System.IO.FileFormatException("");

                        if (speGroupName[0] > 0)
                            var builder = new StringBuilder();
                            builder.Append(", ");
                            builder.Append(", ");
                            builder.Append(", ");



                    // update for population
                    if (population == 0)
                        population = MbTotalAnimats;

                    // if we made it here, the definition is valid

                    result.SpeciesFilePath = fileName;

                //"Loaded " + this.speciesName + ", file version " + getVersionString() + ", with " +
                //            MbIterationCount + " iteration step");

                result.ReadStartPositions(reader); //
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// jumps the .ddb header, and then populates AnimatStartPoints with the starting locations of every animat in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        void ReadStartPositions(BinaryReader reader)
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(1040, SeekOrigin.Begin); // skip the .ddb header
            Locations = new AnimatEnvironmentData<Geo<float>>();
            var datasize = GetSize(MbOutputConfiguration);
            for (var i = 0; i < TotalAnimats; i++)
                //var id = reader.ReadSingle();
                //var time = reader.ReadSingle();
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip id and time
                var lat = reader.ReadSingle();
                var lon = reader.ReadSingle();
                //AnimatStartPoints.Add(new Geo(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));
                //adds lat and lon.
                //reader.BaseStream.Seek(8 + datasize, SeekOrigin.Current);

                var depth = reader.ReadSingle();
                Locations.Add(new Geo<float>(lat, lon, depth));
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(4 + datasize, SeekOrigin.Current);
                // skip packedData, and the data itself.
                //var packedData = reader.ReadSingle();
                //reader.BaseStream.Seek(datasize, SeekOrigin.Current);

                // reader.BaseStream.Seek(GetSize(MbOutputConfiguration), SeekOrigin.Current);
                //skip its data because we don't care.