Пример #1
        private static List <EdgeAggregator> InstantiateFromRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, GroundedClause original)
            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            // Determine the parallel opposing sides and output that.
            List <Strengthened> newRightAngles = new List <Strengthened>();

            foreach (Angle rectAngle in rectangle.angles)
                Angle figureAngle = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(rectAngle);
                newRightAngles.Add(new Strengthened(figureAngle, new RightAngle(figureAngle)));

            // For hypergraph
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent = new List <GroundedClause>();


            foreach (Strengthened rightAngle in newRightAngles)
                newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, rightAngle, annotation));

Пример #2
        // Intersect(X, Segment(A, B), Segment(C, D)) -> Congruent(Angle(A, X, C), Angle(B, X, D)),
        //                                               Congruent(Angle(A, X, D), Angle(C, X, B))
        public static List <EdgeAggregator> Instantiate(GroundedClause c)
            annotation.active = EngineUIBridge.JustificationSwitch.VERTICAL_ANGLES;

            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            Intersection inter = c as Intersection;

            if (inter == null)

            // Verify that this intersection is composed of two overlapping segments
            // That is, we do not allow a segment to stand on another:
            //      \
            //       \
            //        \
            //   ______\_______
            if (inter.StandsOn())

            // Congruent(Angle(A, X, C), Angle(B, X, D))
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent1 = Utilities.MakeList <GroundedClause>(inter);
            Angle ang1Set1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point1, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point1));
            Angle ang2Set1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point2, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point2));

            GeometricCongruentAngles cca1 = new GeometricCongruentAngles(ang1Set1, ang2Set1);

            cca1.MakeIntrinsic(); // This is an 'obvious' notion so it should be intrinsic to any figure
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent1, cca1, annotation));

            // Congruent(Angle(A, X, D), Angle(C, X, B))
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent2 = Utilities.MakeList <GroundedClause>(inter);
            Angle ang1Set2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point1, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point2));
            Angle ang2Set2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point2, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point1));

            GeometricCongruentAngles cca2 = new GeometricCongruentAngles(ang1Set2, ang2Set2);

            cca2.MakeIntrinsic(); // This is an 'obvious' notion so it should be intrinsic to any figure
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent2, cca2, annotation));

        //               A
        //              /)
        //             /  )
        //            /    )
        // center:   O      )
        //            \    )
        //             \  )
        //              \)
        //               C
        //               D
        //              /)
        //             /  )
        //            /    )
        // center:   Q      )
        //            \    )
        //             \  )
        //              \)
        //               F
        // Congruent(Arc(A, C), Arc(D, F)) -> Congruent(Angle(AOC), Angle(DQF))
        private static List <EdgeAggregator> InstantiateConversePartOfTheorem(CongruentArcs cas)
            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            // Get the radii (and determine if the exist in the figure)
            Segment radius11;
            Segment radius12;

            cas.ca1.GetRadii(out radius11, out radius12);

            if (radius11 == null || radius12 == null)

            Segment radius21;
            Segment radius22;

            cas.ca2.GetRadii(out radius21, out radius22);

            if (radius21 == null || radius22 == null)

            // Acquire the central angles from the respoitory
            Angle central1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(radius11, radius12));
            Angle central2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(radius21, radius22));

            if (central1 == null || central2 == null)

            GeometricCongruentAngles gcas = new GeometricCongruentAngles(central1, central2);

            // For hypergraph
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent = new List <GroundedClause>();


            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gcas, converseAnnotation));

Пример #4
        //  A      B
        //   \    /
        //    \  /
        //     \/
        //     /\ X
        //    /  \
        //   /    \
        //  C      D
        // Intersection(X, Segment(A, D), Segment(B, C)) -> Supplementary(Angle(A, X, B), Angle(B, X, D))
        //                                                  Supplementary(Angle(B, X, D), Angle(D, X, C))
        //                                                  Supplementary(Angle(D, X, C), Angle(C, X, A))
        //                                                  Supplementary(Angle(C, X, A), Angle(A, X, B))
        public static List <EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToSupplementary(Intersection inter)
            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            // The situation looks like this:
            //  |
            //  |
            //  |_______
            if (inter.StandsOnEndpoint())

            // The situation looks like this:
            //       |
            //       |
            //  _____|_______
            if (inter.StandsOn())
                Point up    = null;
                Point left  = null;
                Point right = null;
                if (inter.lhs.HasPoint(inter.intersect))
                    up    = inter.lhs.OtherPoint(inter.intersect);
                    left  = inter.rhs.Point1;
                    right = inter.rhs.Point2;
                    up    = inter.rhs.OtherPoint(inter.intersect);
                    left  = inter.lhs.Point1;
                    right = inter.lhs.Point2;

                // Gets the single angle object from the original figure
                Angle newAngle1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(left, inter.intersect, up));
                Angle newAngle2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(right, inter.intersect, up));

                Supplementary supp = new Supplementary(newAngle1, newAngle2);

                newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(MakeAntecedent(inter, supp.angle1, supp.angle2), supp, annotation));

            // The situation is standard and results in 4 supplementary relationships
                Angle newAngle1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point1, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point1));
                Angle newAngle2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point1, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point2));
                Angle newAngle3 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point2, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point1));
                Angle newAngle4 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(inter.lhs.Point2, inter.intersect, inter.rhs.Point2));

                List <Supplementary> newSupps = new List <Supplementary>();
                newSupps.Add(new Supplementary(newAngle1, newAngle2));
                newSupps.Add(new Supplementary(newAngle2, newAngle4));
                newSupps.Add(new Supplementary(newAngle3, newAngle4));
                newSupps.Add(new Supplementary(newAngle3, newAngle1));

                foreach (Supplementary supp in newSupps)

                    newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(MakeAntecedent(inter, supp.angle1, supp.angle2), supp, annotation));

        //    A \ 
        //       \    B
        //        \  /
        //  O      \/ X
        //         /\
        //        /  \
        //     C /    D
        // One Secant, One Tangent
        // Intersection(X, AD, BC), Tangent(Circle(O), BC) -> 2 * Angle(AXC) = MajorArc(AC) - MinorArc(AC)
        public static List <EdgeAggregator> InstantiateOneSecantOneTangentTheorem(Intersection inter, Tangent tangent, GroundedClause original)
            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            CircleSegmentIntersection tan = tangent.intersection as CircleSegmentIntersection;

            // Is the tangent segment part of the intersection?
            if (!inter.HasSegment(tan.segment))

            // Acquire the chord that the intersection creates.
            Segment secant = inter.OtherSegment(tan.segment);

            Circle  circle = tan.theCircle;
            Segment chord  = circle.ContainsChord(secant);

            // Check if this segment never intersects the circle or doesn't create a chord.
            if (chord == null)

            // Get the near / far points out of the chord
            Point closeChordPt = null;
            Point farChordPt   = null;

            if (Segment.Between(chord.Point1, chord.Point2, inter.intersect))
                closeChordPt = chord.Point1;
                farChordPt   = chord.Point2;
                closeChordPt = chord.Point2;
                farChordPt   = chord.Point1;

            // Acquire the arcs
            // Get the close arc first which we know exactly how it is constructed AND that it's a minor arc.
            Arc closeArc = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, closeChordPt, tan.intersect);

            // The far arc MAY be a major arc; if it is, the first candidate arc will contain the close arc.
            Arc farArc = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, farChordPt, tan.intersect);

            if (farArc.HasMinorSubArc(closeArc))
                farArc = Arc.GetFigureMajorArc(circle, farChordPt, tan.intersect);

            Angle theAngle = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(closeChordPt, inter.intersect, tan.intersect));

            // Construct the new relationship
            NumericValue two = new NumericValue(2);

            GeometricAngleArcEquation gaaeq = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(new Multiplication(two, theAngle), new Subtraction(farArc, closeArc));

            // For hypergraph
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent = new List <GroundedClause>();


            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gaaeq, annotation));

        //    A \ 
        //       \    B
        //        \  /
        //  O      \/ X
        //         /\
        //        /  \
        //     C /    D
        // Two Secants
        // Intersection(X, AD, BC) -> 2 * Angle(AXC) = MajorArc(AC) - MinorArc(AC)
        public static List <EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTwoSecantsTheorem(Intersection inter, Circle circle)
            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            // Is this intersection explicitly outside the circle? That is, the point of intersection exterior?
            if (!circle.PointIsExterior(inter.intersect))

            // Get the chords
            Segment chord1 = circle.ContainsChord(inter.lhs);
            Segment chord2 = circle.ContainsChord(inter.rhs);

            if (chord1 == null || chord2 == null)

            Point closeChord1Pt = null;
            Point closeChord2Pt = null;
            Point farChord1Pt   = null;
            Point farChord2Pt   = null;

            if (Segment.Between(chord1.Point1, chord1.Point2, inter.intersect))
                closeChord1Pt = chord1.Point1;
                farChord1Pt   = chord1.Point2;
                closeChord1Pt = chord1.Point2;
                farChord1Pt   = chord1.Point1;

            if (Segment.Between(chord2.Point1, chord2.Point2, inter.intersect))
                closeChord2Pt = chord2.Point1;
                farChord2Pt   = chord2.Point2;
                closeChord2Pt = chord2.Point2;
                farChord2Pt   = chord2.Point1;

            // Get the arcs
            Arc closeArc = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, closeChord1Pt, closeChord2Pt);
            Arc farArc   = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, farChord1Pt, farChord2Pt);

            Angle theAngle = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(closeChord1Pt, inter.intersect, closeChord2Pt));

            // Construct the new relationship
            NumericValue two = new NumericValue(2);

            //GeometricAngleEquation gaeq = new GeometricAngleEquation(new Multiplication(two, theAngle), new Subtraction(farArc, closeArc));
            GeometricAngleArcEquation gaaeq = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(new Multiplication(two, theAngle), new Subtraction(farArc, closeArc));

            // For hypergraph
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent = new List <GroundedClause>();


            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gaaeq, annotation));

        //    A \      / B
        //       \    /
        //        \  /
        //  O      \/ X
        //         /\
        //        /  \
        //     C /    \ D
        // Intersection(Segment(AD), Segment(BC)) -> 2 * Angle(CXA) = Arc(A, C) + Arc(B, D),
        //                                           2 * Angle(BXD) = Arc(A, C) + Arc(B, D),
        //                                           2 * Angle(AXB) = Arc(A, B) + Arc(C, D),
        //                                           2 * Angle(CXD) = Arc(A, B) + Arc(C, D)
        public static List <EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTheorem(Intersection inter, Circle circle)
            List <EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List <EdgeAggregator>();

            // Is this intersection explicitly inside the circle? That is, the point of intersection interior?
            if (!circle.PointIsInterior(inter.intersect))

            // Get the chords
            Segment chord1 = circle.GetChord(inter.lhs);
            Segment chord2 = circle.GetChord(inter.rhs);

            if (chord1 == null || chord2 == null)

            // Group 1
            Arc   arc1   = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, chord1.Point1, chord2.Point1);
            Angle angle1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(chord1.Point1, inter.intersect, chord2.Point1));

            Arc   oppArc1   = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, chord1.Point2, chord2.Point2);
            Angle oppAngle1 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(chord1.Point2, inter.intersect, chord2.Point2));

            // Group 2
            Arc   arc2   = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, chord1.Point1, chord2.Point2);
            Angle angle2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(chord1.Point1, inter.intersect, chord2.Point2));

            Arc   oppArc2   = Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, chord1.Point2, chord2.Point1);
            Angle oppAngle2 = Angle.AcquireFigureAngle(new Angle(chord1.Point2, inter.intersect, chord2.Point1));

            // Construct each of the 4 equations.
            NumericValue two = new NumericValue(2);

            GeometricAngleArcEquation gaeq1 = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(new Multiplication(two, angle1), new Addition(arc1, oppArc1));
            GeometricAngleArcEquation gaeq2 = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(new Multiplication(two, oppAngle1), new Addition(arc1, oppArc1));

            GeometricAngleArcEquation gaeq3 = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(new Multiplication(two, angle2), new Addition(arc2, oppArc2));
            GeometricAngleArcEquation gaeq4 = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(new Multiplication(two, oppAngle2), new Addition(arc2, oppArc2));

            // For hypergraph
            List <GroundedClause> antecedent = new List <GroundedClause>();


            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gaeq1, annotation));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gaeq2, annotation));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gaeq3, annotation));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gaeq4, annotation));
