Пример #1
    public static void CopyAndroidIL2CPPSymbols(string pathToBuiltProject, AndroidTargetDevice targetDevice)
        string   buildName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathToBuiltProject);
        FileInfo fileInfo   = new FileInfo(pathToBuiltProject);
        string   symbolsDir = fileInfo.Directory.Name;

        symbolsDir = symbolsDir + "/" + buildName + "_IL2CPPSymbols";


        switch (PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice)
        case AndroidTargetDevice.FAT:

        case AndroidTargetDevice.ARMv7:

        case AndroidTargetDevice.x86:

Пример #2
        public void Execute(PostProcessorContext context)
            if (this.OnProgress != null)
                this.OnProgress(this, "Copying unity libraries");
            this._stagingArea   = context.Get <string>("StagingArea");
            this._playerPackage = context.Get <string>("PlayerPackage");
            AndroidTargetDevice device = context.Get <AndroidTargetDevice>("TargetDevice");

            switch (device)
            case AndroidTargetDevice.FAT:
            case AndroidTargetDevice.ARMv7:
                this.PrepareNativeUnityLibs(context, "armeabi-v7a");
            if ((device == AndroidTargetDevice.FAT) || (device == AndroidTargetDevice.x86))
                this.PrepareNativeUnityLibs(context, "x86");
            string[] components = new string[] { this._playerPackage, "Apk", "assets" };
            FileUtil.CopyDirectoryRecursive(Paths.Combine(components), Path.Combine(this._stagingArea, "assets"), true);
            string[] textArray2 = new string[] { this._playerPackage, "Apk", "res" };
            FileUtil.CopyDirectoryRecursive(Paths.Combine(textArray2), Path.Combine(this._stagingArea, "res"), true);
Пример #3
    public static void BuildAndroid(AndroidTargetDevice target, BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.None)
        Debug.LogFormat("Building for android, target: {0}, options: {1}", target, options);

        if (!UpdateKeystoreData())
            Debug.LogError("Couldn't complete build");

        // https://developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html
        // Using a version code scheme
        var    version      = new Version(PlayerSettings.bundleVersion);
        string bundleString = String.Format("{0}{1:00}{2:00}{3:00}", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, (int)target);
        int    bundle       = Convert.ToInt32(bundleString);

        PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode = bundle;

        PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice = target;

        string file     = string.Format("{0}_{1}.apk", GameName, target);
        string fullName = Path.Combine(AndroidLocation, file);

        BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(GetScenes(), fullName, BuildTarget.Android, options);
        Debug.Log("Build completed");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build project for Android with specified AndroidTargetDevice.
        /// This function change PlayerSettings and restore it after build.
        /// Different devices will get different bundle version code.
        /// See: <see cref="BuildHelperStrings.GenBundleNumber(UnityEditor.AndroidTargetDevice)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">Android target device</param>
        /// <param name="buildVersion">Build version wich will be available by <i>Application.version</i></param>
        /// <param name="options">Build player options</param>
        /// <returns>Build path</returns>
        private static string BuildAndroidForDevice(AndroidTargetDevice device, string buildVersion, BuildPlayerOptions options)
            PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice      = device;
            PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode = BuildHelperStrings.GenBundleNumber(device);
            var buildPath = BuildHelperStrings.GetBuildPath(BuildTarget.Android, buildVersion, specifyName: device.ToString());

            options.locationPathName = buildPath;
Пример #5
 public void Execute(PostProcessorContext context)
     if (((ScriptingImplementation)context.Get <ScriptingImplementation>("ScriptingBackend")) == ScriptingImplementation.IL2CPP)
         if (this.OnProgress != null)
             this.OnProgress(this, "Generating native assemblies");
         BuildTarget target          = context.Get <BuildTarget>("BuildTarget");
         string      str             = context.Get <string>("StagingArea");
         string[]    components      = new string[] { str, "assets", "bin", "Data" };
         string      stagingAreaData = Paths.Combine(components);
         string[]    textArray2      = new string[] { BuildPipeline.GetBuildToolsDirectory(target), "AndroidNativeLink.xml" };
         string[]    textArray3      = new string[] { stagingAreaData, "platform_native_link.xml" };
         FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(Paths.Combine(textArray2), Paths.Combine(textArray3));
         AndroidTargetDevice     device     = context.Get <AndroidTargetDevice>("TargetDevice");
         AndroidTargetDeviceType deviceType = new AndroidTargetDeviceARMv7();
         if (device == AndroidTargetDevice.x86)
             deviceType = new AndroidTargetDevicex86();
         if (this.OnProgress != null)
             this.OnProgress(this, "Compiling native assemblies for " + deviceType.Architecture);
         string tempFolder         = Path.Combine(str, "Il2Cpp");
         bool   isDevelopmentBuild = context.Get <bool>("DevelopmentPlayer");
         RuntimeClassRegistry          runtimeClassRegistry = context.Get <RuntimeClassRegistry>("UsedClassRegistry");
         AndroidIl2CppPlatformProvider platformProvider     = new AndroidIl2CppPlatformProvider(target, deviceType, isDevelopmentBuild);
         IL2CPPUtils.RunIl2Cpp(tempFolder, stagingAreaData, platformProvider, null, runtimeClassRegistry, isDevelopmentBuild);
         AndroidTargetDeviceType type2 = null;
         if (device == AndroidTargetDevice.FAT)
             type2 = new AndroidTargetDevicex86();
             if (this.OnProgress != null)
                 this.OnProgress(this, "Compiling native assemblies for " + type2.Architecture);
             platformProvider = new AndroidIl2CppPlatformProvider(target, type2, isDevelopmentBuild);
             IL2CPPUtils.RunCompileAndLink(tempFolder, stagingAreaData, platformProvider, null, runtimeClassRegistry, false);
         this.FinalizeAndCleanup(str, stagingAreaData, tempFolder);
         this.CopySymbolMap(str, stagingAreaData, deviceType);
         if (type2 != null)
             this.CopySymbolMap(str, stagingAreaData, type2);
        private void EnsureUnityLibrariesAreAvailable(PostProcessorContext context)
            AndroidTargetDevice device = context.Get <AndroidTargetDevice>("TargetDevice");

            switch (device)
            case AndroidTargetDevice.FAT:
            case AndroidTargetDevice.ARMv7:
                this.CheckUnityLibraryForArchitecture(context, "armeabi-v7a");
            if ((device == AndroidTargetDevice.FAT) || (device == AndroidTargetDevice.x86))
                this.CheckUnityLibraryForArchitecture(context, "x86");
        private static void SetupContextForPreBuild(PostProcessorContext context, BuildOptions options, BuildTarget target)
            context.Set <BuildTarget>("BuildTarget", target);
            bool flag = (options & BuildOptions.Development) != BuildOptions.CompressTextures;

            context.Set <bool>("DevelopmentPlayer", flag);
            bool flag2 = (options & BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer) != BuildOptions.CompressTextures;

            context.Set <bool>("ExportAndroidProject", flag2);
            bool flag3 = (options & BuildOptions.AutoRunPlayer) != BuildOptions.CompressTextures;

            context.Set <bool>("AutoRunPlayer", flag3);
            AndroidTargetDevice targetDevice = PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice;

            context.Set <AndroidTargetDevice>("TargetDevice", targetDevice);
            string playbackEngineDirectory = BuildPipeline.GetPlaybackEngineDirectory(target, options);

            context.Set <string>("PlayerPackage", playbackEngineDirectory);
            ScriptingImplementation scriptingBackend = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingBackend(BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target));

            context.Set <ScriptingImplementation>("ScriptingBackend", scriptingBackend);
Пример #8
        private void PrepareNativePlugin(PostProcessorContext context, string assetPath, string pluginTargetCPU)
            string[]            textArray1;
            string              str;
            AndroidTargetDevice device = context.Get <AndroidTargetDevice>("TargetDevice");

            if ((device == AndroidTargetDevice.FAT) || device.ToString().Equals(pluginTargetCPU))
                str = "";
                if (pluginTargetCPU != null)
                    if (pluginTargetCPU != "ARMv7")
                        if (pluginTargetCPU == "x86")
                            str = "x86";
                            goto Label_0088;
                        str = "armeabi-v7a";
                        goto Label_0088;
                Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown cpu architecture for .so library ({assetPath})");

            textArray1 = new string[] { this._stagingArea, "libs", str };
            string path = Paths.Combine(textArray1);

            FileUtil.UnityFileCopy(assetPath, Path.Combine(path, Path.GetFileName(assetPath)));
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate bundle number of build for Android.<br/>
 /// Format: <![CDATA[<revision><branchId><targetId>]]><br/>
 /// Where <i>revision</i> - parsed number from <see cref="GitRequest.Revision"/>;
 /// <i>branchId</i> - 0 if current branch is equal to <see cref="RELEASE_BRANCH"/>, otherwise 1;
 /// <i>targetId</i> - number equivalent of <i>targetDevice</i>.<br/>
 /// Example return: "23403" - revision is 234, release branch, Android target - ARMv7.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targetDevice">Android target device</param>
 /// <returns>Generated bundle number</returns>
 public static int GenBundleNumber(AndroidTargetDevice targetDevice)
Пример #10
        private AndroidDevice FindDevice(PostProcessorContext context)
            BuildTarget         platform     = context.Get <BuildTarget>("BuildTarget");
            AndroidTargetDevice targetDevice = PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice;
            List <string>       list         = null;

                list = ADB.Devices(null);
            }while ((list.Count == 0) && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("No Android device found!", " * Make sure USB debugging has been enabled\n * Check your device, in most cases there should be a small icon in the status bar telling you if the USB connection is up.\n * If you are sure that device is attached then it might be USB driver problem, for details please check Android SDK Setup section in Unity manual.", "Retry", "Cancel"));
            if (list.Count < 1)
                string message = $"No Android devices found.{(Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "" : " If you are sure that device is attached then it might be USB driver problem, for details please check Android SDK Setup section in Unity manual."}
                CancelPostProcess.AbortBuild("Couldn't find Android device", message, null);
            AndroidDevice device2 = new AndroidDevice(list[0]);
            int           num     = Convert.ToInt32(device2.Properties["ro.build.version.sdk"]);

            if (num < 9)
                string str2 = (("Device: " + device2.Describe() + "\n") + "The connected device is not running Android OS 2.3 or later.") + " Unity Android does not support earlier versions of the Android OS;" + " please upgrade your device to a later OS version.";
                Selection.activeObject = Unsupported.GetSerializedAssetInterfaceSingleton("PlayerSettings");
                CancelPostProcess.AbortBuild("Device software is not supported", str2, null);
            int num2 = 0;

                num2 = Convert.ToInt32(device2.Properties["ro.opengles.version"]);
            catch (FormatException)
                num2 = -1;
            int num3 = 0xf0000;

            GraphicsDeviceType[] graphicsAPIs = PlayerSettings.GetGraphicsAPIs(platform);
            if (graphicsAPIs.Contains <GraphicsDeviceType>(GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES3))
                num3 = 0x30000;
            if (graphicsAPIs.Contains <GraphicsDeviceType>(GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES2))
                num3 = 0x20000;
            bool flag = device2.Features.Contains("android.hardware.opengles.aep");

            if ((num3 == 0x30000) && (PlayerSettings.openGLRequireES31 || PlayerSettings.openGLRequireES31AEP))
                num3 = 0x30001;
            bool flag2 = true;
            bool flag3 = (graphicsAPIs.Length == 1) && (graphicsAPIs[0] == GraphicsDeviceType.Vulkan);

            if ("Amazon" != device2.Properties["ro.product.brand"])
                string str3 = null;
                if (flag3 && !flag2)
                    str3 = "The connected device does not support Vulkan.";
                    str3 = str3 + " Please select OpenGLES under Player Settings instead.";
                if (((num2 >= 0) && (num2 < num3)) || (PlayerSettings.openGLRequireES31AEP && !flag))
                    str3 = "The connected device is not compatible with the selected OpenGLES version.";
                    str3 = str3 + " Please select a lower OpenGLES version under Player Settings instead.";
                if (str3 != null)
                    Selection.activeObject = Unsupported.GetSerializedAssetInterfaceSingleton("PlayerSettings");
                    CancelPostProcess.AbortBuild("Device hardware is not supported", str3, null);
            if ((targetDevice == AndroidTargetDevice.x86) && device2.Properties["ro.product.cpu.abi"].Equals("armeabi-v7a"))
                string str4 = "You are trying to install x86 APK to ARM device. ";
                str4 = str4 + "Please select FAT or ARM as device filter under Player Settings, or connect a x86 device.";
                Selection.activeObject = Unsupported.GetSerializedAssetInterfaceSingleton("PlayerSettings");
                CancelPostProcess.AbortBuild("Device hardware is not supported", str4, null);
            string str5   = device2.Properties["ro.product.manufacturer"];
            string str6   = device2.Properties["ro.product.model"];
            string action = device2.Properties["ro.product.cpu.abi"];
            bool   flag4  = device2.Properties["ro.secure"].Equals("1");
            string str8   = $"{char.ToUpper(str5[0])}{str5.Substring(1)} {str6}";
            string label  = $"Android API-{num}";

            UsabilityAnalytics.Event("Android Device", str8, label, !flag4 ? 0 : 1);
            string str10 = $"gles {num2 >> 0x10}.{num2 & 0xffff}{!flag ? "" : " AEP"}";

            if (num2 < 0)
                str10 = "gles 2.0";
            UsabilityAnalytics.Event("Android Architecture", action, str10, 1);
            string str11 = device2.Properties["ro.board.platform"];
            ulong  i     = device2.MemInfo["MemTotal"];

            i = UpperboundPowerOf2(i) / ((ulong)0x100000L);
            UsabilityAnalytics.Event("Android Chipset", str11, $"{i}MB", 1);
 internal static void ApplySettings(AndroidTargetDevice targetDevice = AndroidTargetDevice.FAT)
     PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice = targetDevice;