public void ThenResolveReturnsTrue()
            var subject = new And(0, 1);

            var result = subject.Resolve(new object(), new List<IExpression> { new TrueExpression(), new TrueExpression() });
            Assert.That(result, Is.True);
Пример #2
 public void AndZero()
     INode root = new And(VariableNode.Make<bool>(0, "x"), new Constant<bool>(false));
Пример #3
 public void AndOne()
     INode root = new And(VariableNode.Make<bool>(0, "x"), new Constant<bool>(true));
         VariableNode.Make<bool>(0, "x").ToString(),
Пример #4
 public void TestSimpleAnd()
     var and = new And(new Property("False"), new Property("False"));
     Assert.That(and.Evaluate(new Reflection(this)), Is.EqualTo(false));
     and = new And(new Property("True"), new Property("False"));
     Assert.That(and.Evaluate(new Reflection(this)), Is.EqualTo(false));
     and = new And(new Property("True"), new Property("True"));
     Assert.That(and.Evaluate(new Reflection(this)), Is.EqualTo(true));
Пример #5
        public void Evaluate_And_True_Test()
            Expression left = CreateBoolLiteral(true);
            Expression right = CreateBoolLiteral(true);

            Expression and = new And(left, right, pos);

            Values.Bool value = ((Values.Bool)and.Accept(evaluator));

Пример #6
        private static Condition GetWhereCondition(List<Compare> conditions, bool andOperator = true)
            if (conditions.Count == 1)
                return conditions[0];
            LogicalCondition result;
            if (andOperator)
                result = new And();
                result = new Or();

            result.Conditions =(Condition[]) Convert.ChangeType( conditions.ToArray(),typeof(Condition[]));
            return result;
Пример #7
 public Type Visit(And node)
     VisitBinaryOperator("AND", node, Type.BOOL);
 public void Visit(And expression)
     (var left, var right) = VisitBinary(expression);
     _result = new QLBoolean(AsBool(left) && AsBool(right));
Пример #9
        public void ResultTypeBoolVarTest()
            var exp = new And(new Bool(true), new Variable("x"));

            Assert.Equal(ExpressionResultType.Boolean, exp.ResultType);
 public Type Visit(And node)
     VisitBinaryOperator(".and.", node, Type.LOGICAL);
Пример #11
 public virtual Result Visit(And and)
Пример #12
 public void Visit(And and)
     // "And" operator must be short circuited.
     var br = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
     _instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, br));
     var end = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop);
     _instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br, end));
Пример #13
	void Awake()
		node = new And(null, null);
		lChild.OnSlotFilled += LeftChildFilled;
		rChild.OnSlotFilled += RightChildFilled;
Пример #14
        public void Conditional_Expression_Is_BoolType_True_Test()
            List<FormObject> formObjects = new List<FormObject>();

            Expression and = new And(
                new Bool(false,position),
                new Bool(true,position),

            Conditional conditional = new Conditional(and, null, position);


            ExpressionContainerChecker expressionContainerChecker = new ExpressionContainerChecker(manager,null);
            INotificationManager notificationManager =  expressionContainerChecker.AnalyzeAndReport(formObjects);

            Assert.IsTrue(notificationManager.GetNotifications().Count == 0);
Пример #15
 private Node ApplyDeMorgan(Node current)
     // Pending: There should be a cleaner way of resolving all this casting
     if (current is LiteralNode)
         return new ComplementNode(current.cargo);
     else if (current is ComplementNode)
         return new LiteralNode(current.cargo);
     else if (current is And)
         Or result = new Or(new OrOperator());
         result.left = ApplyDeMorgan((current as And).left);
         result.right = ApplyDeMorgan((current as And).right);
         return result;
     else if (current is Or)
         And result = new And(new AndOperator());
         result.left = ApplyDeMorgan((current as Or).left);
         result.right = ApplyDeMorgan((current as Or).right);
         return result;
         return (current as Not).left;
Пример #16
 private Node term()
     Node n = factor();
     while (_tokens.Current is AndOperator)
         And and = new And(_tokens.Current);
         and.left = n;
         n = factor();
         and.right = n;
         n = and;
     return n;
Пример #17
 private Node ApplyDistributiveProperty(Node current)
     if ((current == null) || (current is TerminalNode))
         return current;
     else if (!(current is And))
         NonTerminalNode nt = (NonTerminalNode)current;
         nt.left = ApplyDistributiveProperty(nt.left);
         nt.right = ApplyDistributiveProperty(nt.right);
         return nt;
         And and = (And) current;
         // Check for an OR child
         Or childOr = (and.left as Or);
         Node otherChild = and.right;
         if (childOr == null)
             childOr = (and.right as Or);
             otherChild = and.left;
         // If neither child is an OR simply recurse
         if (childOr == null)
             and.left = ApplyDistributiveProperty(and.left);
             and.right = ApplyDistributiveProperty(and.right);
             return and;
         // If either child is an OR
         // convert (child.left OR child.right) AND otherChild into
         // (child.left AND otherChild) OR (child.right AND otherChild)
             // Create new operator nodes
             Or or = new Or(new OrOperator());
             And left = new And(new AndOperator());
             And right = new And(new AndOperator());
             // Populate new terms
             left.left = childOr.left;
             left.right = otherChild;
             right.left = childOr.right;
             right.right = otherChild;
             // Recursively apply distributive rule to new terms
             or.left = ApplyDistributiveProperty(left);
             or.right = ApplyDistributiveProperty(right);
             return or;
        private void Initialize()
            var add      = new Addition();
            var sub      = new Subtraction();
            var mul      = new Multiplication();
            var div      = new Division();
            var mean     = new Average();
            var sin      = new Sine();
            var cos      = new Cosine();
            var tan      = new Tangent();
            var log      = new Logarithm();
            var exp      = new Exponential();
            var @if      = new IfThenElse();
            var gt       = new GreaterThan();
            var lt       = new LessThan();
            var and      = new And();
            var or       = new Or();
            var not      = new Not();
            var constant = new Constant();

            constant.MinValue = -20;
            constant.MaxValue = 20;
            variableSymbol    = new HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable();

            var allSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                add, sub, mul, div, mean, sin, cos, tan, log, exp, @if, gt, lt, and, or, not, constant, variableSymbol
            var unaryFunctionSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                sin, cos, tan, log, exp, not
            var binaryFunctionSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                gt, lt
            var functionSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                add, sub, mul, div, mean, and, or

            foreach (var symb in allSymbols)

            foreach (var funSymb in functionSymbols)
                SetSubtreeCount(funSymb, 1, 3);
            foreach (var funSymb in unaryFunctionSymbols)
                SetSubtreeCount(funSymb, 1, 1);
            foreach (var funSymb in binaryFunctionSymbols)
                SetSubtreeCount(funSymb, 2, 2);

            SetSubtreeCount(@if, 3, 3);
            SetSubtreeCount(constant, 0, 0);
            SetSubtreeCount(variableSymbol, 0, 0);

            // allow each symbol as child of the start symbol
            foreach (var symb in allSymbols)
                AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, symb, 0);

            // allow each symbol as child of every other symbol (except for terminals that have maxSubtreeCount == 0)
            foreach (var parent in allSymbols)
                for (int i = 0; i < GetMaximumSubtreeCount(parent); i++)
                    foreach (var child in allSymbols)
                        AddAllowedChildSymbol(parent, child, i);
Пример #19
 public IFormula visit(And f)
     return(new And(f.f1.visit(this), f.f2.visit(this)));
Пример #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            Action<Equation> AssertIsTrue = (eq) =>
                if (!eq) Console.WriteLine(eq.ToString());

            Action<Equation> AssertIsFalse = (eq) =>
                if (eq) Console.WriteLine(eq.ToString());

                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var b = new Symbol("b");
                var c = new Symbol("c");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                Func<int, Integer> Int = (n) => new Integer(n);

                    DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.000000001;

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.2)), "new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.2))");

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.20000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.20000002)) == false, "new DoubleFloat(1.20000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.20000002)) == false");

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.2000000000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.200000000002)), "new DoubleFloat(1.2000000000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.200000000002))");

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.23)) == false, "new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.23)) == false");

                    DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

                #region Const

                AssertIsTrue((2 * x * y).Const() == 2);

                AssertIsTrue((x * y / 2).Const() == new Integer(1) / 2);

                AssertIsTrue((0.1 * x * y).Const() == 0.1);

                AssertIsTrue((x * y).Const() == 1);

                #region Simplify

                AssertIsTrue(x + x == 2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x + x == 2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x + x + x == 3 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(5 + x + 2 == 7 + x);

                AssertIsTrue(3 + x + 5 + x == 8 + 2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(4 * x + 3 * x == 7 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x + y + z + x + y + z == 2 * x + 2 * y + 2 * z);

                AssertIsTrue(10 - x == 10 + x * -1);

                AssertIsTrue(x * y / 3 == Int(1) / 3 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue(x / y == x * (y ^ -1));

                AssertIsTrue(x / 3 == x * (Int(1) / 3));

                AssertIsTrue(6 * x * y / 3 == 2 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue((((x ^ Int(1) / 2) ^ Int(1) / 2) ^ 8) == (x ^ 2));

                AssertIsTrue(((((x * y) ^ (Int(1) / 2)) * (z ^ 2)) ^ 2) == (x * y * (z ^ 4)));

                AssertIsTrue(x / x == 1);

                AssertIsTrue(x / y * y / x == 1);

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ 2) * (x ^ 3) == (x ^ 5));

                AssertIsTrue(x + y + x + z + 5 + z == 5 + 2 * x + y + 2 * z);

                AssertIsTrue(((Int(1) / 2) * x + (Int(3) / 4) * x) == Int(5) / 4 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(1.2 * x + 3 * x == 4.2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(3 * x + 1.2 * x == 4.2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(1.2 * x * 3 * y == 3.5999999999999996 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue(3 * x * 1.2 * y == 3.5999999999999996 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue(3.4 * x * 1.2 * y == 4.08 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue((a == b) == (a == b));


                #region Power.Simplify

                AssertIsTrue((0 ^ x) == 0);
                AssertIsTrue((1 ^ x) == 1);
                AssertIsTrue((x ^ 0) == 1);
                AssertIsTrue((x ^ 1) == x);


                // Product.Simplify

                AssertIsTrue(x * 0 == 0);

                // Difference

                AssertIsTrue(-x == -1 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x - y == x + -1 * y);

                #region Substitute

                AssertIsTrue(Int(10).Substitute(Int(10), 20) == 20);
                AssertIsTrue(Int(10).Substitute(Int(15), 20) == 10);

                AssertIsTrue(new DoubleFloat(1.0).Substitute(new DoubleFloat(1.0), 2.0) == 2.0);
                AssertIsTrue(new DoubleFloat(1.0).Substitute(new DoubleFloat(1.5), 2.0) == 1.0);

                AssertIsTrue((Int(1) / 2).Substitute(Int(1) / 2, Int(3) / 4) == Int(3) / 4);
                AssertIsTrue((Int(1) / 2).Substitute(Int(1) / 3, Int(3) / 4) == Int(1) / 2);

                AssertIsTrue(x.Substitute(x, y) == y);
                AssertIsTrue(x.Substitute(y, y) == x);

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ y).Substitute(x, 10) == (10 ^ y));
                AssertIsTrue((x ^ y).Substitute(y, 10) == (x ^ 10));

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ y).Substitute(x ^ y, 10) == 10);

                AssertIsTrue((x * y * z).Substitute(x, y) == ((y ^ 2) * z));
                AssertIsTrue((x * y * z).Substitute(x * y * z, x) == x);

                AssertIsTrue((x + y + z).Substitute(x, y) == ((y * 2) + z));
                AssertIsTrue((x + y + z).Substitute(x + y + z, x) == x);

                    ((((x * y) ^ (Int(1) / 2)) * (z ^ 2)) ^ 2)
                        .Substitute(x, 10)
                        .Substitute(y, 20)
                        .Substitute(z, 3)
                        == 16200

                #region Equation.Substitute

                AssertIsTrue((x == y).Substitute(y, z) == (x == z));

                AssertIsTrue((x != y).Substitute(y, z) == (x != z));

                (x == 0).Substitute(x, 0).AssertEqTo(true);

                (x == 0).Substitute(x, 1).AssertEqTo(false);

                (x != 0).Substitute(x, 0).AssertEqTo(false);

                (x != 0).Substitute(x, 1).AssertEqTo(true);



                AssertIsTrue(sin(new DoubleFloat(3.14159 / 2)) == 0.99999999999911982);

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + y) + sin(x + y) == 2 * sin(x + y));

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + x) == sin(2 * x));

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + x).Substitute(x, 1) == sin(Int(2)));

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + x).Substitute(x, 1.0) == 0.90929742682568171);

                AssertIsTrue(sin(2 * x).Substitute(x, y) == sin(2 * y));

                // Product.RecursiveSimplify

                AssertIsTrue(1 * x == x);

                AssertIsTrue(x * 1 == x);

                AssertIsTrue(x != y);

                AssertIsTrue(x != 10);

                // ==(double a, MathObject b)

                AssertIsTrue(1.0 == new DoubleFloat(3.0) - 2.0);

                AssertIsTrue((a == b) != (a != b));
                (sqrt(a * b) * (sqrt(a * b) / a) / c)
                    .AssertEqTo(b / c);

                Action<MathObject, string> AssertToStringMatch = 
                    (MathObject obj, string str) => Assert(obj.ToString() == str, $"({str}).ToString()");
                MathObject.ToStringForm = MathObject.ToStringForms.Full;
                AssertToStringMatch(x + y + z, "x + y + z");
                AssertToStringMatch(x + y * z, "x + y * z");
                AssertToStringMatch((x + y) * z, "(x + y) * z");
                Assert((sin(x) * cos(y)).ToString() == "cos(y) * sin(x)", "(sin(x) * cos(y)).ToString()");
                AssertToStringMatch(and(x, y, z), "and(x, y, z)");
                AssertToStringMatch(x ^ y, "x ^ y");
                AssertToStringMatch((x * y) ^ (x + z), "(x * y) ^ (x + z)");

                Assert((x - y).ToString() == "x + -1 * y", "(x - y).ToString()");

                Assert((x - y - z).ToString() == "x + -1 * y + -1 * z", "(x - y - z).ToString()");

                Assert((x / y).ToString() == "x * y ^ -1", "(x / y).ToString()");
                Assert((x - (y - z)).ToString() == "x + -1 * (y + -1 * z)", "(x - (y - z)).ToString()");

                MathObject.ToStringForm = MathObject.ToStringForms.Standard;
                Assert((x + y).ToString() == "x + y", "(x + y).ToString()");

                Assert((x - y).ToString() == "x - y", "(x - y).ToString()");
                Assert((x - y - z).ToString() == "x - y - z", "(x - y - z).ToString()");
                Assert((-x - y - z).ToString() == "-x - y - z", "(x - y - z).ToString()");
                Assert((2 * x - 3 * y - 4 * z).ToString() == "2 * x - 3 * y - 4 * z", "(2 * x - 3 * y - 4 * z).ToString()");
                Assert((x - (y - z)).ToString() == "x - (y - z)", "(x - (y - z)).ToString()");
                Assert((x - y + z).ToString() == "x - y + z", "(x - y + z).ToString()");
                Assert((-x).ToString() == "-x", "(-x).ToString()");
                Assert((x / y).ToString() == "x / y", "(x / y).ToString()");
                Assert((x / (y + z)).ToString() == "x / (y + z)", "(x / (y + z)).ToString()");
                Assert(((x + y) / (x + z)).ToString() == "(x + y) / (x + z)", "((x + y) / (x + z)).ToString()");
                Assert((-x * y).ToString() == "-x * y", "(-x * y).ToString()");

                Assert((x * -y).ToString() == "-x * y", "(x * -y).ToString()");

                Assert(sin(x / y).ToString() == "sin(x / y)", "sin(x / y).ToString()");
                    (x == -sqrt(2 * y * (-z * a + y * (b ^ 2) / 2 - c * y * d + c * y * z * sin(x))) / y).ToString() ==
                    "x == -sqrt(2 * y * ((b ^ 2) * y / 2 - c * d * y - a * z + c * sin(x) * y * z)) / y",
                    "(x == -sqrt(2 * y * (-z * a + y * (b ^ 2) / 2 - c * y * d + c * y * z * sin(x))) / y).ToString()");
                Assert((x * (y ^ z)).ToString() == "x * (y ^ z)", "(x * (y ^ z)).ToString()");

                Assert((x + (y ^ z)).ToString() == "x + (y ^ z)", "((x + (y ^ z)).ToString()");
                Assert(sqrt(x).ToString() == "sqrt(x)", "sqrt(x).ToString()");
                Assert(sqrt(x).FullForm().ToString() == "x ^ 1/2", "sqrt(x).FullForm()");
                Assert((x ^ (new Integer(1) / 3)).ToString() == "x ^ 1/3", "(x ^ (new Integer(1) / 3)).ToString()");

                Assert(and(and(x, y), and(x, z)).SimplifyLogical().ToString() == "and(x, y, z)", 
                    "and(and(x, y), and(x, z)).SimplifyLogical().ToString()");

                AssertToStringMatch(x == sqrt(2 * (y * z - cos(a) * y * z)), "x == sqrt(2 * (y * z - cos(a) * y * z))");
                     a == (-c * cos(d) - b * c * sin(d) + x * y + b * x * z) / (-y - z),
                    "a == (-c * cos(d) - b * c * sin(d) + x * y + b * x * z) / (-y - z)");
                     x == -(sin(y) / cos(y) + sqrt((sin(y) ^ 2) / (cos(y) ^ 2))) * (z ^ 2) / a,
                    "x == -(sin(y) / cos(y) + sqrt((sin(y) ^ 2) / (cos(y) ^ 2))) * (z ^ 2) / a");
                AssertToStringMatch(x * sqrt(y), "x * sqrt(y)");
                AssertToStringMatch(x / sqrt(y), "x / sqrt(y)");

                AssertToStringMatch(sqrt(y) / x, "sqrt(y) / x");
                AssertToStringMatch((x ^ 2) / (y ^ 3), "(x ^ 2) / (y ^ 3)");
                     x == y * sqrt(-8 * a / (y * (z ^ 2))) * (z ^ 2) / (4 * a),
                    "x == y * sqrt(-8 * a / (y * (z ^ 2))) * (z ^ 2) / (4 * a)");
                AssertToStringMatch(-(-1 + x), "-(-1 + x)");
                #region Equation.ToString

                Assert((x == y).ToString() == "x == y", "x == y");

                Assert((x != y).ToString() == "x != y", "x != y");


                #region Function.ToString

                Assert(new And().ToString() == "and()", "and()");

                #region Equation.Simplify

                (new Integer(0) == new Integer(0)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                (new Integer(0) == new Integer(1)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);

                (new Integer(0) != new Integer(1)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                (new Integer(0) != new Integer(0)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);


                #region And





                and(10, 20, 30).AssertEqTo(and(10, 20, 30));

                and(10, false, 20).AssertEqTo(false);

                and(10, true, 20).AssertEqTo(and(10, 20));

                and(10, and(20, 30), 40)
                    .AssertEqTo(and(10, 20, 30, 40));


                #region Or




                or(10, 20, false).AssertEqTo(or(10, 20));

                or(false, false).AssertEqTo(false);

                or(10, true, 20, false).AssertEqTo(true);

                or(10, false, 20).AssertEqTo(or(10, 20));

                or(10, or(20, 30), 40)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(10, 20, 30, 40));


                #region Function.Map

                new And(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).Map(elt => elt * 2)
                    .AssertEqTo(and(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12));

                new And(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).Map(elt => (elt is Integer) && (elt as Integer).val % 2 == 0 ? elt : false)

                new Or(1, 2, 3).Map(elt => elt * 2)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(2, 4, 6));

                new Or(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).Map(elt => (elt is Integer) && (elt as Integer).val % 2 == 0 ? elt : false)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(2, 4, 6));

                #endregion Function.Map

                #region Sum

                Assert((x + y).Equals(x * y) == false, "(x + y).Equals(x * y)");

                    (x < y).Substitute(x, 10).Substitute(y, 20).AssertEqTo(true);

                    (x > y).Substitute(x, 10).Substitute(y, 20).AssertEqTo(false);

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var half = new Integer(1) / 2;

                #region Sin





                    sin(-5 * x).AssertEqTo(-sin(5 * x));

                    // sin(k/n pi) for n = 1 2 3 4 6

                    sin(-2 * Pi).AssertEqTo(0);
                    sin(-1 * Pi).AssertEqTo(0);
                    sin( 2 * Pi).AssertEqTo(0);
                    sin( 3 * Pi).AssertEqTo(0);

                    sin(-7 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(1);
                    sin(-5 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(-1);
                    sin(-3 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(1);
                    sin(-1 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(-1);
                    sin( 1 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(1);
                    sin( 3 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(-1);
                    sin( 5 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(1);
                    sin( 7 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(-1);
                    sin(-4 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo( sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin(-2 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo(-sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin(-1 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo(-sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin( 1 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo( sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin( 2 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo( sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin( 4 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo(-sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin( 5 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo(-sqrt(3)/2);
                    sin( 7 * Pi / 3).AssertEqTo( sqrt(3)/2);

                    sin(-3 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo(-1/sqrt(2));
                    sin(-1 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo(-1/sqrt(2));
                    sin( 1 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo( 1/sqrt(2));
                    sin( 3 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo( 1/sqrt(2));
                    sin( 5 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo(-1/sqrt(2));
                    sin( 7 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo(-1/sqrt(2));
                    sin( 9 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo( 1/sqrt(2));
                    sin(11 * Pi / 4).AssertEqTo( 1/sqrt(2));

                    // var half = new Integer(1) / 2;

                    sin(-5 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo(-half);
                    sin(-1 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo(-half);
                    sin( 1 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo( half);
                    sin( 5 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo( half);
                    sin( 7 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo(-half);
                    sin(11 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo(-half);
                    sin(13 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo( half);
                    sin(17 * Pi / 6).AssertEqTo( half);

                    // sin(a/b pi) where a/b > 1/2 (i.e. not in first quadrant)

                    sin(15 * Pi / 7).AssertEqTo( sin(1 * Pi / 7));
                    sin( 8 * Pi / 7).AssertEqTo(-sin(1 * Pi / 7));
                    sin( 4 * Pi / 7).AssertEqTo( sin(3 * Pi / 7));

                    // sin( a + b + ... + n * pi ) where abs(n) >= 2

                    sin(x - 3 * Pi).AssertEqTo(sin(x + Pi));
                    sin(x - 2 * Pi).AssertEqTo(sin(x));
                    sin(x + 2 * Pi).AssertEqTo(sin(x));
                    sin(x + 3 * Pi).AssertEqTo(sin(x + Pi));
                    sin(x + 7 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(sin(x + 3 * Pi / 2));

                    // sin( a + b + ... + n/2 * pi )

                    sin(x - 3 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo( cos(x));
                    sin(x - 1 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(-cos(x));
                    sin(x + 1 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo( cos(x));
                    sin(x + 3 * Pi / 2).AssertEqTo(-cos(x));

                    sin(Pi + x).AssertEqTo(-sin(x));
                    sin(Pi + x + y).AssertEqTo(-sin(x + y));

                    // var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                    cos(Pi + x).AssertEqTo(-cos(x));

                    cos(Pi + x + y).AssertEqTo(-cos(x + y));


                #region Cos

                    // var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");




                    cos(-10 * x).AssertEqTo(cos(10 * x));

                    cos(3 * Pi).AssertEqTo(-1);

                    cos(2 * Pi * 3 / 4).AssertEqTo(0);

                    // cos( a + b + ... + n * pi ) where abs(n) >= 2

                    cos(x - 3 * Pi).AssertEqTo(cos(x + Pi));
                    cos(x + 3 * Pi).AssertEqTo(cos(x + Pi));

                    cos(x - 2 * Pi).AssertEqTo(cos(x));
                    cos(x + 2 * Pi).AssertEqTo(cos(x));

                    cos(x + Pi * 7 / 2).AssertEqTo(cos(x + Pi * 3 / 2));

                    // cos( a + b + ... + n/2 * pi )

                    cos(x - Pi * 3 / 2).AssertEqTo(-sin(x));
                    cos(x - Pi * 1 / 2).AssertEqTo(sin(x));
                    cos(x + Pi * 1 / 2).AssertEqTo(-sin(x));
                    cos(x + Pi * 3 / 2).AssertEqTo(sin(x));

                #region Has

                Assert(a.Has(elt => elt == a), "a.Has(elt => elt == a)");

                Assert(a.Has(elt => elt == b) == false, "a.Has(elt => elt == b) == false");

                Assert((a == b).Has(elt => elt == a), "Has - 3");

                Assert((a == b).Has(elt => elt == c) == false, "Has - 4");

                Assert(((a + b) ^ c).Has(elt => elt == a + b), "Has - 5");

                Assert(((a + b) ^ c).Has(elt => (elt is Power) && (elt as Power).exp == c), "Has - 6");

                Assert((x * (a + b + c)).Has(elt => (elt is Sum) && (elt as Sum).Has(b)), "Has - 7");

                Assert((x * (a + b + c)).Has(elt => (elt is Sum) && (elt as Sum).elts.Any(obj => obj == b)), "Has - 8");

                Assert((x * (a + b + c)).Has(elt => (elt is Product) && (elt as Product).elts.Any(obj => obj == b)) == false, "Has - 9");


                #region FreeOf

                Assert((a + b).FreeOf(b) == false, "(a + b).FreeOf(b)");
                Assert((a + b).FreeOf(c) == true, "(a + b).FreeOf(c)");
                Assert(((a + b) * c).FreeOf(a + b) == false, "((a + b) * c).FreeOf(a + b)");
                Assert((sin(x) + 2 * x).FreeOf(sin(x)) == false, "(sin(x) + 2 * x).FreeOf(sin(x))");
                Assert(((a + b + c) * d).FreeOf(a + b) == true, "((a + b + c) * d).FreeOf(a + b)");
                Assert(((y + 2 * x - y) / x).FreeOf(x) == true, "((y + 2 * x - y) / x).FreeOf(x)");
                Assert(((x * y) ^ 2).FreeOf(x * y) == true, "((x * y) ^ 2).FreeOf(x * y)");


                // Symbolism.Numerator.Extensions.Numerator(x ^ -2).Disp();

                #region Numerator

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ -1).Numerator() == 1);

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ -half).Numerator() == 1);


                #region Denominator

                    ((new Integer(2) / 3) * ((x * (x + 1)) / (x + 2)) * (y ^ z))
                        .AssertEqTo(3 * (x + 2));
                #region LogicalExpand

                and(or(a, b), c)
                            and(a, c),
                            and(b, c)));

                and(a, or(b, c))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(and(a, b), and(a, c)));

                and(a, or(b, c), d)
                            and(a, b, d),
                            and(a, c, d)));

                and(or(a == b, b == c), x == y)
                            and(a == b, x == y),
                            and(b == c, x == y)));

                    or(a == b, b == c),
                    or(c == d, d == a),
                    x == y)
                            and(a == b, c == d, x == y),
                            and(a == b, d == a, x == y),
                            and(b == c, c == d, x == y),
                            and(b == c, d == a, x == y)));


                #region SimplifyEquation

                (2 * x == 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == 0);

                (2 * x != 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(x != 0);

                ((x ^ 2) == 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == 0);


                #region SimplifyLogical

                and(a, b, c, a)
                    .AssertEqTo(and(a, b, c));

                #endregion SimplifyLogical

                #region DegreeGpe

                    var w = new Symbol("w");

                        ((3 * w * x ^ 2) * (y ^ 3) * (z ^ 4)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z }) == 6,
                        "((3 * w * x ^ 2) * (y ^ 3) * (z ^ 4)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z })");

                        ((a * x ^ 2) + b * x + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x }) == 2,
                        "((a * x ^ 2) + b * x + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x })");

                        (a * (sin(x) ^ 2) + b * sin(x) + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { sin(x) }) == 2,
                        "(a * (sin(x) ^ 2) + b * sin(x) + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { sin(x) })");

                        (2 * (x ^ 2) * y * (z ^ 3) + w * x * (z ^ 6)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z }) == 7,
                        "(2 * (x ^ 2) * y * (z ^ 3) + w * x * (z ^ 6)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z })");


                #region CoefficientGpe

                AssertIsTrue((a * (x ^ 2) + b * x + c).CoefficientGpe(x, 2) == a);

                AssertIsTrue((3 * x * (y ^ 2) + 5 * (x ^ 2) * y + 7 * x + 9).CoefficientGpe(x, 1) == 3 * (y ^ 2) + 7);

                AssertIsTrue((3 * x * (y ^ 2) + 5 * (x ^ 2) * y + 7 * x + 9).CoefficientGpe(x, 3) == 0);

                    (3 * sin(x) * (x ^ 2) + 2 * x + 4).CoefficientGpe(x, 2) == null,
                    "(3 * sin(x) * (x ^ 2) + 2 * x + 4).CoefficientGpe(x, 2) == null");


                #region AlgebraicExpand

                    ((x + 2) * (x + 3) * (x + 4)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    24 + 26 * x + 9 * (x ^ 2) + (x ^ 3));

                    ((x + y + z) ^ 3).AlgebraicExpand()
                    (x ^ 3) + (y ^ 3) + (z ^ 3) +
                    3 * (x ^ 2) * y +
                    3 * (y ^ 2) * x +
                    3 * (x ^ 2) * z +
                    3 * (y ^ 2) * z +
                    3 * (z ^ 2) * x +
                    3 * (z ^ 2) * y +
                    6 * x * y * z);

                    (((x + 1) ^ 2) + ((y + 1) ^ 2)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    2 + 2 * x + (x ^ 2) + 2 * y + (y ^ 2));

                    ((((x + 2) ^ 2) + 3) ^ 2).AlgebraicExpand()
                    49 + 56 * x + 30 * (x ^ 2) + 8 * (x ^ 3) + (x ^ 4));

                    sin(x * (y + z)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    sin(x * y + x * z));

                    (a * (b + c) == x * (y + z)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    (a * b + a * c == x * y + x * z));

                (5 * x * (500 / (x ^ 2) * (sqrt(3.0) / 4) + 1) + 2 * (x ^ 2) + (sqrt(3.0) / 2) * (x ^ 2))
                    .AssertEqTo(1082.5317547305483 / x + 5 * x + 2.8660254037844384 * (x ^ 2));


                #region IsolateVariable

                (x + y + z == 0).IsolateVariable(a).AssertEqTo(x + y + z == 0);

                // (x * a + x * b == 0).IsolateVariable(x).Disp();

                (x * (a + b) - x * a - x * b + x == c)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == c);

                and(x == y, a == b)
                    .AssertEqTo(and(x == y, b == a));

                or(and(y == x, z == x), and(b == x, c == x))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(and(x == y, x == z), and(x == b, x == c)));

                Assert((0 == x - y).IsolateVariableEq(x).Equals(x == y), "(0 == x - y).IsolateVariable(x).Equals(x == y)");


                (a * (x ^ 2) + b * x + c == 0)


                                x == (-b + sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                                x == (-b - sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            and(x == -c / b, a == 0, b != 0),

                            and(a == 0, b == 0, c == 0)

                (a * (x ^ 2) + c == 0)

                                x == sqrt(-4 * a * c) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                                x == -sqrt(-4 * a * c) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            and(a == 0, c == 0)

                // a x^2 + b x + c == 0
                // a x^2 + c == - b x
                // (a x^2 + c) / x == - b

                ((a * (x ^ 2) + c) / x == -b)


                                x == (-b + sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                                x == (-b - sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            and(x == -c / b, a == 0, b != 0),

                            and(a == 0, b == 0, c == 0)

                (sqrt(x + y) == z).IsolateVariable(x).AssertEqTo(x == (z ^ 2) - y);

                (a * b + a == c)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == c / (b + 1));

                (a * b + a * c == d)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == d / (b + c));

                (1 / sqrt(x) == y)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == (y ^ -2));

                (y == sqrt(x) / x)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == (y ^ -2));

                (-sqrt(x) + z * x == y)
                    .AssertEqTo(-sqrt(x) + z * x == y);

                (sqrt(a + x) - z * x == -y)
                    .AssertEqTo(sqrt(a + x) - z * x == -y);

                (sqrt(2 + x) * sqrt(3 + x) == y)
                    .AssertEqTo(sqrt(2 + x) * sqrt(3 + x) == y);
                ((x + 1) / (x + 2) == 3)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == -new Integer(5) / 2);

                ((1 + 2 * x) / (3 * x - 4) == 5)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == new Integer(21) / 13);


                #region EliminateVariable

                and((x ^ 3) == (y ^ 5), z == x)
                .AssertEqTo((z ^ 3) == (y ^ 5));

                and((x ^ 3) == (y ^ 5), z == (x ^ 7))
                .AssertEqTo(and((x ^ 3) == (y ^ 5), z == (x ^ 7)));


                and(x + y == z, x / y == 0, x != 0).CheckVariable(x).AssertEqTo(false);

            #region EliminateVariable
                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");
                var eqs = and(
                    (x ^ 2) - 4 == 0,
                    y + x == 0,
                    x + z == 10
                var half = new Integer(1) / 2;
                ((x ^ 2) - 4 == 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(x == half * sqrt(16), x == -half * sqrt(16)));

                                half * sqrt(16) + y == 0,
                                half * sqrt(16) + z == 10
                                -half * sqrt(16) + y == 0,
                                -half * sqrt(16) + z == 10
                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                    and(x == y, x == z, x == a),
                    and(x == -y, x == z, x == a))
                            and(y == z, y == a),
                            and(-y == z, -y == a)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(z == a, z == a));
                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                and(y != z, y == x, y == 10)
                    .AssertEqTo(and(x != z, x == 10));


            #region PSE Example 2.6

                var sAC = new Symbol("sAC");
                var sAB = new Symbol("sAB");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var vB = new Symbol("vB");
                var vC = new Symbol("vC");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");
                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var eqs = and(
                    tAB == tAC / 2,
                    Kinematic(sAC, vA, vC, a, tAC),
                    Kinematic(sAB, vA, vB, a, tAB)
                var vals = new List<Equation>() { vA == 10, vC == 30, tAC == 10 };

                    .EliminateVariables(tAB, sAC, vB, sAB)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == (vC - vA) / tAC)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == 2);

                    .EliminateVariables(vB, a, tAB, sAC)
                    .AssertEqTo(sAB == tAC / 4 * (2 * vA + (vC - vA) / 2))
                    .AssertEqTo(sAB == 75);


            #region PSE Example 2.7
                // s = 
                // u = 63
                // v =  0
                // a =
                // t =  2

                var s = new Symbol("s");
                var u = new Symbol("u");
                var v = new Symbol("v");
                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var t = new Symbol("t");
                var eqs = Kinematic(s, u, v, a, t);
                var vals = new List<Equation>() { u == 63, v == 0, t == 2.0 };

                    .AssertEqTo(v == a * t + u)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == (v - u) / t)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == -31.5);

                    .AssertEqTo(s == 63.0);

            #region PSE Example 2.8
                // car
                // s1 =  
                // u1 = 45
                // v1 = 45
                // a1 =  0
                // t1 = 

                // officer
                // s2 =  
                // u2 =  0
                // v2 = 
                // a2 =  3
                // t2

                var s1 = new Symbol("s1");
                var u1 = new Symbol("u1");
                var v1 = new Symbol("v1");
                var a1 = new Symbol("a1");
                var t1 = new Symbol("t1");

                var s2 = new Symbol("s2");
                var u2 = new Symbol("u2");
                var v2 = new Symbol("v2");
                var a2 = new Symbol("a2");
                var t2 = new Symbol("t2");
                var eqs = and(
                    u1 == v1,
                    s1 == s2,
                    t2 == t1 - 1,
                    Kinematic(s1, u1, v1, a1, t1),
                    Kinematic(s2, u2, v2, a2, t2));
                var vals = new List<Equation>() 
                    v1 == 45.0,
                    u2 == 0,
                    a2 == 3

                    .EliminateVariables(s2, t1, a1, s1, v2, u1)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(t2 == -0.96871942267131317, t2 == 30.968719422671313));

            #region PSE Example 2.12

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");
                var yD = new Symbol("yD");

                var tA = new Symbol("tA");
                var tB = new Symbol("tB");
                var tC = new Symbol("tC");
                var tD = new Symbol("tD");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var vB = new Symbol("vB");
                var vC = new Symbol("vC");
                var vD = new Symbol("vD");

                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var eqs = and(
                    Kinematic(yA, yB, vA, vB, a, tA, tB),
                    Kinematic(yB, yC, vB, vC, a, tB, tC),
                    Kinematic(yC, yD, vC, vD, a, tC, tD));
                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    yA == 50,
                    yC == 50,
                    vA == 20,
                    vB == 0,
                    a == -9.8,
                    tA == 0,
                    tD == 5

                // velocity and position at t = 5.00 s

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.000000001;

                    .EliminateVariables(tB, tC, vC, yB, yD)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(vD == -29.000000000000004, vD == -29.000000000000007));

                    .EliminateVariables(tB, tC, vC, yB, vD)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(yD == 27.499999999, yD == 27.499999999));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

            #region PSE Example 4.3
                // A long-jumper leaves the ground at an angle of 20.0° above
                // the horizontal and at a speed of 11.0 m/s.

                // (a) How far does he jump in the horizontal direction?
                // (Assume his motion is equivalent to that of a particle.)

                // (b) What is the maximum height reached?

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var xC = new Symbol("xC");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");

                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    tAC == 2 * tAB,

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyC == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xC == xA + vxA * tAC + ax * (tAC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yA + vyA * tAC + ay * (tAC ^ 2) / 2


                var zeros = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, ax == 0, vyB == 0 };

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { thA == (20).ToRadians(), vA == 11.0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                    .EliminateVariables(xB, yC, vxB, vxC, vyC, yB, tAC, vxA, vyA, tAB)
                    .AssertEqTo(xC == -2 * cos(thA) * sin(thA) * (vA ^ 2) / ay)
                    .AssertEqTo(xC == 7.9364592624562507);

                    .EliminateVariables(xB, yC, vxB, vxC, vyC, xC, vxA, tAC, vyA, tAB)
                    .AssertEqTo(yB == -(sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) / (2 * ay))
                    .AssertEqTo(yB == 0.72215873425009314);

            #region PSE Example 4.3 KinematicObjectABC
                // A long-jumper leaves the ground at an angle of 20.0° above
                // the horizontal and at a speed of 11.0 m/s.

                // (a) How far does he jump in the horizontal direction?
                // (Assume his motion is equivalent to that of a particle.)

                // (b) What is the maximum height reached?

                var obj = new KinematicObjectABC("obj");

                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var xC = new Symbol("xC");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");
                var vA = new Symbol("vA");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(


                    obj.tAC == 2 * obj.tAB,


                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    obj.xA == 0,
                    obj.yA == 0,

                    obj.vA == vA,
                    obj.thA == thA,

                    obj.yB == yB,
                    obj.vyB == 0,

                    obj.xC == xC,

           == 0,
                    obj.ay == ay

                var numerical_vals = new List<Equation>()
                    thA == (20).ToRadians(),
                    vA == 11,
                    ay == -9.8,
                    Pi == Math.PI

                // xC

                        obj.vxA, obj.vyA, obj.vyC, obj.vxC, obj.vxB,
                        obj.xB, yB, obj.yC,
                        obj.tAC, obj.tAB
                    .AssertEqTo(xC == -2 * cos(thA) * sin(thA) * (vA ^ 2) / ay)


                    .AssertEqTo(xC == 7.9364592624562507);

                // yB

                        obj.tAB, obj.tAC,
                        obj.vxA, obj.vxB, obj.vxC, obj.vyC, obj.vyA,
                        obj.xB, xC, obj.yC
                    .AssertEqTo(yB == -(sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) / (2 * ay))


                    .AssertEqTo(yB == 0.72215873425009314);

            #region PSE 5E Example 4.5

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var xC = new Symbol("xC");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");

                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var vC = new Symbol("vC");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    // tAC == 2 * tAB,

                    // vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    // vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    // xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    // yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxA + ax * tAC,
                    vyC == vyA + ay * tAC,

                    // xC == xA + vxA * tAC + ax * (tAC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yA + vyA * tAC + ay * (tAC ^ 2) / 2,

                    vC == sqrt((vxC ^ 2) + (vyC ^ 2)),

                    ay != 0

                var zeros = new List<Equation>() { ax == 0, yC == 0 };
                var vals = new List<Equation>() { yA == 45, vA == 20, thA == (30).ToRadians(), ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(vC, vxA, vxC, vyC, vyA)
                                tAC == -(sin(thA) * vA + sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (yC - yA))) / ay,
                                ay != 0),
                                tAC == -(sin(thA) * vA - sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (yC - yA))) / ay,
                                ay != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(tAC == 4.2180489012229376, tAC == -2.1772325746923267));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxC, vxA, vyA, vyC, tAC)
                                ay != 0,
                                vC == sqrt((cos(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + ((sin(thA) * vA - (sin(thA) * vA + sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + -2 * ay * yA))) ^ 2))),
                                ay != 0,
                                vC == sqrt((cos(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + ((sin(thA) * vA - (sin(thA) * vA - sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + -2 * ay * yA))) ^ 2)))))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(vC == 35.805027579936315, vC == 35.805027579936322));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

            #region PSE 5E Example 4.6
                // An Alaskan rescue plane drops a package of emergency rations to 
                // a stranded party of explorers, as shown in Figure 4.13.
                // If the plane is traveling horizontally at 40.0 m/s and is
                // 100 m above the ground, where does the package strike the
                // ground relative to the point at which it was released?

                // What are the horizontal and vertical components
                // of the velocity of the package just before it hits the ground?
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");

                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxA != 0,

                    ay != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 100, vxA == 40, vyA == 0, yB == 0, ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, tAB)
                    .SubstituteEq(ax == 0)        
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == -(vxA ^ 2) * (-(- vyA / vxA + ay / (vxA ^ 2) * xA) + sqrt(((- vyA / vxA + ay * xA / (vxA ^ 2)) ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (vyA * xA / vxA - ay / 2 / (vxA ^ 2) * (xA ^ 2) - yA + yB) / (vxA ^ 2))) / ay,
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == -(vxA ^ 2) * (-(-vyA / vxA + ay / (vxA ^ 2) * xA) - sqrt(((-vyA / vxA + ay * xA / (vxA ^ 2)) ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (vyA * xA / vxA - ay / 2 / (vxA ^ 2) * (xA ^ 2) - yA + yB) / (vxA ^ 2))) / ay,
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == -1 / ay * (vxA ^ 2) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (vxA ^ -2) * yA),
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == 1 / ay * (vxA ^ 2) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (vxA ^ -2) * yA),
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(xB == 180.70158058105022, xB == -180.70158058105022));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, xB, tAB)
                                vyB == -1 * ay * sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * ((ay ^ -1) / 2 * (vyA ^ 2) + -1 * yA + yB)),
                                vxA != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                                vyB == ay * sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * ((ay ^ -1) / 2 * (vyA ^ 2) + -1 * yA + yB)),
                                vxA != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                              vyB == -ay * sqrt(-2 / ay * yA),
                              vxA != 0,
                              ay != 0),
                              vyB == ay * sqrt(-2 / ay * yA),
                              vxA != 0,
                              ay != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(vyB == 44.271887242357309, vyB == -44.271887242357309));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E Example 4.7

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var th = new Symbol("th");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    cos(th) == (xB - xA) / d,
                    sin(th) == (yA - yB) / d,

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    yB != 0,

                    ay != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, vxA == 25, vyA == 0, ax == 0, ay == -9.8, th == (35).ToRadians(), Pi == Math.PI };

                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, d, yB, tAB)
                                xB == -(sin(th) / cos(th) + sqrt((cos(th) ^ -2) * (sin(th) ^ 2))) * (vxA ^ 2) / ay,
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                sin(th) / cos(th) * xB != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                                xB == -(sin(th) / cos(th) - sqrt((cos(th) ^ -2) * (sin(th) ^ 2))) * (vxA ^ 2) / ay,
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                sin(th) / cos(th) * xB != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                                xB == 89.312185996136435,
                                xB != 0),
                                xB == 7.0805039835788038E-15,
                                xB != 0)));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, d, xB, tAB)
                            yB == 2 * (sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / ay / (cos(th) ^ 2),
                            -ay * (cos(th) ^ 2) / (sin(th) ^ 2) / (vxA ^ 2) / 2 != 0,
                            yB != 0,
                            ay != 0))
                            yB == -62.537065888482395,
                            yB != 0));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, d, xB, yB)
                                tAB == -(sin(th) * vxA / cos(th) + sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / (cos(th) ^ 2))) / ay,
                                ay != 0,
                                sin(th) * tAB * vxA / cos(th) != 0),
                                tAB == -(sin(th) * vxA / cos(th) - sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / (cos(th) ^ 2))) / ay,
                                ay != 0,
                                sin(th) * tAB * vxA / cos(th) != 0)))
                            tAB == 3.5724874398454571,
                            tAB != 0));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, d, tAB, xB, yB)
                                vyB == -ay * (sin(th) * vxA / (ay * cos(th)) + sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / ((ay ^ 2) * (cos(th) ^ 2)))),
                                sin(th) * vxA * vyB / (ay * cos(th)) != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                                vyB == -ay * (sin(th) * vxA / (ay * cos(th)) - sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / ((ay ^ 2) * (cos(th) ^ 2)))),
                                sin(th) * vxA * vyB / (ay * cos(th)) != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                            vyB == -35.010376910485483,
                            vyB != 0));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.9

                // In a local bar, a customer slides an empty beer mug
                // down the counter for a refill. The bartender is momentarily 
                // distracted and does not see the mug, which slides
                // off the counter and strikes the floor 1.40 m from the
                // base of the counter. If the height of the counter is 
                // 0.860 m, (a) with what velocity did the mug leave the
                // counter and (b) what was the direction of the mug’s 
                // velocity just before it hit the floor?
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var thB = new Symbol("thB");
                var vB = new Symbol("vB");

                var eqs = and(

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    tan(thB) == vyB / vxB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    xB != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0.86, /* vxA */ vyA == 0, xB == 1.4, yB == 0, /* vxB vyB vB thB */ /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8 };

                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(thB, vxB, vyB, tAB)
                                vxA == ay * (xB ^ 2) / yA / 4 * sqrt(-8 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA),
                                2 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA != 0,
                                xB != 0),
                                vxA == -ay * (xB ^ 2) / yA / 4 * sqrt(-8 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA),
                                2 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA != 0,
                                xB != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(vxA == -3.3417722634053204, vxA == 3.3417722634053204));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, tAB, vxA)
                            -tan(thB) / ay != 0,
                            thB == new Atan(-2 * yA / xB),
                            xB != 0))
                            0.1020408163265306 * tan(thB) != 0,
                            thB == -0.88760488150470185));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region SumDifferenceFormulaFunc

            // sin(u) cos(v) - cos(u) sin(v) -> sin(u - v)

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> SumDifferenceFormulaFunc = elt =>
                if (elt is Sum)
                    var items = new List<MathObject>();

                    foreach (var item in (elt as Sum).elts)
                        if (
                            item is Product &&
                            (item as Product).elts[0] == -1 &&
                            (item as Product).elts[1] is Cos &&
                            (item as Product).elts[2] is Sin
                            var u_ = ((item as Product).elts[1] as Cos).args[0];
                            var v_ = ((item as Product).elts[2] as Sin).args[0];

                            Func<MathObject, bool> match = obj =>
                                obj is Product &&
                                (obj as Product).elts[0] is Cos &&
                                (obj as Product).elts[1] is Sin &&

                                ((obj as Product).elts[1] as Sin).args[0] == u_ &&
                                ((obj as Product).elts[0] as Cos).args[0] == v_;

                            if (items.Any(obj => match(obj)))
                                items = items.Where(obj => match(obj) == false).ToList();

                                items.Add(sin(u_ - v_));
                            else items.Add(item);
                        else items.Add(item);

                    return new Sum() { elts = items }.Simplify();

                return elt;

                var u = new Symbol("u");
                var v = new Symbol("v");

                (sin(u) * cos(v) - cos(u) * sin(v))
                    .AssertEqTo(sin(u - v));

            #region SumDifferenceFormulaFunc 

            // sin(u) cos(v) + cos(u) sin(v) -> sin(u + v)

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> SumDifferenceFormulaAFunc = elt =>
                if (elt is Sum)
                    var items = new List<MathObject>();

                    foreach (var item in (elt as Sum).elts)
                        if (
                            item is Product &&
                            (item as Product).elts[0] is Cos &&
                            (item as Product).elts[1] is Sin
                            var u_ = ((item as Product).elts[0] as Cos).args[0];
                            var v_ = ((item as Product).elts[1] as Sin).args[0];

                            Func<MathObject, bool> match = obj =>
                                obj is Product &&
                                (obj as Product).elts[0] is Cos &&
                                (obj as Product).elts[1] is Sin &&

                                ((obj as Product).elts[1] as Sin).args[0] == u_ &&
                                ((obj as Product).elts[0] as Cos).args[0] == v_;

                            if (items.Any(obj => match(obj)))
                                items = items.Where(obj => match(obj) == false).ToList();

                                items.Add(sin(u_ + v_));
                            else items.Add(item);
                        else items.Add(item);

                    return new Sum() { elts = items }.Simplify();

                return elt;

                var u = new Symbol("u");
                var v = new Symbol("v");

                (sin(u) * cos(v) + cos(u) * sin(v))
                    .AssertEqTo(sin(u + v));

            #region DoubleAngleFormulaFunc

            // sin(u) cos(u) -> sin(2 u) / 2

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> DoubleAngleFormulaFunc =
                    elt =>
                        if (elt is Product)
                            var items = new List<MathObject>();

                            foreach (var item in (elt as Product).elts)
                                if (item is Sin)
                                    var sym = (item as Sin).args.First();

                                    if (items.Any(obj => (obj is Cos) && (obj as Cos).args.First() == sym))
                                        items = items.Where(obj => ((obj is Cos) && (obj as Cos).args.First() == sym) == false).ToList();

                                        items.Add(sin(2 * sym) / 2);
                                    else items.Add(item);

                                else if (item is Cos)
                                    var sym = (item as Cos).args.First();

                                    if (items.Any(obj => (obj is Sin) && (obj as Sin).args.First() == sym))
                                        items = items.Where(obj => ((obj is Sin) && (obj as Sin).args.First() == sym) == false).ToList();

                                        items.Add(sin(2 * sym) / 2);
                                    else items.Add(item);

                                else items.Add(item);

                            return new Product() { elts = items }.Simplify();
                        return elt;


            #region SinCosToTanFunc

            // sin(x) / cos(x) -> tan(x)

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> SinCosToTanFunc = elt =>
                if (elt is Product)
                    if ((elt as Product).elts.Any(obj1 =>
                            obj1 is Sin &&
                            (elt as Product).elts.Any(obj2 => obj2 == 1 / cos((obj1 as Sin).args[0]))))
                        var sin_ = (elt as Product).elts.First(obj1 =>
                            obj1 is Sin &&
                            (elt as Product).elts.Any(obj2 => obj2 == 1 / cos((obj1 as Sin).args[0])));

                        var arg = (sin_ as Sin).args[0];

                        return elt * cos(arg) / sin(arg) * tan(arg);

                    return elt;

                return elt;


                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");

                (sin(x) / cos(x)).DeepSelect(SinCosToTanFunc)


                (y * sin(x) / cos(x)).DeepSelect(SinCosToTanFunc)

                    .AssertEqTo(tan(x) * y);

                (sin(x) * sin(y) / cos(x) / cos(y))

                    .AssertEqTo(tan(x) * tan(y));
            #region PSE 5E P4.11

                // One strategy in a snowball fight is to throw a first snowball
                // at a high angle over level ground. While your opponent is watching
                // the first one, you throw a second one at a low angle and timed
                // to arrive at your opponent before or at the same time as the first one.

                // Assume both snowballs are thrown with a speed of 25.0 m/s.

                // The first one is thrown at an angle of 70.0° with respect to the horizontal. 

                // (a) At what angle should the second (lowangle) 
                // snowball be thrown if it is to land at the same
                // point as the first?

                // (b) How many seconds later should the second snowball 
                // be thrown if it is to land at the same time as the first?
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");

                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 25.0, /* thA == 70.0, */ /* xB == 20.497, */ /* yB */ /* vxB */ vyB == 0, /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                        // thA = ... || thA = ...

                        var expr = eqs
                            .EliminateVariables(yB, vxA, vyA, vxB, tAB)

                        // th_delta = ...

                        var th1 = ((expr as Or).args[0] as Equation).b;
                        var th2 = ((expr as Or).args[1] as Equation).b;

                        var th_delta = new Symbol("th_delta");

                            .Add(th_delta == (th1 - th2).AlgebraicExpand())

                            .EliminateVariables(yB, vxA, vyA, vxB, tAB)


                            .AssertEqTo(th_delta == asin(sin(2 * thA)) - Pi / 2)

                            .SubstituteEq(thA == (70).ToRadians())
                            .SubstituteEq(Pi == Math.PI)

                            .AssertEqTo(th_delta == -0.87266462599716454)

                        // tAB = ...

                        var tAB_eq = eqs
                            .EliminateVariables(yB, vxA, vyA, vxB, xB)

                            or(thA == (20).ToRadians(), thA == (70).ToRadians()),
                            tAC == tAB * 2)
                            .EliminateVariables(thA, tAB)

                                tAC == -2 * sin(Pi / 9) * vA / ay,
                                tAC == -2 * sin(7 * Pi / 18) * vA / ay))

                                    tAC == 1.7450007312534115,
                                    tAC == 4.794350106050552));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.13

                // An artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of 
                // 300 m/s at 55.0° above the horizontal. It explodes on a
                // mountainside 42.0 s after firing. What are the x and y
                // coordinates of the shell where it explodes, relative to its
                // firing point?
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(
                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 300.0, thA == (55).ToRadians(), /* xB yB vxB vyB */ tAB == 42, ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();


                                    vxB == cos(thA) * vA,
                                    vyB == ay * tAB + sin(thA) * vA,
                                    xB == cos(thA) * tAB * vA,
                                    yB == ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2 + sin(thA) * tAB * vA))


                                    vxB == 172.07293090531385,
                                    vyB == -165.85438671330249,
                                    xB == 7227.0630980231817,
                                    yB == 1677.7157580412968))


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.15

                // A projectile is fired in such a way that its horizontal
                // range is equal to three times its maximum height.
                // What is the angle of projection? 
                // Give your answer to three significant figures.
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var xC = new Symbol("xC");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tBC = new Symbol("tBC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    xC - xA == 3 * yB,

                    tAB == tBC,

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxB + ax * tBC,
                    vyC == vyB + ay * tBC,

                    xC == xB + vxB * tBC + ax * (tBC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yB + vyB * tBC + ay * (tBC ^ 2) / 2


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>() 
                        xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA vA thA */ /* xB yB vxB */ vyB == 0, /* tAB tBC */ 
                        /* xC */ yC == 0,

                        ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI 

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                        .EliminateVariables(xC, tAB, vxA, vyA, vxB, xB, yB, vxC, vyC, tBC)
                        .AssertEqTo(thA == new Atan(new Integer(4) / 3));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.17

                // A cannon with a muzzle speed of 1000 m/s is used to
                // start an avalanche on a mountain slope. The target is 
                // 2000 m from the cannon horizontally and 800 m above
                // the cannon.
                // At what angle, above the horizontal, should the cannon be fired?

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var xC = new Symbol("xC");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tBC = new Symbol("tBC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var phi = new Symbol("phi");

                var eqs = and(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>() 
                        xA ==    0, yA ==   0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 1000, /* thA */ 
                        xB == 2000, yB == 800.0, /* vxB vyB */ 
                        /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI 

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                            .EliminateVariables(vxA, vyA, vxB, vyB, tAB)

                            .MultiplyBothSidesBy(cos(thA) ^ 2).AlgebraicExpand()
                            .Substitute(cos(thA) ^ 2, (1 + cos(2 * thA)) / 2)
                            .AddToBothSides(-sin(2 * thA) * xB / 2)
                            .AddToBothSides(-yB / 2)
                            .MultiplyBothSidesBy(2 / xB).AlgebraicExpand()

                            // yB / xB = tan(phi)
                            // yB / xB = sin(phi) / cos(phi)

                            // phi = atan(yB / xB)

                            .Substitute(cos(2 * thA) * yB / xB, cos(2 * thA) * sin(phi) / cos(phi))

                            .Substitute(phi, new Atan(yB / xB).Simplify())

                                    thA == -(asin(ay * cos(atan(yB / xB)) * (vA ^ -2) * xB + -1 * cos(atan(yB / xB)) * yB / xB) - atan(yB / xB)) / 2,
                                    thA == -(-asin(ay * cos(atan(yB / xB)) * (vA ^ -2) * xB - cos(atan(yB / xB)) * yB / xB) - atan(yB / xB) + Pi) / 2))


                                    thA == 0.39034573609628065,
                                    thA == -1.5806356857788124))

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

            #region PSE 5E P4.19

                // A placekicker must kick a football from a point 36.0 m
                // (about 40 yards) from the goal, and half the crowd
                // hopes the ball will clear the crossbar, which is 3.05 m
                // high. When kicked, the ball leaves the ground with a
                // speed of 20.0 m/s at an angle of 53.0° to the horizontal.
                // (a) By how much does the ball clear or fall short of
                //     clearing the crossbar ?
                // (b) Does the ball approach the crossbar while still 
                //     rising or while falling ?
                Func <MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");
                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var cleared_by = new Symbol("cleared_by");

                var goal_height = new Symbol("goal_height");
                var eqs = and(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    cleared_by == yB - goal_height

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 20, thA == (53).ToRadians(),
                        xB == 36, /* yB */ /* vxB vyB */ 
                        /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI,

                        goal_height == 3.05

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                            .EliminateVariables(vxA, vyA, vxB, vyB, tAB, yB)

                                cleared_by == -goal_height + sin(thA) / cos(thA) * xB + ay / 2 * (cos(thA) ^ -2) * (vA ^ -2) * (xB ^ 2)


                            .AssertEqTo(cleared_by == 0.88921618776713007);


                            .EliminateVariables(cleared_by, vxA, vyA, vxB, tAB, yB)

                            .AssertEqTo(vyB == sin(thA) * vA + ay / cos(thA) / vA * xB)

                            .AssertEqTo(vyB == -13.338621888454744);

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

            #region PSE 5E P4.21

                // A firefighter a distance d from a burning building directs 
                // a stream of water from a fire hose at angle θi above
                // the horizontal as in Figure P4.20.If the initial speed of
                // the stream is vi, at what height h does the water strike
                // the building?
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var d = new Symbol("d");
                var thi = new Symbol("thi");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");
                var h = new Symbol("h");
                var eqs = and(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == vi, thA == thi,
                        xB == d, yB == h, /* vxB vyB */ 
                        /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();
                            .EliminateVariables(vxA, vyA, vxB, vyB, tAB)
                            .SubstituteEqLs(vals.Where(eq => eq.b is Symbol).ToList())


                                h == d * sin(thi) / cos(thi) + ay * (d ^ 2) / (cos(thi) ^ 2) / (vi ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

            #region PSE 5E P4.23

                // A basketball star covers 2.80 m horizontally in a jump to
                // dunk the ball. His motion through space can be modeled as 
                // that of a particle at a point called his center of mass. 
                // His center of mass is at elevation 1.02 m when he leaves 
                // the floor. It reaches a maximum height of 1.85 m above 
                // the floor and is at elevation 0.900 m when he touches down
                // again.

                // Determine:

                // (a) his time of flight (his “hang time”)

                // (b) his horizontal and (c) vertical velocity components at the instant of takeoff

                // (d) his takeoff angle. 

                // (e) For comparison, determine the hang time of a
                // whitetail deer making a jump with center-of-mass elevations
                // y_i = 1.20 m
                // y_max = 2.50 m
                // y_f = 0.700 m
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var xC = new Symbol("xC");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tBC = new Symbol("tBC");

                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    //vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    //vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxB + ax * tBC,
                    vyC == vyB + ay * tBC,

                    xC == xB + vxB * tBC + ax * (tBC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yB + vyB * tBC + ay * (tBC ^ 2) / 2,

                    tAC == tAB + tBC,

                    // vyA / vxA == tan(thA),

                    tan(thA) == vyA / vxA,

                    ay != 0


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        xA == 0,    yA == 1.02, /* vxA vyA vA thA */
                        /* xB */    yB == 1.85, /* vxB            */ vyB == 0,
                        xC == 2.80, yC == 0.9,  /* vxC vyC        */

                        /* tAB tBC */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();


                            .EliminateVariables(thA, vxB, xB, vxC, vyC, vxA, vyA, tAB)





                                    and(ay != 0, tAC == (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + -1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))),
                                    and(ay != 0, tAC == (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))),
                                    and(ay != 0, tAC == -1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + -1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))),
                                    and(ay != 0, tAC == -1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC)))))



                                    tAC == 0.028747849043843032,
                                    tAC == -0.85188272280886768,
                                    tAC == 0.85188272280886768,
                                    tAC == -0.028747849043843032));


                            .EliminateVariables(thA, vxB, vxC, xB)


                            .EliminateVariables(tAC, vyC, tAB, vyA)





                                    and(ay != 0, vxA == xC * ((-1 * sqrt(-2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yA + yB)) + -1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))) ^ -1)),
                                    and(ay != 0, vxA == xC * ((-1 * sqrt(-2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yA + yB)) + (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))) ^ -1)),
                                    and(ay != 0, vxA == xC * ((sqrt(-2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yA + yB)) + -1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))) ^ -1)),
                                    and(ay != 0, vxA == xC * ((sqrt(-2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yA + yB)) + (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(2 * ay * (-1 * yB + yC))) ^ -1))))



                                    vxA == 97.398591307814215,
                                    vxA == -3.286837407346058,
                                    vxA == 3.286837407346058,
                                    vxA == -97.398591307814215));


                            .EliminateVariables(thA, vxA, vxC, vyC, vxB, xB, tAB, tAC, tBC)




                                    and(ay != 0, vyA == ay * sqrt(-2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yA + yB))),
                                    and(ay != 0, vyA == -1 * ay * sqrt(-2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yA + yB)))))


                                    vyA == -4.0333608814486217,
                                    vyA == 4.0333608814486217));


                            .EliminateVariables(vxA, vyA, vxB, xB, vxC, tBC, tAB, vyC, tAC)



                                    and(ay != 0, tan(thA) == -1 * (xC ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) * ((ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + -1 * sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yB + yC)))),
                                    and(ay != 0, tan(thA) == -1 * (xC ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) * ((ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yB + yC)))),
                                    and(ay != 0, tan(thA) == (xC ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) * (-1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + -1 * sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yB + yC)))),
                                    and(ay != 0, tan(thA) == (xC ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) * (-1 * (ay ^ -1) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (-1 * yA + yB)) + sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * (-1 * yB + yC))))




                                    thA == 0.88702813023277882,
                                    thA == -0.041387227947930878,
                                    thA == -0.041387227947930878,
                                    thA == 0.88702813023277882));


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E E5.1

                // A hockey puck having a mass of 0.30 kg slides on the horizontal, 
                // frictionless surface of an ice rink. Two forces act on
                // the puck, as shown in Figure 5.5.The force F1 has a magnitude 
                // of 5.0 N, and the force F2 has a magnitude of 8.0 N.

                // Determine both the magnitude and the direction of the puck’s acceleration.

                // Determine the components of a third force that,
                // when applied to the puck, causes it to have zero acceleration.
                var F = new Symbol("F");
                var th = new Symbol("th");

                var Fx = new Symbol("Fx");
                var Fy = new Symbol("Fy");

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1");
                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");

                var F1x = new Symbol("F1x");
                var F1y = new Symbol("F1y");

                var F2 = new Symbol("F2");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");

                var F2x = new Symbol("F2x");
                var F2y = new Symbol("F2y");

                var F3 = new Symbol("F3");
                var th3 = new Symbol("th3");

                var F3x = new Symbol("F3x");
                var F3y = new Symbol("F3y");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    Fx == F * cos(th),
                    Fy == F * sin(th),

                    Fx == ax * m,
                    Fy == ay * m,

                    Fx == F1x + F2x + F3x,
                    Fy == F1y + F2y + F3y,

                    F1x == F1 * cos(th1), F1y == F1 * sin(th1),

                    F2x == F2 * cos(th2), F2y == F2 * sin(th2),

                    F3x == F3 * cos(th3), F3y == F3 * sin(th3),

                    a == sqrt((ax ^ 2) + (ay ^ 2))


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()

                        m == 0.3,

                        F1 == 5.0, th1 == (-20).ToRadians(),
                        F2 == 8.0, th2 == (60).ToRadians(),

                        F3 == 0,

                        Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // a 
                            .EliminateVariables(ax, ay, Fx, Fy, F, F1x, F1y, F2x, F2y, F3x, F3y)

                                a ==
                                        ((cos(th1) * F1 + cos(th2) * F2) ^ 2) * (m ^ -2) +
                                        (cos(atan(((cos(th1) * F1 + cos(th2) * F2) ^ -1) * (F1 * sin(th1) + F2 * sin(th2)))) ^ -2) *
                                        ((cos(th1) * F1 + cos(th2) * F2) ^ 2) *
                                        (m ^ -2) *
                                        (sin(atan(((cos(th1) * F1 + cos(th2) * F2) ^ -1) * (F1 * sin(th1) + F2 * sin(th2)))) ^ 2))



                            .Substitute(3, 3.0)


                            .AssertEqTo(a == 33.811874017759315);

                    // th
                            .EliminateVariables(a, F, Fx, Fy, ax, ay, F1x, F1y, F2x, F2y, F3x, F3y)


                                th == atan((F1 * sin(th1) + F2 * sin(th2)) / (cos(th1) * F1 + cos(th2) * F2))



                            .Substitute(3, 3.0)

                            .AssertEqTo(th == 0.54033704850428876);

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()

                        m == 0.3,

                        F1 == 5.0, th1 == (-20).ToRadians(),
                        F2 == 8.0, th2 == (60).ToRadians(),

                        ax == 0, ay == 0,

                        Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();
                    // F3x
                            .EliminateVariables(F3, th3, F3y, F1x, F2x, Fx, F, Fy, F1y, F2y, a)
                            .AssertEqTo(F3x == -1 * cos(th1) * F1 + -1 * cos(th2) * F2)

                            .AssertEqTo(F3x == -8.6984631039295444);

                    // F3y
                            .EliminateVariables(F3, th3, F3x, F1x, F2x, Fx, F, Fy, F1y, F2y, a)

                            .AssertEqTo(F3y == -1 * F1 * sin(th1) + -1 * F2 * sin(th2))

                            // .DispLong()

                            .Substitute(3, 3.0)

                            .AssertEqTo(F3y == -5.2181025136471657);

            #region PSE 5E E5.4

                // A traffic light weighing 125 N hangs from a cable tied to two
                // other cables fastened to a support. The upper cables make
                // angles of 37.0° and 53.0° with the horizontal. Find the tension
                // in the three cables.
                var F = new Symbol("F");    // total force magnitude
                var th = new Symbol("th");  // total force direction

                var Fx = new Symbol("Fx");  // total force x-component
                var Fy = new Symbol("Fy");  // total force y-component

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1");
                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");

                var F1x = new Symbol("F1x");
                var F1y = new Symbol("F1y");

                var F2 = new Symbol("F2");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");

                var F2x = new Symbol("F2x");
                var F2y = new Symbol("F2y");

                var F3 = new Symbol("F3");
                var th3 = new Symbol("th3");

                var F3x = new Symbol("F3x");
                var F3y = new Symbol("F3y");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    Fx == F * cos(th),
                    Fy == F * sin(th),

                    Fx == ax * m,
                    Fy == ay * m,

                    Fx == F1x + F2x + F3x,
                    Fy == F1y + F2y + F3y,

                    F1x == F1 * cos(th1), F1y == F1 * sin(th1),
                    F2x == F2 * cos(th2), F2y == F2 * sin(th2),
                    F3x == F3 * cos(th3), F3y == F3 * sin(th3),

                    a == sqrt((ax ^ 2) + (ay ^ 2))


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()

                        // m 

                        /* F1 */    th1 == (180 - 37).ToRadians(),  // F1x F1y
                        /* F2 */    th2 == (53).ToRadians(),        // F2x F2y
                        F3 == 125,  th3 == (270).ToRadians(),       // F3x F3y
                        ax == 0,    ay == 0,

                        Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // F1
                            .EliminateVariables(Fx, Fy, F, F1x, F1y, F2x, F2y, F2, F3x, F3y, a)
                            .AssertEqTo(F1 == (F3 * sin(th3) - cos(th3) * F3 * sin(th2) / cos(th2)) / (cos(th1) * sin(th2) / cos(th2) - sin(th1)))


                            .AssertEqTo(F1 == 75.226877894006023);

                    // F2
                            .EliminateVariables(Fx, Fy, F, F1x, F1y, F2x, F2y, F1, F3x, F3y, a)

                            .AssertEqTo(F2 == (cos(th3) * F3 * sin(th1) / cos(th1) - F3 * sin(th3)) / (sin(th2) - cos(th2) * sin(th1) / cos(th1)))

                            .AssertEqTo(F2 == 99.829438755911582);


            #region PSE 5E E5.6

                // A crate of mass m is placed on a frictionless inclined plane of
                // angle θ. (a) Determine the acceleration of the crate after it is
                // released.

                // (b) Suppose the crate is released from rest at the top of
                // the incline, and the distance from the front edge of the crate
                // to the bottom is d. How long does it take the front edge to
                // reach the bottom, and what is its speed just as it gets there?
                var F = new Symbol("F");    // total force magnitude
                var th = new Symbol("th");  // total force direction

                var Fx = new Symbol("Fx");  // total force x-component
                var Fy = new Symbol("Fy");  // total force y-component

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1");
                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");

                var F1x = new Symbol("F1x");
                var F1y = new Symbol("F1y");

                var F2 = new Symbol("F2");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");

                var F2x = new Symbol("F2x");
                var F2y = new Symbol("F2y");

                //var F3 = new Symbol("F3");
                //var th3 = new Symbol("th3");

                //var F3x = new Symbol("F3x");
                //var F3y = new Symbol("F3y");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var n = new Symbol("n");
                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var incline = new Symbol("incline");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");
                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var d = new Symbol("d");
                var eqs = and(

                    Fx == F * cos(th),
                    Fy == F * sin(th),

                    Fx == ax * m,
                    Fy == ay * m,

                    Fx == F1x + F2x, //+ F3x,
                    Fy == F1y + F2y, //+ F3y,

                    F1x == F1 * cos(th1), F1y == F1 * sin(th1),
                    F2x == F2 * cos(th2), F2y == F2 * sin(th2),
                    //F3x == F3 * cos(th3), F3y == F3 * sin(th3),

                    a == sqrt((ax ^ 2) + (ay ^ 2)),

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,

                    d != 0


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()

                        // m 
                        F1 == n,        th1 == 90 * Pi / 180,            // F1x F1y
                        F2 == m * g,    th2 == 270 * Pi / 180 + incline, // F2x F2y
                        //F3 == 125,    th3 == (270).ToRadians(),        // F3x F3y
                        /* ax */  ay == 0,

                        // Pi == Math.PI

                        xA == 0, xB == d, vxA == 0

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // ax
                            .EliminateVariables(a, F)
                            .EliminateVariables(th, Fx, F1x, F2x, Fy, F1y, F2y, vxB, xB)

                                    ax == g * sin(incline),
                                    d != 0));

                    // tAB
                            .EliminateVariables(a, F)
                            .EliminateVariables(th, Fx, F1x, F2x, Fy, F1y, F2y, ax, vxB)
                                        tAB == - sqrt(2 * d * g * sin(incline)) / sin(incline) / g,
                                        - g * sin(incline) / 2 != 0,
                                        d != 0),
                                        tAB == sqrt(2 * d * g * sin(incline)) / sin(incline) / g,
                                        -g * sin(incline) / 2 != 0,
                                        d != 0))

                    // vxB
                            .EliminateVariables(a, F)
                            .EliminateVariables(th, Fx, F1x, F2x, Fy, F1y, F2y, ax, tAB)

                                        -g * sin(incline) / 2 != 0,
                                        vxB == -sqrt(2 * d * g * sin(incline)),
                                        d != 0
                                        -g * sin(incline) / 2 != 0,
                                        vxB == sqrt(2 * d * g * sin(incline)),
                                        d != 0))

            #region PSE 5E E5.9

                // When two objects of unequal mass are hung vertically over a
                // frictionless pulley of negligible mass, as shown in Figure
                // 5.15a, the arrangement is called an Atwood machine. The device 
                // is sometimes used in the laboratory to measure the freefall
                // acceleration.
                // Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the two 
                // objects and the tension in the lightweight cord.
                var F_m1 = new Symbol("F_m1");      // total force on mass 1
                var F_m2 = new Symbol("F_m2");      // total force on mass 2

                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");    // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");    // force 2 on mass 1

                var F1_m2 = new Symbol("F1_m2");    // force 1 on mass 2
                var F2_m2 = new Symbol("F2_m2");    // force 2 on mass 2

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");
                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var T = new Symbol("T");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var eqs = and(

                    F_m1 == F1_m1 - F2_m1,
                    F_m2 == F2_m2 - F1_m2,

                    F_m1 == m1 * a,
                    F_m2 == m2 * a,

                    F1_m1 == T,
                    F2_m1 == m1 * g,

                    F1_m2 == T,
                    F2_m2 == m2 * g

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        m1 == 2.0, m2 == 4.0, g == 9.8

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // a
                            .EliminateVariables(F_m1, F_m2, F2_m1, F2_m2, F1_m1, F1_m2, T)
                                a == (-1 * g * m1 + g * m2) / (m1 + m2)

                            .AssertEqTo(a == 3.2666666666666666);

                    // T
                            .EliminateVariables(F_m1, F_m2, F2_m1, F2_m2, F1_m1, F1_m2, a)
                                T == 2 * g * m2 / (1 + m2 / m1)

                                T == 26.133333333333333

            #region PSE 5E E5.10 - Acceleration of Two Objects Connected by a Cord

                // A ball of mass m1 and a block of mass m2 are attached by a
                // lightweight cord that passes over a frictionless pulley of 
                // negligible mass, as shown in Figure 5.16a. The block lies 
                // on a frictionless incline of angle th. Find the magnitude 
                // of the acceleration of the two objects and the tension in the cord.


                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");        // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");        // force 2 on mass 1
                var F3_m1 = new Symbol("F3_m1");        // force 3 on mass 1

                var th1_m1 = new Symbol("th1_m1");      // direction of force 1 on mass 1
                var th2_m1 = new Symbol("th2_m1");      // direction of force 2 on mass 1
                var th3_m1 = new Symbol("th3_m1");      // direction of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1x_m1 = new Symbol("F1x_m1");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2x_m1 = new Symbol("F2x_m1");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3x_m1 = new Symbol("F3x_m1");      // x-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1y_m1 = new Symbol("F1y_m1");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2y_m1 = new Symbol("F2y_m1");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3y_m1 = new Symbol("F3y_m1");      // y-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var Fx_m1 = new Symbol("Fx_m1");        // x-component of total force on mass 1
                var Fy_m1 = new Symbol("Fy_m1");        // y-component of total force on mass 1

                var ax_m1 = new Symbol("ax_m1");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 1
                var ay_m1 = new Symbol("ay_m1");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 1

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");


                var F1_m2 = new Symbol("F1_m2");        // force 1 on mass 2
                var F2_m2 = new Symbol("F2_m2");        // force 2 on mass 2
                var F3_m2 = new Symbol("F3_m2");        // force 3 on mass 2

                var th1_m2 = new Symbol("th1_m2");      // direction of force 1 on mass 2
                var th2_m2 = new Symbol("th2_m2");      // direction of force 2 on mass 2
                var th3_m2 = new Symbol("th3_m2");      // direction of force 3 on mass 2

                var F1x_m2 = new Symbol("F1x_m2");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 2
                var F2x_m2 = new Symbol("F2x_m2");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 2
                var F3x_m2 = new Symbol("F3x_m2");      // x-component of force 3 on mass 2

                var F1y_m2 = new Symbol("F1y_m2");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 2
                var F2y_m2 = new Symbol("F2y_m2");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 2
                var F3y_m2 = new Symbol("F3y_m2");      // y-component of force 3 on mass 2

                var Fx_m2 = new Symbol("Fx_m2");        // x-component of total force on mass 2
                var Fy_m2 = new Symbol("Fy_m2");        // y-component of total force on mass 2

                var ax_m2 = new Symbol("ax_m2");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 2
                var ay_m2 = new Symbol("ay_m2");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 2

                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");


                var incline = new Symbol("incline");

                var T = new Symbol("T");                // tension in cable

                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity

                var n = new Symbol("n");                // normal force on block

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

                    ax_m2 == ay_m1,                     // the block moves right as the ball moves up


                    F1x_m1 == F1_m1 * cos(th1_m1),
                    F2x_m1 == F2_m1 * cos(th2_m1),
                    F3x_m1 == F3_m1 * cos(th3_m1),

                    F1y_m1 == F1_m1 * sin(th1_m1),
                    F2y_m1 == F2_m1 * sin(th2_m1),
                    F3y_m1 == F3_m1 * sin(th3_m1),

                    Fx_m1 == F1x_m1 + F2x_m1 + F3x_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == F1y_m1 + F2y_m1 + F3y_m1,

                    Fx_m1 == m1 * ax_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == m1 * ay_m1,


                    F1x_m2 == F1_m2 * cos(th1_m2),
                    F2x_m2 == F2_m2 * cos(th2_m2),
                    F3x_m2 == F3_m2 * cos(th3_m2),

                    F1y_m2 == F1_m2 * sin(th1_m2),
                    F2y_m2 == F2_m2 * sin(th2_m2),
                    F3y_m2 == F3_m2 * sin(th3_m2),

                    Fx_m2 == F1x_m2 + F2x_m2 + F3x_m2,
                    Fy_m2 == F1y_m2 + F2y_m2 + F3y_m2,

                    Fx_m2 == m2 * ax_m2,
                    Fy_m2 == m2 * ay_m2,

                    a == ax_m2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        ax_m1 == 0,                         // ball  moves vertically
                        ay_m2 == 0,                         // block moves horizontally

                        F1_m1 == T,
                        F2_m1 == m1 * g,
                        F3_m1 == 0,

                        th1_m1 == 90 * Pi / 180,            // force 1 is straight up
                        th2_m1 == 270 * Pi / 180,           // force 2 is straight down

                        F1_m2 == n,
                        F2_m2 == T,
                        F3_m2 == m2 * g,

                        th1_m2 == 90 * Pi / 180,            // force 1 is straight up
                        th2_m2 == 180 * Pi / 180,           // force 2 is straight down
                        th3_m2 == 270 * Pi / 180 + incline  // force 3 direction


                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();
                    // a

                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1, F3x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1, F3y_m1,
                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,

                                F1x_m2, F2x_m2, F3x_m2,
                                F1y_m2, F2y_m2, F3y_m2,

                                Fx_m2, Fy_m2,                                
                                ax_m2, n, T, ay_m1
                                a == (g * m1 - g * m2 * sin(incline)) / (-m1 - m2)


                            .SubstituteEq(m1 == 10.0)
                            .SubstituteEq(m2 == 5.0)
                            .SubstituteEq(incline == 45 * Math.PI / 180)
                            .SubstituteEq(g == 9.8)

                            .AssertEqTo(a == -4.2234511814572784);
                    // T

                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1, F3x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1, F3y_m1,

                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,

                                F1x_m2, F2x_m2, F3x_m2,
                                F1y_m2, F2y_m2, F3y_m2,

                                Fx_m2, Fy_m2,

                                ax_m2, n, a, ay_m1

                                T == m1 * (-g * m2 - g * m2 * sin(incline)) / (-m1 - m2)



            #region PSE 5E E5.10 - Acceleration of Two Objects Connected by a Cord - Obj3

                // A ball of mass m1 and a block of mass m2 are attached by a
                // lightweight cord that passes over a frictionless pulley of 
                // negligible mass, as shown in: 
                // The block lies on a frictionless incline of angle th.
                // Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the two objects
                // and the tension in the cord.

                var bal = new Obj2("bal");
                var blk = new Obj3("blk");

                var th = new Symbol("th");

                var T = new Symbol("T");                // tension in cable
                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity
                var n = new Symbol("n");                // normal force on block
                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");
                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = and(

           == bal.ay,                   // the block moves right as the ball moves up

                    a ==,



                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                var vals = new List<Equation>
           == 0,

                    bal.m == m1,

                    bal.F1 == T,            bal.th1 == (90).ToRadians(),                // force 1 is straight up
                    bal.F2 == m1 * g,       bal.th2 == (270).ToRadians(),               // force 2 is straight down

                    blk.ay == 0,

                    blk.m == m2,

                    blk.F1 == n,            blk.th1 == (90).ToRadians(),                // force 1 is straight up
                    blk.F2 == T,            blk.th2 == (180).ToRadians(),               // force 2 is straight down
                    blk.F3 == m2 * g,       blk.th3 == (270).ToRadians() + th           // force 3 direction

                // a


                        bal.ΣFx, bal.F1x, bal.F2x,
                        bal.ΣFy, bal.F1y, bal.F2y,

                        blk.ΣFx, blk.F1x, blk.F2x, blk.F3x,
                        blk.ΣFy, blk.F1y, blk.F2y, blk.F3y,

              , bal.ay,

                        T, n



                        a == (g * m1 - g * m2 * sin(th)) / (-m1 - m2)


                // T


                        bal.ΣFx, bal.F1x, bal.F2x,
                        bal.ΣFy, bal.F1y, bal.F2y,

                        blk.ΣFx, blk.F1x, blk.F2x, blk.F3x,
                        blk.ΣFy, blk.F1y, blk.F2y, blk.F3y,

              , bal.ay,

                        a, n




                    T == m1 * (-g * m2 - g * m2 * sin(th)) / (-m1 - m2)



            #region PSE 5E E5.12 - Experimental Determination of μs and μk

                // The following is a simple method of measuring coefficients of
                // friction: Suppose a block is placed on a rough surface
                // inclined relative to the horizontal, as shown in Figure 5.19. 
                // The incline angle is increased until the block starts to move. 
                // Let us show that by measuring the critical angle θ_c at which this
                // slipping just occurs, we can obtain μs.


                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");        // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");        // force 2 on mass 1
                var F3_m1 = new Symbol("F3_m1");        // force 3 on mass 1

                var th1_m1 = new Symbol("th1_m1");      // direction of force 1 on mass 1
                var th2_m1 = new Symbol("th2_m1");      // direction of force 2 on mass 1
                var th3_m1 = new Symbol("th3_m1");      // direction of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1x_m1 = new Symbol("F1x_m1");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2x_m1 = new Symbol("F2x_m1");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3x_m1 = new Symbol("F3x_m1");      // x-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1y_m1 = new Symbol("F1y_m1");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2y_m1 = new Symbol("F2y_m1");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3y_m1 = new Symbol("F3y_m1");      // y-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var Fx_m1 = new Symbol("Fx_m1");        // x-component of total force on mass 1
                var Fy_m1 = new Symbol("Fy_m1");        // y-component of total force on mass 1

                var ax_m1 = new Symbol("ax_m1");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 1
                var ay_m1 = new Symbol("ay_m1");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 1

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");

                var incline = new Symbol("incline");
                var f_s = new Symbol("f_s");            // force due to static friction
                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity

                var n = new Symbol("n");                // normal force on block

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var mu_s = new Symbol("mu_s");          // coefficient of static friction

                var eqs = and(
                    F1x_m1 == F1_m1 * cos(th1_m1),
                    F2x_m1 == F2_m1 * cos(th2_m1),
                    F3x_m1 == F3_m1 * cos(th3_m1),

                    F1y_m1 == F1_m1 * sin(th1_m1),
                    F2y_m1 == F2_m1 * sin(th2_m1),
                    F3y_m1 == F3_m1 * sin(th3_m1),

                    Fx_m1 == F1x_m1 + F2x_m1 + F3x_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == F1y_m1 + F2y_m1 + F3y_m1,

                    Fx_m1 == m1 * ax_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == m1 * ay_m1,

                    f_s == mu_s * n

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        ax_m1 == 0,                         
                        ay_m1 == 0,                         
                        F1_m1 == n,                     
                        F2_m1 == f_s,
                        F3_m1 == m1 * g,

                        th1_m1 == 90 * Pi / 180,            // force 1 is straight up
                        th2_m1 == 180 * Pi / 180,           // force 2 is straight down
                        th3_m1 == 270 * Pi / 180 + incline  // force 3 direction 

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // mu_s

                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1, F3x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1, F3y_m1,
                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,
                                f_s, n


                            .AssertEqTo(mu_s == tan(incline));

            #region PSE 5E E5.13 - The Sliding Hockey Puck

                // A hockey puck on a frozen pond is given an initial speed of
                // 20.0  m/s. If the puck always remains on the ice and slides
                // 115 m before coming to rest, determine the coefficient of
                // kinetic friction between the puck and ice.

                var s = new Symbol("s");                // displacement
                var u = new Symbol("u");                // initial velocity
                var v = new Symbol("v");                // final velocity
                var a = new Symbol("a");                // acceleration
                var t = new Symbol("t");                // time elapsed
                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");        // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");        // force 2 on mass 1
                var F3_m1 = new Symbol("F3_m1");        // force 3 on mass 1

                var th1_m1 = new Symbol("th1_m1");      // direction of force 1 on mass 1
                var th2_m1 = new Symbol("th2_m1");      // direction of force 2 on mass 1
                var th3_m1 = new Symbol("th3_m1");      // direction of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1x_m1 = new Symbol("F1x_m1");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2x_m1 = new Symbol("F2x_m1");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3x_m1 = new Symbol("F3x_m1");      // x-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1y_m1 = new Symbol("F1y_m1");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2y_m1 = new Symbol("F2y_m1");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3y_m1 = new Symbol("F3y_m1");      // y-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var Fx_m1 = new Symbol("Fx_m1");        // x-component of total force on mass 1
                var Fy_m1 = new Symbol("Fy_m1");        // y-component of total force on mass 1

                var ax_m1 = new Symbol("ax_m1");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 1
                var ay_m1 = new Symbol("ay_m1");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 1

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");


                // var incline = new Symbol("incline");
                var f_s = new Symbol("f_s");            // force due to static friction

                var f_k = new Symbol("f_k");            // force due to kinetic friction

                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity

                var n = new Symbol("n");                // normal force on block

                // var a = new Symbol("a");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var mu_s = new Symbol("mu_s");          // coefficient of static friction

                var mu_k = new Symbol("mu_k");          // coefficient of kinetic friction
                var eqs = and(

                    a == ax_m1,

                    v == u + a * t,
                    s == (u + v) * t / 2,
                    F1x_m1 == F1_m1 * cos(th1_m1),
                    F2x_m1 == F2_m1 * cos(th2_m1),
                    F3x_m1 == F3_m1 * cos(th3_m1),

                    F1y_m1 == F1_m1 * sin(th1_m1),
                    F2y_m1 == F2_m1 * sin(th2_m1),
                    F3y_m1 == F3_m1 * sin(th3_m1),

                    Fx_m1 == F1x_m1 + F2x_m1 + F3x_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == F1y_m1 + F2y_m1 + F3y_m1,

                    Fx_m1 == m1 * ax_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == m1 * ay_m1,

                    f_s == mu_s * n,
                    f_k == mu_k * n
                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var symbolic_vals = new List<Equation>()
                        F1_m1 == n,
                        F2_m1 == f_k,
                        F3_m1 == m1 * g,

                        th1_m1 == 90 * Pi / 180,            // force 1 is straight up
                        th2_m1 == 180 * Pi / 180,           // force 2 is left
                        th3_m1 == 270 * Pi / 180            // force 3 is straight down

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        //ax_m1 == 0,
                        ay_m1 == 0,

                        s == 115,
                        u == 20,
                        v == 0,

                        g == 9.8
                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // mu_k

                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1, F3x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1, F3y_m1,

                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,

                                f_s, f_k,


                                ax_m1, a


                            .AssertEqTo(    mu_k == (u ^ 2) / s / g / 2    )

                            .AssertEqTo(    mu_k == 0.17746228926353147    );

            #region PSE 5E E5.14 - Acceleration of Two Connected Objects When Friction Is Present

                // A block of mass m1 on a rough, horizontal surface is connected
                // to a ball of mass m2 by a lightweight cord over a lightweight,
                // frictionless pulley, as shown:
                // A force of magnitude F at an angle th with the horizontal is
                // applied to the block as shown. The coefficient of kinetic
                // friction between the block and surface is mu_k.
                // Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the two objects.

                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");        // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");        // force 2 on mass 1
                var F3_m1 = new Symbol("F3_m1");        // force 3 on mass 1
                var F4_m1 = new Symbol("F4_m1");        // force 4 on mass 1
                var F5_m1 = new Symbol("F5_m1");        // force 5 on mass 1

                var th1_m1 = new Symbol("th1_m1");      // direction of force 1 on mass 1
                var th2_m1 = new Symbol("th2_m1");      // direction of force 2 on mass 1
                var th3_m1 = new Symbol("th3_m1");      // direction of force 3 on mass 1
                var th4_m1 = new Symbol("th4_m1");      // direction of force 4 on mass 1
                var th5_m1 = new Symbol("th5_m1");      // direction of force 5 on mass 1

                var F1x_m1 = new Symbol("F1x_m1");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2x_m1 = new Symbol("F2x_m1");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3x_m1 = new Symbol("F3x_m1");      // x-component of force 3 on mass 1
                var F4x_m1 = new Symbol("F4x_m1");      // x-component of force 4 on mass 1
                var F5x_m1 = new Symbol("F5x_m1");      // x-component of force 5 on mass 1

                var F1y_m1 = new Symbol("F1y_m1");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2y_m1 = new Symbol("F2y_m1");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3y_m1 = new Symbol("F3y_m1");      // y-component of force 3 on mass 1
                var F4y_m1 = new Symbol("F4y_m1");      // y-component of force 4 on mass 1
                var F5y_m1 = new Symbol("F5y_m1");      // y-component of force 5 on mass 1

                var Fx_m1 = new Symbol("Fx_m1");        // x-component of total force on mass 1
                var Fy_m1 = new Symbol("Fy_m1");        // y-component of total force on mass 1

                var ax_m1 = new Symbol("ax_m1");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 1
                var ay_m1 = new Symbol("ay_m1");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 1

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");


                var F1_m2 = new Symbol("F1_m2");        // force 1 on mass 2
                var F2_m2 = new Symbol("F2_m2");        // force 2 on mass 2
                var th1_m2 = new Symbol("th1_m2");      // direction of force 1 on mass 2
                var th2_m2 = new Symbol("th2_m2");      // direction of force 2 on mass 2
                var F1x_m2 = new Symbol("F1x_m2");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 2
                var F2x_m2 = new Symbol("F2x_m2");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 2
                var F1y_m2 = new Symbol("F1y_m2");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 2
                var F2y_m2 = new Symbol("F2y_m2");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 2
                var Fx_m2 = new Symbol("Fx_m2");        // x-component of total force on mass 2
                var Fy_m2 = new Symbol("Fy_m2");        // y-component of total force on mass 2

                var ax_m2 = new Symbol("ax_m2");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 2
                var ay_m2 = new Symbol("ay_m2");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 2

                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");

                var F = new Symbol("F");                // force applied at angle on block
                var th = new Symbol("th");              // angle of force applied on block
                var T = new Symbol("T");                // tension in cable
                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity
                var n = new Symbol("n");                // normal force on block

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");
                var f_k = new Symbol("f_k");            // force due to kinetic friction
                var mu_k = new Symbol("mu_k");          // coefficient of kinetic friction

                var eqs = and(
                    ax_m1 == ay_m2,                     // the block moves right as the ball moves up


                    F1x_m1 == F1_m1 * cos(th1_m1),
                    F2x_m1 == F2_m1 * cos(th2_m1),
                    F3x_m1 == F3_m1 * cos(th3_m1),
                    F4x_m1 == F4_m1 * cos(th4_m1),
                    F5x_m1 == F5_m1 * cos(th5_m1),

                    F1y_m1 == F1_m1 * sin(th1_m1),
                    F2y_m1 == F2_m1 * sin(th2_m1),
                    F3y_m1 == F3_m1 * sin(th3_m1),
                    F4y_m1 == F4_m1 * sin(th4_m1),
                    F5y_m1 == F5_m1 * sin(th5_m1),

                    Fx_m1 == F1x_m1 + F2x_m1 + F3x_m1 + F4x_m1 + F5x_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == F1y_m1 + F2y_m1 + F3y_m1 + F4y_m1 + F5y_m1,

                    Fx_m1 == m1 * ax_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == m1 * ay_m1,


                    F1x_m2 == F1_m2 * cos(th1_m2),
                    F2x_m2 == F2_m2 * cos(th2_m2),

                    F1y_m2 == F1_m2 * sin(th1_m2),
                    F2y_m2 == F2_m2 * sin(th2_m2),

                    Fx_m2 == F1x_m2 + F2x_m2,
                    Fy_m2 == F1y_m2 + F2y_m2,

                    Fx_m2 == m2 * ax_m2,
                    Fy_m2 == m2 * ay_m2,


                    f_k == mu_k * n,

                    a == ax_m1

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        ay_m1 == 0,                                     // block moves horizontally
                        ax_m2 == 0,                                     // ball moves vertically
                        F1_m1 == F,         th1_m1 == th,               // force applied at angle
                        F2_m1 == n,         th2_m1 == 90 * Pi / 180,    // normal force is straight up
                        F3_m1 == T,         th3_m1 == 180 * Pi / 180,   // force due to cord is left
                        F4_m1 == f_k,       th4_m1 == 180 * Pi / 180,   // force due to friction is left
                        F5_m1 == m1 * g,    th5_m1 == 270 * Pi / 180,   // force due to gravity is down
                        F1_m2 == T,         th1_m2 == 90 * Pi / 180,    // force due to cord is up
                        F2_m2 == m2 * g,    th2_m2 == 270 * Pi / 180    // force due to gravity is down                                

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // a


                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,
                                Fx_m2, Fy_m2,

                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1, F3x_m1, F4x_m1, F5x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1, F3y_m1, F4y_m1, F5y_m1,

                                F1x_m2, F2x_m2,
                                F1y_m2, F2y_m2,

                                T, f_k, n,


                                a == (g * m2 + g * m1 * mu_k - F * mu_k * sin(th) - cos(th) * F) / (-m1 - m2)


            #region PSE 5E E5.14 - Acceleration of Two Connected Objects When Friction Is Present - Obj5

                // A block of mass m1 on a rough, horizontal surface is connected
                // to a ball of mass m2 by a lightweight cord over a lightweight,
                // frictionless pulley, as shown:
                // A force of magnitude F at an angle th with the horizontal is
                // applied to the block as shown. The coefficient of kinetic
                // friction between the block and surface is mu_k.
                // Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the two objects.

                var blk = new Obj5("blk");
                var bal = new Obj3("bal");
                var F = new Symbol("F");                // force applied at angle on block
                var th = new Symbol("th");              // angle of force applied on block
                var T = new Symbol("T");                // tension in cable
                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity
                var n = new Symbol("n");                // normal force on block

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var f_k = new Symbol("f_k");            // force due to kinetic friction

                var mu_k = new Symbol("mu_k");          // coefficient of kinetic friction

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");
                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");

                var eqs = and(

           == bal.ay,                   // the block moves right as the ball moves up


                    f_k == mu_k * n,

                    a ==

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    blk.ay == 0,                                        // block moves horizontally
                    blk.F1 == F,            blk.th1 == th,              // block moves horizontally
                    blk.F2 == n,            blk.th2 == 90 * Pi / 180,   // normal force is straight up
                    blk.F3 == T,            blk.th3 == 180 * Pi / 180,  // force due to cord is left
                    blk.F4 == f_k,          blk.th4 == 180 * Pi / 180,  // force due to friction is left
                    blk.F5 == blk.m * g,    blk.th5 == 270 * Pi / 180,  // force due to gravity is down

           == 0,                                        // ball moves vertically

                    bal.F1 == T,            bal.th1 == 90 * Pi / 180,   // force due to cord is up
                    bal.F2 == bal.m * g,    bal.th2 == 270 * Pi / 180,  // force due to gravity is down
                    bal.F3 == 0,

                    blk.m == m1,
                    bal.m == m2

                // a



                        blk.ΣFx, blk.ΣFy,
                        bal.ΣFx, bal.ΣFy,

                        blk.F1x, blk.F2x, blk.F3x, blk.F4x, blk.F5x,
                        blk.F1y, blk.F2y, blk.F3y, blk.F4y, blk.F5y,

                        bal.F1x, bal.F2x, bal.F3x,
                        bal.F1y, bal.F2y, bal.F3y,

                        T, f_k, n,



                        a == (g * m2 + g * m1 * mu_k - F * mu_k * sin(th) - cos(th) * F) / (-m1 - m2)


            #region PSE 5E P5.25

                // A bag of cement of weight F_g hangs from three wires as
                // shown in
                // Two of the wires make angles th1 and th2 with the horizontal.
                // If the system is in equilibrium, show that the tension in the
                // left -hand wire is:
                //          T1 == F_g cos(th2) / sin(th1 + th2)

                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");        // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");        // force 2 on mass 1
                var F3_m1 = new Symbol("F3_m1");        // force 3 on mass 1

                var th1_m1 = new Symbol("th1_m1");      // direction of force 1 on mass 1
                var th2_m1 = new Symbol("th2_m1");      // direction of force 2 on mass 1
                var th3_m1 = new Symbol("th3_m1");      // direction of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1x_m1 = new Symbol("F1x_m1");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2x_m1 = new Symbol("F2x_m1");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3x_m1 = new Symbol("F3x_m1");      // x-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var F1y_m1 = new Symbol("F1y_m1");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2y_m1 = new Symbol("F2y_m1");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F3y_m1 = new Symbol("F3y_m1");      // y-component of force 3 on mass 1

                var Fx_m1 = new Symbol("Fx_m1");        // x-component of total force on mass 1
                var Fy_m1 = new Symbol("Fy_m1");        // y-component of total force on mass 1

                var ax_m1 = new Symbol("ax_m1");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 1
                var ay_m1 = new Symbol("ay_m1");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 1

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");

                var g = new Symbol("g");                // gravity
                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var T1 = new Symbol("T1");
                var T2 = new Symbol("T2");
                var T3 = new Symbol("T3");

                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");
                var eqs = and(
                    F1x_m1 == F1_m1 * cos(th1_m1),
                    F2x_m1 == F2_m1 * cos(th2_m1),
                    F3x_m1 == F3_m1 * cos(th3_m1),

                    F1y_m1 == F1_m1 * sin(th1_m1),
                    F2y_m1 == F2_m1 * sin(th2_m1),
                    F3y_m1 == F3_m1 * sin(th3_m1),

                    Fx_m1 == F1x_m1 + F2x_m1 + F3x_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == F1y_m1 + F2y_m1 + F3y_m1,

                    Fx_m1 == m1 * ax_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == m1 * ay_m1

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        ax_m1 == 0,
                        ay_m1 == 0,
                        F1_m1 == T2,
                        F2_m1 == T1,
                        F3_m1 == m1 * g,

                        th1_m1 == th2,                              
                        th2_m1 == 180 * Pi / 180 - th1,             
                        th3_m1 == 270 * Pi / 180

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // T1

                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1, F3x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1, F3y_m1,

                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,




                                T1 == cos(th2) * g * m1 / sin(th1 + th2)

            #region PSE 5E P5.25 Obj

                // A bag of cement of weight F_g hangs from three wires as
                // shown in
                // Two of the wires make angles th1 and th2 with the horizontal.
                // If the system is in equilibrium, show that the tension in the
                // left -hand wire is:
                //          T1 == F_g cos(th2) / sin(th1 + th2)
                var bag = new Obj3("bag");
                var T1 = new Symbol("T1");
                var T2 = new Symbol("T2");
                var T3 = new Symbol("T3");

                var F_g = new Symbol("F_g");

                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");

                var eqs = bag.Equations();

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
           == 0,
                    bag.ay == 0,

                    bag.F1 == T1,       bag.th1 == (180).ToRadians() - th1,
                    bag.F2 == T2,       bag.th2 == th2,
                    bag.F3 == F_g,      bag.th3 == (270).ToRadians()



                        bag.ΣFx, bag.F1x, bag.F2x, bag.F3x,
                        bag.ΣFy, bag.F1y, bag.F2y, bag.F3y,





                    .AssertEqTo(    T1 == cos(th2) * F_g / sin(th1 + th2)   );

            #region PSE 5E P5.31

                // Two people pull as hard as they can on ropes attached
                // to a boat that has a mass of 200 kg. If they pull in the
                // same direction, the boat has an acceleration of
                // 1.52 m/s^2 to the right. If they pull in opposite directions,
                // the boat has an acceleration of 0.518 m/s^2 to the
                // left.
                // What is the force exerted by each person on the
                // boat? (Disregard any other forces on the boat.)


                var F1_m1 = new Symbol("F1_m1");        // force 1 on mass 1
                var F2_m1 = new Symbol("F2_m1");        // force 2 on mass 1
                var th1_m1 = new Symbol("th1_m1");      // direction of force 1 on mass 1
                var th2_m1 = new Symbol("th2_m1");      // direction of force 2 on mass 1
                var F1x_m1 = new Symbol("F1x_m1");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2x_m1 = new Symbol("F2x_m1");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var F1y_m1 = new Symbol("F1y_m1");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 1
                var F2y_m1 = new Symbol("F2y_m1");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 1
                var Fx_m1 = new Symbol("Fx_m1");        // x-component of total force on mass 1
                var Fy_m1 = new Symbol("Fy_m1");        // y-component of total force on mass 1

                var ax_m1 = new Symbol("ax_m1");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 1
                var ay_m1 = new Symbol("ay_m1");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 1

                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");


                var F1_m2 = new Symbol("F1_m2");        // force 1 on mass 2
                var F2_m2 = new Symbol("F2_m2");        // force 2 on mass 2

                var th1_m2 = new Symbol("th1_m2");      // direction of force 1 on mass 2
                var th2_m2 = new Symbol("th2_m2");      // direction of force 2 on mass 2

                var F1x_m2 = new Symbol("F1x_m2");      // x-component of force 1 on mass 2
                var F2x_m2 = new Symbol("F2x_m2");      // x-component of force 2 on mass 2

                var F1y_m2 = new Symbol("F1y_m2");      // y-component of force 1 on mass 2
                var F2y_m2 = new Symbol("F2y_m2");      // y-component of force 2 on mass 2

                var Fx_m2 = new Symbol("Fx_m2");        // x-component of total force on mass 2
                var Fy_m2 = new Symbol("Fy_m2");        // y-component of total force on mass 2

                var ax_m2 = new Symbol("ax_m2");        // x-component of acceleration of mass 2
                var ay_m2 = new Symbol("ay_m2");        // y-component of acceleration of mass 2

                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");
                var T1 = new Symbol("T1");
                var T2 = new Symbol("T2");

                var eqs = and(

                    m1 == m2,
                    F1x_m1 == F1_m1 * cos(th1_m1),
                    F2x_m1 == F2_m1 * cos(th2_m1),
                    F1y_m1 == F1_m1 * sin(th1_m1),
                    F2y_m1 == F2_m1 * sin(th2_m1),
                    Fx_m1 == F1x_m1 + F2x_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == F1y_m1 + F2y_m1,

                    Fx_m1 == m1 * ax_m1,
                    Fy_m1 == m1 * ay_m1,

                    F1x_m2 == F1_m2 * cos(th1_m2),
                    F2x_m2 == F2_m2 * cos(th2_m2),

                    F1y_m2 == F1_m2 * sin(th1_m2),
                    F2y_m2 == F2_m2 * sin(th2_m2),

                    Fx_m2 == F1x_m2 + F2x_m2,
                    Fy_m2 == F1y_m2 + F2y_m2,

                    Fx_m2 == m2 * ax_m2,
                    Fy_m2 == m2 * ay_m2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        ay_m1 == 0,

                        F1_m1 == T1,    th1_m1 == 0,
                        F2_m1 == T2,    th2_m1 == 0,

                        ay_m2 == 0,

                        F1_m2 == T1,    th1_m2 == 180 * Pi / 180,
                        F2_m2 == T2,    th2_m2 == 0

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    var numerical_vals = new List<Equation>()
                        m1 == 200,

                        ax_m1 == 1.52,
                        ax_m2 == -0.518
                    // T1


                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1,

                                F1x_m2, F2x_m2,
                                F1y_m2, F2y_m2,

                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,
                                Fx_m2, Fy_m2,



                                T1 == -(ax_m2 * m1 - ax_m1 * m1) / 2

                            .AssertEqTo(T1 == 203.8);

                    // T2



                                F1x_m1, F2x_m1,
                                F1y_m1, F2y_m1,

                                F1x_m2, F2x_m2,
                                F1y_m2, F2y_m2,

                                Fx_m1, Fy_m1,

                                Fx_m2, Fy_m2,




                                T2 == (ax_m1 * m1 + ax_m2 * m1) / 2

                            .AssertEqTo(T2 == 100.19999999999999);


            #region PSE 5E P5.31 Obj

                // Two people pull as hard as they can on ropes attached
                // to a boat that has a mass of 200 kg. If they pull in the
                // same direction, the boat has an acceleration of
                // 1.52 m/s^2 to the right. If they pull in opposite directions,
                // the boat has an acceleration of 0.518 m/s^2 to the
                // left.
                // What is the force exerted by each person on the
                // boat? (Disregard any other forces on the boat.)


                var b1 = new Obj2("b1");            // boat in scenario 1 (same direction)
                var b2 = new Obj2("b2");            // boat in scenario 2 (opposite directions)

                var m = new Symbol("m");


                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var T1 = new Symbol("T1");
                var T2 = new Symbol("T2");

                var eqs = and(



                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    b1.m == m,

                    b1.ay == 0,

                    b1.F1 == T1, b1.th1 == 0,
                    b1.F2 == T2, b1.th2 == 0,

                    b2.m == m,

                    b2.ay == 0,

                    b2.F1 == T1, b2.th1 == (180).ToRadians(),
                    b2.F2 == T2, b2.th2 == 0


                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                var numerical_vals = new List<Equation>()
                    m == 200,

           == 1.52,
           == -0.518

                // T1


                        b1.ΣFx, b1.F1x, b1.F2x,
                        b1.ΣFy, b1.F1y, b1.F2y,

                        b2.ΣFx, b2.F1x, b2.F2x,
                        b2.ΣFy, b2.F1y, b2.F2y,




                        T1 == -( * m - * m) / 2



                    .AssertEqTo(T1 == 203.8);

                // T2


                        b1.ΣFx, b1.F1x, b1.F2x,
                        b1.ΣFy, b1.F1y, b1.F2y,

                        b2.ΣFx, b2.F1x, b2.F2x,
                        b2.ΣFy, b2.F1y, b2.F2y,




                        T2 == ( * m + * m) / 2



                    .AssertEqTo(T2 == 100.19999999999999);


            #region PSE 5E P5.55 

                // An inventive child named Pat wants to reach an apple
                // in a tree without climbing the tree. Sitting in a chair
                // connected to a rope that passes over a frictionless pulley
                // Pat pulls on the loose end of the rope with such a force
                // that the spring scale reads 250 N. Pat’s weight is 320 N,
                // and the chair weighs 160 N.
                // (a) Draw free - body diagrams for Pat and the chair considered as
                // separate systems, and draw another diagram for Pat and
                // the chair considered as one system.
                // (b) Show that the acceleration of the system is upward and
                // find its magnitude.
                // (c) Find the force Pat exerts on the chair.

                var b = new Obj3("b");          // boy
                var c = new Obj3("c");          // chair
                var s = new Obj3("s");          // system

                var T = new Symbol("T");        // rope tension
                var n = new Symbol("n");        // normal force

                var Fg_b = new Symbol("Fg_b");  // force due to gravity of the boy
                var Fg_c = new Symbol("Fg_c");  // force due to gravity of the chair
                var Fg_s = new Symbol("Fg_s");  // force due to gravity of the system

                var a = new Symbol("a");        // acceleration

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");
                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var eqs = and(

                    Fg_b == b.m * g,
                    Fg_c == c.m * g,
                    Fg_s == s.m * g,

                    Fg_s == Fg_c + Fg_b,



                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    // == 0,
           == 0,
           == 0,

                    //b.F1 == T,          b.th1 == 90 * Pi / 180,
                    //b.F2 == n,          b.th2 == 90 * Pi / 180,
                    //b.F3 == b.m * g,    b.th3 == 270 * Pi / 180,

                    c.F1 == T,          c.th1 == 90 * Pi / 180,
                    c.F2 == n,          c.th2 == 270 * Pi / 180,
                    c.F3 == Fg_c,       c.th3 == 270 * Pi / 180,

                    s.F1 == T,          s.th1 == 90 * Pi / 180,
                    s.F2 == T,          s.th2 == 90 * Pi / 180,
                    s.F3 == Fg_s,       s.th3 == 270 * Pi / 180,

                    //b.ay == a,
                    c.ay == a,
                    s.ay == a

                var numerical_vals = new List<Equation>()
                    T == 250.0,
                    Fg_b == 320,
                    Fg_c == 160,
                    g == 9.8

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                // a


                        s.ΣFx, s.F1x, s.F2x, s.F3x,
                        s.ΣFy, s.F1y, s.F2y, s.F3y,

                        c.ΣFx, c.F1x, c.F2x, c.F3x,
                        c.ΣFy, c.F1y, c.F2y, c.F3y,




                        b.m, c.m




                        a == -g * (Fg_b + Fg_c - 2 * T) / (Fg_b + Fg_c)



                    .AssertEqTo(a == 0.40833333333333333);

                // n


                        s.ΣFx, s.F1x, s.F2x, s.F3x,
                        s.ΣFy, s.F1y, s.F2y, s.F3y,

                        c.ΣFx, c.F1x, c.F2x, c.F3x,
                        c.ΣFy, c.F1y, c.F2y, c.F3y,

                        c.m, s.m,







                        n == -1 * (Fg_c - T - Fg_c * (Fg_b + Fg_c - 2 * T) / (Fg_b + Fg_c))



                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P5.59

                // A mass M is held in place by an applied force F and a
                // pulley system: 
                // The pulleys are massless and frictionless. Find 
                // (a) the tension in each section of rope, T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5
                // (b) the magnitude of F. 
                // (Hint: Draw a free - body diagram for each pulley.)

                var pul1_F = new Symbol("pul1_F");      // magnitude of total force on pully 1
                var pul1_m = new Symbol("pul1_m");      // mass of pully 1
                var pul1_a = new Symbol("pul1_a");      // acceleration of pully 1

                var pul2_F = new Symbol("pul2_F");      // magnitude of total force on pully 2
                var pul2_m = new Symbol("pul2_m");      // mass of pully 2
                var pul2_a = new Symbol("pul2_a");      // acceleration of pully 2
                var T1 = new Symbol("T1");
                var T2 = new Symbol("T2");
                var T3 = new Symbol("T3");
                var T4 = new Symbol("T4");
                var T5 = new Symbol("T5");

                var F = new Symbol("F");

                var M = new Symbol("M");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var eqs = and(

                     T1 == F,
                     T2 == T3,
                     T1 == T3,
                     T5 == M * g,
                     pul1_a == 0,
                     pul1_m == 0,

                     pul1_F == T4 - T1 - T2 - T3,
                     pul1_F == pul1_m * pul1_a,

                     pul2_m == 0,

                     pul2_F == T2 + T3 - T5,
                     pul2_F == pul2_m * pul2_a


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                // T1
                        .EliminateVariables(pul1_F, pul2_F, pul1_m, pul2_m, pul1_a, T2, T3, T4, T5, F)
                        .AssertEqTo(T1 == g * M / 2);
                // T2
                        .EliminateVariables(pul1_F, pul2_F, pul1_m, pul2_m, pul1_a, T1, T3, T4, T5, F)
                        .AssertEqTo(T2 == g * M / 2);

                // T3
                        .EliminateVariables(pul1_F, pul2_F, pul1_m, pul2_m, pul1_a, T1, T2, T4, T5, F)
                        .AssertEqTo(T3 == g * M / 2);

                // T4
                        .EliminateVariables(pul1_F, pul2_F, pul1_m, pul2_m, pul1_a, T1, T2, T3, T5, F)
                        .AssertEqTo(T4 == g * M * 3 / 2);

                // T5
                        .EliminateVariables(pul1_F, pul2_F, pul1_m, pul2_m, pul1_a, T1, T2, T3, T4, F)
                        .AssertEqTo(T5 == g * M);

                // F
                        .EliminateVariables(pul1_F, pul2_F, pul1_m, pul2_m, pul1_a, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)
                        .AssertEqTo(F == g * M / 2);

            #region PSE 5E P5.69
                // What horizontal force must be applied to the cart shown:


                // so that the blocks remain stationary relative to the cart?
                // Assume all surfaces, wheels, and pulley are frictionless.
                // (Hint:Note that the force exerted by the string accelerates m1.)

                var blk1 = new Obj3("blk1");
                var blk2 = new Obj3("blk2");

                var sys = new Obj3("sys");
                var m1 = new Symbol("m1");
                var m2 = new Symbol("m2");
                var T = new Symbol("T");
                var F = new Symbol("F");
                var M = new Symbol("M");
                var g = new Symbol("g");
                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var eqs = and(



                var vals = new List<Equation>()
           == a,
                    blk1.ay == 0,

                    blk1.m == m1,

                    blk1.F1 == T,   blk1.th1 == 0,

                    blk1.th2 == (90).ToRadians(),
                    blk1.th3 == (270).ToRadians(),

           == a,
                    blk2.ay == 0,

                    blk2.m == m2,

                    blk2.th1 == 0,

                    blk2.F2 == T,       blk2.th2 == (90).ToRadians(),
                    blk2.F3 == m2 * g,  blk2.th3 == (270).ToRadians(),

           == a,
                    sys.ay == 0,

                    sys.m == M + m1 + m2,

                    sys.F1 == F,        sys.th1 == 0,

                    sys.th2 == (90).ToRadians(),
                    sys.th3 == (270).ToRadians()




                        blk1.ΣFx, blk1.F1x, blk1.F2x, blk1.F3x,
                        blk1.ΣFy, blk1.F1y, blk1.F2y, blk1.F3y,


                        blk2.ΣFx, blk2.F1x, blk2.F2x, blk2.F3x,
                        blk2.ΣFy, blk2.F1y, blk2.F2y, blk2.F3y,


                        sys.ΣFx, sys.F1x, sys.F2x, sys.F3x,
                        sys.ΣFy, sys.F1y, sys.F2y, sys.F3y,


                        T, a


                    .AssertEqTo(   F == g * m2 / m1 * (M + m1 + m2)   );
            #region PSE 5E E7.7
                // A  6.0-kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a
                // horizontal, frictionless surface by a constant horizontal force
                // of 12 N. Find the speed of the block after it has moved 3.0 m.
                var W = new Symbol("W");
                var F = new Symbol("F");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var eqs = and(

                    W == F * d,

                    W == Kf - Ki,

                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,

                    m != 0


                var vals = new List<Equation>() { m == 6.0, vi == 0, F == 12, d == 3 };

                // vf
                    .EliminateVariables(Kf, Ki, W)


                                vf == sqrt(-2 * m * (-d * F - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2)) / m,
                                m != 0),
                                vf == -sqrt(-2 * m * (-d * F - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2)) / m,
                                m != 0)))
                    .SubstituteEq(vi == 0)

                                vf == sqrt(2 * d * F * m) / m,
                                m != 0),
                                vf == -sqrt(2 * d * F * m) / m,
                                m != 0)))

                            vf == 3.4641016151377544,
                            vf == -3.4641016151377544));

            #region PSE 5E E7.8
                // Find the final speed of the block described in Example 7.7 if
                // the surface is not frictionless but instead has a coefficient of
                // kinetic friction of 0.15.

                var W = new Symbol("W");
                var F = new Symbol("F");
                var d = new Symbol("d");
                var n = new Symbol("n");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");
                var μk = new Symbol("μk");

                var eqs = and(

                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,

                    W == F * d,

                    n == m * g,

                    fk == n * μk,

                    W - fk * d == Kf - Ki,

                    m != 0


                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    vi == 0,
                    F == 12.0,
                    d == 3.0,

                    m == 6.0,
                    μk == 0.15,

                    g == 9.8,

                // vf
                    .EliminateVariables(Kf, Ki, W, n, fk)
                    .SubstituteEq(vi == 0)
                                vf == -sqrt(2 * m * (d * F - d * g * m * μk)) / m,
                                m != 0),
                                vf == sqrt(2 * m * (d * F - d * g * m * μk)) / m,
                                m != 0)))


                    .AssertEqTo(or(vf == -1.7832554500127007, vf == 1.7832554500127007));

            #region PSE 5E E7.11
                // A block of mass 1.6 kg is attached to a horizontal spring that
                // has a force constant of 1.0 x 10^3 N/m, as shown in Figure
                // 7.10. The spring is compressed 2.0 cm and is then released
                // from  rest.
                // (a) Calculate the  speed of  the block  as it  passes
                // through the equilibrium position x = 0 if the surface is frictionless.

                // (b) Calculate the speed of the block as it passes through
                // the equilibrium position if a constant frictional force of 4.0 N
                // retards its motion from the moment it is released.

                var ΣW = new Symbol("ΣW");
                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");

                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var d = new Symbol("d");
                var k = new Symbol("k");

                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");
                var W_s = new Symbol("W_s");
                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");
                var x_max = new Symbol("x_max");

                var eqs = and(

                    W_s == k * (x_max ^ 2) / 2,

                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,
                    W_f == -fk * d,

                    ΣW == Kf - Ki,

                    ΣW == W_s + W_f,

                    m != 0


                // vf
                    var vals = new List<Equation>() { m == 1.6, vi == 0, fk == 0, k == 1000, x_max == -0.02 };

                        .EliminateVariables(ΣW, Kf, Ki, W_f, W_s)
                                    vf == sqrt(-2 * m * (d * fk - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 - k * (x_max ^ 2) / 2)) / m,
                                    m != 0),
                                    vf == -sqrt(-2 * m * (d * fk - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 - k * (x_max ^ 2) / 2)) / m,
                                    m != 0)))
                        .AssertEqTo(or(vf == 0.5, vf == -0.5));

                // vf
                    var vals = new List<Equation>() { m == 1.6, vi == 0, fk == 4, k == 1000, x_max == -0.02, d == 0.02 };

                        .EliminateVariables(ΣW, Kf, Ki, W_f, W_s)
                        .AssertEqTo(or(vf == 0.3872983346207417, vf == -0.3872983346207417));
            #region PSE 6E P7.3
                // Batman, whose mass is 80.0kg, is dangling on the free end
                // of a 12.0m rope, the other end of which is fixed to a tree
                // limb above. He is able to get the rope in motion as only
                // Batman knows how, eventually getting it to swing enough
                // that he can reach a ledge when the rope makes a 60.0°
                // angle with the vertical. How much work was done by the
                // gravitational force on Batman in this maneuver?

                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var W = new Symbol("W");
                var F = new Symbol("F");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var th = new Symbol("th");

                var len = new Symbol("len");
                var eqs = and(

                    yA == -len,

                    yB == -len * cos(th),

                    d == yB - yA,

                    F == m * a,

                    W == F * d

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                { m == 80, len == 12, th == (60).ToRadians(), a == -9.8 };

                    .EliminateVariables(F, d, yA, yB)

                    .AssertEqTo(W == a * (len - cos(th) * len) * m)

                    .AssertEqTo(W == -4704.0);
            #region PSE 5E P7.23
                // If it takes 4.00J of work to stretch a Hooke’s-law spring
                // 10.0cm from its unstressed length, determine the extra
                // work required to stretch it an additional 10.0cm.

                var WsAB = new Symbol("WsAB");
                var WsA = new Symbol("WsA");
                var WsB = new Symbol("WsB");

                var k = new Symbol("k");

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var eqs = and(
                    WsA == k * (xA ^ 2) / 2,
                    WsB == k * (xB ^ 2) / 2,

                    WsAB == WsB - WsA

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0.1, xB == 0.2, WsA == 4 };


                    .EliminateVariables(WsB, k)

                        WsAB == WsA * (xB ^ 2) / (xA ^ 2) - WsA     
                    .AssertEqTo(WsAB == 12.0);
            #region PSE 5E 7.33
                // A 40.0-kg box initially at rest is pushed 5.00m along a
                // rough, horizontal floor with a constant applied horizontal
                // force of 130 N. If the coefficient of friction between
                // the box and the floor is 0.300, find

                // (a) the work done by the applied force
                // (b) the energy loss due to friction
                // (c) the work done by the normal force
                // (d) the work done by gravity
                // (e) the change in kinetic energy of the box
                // (f) the final speed of the box

                var ΣW = new Symbol("ΣW");

                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");

                var F = new Symbol("F");

                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var n = new Symbol("n");
                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");

                var W_F = new Symbol("W_F"); 
                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");

                var μk = new Symbol("μk");

                var eqs = and(

                    n == m * g,

                    fk == μk * n,

                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,
                    W_F == F * d,

                    W_f == -fk * d,

                    ΣW == Kf - Ki,
                    ΣW == W_F + W_f,

                    m != 0


                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                { m == 40, vi == 0, d == 5, F == 130, μk == 0.3, g == 9.8 };
                // W_F, W_f
                    .EliminateVariables(fk, n, Kf, Ki, ΣW, vf)
                            m != 0,
                            W_F == d * F,
                            W_f == -d * g * m * μk))
                    .AssertEqTo(and(W_F == 650, W_f == -588.0));

                // ΣW
                    .EliminateVariables(W_F, W_f, fk, n, Ki, Kf)

                            ΣW == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2 - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,
                            ΣW == d * F - d * g * m * μk,
                            m != 0))
                    .AssertEqTo(and(ΣW == 20 * (vf ^ 2), ΣW == 62.0));
                // vf
                    .EliminateVariables(Kf, Ki, ΣW, W_F, W_f, fk, n)

                                vf == sqrt(-2 * m * (-d * F - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 + d * g * m * μk)) / m,
                                m != 0),
                                vf == -sqrt(-2 * m * (-d * F - m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 + d * g * m * μk)) / m,
                                m != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(or(vf == 1.7606816861659009, vf == -1.7606816861659009));
            #region PSE 5E P7.35
                // A crate of mass 10.0kg is pulled up a rough incline with
                // an initial speed of 1.50 m/s.The pulling force is 100 N
                // parallel to the incline, which makes an angle of 20.0°
                // with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction is
                // 0.400, and the crate is pulled 5.00 m.

                // (a) How much work is done by gravity?
                // (b) How much energy is lost because of friction?
                // (c) How much work is done by the 100-N force?
                // (d) What is the change in kinetic energy of the crate?
                // (e) What is the speed of the crate after it has been pulled 5.00 m?

                var ΣW = new Symbol("ΣW");

                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");

                var F = new Symbol("F");

                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var n = new Symbol("n");
                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");

                var W_F = new Symbol("W_F");
                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");
                var W_g = new Symbol("W_g");

                var μk = new Symbol("μk");
                var th = new Symbol("th");

                var F_g = new Symbol("F_g");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");
                var eqs = and(

                    F_g == m * g,

                    n == F_g * cos(th),

                    fk == μk * n,

                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,

                    W_F == F * d,

                    W_f == -fk * d,
                    W_g == - F_g * sin(th) * d,

                    ΣW == Kf - Ki,

                    ΣW == W_F + W_f + W_g,

                    m != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    m == 10.0, g == 9.8, d == 5.0, th == (20).ToRadians(), μk == 0.4, F == 100.0,
                    vi == 1.5, Pi == Math.PI

                // W_g, W_f, W_F
                    .EliminateVariables(F_g, fk, n)

                            Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                            Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,
                            W_F == d * F,
                            W_f == -cos(th) * d * g * m * μk,
                            W_g == -d * g * m * sin(th),
                            ΣW == Kf - Ki,
                            ΣW == W_f + W_F + W_g,
                            m != 0
                            Kf == 5.0 * (vf ^ 2),
                            Ki == 11.25,
                            W_F == 500.0,
                            W_f == -184.17975367403804,
                            W_g == -167.58987022957766,
                            ΣW == Kf - Ki,
                            ΣW == W_f + W_F + W_g
                // ΣW
                    .EliminateVariables(F_g, fk, n, W_F, W_f, W_g)
                            Kf == 5.0 * (vf ^ 2),
                            Ki == 11.25,
                            ΣW == Kf - Ki,
                            ΣW == 148.23037609638431

                // vf
                    .EliminateVariables(F_g, fk, n, W_F, W_f, W_g, ΣW, Kf, Ki)


                    .AssertEqTo(or(vf == 5.6476610396939435, vf == -5.6476610396939435));

            #region PSE 5E P7.39
                // A bullet with a mass of 5.00 g and a speed of 600 m/s
                // penetrates a tree to a depth of 4.00 cm.

                // (a) Use work and energy considerations to find the average
                // frictional force that stops the bullet.

                // (b) Assuming that the frictional force is constant,
                // determine how much time elapsed between the moment
                // the bullet entered the tree and the moment it stopped.

                var ΣW = new Symbol("ΣW");

                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");
                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var d = new Symbol("d");
                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");
                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");

                var t = new Symbol("t");

                var eqs = and(
                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,

                    W_f == -fk * d,

                    ΣW == Kf - Ki,

                    ΣW == W_f

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { m == 0.005, vi == 600.0, vf == 0.0, d == 0.04 };

                // fk
                    .EliminateVariables(W_f, ΣW, Ki, Kf)
                        fk == (m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 - m * (vf ^ 2) / 2) / d
                    .AssertEqTo(fk == 22500.0);
                // t
                (d == (vi + vf) * t / 2)
                    .AssertEqTo(t == 2 * d / (vf + vi))
                    .AssertEqTo(t == 1.3333333333333334e-4);
            #region PSE 5E P7.41
                // A 2.00-kg block is attached to a spring of force constant
                // 500 N/m, as shown in Figure 7.10. The block is pulled
                // 5.00 cm to the right of equilibrium and is then released
                // from rest. Find the speed of the block as it passes
                // through equilibrium if

                // (a) the horizontal surface is frictionless

                // (b) the coefficient of friction between the block and the surface is 0.350.

                var ΣW = new Symbol("ΣW");

                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");
                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");
                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var n = new Symbol("n");
                var g = new Symbol("g");
                var k = new Symbol("k");

                var vf = new Symbol("vf");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");
                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");
                var W_s = new Symbol("W_s");

                var μk = new Symbol("μk");
                var xi = new Symbol("xi");
                var xf = new Symbol("xf");
                var eqs = and(
                    n == m * g,

                    fk == μk * n,

                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,
                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,

                    W_f == -fk * d,
                    W_s == k * (xi ^ 2) / 2 - k * (xf ^ 2) / 2,                    

                    ΣW == Kf - Ki,

                    ΣW == W_f + W_s,

                    m != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                { m == 2.0, k == 500, xi == 0.05, xf == 0.0, vi == 0, d == 0.05, g == 9.8 };

                    .EliminateVariables(Kf, Ki, ΣW, W_f, W_s, n, fk)

                                vf == sqrt(-2 * m * (-m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 + k * (xf ^ 2) / 2 - k * (xi ^ 2) / 2 + d * g * m * μk)) / m,
                                m != 0
                                vf == -sqrt(-2 * m * (-m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 + k * (xf ^ 2) / 2 - k * (xi ^ 2) / 2 + d * g * m * μk)) / m,
                                m != 0)))

                    .SubstituteEqLs(vals).SubstituteEq(μk == 0)

                    .AssertEqTo(or(vf == 0.79056941504209488, vf == -0.79056941504209488));

                    .EliminateVariables(Kf, Ki, ΣW, W_f, W_s, n, fk)
                    .SubstituteEqLs(vals).SubstituteEq(μk == 0.35)
                    .AssertEqTo(or(vf == 0.53103672189407025, vf == -0.53103672189407025));
            #region PSE 5E 7.55
                // A baseball outfielder throws a 0.150-kg baseball at a
                // speed of 40.0 m/s and an initial angle of 30.0°. What is
                // the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of
                // the trajectory?

                var vx = new Symbol("vx");
                var vi = new Symbol("vi");
                var th = new Symbol("th");

                var m = new Symbol("m");
                var K = new Symbol("K");

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { m == 0.15, vi == 40.0, th == (30).ToRadians() };

                var eqs = and(

                    vx == vi * cos(th),
                    K == m * (vx ^ 2) / 2

                    .AssertEqTo(K == (cos(th) ^ 2) * m * (vi ^ 2) / 2)

                    .AssertEqTo(K == 90.0);

            #region PSE 5E E8.2
                // A ball  of mass m is dropped from a height h above the
                // ground, as shown in Figure 8.6.

                // (a) Neglecting air resistance, determine the speed of
                // the ball when it is at a height ya bove the ground.

                // (b) Determine the speed of the ball at y if at the instant of
                // release it already has an initial speed vi at the initial altitude h.
                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var yi = new Symbol("yi");
                var yf = new Symbol("yf");

                var vi = new Symbol("vi");
                var vf = new Symbol("vf");

                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");
                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");

                var Ugi = new Symbol("Ugi");
                var Ugf = new Symbol("Ugf");

                var ΣUi = new Symbol("ΣUi");
                var ΣUf = new Symbol("ΣUf");

                var Ei = new Symbol("Ei");
                var Ef = new Symbol("Ef");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var h = new Symbol("h");
                var y = new Symbol("y");

                var eqs = and(
                    Ki == m * (vi^2) / 2,
                    Kf == m * (vf^2) / 2,

                    Ugi == m * g * yi,
                    Ugf == m * g * yf,

                    ΣUi == Ugi,
                    ΣUf == Ugf,

                    Ei == Ki + ΣUi,
                    Ef == Kf + ΣUf,

                    Ei == Ef

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { yi == h, yf == y };

                // vf, vi == 0
                    .EliminateVariables(Ugi, Ugf, ΣUi, ΣUf, Ki, Kf, Ei, Ef)
                    .MultiplyBothSidesBy(1 / m)
                    .SubstituteEq(vi == 0)

                            vf == -sqrt(2 * (g * h - g * y)),
                            vf == sqrt(2 * (g * h - g * y))

                // vf
                    .EliminateVariables(Ugi, Ugf, ΣUi, ΣUf, Ki, Kf, Ei, Ef)
                    .MultiplyBothSidesBy(1 / m)
                            vf == -sqrt(2 * (g * h + (vi ^ 2) / 2 - g * y)),
                            vf == sqrt(2 * (g * h + (vi ^ 2) / 2 - g * y))
            #region PSE 5E E8.3
                // A pendulum consists of a sphere of mass mattached to a light
                // cord of length L, as shown in Figure 8.7. The sphere is released
                // from rest when the cord makes an angle thA with the vertical,
                // and the pivot at P is frictionless.

                // (a) Find the speed of the sphere when it is at the lowest point B.

                // (b) What is the tension T_B in the cord at B?

                // (c) A pendulum of length 2.00 m and mass 0.500 kg
                // is released from rest when the cord makes an angle of 30.0°
                // with the vertical. Find the speed of the sphere and the tension
                // in the cord when the sphere is at its lowest point.
                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var yi = new Symbol("yi");
                var yf = new Symbol("yf");

                var vi = new Symbol("vi");
                var vf = new Symbol("vf");

                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");
                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");

                var Ugi = new Symbol("Ugi");
                var Ugf = new Symbol("Ugf");

                var ΣUi = new Symbol("ΣUi");
                var ΣUf = new Symbol("ΣUf");

                var Ei = new Symbol("Ei");
                var Ef = new Symbol("Ef");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var L = new Symbol("L");

                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var ar_f = new Symbol("ar_f");

                var r = new Symbol("r");

                var ΣFr = new Symbol("ΣFr");

                var T_f = new Symbol("T_f");

                var vf_sq = new Symbol("vf_sq");

                var eqs = and(
                    Ki == m * (vi^2) / 2,
                    Kf == m * (vf^2) / 2,
                    Ugi == m * g * yi,
                    Ugf == m * g * yf,
                    ΣUi == Ugi,
                    ΣUf == Ugf,

                    Ei == Ki + ΣUi,
                    Ef == Kf + ΣUf,

                    Ei == Ef,

                    ar_f == (vf ^ 2) / r,

                    ΣFr == T_f - m * g,

                    ΣFr == m * ar_f


                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    yi == -L * cos(thA),
                    yf == -L,
                    vi == 0,

                    r == L

                var numerical_vals = new List<Equation>() { L == 2.0, m == 0.5, thA == (30).ToRadians(), g == 9.8 };

                // vf
                    .EliminateVariables(ar_f, ΣFr, T_f, Ki, Kf, Ugi, Ugf, ΣUi, ΣUf, Ei, Ef)
                    .MultiplyBothSidesBy(1 / m)


                            vf == -sqrt(2 * (g * L - cos(thA) * g * L)),
                            vf == sqrt(2 * (g * L - cos(thA) * g * L))

                    .SubstituteEqLs(numerical_vals).Substitute(3, 3.0)

                            vf == -2.2916815161906787,
                            vf == 2.2916815161906787

                // T_f
                    .Substitute(vf ^ 2, vf_sq)
                    .EliminateVariables(Ki, Kf, Ugi, Ugf, ΣUi, ΣUf, Ei, Ef, ar_f, ΣFr, vf_sq)
                    .MultiplyBothSidesBy(1 / m)

                        T_f == (3 * g - 2 * cos(thA) * g) * m
            #region PSE 5E E8.4
                // A 3.00-kg crate slides down a ramp. The ramp is 1.00 m in
                // length and inclined at an angle of 30.0°, as shown in Figure
                // 8.8. The crate starts from rest at the top, experiences a
                // constant frictional force of magnitude 5.00 N, and continues to
                // move a short distance on the flat floor after it leaves the
                // ramp. Use energy methods to determine the speed of the
                // crate at the bottom of the ramp.

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var yi = new Symbol("yi");
                var yf = new Symbol("yf");

                var vi = new Symbol("vi");
                var vf = new Symbol("vf");

                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");
                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");

                var Ugi = new Symbol("Ugi");
                var Ugf = new Symbol("Ugf");

                var ΣUi = new Symbol("ΣUi");
                var ΣUf = new Symbol("ΣUf");

                var Ei = new Symbol("Ei");
                var Ef = new Symbol("Ef");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");

                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");

                var ΔE = new Symbol("ΔE");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var θ = new Symbol("θ");

                var eqs = and(

                    yi == d * sin(θ),

                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,
                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,

                    Ugi == m * g * yi,
                    Ugf == m * g * yf,

                    ΣUi == Ugi,
                    ΣUf == Ugf,

                    W_f == -fk * d,

                    ΔE == W_f,

                    Ei == Ki + ΣUi,
                    Ef == Kf + ΣUf,

                    Ei + ΔE == Ef,

                    m != 0


                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                { m == 3.0, d == 1.0, θ == (30).ToRadians(), fk == 5.0, vi == 0.0, g == 9.8, yf == 0.0 };
                    .EliminateVariables(Ei, Ef, ΔE, Ki, Kf, ΣUi, ΣUf, W_f, Ugi, Ugf, yi)

                                vf == -sqrt(2 * m * (-d * fk + m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 - g * m * yf + g * m * d * sin(θ))) / m,
                                m != 0
                                vf == sqrt(2 * m * (-d * fk + m * (vi ^ 2) / 2 - g * m * yf + g * m * d * sin(θ))) / m,
                                m != 0

                    .AssertEqTo(or(vf == -2.54296414970142, vf == 2.54296414970142));

            #region PSE 5E Example 8.5
                // A child of mass mrides on an irregularly curved slide of
                // height as shown in  Figure 8.9.The child starts
                // from rest at the top.

                // (a) Determine his speed at the bottom, assuming no friction is present.

                // (b) If a force of kinetic friction acts on the child, how
                // much mechanical energy does the system lose? Assume that
                // vf = 3.0 m/s and m = 20.0 kg.

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var yi = new Symbol("yi");
                var yf = new Symbol("yf");

                var vi = new Symbol("vi");
                var vf = new Symbol("vf");

                var Ki = new Symbol("Ki");
                var Kf = new Symbol("Kf");

                var Ugi = new Symbol("Ugi");
                var Ugf = new Symbol("Ugf");

                var ΣUi = new Symbol("ΣUi");
                var ΣUf = new Symbol("ΣUf");

                var Ei = new Symbol("Ei");
                var Ef = new Symbol("Ef");

                var fk = new Symbol("fk");

                var W_f = new Symbol("W_f");

                var ΔE = new Symbol("ΔE");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var eqs = and(

                    Ki == m * (vi ^ 2) / 2,
                    Kf == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2,

                    Ugi == m * g * yi,
                    Ugf == m * g * yf,

                    ΣUi == Ugi,
                    ΣUf == Ugf,

                    W_f == -fk * d,

                    ΔE == W_f,

                    Ei == Ki + ΣUi,
                    Ef == Kf + ΣUf,

                    Ei + ΔE == Ef);

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    { yi == 2.0, yf == 0, vi == 0, fk == 0, g == 9.8 };

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // vf
                        .EliminateVariables(Ei, Ef, ΔE, Ki, Kf, ΣUi, ΣUf, W_f, Ugi, Ugf)
                        .MultiplyBothSidesBy(1 / m)

                                vf == -sqrt(2 * g * yi),
                                vf == sqrt(2 * g * yi)))


                                vf == -6.2609903369994111,
                                vf == 6.2609903369994111));

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    { m == 20.0, yi == 2.0, yf == 0, vi == 0, vf == 3.0, g == 9.8 };

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                    // ΔE
                        .EliminateVariables(fk, Ei, Ef, Ki, Kf, ΣUi, ΣUf, Ugi, Ugf, W_f)
                        .AssertEqTo(ΔE == m * (vf ^ 2) / 2 - g * m * yi)
                        .AssertEqTo(ΔE == -302.0);
            Console.WriteLine("Testing complete");
Пример #21
 public void Visit(And and)
        private BizBus.Filter.Filter GetFilter()
            BizBus.Filter.Filter filter = new BizBus.Filter.Filter();
            And and = new And();

            filter.Matcher = and;

            if (this.BizQuery == null)
            Dictionary <string, object> items = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            Dictionary <string, DataModel.BizQueryItem> QueryItems = new Dictionary <string, DataModel.BizQueryItem>();

            if (this.BizQuery.QueryItems == null)
                this.BizQuery.QueryItems = new DataModel.BizQueryItem[] {}
            foreach (DataModel.BizQueryItem QueryItem in this.BizQuery.QueryItems)
                QueryItems.Add(QueryItem.PropertyName, QueryItem);
                if (QueryItem.FilterType == OThinker.H3.DataModel.FilterType.SystemParam)
                    items.Add(QueryItem.PropertyName, SheetUtility.GetSystemParamValue(this.UserValidator, QueryItem.DefaultValue));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(QueryItem.DefaultValue))
                        items.Add(QueryItem.PropertyName, SheetUtility.GetSystemParamValue(this.UserValidator, QueryItem.DefaultValue));
                    if (this.InputMapping != null)
                        if (this.InputMapping.ContainsKey(QueryItem.PropertyName))
                            if (items.ContainsKey(QueryItem.PropertyName))
                                items[QueryItem.PropertyName] = this.InputMapping[QueryItem.PropertyName];
                                items.Add(QueryItem.PropertyName, this.InputMapping[QueryItem.PropertyName]);
            string FilterStr = Request["Filters"] ?? "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterStr))
                Dictionary <string, string> Filters = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(FilterStr);
                foreach (string key in Filters.Keys)
                    if (!QueryItems.ContainsKey(key))
                    DataModel.BizQueryItem QueryItem = QueryItems[key];
                    if (QueryItem.FilterType == OThinker.H3.DataModel.FilterType.SystemParam)
                    if (QueryItem.Visible == OThinker.Data.BoolMatchValue.False)

                    if (items.ContainsKey(key))
                        items[key] = Filters[key];
                        items.Add(key, Filters[key]);
            foreach (string key in items.Keys)
                DataModel.BizQueryItem QueryItem = QueryItems[key];
                if (QueryItem.FilterType == OThinker.H3.DataModel.FilterType.Equals ||
                    QueryItem.FilterType == OThinker.H3.DataModel.FilterType.SystemParam)
                    and.Add(new ItemMatcher(key, OThinker.Data.ComparisonOperatorType.Equal, items[key]));
                else if (QueryItem.FilterType == OThinker.H3.DataModel.FilterType.Contains)
                    and.Add(new ItemMatcher(key, OThinker.Data.ComparisonOperatorType.Contain, items[key]));
                else if (QueryItem.FilterType == OThinker.H3.DataModel.FilterType.Scope)
                    string[] vals = items[key].ToString().Split(';');
                    if (vals.Length > 1)
                        and.Add(new ItemMatcher(key, OThinker.Data.ComparisonOperatorType.NotBelow, vals[0]));
                    if (vals.Length > 2)
                        and.Add(new ItemMatcher(key, OThinker.Data.ComparisonOperatorType.NotAbove, vals[1]));
            filter.AddSortBy(new SortBy(this.BizQuery.Columns.FirstOrDefault().PropertyName, SortDirection.Ascending));
Пример #23
 public void Visit(And and)
     // Nothing to do here...
Пример #24
        public void ResultTypeBoolBoolTest()
            var exp = new And(new Bool(true), new Bool(false));

            Assert.Equal(ExpressionResultType.Boolean, exp.ResultType);
Пример #25
        static void Main()
            #region Propositional Logic & FOL

            var p = new Variable(true)
                Name = "p"
            var q = new Variable(true)
                Name = "q"
            var r = new Variable(true)
                Name = "r"
            var u = new Variable(true)
                Name = "u"
            var m = new Variable(true)
                Name = "m"
            var n = new Variable(true)
                Name = "n"
            var l = new Variable(true)
                Name = "l"
            var t = new Variable(true)
                Name = "t"

            // p v q ^ p v 'q ^ 'p v q ^ 'p v 'r
            //var f1 = new And(new Or(p, q), new Or(p, new Not(q)));
            //var f2 = new And(new Or(new Not(p), q), new Or(new Not(p), new Not(r)));
            //var formula = new And(f1, f2);

            //var f1 = new Or(p, new Not(q));
            //var f2 = new Or(new Not(p), r);
            //var formula = new And(f1, new And(f2, q));

            var f1      = new Or(new Not(n), new Not(t));
            var f2      = new Or(m, new Or(q, n));
            var f3      = new Or(l, new Not(m));
            var f4      = new Or(l, new Not(q));
            var f5      = new Or(new Not(l), new Not(p));
            var f6      = new Or(r, new Or(p, n));
            var f7      = new Or(new Not(r), new Not(l));
            var formula = new And(f1, new And(f2, new And(f3, new And(f4, new And(f5, new And(f6, new And(f7, t)))))));

            // (p v q v r) ^ (p v q v 'r) ^ (p v 'q v r) ^ (p v 'q v 'r) ^ ('p v q v r) ^ ('p v q v 'r) ^ ('p v 'q v r)
            //var f1 = new Or(p, new Or(q, r));
            //var f2 = new Or(p, new Or(q, new Not(r)));
            //var f3 = new Or(p, new Or(new Not(q), r));
            //var f4 = new Or(p, new Or(new Not(q), new Not(r)));
            //var f5 = new Or(new Not(p), new Or(q, r));
            //var f6 = new Or(new Not(p), new Or(q, new Not(r)));
            //var f7 = new Or(new Not(p), new Or(new Not(q), r));
            //var formula = new And(f1, new And(f2, new And(f3, new And(f4, new And(f5, new And(f6, f7))))));

            // (p v q v 'r) ^ (p v q v r) ^ (p v 'q) ^ 'p
            //var f1 = new Or(p, new Or(q, new Not(r)));
            //var f2 = new Or(p, new Or(q, r));
            //var f3 = new Or(p, new Not(q));
            //var formula = new And(f1, new And(f2, new And(f3, new Not(p))));

            //var formula = new And(new Not(p), p);
            //var bdt = BinaryDecisionTree.FromFormula(formula);

            //var nnf = formula.ToNnf();
            //Console.WriteLine("NNF: " + nnf);

            //nnf = nnf.ToCnf();
            //var cnf = new Cnf(nnf as And);

            //Console.WriteLine("CNF: " + cnf);
            //Console.WriteLine("SAT: " + cnf.Dpll());

            p.Value = true;
            // Console.WriteLine(formula.Evaluate());


            #region Agents

            //var terrain = new [,]
            //                  {
            //                      {0, 0, 0},
            //                      {1, 1, 1},
            //                      {2, 2, 2}
            //                  };
            var terrain = new int[1000, 1];
            var random  = new Random();

            //for (int i = 0; i < terrain.GetLength(0); i++)
            //      for (int j = 0; j < terrain.GetLength(1); j++)
            //     {
            //         if (i == terrain.GetLength(0) - 1)
            //            terrain[i, j] = 1;
            //     }

            //var cleaningRobot = new CleaningAgent(terrain, 0, 0);

            //var johnny = new Dog("Johnny", 17.5, Gender.Male);
            //var jack = new Dog("Jack", 23.5, Gender.Male);
            //var jordan = new Dog("Jack", 21.2, Gender.Male);
            //var melissa = new Dog("Melissa", 19.7, Gender.Female);
            //var dogs = new List<Dog> { johnny, jack, jordan, melissa };

            //Predicate<Dog> maleFinder = (Dog d) => { return d.Sex == Gender.Male; };
            //Predicate<Dog> heavyDogsFinder = (Dog d) => { return d.Weight >= 22; };

            //var maleDogs = dogs.Find(maleFinder);
            //var heavyDogs = dogs.Find(heavyDogsFinder);

            var water = new List <Tuple <int, int> >
                new Tuple <int, int> (1, 2),
                new Tuple <int, int> (3, 5),

            var obstacles = new List <Tuple <int, int> >
                new Tuple <int, int> (2, 2),
                new Tuple <int, int> (4, 5),

            var beliefs = new List <Belief> {
                new Belief(TypesBelief.PotentialWaterSpots, water),
                new Belief(TypesBelief.ObstaclesOnTerrain, obstacles),

            var marsTerrain = new [, ]
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0.8, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

            var marsUnderneathTerrain = new [, ]
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
                { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },

            var marsRocksCompound = new [, ]
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "AXY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "AXY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
                { "AXY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }

            var roverTerrain = new [, ]
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

            var mars  = new Mars(marsTerrain);
            var rover = new MarsRover(mars, roverTerrain, 7, 8, beliefs, 0.75, 2);

            // Application.Run(new MarsWorld(rover, mars, 10, 10));


            #region Multi-Agent Systems

            //var room = new [,]
            //               {
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            //                   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
            //               };


            //const int N = 10;
            //const int M = 10;
            //var roomGui = new Room(N, M, room);


            //var clAgent1 = new MasCleaningAgent(Guid.NewGuid(), room, roomGui, 0, 0, Color.Teal);
            //var clAgent2 = new MasCleaningAgent(Guid.NewGuid(), room, roomGui, 1, 1, Color.Yellow);
            //var clAgent3 = new MasCleaningAgent(Guid.NewGuid(), room, roomGui, 1, 2, Color.Tomato);
            //var clAgent4 = new MasCleaningAgent(Guid.NewGuid(), room, roomGui, 2, 1, Color.LightSkyBlue);
            //var clAgent5 = new MasCleaningAgent(Guid.NewGuid(), room, roomGui, 2, 2, Color.Black);

            //roomGui.CleaningAgents = new List<MasCleaningAgent> { clAgent1, clAgent2, clAgent3, clAgent4, clAgent5 };
            //var platform = new CleaningAgentPlatform(roomGui.CleaningAgents, new CleaningTask(M, roomGui.CleaningAgents.Count));



            #region Simulation

            //var airplanes = new List<Airplane>
            //                    {
            //                        new Airplane(100),
            //                        new Airplane(300),
            //                        new Airplane(50),
            //                        new Airplane(250),
            //                        new Airplane(150),
            //                        new Airplane(200),
            //                        new Airplane(120)
            //                    };

            //var sim = new Simulation.Airport.Simulation(new TimeSpan(0, 13, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0, 0), airplanes);


            #region SVM

            //var trainingSamples = new List<TrainingSample>
            //                          {
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 1}, 1),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 0}, 1),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {2, 2}, -1),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {2, 3}, -1),
            //                          };

            //var svmClassifier = new LinearSvmClassifier(trainingSamples);
            //svmClassifier.Predict(new List<double[]>
            //                          {
            //                              new double[] {1, 1},
            //                              new double[] {1, 0},
            //                              new double[] {2, 2},
            //                              new double[] {2, 3},
            //                              new double[] {2, 0},
            //                              new []   {2.5, 1.5},
            //                              new []   {0.5, 1.5},
            //                          });

            //Application.Run(new SvmGui(svmClassifier.Weights, svmClassifier.Bias, svmClassifier.ModelToUse, svmClassifier.SetA, svmClassifier.SetB, svmClassifier.Hyperplane));


            #region Decision Trees

            //var values = new [,]
            //                 {
            //                     { "sunny", "12", "high", "weak", "no" },
            //                     { "sunny", "12", "high", "strong", "no" },
            //                     { "cloudy", "14", "high", "weak", "yes" },
            //                     { "rainy", "12", "high", "weak", "yes" },
            //                     { "rainy", "20", "normal", "weak", "yes" },
            //                     { "rainy", "20", "normal", "strong", "no" },
            //                     { "cloudy", "20", "normal", "strong", "yes" },
            //                     { "sunny", "12", "high", "weak", "no" },
            //                     { "sunny", "14", "normal", "weak", "yes" },
            //                     { "rainy", "20", "normal", "weak", "yes" },
            //                     { "sunny", "14", "normal", "strong", "yes" },
            //                     { "cloudy", "20", "high", "strong", "yes" },
            //                     { "cloudy", "20", "normal", "weak", "yes" },
            //                     { "rainy", "14", "high", "strong", "no" },
            //                 };

            //var attribs = new List<Attribute>
            //                  {
            //                      new Attribute("Outlook", new[] { "sunny", "cloudy", "rainy" }, TypeAttrib.NonGoal, TypeVal.Discrete),
            //                      new Attribute("Temperature", new[] { "12", "14", "20" }, TypeAttrib.NonGoal, TypeVal.Continuous),
            //                      new Attribute("Humidity", new[] { "high", "normal" }, TypeAttrib.NonGoal, TypeVal.Discrete),
            //                      new Attribute("Wind", new[] { "weak", "strong" }, TypeAttrib.NonGoal, TypeVal.Discrete),
            //                  };

            //var goalAttrib = new Attribute("Play Baseball", new[] { "yes", "no" }, TypeAttrib.Goal, TypeVal.Discrete);
            //var trainingDataSet = new TrainingDataSet(values, attribs, goalAttrib);
            //var dtree = DecisionTree.Learn(trainingDataSet, DtTrainingAlgorithm.Id3);


            #region Neural Networks

            //var trainingSamples = new List<TrainingSample>
            //                          {
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 1}, 0, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 0}, 0, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {0, 1}, 0, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {0, 0}, 0, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 2}, 1, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {2, 2}, 1, new List<double> { 1 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {2, 3}, 1, new List<double> { 1 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {0, 3}, 1, new List<double> { 1 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {0, 2}, 1, new List<double> { 1 } ),
            //                          };

            //var trainingSamplesXor = new List<TrainingSample>
            //                          {
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {0, 0}, -1, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 1}, -1, new List<double> { 0 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {0, 1}, -1, new List<double> { 1 } ),
            //                              new TrainingSample(new double[] {1, 0}, -1, new List<double> { 1 } ),
            //                          };

            //var perceptron = new Perceptron(trainingSamples, 2, 0.01);
            //var adaline = new Adaline(trainingSamples, 2, 0.01);
            //var multilayer = new MultiLayerNetwork(trainingSamplesXor, 2, 3, 1, 0.01);


            //var toPredict = new List<double[]>
            //                  {
            //                      new double[] {1, 1},
            //                      new double[] {1, 0},
            //                      new double[] {0, 0},
            //                      new double[] {0, 1},
            //                      new double[] {2, 0},
            //                      new[] {2.5, 2},
            //                      new[] {0.5, 1.5},
            //                  };

            //var predictions = adaline.PredictSet(toPredict);

            //for (var i = 0; i < predictions.Count; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Data: ( {0} , {1} ) Classified as: {2}", toPredict[i][0], toPredict[i][1], predictions[i]);


            #region Handwritten Digit Recognition

            //Application.Run(new HandwrittenRecognitionGui());


            #region Clustering

            //var elements = new List<UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element>
            //                   {
            //                       new UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element(new double[] {1, 2}),
            //                       new UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element(new double[] {1, 3}),
            //                       new UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element(new double[] {3, 3}),
            //                       new UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element(new double[] {3, 4}),
            //                       new UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element(new double[] {6, 6}),
            //                       new UnsupervisedLearning.Clustering.Element(new double[] {6, 7})
            //                   };
            //var dataSet = new DataSet();

            //var kMeans = new KMeans(3, dataSet);

            //foreach (var cluster in kMeans.Clusters)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Cluster No {0}", cluster.ClusterNo);
            //    foreach (var obj in cluster.Objects)
            //        Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1}) in {2}", obj.Features[0], obj.Features[1], obj.Cluster);
            //    Console.WriteLine("--------------");


            #region MetaHeuristics

            //var f = new Function("f", "(x1)^2", "x1");
            //var hillClimbing = new HillClimbing(f, 5, 4);
            //var result = hillClimbing.Execute();

            //Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", result[0]);

            //var map = new double[,] {
            //    {1, 2, 3, 1, 5},
            //    {5, 1, 1, 1, 8},
            //    {1, 7, 2, 1, 9},
            //    {1, 1, 6, 1, 8},
            //    {1, 1, 4, 1, 2},

            //var ga = new GeneticAlgorithmTsp(100, new Tsp(map), 100);
            //var best = ga.Execute();

            //foreach (var d in best.Ordering)
            //    Console.Write("{0},", d);
            //Console.WriteLine('\n' + "Fitness: {0}", best.Fitness);


            #region Game Programming

            //var tree = new Tree<string> { State = "A" };
            //tree.Children.Add(new Tree<string> { State = "B",
            //    Children = new List<Tree<string>>
            //                   {
            //                       new Tree<string>("E")
            //                   } });
            //tree.Children.Add(new Tree<string> { State = "C",
            // Children = new List<Tree<string>>
            //                   {
            //                       new Tree<string>("F")
            //                   }
            //tree.Children.Add(new Tree<string> { State = "D" });

            //var bfs = new Bfs<string>(tree);
            //var dfs = new Dfs<string>(tree);
            //var dls = new Dls<string>(tree, 21, "E");
            //var ids = new Ids<string>(tree, 10, "F");
            ////var path = bfs.Execute();
            ////var path = dfs.Execute();
            ////var path = dls.Execute();
            ////var path = ids.Execute();

            //var state = new[,]
            //                {
            //                    {6, 4, 7},
            //                    {8, 5, 0},
            //                    {3, 2, 1}
            //                };

            ////var state = new[,]
            ////                {
            ////                    {1, 0, 2},
            ////                    {4, 5, 3},
            ////                    {7, 8, 6}
            //                //};

            //var goalState = new[,]
            //                {
            //                    {1, 2, 3},
            //                    {4, 5, 6},
            //                    {7, 8, 0}
            //                };

            //var board = new Board<int>(state, 0, new Tuple<int, int>(1, 2), "");
            //var goal = new Board<int>(goalState, 0, new Tuple<int, int>(2, 2), "");
            //var slidingTilesPuzzle = new SlidingTilesPuzzle<int>(board, goal);
            //var bidirectionalSearch = new Bs<int>(slidingTilesPuzzle);
            //var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            //var path = bidirectionalSearch.BidirectionalBfs();

            //foreach (var e in path)
            //    Console.Write(e + ", ");
            //Console.WriteLine('\n' + "Total steps: " + path.Length);
            //Console.WriteLine("Elapsed Time: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 + " secs");

            //board = new Board<int>(state, 0, new Tuple<int, int>(1, 2), "");

            //for (var i = 0; i < path.Length; i++)
            //    if (path[i] == 'R')
            //        board = board.Move(Move.Right);
            //    if (path[i] == 'D')
            //        board = board.Move(Move.Down);
            //    if (path[i] == 'U')
            //        board = board.Move(Move.Up);
            //    if (path[i] == 'L')
            //        board = board.Move(Move.Left);


            #region Game Theory

            //var board = new OthelloBoard(8, 8);

            //Application.Run(new OthelloGui(board));


            #region Reinforcement Learning

            var map = new [, ]
                { true, false, true, false, true },
                { true, true, true, false, true },
                { true, false, true, false, true },
                { true, false, true, true, true },
                { true, true, true, false, true }

            var reward = new [, ]
                { -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01 },
                { -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01 },
                { -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01 },
                { -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01 },
                { -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01, 1 },

            Application.Run(new MazeGui(5, 5, map, reward));


Пример #26
 public void And_RegisterOperands_ResultIsCorrect()
     var prev = new MutableState().Set(Register.A, 6).Set(Register.B, 5);
     var state = new And(new Reg(Register.A), new Reg(Register.B)).Apply(prev);
     Assert.AreEqual(0x04, state.Get(Register.A));
Пример #27
	public void And(Rule rule)
		And newRoot = new And(root, rule.root);
		root = newRoot;
Пример #28
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["concat"]      = new Concat();
     Functions["textjoin"]    = new Textjoin();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
     Functions["trim"]        = new Trim();
     Functions["clean"]       = new Clean();
     Functions["unicode"]     = new Unicode();
     Functions["unichar"]     = new Unichar();
     Functions["numbervalue"] = new NumberValue();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]             = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]            = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]           = new Asinh();
     Functions["acot"]            = new Acot();
     Functions["acoth"]           = new Acoth();
     Functions["cos"]             = new Cos();
     Functions["cot"]             = new Cot();
     Functions["coth"]            = new Coth();
     Functions["cosh"]            = new Cosh();
     Functions["csc"]             = new Csc();
     Functions["csch"]            = new Csch();
     Functions["power"]           = new Power();
     Functions["gcd"]             = new Gcd();
     Functions["lcm"]             = new Lcm();
     Functions["sec"]             = new Sec();
     Functions["sech"]            = new SecH();
     Functions["sign"]            = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]            = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]          = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]              = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]         = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]         = new Ceiling();
     Functions["ceiling.precise"] = new CeilingPrecise();
     Functions["ceiling.math"]    = new CeilingMath();
     Functions["iso.ceiling"]     = new IsoCeiling();
     Functions["combin"]          = new Combin();
     Functions["combina"]         = new Combina();
     Functions["count"]           = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]          = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]      = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]         = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]        = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]            = new Fact();
     Functions["factdouble"]      = new FactDouble();
     Functions["floor"]           = new Floor();
     Functions["floor.precise"]   = new FloorPrecise();
     Functions["floor.math"]      = new FloorMath();
     Functions["radians"]         = new Radians();
     Functions["roman"]           = new Roman();
     Functions["sin"]             = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]            = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]             = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]           = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]          = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]      = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]           = new Sumsq();
     Functions["sumxmy2"]         = new Sumxmy2();
     Functions["sumx2my2"]        = new SumX2mY2();
     Functions["sumx2py2"]        = new SumX2pY2();
     Functions["seriessum"]       = new Seriessum();
     Functions["stdev"]           = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]          = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]         = new StdevDotS();
     Functions["stdev.p"]         = new StdevDotP();
     Functions["subtotal"]        = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]             = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]             = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]           = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]              = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]             = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]            = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]          = new Median();
     Functions["min"]             = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]            = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]             = new Mod();
     Functions["mode"]            = new Mode();
     Functions["mode.sngl"]       = new ModeSngl();
     Functions["mround"]          = new Mround();
     Functions["average"]         = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]        = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]       = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]      = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]           = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]       = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]         = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]            = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"]     = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]            = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]         = new RankEq();
     Functions["rank.avg"]        = new RankAvg();
     Functions["percentile"]      = new Percentile();
     Functions[""]  = new PercentileInc();
     Functions["percentrank"]     = new Percentrank();
     Functions[""] = new PercentrankInc();
     Functions["quotient"]        = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]           = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]             = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]            = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]            = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]           = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]           = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]            = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]           = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]             = new Var();
     Functions["var.s"]           = new VarDotS();
     Functions["varp"]            = new VarP();
     Functions["var.p"]           = new VarDotP();
     Functions["large"]           = new Large();
     Functions["small"]           = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]         = new Degrees();
     Functions["odd"]             = new Odd();
     Functions["even"]            = new Even();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     Functions["type"]       = new TypeFunction();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["ifs"]     = new Ifs();
     Functions["maxifs"]  = new MaxIfs();
     Functions["minifs"]  = new MinIfs();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     Functions["switch"]  = new Switch();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"]  = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"]  = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"]  = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]   = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]    = new Match();
     Functions["row"]      = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]     = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]   = new Column();
     Functions["columns"]  = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new RefAndLookup.Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days"]             = new Days();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["workday.intl"]     = new WorkdayIntl();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["cumipmt"]    = new Cumipmt();
     Functions["cumprinc"]   = new Cumprinc();
     Functions["ddb"]        = new Ddb();
     Functions["effect"]     = new Effect();
     Functions["fvschedule"] = new FvSchedule();
     Functions["pduration"]  = new Pduration();
     Functions["rri"]        = new Rri();
     Functions["pmt"]        = new Pmt();
     Functions["ppmt"]       = new Ppmt();
     Functions["ipmt"]       = new Ipmt();
     Functions["ispmt"]      = new IsPmt();
     Functions["pv"]         = new Pv();
     Functions["fv"]         = new Fv();
     Functions["npv"]        = new Npv();
     Functions["rate"]       = new Rate();
     Functions["nper"]       = new Nper();
     Functions["nominal"]    = new Nominal();
     Functions["irr"]        = new Irr();
     Functions["mirr"]       = new Mirr();
     Functions["xirr"]       = new Xirr();
     Functions["sln"]        = new Sln();
     Functions["syd"]        = new Syd();
     Functions["xnpv"]       = new Xnpv();
     Functions["coupdays"]   = new Coupdays();
     Functions["coupdaysnc"] = new Coupdaysnc();
     Functions["coupdaybs"]  = new Coupdaybs();
     Functions["coupnum"]    = new Coupnum();
     Functions["coupncd"]    = new Coupncd();
     Functions["couppcd"]    = new Couppcd();
     Functions["price"]      = new Price();
     Functions["yield"]      = new Yield();
     Functions["duration"]   = new Duration();
     Functions["disc"]       = new Disc();
     Functions["bitand"]       = new BitAnd();
     Functions["bitor"]        = new BitOr();
     Functions["bitxor"]       = new BitXor();
     Functions["bitlshift"]    = new BitLshift();
     Functions["bitrshift"]    = new BitRshift();
     Functions["convert"]      = new ConvertFunction();
     Functions["bin2dec"]      = new Bin2Dec();
     Functions["bin2hex"]      = new Bin2Hex();
     Functions["bin2oct"]      = new Bin2Oct();
     Functions["dec2bin"]      = new Dec2Bin();
     Functions["dec2hex"]      = new Dec2Hex();
     Functions["dec2oct"]      = new Dec2Oct();
     Functions["hex2bin"]      = new Hex2Bin();
     Functions["hex2dec"]      = new Hex2Dec();
     Functions["hex2oct"]      = new Hex2Oct();
     Functions["oct2bin"]      = new Oct2Bin();
     Functions["oct2dec"]      = new Oct2Dec();
     Functions["oct2hex"]      = new Oct2Hex();
     Functions["delta"]        = new Delta();
     Functions["erf"]          = new Erf();
     Functions["erf.precise"]  = new ErfPrecise();
     Functions["erfc"]         = new Erfc();
     Functions["erfc.precise"] = new ErfcPrecise();
     Functions["besseli"]      = new BesselI();
     Functions["besselj"]      = new BesselJ();
     Functions["besselk"]      = new BesselK();
     Functions["bessely"]      = new BesselY();
Пример #29
        public void ResultTypeNumVarTest()
            var exp = new And(new Number(1), new Variable("x"));

            Assert.Equal(ExpressionResultType.Number, exp.ResultType);
 public string Visit(And node)
     return(VisitBinaryOperator("and", node));
Пример #31
 public void Setup()
     _byteFactory       = new ByteFactory(new Base10Converter());
     _and               = new And();
     _memoryGateFactory = new MemoryGateFactory(new NAnd(new Not(), _and));
Пример #32
        public static Node Simplify(this Node node)
            var nvars = node.ReferencedObstacles ().Count ()
                + node.ReferencedVariables ().Count ()
                    + node.ReferencedDomainProperties ().Count ();

            var conversionMap = new Dictionary<Obstacle, int> ();
            var i = 0;
            var iEnumerable = node.ReferencedObstacles ();
            foreach (var o in iEnumerable) {
                if (!conversionMap.ContainsKey (o))
                    conversionMap.Add (o, i++);

            var conditionMap = new Dictionary<Condition, int> ();
            var iEnumerable2 = node.ReferencedVariables ();
            foreach (var o in iEnumerable2) {
                if (!conditionMap.ContainsKey (o))
                    conditionMap.Add (o, i++);

            var dompropMap = new Dictionary<DomainProperty, int> ();
            var iEnumerable3 = node.ReferencedDomainProperties ();
            foreach (var o in iEnumerable3) {
                if (!dompropMap.ContainsKey (o))
                    dompropMap.Add (o, i++);

            // Console.WriteLine (node);
            node = node.AndDistribute ();
            //            Console.WriteLine (node);
            node = node.Flatten ();
            //            Console.WriteLine (node);

            if (node is Or) {
                var or = (Or)node;
                var terms = new List<BoolSimplify.Term> ();
                foreach (var n in or.Nodes) {
                    var vars = new byte[nvars];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nvars; j++)
                        vars [j] = Term.DontCare;

                    if (NewMethod (n, vars, conversionMap, conditionMap, dompropMap)) {
                        terms.Add (new Term (vars));

                var karnaughFormula = new BoolSimplify.Formula (terms);
                if (karnaughFormula.Terms.Count() == 0)
                    return new False ();
                 //Console.WriteLine (karnaughFormula);
                karnaughFormula.ReduceToPrimeImplicants ();
                if (karnaughFormula.Terms.Count() == 0)
                    return new False ();
            //                 Console.WriteLine (karnaughFormula);
                karnaughFormula.ReducePrimeImplicantsToSubset ();
                if (karnaughFormula.Terms.Count() == 0)
                    return new False ();
            //                 Console.WriteLine (karnaughFormula);

                var simplifiedFormula = new Or ();
                foreach (var t in karnaughFormula.Terms) {
                    var and = new And ();
                    for (int j = 0; j < t.NumVars; j++) {
                        if (t.Values [j] == 1) {
                            if (conversionMap.ContainsValue (j)) {
                                and.Nodes.Add (new ObstacleRef () {
                                    Obstacle = conversionMap.Where (x => x.Value == j).Select (x => x.Key).Single ()
                            if (conditionMap.ContainsValue (j)) {
                                and.Nodes.Add (conditionMap.Where (x => x.Value == j).Select (x => x.Key).Single ());
                            if (dompropMap.ContainsValue (j)) {
                                and.Nodes.Add (new DomPropRef () {
                                    DomainProperty = dompropMap.Where (x => x.Value == j).Select (x => x.Key).Single ()
                        if (t.Values [j] == 0) {
                            if (conversionMap.ContainsValue (j)) {
                                and.Nodes.Add (new ObstacleRef () {
                                    Obstacle = conversionMap.Where (x => x.Value == j).Select (x => x.Key).Single ()
                                }.Negate ());
                            if (conditionMap.ContainsValue (j)) {
                                and.Nodes.Add (conditionMap.Where (x => x.Value == j).Select (x => x.Key).Single ().Negate ());
                            if (dompropMap.ContainsValue (j)) {
                                and.Nodes.Add (new DomPropRef () {
                                    DomainProperty = dompropMap.Where (x => x.Value == j).Select (x => x.Key).Single ()
                                }.Negate ());
                    if (and.Nodes.Count > 0)
                        simplifiedFormula.Nodes.Add (and);

                if (simplifiedFormula.Nodes.Count > 0)
                    return simplifiedFormula;
                    return new Not { Enclosed = new False () };

            if (node is ObstacleRef | node is DomPropRef | node is False)
                return node;

            return node;
            // throw new NotSupportedException (node.GetType ().ToString ());
Пример #33
        private Expression GenerateMethodBody(Operation operation, ParameterExpression contextParameter,
                                              IFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)
            if (operation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("operation");

            if (operation.GetType() == typeof(IntegerConstant))
                IntegerConstant constant = (IntegerConstant)operation;

                return(Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(constant.Value, typeof(int)), typeof(double)));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(FloatingPointConstant))
                FloatingPointConstant constant = (FloatingPointConstant)operation;

                return(Expression.Constant(constant.Value, typeof(double)));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Variable))
                Type contextType    = typeof(FormulaContext);
                Type dictionaryType = typeof(IDictionary <string, double>);

                Variable variable = (Variable)operation;

                Expression          getVariables = Expression.Property(contextParameter, "Variables");
                ParameterExpression value        = Expression.Variable(typeof(double), "value");

                Expression variableFound = Expression.Call(getVariables,
                                                           dictionaryType.GetRuntimeMethod("TryGetValue", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(double).MakeByRefType() }),

                Expression throwException = Expression.Throw(
                    Expression.New(typeof(VariableNotDefinedException).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) }),
                                   Expression.Constant(string.Format("The variable \"{0}\" used is not defined.", variable.Name))));

                LabelTarget returnLabel = Expression.Label(typeof(double));

                           new[] { value },
                               Expression.Return(returnLabel, value),
                           Expression.Label(returnLabel, Expression.Constant(0.0))
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Multiplication))
                Multiplication multiplication = (Multiplication)operation;
                Expression     argument1      = GenerateMethodBody(multiplication.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression     argument2      = GenerateMethodBody(multiplication.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Multiply(argument1, argument2));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Addition))
                Addition   addition  = (Addition)operation;
                Expression argument1 = GenerateMethodBody(addition.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression argument2 = GenerateMethodBody(addition.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Add(argument1, argument2));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Subtraction))
                Subtraction addition  = (Subtraction)operation;
                Expression  argument1 = GenerateMethodBody(addition.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression  argument2 = GenerateMethodBody(addition.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Subtract(argument1, argument2));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Division))
                Division   division = (Division)operation;
                Expression dividend = GenerateMethodBody(division.Dividend, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression divisor  = GenerateMethodBody(division.Divisor, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Divide(dividend, divisor));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Modulo))
                Modulo     modulo   = (Modulo)operation;
                Expression dividend = GenerateMethodBody(modulo.Dividend, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression divisor  = GenerateMethodBody(modulo.Divisor, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Modulo(dividend, divisor));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Exponentiation))
                Exponentiation exponentation = (Exponentiation)operation;
                Expression     @base         = GenerateMethodBody(exponentation.Base, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression     exponent      = GenerateMethodBody(exponentation.Exponent, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Call(null, typeof(Math).GetRuntimeMethod("Pow", new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(double) }), @base, exponent));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(UnaryMinus))
                UnaryMinus unaryMinus = (UnaryMinus)operation;
                Expression argument   = GenerateMethodBody(unaryMinus.Argument, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(And))
                And        and       = (And)operation;
                Expression argument1 = Expression.NotEqual(GenerateMethodBody(and.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry), Expression.Constant(0.0));
                Expression argument2 = Expression.NotEqual(GenerateMethodBody(and.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry), Expression.Constant(0.0));

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.And(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Or))
                Or         and       = (Or)operation;
                Expression argument1 = Expression.NotEqual(GenerateMethodBody(and.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry), Expression.Constant(0.0));
                Expression argument2 = Expression.NotEqual(GenerateMethodBody(and.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry), Expression.Constant(0.0));

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.Or(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(LessThan))
                LessThan   lessThan  = (LessThan)operation;
                Expression argument1 = GenerateMethodBody(lessThan.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression argument2 = GenerateMethodBody(lessThan.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.LessThan(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(LessOrEqualThan))
                LessOrEqualThan lessOrEqualThan = (LessOrEqualThan)operation;
                Expression      argument1       = GenerateMethodBody(lessOrEqualThan.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression      argument2       = GenerateMethodBody(lessOrEqualThan.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.LessThanOrEqual(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(GreaterThan))
                GreaterThan greaterThan = (GreaterThan)operation;
                Expression  argument1   = GenerateMethodBody(greaterThan.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression  argument2   = GenerateMethodBody(greaterThan.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.GreaterThan(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(GreaterOrEqualThan))
                GreaterOrEqualThan greaterOrEqualThan = (GreaterOrEqualThan)operation;
                Expression         argument1          = GenerateMethodBody(greaterOrEqualThan.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression         argument2          = GenerateMethodBody(greaterOrEqualThan.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Equal))
                Equal      equal     = (Equal)operation;
                Expression argument1 = GenerateMethodBody(equal.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression argument2 = GenerateMethodBody(equal.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(NotEqual))
                NotEqual   notEqual  = (NotEqual)operation;
                Expression argument1 = GenerateMethodBody(notEqual.Argument1, contextParameter, functionRegistry);
                Expression argument2 = GenerateMethodBody(notEqual.Argument2, contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                return(Expression.Condition(Expression.NotEqual(argument1, argument2),
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Function))
                Function function = (Function)operation;

                FunctionInfo functionInfo = functionRegistry.GetFunctionInfo(function.FunctionName);
                Type         funcType;
                Type[]       parameterTypes;
                Expression[] arguments;

                if (functionInfo.IsDynamicFunc)
                    funcType       = typeof(DynamicFunc <double, double>);
                    parameterTypes = new Type[] { typeof(double[]) };

                    Expression[] arrayArguments = new Expression[function.Arguments.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < function.Arguments.Count; i++)
                        arrayArguments[i] = GenerateMethodBody(function.Arguments[i], contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                    arguments    = new Expression[1];
                    arguments[0] = NewArrayExpression.NewArrayInit(typeof(double), arrayArguments);
                    funcType       = GetFuncType(functionInfo.NumberOfParameters);
                    parameterTypes = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, functionInfo.NumberOfParameters)
                                      select typeof(double)).ToArray();

                    arguments = new Expression[functionInfo.NumberOfParameters];
                    for (int i = 0; i < functionInfo.NumberOfParameters; i++)
                        arguments[i] = GenerateMethodBody(function.Arguments[i], contextParameter, functionRegistry);

                Expression getFunctionRegistry = Expression.Property(contextParameter, "FunctionRegistry");

                ParameterExpression functionInfoVariable = Expression.Variable(typeof(FunctionInfo));

                           new[] { functionInfoVariable },
                               Expression.Call(getFunctionRegistry, typeof(IFunctionRegistry).GetRuntimeMethod("GetFunctionInfo", new Type[] { typeof(string) }), Expression.Constant(function.FunctionName))
                               Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(functionInfoVariable, "Function"), funcType),
                               funcType.GetRuntimeMethod("Invoke", parameterTypes),
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unsupported operation \"{0}\".", operation.GetType().FullName), "operation");
Пример #34
        public static Node GetNonSatisfactionFormula(this Obstacle o)
            if (o.Refinements ().Count () == 0) {
                return new ObstacleRef { Obstacle = o };

            var or = new Or ();
            foreach (var refinement in o.Refinements ()) {
                var and = new And ();
                foreach (var obstacle in refinement.SubObstacles ()) {
                    and.Nodes.Add (GetNonSatisfactionFormula (obstacle));
                foreach (var domprop in refinement.DomainProperties ()) {
                    and.Nodes.Add (GetNonSatisfactionFormula (domprop));

                if (and.Nodes.Count == 1)
                    or.Nodes.Add (and.Nodes.Single ());
                    or.Nodes.Add (and);

            if (or.Nodes.Count == 1)
                return or.Nodes.Single ();

            return or;
         * A ^ B -> A,B
         * ~~A -> A
         * ~(A v B) = ~A ^ ~B
         * ~(A => B) = A ^ ~B
        public void ExpandToAndTest()
            Symbol        s;
            Variable      A = new Variable('a');
            Variable      B = new Variable('b');
            List <Symbol> res;
            List <Symbol> expected;

            // test 01
            s        = new And(A, B);
            res      = SemanticTableau.ExpandToAnd(s);
            expected = new List <Symbol>()
                A, B

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count(), res.Count());
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count(); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ToString(), res[i].ToString());

            // test 02: ~~A -> A
            s        = new Not(new Not(A));
            res      = SemanticTableau.ExpandToAnd(s);
            expected = new List <Symbol>()

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count(), res.Count());
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count(); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ToString(), res[i].ToString());

            // test 03: ~(A v B) = ~A ^ ~B
            s        = new Not(new Or(A, B));
            res      = SemanticTableau.ExpandToAnd(s);
            expected = new List <Symbol>()
                new Not(A),
                new Not(B)

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count(), res.Count());
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count(); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ToString(), res[i].ToString());

            // test 04: ~(A => B) = A ^ ~B
            s        = new Not(new Implication(A, B));
            res      = SemanticTableau.ExpandToAnd(s);
            expected = new List <Symbol>()
                new Not(B)

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count(), res.Count());
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count(); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ToString(), res[i].ToString());
Пример #36
        public static Node GetNonSatisfactionFormula(this Goal g)
            var refinements = g.Refinements ();
            if (refinements.Count () > 1)
                throw new NotSupportedException ();

            if (refinements.Count () == 1) {
                var refinement = refinements.Single ();

                if (refinement.RefinementPattern == RefinementPattern.Redundant) {
                    return ANDPropagate (refinement);

                if (refinement.RefinementPattern == RefinementPattern.Case) {
                    var orNode = new Or();

                    if (refinement.SubGoals().Count () != 2) {
                        throw new NotImplementedException ();

                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (var c in refinement.SubGoals ()) {
                        var andNode = new And ();
                        var probability = refinement.Parameters.ElementAt (index);
                        var condition = new Condition {
                            Cond = string.Format ("Case condition {0}", index),
                            Proba = probability

                        if (index == 0)
                            andNode.Nodes.Add (condition);
                        else if (index == 1)
                            andNode.Nodes.Add (condition.Negate ());

                        // TODO fix this bug, with Simplify() required.
                        var node = GetNonSatisfactionFormula (c);
                        andNode.Nodes.Add (node);

                        orNode.Nodes.Add (andNode);

                    return orNode;//.ToOr ();

                return ORPropagate (refinement);

            if (g.Obstructions().Count () == 1)
                return GetNonSatisfactionFormula (g.Obstructions().Single().Obstacle ());

            return new False ();
Пример #37
        private static Activity HandleBinaryExpression <TLeft, TRight, TResult>(BinaryOperator op, TestExpression left, TestExpression right)
            Activity           we           = null;
            InArgument <TLeft> leftArgument = (InArgument <TLeft>)TestExpression.GetInArgumentFromExpectedNode <TLeft>(left);

            leftArgument.EvaluationOrder = 0;
            InArgument <TRight> rightArgument = (InArgument <TRight>)TestExpression.GetInArgumentFromExpectedNode <TRight>(right);

            rightArgument.EvaluationOrder = 1;

            switch (op)
            case BinaryOperator.Add:
                we = new Add <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Checked = false,
                    Left    = leftArgument,
                    Right   = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.And:
                we = new And <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.AndAlso:
                we = new AndAlso()
                    Left  = TestExpression.GetWorkflowElementFromExpectedNode <bool>(left),
                    Right = TestExpression.GetWorkflowElementFromExpectedNode <bool>(right)

            case BinaryOperator.CheckedAdd:
                we = new Add <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Checked = true,
                    Left    = leftArgument,
                    Right   = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.CheckedMultiply:
                we = new Multiply <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Checked = true,
                    Left    = leftArgument,
                    Right   = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.CheckedSubtract:
                we = new Subtract <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Checked = true,
                    Left    = leftArgument,
                    Right   = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.Divide:
                we = new Divide <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.Equal:
                we = new Equal <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.GreaterThan:
                we = new GreaterThan <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                we = new GreaterThanOrEqual <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.LessThan:
                we = new LessThan <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.LessThanOrEqual:
                we = new LessThanOrEqual <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.Or:
                we = new Or <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.Multiply:
                we = new Multiply <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Checked = false,
                    Left    = leftArgument,
                    Right   = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.NotEqual:
                we = new NotEqual <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Left  = leftArgument,
                    Right = rightArgument

            case BinaryOperator.OrElse:
                we = new OrElse()
                    Left  = TestExpression.GetWorkflowElementFromExpectedNode <bool>(left),
                    Right = TestExpression.GetWorkflowElementFromExpectedNode <bool>(right)

            case BinaryOperator.Subtract:
                we = new Subtract <TLeft, TRight, TResult>()
                    Checked = false,
                    Left    = leftArgument,
                    Right   = rightArgument

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Operator: {0} is unsupported", op.ToString()));

 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]         = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]        = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]       = new Asinh();
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sign"]        = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]  = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]     = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]    = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]        = new Fact();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]      = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]  = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]       = new Sumsq();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]     = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]     = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]          = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]      = new Median();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]        = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]    = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]   = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]  = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]   = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]     = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]        = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]     = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.avg"]    = new Rank(true);
     Functions["quotient"]    = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]       = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]        = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]       = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]       = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]        = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]       = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     Functions["large"]       = new Large();
     Functions["small"]       = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]     = new Degrees();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"]  = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"]  = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"]  = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]   = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]    = new Match();
     Functions["row"]      = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]     = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]   = new Column();
     Functions["columns"]  = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new RefAndLookup.Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["pmt"] = new Pmt();
Пример #39
        protected void PerformStep(Clause c, Lit lit, out Clause newClause1, out Clause newClause2)
            //List<Clause> ret = new List<Clause>();
            Term formula = lit.Atom;

            if (formula is Max)
                Max m = (Max)formula;
                Lit l = new Lit(m.Left, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                Lit r = new Lit(m.Right, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                newClause1 = c;
                newClause2 = null;
            if (formula is And)
                And    m  = (And)formula;
                Lit    l  = new Lit(m.Left, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                Lit    r  = new Lit(m.Right, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                Clause c2 = c.Clone();
                newClause1 = c;
                newClause2 = c2;
            if (formula is Or)
                Or  m = (Or)formula;
                Lit l = new Lit(m.Left, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                Lit r = new Lit(m.Right, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                newClause1 = c;
                newClause2 = null;
            if (formula is Min)
                Min    m  = (Min)formula;
                Lit    l  = new Lit(m.Left, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                Lit    r  = new Lit(m.Right, Assignment.Unassigned, true);
                Clause c2 = c.Clone();
                newClause1 = c;
                newClause2 = c2;
            if (formula is LTConstraint)
                lit.IsTemporary = false;
                lit.Sign = Assignment.True;
                Var v = null;
                if (this.TryGetVar(lit.Atom, out v))
                if (this.Atoms.TryGetValue(lit.Atom, out v))
                    lit.Var = v;
                    lit.Var      = solver.newVar();
                    lit.Var.Term = lit.Atom;
                    this.Atoms.Add(lit.Atom, lit.Var);
                newClause1 = c;
                newClause2 = null;
            if (formula is LTEConstraint)
                lit.IsTemporary = false;
                lit.Sign = Assignment.False;
                Term p = ((LTEConstraint)formula).Negate();
                lit.Atom = p;
                Var v = null;
                if (this.TryGetVar(p, out v))
                if (this.Atoms.TryGetValue(p, out v))
                    lit.Var = v;
                    lit.Var      = solver.newVar();
                    lit.Var.Term = p;
                    this.Atoms.Add(p, lit.Var);
                newClause1 = c;
                newClause2 = null;
            if (formula is Constant)
                if (((Constant)formula).Value <= 0.0)
                    newClause1 = c;
                    newClause1 = null;
                newClause2 = null;
            Console.Error.WriteLine("U C: {0}", formula);
            throw new Exception("Unknown constraint in transformation: " + formula);
Пример #40
        protected internal virtual void create()
            int  num  = this.string_0.Length;
            Unit unit = null;
            int  num2 = 0;

            while (this.int_0 < num)
                char ch2 = this.string_0[this.int_0];
                if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch2))
                    goto Label_041D;
                unit = null;
                char ch = ch2;
                switch (ch)
                case '!':
                    if ((this.int_0 < num) && (this.string_0[this.int_0] == '='))
                        unit = new NotEquals();
                    if (unit == null)
                        unit = new Not();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case '"':
                case '#':
                case '$':
                case '\'':
                case ';':
                    goto Label_02D1;

                case '%':
                    unit = new Mod();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case '&':
                    if ((this.int_0 >= num) || (this.string_0[this.int_0] != '&'))
                    unit = new And();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case '(':
                    goto Label_02DD;

                case ')':
                    goto Label_02F4;

                case '*':
                    goto Label_0312;

                case '+':
                    goto Label_032B;

                case ',':
                    throw new ReportError(new StringBuilder("位置").Append(this.int_0).Append("不应该出现逗号").ToString().ToString());

                case '-':
                    goto Label_0341;

                case '.':
                    goto Label_0357;

                case '/':
                    unit = new Divide();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case ':':
                    unit = new Link(this.cellExt1_0);
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case '<':
                    if ((this.int_0 < num) && (this.string_0[this.int_0] == '='))
                        unit = new NotGreater();
                    if (unit == null)
                        unit = new Smaller();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case '=':
                    if ((this.int_0 < num) && (this.string_0[this.int_0] == '='))
                    unit = new Equals();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                case '>':
                    if ((this.int_0 < num) && (this.string_0[this.int_0] == '='))
                        unit = new NotSmaller();
                    if (unit == null)
                        unit = new Greater();
                    goto Label_03B6;

                    if (ch != '|')
                        goto Label_02D1;
                    if ((this.int_0 >= num) || (this.string_0[this.int_0] != '|'))
                        throw new ReportError("不能识别标识符|");
                    unit = new Or();
                    goto Label_03B6;
                unit = LoadFunction.newFunction("address", this.env_0, this.cellExt1_0, this.dataSet_0);
                goto Label_03B6;
                unit = this.createNode();
                goto Label_03B6;
                if (--num2 < 0)
                    throw new ReportError("括号不匹配,右括号太多!");
                unit = new Multiply();
                goto Label_03B6;
                unit = new Add();
                goto Label_03B6;
                unit = new Subtract();
                goto Label_03B6;
                if ((this.unit_1 != null) && !this.unit_1.Operator)
                    unit = LoadFunction.newFunction("dsmember", this.env_0, this.cellExt1_0, this.dataSet_0);
                    unit = this.createNode();
                unit.InBrackets = num2;
                this.unit_1     = unit;
                if (this.unit_0 != null)
                    Unit right = this.unit_0;
                    Unit unit2 = null;
                    while (right != null)
                        if (right.Priority >= unit.Priority)
                        unit2 = right;
                        right = right.Right;
                    unit.Left = right;
                    if (unit2 == null)
                        this.unit_0 = unit;
                        unit2.Right = unit;
                this.unit_0 = unit;
            if (num2 > 0)
                throw new ReportError("括号不匹配,左括号太多!");
Пример #41
 public void Visit(And and)
     _sb.Append(" && ");
Пример #42
 public string Visit(And node) {
     return Visit((dynamic) node[0])
         + Visit((dynamic) node[1])
         + "\t\tand\n";               
        //static private Dictionary<Pair<NEC, Hla>, bool> CloseHuman = null;

        //GeneratorType.Hla | GeneratorType.Position | GeneratorType.Property | GeneratorType.AndHla | GeneratorType.Zero6Supertype | GeneratorType.AndZero6Supertype
        private static Set <IHashableFeature> GenerateFeatureSet(
            object entity, string supertypeTableSource,
            bool includeFlankNECFeatures,
            bool includeChemicalProperties, bool includeAAFeatures,
            bool addEiFeatures
            bool includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures = false;
            bool subtractSupertypeFeatures         = false;
            bool subtractHlaFeatures               = false;
            bool substractChemAACrissCrossFeatures = false;

            SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(!includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures || includeFlankNECFeatures);

            Pair <NEC, Hla> necAndHlaX = (Pair <NEC, Hla>)entity;
            NEC             nec        = (null == flankSizeOrNull) ? necAndHlaX.First : NEC.GetInstance(necAndHlaX.First, (int)flankSizeOrNull);
            Hla             hla        = necAndHlaX.Second;

            Debug.Assert(nec.N.Length == nec.C.Length); // real assert
            Pair <NEC, Hla> necAndHla = new Pair <NEC, Hla>(nec, hla);

            Set <IHashableFeature> hlaishFeatureSet = new Set <IHashableFeature>();

            CreateAndAddHlaFeature(subtractHlaFeatures, hla, necAndHla, ref hlaishFeatureSet);
            CreateAndAddFeatureSupertype(supertypeTableSource, subtractSupertypeFeatures, hla, necAndHla, ref hlaishFeatureSet, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Predictor.ResourceString);

            Set <IHashableFeature> featureSet = Set <IHashableFeature> .GetInstance(hlaishFeatureSet);

            if (addEiFeatures)
                AddEiFeatures(includeChemicalProperties, includeAAFeatures, substractChemAACrissCrossFeatures, nec, necAndHla, hlaishFeatureSet, featureSet);

            if (includeFlankNECFeatures)
                List <IHashableFeature> aaInNFlankFeatureList = new List <IHashableFeature>(In.GetAASeqInRegionInstance(1, necAndHla, NFlank.GetInstance()));
                DebugCheckThatEvaluatesToTrue(necAndHla, aaInNFlankFeatureList);

                if (includeAAFeatures)
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(aaInNFlankFeatureList);                                                    //AA in N flank
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(In.GetAASeqInRegionInstance(2, necAndHla, NFlank.GetInstance()));          //AA1-AA2 in Nflank
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(SubSeq.GetInSubSeqEnumeration(NFlank.GetInstance(), false, 1, necAndHla)); //AA@x in N flank (numbering is 5 4 3 2 1)
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(SubSeq.GetInSubSeqEnumeration(NFlank.GetInstance(), false, 2, necAndHla)); //AA1-AA2@x in Nflank (x is position of AA2, i.e., the smaller number)

                    featureSet.AddNewRange(In.GetAASeqInRegionInstance(1, necAndHla, CFlank.GetInstance()));         //AA in Cflank
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(In.GetAASeqInRegionInstance(2, necAndHla, CFlank.GetInstance()));         //AA1-AA2 in Cflank
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(SubSeq.GetInSubSeqEnumeration(CFlank.GetInstance(), true, 1, necAndHla)); //AA@x in C flank (numbering is 1 2 3 4 5)
                    featureSet.AddNewRange(SubSeq.GetInSubSeqEnumeration(CFlank.GetInstance(), true, 2, necAndHla)); //AA1-AA2@x in Cflank (x is position of AA1, i.e., the smaller number)

                if (includeChemicalProperties)
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(InProperty.GetPropertySeqInRegionInstance(1, necAndHla, NFlank.GetInstance()));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(SubSeq.GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(NFlank.GetInstance(), false, 1, necAndHla));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(InProperty.GetPropertySeqInRegionInstance(1, necAndHla, CFlank.GetInstance()));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(SubSeq.GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(CFlank.GetInstance(), true, 1, necAndHla));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(InProperty.GetPropertySeqInRegionInstance(2, necAndHla, NFlank.GetInstance()));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(SubSeq.GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(NFlank.GetInstance(), false, 2, necAndHla));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(InProperty.GetPropertySeqInRegionInstance(2, necAndHla, CFlank.GetInstance()));
                    featureSet.AddNewOrOldRange(SubSeq.GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(CFlank.GetInstance(), true, 2, necAndHla));
            if (includeFlankNECFeatures)
                if (includeAAFeatures)
                    //EV in Epitope
                    AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(In.GetAASeqInRegionInstance(2, necAndHla, Epitope.GetInstance()), includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, false, ref featureSet);//AA1-AA2 in Epitope

                    //RR in Epitope[@1-2]
                    AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(SubSeq.GetInSubSeqEnumeration(Epitope.GetInstance(), true, 2, necAndHla), includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, false, ref featureSet);//AA1-AA2@x in Epitope (x is position of AA1, i.e., the smaller number)
                if (includeChemicalProperties)
                    //polar,cyclic in Epitope
                    AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(InProperty.GetPropertySeqInRegionInstance(2, necAndHla, Epitope.GetInstance()), includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, false, ref featureSet);
                    //polar,large in Epitope[@8-9]
                    AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(SubSeq.GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(Epitope.GetInstance(), true, 2, necAndHla), includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, false, ref featureSet);

                //AA1-AA2 in Nflank,Epitope, etc
                if (null != flankSizeOrNull && (int)flankSizeOrNull > 0)
                    string epitope = (string)Epitope.GetInstance().Evaluate(entity);

                    SubSeq lastNAAFeature = SubSeq.GetInstance(1, 1, false, NFlank.GetInstance());
                    string lastNAA        = (string)lastNAAFeature.Evaluate(entity);
                    In     inLastNAA      = In.GetInstance(lastNAA, lastNAAFeature);

                    SubSeq firstEAAFeature = SubSeq.GetInstance(1, 1, true, Epitope.GetInstance());
                    string firstEAA        = (string)firstEAAFeature.Evaluate(entity);
                    Debug.Assert(firstEAA == epitope.Substring(0, 1));// real assert
                    In inFirstEAA = In.GetInstance(firstEAA, firstEAAFeature);

                    SubSeq lastEAAFeature = SubSeq.GetInstance(epitope.Length, epitope.Length, true, Epitope.GetInstance());
                    string lastEAA        = (string)lastEAAFeature.Evaluate(entity);
                    In     inLastEAA      = In.GetInstance(lastEAA, lastEAAFeature);

                    SubSeq firstCAAFeature = SubSeq.GetInstance(1, 1, true, CFlank.GetInstance());
                    string firstCAA        = (string)firstCAAFeature.Evaluate(entity);
                    In     inFirstCAA      = In.GetInstance(firstCAA, firstCAAFeature);

                    if (includeAAFeatures)
                        And andLastNNAAFirstEAA = And.GetInstance(inLastNAA, inFirstEAA);
                        AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(andLastNNAAFirstEAA, includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, /*checkThatNew*/ true, ref featureSet);

                        And andLastEAAFirstCAA = And.GetInstance(inLastEAA, inFirstCAA);
                        AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(andLastEAAFirstCAA, includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, /*checkThatNew*/ true, ref featureSet);

                    if (includeChemicalProperties)
                        foreach (string lastNProperty in KmerProperties.AaToPropList[Biology.GetInstance().OneLetterAminoAcidAbbrevTo3Letter[lastNAA[0]]])
                            InProperty inLastNProperty = InProperty.GetInstance(lastNProperty, lastNAAFeature);

                            foreach (string firstEProperty in KmerProperties.AaToPropList[Biology.GetInstance().OneLetterAminoAcidAbbrevTo3Letter[firstEAA[0]]])
                                InProperty inFirstEProperty = InProperty.GetInstance(firstEProperty, firstEAAFeature); //!!!get this out of the loop?
                                And        andLastNPropertyFirstEProperty = And.GetInstance(inLastNProperty, inFirstEProperty);
                                AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(andLastNPropertyFirstEProperty, includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, /*checkThatNew*/ false, ref featureSet);
                        foreach (string lastEProperty in KmerProperties.AaToPropList[Biology.GetInstance().OneLetterAminoAcidAbbrevTo3Letter[lastEAA[0]]])
                            InProperty inlastEProperty = InProperty.GetInstance(lastEProperty, lastEAAFeature);

                            foreach (string firstCProperty in KmerProperties.AaToPropList[Biology.GetInstance().OneLetterAminoAcidAbbrevTo3Letter[firstCAA[0]]])
                                InProperty infirstCProperty = InProperty.GetInstance(firstCProperty, firstCAAFeature); //!!!get this out of the loop?
                                And        andlastEPropertyfirstCProperty = And.GetInstance(inlastEProperty, infirstCProperty);
                                AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(andlastEPropertyfirstCProperty, includeAndHlaAndSTWithEpitopeAdjFeatures, hlaishFeatureSet, /*checkThatNew*/ false, ref featureSet);

Пример #44
        public double Execute(Operation operation,
                              IFunctionRegistry functionRegistry,
                              IConstantRegistry constantRegistry,
                              IDictionary <string, double> variables)
            if (operation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("operation");

            if (operation.GetType() == typeof(IntegerConstant))
                IntegerConstant constant = (IntegerConstant)operation;
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(FloatingPointConstant))
                FloatingPointConstant constant = (FloatingPointConstant)operation;
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Variable))
                Variable variable = (Variable)operation;

                double value;
                bool   variableFound = variables.TryGetValue(variable.Name, out value);

                if (variableFound)
                    throw new VariableNotDefinedException(string.Format("The variable \"{0}\" used is not defined.", variable.Name));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Multiplication))
                Multiplication multiplication = (Multiplication)operation;
                return(Execute(multiplication.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) * Execute(multiplication.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Addition))
                Addition addition = (Addition)operation;
                return(Execute(addition.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) + Execute(addition.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Subtraction))
                Subtraction addition = (Subtraction)operation;
                return(Execute(addition.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) - Execute(addition.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Division))
                Division division = (Division)operation;
                return(Execute(division.Dividend, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) / Execute(division.Divisor, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Modulo))
                Modulo division = (Modulo)operation;
                return(Execute(division.Dividend, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) % Execute(division.Divisor, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Exponentiation))
                Exponentiation exponentiation = (Exponentiation)operation;
                return(Math.Pow(Execute(exponentiation.Base, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables), Execute(exponentiation.Exponent, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(UnaryMinus))
                UnaryMinus unaryMinus = (UnaryMinus)operation;
                return(-Execute(unaryMinus.Argument, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables));
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(And))
                And and        = (And)operation;
                var operation1 = Execute(and.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) != 0;
                var operation2 = Execute(and.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) != 0;

                return((operation1 && operation2) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Or))
                Or  or         = (Or)operation;
                var operation1 = Execute(or.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) != 0;
                var operation2 = Execute(or.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) != 0;

                return((operation1 || operation2) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(LessThan))
                LessThan lessThan = (LessThan)operation;
                return((Execute(lessThan.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) < Execute(lessThan.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(LessOrEqualThan))
                LessOrEqualThan lessOrEqualThan = (LessOrEqualThan)operation;
                return((Execute(lessOrEqualThan.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) <= Execute(lessOrEqualThan.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(GreaterThan))
                GreaterThan greaterThan = (GreaterThan)operation;
                return((Execute(greaterThan.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) > Execute(greaterThan.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(GreaterOrEqualThan))
                GreaterOrEqualThan greaterOrEqualThan = (GreaterOrEqualThan)operation;
                return((Execute(greaterOrEqualThan.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) >= Execute(greaterOrEqualThan.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Equal))
                Equal equal = (Equal)operation;
                return((Execute(equal.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) == Execute(equal.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(NotEqual))
                NotEqual notEqual = (NotEqual)operation;
                return((Execute(notEqual.Argument1, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables) != Execute(notEqual.Argument2, functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            else if (operation.GetType() == typeof(Function))
                Function function = (Function)operation;

                FunctionInfo functionInfo = functionRegistry.GetFunctionInfo(function.FunctionName);

                double[] arguments = new double[functionInfo.IsDynamicFunc ? function.Arguments.Count : functionInfo.NumberOfParameters];
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                    arguments[i] = Execute(function.Arguments[i], functionRegistry, constantRegistry, variables);

                return(Invoke(functionInfo.Function, arguments));
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unsupported operation \"{0}\".", operation.GetType().FullName), "operation");
Пример #45
 private static Function[] ProduceFunctions()
     Function[] retval = new Function[368];
     retval[0]                        = new Count();                            // COUNT
     retval[FunctionID.IF]            = new If();                               // IF
     retval[2]                        = LogicalFunction.ISNA;                   // IsNA
     retval[3]                        = LogicalFunction.ISERROR;                // IsERROR
     retval[FunctionID.SUM]           = AggregateFunction.SUM;                  // SUM
     retval[5]                        = AggregateFunction.AVERAGE;              // AVERAGE
     retval[6]                        = AggregateFunction.MIN;                  // MIN
     retval[7]                        = AggregateFunction.MAX;                  // MAX
     retval[8]                        = new Row();                              // ROW
     retval[9]                        = new Column();                           // COLUMN
     retval[10]                       = new Na();                               // NA
     retval[11]                       = new Npv();                              // NPV
     retval[12]                       = AggregateFunction.STDEV;                // STDEV
     retval[13]                       = NumericFunction.DOLLAR;                 // DOLLAR
     retval[14]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("FIXED");    // FIXED
     retval[15]                       = NumericFunction.SIN;                    // SIN
     retval[16]                       = NumericFunction.COS;                    // COS
     retval[17]                       = NumericFunction.TAN;                    // TAN
     retval[18]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN;                   // ATAN
     retval[19]                       = new Pi();                               // PI
     retval[20]                       = NumericFunction.SQRT;                   // SQRT
     retval[21]                       = NumericFunction.EXP;                    // EXP
     retval[22]                       = NumericFunction.LN;                     // LN
     retval[23]                       = NumericFunction.LOG10;                  // LOG10
     retval[24]                       = NumericFunction.ABS;                    // ABS
     retval[25]                       = NumericFunction.INT;                    // INT
     retval[26]                       = NumericFunction.SIGN;                   // SIGN
     retval[27]                       = NumericFunction.ROUND;                  // ROUND
     retval[28]                       = new Lookup();                           // LOOKUP
     retval[29]                       = new Index();                            // INDEX
     retval[30]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("REPT");     // REPT
     retval[31]                       = TextFunction.MID;                       // MID
     retval[32]                       = TextFunction.LEN;                       // LEN
     retval[33]                       = new Value();                            // VALUE
     retval[34]                       = new True();                             // TRUE
     retval[35]                       = new False();                            // FALSE
     retval[36]                       = new And();                              // AND
     retval[37]                       = new Or();                               // OR
     retval[38]                       = new Not();                              // NOT
     retval[39]                       = NumericFunction.MOD;                    // MOD
     retval[40]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DCOUNT");   // DCOUNT
     retval[41]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DSUM");     // DSUM
     retval[42]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DAVERAGE"); // DAVERAGE
     retval[43]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DMIN");     // DMIN
     retval[44]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DMAX");     // DMAX
     retval[45]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DSTDEV");   // DSTDEV
     retval[46]                       = AggregateFunction.VAR;                  // VAR
     retval[47]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DVAR");     // DVAR
     retval[48]                       = TextFunction.TEXT;                      // TEXT
     retval[49]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("LINEST");   // LINEST
     retval[50]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TREND");    // TREND
     retval[51]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGEST");   // LOGEST
     retval[52]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("GROWTH");   // GROWTH
     retval[53]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("GOTO");     // GOTO
     retval[54]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("HALT");     // HALT
     retval[56]                       = FinanceFunction.PV;                     // PV
     retval[57]                       = FinanceFunction.FV;                     // FV
     retval[58]                       = FinanceFunction.NPER;                   // NPER
     retval[59]                       = FinanceFunction.PMT;                    // PMT
     retval[60]                       = new Rate();                             // RATE
     retval[61]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("MIRR");     // MIRR
     retval[62]                       = new Irr();                              // IRR
     retval[63]                       = new Rand();                             // RAND
     retval[64]                       = new Match();                            // MATCH
     retval[65]                       = DateFunc.instance;                      // DATE
     retval[66]                       = new TimeFunc();                         // TIME
     retval[67]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.DAY;              // DAY
     retval[68]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MONTH;            // MONTH
     retval[69]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.YEAR;             // YEAR
     retval[70]                       = WeekdayFunc.instance;                   // WEEKDAY
     retval[71]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.HOUR;
     retval[72]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MINUTE;
     retval[73]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.SECOND;
     retval[74]                       = new Now();
     retval[75]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("AREAS");          // AREAS
     retval[76]                       = new Rows();                                   // ROWS
     retval[77]                       = new Columns();                                // COLUMNS
     retval[FunctionID.OFFSET]        = new Offset();                                 // Offset.Evaluate has a different signature
     retval[79]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ABSREF");         // ABSREF
     retval[80]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("RELREF");         // RELREF
     retval[81]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ARGUMENT");       // ARGUMENT
     retval[82]                       = TextFunction.SEARCH;
     retval[83]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TRANSPOSE");      // TRANSPOSE
     retval[84]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ERROR");          // ERROR
     retval[85]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("STEP");           // STEP
     retval[86]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TYPE");           // TYPE
     retval[87]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ECHO");           // ECHO
     retval[88]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SetNAME");        // SetNAME
     retval[89]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("CALLER");         // CALLER
     retval[90]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DEREF");          // DEREF
     retval[91]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("WINDOWS");        // WINDOWS
     retval[92]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SERIES");         // SERIES
     retval[93]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DOCUMENTS");      // DOCUMENTS
     retval[94]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ACTIVECELL");     // ACTIVECELL
     retval[95]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SELECTION");      // SELECTION
     retval[96]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("RESULT");         // RESULT
     retval[97]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN2;                        // ATAN2
     retval[98]                       = NumericFunction.ASIN;                         // ASIN
     retval[99]                       = NumericFunction.ACOS;                         // ACOS
     retval[FunctionID.CHOOSE]        = new Choose();
     retval[101]                      = new Hlookup();                                // HLOOKUP
     retval[102]                      = new Vlookup();                                // VLOOKUP
     retval[103]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LINKS");          // LINKS
     retval[104]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INPUT");          // INPUT
     retval[105]                      = LogicalFunction.ISREF;                        // IsREF
     retval[106]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetFORMULA");     // GetFORMULA
     retval[107]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetNAME");        // GetNAME
     retval[108]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SetVALUE");       // SetVALUE
     retval[109]                      = NumericFunction.LOG;                          // LOG
     retval[110]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXEC");           // EXEC
     retval[111]                      = TextFunction.CHAR;                            // CHAR
     retval[112]                      = TextFunction.LOWER;                           // LOWER
     retval[113]                      = TextFunction.UPPER;                           // UPPER
     retval[114]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PROPER");         // PROPER
     retval[115]                      = TextFunction.LEFT;                            // LEFT
     retval[116]                      = TextFunction.RIGHT;                           // RIGHT
     retval[117]                      = TextFunction.EXACT;                           // EXACT
     retval[118]                      = TextFunction.TRIM;                            // TRIM
     retval[119]                      = new Replace();                                // Replace
     retval[120]                      = new Substitute();                             // SUBSTITUTE
     retval[121]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CODE");           // CODE
     retval[122]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NAMES");          // NAMES
     retval[123]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DIRECTORY");      // DIRECTORY
     retval[124]                      = TextFunction.FIND;                            // Find
     retval[125]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CELL");           // CELL
     retval[126]                      = LogicalFunction.ISERR;                        // IsERR
     retval[127]                      = LogicalFunction.ISTEXT;                       // IsTEXT
     retval[128]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNUMBER;                     // IsNUMBER
     retval[129]                      = LogicalFunction.ISBLANK;                      // IsBLANK
     retval[130]                      = new T();                                      // T
     retval[131]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("N");              // N
     retval[132]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FOPEN");          // FOPEN
     retval[133]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FCLOSE");         // FCLOSE
     retval[134]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FSIZE");          // FSIZE
     retval[135]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FReadLN");        // FReadLN
     retval[136]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FRead");          // FRead
     retval[137]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FWriteLN");       // FWriteLN
     retval[138]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FWrite");         // FWrite
     retval[139]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FPOS");           // FPOS
     retval[140]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DATEVALUE");      // DATEVALUE
     retval[141]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TIMEVALUE");      // TIMEVALUE
     retval[142]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SLN");            // SLN
     retval[143]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SYD");            // SYD
     retval[144]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DDB");            // DDB
     retval[145]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetDEF");         // GetDEF
     retval[146]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REFTEXT");        // REFTEXT
     retval[147]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TEXTREF");        // TEXTREF
     retval[FunctionID.INDIRECT]      = null;                                         // Indirect.Evaluate has different signature
     retval[149]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REGISTER");       // REGISTER
     retval[150]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CALL");           // CALL
     retval[151]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddBAR");         // AddBAR
     retval[152]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddMENU");        // AddMENU
     retval[153]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddCOMMAND");     // AddCOMMAND
     retval[154]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ENABLECOMMAND");  // ENABLECOMMAND
     retval[155]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHECKCOMMAND");   // CHECKCOMMAND
     retval[156]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RenameCOMMAND");  // RenameCOMMAND
     retval[157]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SHOWBAR");        // SHOWBAR
     retval[158]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETEMENU");     // DELETEMENU
     retval[159]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETECOMMAND");  // DELETECOMMAND
     retval[160]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetCHARTITEM");   // GetCHARTITEM
     retval[161]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DIALOGBOX");      // DIALOGBOX
     retval[162]                      = TextFunction.CLEAN;                           // CLEAN
     retval[163]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MDETERM");        // MDETERM
     retval[164]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MINVERSE");       // MINVERSE
     retval[165]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MMULT");          // MMULT
     retval[166]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FILES");          // FILES
     retval[167]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("IPMT");           // IPMT
     retval[168]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PPMT");           // PPMT
     retval[169]                      = new Counta();                                 // COUNTA
     retval[170]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CANCELKEY");      // CANCELKEY
     retval[175]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INITIATE");       // INITIATE
     retval[176]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REQUEST");        // REQUEST
     retval[177]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("POKE");           // POKE
     retval[178]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXECUTE");        // EXECUTE
     retval[179]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TERMINATE");      // TERMINATE
     retval[180]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESTART");        // RESTART
     retval[181]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HELP");           // HELP
     retval[182]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetBAR");         // GetBAR
     retval[183]                      = AggregateFunction.PRODUCT;                    // PRODUCT
     retval[184]                      = NumericFunction.FACT;                         // FACT
     retval[185]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetCELL");        // GetCELL
     retval[186]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWORKSPACE");   // GetWORKSPACE
     retval[187]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWINDOW");      // GetWINDOW
     retval[188]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetDOCUMENT");    // GetDOCUMENT
     retval[189]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DPRODUCT");       // DPRODUCT
     retval[190]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNONTEXT;                    // IsNONTEXT
     retval[191]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetNOTE");        // GetNOTE
     retval[192]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NOTE");           // NOTE
     retval[193]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVP");         // STDEVP
     retval[194]                      = AggregateFunction.VARP;                       // VARP
     retval[195]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DSTDEVP");        // DSTDEVP
     retval[196]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DVARP");          // DVARP
     retval[197]                      = NumericFunction.TRUNC;                        // TRUNC
     retval[198]                      = LogicalFunction.ISLOGICAL;                    // IsLOGICAL
     retval[199]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DCOUNTA");        // DCOUNTA
     retval[200]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETEBAR");      // DELETEBAR
     retval[201]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("UNREGISTER");     // UNREGISTER
     retval[204]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("USDOLLAR");       // USDOLLAR
     retval[205]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FindB");          // FindB
     retval[206]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SEARCHB");        // SEARCHB
     retval[207]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ReplaceB");       // ReplaceB
     retval[208]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LEFTB");          // LEFTB
     retval[209]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RIGHTB");         // RIGHTB
     retval[210]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MIDB");           // MIDB
     retval[211]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LENB");           // LENB
     retval[212]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDUP;                      // ROUNDUP
     retval[213]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDDOWN;                    // ROUNDDOWN
     retval[214]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ASC");            // ASC
     retval[215]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DBCS");           // DBCS
     retval[216]                      = new Rank();                                   // RANK
     retval[219]                      = new Address();                                // AddRESS
     retval[220]                      = new Days360();                                // DAYS360
     retval[221]                      = new Today();                                  // TODAY
     retval[222]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("VDB");            // VDB
     retval[227]                      = AggregateFunction.MEDIAN;                     // MEDIAN
     retval[228]                      = new Sumproduct();                             // SUMPRODUCT
     retval[229]                      = NumericFunction.SINH;                         // SINH
     retval[230]                      = NumericFunction.COSH;                         // COSH
     retval[231]                      = NumericFunction.TANH;                         // TANH
     retval[232]                      = NumericFunction.ASINH;                        // ASINH
     retval[233]                      = NumericFunction.ACOSH;                        // ACOSH
     retval[234]                      = NumericFunction.ATANH;                        // ATANH
     retval[235]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DGet");           // DGet
     retval[236]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CreateOBJECT");   // CreateOBJECT
     retval[237]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("VOLATILE");       // VOLATILE
     retval[238]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LASTERROR");      // LASTERROR
     retval[239]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CUSTOMUNDO");     // CUSTOMUNDO
     retval[240]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CUSTOMREPEAT");   // CUSTOMREPEAT
     retval[241]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FORMULAConvert"); // FORMULAConvert
     retval[242]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetLINKINFO");    // GetLINKINFO
     retval[243]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TEXTBOX");        // TEXTBOX
     retval[244]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INFO");           // INFO
     retval[245]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GROUP");          // GROUP
     retval[246]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetOBJECT");      // GetOBJECT
     retval[247]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DB");             // DB
     retval[248]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PAUSE");          // PAUSE
     retval[250]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESUME");         // RESUME
     retval[252]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FREQUENCY");      // FREQUENCY
     retval[253]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddTOOLBAR");     // AddTOOLBAR
     retval[254]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETETOOLBAR");  // DELETETOOLBAR
     retval[FunctionID.EXTERNAL_FUNC] = null;                                         // ExternalFunction is a FreeREfFunction
     retval[256]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESetTOOLBAR");   // RESetTOOLBAR
     retval[257]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EVALUATE");       // EVALUATE
     retval[258]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetTOOLBAR");     // GetTOOLBAR
     retval[259]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetTOOL");        // GetTOOL
     retval[260]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SPELLINGCHECK");  // SPELLINGCHECK
     retval[261]                      = new Errortype();                              // ERRORTYPE
     retval[262]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("APPTITLE");       // APPTITLE
     retval[263]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("WINDOWTITLE");    // WINDOWTITLE
     retval[264]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SAVETOOLBAR");    // SAVETOOLBAR
     retval[265]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ENABLETOOL");     // ENABLETOOL
     retval[266]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PRESSTOOL");      // PRESSTOOL
     retval[267]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REGISTERID");     // REGISTERID
     retval[268]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWORKBOOK");    // GetWORKBOOK
     retval[269]                      = AggregateFunction.AVEDEV;                     // AVEDEV
     retval[270]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BETADIST");       // BETADIST
     retval[271]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMALN");        // GAMMALN
     retval[272]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BETAINV");        // BETAINV
     retval[273]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BINOMDIST");      // BINOMDIST
     retval[274]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHIDIST");        // CHIDIST
     retval[275]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHIINV");         // CHIINV
     retval[276]                      = NumericFunction.COMBIN;                       // COMBIN
     retval[277]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CONFIDENCE");     // CONFIDENCE
     retval[278]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CRITBINOM");      // CRITBINOM
     retval[279]                      = new Even();                                   // EVEN
     retval[280]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXPONDIST");      // EXPONDIST
     retval[281]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FDIST");          // FDIST
     retval[282]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FINV");           // FINV
     retval[283]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FISHER");         // FISHER
     retval[284]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FISHERINV");      // FISHERINV
     retval[285]                      = NumericFunction.FLOOR;                        // FLOOR
     retval[286]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMADIST");      // GAMMADIST
     retval[287]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMAINV");       // GAMMAINV
     retval[288]                      = NumericFunction.CEILING;                      // CEILING
     retval[289]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HYPGEOMDIST");    // HYPGEOMDIST
     retval[290]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGNORMDIST");    // LOGNORMDIST
     retval[291]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGINV");         // LOGINV
     retval[292]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NEGBINOMDIST");   // NEGBINOMDIST
     retval[293]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMDIST");       // NORMDIST
     retval[294]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMSDIST");      // NORMSDIST
     retval[295]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMINV");        // NORMINV
     retval[296]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMSINV");       // NORMSINV
     retval[297]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STANDARDIZE");    // STANDARDIZE
     retval[298]                      = new Odd();                                    // ODD
     retval[299]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERMUT");         // PERMUT
     retval[300]                      = NumericFunction.POISSON;                      // POISSON
     retval[301]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TDIST");          // TDIST
     retval[302]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("WEIBULL");        // WEIBULL
     retval[303]                      = new Sumxmy2();                                // SUMXMY2
     retval[304]                      = new Sumx2my2();                               // SUMX2MY2
     retval[305]                      = new Sumx2py2();                               // SUMX2PY2
     retval[306]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHITEST");        // CHITEST
     retval[307]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CORREL");         // CORREL
     retval[308]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("COVAR");          // COVAR
     retval[309]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FORECAST");       // FORECAST
     retval[310]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FTEST");          // FTEST
     retval[311]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INTERCEPT");      // INTERCEPT
     retval[312]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PEARSON");        // PEARSON
     retval[313]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RSQ");            // RSQ
     retval[314]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STEYX");          // STEYX
     retval[315]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SLOPE");          // SLOPE
     retval[316]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TTEST");          // TTEST
     retval[317]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PROB");           // PROB
     retval[318]                      = AggregateFunction.DEVSQ;                      // DEVSQ
     retval[319]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GEOMEAN");        // GEOMEAN
     retval[320]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HARMEAN");        // HARMEAN
     retval[321]                      = AggregateFunction.SUMSQ;                      // SUMSQ
     retval[322]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("KURT");           // KURT
     retval[323]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SKEW");           // SKEW
     retval[324]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ZTEST");          // ZTEST
     retval[325]                      = AggregateFunction.LARGE;                      // LARGE
     retval[326]                      = AggregateFunction.SMALL;                      // SMALL
     retval[327]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("QUARTILE");       // QUARTILE
     retval[328]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERCENTILE");     // PERCENTILE
     retval[329]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERCENTRANK");    // PERCENTRANK
     retval[330]                      = new Mode();                                   // MODE
     retval[331]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TRIMMEAN");       // TRIMMEAN
     retval[332]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TINV");           // TINV
     retval[334]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MOVIECOMMAND");   // MOVIECOMMAND
     retval[335]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetMOVIE");       // GetMOVIE
     retval[336]                      = TextFunction.CONCATENATE;                     // CONCATENATE
     retval[337]                      = NumericFunction.POWER;                        // POWER
     retval[338]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PIVOTAddDATA");   // PIVOTAddDATA
     retval[339]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTTABLE");  // GetPIVOTTABLE
     retval[340]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTFIELD");  // GetPIVOTFIELD
     retval[341]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTITEM");   // GetPIVOTITEM
     retval[342]                      = NumericFunction.RADIANS;
     ;                                                                                // RADIANS
     retval[343] = NumericFunction.DEGREES;                                           // DEGREES
     retval[344] = new Subtotal();                                                    // SUBTOTAL
     retval[345] = new Sumif();                                                       // SUMIF
     retval[346] = new Countif();                                                     // COUNTIF
     retval[347] = new Countblank();                                                  // COUNTBLANK
     retval[348] = new NotImplementedFunction("SCENARIOGet");                         // SCENARIOGet
     retval[349] = new NotImplementedFunction("OPTIONSLISTSGet");                     // OPTIONSLISTSGet
     retval[350] = new NotImplementedFunction("IsPMT");                               // IsPMT
     retval[351] = new NotImplementedFunction("DATEDIF");                             // DATEDIF
     retval[352] = new NotImplementedFunction("DATESTRING");                          // DATESTRING
     retval[353] = new NotImplementedFunction("NUMBERSTRING");                        // NUMBERSTRING
     retval[354] = new NotImplementedFunction("ROMAN");                               // ROMAN
     retval[355] = new NotImplementedFunction("OPENDIALOG");                          // OPENDIALOG
     retval[356] = new NotImplementedFunction("SAVEDIALOG");                          // SAVEDIALOG
     retval[357] = new NotImplementedFunction("VIEWGet");                             // VIEWGet
     retval[358] = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTDATA");                        // GetPIVOTDATA
     retval[359] = new Hyperlink();                                                   // HYPERLINK
     retval[360] = new NotImplementedFunction("PHONETIC");                            // PHONETIC
     retval[361] = new NotImplementedFunction("AVERAGEA");                            // AVERAGEA
     retval[362] = new Maxa();                                                        // MAXA
     retval[363] = new Mina();                                                        // MINA
     retval[364] = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVPA");                             // STDEVPA
     retval[365] = new NotImplementedFunction("VARPA");                               // VARPA
     retval[366] = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVA");                              // STDEVA
     retval[367] = new NotImplementedFunction("VARA");                                // VARA
Пример #46
        public void ResultTypeVerVarTest()
            var exp = new And(new Variable("y"), new Variable("x"));

            Assert.Equal(ExpressionResultType.Number | ExpressionResultType.Boolean, exp.ResultType);
Пример #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Call a SmartObject get list and return a data table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectName">SmartObjec Name</param>
        /// <param name="methodName">Method Name</param>
        /// <param name="properties">Collection of Properties for the input parameters of the method</param>
        /// <returns>Generic list of Collection of Properties from the SmartObject return property collection</returns>
        public DataTable CallSmartObjectListMethod(string objectName, string methodName, Dictionary<string, object> properties, bool useFilter)
            List<Dictionary<string, object>> returnCollection = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            if (!SMOServer.Connection.IsConnected) return new DataTable();

            SmartObject smartObject = SMOServer.GetSmartObject(objectName);
            smartObject.MethodToExecute = methodName;
            if (useFilter)
                SmartListMethod getList = smartObject.ListMethods[methodName];
                LogicalFilter currentFilter = null;
                LogicalFilter lastFilter = null;

                foreach (var prop in properties)
                    lastFilter = currentFilter;
                    currentFilter = CreateEqualsFilter(prop.Key, prop.Value);
                    if (lastFilter != null)
                        //keeps creating 'and' filters for all properties 
                        //e.g. PIID=1243 AND DataName="Data.Field" AND ProcessName = "myProcess"
                        currentFilter = new And(lastFilter, currentFilter);

                ////////var leftFilter = CreateEqualsFilter(properties[0],int.Parse(properties["ProcessInstanceID"].ToString())) ;
                ////////var rightFilter = CreateEqualsFilter("DataName", properties["DataName"].ToString());
                if (currentFilter != null)
                {// if there is more than one filter
                    //If only one property, then this is an Equals filter
                    //for more than one property it is an AND filter
                    getList.Filter = currentFilter;
                //Set Parameter
                foreach (SmartParameter para in smartObject.ListMethods[methodName].Parameters)
                    if (properties.ContainsKey(para.Name)) SetPropertyValue(para, properties[para.Name]);

                //Set propery
                foreach (SmartProperty prop in smartObject.ListMethods[methodName].InputProperties)
                    //See if this key exists in the data properteries
                    if (properties.ContainsKey(prop.Name)) SetPropertyValue(prop, properties[prop.Name]);
            //maybe temp, remove space from displayname
            return K2Field.Helpers.Core.Code.Converters.RemoveSpaceInColumnNameSpaces(SMOServer.ExecuteListDataTable(smartObject));
Пример #48
        public void ExecuteTest1()
            var exp = new And(new Number(1), new Number(3));

            Assert.Equal(1.0, exp.Execute());
Пример #49
 public void Visit(And and)
     _sb.Append(" && ");
Пример #50
        public void ExecuteTest2()
            var exp = new And(new Number(1.5), new Number(2.5));

            Assert.Equal(2.0, exp.Execute());
Пример #51
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Action<Equation> AssertIsTrue = (eq) =>
                if (!eq) Console.WriteLine(eq.ToString());

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> sin = obj => Trig.Sin(obj);
            Func<MathObject, MathObject> cos = obj => Trig.Cos(obj);
            Func<MathObject, MathObject> tan = obj => new Tan(obj).Simplify();

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> asin = obj => new Asin(obj).Simplify();
            Func<MathObject, MathObject> atan = obj => new Atan(obj).Simplify();

                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var b = new Symbol("b");
                var c = new Symbol("c");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                Func<int, Integer> Int = (n) => new Integer(n);

                    DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.000000001;

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.2)), "new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.2))");

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.20000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.20000002)) == false, "new DoubleFloat(1.20000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.20000002)) == false");

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.2000000000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.200000000002)), "new DoubleFloat(1.2000000000001).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.200000000002))");

                    Assert(new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.23)) == false, "new DoubleFloat(1.2).Equals(new DoubleFloat(1.23)) == false");

                    DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;

                #region Simplify

                AssertIsTrue(x + x == 2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x + x == 2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x + x + x == 3 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(5 + x + 2 == 7 + x);

                AssertIsTrue(3 + x + 5 + x == 8 + 2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(4 * x + 3 * x == 7 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x + y + z + x + y + z == 2 * x + 2 * y + 2 * z);

                AssertIsTrue(10 - x == 10 + x * -1);

                AssertIsTrue(x * y / 3 == Int(1) / 3 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue(x / y == x * (y ^ -1));

                AssertIsTrue(x / 3 == x * (Int(1) / 3));

                AssertIsTrue(6 * x * y / 3 == 2 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue((((x ^ Int(1) / 2) ^ Int(1) / 2) ^ 8) == (x ^ 2));

                AssertIsTrue(((((x * y) ^ (Int(1) / 2)) * (z ^ 2)) ^ 2) == (x * y * (z ^ 4)));

                AssertIsTrue(x / x == 1);

                AssertIsTrue(x / y * y / x == 1);

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ 2) * (x ^ 3) == (x ^ 5));

                AssertIsTrue(x + y + x + z + 5 + z == 5 + 2 * x + y + 2 * z);

                AssertIsTrue(((Int(1) / 2) * x + (Int(3) / 4) * x) == Int(5) / 4 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(1.2 * x + 3 * x == 4.2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(3 * x + 1.2 * x == 4.2 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(1.2 * x * 3 * y == 3.5999999999999996 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue(3 * x * 1.2 * y == 3.5999999999999996 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue(3.4 * x * 1.2 * y == 4.08 * x * y);

                AssertIsTrue((a == b) == (a == b));


                #region Power.Simplify

                AssertIsTrue((0 ^ x) == 0);
                AssertIsTrue((1 ^ x) == 1);
                AssertIsTrue((x ^ 0) == 1);
                AssertIsTrue((x ^ 1) == x);


                // Product.Simplify

                AssertIsTrue(x * 0 == 0);

                // Difference

                AssertIsTrue(-x == -1 * x);

                AssertIsTrue(x - y == x + -1 * y);

                #region Substitute

                AssertIsTrue(Int(10).Substitute(Int(10), 20) == 20);
                AssertIsTrue(Int(10).Substitute(Int(15), 20) == 10);

                AssertIsTrue(new DoubleFloat(1.0).Substitute(new DoubleFloat(1.0), 2.0) == 2.0);
                AssertIsTrue(new DoubleFloat(1.0).Substitute(new DoubleFloat(1.5), 2.0) == 1.0);

                AssertIsTrue((Int(1) / 2).Substitute(Int(1) / 2, Int(3) / 4) == Int(3) / 4);
                AssertIsTrue((Int(1) / 2).Substitute(Int(1) / 3, Int(3) / 4) == Int(1) / 2);

                AssertIsTrue(x.Substitute(x, y) == y);
                AssertIsTrue(x.Substitute(y, y) == x);

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ y).Substitute(x, 10) == (10 ^ y));
                AssertIsTrue((x ^ y).Substitute(y, 10) == (x ^ 10));

                AssertIsTrue((x ^ y).Substitute(x ^ y, 10) == 10);

                AssertIsTrue((x * y * z).Substitute(x, y) == ((y ^ 2) * z));
                AssertIsTrue((x * y * z).Substitute(x * y * z, x) == x);

                AssertIsTrue((x + y + z).Substitute(x, y) == ((y * 2) + z));
                AssertIsTrue((x + y + z).Substitute(x + y + z, x) == x);

                    ((((x * y) ^ (Int(1) / 2)) * (z ^ 2)) ^ 2)
                        .Substitute(x, 10)
                        .Substitute(y, 20)
                        .Substitute(z, 3)
                        == 16200

                #region Equation.Substitute

                AssertIsTrue((x == y).Substitute(y, z) == (x == z));

                AssertIsTrue((x != y).Substitute(y, z) == (x != z));

                (x == 0).Substitute(x, 0).AssertEqTo(true);

                (x == 0).Substitute(x, 1).AssertEqTo(false);

                (x != 0).Substitute(x, 0).AssertEqTo(false);

                (x != 0).Substitute(x, 1).AssertEqTo(true);



                AssertIsTrue(sin(new DoubleFloat(3.14159 / 2)) == 0.99999999999911982);

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + y) + sin(x + y) == 2 * sin(x + y));

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + x) == sin(2 * x));

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + x).Substitute(x, 1) == sin(Int(2)));

                AssertIsTrue(sin(x + x).Substitute(x, 1.0) == 0.90929742682568171);

                AssertIsTrue(sin(2 * x).Substitute(x, y) == sin(2 * y));

                // Product.RecursiveSimplify

                AssertIsTrue(1 * x == x);

                AssertIsTrue(x * 1 == x);

                AssertIsTrue(x != y);

                AssertIsTrue(x != 10);

                // ==(double a, MathObject b)

                AssertIsTrue(1.0 == new DoubleFloat(3.0) - 2.0);

                AssertIsTrue((a == b) != (a != b));

                #region Equation.ToString

                Assert((x == y).ToString() == "x == y", "x == y");

                Assert((x != y).ToString() == "x != y", "x != y");


                #region Function.ToString

                Assert(new And().ToString() == "And()", "And()");


                #region Equation.Simplify

                (new Integer(0) == new Integer(0)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                (new Integer(0) == new Integer(1)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);

                (new Integer(0) != new Integer(1)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                (new Integer(0) != new Integer(0)).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);


                #region And

                new And().Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                new And(10).Simplify().AssertEqTo(10);

                new And(true).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                new And(false).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);

                new And(10, 20, 30).Simplify().AssertEqTo(new And(10, 20, 30));

                new And(10, false, 20).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);

                new And(10, true, 20).Simplify().AssertEqTo(new And(10, 20));

                new And(10, new And(20, 30), 40)
                    .AssertEqTo(new And(10, 20, 30, 40));


                #region Or

                new Or(10).Simplify().AssertEqTo(10);

                new Or(true).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                new Or(false).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);

                new Or(10, 20, false).Simplify().AssertEqTo(new Or(10, 20));

                new Or(false, false).Simplify().AssertEqTo(false);

                new Or(10, true, 20, false).Simplify().AssertEqTo(true);

                new Or(10, false, 20).Simplify().AssertEqTo(new Or(10, 20));

                new Or(10, new Or(20, 30), 40)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(10, 20, 30, 40));


                #region Function.Map

                new And(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).Map(elt => elt * 2)
                    .AssertEqTo(new And(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12));

                new And(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).Map(elt => (elt is Integer) && (elt as Integer).val % 2 == 0 ? elt : false)

                new Or(1, 2, 3).Map(elt => elt * 2)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(2, 4, 6));

                new Or(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).Map(elt => (elt is Integer) && (elt as Integer).val % 2 == 0 ? elt : false)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(2, 4, 6));

                #endregion Function.Map

                #region Sum

                Assert((x + y).Equals(x * y) == false, "(x + y).Equals(x * y)");


                #region Has

                Assert(a.Has(elt => elt == a), "a.Has(elt => elt == a)");

                Assert(a.Has(elt => elt == b) == false, "a.Has(elt => elt == b) == false");

                Assert((a == b).Has(elt => elt == a), "Has - 3");

                Assert((a == b).Has(elt => elt == c) == false, "Has - 4");

                Assert(((a + b) ^ c).Has(elt => elt == a + b), "Has - 5");

                Assert(((a + b) ^ c).Has(elt => (elt is Power) && (elt as Power).exp == c), "Has - 6");

                Assert((x * (a + b + c)).Has(elt => (elt is Sum) && (elt as Sum).Has(b)), "Has - 7");

                Assert((x * (a + b + c)).Has(elt => (elt is Sum) && (elt as Sum).elts.Any(obj => obj == b)), "Has - 8");

                Assert((x * (a + b + c)).Has(elt => (elt is Product) && (elt as Product).elts.Any(obj => obj == b)) == false, "Has - 9");


                #region FreeOf

                Assert((a + b).FreeOf(b) == false, "(a + b).FreeOf(b)");
                Assert((a + b).FreeOf(c) == true, "(a + b).FreeOf(c)");
                Assert(((a + b) * c).FreeOf(a + b) == false, "((a + b) * c).FreeOf(a + b)");
                Assert((sin(x) + 2 * x).FreeOf(sin(x)) == false, "(sin(x) + 2 * x).FreeOf(sin(x))");
                Assert(((a + b + c) * d).FreeOf(a + b) == true, "((a + b + c) * d).FreeOf(a + b)");
                Assert(((y + 2 * x - y) / x).FreeOf(x) == true, "((y + 2 * x - y) / x).FreeOf(x)");
                Assert(((x * y) ^ 2).FreeOf(x * y) == true, "((x * y) ^ 2).FreeOf(x * y)");


                #region Denominator
                    ((new Integer(2) / 3) * ((x * (x + 1)) / (x + 2)) * (y ^ z))
                        .AssertEqTo(3 * (x + 2));

                #region LogicalExpand

                new And(new Or(a, b), c)
                        new Or(
                            new And(a, c),
                            new And(b, c)));

                new And(a, new Or(b, c))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(new And(a, b), new And(a, c)));

                new And(a, new Or(b, c), d)
                        new Or(
                            new And(a, b, d),
                            new And(a, c, d)));

                new And(new Or(a == b, b == c), x == y)
                        new Or(
                            new And(a == b, x == y),
                            new And(b == c, x == y)));

                new And(
                    new Or(a == b, b == c),
                    new Or(c == d, d == a),
                    x == y)
                        new Or(
                            new And(a == b, c == d, x == y),
                            new And(a == b, d == a, x == y),
                            new And(b == c, c == d, x == y),
                            new And(b == c, d == a, x == y)));


                #region SimplifyEquation

                (2 * x == 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == 0);

                (2 * x != 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(x != 0);

                ((x ^ 2) == 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == 0);


                #region SimplifyLogical

                new And(a, b, c, a)
                    .AssertEqTo(new And(a, b, c));

                #endregion SimplifyLogical

                #region DegreeGpe

                    var w = new Symbol("w");

                        ((3 * w * x ^ 2) * (y ^ 3) * (z ^ 4)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z }) == 6,
                        "((3 * w * x ^ 2) * (y ^ 3) * (z ^ 4)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z })");

                        ((a * x ^ 2) + b * x + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x }) == 2,
                        "((a * x ^ 2) + b * x + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x })");

                        (a * (sin(x) ^ 2) + b * sin(x) + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { sin(x) }) == 2,
                        "(a * (sin(x) ^ 2) + b * sin(x) + c).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { sin(x) })");

                        (2 * (x ^ 2) * y * (z ^ 3) + w * x * (z ^ 6)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z }) == 7,
                        "(2 * (x ^ 2) * y * (z ^ 3) + w * x * (z ^ 6)).DegreeGpe(new List<MathObject>() { x, z })");


                #region CoefficientGpe

                AssertIsTrue((a * (x ^ 2) + b * x + c).CoefficientGpe(x, 2) == a);

                AssertIsTrue((3 * x * (y ^ 2) + 5 * (x ^ 2) * y + 7 * x + 9).CoefficientGpe(x, 1) == 3 * (y ^ 2) + 7);

                AssertIsTrue((3 * x * (y ^ 2) + 5 * (x ^ 2) * y + 7 * x + 9).CoefficientGpe(x, 3) == 0);

                    (3 * sin(x) * (x ^ 2) + 2 * x + 4).CoefficientGpe(x, 2) == null,
                    "(3 * sin(x) * (x ^ 2) + 2 * x + 4).CoefficientGpe(x, 2) == null");


                #region AlgebraicExpand

                    ((x + 2) * (x + 3) * (x + 4)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    24 + 26 * x + 9 * (x ^ 2) + (x ^ 3));

                    ((x + y + z) ^ 3).AlgebraicExpand()
                    (x ^ 3) + (y ^ 3) + (z ^ 3) +
                    3 * (x ^ 2) * y +
                    3 * (y ^ 2) * x +
                    3 * (x ^ 2) * z +
                    3 * (y ^ 2) * z +
                    3 * (z ^ 2) * x +
                    3 * (z ^ 2) * y +
                    6 * x * y * z);

                    (((x + 1) ^ 2) + ((y + 1) ^ 2)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    2 + 2 * x + (x ^ 2) + 2 * y + (y ^ 2));

                    ((((x + 2) ^ 2) + 3) ^ 2).AlgebraicExpand()
                    49 + 56 * x + 30 * (x ^ 2) + 8 * (x ^ 3) + (x ^ 4));

                    sin(x * (y + z)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    sin(x * y + x * z));

                    (a * (b + c) == x * (y + z)).AlgebraicExpand()
                    (a * b + a * c == x * y + x * z));


                #region IsolateVariable

                (x + y + z == 0).IsolateVariable(a).AssertEqTo(x + y + z == 0);

                // (x * a + x * b == 0).IsolateVariable(x).Disp();

                (x * (a + b) - x * a - x * b + x == c)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == c);

                new And(x == y, a == b)
                    .AssertEqTo(new And(x == y, b == a));

                new Or(new And(y == x, z == x), new And(b == x, c == x))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(new And(x == y, x == z), new And(x == b, x == c)));

                Assert((0 == x - y).IsolateVariableEq(x).Equals(x == y), "(0 == x - y).IsolateVariable(x).Equals(x == y)");

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                (a * (x ^ 2) + b * x + c == 0)

                        new Or(

                            new And(
                                x == (-b + sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            new And(
                                x == (-b - sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            new And(x == -c / b, a == 0, b != 0),

                            new And(a == 0, b == 0, c == 0)

                (a * (x ^ 2) + c == 0)

                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                x == sqrt(-4 * a * c) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            new And(
                                x == -sqrt(-4 * a * c) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            new And(a == 0, c == 0)

                // a x^2 + b x + c == 0
                // a x^2 + c == - b x
                // (a x^2 + c) / x == - b

                ((a * (x ^ 2) + c) / x == -b)

                    new Or(

                            new And(
                                x == (-b + sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            new And(
                                x == (-b - sqrt((b ^ 2) + -4 * a * c)) / (2 * a),
                                a != 0

                            new And(x == -c / b, a == 0, b != 0),

                            new And(a == 0, b == 0, c == 0)

                (sqrt(x + y) == z).IsolateVariable(x).AssertEqTo(x == (z ^ 2) - y);

                (a * b + a == c)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == c / (b + 1));

                (a * b + a * c == d)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == d / (b + c));

                (1 / sqrt(x) == y)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == (y ^ -2));

                (y == sqrt(x) / x)
                    .AssertEqTo(x == (y ^ -2));

                (-sqrt(x) + z * x == y)
                    .AssertEqTo(-sqrt(x) + z * x == y);

                (sqrt(a + x) - z * x == -y)
                    .AssertEqTo(sqrt(a + x) - z * x == -y);

                (sqrt(2 + x) * sqrt(3 + x) == y)
                    .AssertEqTo(sqrt(2 + x) * sqrt(3 + x) == y);


                #region EliminateVariable

                new And((x ^ 3) == (y ^ 5), z == x)
                .AssertEqTo((z ^ 3) == (y ^ 5));

                new And((x ^ 3) == (y ^ 5), z == (x ^ 7))
                .AssertEqTo(new And((x ^ 3) == (y ^ 5), z == (x ^ 7)));



            #region EliminateVariable


                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                var eqs = new And()
                    args =
                        (x ^ 2) - 4 == 0,
                        y + x == 0,
                        x + z == 10

                var half = new Integer(1) / 2;

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ half;

                ((x ^ 2) - 4 == 0)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(x == half * sqrt(16), x == -half * sqrt(16)));

                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                half * sqrt(16) + y == 0,
                                half * sqrt(16) + z == 10
                            new And(
                                -half * sqrt(16) + y == 0,
                                -half * sqrt(16) + z == 10


                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                new Or(
                    new And(x == y, x == z, x == a),
                    new And(x == -y, x == z, x == a)
                        new Or(
                            new And(y == z, y == a),
                            new And(-y == z, -y == a)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(z == a, z == a));

                var x = new Symbol("x");
                var y = new Symbol("y");
                var z = new Symbol("z");

                new And(y != z, y == x, y == 10)
                    .AssertEqTo(new And(x != z, x == 10));

            #region PSE Example 2.6

                var sAC = new Symbol("sAC");
                var sAB = new Symbol("sAB");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var vB = new Symbol("vB");
                var vC = new Symbol("vC");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");
                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var eqs = new And(tAB == tAC / 2);

                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(sAC, vA, vC, a, tAC));
                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(sAB, vA, vB, a, tAB));

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { vA == 10, vC == 30, tAC == 10 };

                    .EliminateVariables(tAB, sAC, vB, sAB)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == (vC - vA) / tAC)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == 2);

                    .EliminateVariables(vB, a, tAB, sAC)
                    .AssertEqTo(sAB == tAC / 4 * (2 * vA + (vC - vA) / 2))
                    .AssertEqTo(sAB == 75);


            #region PSE Example 2.7
                // s =
                // u = 63
                // v =  0
                // a =
                // t =  2

                var s = new Symbol("s");
                var u = new Symbol("u");
                var v = new Symbol("v");
                var a = new Symbol("a");
                var t = new Symbol("t");

                var eqs = new And();

                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(s, u, v, a, t));

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { u == 63, v == 0, t == 2.0 };

                    .AssertEqTo(v == a * t + u)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == (v - u) / t)
                    .AssertEqTo(a == -31.5);

                    .AssertEqTo(s == 63.0);

            #region PSE Example 2.8
                // car
                // s1 =
                // u1 = 45
                // v1 = 45
                // a1 =  0
                // t1 =

                // officer
                // s2 =
                // u2 =  0
                // v2 =
                // a2 =  3
                // t2

                var s1 = new Symbol("s1");
                var u1 = new Symbol("u1");
                var v1 = new Symbol("v1");
                var a1 = new Symbol("a1");
                var t1 = new Symbol("t1");

                var s2 = new Symbol("s2");
                var u2 = new Symbol("u2");
                var v2 = new Symbol("v2");
                var a2 = new Symbol("a2");
                var t2 = new Symbol("t2");

                var eqs = new And(
                    u1 == v1,
                    s1 == s2,
                    t2 == t1 - 1);

                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(s1, u1, v1, a1, t1));
                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(s2, u2, v2, a2, t2));

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    v1 == 45.0,
                    u2 == 0,
                    a2 == 3

                    .EliminateVariables(s2, t1, a1, s1, v2, u1)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(t2 == -0.96871942267131317, t2 == 30.968719422671313));

            #region PSE Example 2.12

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");
                var yD = new Symbol("yD");

                var tA = new Symbol("tA");
                var tB = new Symbol("tB");
                var tC = new Symbol("tC");
                var tD = new Symbol("tD");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var vB = new Symbol("vB");
                var vC = new Symbol("vC");
                var vD = new Symbol("vD");

                var a = new Symbol("a");

                var eqs = new And();

                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(yA, yB, vA, vB, a, tA, tB));
                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(yB, yC, vB, vC, a, tB, tC));
                eqs.args.AddRange(Kinematic(yC, yD, vC, vD, a, tC, tD));

                var vals = new List<Equation>()
                    yA == 50,
                    yC == 50,
                    vA == 20,
                    vB == 0,
                    a == -9.8,
                    tA == 0,
                    tD == 5

                // velocity and position at t = 5.00 s

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.000000001;

                    .EliminateVariables(tB, tC, vC, yB, yD)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(vD == -29.000000000000004, vD == -29.000000000000007));

                    .EliminateVariables(tB, tC, vC, yB, vD)
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(yD == 27.499999999, yD == 27.499999999));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE Example 4.3

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var xC = new Symbol("xC");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");

                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    tAC == 2 * tAB,

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyC == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xC == xA + vxA * tAC + ax * (tAC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yA + vyA * tAC + ay * (tAC ^ 2) / 2


                var zeros = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, ax == 0, vyB == 0 };

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { thA == (20).ToRadians(), vA == 11.0, ay == -9.8, Trig.Pi == Math.PI };

                    .EliminateVariables(xB, yC, vxB, vxC, vyC, yB, tAC, vxA, vyA, tAB)
                    .AssertEqTo(xC == -2 * cos(thA) * sin(thA) * (vA ^ 2) / ay)
                    .AssertEqTo(xC == 7.9364592624562507);

                    .EliminateVariables(xB, yC, vxB, vxC, vyC, xC, vxA, tAC, vyA, tAB)
                    .AssertEqTo(yB == -(sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) / (2 * ay))
                    .AssertEqTo(yB == 0.72215873425009314);


            #region PSE 5E Example 4.5

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var xC = new Symbol("xC");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");

                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var vC = new Symbol("vC");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    // tAC == 2 * tAB,

                    // vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    // vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    // xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    // yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxA + ax * tAC,
                    vyC == vyA + ay * tAC,

                    // xC == xA + vxA * tAC + ax * (tAC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yA + vyA * tAC + ay * (tAC ^ 2) / 2,

                    vC == sqrt((vxC ^ 2) + (vyC ^ 2)),

                    ay != 0

                var zeros = new List<Equation>() { ax == 0, yC == 0 };
                var vals = new List<Equation>() { yA == 45, vA == 20, thA == (30).ToRadians(), ay == -9.8, Trig.Pi == Math.PI };

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(vC, vxA, vxC, vyC, vyA)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                tAC == -(sin(thA) * vA + sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (yC - yA))) / ay,
                                ay != 0),
                            new And(
                                tAC == -(sin(thA) * vA - sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (yC - yA))) / ay,
                                ay != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(tAC == 4.2180489012229376, tAC == -2.1772325746923267));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxC, vxA, vyA, vyC, tAC)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                ay != 0,
                                vC == sqrt((cos(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + ((sin(thA) * vA - (sin(thA) * vA + sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + -2 * ay * yA))) ^ 2))),
                            new And(
                                ay != 0,
                                vC == sqrt((cos(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + ((sin(thA) * vA - (sin(thA) * vA - sqrt((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + -2 * ay * yA))) ^ 2)))))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(vC == 35.805027579936315, vC == 35.805027579936322));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E Example 4.6

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var xB = new Symbol("xB");

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");

                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxA != 0,

                    ay != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 100, vxA == 40, vyA == 0, yB == 0, ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Trig.Pi == Math.PI };

                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, tAB)
                    .SubstituteEq(ax == 0)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == -1 * (ay ^ -1) * (vxA ^ 2) * (-1 * (-1 * (vxA ^ -1) * vyA + ay * (vxA ^ -2) * xA) + sqrt(((-1 * (vxA ^ -1) * vyA + ay * (vxA ^ -2) * xA) ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (vxA ^ -2) * ((vxA ^ -1) * vyA * xA - ay / 2 * (vxA ^ -2) * (xA ^ 2) + -1 * yA + yB))),
                                ay * (vxA ^ -2) != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                            new And(
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == -1 * (ay ^ -1) * (vxA ^ 2) * (-1 * (-1 * (vxA ^ -1) * vyA + ay * (vxA ^ -2) * xA) + -1 * sqrt(((-1 * (vxA ^ -1) * vyA + ay * (vxA ^ -2) * xA) ^ 2) + 2 * ay * (vxA ^ -2) * ((vxA ^ -1) * vyA * xA - ay / 2 * (vxA ^ -2) * (xA ^ 2) + -1 * yA + yB))),
                                ay * (vxA ^ -2) != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == -1 / ay * (vxA ^ 2) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (vxA ^ -2) * yA),
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                            new And(
                                vxA != 0,
                                xB == 1 / ay * (vxA ^ 2) * sqrt(-2 * ay * (vxA ^ -2) * yA),
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(xB == 180.70158058105022, xB == -180.70158058105022));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, xB, tAB)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                vyB == -1 * ay * sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * ((ay ^ -1) / 2 * (vyA ^ 2) + -1 * yA + yB)),
                    // (ay ^ -1) != 0,
                                vxA != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                            new And(
                                vyB == ay * sqrt(2 * (ay ^ -1) * ((ay ^ -1) / 2 * (vyA ^ 2) + -1 * yA + yB)),
                    // (ay ^ -1) != 0,
                                vxA != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                        new Or(
                          new And(
                              vyB == -ay * sqrt(-2 / ay * yA),
                    // 1 / ay != 0,
                              vxA != 0,
                              ay != 0),
                          new And(
                              vyB == ay * sqrt(-2 / ay * yA),
                    // 1 / ay != 0,
                              vxA != 0,
                              ay != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(vyB == 44.271887242357309, vyB == -44.271887242357309));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E Example 4.7

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var th = new Symbol("th");
                var d = new Symbol("d");

                var eqs = new And(

                    cos(th) == (xB - xA) / d,
                    sin(th) == (yA - yB) / d,

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    yB != 0,

                    ay != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, vxA == 25, vyA == 0, ax == 0, ay == -9.8, th == (35).ToRadians(), Trig.Pi == Math.PI };

                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, d, yB, tAB)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                xB == -(sin(th) / cos(th) + sqrt((cos(th) ^ -2) * (sin(th) ^ 2))) * (vxA ^ 2) / ay,
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                sin(th) / cos(th) * xB != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                            new And(
                                xB == -(sin(th) / cos(th) - sqrt((cos(th) ^ -2) * (sin(th) ^ 2))) * (vxA ^ 2) / ay,
                                ay / (vxA ^ 2) != 0,
                                sin(th) / cos(th) * xB != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                xB == 89.312185996136435,
                                xB != 0),
                            new And(
                                xB == 7.0805039835788038E-15,
                                xB != 0)));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, d, xB, tAB)
                        new And(
                            yB == 2 * (sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / ay / (cos(th) ^ 2),
                            -ay * (cos(th) ^ 2) / (sin(th) ^ 2) / (vxA ^ 2) / 2 != 0,
                            yB != 0,
                            ay != 0))
                        new And(
                            yB == -62.537065888482395,
                            yB != 0));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, d, xB, yB)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                tAB == -(sin(th) * vxA / cos(th) + sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / (cos(th) ^ 2))) / ay,
                                ay != 0,
                                sin(th) * tAB * vxA / cos(th) != 0),
                            new And(
                                tAB == -(sin(th) * vxA / cos(th) - sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / (cos(th) ^ 2))) / ay,
                                ay != 0,
                                sin(th) * tAB * vxA / cos(th) != 0)))
                        new And(
                            tAB == 3.5724874398454571,
                            tAB != 0));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, d, tAB, xB, yB)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                vyB == -ay * (sin(th) * vxA / (ay * cos(th)) + sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / ((ay ^ 2) * (cos(th) ^ 2)))),
                                sin(th) * vxA * vyB / (ay * cos(th)) != 0,
                                ay != 0),
                            new And(
                                vyB == -ay * (sin(th) * vxA / (ay * cos(th)) - sqrt((sin(th) ^ 2) * (vxA ^ 2) / ((ay ^ 2) * (cos(th) ^ 2)))),
                                sin(th) * vxA * vyB / (ay * cos(th)) != 0,
                                ay != 0)))
                        new And(
                            vyB == -35.010376910485483,
                            vyB != 0));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.9

                // In a local bar, a customer slides an empty beer mug
                // down the counter for a refill. The bartender is momentarily
                // distracted and does not see the mug, which slides
                // off the counter and strikes the floor 1.40 m from the
                // base of the counter. If the height of the counter is
                // 0.860 m, (a) with what velocity did the mug leave the
                // counter and (b) what was the direction of the mug’s
                // velocity just before it hit the floor?

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var thB = new Symbol("thB");
                var vB = new Symbol("vB");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    tan(thB) == vyB / vxB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    xB != 0

                var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0.86, /* vxA */ vyA == 0, xB == 1.4, yB == 0, /* vxB vyB vB thB */ /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8 };

                var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    .EliminateVariables(thB, vxB, vyB, tAB)
                        new Or(
                            new And(
                                vxA == ay * (xB ^ 2) / yA / 4 * sqrt(-8 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA),
                                2 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA != 0,
                                xB != 0),
                            new And(
                                vxA == -ay * (xB ^ 2) / yA / 4 * sqrt(-8 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA),
                                2 / ay * (xB ^ -2) * yA != 0,
                                xB != 0)))
                    .AssertEqTo(new Or(vxA == -3.3417722634053204, vxA == 3.3417722634053204));

                    .EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, tAB, vxA)
                        new And(
                            -tan(thB) / ay != 0,
                            thB == new Atan(-2 * yA / xB),
                            xB != 0))
                        new And(
                            0.1020408163265306 * tan(thB) != 0,
                            thB == -0.88760488150470185));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region SumDifferenceFormulaFunc

            // sin(u) cos(v) - cos(u) sin(v) -> sin(u - v)

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> SumDifferenceFormulaFunc = elt =>
                if (elt is Sum)
                    var items = new List<MathObject>();

                    foreach (var item in (elt as Sum).elts)
                        if (
                            item is Product &&
                            (item as Product).elts[0] == -1 &&
                            (item as Product).elts[1] is Cos &&
                            (item as Product).elts[2] is Sin
                            var u_ = ((item as Product).elts[1] as Cos).args[0];
                            var v_ = ((item as Product).elts[2] as Sin).args[0];

                            Func<MathObject, bool> match = obj =>
                                obj is Product &&
                                (obj as Product).elts[0] is Cos &&
                                (obj as Product).elts[1] is Sin &&

                                ((obj as Product).elts[1] as Sin).args[0] == u_ &&
                                ((obj as Product).elts[0] as Cos).args[0] == v_;

                            if (items.Any(obj => match(obj)))
                                items = items.Where(obj => match(obj) == false).ToList();

                                items.Add(sin(u_ - v_));
                            else items.Add(item);
                        else items.Add(item);

                    return new Sum() { elts = items }.Simplify();

                return elt;


                var u = new Symbol("u");
                var v = new Symbol("v");

                (sin(u) * cos(v) - cos(u) * sin(v))
                    .AssertEqTo(sin(u - v));

            #region DoubleAngleFormulaFunc

            // sin(u) cos(u) -> sin(2 u) / 2

            Func<MathObject, MathObject> DoubleAngleFormulaFunc =
                    elt =>
                        if (elt is Product)
                            var items = new List<MathObject>();

                            foreach (var item in (elt as Product).elts)
                                if (item is Sin)
                                    var sym = (item as Sin).args.First();

                                    if (items.Any(obj => (obj is Cos) && (obj as Cos).args.First() == sym))
                                        items = items.Where(obj => ((obj is Cos) && (obj as Cos).args.First() == sym) == false).ToList();

                                        items.Add(sin(2 * sym) / 2);
                                    else items.Add(item);

                                else if (item is Cos)
                                    var sym = (item as Cos).args.First();

                                    if (items.Any(obj => (obj is Sin) && (obj as Sin).args.First() == sym))
                                        items = items.Where(obj => ((obj is Sin) && (obj as Sin).args.First() == sym) == false).ToList();

                                        items.Add(sin(2 * sym) / 2);
                                    else items.Add(item);

                                else items.Add(item);

                            return new Product() { elts = items }.Simplify();
                        return elt;


            #region PSE 5E P4.11

                // One strategy in a snowball fight is to throw a first snowball
                // at a high angle over level ground. While your opponent is watching
                // the first one, you throw a second one at a low angle and timed
                // to arrive at your opponent before or at the same time as the first one.

                // Assume both snowballs are thrown with a speed of 25.0 m/s.

                // The first one is thrown at an angle of 70.0° with respect to the horizontal.

                // (a) At what angle should the second (lowangle)
                // snowball be thrown if it is to land at the same
                // point as the first?

                // (b) How many seconds later should the second snowball
                // be thrown if it is to land at the same time as the first?

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");

                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tAC = new Symbol("tAC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 25.0, /* thA == 70.0, */ /* xB == 20.497, */ /* yB */ /* vxB */ vyB == 0, /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                        // thA = ... || thA = ...

                        var expr = eqs
                            .EliminateVariables(yB, vxA, vyA, vxB, tAB)

                        // th_delta = ...

                        var th1 = ((expr as Or).args[0] as Equation).b;
                        var th2 = ((expr as Or).args[1] as Equation).b;

                        var th_delta = new Symbol("th_delta");

                            .Add(th_delta == (th1 - th2).AlgebraicExpand())

                            .EliminateVariables(yB, vxA, vyA, vxB, tAB)


                            .AssertEqTo(th_delta == asin(sin(2 * thA)) - Pi / 2)

                            .SubstituteEq(thA == (70).ToRadians())
                            .SubstituteEq(Pi == Math.PI)

                            .AssertEqTo(th_delta == -0.87266462599716454)

                        // tAB = ...

                        var tAB_eq = eqs
                            .EliminateVariables(yB, vxA, vyA, vxB, xB)

                        new And(
                            new Or(thA == (20).ToRadians(), thA == (70).ToRadians()),
                            tAC == tAB * 2)
                            .EliminateVariables(thA, tAB)

                            .AssertEqTo(new Or(
                                tAC == -2 * sin(Pi / 9) * vA / ay,
                                tAC == -2 * sin(7 * Pi / 18) * vA / ay))

                                new Or(
                                    tAC == 1.7450007312534115,
                                    tAC == 4.794350106050552));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.13

                // An artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of
                // 300 m/s at 55.0° above the horizontal. It explodes on a
                // mountainside 42.0 s after firing. What are the x and y
                // coordinates of the shell where it explodes, relative to its
                // firing point?

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = new And(
                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 300.0, thA == (55).ToRadians(), /* xB yB vxB vyB */ tAB == 42, ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI };

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();


                                new And(
                                    vxB == cos(thA) * vA,
                                    vyB == ay * tAB + sin(thA) * vA,
                                    xB == cos(thA) * tAB * vA,
                                    yB == ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2 + sin(thA) * tAB * vA))


                                new And(
                                    vxB == 172.07293090531385,
                                    vyB == -165.85438671330249,
                                    xB == 7227.0630980231817,
                                    yB == 1677.7157580412968))


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.15

                // A projectile is fired in such a way that its horizontal
                // range is equal to three times its maximum height.
                // What is the angle of projection?
                // Give your answer to three significant figures.

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var xC = new Symbol("xC");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tBC = new Symbol("tBC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var eqs = new And(

                    xC - xA == 3 * yB,

                    tAB == tBC,

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,

                    vxC == vxB + ax * tBC,
                    vyC == vyB + ay * tBC,

                    xC == xB + vxB * tBC + ax * (tBC ^ 2) / 2,
                    yC == yB + vyB * tBC + ay * (tBC ^ 2) / 2


                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        xA == 0, yA == 0, /* vxA vyA vA thA */ /* xB yB vxB */ vyB == 0, /* tAB tBC */
                        /* xC */ yC == 0,

                        ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                        .EliminateVariables(xC, tAB, vxA, vyA, vxB, xB, yB, vxC, vyC, tBC)
                        .AssertEqTo(thA == new Atan(new Integer(4) / 3));

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;


            #region PSE 5E P4.17

                // A cannon with a muzzle speed of 1000 m/s is used to
                // start an avalanche on a mountain slope. The target is
                // 2000 m from the cannon horizontally and 800 m above
                // the cannon.
                // At what angle, above the horizontal, should the cannon be fired?

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");

                var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
                var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");

                var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
                var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");

                var xC = new Symbol("xC");
                var yC = new Symbol("yC");

                var vxC = new Symbol("vxC");
                var vyC = new Symbol("vyC");

                var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
                var tBC = new Symbol("tBC");

                var ax = new Symbol("ax");
                var ay = new Symbol("ay");

                var Pi = new Symbol("Pi");

                var phi = new Symbol("phi");

                var eqs = new And(

                    vxA == vA * cos(thA),
                    vyA == vA * sin(thA),

                    vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
                    vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,

                    xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
                    yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;

                    var vals = new List<Equation>()
                        xA ==    0, yA ==   0, /* vxA vyA */ vA == 1000, /* thA */
                        xB == 2000, yB == 800.0, /* vxB vyB */
                        /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8, Pi == Math.PI

                    var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();

                            .EliminateVariables(vxA, vyA, vxB, vyB, tAB)

                            .MultiplyBothSidesBy(cos(thA) ^ 2).AlgebraicExpand()
                            .Substitute(cos(thA) ^ 2, (1 + cos(2 * thA)) / 2)
                            .AddToBothSides(-sin(2 * thA) * xB / 2)
                            .AddToBothSides(-yB / 2)
                            .MultiplyBothSidesBy(2 / xB).AlgebraicExpand()

                            // yB / xB = tan(phi)
                            // yB / xB = sin(phi) / cos(phi)

                            // phi = atan(yB / xB)

                            .Substitute(cos(2 * thA) * yB / xB, cos(2 * thA) * sin(phi) / cos(phi))

                            .Substitute(phi, new Atan(yB / xB).Simplify())

                                new Or(
                                    thA == -(asin(ay * cos(atan(yB / xB)) * (vA ^ -2) * xB + -1 * cos(atan(yB / xB)) * yB / xB) - atan(yB / xB)) / 2,
                                    thA == -(-asin(ay * cos(atan(yB / xB)) * (vA ^ -2) * xB - cos(atan(yB / xB)) * yB / xB) - atan(yB / xB) + Pi) / 2))


                                new Or(
                                    thA == 0.39034573609628065,
                                    thA == -1.5806356857788124))

                DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;



            #region PSE 5E Example 4.3
                var thA = new Symbol("thA"); // angle at point A
                var vA = new Symbol("vA"); // velocity at point A

                var g = new Symbol("g"); // magnitude of gravity

                var _g = new Point(0, -g); // gravity vector

                var objA =
                    new Obj()
                        position = new Point(0, 0),
                        velocity = Point.FromAngle(thA, vA),
                        acceleration = _g,
                        time = new Integer(0)

                var objB =
                    new Obj()
                        velocity = new Point(objA.velocity.x, 0),
                        acceleration = _g

                var timeB = Calc.Time(objA, objB);
                var timeC = timeB * 2;

                objB = objA.AtTime(timeB);
                var objC = objA.AtTime(timeC);

                //Console.WriteLine("How far does he dump in the horizontal direction?");

                AssertIsTrue(objC.position.x == 2 * Trig.Cos(thA) * Trig.Sin(thA) * (vA ^ 2) / g);

                //Console.WriteLine("What is the maximum height reached?");

                AssertIsTrue(objB.position.y == (Trig.Sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) / 2 / g);

                // Console.WriteLine("Distance jumped: ");

                var deg = 3.14159 / 180.0;

                    // .Substitute(thA, Trig.ToRadians(20))
                    .Substitute(thA, 20 * deg)
                    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                    .Substitute(vA, 11)

                //Console.WriteLine("Maximum height reached: ");

                    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                    .Substitute(thA, Trig.ToRadians(20))
                    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                    .Substitute(vA, 11)

            #region PSE 5E EXAMPLE 4.5
                // A stone is thrown from the top of a building upward at an
                // angle of 30.0° to the horizontal and with an initial speed of
                // 20.0 m/s, as shown in Figure 4.12. If the height of the building
                // is 45.0 m, (a) how long is it before the stone hits the ground?
                // (b) What is the speed of the stone just before it strikes the
                // ground?

                var thA = new Symbol("thA"); // angle at point A
                var vA = new Symbol("vA"); // velocity at point A

                var g = new Symbol("g"); // magnitude of gravity

                var _g = new Point(0, -g); // gravity vector

                var objA = new Obj()
                    position = new Point(0, 0),
                    velocity = Point.FromAngle(thA, vA),
                    acceleration = _g,
                    time = new Integer(0)

                var objB = new Obj()
                    velocity = new Point(objA.velocity.x, 0),
                    acceleration = _g,

                var timeB = Calc.Time(objA, objB);

                objB = objA.AtTime(timeB);

                var timeC = timeB * 2;

                var objC = objA.AtTime(timeC);

                var yD = new Symbol("yD");

                var objD = new Obj()
                    position = new Point(null, yD),
                    velocity = new Point(objA.velocity.x, null),
                    acceleration = _g

                var timeAD = Calc.Time(objA, objD, 1);

                objD = objA.AtTime(timeAD);

                // "How long is it before the stone hits the ground?".Disp();

                // "Symbolic answer:".Disp();

                    -1 * (g ^ -1) * (-1 * Trig.Sin(thA) * vA + -1 * (((Trig.Sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + -2 * g * yD) ^ (new Integer(1) / 2))));

                // "Numeric answer:".Disp();

                        .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                        .Substitute(thA, (30).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                        .Substitute(vA, 20)
                        .Substitute(yD, -45),
                    new DoubleFloat(4.21804787012706),

                // "What is the speed of the stone just before it strikes the ground?".Disp();

                // "Symbolic answer:".Disp();

                    (((Trig.Cos(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + (Trig.Sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + -2 * g * yD) ^ (new Integer(1) / 2)));

                // "Numeric answer:".Disp();

                        .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                        .Substitute(thA, (30).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                        .Substitute(vA, 20)
                        .Substitute(yD, -45),
                    new DoubleFloat(35.805027579936315),

            #region PSE 5E EXAMPLE 4.6
                // An Alaskan rescue plane drops a package of emergency rations
                // to a stranded party of explorers, as shown in Figure
                // 4.13. If the plane is traveling horizontally at 40.0 m/s and is
                // 100 m above the ground, where does the package strike the
                // ground relative to the point at which it was released?

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");      // position.x at point A

                var yA = new Symbol("yA");      // position.y at point A

                var thA = new Symbol("thA");    // angle at point A

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");      // velocity at point A

                var g = new Symbol("g");        // magnitude of gravity

                var _g = new Point(0, -g);      // gravity vector

                var objA = new Obj()            // obj at the initial position
                    position = new Point(xA, yA),
                    velocity = Point.FromAngle(thA, vA),
                    acceleration = _g,
                    time = 0

                var objB = new Obj()            // obj at the final position
                    position = new Point(null, 0),
                    velocity = new Point(objA.velocity.x, null),
                    acceleration = _g

                var timeB = Calc.Time(objA, objB, 1);

                objB = objA.AtTime(timeB);

                //"Where does the package strike the ground relative to the point at which it was released?".Disp(); "".Disp();


                //objB.position.x.Disp(); "".Disp();

                    xA - cos(thA) / g * vA * (-sin(thA) * vA - (((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 2 * g * yA) ^ new Integer(1) / 2)));


                //    .Substitute(xA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(yA, 100)
                //    .Substitute(vA, 40)
                //    .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .Disp();

                        .Substitute(xA, 0)
                        .Substitute(yA, 100)
                        .Substitute(vA, 40)
                        .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8),


                //("What are the horizontal and vertical components " +
                // "of the velocity of the package just before it hits the ground?").Disp(); "".Disp();

                //"symbolic velocity.x:".Disp();

                //objB.velocity.x.Disp(); "".Disp();

                AssertIsTrue(objB.velocity.x == cos(thA) * vA);

                //"symbolic velocity.y:".Disp();

                //objB.velocity.y.Disp(); "".Disp();

                    -1 * (((sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 2 * g * yA) ^ (new Integer(1) / 2)));

                //"numeric velocity.x:".Disp();

                //    .Substitute(xA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(yA, 100)
                //    .Substitute(vA, 40)
                //    .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .Disp(); "".Disp();

                        .Substitute(xA, 0)
                        .Substitute(yA, 100)
                        .Substitute(vA, 40)
                        .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8),

                //"numeric velocity.y:".Disp();

                //    .Substitute(xA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(yA, 100)
                //    .Substitute(vA, 40)
                //    .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .Disp(); "".Disp();

                        .Substitute(xA, 0)
                        .Substitute(yA, 100)
                        .Substitute(vA, 40)
                        .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8),

            #region PSE 5E EXAMPLE 4.7

                // A ski jumper leaves the ski track moving in the horizontal
                // direction with a speed of 25.0 m/s, as shown in Figure 4.14.
                // The landing incline below him falls off with a slope of 35.0°.
                // Where does he land on the incline?

                var thA = new Symbol("thA");    // angle at point A

                var vA = new Symbol("vA");      // velocity at point A

                var g = new Symbol("g");        // magnitude of gravity

                var _g = new Point(0, -g);      // gravity vector

                var th = new Symbol("th");      // angle of incline

                var objA = new Obj()
                    position = new Point(0, 0),
                    velocity = Point.FromAngle(thA, vA),
                    acceleration = _g,
                    time = 0

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> numeric = obj =>
                        .Substitute(vA, 25)
                        .Substitute(thA, 0.0)
                        .Substitute(th, (-35).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8);

                var intersection = objA.ProjectileInclineIntersection(th);

                Action nl = () => "".Disp();

                // "Where does he land on the incline?".Disp(); nl();

                // "x position (symbolic):".Disp();

                // intersection.x.Disp(); nl();

                    -2 * (cos(th) ^ -1) * (cos(thA) ^ 2) * (g ^ -1) * (sin(th) + -1 * cos(th) * (cos(thA) ^ -1) * sin(thA)) * (vA ^ 2));

                //"y position (symbolic):".Disp();

                //intersection.y.Disp(); nl();

                    -2 * (cos(th) ^ -2) * (cos(thA) ^ 2) / g * sin(th) * (sin(th) + -1 * cos(th) * (cos(thA) ^ -1) * sin(thA)) * (vA ^ 2));

                //"x position (numeric):".Disp();

                //numeric(intersection.x).Disp(); nl();

                AssertEqual(numeric(intersection.x), 89.3120879153208);

                //"y position (numeric):".Disp();

                //numeric(intersection.y).Disp(); nl();

                AssertEqual(numeric(intersection.y), -62.536928534704884);

                var objB = new Obj()
                    position = intersection,
                    acceleration = _g

                //"Determine how long the jumper is airborne".Disp(); nl();


                var timeB = Calc.Time(objA, objB, 1);

                // timeB.Disp(); nl();

                Func<MathObject, MathObject> sqrt = obj => obj ^ (new Integer(1) / 2);

                    -1 / g *
                    (-sin(thA) * vA -
                            (sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2) + 4 * (cos(th) ^ -2) * (cos(thA) ^ 2) * sin(th) *
                            (sin(th) - cos(th) / cos(thA) * sin(thA)) *
                            (vA ^ 2))));


                //numeric(timeB).Disp(); nl();

                AssertEqual(numeric(timeB), 3.5724835166128317);

                objB = objA.AtTime(timeB);

                //"Determine his vertical component of velocity just before he lands".Disp();


                //objB.velocity.y.Disp(); nl();

                        (sin(thA) ^ 2) * (vA ^ 2)
                        4 * (cos(th) ^ -2) * (cos(thA) ^ 2) * sin(th) *
                        (sin(th) - cos(th) * (cos(thA) ^ -1) * sin(thA)) *
                        (vA ^ 2)));





            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 4.11

                // One strategy in a snowball fight is to throw a first snowball at a
                // high angle over level ground. While your opponent is watching the
                // first one, you throw a second one at a low angle and timed to arrive
                // at your opponent before or at the same time as the first one. Assume
                // both snowballs are thrown with a speed of 25.0 m/s. The first one is
                // thrown at an angle of 70.0° with respect to the horizontal.
                // (a) At what angle should the second (low-angle) snowball be thrown
                // if it is to land at the same point as the first?
                // (b) How many seconds later should the second snowball be thrown if it
                // is to land at the same time as the first?

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");      // position.x at point A
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");      // position.y at point A
                var th1A = new Symbol("th1A");  // angle of snowball 1 at point A
                var vA = new Symbol("vA");      // velocity at point A

                var g = new Symbol("g");        // magnitude of gravity
                var _g = new Point(0, -g);      // gravity vector

                //Func<MathObject, MathObject> numeric = obj =>
                //    obj
                //        .Substitute(xA, 0)
                //        .Substitute(xB, 1.4)
                //        .Substitute(yA, 0.86)
                //        .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159);

                var obj1A = new Obj()           // snowball 1 at initial point
                    position = new Point(xA, yA),
                    velocity = Point.FromAngle(th1A, vA),
                    acceleration = _g,
                    time = 0

                var obj1B = new Obj()            // snowball 1 at final point
                    position = new Point(null, 0),
                    velocity = new Point(obj1A.velocity.x, null),
                    acceleration = _g

                var time1B = Calc.Time(obj1A, obj1B, 1);

                obj1B = obj1A.AtTime(time1B);

                var obj2A = new Obj()           // snowball 2 at initial point
                    position = obj1A.position,
                    speed = vA,
                    acceleration = _g

                var obj2B = new Obj()           // snowball 2 at final point
                    position = obj1B.position,
                    acceleration = _g

                //Calc.InitialAngle(obj2A, obj2B, 1, 0)
                //    .Substitute(yA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(th1A, (70).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(vA, 25)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .ToDegrees()
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                //    .Disp();

                var th2 = Calc.InitialAngle(obj2A, obj2B, 0, 0);

                //("At what angle should the second (low-angle) snowball " +
                //"be thrown if it is to land at the same point as the first?").Disp();



                //th2.Disp(); "".Disp();


                        .Substitute(yA, 0)
                        .Substitute(th1A, (70).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(vA, 25)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI),


                obj2A.velocity = Point.FromAngle(th2, vA);

                var time2B = Calc.Time(obj2A, obj2B, 1);

                //("How many seconds later should the second snowball be thrown if it " +
                //"is to land at the same time as the first?").Disp();



                //(time1B - time2B).Disp(); "".Disp();


                //(time1B - time2B)
                //    .Substitute(yA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(th1A, (70).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(vA, 25)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .Disp();

                    (time1B - time2B)
                        .Substitute(yA, 0)
                        .Substitute(th1A, (70).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(vA, 25)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, 3.14159)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8),



            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 4.17

                // A cannon with a muzzle speed of 1 000 m/s is used to
                // start an avalanche on a mountain slope. The target is
                // 2 000 m from the cannon horizontally and 800 m above
                // the cannon. At what angle, above the horizontal, should
                // the cannon be fired?

                var xA = new Symbol("xA");      // position.x at point A
                var yA = new Symbol("yA");      // position.y at point A
                var thA = new Symbol("thA");  // angle of snowball 1 at point A
                var vA = new Symbol("vA");      // velocity at point A

                var xB = new Symbol("xB");      // position.x at point A
                var yB = new Symbol("yB");      // position.y at point A

                var g = new Symbol("g");        // magnitude of gravity
                var _g = new Point(0, -g);      // gravity vector

                var objA = new Obj()
                    position = new Point(xA, yA),
                    speed = vA,
                    acceleration = _g,
                    time = 0

                var objB = new Obj()
                    position = new Point(xB, yB),
                    acceleration = _g

                //"At what angle, above the horizontal, should the cannon be fired?".Disp();

                    Calc.InitialAngle(objA, objB)
                        .Substitute(xA, 0)
                        .Substitute(yA, 0)
                        .Substitute(xB, 2000.0)
                        .Substitute(yB, 800)
                        .Substitute(vA, 1000)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI),

                //Calc.InitialAngle(objA, objB)
                //    .ToDegrees()
                //    .Substitute(xA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(yA, 0)
                //    .Substitute(xB, 2000.0)
                //    .Substitute(yB, 800)
                //    .Substitute(vA, 1000)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI)
                //    .Disp();


            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 4.24
                // A bag of cement of weight 325 N hangs from three
                // wires as shown in Figure P5.24. Two of the wires make
                // angles th1 = 60.0° and th2 = 25.0° with the horizontal. If
                // the system is in equilibrium, find the tensions
                // T1, T2, and T3 in the wires.

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1");
                var F2 = new Symbol("F2");
                var F3 = new Symbol("F3");

                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");
                var th3 = new Symbol("th3");

                var _F1 = new Point() { angle = th1 };
                var _F2 = new Point() { angle = th2 };
                var _F3 = new Point() { magnitude = F3, angle = th3 };

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var obj = new Obj();

                obj.acceleration.x = 0;
                obj.acceleration.y = 0;

                obj.mass = m;


                //"F1 magnitude, symbolic:".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //obj.ForceMagnitude(_F1).Disp(); "".Disp();

                //"F1 magnitude, numeric:".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //    .Substitute(F3, 325)
                //    .Substitute(th1, (180 - 60).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(th2, (25).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI)
                //    .Disp();

                        .Substitute(F3, 325)
                        .Substitute(th1, (180 - 60).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th2, (25).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI),

                // "".Disp();

                //"F3 magnitude, numeric:".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //    .Substitute(F3, 325)
                //    .Substitute(th1, (180 - 60).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(th2, (25).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI)
                //    .Disp();

                        .Substitute(F3, 325)
                        .Substitute(th1, (180 - 60).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th2, (25).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI),

            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 5.26
                // You are a judge in a children’s kite-flying contest, and
                // two children will win prizes for the kites that pull most
                // strongly and least strongly on their strings. To measure
                // string tensions, you borrow a weight hanger, some slotted
                // weights, and a protractor from your physics teacher
                // and use the following protocol, illustrated in Figure
                // P5.26: Wait for a child to get her kite well-controlled,
                // hook the hanger onto the kite string about 30 cm from
                // her hand, pile on weights until that section of string is
                // horizontal, record the mass required, and record the
                // angle between the horizontal and the string running up
                // to the kite. (a) Explain how this method works. As you
                // construct your explanation, imagine that the children’s
                // parents ask you about your method, that they might
                // make false assumptions about your ability without concrete
                // evidence, and that your explanation is an opportunity to
                // give them confidence in your evaluation tech-nique.
                // (b) Find the string tension if the mass required
                // to make the string horizontal is 132 g and the angle of
                // the kite string is 46.3°.

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1");
                var F2 = new Symbol("F2");
                var F3 = new Symbol("F3");

                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");
                var th3 = new Symbol("th3");

                var _F1 = new Point() { angle = th1 };
                var _F2 = new Point() { angle = th2 };
                var _F3 = new Point() { magnitude = F3, angle = th3 };

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var obj = new Obj();

                obj.acceleration.x = 0;
                obj.acceleration.y = 0;

                obj.mass = m;


                //"Tension in line to kite:".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //    .Substitute(th1, (180).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(th2, (46.3 * Math.PI / 180))
                //    .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(F3, 0.132 * 9.8)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI)
                //    .Disp();

                        .Substitute(th1, (180).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th2, (46.3 * Math.PI / 180))
                        .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(F3, 0.132 * 9.8)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI),


            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 5.28
                // A fire helicopter carries a 620-kg bucket of water at the
                // end of a cable 20.0 m long. As the aircraft flies back
                // from a fire at a constant speed of 40.0 m/s, the cable
                // makes an angle of 40.0° with respect to the vertical.
                // (a) Determine the force of air resistance on the bucket.
                // (b) After filling the bucket with sea water, the pilot re-
                // turns to the fire at the same speed with the bucket now
                // making an angle of 7.00° with the vertical. What is the
                // mass of the water in the bucket?

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1"); // force of air resistance
                var F2 = new Symbol("F2"); // force of cable
                var F3 = new Symbol("F3"); // force of gravity

                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2");
                var th3 = new Symbol("th3");

                var _F1 = new Point() { angle = th1 };
                var _F2 = new Point() { angle = th2 };
                var _F3 = new Point() { magnitude = F3, angle = th3 };

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var obj = new Obj();

                obj.acceleration.x = 0;
                obj.acceleration.y = 0;

                obj.mass = m;


                //"Force of air resistance on the bucket:".Disp(); "".Disp();

                var FAir =
                        .Substitute(F3, 620 * 9.8)
                        .Substitute(th1, (180).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th2, (90 - 40).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI);

                        .Substitute(F3, 620 * 9.8)
                        .Substitute(th1, (180).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th2, (90 - 40).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI),


                _F1.magnitude = FAir;

                _F3.magnitude = null;

                var FBucketWithWater =
                        .Substitute(th1, (180).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th2, (90 - 7).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(th3, (270).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI);

                //"What is the mass of the water in the bucket?".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //(FBucketWithWater / 9.8 - 620).Disp();

                    (FBucketWithWater / 9.8 - 620),

            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 5.30
                // A simple accelerometer is constructed by suspending a
                // mass m from a string of length L that is tied to the top
                // of a cart. As the cart is accelerated the string-mass
                // system makes a constant angle th with the vertical.
                // (a) Assuming that the string mass is negligible compared
                // with m, derive an expression for the cart’s acceleration
                // in terms of and show that it is independent of
                // the mass mand the length L.
                // (b) Determine the acceleration of the cart when th = 23.0°.

                var F1 = new Symbol("F1"); // force of string
                var F2 = new Symbol("F2"); // force of gravity

                var th1 = new Symbol("th1");
                var th2 = new Symbol("th2"); ;

                var _F1 = new Point() { angle = th1 };
                var _F2 = new Point() { angle = th2, magnitude = F2 };

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var g = new Symbol("g");

                var obj = new Obj() { mass = m };

                obj.acceleration.y = 0;


                _F1.magnitude = obj.ForceMagnitude(_F1);

                //("Derive an expression for the cart’s acceleration in terms " +
                //"of and show that it is independent of the mass mand the length L:").Disp();


                //    .Substitute(F2, m * g)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Cos(th2), 0)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Sin(th2), -1)
                //    .Disp();


                //"Determine the acceleration of the cart when th = 23.0°".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //    .Substitute(F2, m * g)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Cos(th2), 0)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Sin(th2), -1)
                //    .Substitute(th1, (90 - 23).ToRadians())
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI)
                //    .Substitute(g, 9.8)
                //    .Disp();

                        .Substitute(F2, m * g)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Cos(th2), 0)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Sin(th2), -1)
                        .Substitute(th1, (90 - 23).ToRadians())
                        .Substitute(Trig.Pi, Math.PI)
                        .Substitute(g, 9.8),

            #region PSE 5E PROBLEM 5.31
                // Two people pull as hard as they can on ropes attached
                // to a boat that has a mass of 200 kg. If they pull in the
                // same direction, the boat has an acceleration of
                // 1.52 m/s^2 to the right. If they pull in opposite directions,
                // the boat has an acceleration of 0.518 m/s^2
                // to the left. What is the force exerted by each person on the
                // boat? (Disregard any other forces on the boat.)

                // Trig.Cos(new DoubleFloat(Math.PI)).Disp();

                var m = new Symbol("m");

                var aAx = new Symbol("aAx");
                var aBx = new Symbol("aBx");

                var objA = new Obj() { mass = m };

                objA.acceleration.x = aAx;

                var _F1A = new Point() { angle = 0 };
                var _F2A = new Point() { angle = 0 };


                var objB = new Obj() { mass = m };

                objB.acceleration.x = aBx;

                var _F1B = new Point() { angle = 0 };
                var _F2B = new Point() { angle = new DoubleFloat(Math.PI) };


                //"force 1 magnitude (symbolic):".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //Calc.ForceMagnitude(objA, objB, _F1A, _F1B)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Cos(0), 1)
                //    .Disp();

                //"force 1 magnitude (numeric):".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //Calc.ForceMagnitude(objA, objB, _F1A, _F1B)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Cos(0), 1)
                //    .Substitute(m, 200)
                //    .Substitute(aAx, 1.52)
                //    .Substitute(aBx, -0.518)
                //    .Disp();

                    Calc.ForceMagnitude(objA, objB, _F1A, _F1B)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Cos(0), 1)
                        .Substitute(m, 200)
                        .Substitute(aAx, 1.52)
                        .Substitute(aBx, -0.518),


                //"force 2 magnitude (symbolic):".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //Calc.ForceMagnitude(objA, objB, _F2A, _F2B)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Cos(0), 1)
                //    .Disp();

                //"force 2 magnitude (numeric):".Disp(); "".Disp();

                //Calc.ForceMagnitude(objA, objB, _F2A, _F2B)
                //    .Substitute(Trig.Cos(0), 1)
                //    .Substitute(m, 200)
                //    .Substitute(aAx, 1.52)
                //    .Substitute(aBx, -0.518)
                //    .Disp();


                    Calc.ForceMagnitude(objA, objB, _F2A, _F2B)
                        .Substitute(Trig.Cos(0), 1)
                        .Substitute(m, 200)
                        .Substitute(aAx, 1.52)
                        .Substitute(aBx, -0.518),


            Console.WriteLine("Testing complete");

Пример #52
        public void ExecuteTest4()
            var exp = new And(new Bool(true), new Bool(true));

            Assert.Equal(true, exp.Execute());
Пример #53
        public void ResultTypeNumberNumberTest()
            var exp = new And(new Number(2), new Number(4));

            Assert.Equal(ExpressionResultType.Number, exp.ResultType);
Пример #54
	public void And(INode node)
		And newRoot = new And(root,node);
		root = newRoot;