Пример #1
        private AdminLinkProviderForUserResponse LinkProviderToExistingUser(
            dynamic input,
            string provider,
            string id,
            UserType existingUser)
            //Link the incoming identity to the existing user. Will add an "identity" to the "Identities" array, and allow the existing user to login using the new social login
            var linkResponse = _client.AdminLinkProviderForUserAsync(
                new AdminLinkProviderForUserRequest
                UserPoolId = input.userPoolId,
                SourceUser = new ProviderUserIdentifierType
                    ProviderName           = provider,
                    ProviderAttributeName  = "Cognito_Subject",
                    ProviderAttributeValue = id
                DestinationUser = new ProviderUserIdentifierType
                    ProviderName           = "Cognito",
                    ProviderAttributeValue = existingUser.Username
