public override void SetAltAssoc(AltAST t, int alt)
            ASSOC assoc = ASSOC.left;

            if (t.GetOptions() != null)
                string a = t.GetOptionString("assoc");
                if (a != null)
                    if (a.Equals(ASSOC.right.ToString()))
                        assoc = ASSOC.right;
                    else if (a.Equals(ASSOC.left.ToString()))
                        assoc = ASSOC.left;
                        tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.ILLEGAL_OPTION_VALUE, t.g.fileName, t.GetOptionAST("assoc").Token, "assoc", assoc);

            if (altAssociativity.ContainsKey(alt) && altAssociativity[alt] != assoc)
                tool.errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, "all operators of alt " + alt + " of left-recursive rule must have same associativity");
            altAssociativity[alt] = assoc;

            //		System.out.println("setAltAssoc: op " + alt + ": " + t.getText()+", assoc="+assoc);
        public override void BinaryAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
            AltAST altTree  = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();
            string altLabel = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;

            string     label       = null;
            bool       isListLabel = false;
            GrammarAST lrlabel     = StripLeftRecursion(altTree);

            if (lrlabel != null)
                label       = lrlabel.Text;
                isListLabel = lrlabel.Parent.Type == PLUS_ASSIGN;
                leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels.Add(Tuple.Create(lrlabel, altLabel));


            // rewrite e to be e_[rec_arg]
            int nextPrec = NextPrecedence(alt);

            altTree = AddPrecedenceArgToRules(altTree, nextPrec);

            string altText = Text(altTree);

            altText = altText.Trim();
            LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
                new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, label, altLabel, isListLabel, originalAltTree);

            a.nextPrec      = nextPrec;
            binaryAlts[alt] = a;
            //System.out.println("binaryAlt " + alt + ": " + altText + ", rewrite=" + rewriteText);
         * <pre>
         * (RULE e int _p (returns int v)
         *  (BLOCK
         *    (ALT
         *      (BLOCK
         *          (ALT INT {$v = $;})
         *          (ALT '(' (= x e) ')' {$v = $x.v;})
         *          (ALT ID))
         *      (* (BLOCK
         *			(OPTIONS ...)
         *          (ALT {7 &gt;= $_p}? '*' (= b e) {$v = $a.v * $b.v;})
         *          (ALT {6 &gt;= $_p}? '+' (= b e) {$v = $a.v + $b.v;})
         *          (ALT {3 &gt;= $_p}? '++') (ALT {2 &gt;= $_p}? '--'))))))
         * </pre>
        public virtual void SetAltASTPointers(LeftRecursiveRule r, RuleAST t)
            //System.Console.WriteLine("RULE: " + t.ToStringTree());
            BlockAST ruleBlk    = (BlockAST)t.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK);
            AltAST   mainAlt    = (AltAST)ruleBlk.GetChild(0);
            BlockAST primaryBlk = (BlockAST)mainAlt.GetChild(0);
            BlockAST opsBlk     = (BlockAST)mainAlt.GetChild(1).GetChild(0); // (* BLOCK ...)

            for (int i = 0; i < r.recPrimaryAlts.Count; i++)
                LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recPrimaryAlts[i];
                altInfo.altAST = (AltAST)primaryBlk.GetChild(i);
                altInfo.altAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo         = altInfo;
                altInfo.originalAltAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo = altInfo;
                //altInfo.originalAltAST.Parent = altInfo.altAST.Parent;
            for (int i = 0; i < r.recOpAlts.Count; i++)
                LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recOpAlts.GetElement(i);
                altInfo.altAST = (AltAST)opsBlk.GetChild(i);
                altInfo.altAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo         = altInfo;
                altInfo.originalAltAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo = altInfo;
                //altInfo.originalAltAST.Parent = altInfo.altAST.Parent;
Пример #4
 public override void DiscoverOuterAlt(AltAST alt)
     if (alt.altLabel != null)
         ruleToAltLabels.Map(currentRuleName, alt.altLabel);
         string altLabel = alt.altLabel.Text;
         altLabelToRuleName[Utils.Capitalize(altLabel)]   = currentRuleName;
         altLabelToRuleName[Utils.Decapitalize(altLabel)] = currentRuleName;
Пример #5
        public override void FinishRule(RuleAST rule, GrammarAST ID, GrammarAST block)
            if (rule.IsLexerRule())
            BlockAST   blk   = (BlockAST)rule.GetFirstChildWithType(BLOCK);
            int        nalts = blk.ChildCount;
            GrammarAST idAST = (GrammarAST)rule.GetChild(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < nalts; i++)
                AltAST altAST = (AltAST)blk.GetChild(i);
                if (altAST.altLabel != null)
                    string altLabel = altAST.altLabel.Text;
                    // first check that label doesn't conflict with a rule
                    // label X or x can't be rule x.
                    Rule r;
                    if (ruleCollector.rules.TryGetValue(Utils.Decapitalize(altLabel), out r) && r != null)
                                                   g.fileName, altAST.altLabel.Token,
                    // Now verify that label X or x doesn't conflict with label
                    // in another rule. altLabelToRuleName has both X and x mapped.
                    string prevRuleForLabel;
                    if (ruleCollector.altLabelToRuleName.TryGetValue(altLabel, out prevRuleForLabel) && prevRuleForLabel != null && !prevRuleForLabel.Equals(rule.GetRuleName()))
                                                   g.fileName, altAST.altLabel.Token,
            IList <GrammarAST> altLabels;
            int numAltLabels = 0;

            if (ruleCollector.ruleToAltLabels.TryGetValue(rule.GetRuleName(), out altLabels) && altLabels != null)
                numAltLabels = altLabels.Count;
            if (numAltLabels > 0 && nalts != numAltLabels)
                                           g.fileName, idAST.Token, rule.GetRuleName());
Пример #6
 public LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(int altNum, string altText,
                                 string leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel,
                                 string altLabel,
                                 bool isListLabel,
                                 AltAST originalAltAST)
     this.altNum = altNum;
     this.altText = altText;
     this.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel = leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel;
     this.altLabel = altLabel;
     this.isListLabel = isListLabel;
     this.originalAltAST = originalAltAST;
Пример #7
 public LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(int altNum, string altText,
                                 string leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel,
                                 string altLabel,
                                 bool isListLabel,
                                 AltAST originalAltAST)
     this.altNum  = altNum;
     this.altText = altText;
     this.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel = leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel;
     this.altLabel       = altLabel;
     this.isListLabel    = isListLabel;
     this.originalAltAST = originalAltAST;
Пример #8
        public override void OtherAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
            AltAST altTree = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();

            string altText             = Text(altTree);
            string altLabel            = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;
            LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
                new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, null, altLabel, false, originalAltTree);

            // We keep other alts with prefix alts since they are all added to the start of the generated rule, and
            // we want to retain any prior ordering between them
            //		System.out.println("otherAlt " + alt + ": " + altText);
Пример #9
  * {@code (BLOCK (ALT .))} or {@code (BLOCK (ALT 'a') (ALT .))}.
 public static bool BlockHasWildcardAlt([NotNull] GrammarAST block)
     foreach (object alt in block.Children)
         if (!(alt is AltAST))
         AltAST altAST = (AltAST)alt;
         if (altAST.ChildCount == 1 || (altAST.ChildCount == 2 && altAST.GetChild(0).Type == ANTLRParser.ELEMENT_OPTIONS))
             ITree e = altAST.GetChild(altAST.ChildCount - 1);
             if (e.Type == ANTLRParser.WILDCARD)
Пример #10
        public override void PrefixAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
            AltAST altTree = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();


            int nextPrec = Precedence(alt);

            // rewrite e to be e_[prec]
            altTree = AddPrecedenceArgToRules(altTree, nextPrec);
            string altText = Text(altTree);

            altText = altText.Trim();
            string altLabel            = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;
            LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
                new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, null, altLabel, false, originalAltTree);

            a.nextPrec = nextPrec;
            //System.out.println("prefixAlt " + alt + ": " + altText + ", rewrite=" + rewriteText);
Пример #11
        public virtual AltAST AddPrecedenceArgToRules(AltAST t, int prec)
            if (t == null)
            // get all top-level rule refs from ALT
            IList <GrammarAST> outerAltRuleRefs = t.GetNodesWithTypePreorderDFS(IntervalSet.Of(RULE_REF));

            foreach (GrammarAST x in outerAltRuleRefs)
                RuleRefAST rref      = (RuleRefAST)x;
                bool       recursive = rref.Text.Equals(ruleName);
                bool       rightmost = rref == outerAltRuleRefs[outerAltRuleRefs.Count - 1];
                if (recursive && rightmost)
                    GrammarAST dummyValueNode = new GrammarAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.INT, "" + prec));
                    rref.SetOption(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME, dummyValueNode);
Пример #12
        public override void PrefixAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
            AltAST altTree = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();

            int nextPrec = Precedence(alt);
            // rewrite e to be e_[prec]
            altTree = AddPrecedenceArgToRules(altTree, nextPrec);
            string altText = Text(altTree);
            altText = altText.Trim();
            string altLabel = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;
            LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
                new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, null, altLabel, false, originalAltTree);
            a.nextPrec = nextPrec;
            //System.out.println("prefixAlt " + alt + ": " + altText + ", rewrite=" + rewriteText);
Пример #13
        /** Given list of X and r refs in alt, compute how many of each there are */
        protected virtual System.Tuple <FrequencySet <string>, FrequencySet <string> > GetElementFrequenciesForAlt(AltAST ast)
                ElementFrequenciesVisitor visitor = new ElementFrequenciesVisitor(rule.g, new CommonTreeNodeStream(new GrammarASTAdaptor(), ast));
                if (visitor.frequencies.Count != 1)
                    return(Tuple.Create(new FrequencySet <string>(), new FrequencySet <string>()));

                return(Tuple.Create(visitor.GetMinFrequencies(), visitor.frequencies.Peek()));
            catch (RecognitionException ex)
                factory.GetGrammar().tool.errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex);
                return(Tuple.Create(new FrequencySet <string>(), new FrequencySet <string>()));
        protected virtual bool TranslateLeftFactoredDecision(GrammarAST block, string factoredRule, bool variant, DecisionFactorMode mode, bool includeFactoredElement)
            if (mode == DecisionFactorMode.PARTIAL_UNFACTORED && includeFactoredElement)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot include the factored element in unfactored alternatives.");
            else if (mode == DecisionFactorMode.COMBINED_FACTOR && !includeFactoredElement)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot return a combined answer without the factored element.");

            if (!ExpandOptionalQuantifiersForBlock(block, variant))
                return false;

            IList<GrammarAST> alternatives = block.GetAllChildrenWithType(ANTLRParser.ALT);
            GrammarAST[] factoredAlternatives = new GrammarAST[alternatives.Count];
            GrammarAST[] unfactoredAlternatives = new GrammarAST[alternatives.Count];
            IntervalSet factoredIntervals = new IntervalSet();
            IntervalSet unfactoredIntervals = new IntervalSet();
            for (int i = 0; i < alternatives.Count; i++)
                GrammarAST alternative = alternatives[i];
                if (mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts())
                    GrammarAST unfactoredAlt = TranslateLeftFactoredAlternative(alternative.DupTree(), factoredRule, variant, DecisionFactorMode.PARTIAL_UNFACTORED, false);
                    unfactoredAlternatives[i] = unfactoredAlt;
                    if (unfactoredAlt != null)

                if (mode.IncludeFactoredAlts())
                    GrammarAST factoredAlt = TranslateLeftFactoredAlternative(alternative, factoredRule, variant, mode == DecisionFactorMode.COMBINED_FACTOR ? DecisionFactorMode.PARTIAL_FACTORED : DecisionFactorMode.FULL_FACTOR, includeFactoredElement);
                    factoredAlternatives[i] = factoredAlt;
                    if (factoredAlt != null)

            if (factoredIntervals.IsNil && !mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts())
                return false;
            else if (unfactoredIntervals.IsNil && !mode.IncludeFactoredAlts())
                return false;

            if (unfactoredIntervals.IsNil && factoredIntervals.Count == alternatives.Count && mode.IncludeFactoredAlts() && !includeFactoredElement)
                for (int i = 0; i < factoredAlternatives.Length; i++)
                    GrammarAST translatedAlt = factoredAlternatives[i];
                    if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                        adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                    adaptor.SetChild(block, i, translatedAlt);

                return true;
            else if (factoredIntervals.IsNil && unfactoredIntervals.Count == alternatives.Count && mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts())
                for (int i = 0; i < unfactoredAlternatives.Length; i++)
                    GrammarAST translatedAlt = unfactoredAlternatives[i];
                    if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                        adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                    adaptor.SetChild(block, i, translatedAlt);

                return true;

            if (mode == DecisionFactorMode.FULL_FACTOR)
                return false;

            /* for a, b, c being arbitrary `element` trees, this block performs
             * this transformation:
             * factoredElement a
             * | factoredElement b
             * | factoredElement c
             * | ...
             * ==>
             * factoredElement (a | b | c | ...)
            GrammarAST newChildren = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Nil();
            for (int i = 0; i < alternatives.Count; i++)
                if (mode.IncludeFactoredAlts() && factoredIntervals.Contains(i))
                    bool combineWithPrevious = i > 0 && factoredIntervals.Contains(i - 1) && (!mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts() || !unfactoredIntervals.Contains(i - 1));
                    if (combineWithPrevious)
                        GrammarAST translatedAlt = factoredAlternatives[i];
                        if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                            adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                        GrammarAST previous = (GrammarAST)newChildren.GetChild(newChildren.ChildCount - 1);

#if false
                        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, previous.ToStringTree());
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, translatedAlt.ToStringTree());

                        if (previous.ChildCount == 1 || previous.GetChild(1).Type != ANTLRParser.BLOCK)
                            GrammarAST newBlock = new BlockAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.BLOCK, "BLOCK"));
                            GrammarAST newAlt = new AltAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.ALT, "ALT"));
                            adaptor.AddChild(newBlock, newAlt);
                            while (previous.ChildCount > 1)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, previous.DeleteChild(1));

                            if (newAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                            adaptor.AddChild(previous, newBlock);

                        if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 1 || translatedAlt.GetChild(1).Type != ANTLRParser.BLOCK)
                            GrammarAST newBlock = new BlockAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.BLOCK, "BLOCK"));
                            GrammarAST newAlt = new AltAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.ALT, "ALT"));
                            adaptor.AddChild(newBlock, newAlt);
                            while (translatedAlt.ChildCount > 1)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, translatedAlt.DeleteChild(1));

                            if (newAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                            adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, newBlock);

                        GrammarAST combinedBlock = (GrammarAST)previous.GetChild(1);
                        adaptor.AddChild(combinedBlock, translatedAlt.GetChild(1).GetChild(0));

#if false
                        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, previous.ToStringTree());
                        GrammarAST translatedAlt = factoredAlternatives[i];
                        if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                            adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                        adaptor.AddChild(newChildren, translatedAlt);

                if (mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts() && unfactoredIntervals.Contains(i))
                    GrammarAST translatedAlt = unfactoredAlternatives[i];
                    if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                        adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                    adaptor.AddChild(newChildren, translatedAlt);

            adaptor.ReplaceChildren(block, 0, block.ChildCount - 1, newChildren);

            if (!variant && block.Parent is RuleAST)
                RuleAST ruleAST = (RuleAST)block.Parent;
                string ruleName = ruleAST.GetChild(0).Text;
                Rule r = _rules[ruleName];
                IList<GrammarAST> blockAlts = block.GetAllChildrenWithType(ANTLRParser.ALT);
                r.numberOfAlts = blockAlts.Count;
                r.alt = new Alternative[blockAlts.Count + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < blockAlts.Count; i++)
                    r.alt[i + 1] = new Alternative(r, i + 1);
                    r.alt[i + 1].ast = (AltAST)blockAlts[i];

            return true;
Пример #15
        public override void BinaryAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
            AltAST altTree = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();
            string altLabel = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;

            string label = null;
            bool isListLabel = false;
            GrammarAST lrlabel = StripLeftRecursion(altTree);
            if (lrlabel != null)
                label = lrlabel.Text;
                isListLabel = lrlabel.Parent.Type == PLUS_ASSIGN;
                leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels.Add(Tuple.Create(lrlabel, altLabel));


            // rewrite e to be e_[rec_arg]
            int nextPrec = NextPrecedence(alt);
            altTree = AddPrecedenceArgToRules(altTree, nextPrec);

            string altText = Text(altTree);
            altText = altText.Trim();
            LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
                new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, label, altLabel, isListLabel, originalAltTree);
            a.nextPrec = nextPrec;
            binaryAlts[alt] = a;
            //System.out.println("binaryAlt " + alt + ": " + altText + ", rewrite=" + rewriteText);
Пример #16
         * Parser rules

        protected override void EnterAlternative(AltAST tree)
            frequencies.Push(new FrequencySet<string>());
            minFrequencies.Push(new FrequencySet<string>());
         * Parser rules

        protected override void EnterAlternative(AltAST tree)
            frequencies.Push(new FrequencySet <string>());
            minFrequencies.Push(new FrequencySet <string>());
Пример #18
        public override void SuffixAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
            AltAST altTree = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();
            string altLabel = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;

            string label = null;
            bool isListLabel = false;
            GrammarAST lrlabel = StripLeftRecursion(altTree);
            if (lrlabel != null)
                label = lrlabel.Text;
                isListLabel = lrlabel.Parent.Type == PLUS_ASSIGN;
                leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels.Add(Tuple.Create(lrlabel, altLabel));

            string altText = Text(altTree);
            altText = altText.Trim();
            LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
                new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, label, altLabel, isListLabel, originalAltTree);
            suffixAlts[alt] = a;
            //		System.out.println("suffixAlt " + alt + ": " + altText + ", rewrite=" + rewriteText);
Пример #19
 public override void OtherAlt(AltAST originalAltTree, int alt)
     AltAST altTree = (AltAST)originalAltTree.DupTree();
     string altText = Text(altTree);
     string altLabel = altTree.altLabel != null ? altTree.altLabel.Text : null;
     LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo a =
         new LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo(alt, altText, null, altLabel, false, originalAltTree);
     // We keep other alts with prefix alts since they are all added to the start of the generated rule, and
     // we want to retain any prior ordering between them
     //		System.out.println("otherAlt " + alt + ": " + altText);
Пример #20
        /** Build lexer grammar from combined grammar that looks like:
         *      (tokens { X (= Y 'y'))
         *      (OPTIONS (= x 'y'))
         *      (@ members {foo})
         *      (@ lexer header {package jj;})
         *      (RULES (RULE .+)))
         *  Move rules and actions to new tree, don't dup. Split AST apart.
         *  We'll have this Grammar share token symbols later; don't generate
         *  tokenVocab or tokens{} section.  Copy over named actions.
         *  Side-effects: it removes children from GRAMMAR &amp; RULES nodes
         *                in combined AST.  Anything cut out is dup'd before
         *                adding to lexer to avoid "who's ur daddy" issues
        public virtual GrammarRootAST ExtractImplicitLexer(Grammar combinedGrammar)
            GrammarRootAST combinedAST = combinedGrammar.ast;
            //tool.log("grammar", "before="+combinedAST.toStringTree());
            GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(combinedAST.Token.InputStream);
            GrammarAST[] elements = combinedAST.GetChildrenAsArray();

            // MAKE A GRAMMAR ROOT and ID
            string lexerName = combinedAST.GetChild(0).Text + "Lexer";
            GrammarRootAST lexerAST =
                new GrammarRootAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.GRAMMAR, "LEXER_GRAMMAR"), combinedGrammar.ast.tokenStream);
            lexerAST.grammarType = ANTLRParser.LEXER;
            lexerAST.Token.InputStream = combinedAST.Token.InputStream;
            lexerAST.AddChild((ITree)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.ID, lexerName));

            // COPY OPTIONS
            GrammarAST optionsRoot =
            if (optionsRoot != null && optionsRoot.ChildCount != 0)
                GrammarAST lexerOptionsRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.DupNode(optionsRoot);
                GrammarAST[] options = optionsRoot.GetChildrenAsArray();
                foreach (GrammarAST o in options)
                    string optionName = o.GetChild(0).Text;
                    if (Grammar.lexerOptions.Contains(optionName) &&
                        GrammarAST optionTree = (GrammarAST)adaptor.DupTree(o);
                        lexerAST.SetOption(optionName, (GrammarAST)optionTree.GetChild(1));

            // COPY all named actions, but only move those with lexer:: scope
            IList<GrammarAST> actionsWeMoved = new List<GrammarAST>();
            foreach (GrammarAST e in elements)
                if (e.Type == ANTLRParser.AT)
                    if (e.GetChild(0).Text.Equals("lexer"))

            foreach (GrammarAST r in actionsWeMoved)

            GrammarAST combinedRulesRoot =
            if (combinedRulesRoot == null)
                return lexerAST;

            // MOVE lexer rules

            GrammarAST lexerRulesRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.RULES, "RULES");
            IList<GrammarAST> rulesWeMoved = new List<GrammarAST>();
            GrammarASTWithOptions[] rules;
            if (combinedRulesRoot.ChildCount > 0)
                rules = combinedRulesRoot.Children.Cast<GrammarASTWithOptions>().ToArray();
                rules = new GrammarASTWithOptions[0];

            foreach (GrammarASTWithOptions r in rules)
                string ruleName = r.GetChild(0).Text;
                if (Grammar.IsTokenName(ruleName))

            foreach (GrammarAST r in rulesWeMoved)

            // Will track 'if' from IF : 'if' ; rules to avoid defining new token for 'if'
            IList<System.Tuple<GrammarAST, GrammarAST>> litAliases =

            ISet<string> stringLiterals = combinedGrammar.GetStringLiterals();
            // add strings from combined grammar (and imported grammars) into lexer
            // put them first as they are keywords; must resolve ambigs to these rules
            //		tool.log("grammar", "strings from parser: "+stringLiterals);
            int insertIndex = 0;
            foreach (string lit in stringLiterals)
                // if lexer already has a rule for literal, continue
                if (litAliases != null)
                    foreach (System.Tuple<GrammarAST, GrammarAST> pair in litAliases)
                        GrammarAST litAST = pair.Item2;
                        if (lit.Equals(litAST.Text))
                            goto continueNextLit;
                // create for each literal: (RULE <uniquename> (BLOCK (ALT <lit>))
                string rname = combinedGrammar.GetStringLiteralLexerRuleName(lit);
                // can't use wizard; need special node types
                GrammarAST litRule = new RuleAST(ANTLRParser.RULE);
                BlockAST blk = new BlockAST(ANTLRParser.BLOCK);
                AltAST alt = new AltAST(ANTLRParser.ALT);
                TerminalAST slit = new TerminalAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL, lit));
                CommonToken idToken = new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.TOKEN_REF, rname);
                litRule.AddChild(new TerminalAST(idToken));
                lexerRulesRoot.InsertChild(insertIndex, litRule);
                //			lexerRulesRoot.getChildren().add(0, litRule);
                lexerRulesRoot.FreshenParentAndChildIndexes(); // reset indexes and set litRule parent

                // next literal will be added after the one just added


            // TODO: take out after stable if slow
            //		tool.log("grammar", combinedAST.toTokenString());

            combinedGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "after extract implicit lexer =" + combinedAST.ToStringTree());
            combinedGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "lexer =" + lexerAST.ToStringTree());

            if (lexerRulesRoot.ChildCount == 0)
                return null;
            return lexerAST;
Пример #21
 public virtual AltAST AddPrecedenceArgToRules(AltAST t, int prec)
     if (t == null)
         return null;
     // get all top-level rule refs from ALT
     IList<GrammarAST> outerAltRuleRefs = t.GetNodesWithTypePreorderDFS(IntervalSet.Of(RULE_REF));
     foreach (GrammarAST x in outerAltRuleRefs)
         RuleRefAST rref = (RuleRefAST)x;
         bool recursive = rref.Text.Equals(ruleName);
         bool rightmost = rref == outerAltRuleRefs[outerAltRuleRefs.Count - 1];
         if (recursive && rightmost)
             GrammarAST dummyValueNode = new GrammarAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.INT, "" + prec));
             rref.SetOption(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME, dummyValueNode);
     return t;
Пример #22
        protected virtual bool TranslateLeftFactoredDecision(GrammarAST block, string factoredRule, bool variant, DecisionFactorMode mode, bool includeFactoredElement)
            if (mode == DecisionFactorMode.PARTIAL_UNFACTORED && includeFactoredElement)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot include the factored element in unfactored alternatives.");
            else if (mode == DecisionFactorMode.COMBINED_FACTOR && !includeFactoredElement)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot return a combined answer without the factored element.");

            if (!ExpandOptionalQuantifiersForBlock(block, variant))

            IList <GrammarAST> alternatives = block.GetAllChildrenWithType(ANTLRParser.ALT);

            GrammarAST[] factoredAlternatives   = new GrammarAST[alternatives.Count];
            GrammarAST[] unfactoredAlternatives = new GrammarAST[alternatives.Count];
            IntervalSet  factoredIntervals      = new IntervalSet();
            IntervalSet  unfactoredIntervals    = new IntervalSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < alternatives.Count; i++)
                GrammarAST alternative = alternatives[i];
                if (mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts())
                    GrammarAST unfactoredAlt = TranslateLeftFactoredAlternative(alternative.DupTree(), factoredRule, variant, DecisionFactorMode.PARTIAL_UNFACTORED, false);
                    unfactoredAlternatives[i] = unfactoredAlt;
                    if (unfactoredAlt != null)

                if (mode.IncludeFactoredAlts())
                    GrammarAST factoredAlt = TranslateLeftFactoredAlternative(alternative, factoredRule, variant, mode == DecisionFactorMode.COMBINED_FACTOR ? DecisionFactorMode.PARTIAL_FACTORED : DecisionFactorMode.FULL_FACTOR, includeFactoredElement);
                    factoredAlternatives[i] = factoredAlt;
                    if (factoredAlt != null)

            if (factoredIntervals.IsNil && !mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts())
            else if (unfactoredIntervals.IsNil && !mode.IncludeFactoredAlts())

            if (unfactoredIntervals.IsNil && factoredIntervals.Count == alternatives.Count && mode.IncludeFactoredAlts() && !includeFactoredElement)
                for (int i = 0; i < factoredAlternatives.Length; i++)
                    GrammarAST translatedAlt = factoredAlternatives[i];
                    if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                        adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                    adaptor.SetChild(block, i, translatedAlt);

            else if (factoredIntervals.IsNil && unfactoredIntervals.Count == alternatives.Count && mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts())
                for (int i = 0; i < unfactoredAlternatives.Length; i++)
                    GrammarAST translatedAlt = unfactoredAlternatives[i];
                    if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                        adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                    adaptor.SetChild(block, i, translatedAlt);


            if (mode == DecisionFactorMode.FULL_FACTOR)

            /* for a, b, c being arbitrary `element` trees, this block performs
             * this transformation:
             * factoredElement a
             * | factoredElement b
             * | factoredElement c
             * | ...
             * ==>
             * factoredElement (a | b | c | ...)
            GrammarAST newChildren = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Nil();

            for (int i = 0; i < alternatives.Count; i++)
                if (mode.IncludeFactoredAlts() && factoredIntervals.Contains(i))
                    bool combineWithPrevious = i > 0 && factoredIntervals.Contains(i - 1) && (!mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts() || !unfactoredIntervals.Contains(i - 1));
                    if (combineWithPrevious)
                        GrammarAST translatedAlt = factoredAlternatives[i];
                        if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                            adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                        GrammarAST previous = (GrammarAST)newChildren.GetChild(newChildren.ChildCount - 1);

#if false
                        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, previous.ToStringTree());
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, translatedAlt.ToStringTree());

                        if (previous.ChildCount == 1 || previous.GetChild(1).Type != ANTLRParser.BLOCK)
                            GrammarAST newBlock = new BlockAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.BLOCK, "BLOCK"));
                            GrammarAST newAlt   = new AltAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.ALT, "ALT"));
                            adaptor.AddChild(newBlock, newAlt);
                            while (previous.ChildCount > 1)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, previous.DeleteChild(1));

                            if (newAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                            adaptor.AddChild(previous, newBlock);

                        if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 1 || translatedAlt.GetChild(1).Type != ANTLRParser.BLOCK)
                            GrammarAST newBlock = new BlockAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.BLOCK, "BLOCK"));
                            GrammarAST newAlt   = new AltAST(adaptor.CreateToken(ANTLRParser.ALT, "ALT"));
                            adaptor.AddChild(newBlock, newAlt);
                            while (translatedAlt.ChildCount > 1)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, translatedAlt.DeleteChild(1));

                            if (newAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                                adaptor.AddChild(newAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                            adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, newBlock);

                        GrammarAST combinedBlock = (GrammarAST)previous.GetChild(1);
                        adaptor.AddChild(combinedBlock, translatedAlt.GetChild(1).GetChild(0));

#if false
                        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, previous.ToStringTree());
                        GrammarAST translatedAlt = factoredAlternatives[i];
                        if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                            adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                        adaptor.AddChild(newChildren, translatedAlt);

                if (mode.IncludeUnfactoredAlts() && unfactoredIntervals.Contains(i))
                    GrammarAST translatedAlt = unfactoredAlternatives[i];
                    if (translatedAlt.ChildCount == 0)
                        adaptor.AddChild(translatedAlt, adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.EPSILON, "EPSILON"));

                    adaptor.AddChild(newChildren, translatedAlt);

            adaptor.ReplaceChildren(block, 0, block.ChildCount - 1, newChildren);

            if (!variant && block.Parent is RuleAST)
                RuleAST            ruleAST   = (RuleAST)block.Parent;
                string             ruleName  = ruleAST.GetChild(0).Text;
                Rule               r         = _rules[ruleName];
                IList <GrammarAST> blockAlts = block.GetAllChildrenWithType(ANTLRParser.ALT);
                r.numberOfAlts = blockAlts.Count;
                r.alt          = new Alternative[blockAlts.Count + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < blockAlts.Count; i++)
                    r.alt[i + 1]     = new Alternative(r, i + 1);
                    r.alt[i + 1].ast = (AltAST)blockAlts[i];

Пример #23
            public override void DiscoverOuterAlt(AltAST alt)
                if (alt.altLabel != null)
                    IList<System.Tuple<int, AltAST>> list;
                    if (!labeledAlternatives.TryGetValue(alt.altLabel.Text, out list) || list == null)
                        list = new List<System.Tuple<int, AltAST>>();
                        labeledAlternatives[alt.altLabel.Text] = list;

                    list.Add(Tuple.Create(currentOuterAltNumber, alt));
Пример #24
 public override void DiscoverOuterAlt(AltAST alt)
     currentRule.alt[currentOuterAltNumber].ast = alt;
        /** Build lexer grammar from combined grammar that looks like:
         *      (tokens { X (= Y 'y'))
         *      (OPTIONS (= x 'y'))
         *      (@ members {foo})
         *      (@ lexer header {package jj;})
         *      (RULES (RULE .+)))
         *  Move rules and actions to new tree, don't dup. Split AST apart.
         *  We'll have this Grammar share token symbols later; don't generate
         *  tokenVocab or tokens{} section.  Copy over named actions.
         *  Side-effects: it removes children from GRAMMAR &amp; RULES nodes
         *                in combined AST.  Anything cut out is dup'd before
         *                adding to lexer to avoid "who's ur daddy" issues
        public virtual GrammarRootAST ExtractImplicitLexer(Grammar combinedGrammar)
            GrammarRootAST combinedAST = combinedGrammar.ast;
            //tool.log("grammar", "before="+combinedAST.toStringTree());
            GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(combinedAST.Token.InputStream);

            GrammarAST[] elements = combinedAST.GetChildrenAsArray();

            // MAKE A GRAMMAR ROOT and ID
            string         lexerName = combinedAST.GetChild(0).Text + "Lexer";
            GrammarRootAST lexerAST  =
                new GrammarRootAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.GRAMMAR, "LEXER_GRAMMAR"), combinedGrammar.ast.tokenStream);

            lexerAST.grammarType       = ANTLRParser.LEXER;
            lexerAST.Token.InputStream = combinedAST.Token.InputStream;
            lexerAST.AddChild((ITree)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.ID, lexerName));

            // COPY OPTIONS
            GrammarAST optionsRoot =

            if (optionsRoot != null && optionsRoot.ChildCount != 0)
                GrammarAST lexerOptionsRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.DupNode(optionsRoot);
                GrammarAST[] options = optionsRoot.GetChildrenAsArray();
                foreach (GrammarAST o in options)
                    string optionName = o.GetChild(0).Text;
                    if (Grammar.lexerOptions.Contains(optionName) &&
                        GrammarAST optionTree = (GrammarAST)adaptor.DupTree(o);
                        lexerAST.SetOption(optionName, (GrammarAST)optionTree.GetChild(1));

            // COPY all named actions, but only move those with lexer:: scope
            IList <GrammarAST> actionsWeMoved = new List <GrammarAST>();

            foreach (GrammarAST e in elements)
                if (e.Type == ANTLRParser.AT)
                    if (e.GetChild(0).Text.Equals("lexer"))

            foreach (GrammarAST r in actionsWeMoved)

            GrammarAST combinedRulesRoot =

            if (combinedRulesRoot == null)

            // MOVE lexer rules

            GrammarAST lexerRulesRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.RULES, "RULES");

            IList <GrammarAST> rulesWeMoved = new List <GrammarAST>();

            GrammarASTWithOptions[] rules;
            if (combinedRulesRoot.ChildCount > 0)
                rules = combinedRulesRoot.Children.Cast <GrammarASTWithOptions>().ToArray();
                rules = new GrammarASTWithOptions[0];

            foreach (GrammarASTWithOptions r in rules)
                string ruleName = r.GetChild(0).Text;
                if (Grammar.IsTokenName(ruleName))

            foreach (GrammarAST r in rulesWeMoved)

            // Will track 'if' from IF : 'if' ; rules to avoid defining new token for 'if'
            IList <System.Tuple <GrammarAST, GrammarAST> > litAliases =

            ISet <string> stringLiterals = combinedGrammar.GetStringLiterals();
            // add strings from combined grammar (and imported grammars) into lexer
            // put them first as they are keywords; must resolve ambigs to these rules
            //		tool.log("grammar", "strings from parser: "+stringLiterals);
            int insertIndex = 0;

            foreach (string lit in stringLiterals)
                // if lexer already has a rule for literal, continue
                if (litAliases != null)
                    foreach (System.Tuple <GrammarAST, GrammarAST> pair in litAliases)
                        GrammarAST litAST = pair.Item2;
                        if (lit.Equals(litAST.Text))
                            goto continueNextLit;
                // create for each literal: (RULE <uniquename> (BLOCK (ALT <lit>))
                string rname = combinedGrammar.GetStringLiteralLexerRuleName(lit);
                // can't use wizard; need special node types
                GrammarAST  litRule = new RuleAST(ANTLRParser.RULE);
                BlockAST    blk     = new BlockAST(ANTLRParser.BLOCK);
                AltAST      alt     = new AltAST(ANTLRParser.ALT);
                TerminalAST slit    = new TerminalAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL, lit));
                CommonToken idToken = new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.TOKEN_REF, rname);
                litRule.AddChild(new TerminalAST(idToken));
                lexerRulesRoot.InsertChild(insertIndex, litRule);
                //			lexerRulesRoot.getChildren().add(0, litRule);
                lexerRulesRoot.FreshenParentAndChildIndexes(); // reset indexes and set litRule parent

                // next literal will be added after the one just added


            // TODO: take out after stable if slow
            //		tool.log("grammar", combinedAST.toTokenString());

            combinedGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "after extract implicit lexer =" + combinedAST.ToStringTree());
            combinedGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "lexer =" + lexerAST.ToStringTree());

            if (lexerRulesRoot.ChildCount == 0)
 protected override void ExitAlternative(AltAST tree)
     frequencies.Push(CombineMax(frequencies.Pop(), frequencies.Pop()));
     minFrequencies.Push(combineMin(minFrequencies.Pop(), minFrequencies.Pop()));
Пример #27
        /** Given list of X and r refs in alt, compute how many of each there are */
        protected virtual System.Tuple<FrequencySet<string>, FrequencySet<string>> GetElementFrequenciesForAlt(AltAST ast)
                ElementFrequenciesVisitor visitor = new ElementFrequenciesVisitor(rule.g, new CommonTreeNodeStream(new GrammarASTAdaptor(), ast));
                if (visitor.frequencies.Count != 1)
                    return Tuple.Create(new FrequencySet<string>(), new FrequencySet<string>());

                return Tuple.Create(visitor.GetMinFrequencies(), visitor.frequencies.Peek());
            catch (RecognitionException ex)
                factory.GetGrammar().tool.errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex);
                return Tuple.Create(new FrequencySet<string>(), new FrequencySet<string>());
Пример #28
 protected override void ExitAlternative(AltAST tree)
     frequencies.Push(CombineMax(frequencies.Pop(), frequencies.Pop()));
     minFrequencies.Push(combineMin(minFrequencies.Pop(), minFrequencies.Pop()));
Пример #29
        public override void SetAltAssoc(AltAST t, int alt)
            ASSOC assoc = ASSOC.left;
            if (t.GetOptions() != null)
                string a = t.GetOptionString("assoc");
                if (a != null)
                    if (a.Equals(ASSOC.right.ToString()))
                        assoc = ASSOC.right;
                    else if (a.Equals(ASSOC.left.ToString()))
                        assoc = ASSOC.left;
                        tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.ILLEGAL_OPTION_VALUE, t.g.fileName, t.GetOptionAST("assoc").Token, "assoc", assoc);

            if (altAssociativity.ContainsKey(alt) && altAssociativity[alt] != assoc)
                tool.errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, "all operators of alt " + alt + " of left-recursive rule must have same associativity");
            altAssociativity[alt] = assoc;

            //		System.out.println("setAltAssoc: op " + alt + ": " + t.getText()+", assoc="+assoc);
Пример #30
 public override void DiscoverOuterAlt(AltAST alt)
     currentRule.alt[currentOuterAltNumber].ast = alt;
Пример #31
 public override void DiscoverOuterAlt(AltAST alt)
     if (alt.altLabel != null)
         ruleToAltLabels.Map(currentRuleName, alt.altLabel);
         string altLabel = alt.altLabel.Text;
         altLabelToRuleName[Utils.Capitalize(altLabel)] = currentRuleName;
         altLabelToRuleName[Utils.Decapitalize(altLabel)] = currentRuleName;