public Bitmap BlurImage(Bitmap image) { if (image == null) return null; image = RGB565toARGB888(image); if (!configured) { input = Allocation.CreateFromBitmap(rs, image); output = Allocation.CreateTyped(rs, input.Type); script = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.Create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs)); script.SetRadius(BLUR_RADIUS); configured = true; } else { input.CopyFrom(image); } script.SetInput(input); script.ForEach(output); output.CopyTo(image); return image; }
void ICreditsRepository.CreateAllocation(Allocation allocation) { using (var dc = CreateContext()) { dc.CreditAllocationEntities.InsertOnSubmit(allocation.Map()); dc.SubmitChanges(); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Allocation allocation = _db.Allocations.Find(id); _db.Allocations.Remove(allocation); _db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public bool AllocationStatus(PageType pageType) { var interval = Database.AllocationInterval; var page = new AllocationPage(Database, Allocation.AllocationPageAddress(PageAddress, pageType)); return(page.AllocationMap[(interval / 8) + 1]); }
private int GetValueFromY(double py) { Rectangle rect = GradientRectangle; Rectangle all = Allocation.ToCairoRectangle(); py -= all.Y + ypad * all.Height; return((int)(255 * (rect.Height - py) / rect.Height)); }
public void Allocate(Allocation allocation) { Vaidate(allocation); allocation.Enable(); allocationRepository.Save(allocation); }
public Allocation Save(Allocation allocation) { allocation.Validate(); string sql = "INSERT INTO TBAllocation(StartHour, EndHour, RoomId, EmployeeId) VALUES('2018-05-23T14:25:00', '2018-05-23T15:00:00', 1, 1)"; allocation.Id = Db.Insert(sql, Take(allocation, false)); return(allocation); }
Allocation Push(Expression e) { Allocation allocation = function.Top(); Move(allocation, e); allocation.Allocate(); return(allocation); }
// Expression evaluation. void Move(Allocation allocation, Expression e) { Allocation oldtarget = target; target = allocation; e.Accept(this); target = oldtarget; }
public void AllocationIntegration_Add_Nome_ShouldBeFail() { Allocation allocation = ObjectMother.GetInvalidEndHourAllocation(ObjectMother.GetEmployee(), ObjectMother.GetRoom()); Action comparison = () => _service.Save(allocation); comparison.Should().Throw <AllocationEndHourEarlyThanStartException>(); }
public void AllocationIntegration_Update_Invalid_Id_ShouldBeFail() { Allocation model = ObjectMother.GetAllocation(ObjectMother.GetEmployee(), ObjectMother.GetRoom()); Action comparison = () => _service.Update(model); comparison.Should().Throw <IdentifierUndefinedException>(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Department,Phone,BoardingPoint,Address,Age,Gender,Email")] Employee employee) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (employee.BoardingPoint != null) { var RoutesAvaiability = _context.Routes.Where(m => m.StartingPoint == employee.BoardingPoint || m.StopOne == employee.BoardingPoint || m.StopTwo == employee.BoardingPoint || m.StopThree == employee.BoardingPoint); //Check Routes Availablity if (RoutesAvaiability != null && RoutesAvaiability.Count() > 0) { var VehicleAvaiability = _context.Vehicles.Where(m => m.SeatsAvailable > 0 & m.Location == employee.BoardingPoint).FirstOrDefault(); // Check vehicle availability // if (VehicleAvaiability != null & VehicleAvaiability.Count() > 0) if (VehicleAvaiability != null) { _context.Add(employee); // Reduce the Seats int final_seat = VehicleAvaiability.SeatsAvailable; string driver_name = VehicleAvaiability.DriverName; string driver_contact_number = VehicleAvaiability.DriverContactNumber; string Vehicle_no = VehicleAvaiability.VehicleNumber; string location = VehicleAvaiability.Location; final_seat = final_seat - 1; await _context.Vehicles.Where(m => m.Location == location& m.DriverName == driver_name).ForEachAsync(s => s.SeatsAvailable = final_seat); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Add Values to Allocation var a_employee_name = employee.EmployeeName; var a_boarding_location = employee.BoardingPoint; var a_driver_name = driver_name; var a_contact_number = driver_contact_number; var a_vehicle_no = Vehicle_no; var a_allocations = new Allocation { BoardingPoint = a_boarding_location, DriverContactNumber = a_contact_number, DriverName = a_driver_name, EmployeeName = a_employee_name, VehicleNumber = a_vehicle_no }; _context.Allocations.Add(a_allocations); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } } else { return(View()); } } else { // if (employee.BoardingPoint != null ) } }//Model State return(View(employee)); }
private void EnsureApplicantCredits(Allocation allocation) { // Get current allocations. var allocations = _allocationsQuery.GetActiveAllocations <ApplicantCredit>(allocation.OwnerId); if (allocation.InitialQuantity != null) { // Don't allocate if there are existing non-zero limited credits. // This is based on the assumption that the user was given a finite number of both JobAd and Applicant credits. if ((from a in allocations where a.RemainingQuantity != null && a.RemainingQuantity.Value != 0 select a).Any()) { return; } } // Need to ensure there are unlimited credits. var unlimitedAllocations = (from a in allocations where a.RemainingQuantity == null select a).ToList(); if (unlimitedAllocations.Count > 0) { // If there are any that do not expire then that is enough. if (unlimitedAllocations.Any(a => a.ExpiryDate == null)) { return; } // There are unlimited credits but need to check their expiry. if (allocation.ExpiryDate != null) { if (unlimitedAllocations.Any(a => a.ExpiryDate != null && allocation.ExpiryDate != null && a.ExpiryDate.Value >= allocation.ExpiryDate.Value.AddMonths(2))) { return; } } } // Need to create an allocation. var expiryDate = allocation.ExpiryDate == null ? (DateTime?)null : allocation.ExpiryDate.Value.AddMonths(2) > DateTime.Now.AddYears(1) ? allocation.ExpiryDate.Value.Date.AddMonths(2) : DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(1); _allocationsCommand.CreateAllocation(new Allocation { OwnerId = allocation.OwnerId, CreditId = _creditsQuery.GetCredit <ApplicantCredit>().Id, InitialQuantity = null, ExpiryDate = expiryDate }); }
public void AllocationRepository_Update_ShouldBeFail() { Allocation allocation = ObjectMother.GetAllocation(ObjectMother.GetEmployee(), ObjectMother.GetRoom()); allocation.Id = 0; Action update = () => _repository.Update(allocation); update.Should().Throw <IdentifierUndefinedException>(); }
TextFileInfo ReadTextFile(string filename) { Console.WriteLine("ReadTextFile " + filename); char[] seperatorTab = {'\t'}; char[] seperatorColon = {':'}; TextFileInfo fi = new TextFileInfo(); fi.filename = filename; string currentPool = ""; StreamReader re = File.OpenText(filename); string input = null; while ((input = re.ReadLine()) != null) { input.Trim(); if (input.StartsWith("MemPool:")) currentPool = input.Substring(8); else { string[] line = input.Split(seperatorTab); int size = int.Parse(line[2]); Allocation a = new Allocation(); = line[0]; a.ptr = Int32.Parse(line[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); a.pool = currentPool; a.size = size; fi.allocations.Add(a); // Handle blocks (identically named allocations) Category c; if (fi.blocks.ContainsKey(line[0])) c = fi.blocks[line[0]]; else c = new Category(); = line[0]; c.size += size; ++c.count; fi.blocks[line[0]] = c; // Handle categories string catString = "NO CATEGORY"; if (line[0].Contains(":")) catString = line[0].Split(seperatorColon)[0]; if (fi.categories.ContainsKey(catString)) c = fi.categories[catString]; else c = new Category(); = catString; c.size += size; ++c.count; fi.categories[catString] = c; } } re.Close(); return fi; }
private static void Prepare(Allocation allocation) { allocation.Prepare(); // Set the remaining quantity to the initial quantity when creating. allocation.RemainingQuantity = allocation.InitialQuantity; allocation.DeallocatedTime = null; }
public void Ctor_ATinyAmountMoneyNotAllocated_QuasiComplete() { var subject = new Allocation(10m.Usd(), new[] { 9.99m.Usd(), .0001m.Usd() }); Assert.That(subject.IsComplete, Is.False); Assert.That(subject.IsQuasiComplete, Is.True); Assert.That(subject.TotalAllocated, Is.EqualTo(9.9901m.Usd())); Assert.That(subject.Remainder, Is.EqualTo(.0099m.Usd())); }
public void Ctor_Debt_CanBeFullyAllocated() { var subject = new Allocation(-10m.Usd(), new[] { -3m.Usd(), -7m.Usd() }); Assert.That(subject.TotalAllocated, Is.EqualTo(-10m.Usd())); Assert.That(subject.Remainder, Is.EqualTo(Money.Zero(CurrencyIsoCode.USD))); Assert.That(subject.IsComplete, Is.True); Assert.That(subject.IsQuasiComplete, Is.False); }
public void Visit(Index e) { Allocation table = R(e.Table); Allocation key = RK(e.Key); function.InstructionABC(e.SourceSpan, Opcode.GetTable, target, table, key); key.Release(); table.Release(); }
public override void Draw(Cairo.Context context) { Allocation allocation = d_object != null ? d_object.Allocation : new Allocation(0, 0, 1, 1); Cache.Render(context, allocation.Width, allocation.Height, delegate(Cairo.Context graphics, double width, double height) { graphics.Save(); double uw = graphics.LineWidth; double marg = uw / 2; if (d_radius > 0) { DrawRoundedRectangle(graphics, -marg, -marg, allocation.Width + marg, allocation.Height + marg, d_radius); } else { graphics.Rectangle(-marg, -marg, allocation.Width + marg, allocation.Height + marg); } graphics.Source = d_outer; graphics.FillPreserve(); graphics.ClipPreserve(); if (d_object != null && d_object.LinkFocus) { graphics.LineWidth = uw * 4; graphics.SetSourceRGBA(d_linkColor[0], d_linkColor[1], d_linkColor[2], d_linkColor[3]); graphics.Stroke(); } else if (d_object != null && d_object.MouseFocus) { graphics.LineWidth = uw * 4; graphics.SetSourceRGBA(d_hoverColor[0], d_hoverColor[1], d_hoverColor[2], d_hoverColor[3]); graphics.Stroke(); } else { graphics.NewPath(); } graphics.LineWidth = uw * 2; marg = uw; double[] color = LineColor(); graphics.SetSourceRGB(color[0], color[1], color[2]); double dd = allocation.Width * 0.1; double off = uw * 2 + (dd - (dd % marg)); DrawInner(graphics, uw, off, off, allocation.Width - off * 2, allocation.Height - off * 2); graphics.Restore(); base.Draw(graphics); }); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Allocation allocation = await db.Allocations.FindAsync(id); db.Allocations.Remove(allocation); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
void ICreditsRepository.UpdateAllocation(Allocation allocation) { using (var dc = CreateContext()) { var entity = GetAllocationEntity(dc, allocation.Id); allocation.MapTo(entity); dc.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void Ctor_Debt_CanBeAlmostFullyAllocated() { var subject = new Allocation(-10m.Usd(), new[] { -3m.Usd(), -6.999m.Usd() }); Assert.That(subject.TotalAllocated, Is.EqualTo(-9.999m.Usd())); Assert.That(subject.Remainder, Is.EqualTo(-.001m.Usd())); Assert.That(subject.IsComplete, Is.False); Assert.That(subject.IsQuasiComplete, Is.True); }
public static CreditAllocationEntity Map(this Allocation allocation) { var entity = new CreditAllocationEntity { id = allocation.Id }; allocation.MapTo(entity); return(entity); }
private void HandleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { using (Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(this.GdkWindow)) { int rad = 4; Rectangle rect = Allocation.ToCairoRectangle(); g.FillRoundedRectangle(rect, rad, CairoColor); } }
private Allocation Allocate(IOrganisation organisation, Credit credit, int?quantity, DateTime?expiryDate) { var allocation = new Allocation { OwnerId = organisation.Id, CreditId = credit.Id, ExpiryDate = expiryDate, InitialQuantity = quantity }; _allocationsCommand.CreateAllocation(allocation); return(allocation); }
private void Pop(Allocation expected) { Allocation alloc = _stack.Pop(); if (expected != alloc) { throw new InvalidProgramException(); } }
public Bitmap blur(Bitmap bitmap, float radius, int repeat) { if (!IS_BLUR_SUPPORTED) { return(null); } if (radius > MAX_RADIUS) { radius = MAX_RADIUS; } int width = bitmap.Width; int height = bitmap.Height; // Create allocation type Type bitmapType = new Type.Builder(rs, Element.RGBA_8888(rs)) .SetX(width) .SetY(height) .SetMipmaps(false) // We are using MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE .Create(); // Create allocation Allocation allocation = Allocation.CreateTyped(rs, bitmapType); // Create blur script ScriptIntrinsicBlur blurScript = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.Create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs)); blurScript.SetRadius(radius); // Copy data to allocation allocation.CopyFrom(bitmap); // set blur script input blurScript.SetInput(allocation); // invoke the script to blur blurScript.ForEach(allocation); // Repeat the blur for extra effect for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { blurScript.ForEach(allocation); } // copy data back to the bitmap allocation.CopyTo(bitmap); // release memory allocation.Destroy(); blurScript.Destroy(); allocation = null; blurScript = null; return(bitmap); }
public void Update(Allocation allocation) { CurrentAllocation = allocation; if (AllowSymbolsErrors && !File.Exists(SymbolLookup.SymbolsPath)) { symbolsNotFoundLabel.Visible = true; } if (allocation.Architecture == Common.Architecture._32Bit) { AddressLabel.Text = String.Format("Address: 0x{0:X8}", allocation.Address); } else { AddressLabel.Text = String.Format("Address: 0x{0:X16}", allocation.Address); } SizeLabel.Text = String.Format("Size: {0} bytes", allocation.Size); //HeapLabel.Text = String.Format("Heap ID: {0}", allocation.HeapId); StackTable.Rows.Clear(); foreach (CallStack.Frame frame in allocation.Stack.Frames.Reverse()) { String addressText; if (allocation.Architecture == Common.Architecture._32Bit) { addressText = String.Format("0x{0:X8}", frame.Address); } else { addressText = String.Format("0x{0:X16}", frame.Address); } // TODO: Is this parser-specific? String functionName = ""; if (SymbolLookup.Instance != null) { String rawFunctionName = SymbolLookup.Instance.Lookup(frame.Address); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawFunctionName) || rawFunctionName.Contains("NULL_THUNK_DATA")) { functionName += "Unknown"; } else { functionName += rawFunctionName; } } else { functionName += "Unknown"; } StackTable.Rows.Add(addressText, functionName, "", ""); } }
public void ShouldNotBeAbleToCreateATargetAccountWithAccountAndAllocationPercentage() { var account = new Account(new AccountId(12345678), new ClientId("ABC123")) { Balance = 100, LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var targetAccount = new Allocation(account, 2); Assert.AreEqual(targetAccount.GetAccountNumber(), account.GetAccountNumber()); }
public Allocation Allocate(CreditNote creditNote, Allocation allocation) { string requestXml = ModelSerializer.Serialize(allocation); string responseXml = _proxy.ApplyAllocation(creditNote, requestXml); Response response = ModelSerializer.DeserializeTo <Response>(responseXml); return(response.GetTypedProperty <Allocation>().First()); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Description,IsMonthly,RecuranceDayNumber,RecuranceEndDate,AllocationType,Amount")] Allocation allocation) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(allocation).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(allocation)); }
public void addResource(Resource r, int amount, DateTime from, DateTime to) { Allocation l = new Allocation(from, to, r, this, amount); if (ResourceAllocator.getInstance().isConsistent(l)) { Resources.Add(l); AllocationStorage.getInstance().create(l); } }
public void AllocationHistory_Init() { FXMarketHistory fxmh = MarketTestTools.CreateMktHistory(); AllocationHistory allocH = AllocationsTools.GetAllocationHistory(fxmh); Allocation alloc = allocH.GetAllocation(MarketTestTools.date1); Allocation allocTest = AllocationsTools.GetAllocation(); allocTest.Update(MarketTestTools.CreateMarket()); Assert.IsTrue(alloc.Total.Equals(allocTest.Total)); }
private static void Driver( double averageRequestSize, double standardDeviation, Random random, int simulationSteps, int memorySize, AllocationStrategy strategy, out double averageSearchTime, out double averageMemoryUtilization) { // Setup driver. var mm = new MemoryManager(memorySize, strategy); var reserved = new List<Allocation>(); // Statistics long totalHolesExamined = 0; double totalMemoryUtilization = 0; for (int i = 0; i < simulationSteps; i++) { int requestSize = random.NextGaussian(averageRequestSize, standardDeviation, 1, memorySize); int allocationAddr, holesExamined; Allocation alloc; while (mm.Request(requestSize, out allocationAddr, out holesExamined)) { reserved.Add(alloc = new Allocation(allocationAddr, requestSize)); int placeToSwap = random.Next(reserved.Count); reserved[reserved.Count - 1] = reserved[placeToSwap]; reserved[placeToSwap] = alloc; totalHolesExamined += holesExamined; requestSize = random.NextGaussian(averageRequestSize, standardDeviation, 1, memorySize); } // Count holes examined by failed request. totalHolesExamined += holesExamined; // Record memory utilization. totalMemoryUtilization += reserved.Sum(allocation => allocation.Size) / (double)memorySize; // Release a random reserved segment. Because the reserved list // is randomly ordered, we simply (and efficiently) remove the // last element. if(reserved.Count > 0) { mm.Release(reserved[reserved.Count - 1].Address); reserved.RemoveAt(reserved.Count - 1); } } averageSearchTime = totalHolesExamined / (double) simulationSteps; averageMemoryUtilization = totalMemoryUtilization / simulationSteps; }
public void SelectAt(Allocation targetAllocation) { if (targetAllocation == null) { return; } Snapshot snapshot = SnapshotOverride ?? History.Snapshot; MemoryBlock block = snapshot.Find(targetAllocation.Address); if (block != null) { Renderer.SelectedBlock = block; SelectionChangedEventArgs e = new SelectionChangedEventArgs(); e.SelectedBlock = Renderer.SelectedBlock; this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => SelectionChanged(this, e))); } else { // TODO: What should be done here? Scroll the timeline to a point where it exists? } // TODO: Automatically bring the new selection into view }
/// <summary> /// Gets the allocation region associated with the given allocation id if it is present. /// </summary> /// <param name="allocationId">Allocation id to look up the allocation for.</param> /// <param name="allocation">Allocation associated with the id, if present.</param> /// <returns>True if the allocationId was present in the allocator, false otherwise.</returns> public bool TryGetAllocationRegion(ulong allocationId, out Allocation allocation) { return allocations.TryGetValue(allocationId, out allocation); }
private void AddAllocation(ulong id, long start, long end, ref Allocation allocation, ref Allocation nextAllocation) { var newAllocation = new Allocation { Next = allocation.Next, Previous = nextAllocation.Previous, Start = start, End = end }; //Note that the pointer modifications come BEFORE the new addition. //This avoids a potential pointer invalidation caused by a resize in the allocations dictionary. allocation.Next = id; nextAllocation.Previous = id; //About to add a new allocation. We had space here this time, so there's a high chance we'll have some more space next time. Point the search to this index. searchStartIndex = allocations.Count; allocations.Add(id, newAllocation); }
private void selectBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { String name = (string)dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Index].Cells[0].Value; Resource r = ResourceStorage.getInstance().all().Find(x => x.Title.Equals(name)); try { int amount = Convert.ToInt32(convert(cont_box.Text)); DateTime fromDate = fromDateBox.Value; DateTime toDate = toDateBox.Value; if (toDate < fromDate) { MessageBox.Show("بازهی زمانی صحیح نمیباشد", "خطا", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading| MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign); return; } alloc = new Allocation(fromDate, toDate, r, null, amount); if (ResourceAllocator.getInstance().isConsistent(alloc)) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("منبع کافی نمیباشد", "خطا", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading| MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign); } } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show(new IncompleteFormException().Message); } } }
public DropBoxSpaceUsage() { allocation = new Allocation(); }
public static void Add(MessageType type, Allocation referenceAllocation, String text) { Instance.AddInternal(type, referenceAllocation, text); }
private void AddInternal(MessageType type, Allocation referenceAllocation, String text) { Task task = new Task(() => { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { switch (type) { case MessageType.Error: { Errors.Add(new StringSource(text, referenceAllocation)); var bindingList = new BindingList<StringSource>(Errors); ErrorsDataGrid.DataSource = bindingList; ErrorsForm.Text = "Errors (" + Errors.Count + ")"; break; } case MessageType.Warning: { Warnings.Add(new StringSource(text, referenceAllocation)); var bindingList = new BindingList<StringSource>(Warnings); WarningsDataGrid.DataSource = bindingList; WarningsForm.Text = "Warnings (" + Warnings.Count + ")"; break; } case MessageType.Info: { Infos.Add(new StringSource(text, referenceAllocation)); var bindingList = new BindingList<StringSource>(Infos); InfosDataGrid.DataSource = bindingList; InfosForm.Text = "Info (" + Infos.Count + ")"; break; } } })); }); task.Start(); }
public StringSource(String description, Allocation referenceAllocation) : this(description) { ReferenceAllocation = referenceAllocation; }