public void AddAlliedShip(PlayerShip ally, string tag, bool load = false, bool linkWithGameObjectManager = true) { //ally.OnSelect += AddSelectedShipUI; //ally.OnDeselect += RemoveSelectedShipUI; AddGameObject(ally, tag, load, linkWithGameObjectManager); Allies.Add(tag, ally); }
public void Load() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 2500); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 760); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3500); W.SetSkillshot(0.75f, 40, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); E.SetSkillshot(1.3f, 200, 1600, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); R.SetSkillshot(0.2f, 80, 5000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } Entry.PrintChat("<font color=\"#66CCFF\" >Jhin</font>"); }
public void AddAllie(Kingdom allie) { if (this != allie) { Allies.Add(allie); } }
public void Load() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1170); Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1170); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 5000); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1000); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1500f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.1f, 40f, 2400f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); Q2.SetSkillshot(0.1f, 40f, 2400f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } Entry.PrintChat("<font color=\"#66CCFF\" >Kalista</font>"); }
public void AddAlly(Guild g) { if (!Allies.Contains(g)) { Allies.Add(g); g.AddAlly(this); } }
/// <summary> /// When navigate to this page, request an api based on the given url /// If this character has url-based detail, requests those too /// </summary> /// <param name="parameter"></param> /// <param name="mode"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state) { try { var characterUrl = (string)parameter; var service = new ThroneService(); Character = await service.GetCharacterAsync(characterUrl); Father = await service.GetCharacterAsync(Character.Father); Mother = await service.GetCharacterAsync(Character.Mother); Spouse = await service.GetCharacterAsync(Character.Spouse); if (Character.Allegiances.Length != 0) { Allies.Clear(); foreach (String url in Character.Allegiances) { House newHouse = await service.GetHouseAsync(url); Allies.Add(newHouse); } } if (Character.Books.Length != 0) { Books.Clear(); foreach (String url in Character.Books) { Book newBook = await service.GetBookAsync(url); Books.Add(newBook); } } if (Character.PovBooks.Length != 0) { PovBooks.Clear(); foreach (String url in Character.PovBooks) { Book newBook = await service.GetBookAsync(url); PovBooks.Add(newBook); } } await base.OnNavigatedToAsync(parameter, mode, state); } catch (RedirectMainException) { NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(MainPage)); } }
public void AddAlly(PoliticalGroup other) { if (Allies.Contains(other)) { return; } Allies.Add(other); AlliesRev.Add(other); other.AddAlly(this); }
private static void GameOnOnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { if (Player.ChampionName != "Quinn") { return; } enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Config = new Menu("奎因", "YuleQuinn", true); Config.AddSubMenu(new Menu("Orbwalking", "Orbwalking")); Orbwalker = new Orbwalking.Orbwalker(Config.SubMenu("Orbwalking")); new Quinn().LoadQuinn(); Config.SubMenu("Misc").SubMenu("Prediction").AddItem(new MenuItem("PredictionMODE", "Prediction MODE", true).SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Common prediction", "神预判" }, 1))); Config.SubMenu("Misc").SubMenu("Prediction").AddItem(new MenuItem("HitChance", "Hit Chance", true).SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Misc").AddItem(new MenuItem("comboDisableMode", "Disable auto-attack in combo mode", true).SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Misc").AddItem(new MenuItem("manaDisable", "Disable mana manager in combo", true).SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Misc").AddItem(new MenuItem("collAA", "Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision", true).SetValue(true)); foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } new WardUsing().LoadWard(); new Tracker().LoadTrack(); Config.AddToMainMenu(); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalking.BeforeAttack += Orbwalking_BeforeAttack; }
public void Load() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 900); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 475); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 550); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 70f, 1800f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } Entry.PrintChat("<font color=\"#FFCC66\" >Blitzcrank</font>"); }
public static void GameOnOnGameLoad() { enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("OneKeyToWin AIO", "OneKeyToWin_AIO" + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName); #region MENU ABOUT OKTW Config.Add("debug", new CheckBox("Debug", false)); Config.Add("debugChat", new CheckBox("Debug Chat", false)); Config.Add("print", new CheckBox("OKTW NEWS in chat")); #endregion Config.Add("AIOmode", new Slider("AIO mode (0 : Util & Champ | 1 : Only Champ | 2 : Only Util)", 0, 0, 2)); AIOmode = getSliderItem("AIOmode"); Config.Add("PredictionMODE", new Slider("Prediction MODE (0 : Common Pred | 1 : OKTW© PREDICTION | 2 : SPrediction | 3 : SDK)", 0, 0, 3)); Config.Add("HitChance", new Slider("AIO mode (0 : Very High | 1 : High | 2 : Medium)", 0, 0, 2)); Config.Add("debugPred", new CheckBox("Draw Aiming OKTW© PREDICTION", false)); Config.Add("harassLaneclear", new CheckBox("Skill-Harass in lane clear")); if (getSliderItem("PredictionMODE") == 2) { SPrediction.Prediction.Initialize(Config); SPredictionLoad = true; } else { Config.AddLabel("SPREDICTION NOT LOADED"); } if (AIOmode != 2) { Config.Add("supportMode", new CheckBox("Support Mode", false)); Config.Add("comboDisableMode", new CheckBox("Disable auto-attack in combo mode", false)); Config.Add("manaDisable", new CheckBox("Disable mana manager in combo")); Config.Add("collAA", new CheckBox("Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision")); #region LOAD CHAMPIONS switch (Player.ChampionName) { case "Anivia": PortAIO.Champion.Anivia.Anivia.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Annie": PortAIO.Champion.Annie.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ashe": PortAIO.Champion.Ashe.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Braum": PortAIO.Champion.Braum.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Caitlyn": new Caitlyn().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ekko": PortAIO.Champion.Ekko.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ezreal": Ezreal.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Graves": Graves.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jayce": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Champions.Jayce.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jinx": Jinx.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Karthus": Karthus.LoadOKTW(); break; case "MissFortune": MissFortune.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Malzahar": Malzahar.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Orianna": Orianna.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Sivir": Sivir.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Twitch": Twitch.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Syndra": Syndra.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Velkoz": Velkoz.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Xerath": Xerath.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Swain": Swain.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Urgot": Urgot.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ahri": Ahri.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Thresh": Thresh.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Brand": Brand.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Blitzcrank": Blitzcrank.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Corki": Corki.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Darius": Darius.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Evelynn": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Champions.Evelynn.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jhin": Jhin.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Kindred": Kindred.LoadOKTW(); break; case "KogMaw": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.KogMaw.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Lux": Lux.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Morgana": Morgana.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Quinn": Quinn.LoadOKTW(); break; case "TwistedFate": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Champions.TwistedFate.LoadOKTW(); break; } } #endregion foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies) { if (hero.IsEnemy && hero.Team != Player.Team) { Enemies.Add(hero); if (IsJungler(hero)) { jungler = hero; } } } foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Allies) { if (hero.IsAlly && hero.Team == Player.Team) { Allies.Add(hero); } } if (AIOmode != 1) { new OKTWward().LoadOKTW(); new OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW(); } Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalking_BeforeAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; }
private static void Events_OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { Version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Me = GameObjects.Player; Menu = new Menu("TroopAIO - A Revolution of SDK Assemblys", "TroopAIO - A Revolution of SDK Assemblys", true).Attach(); Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Version", "Version : " + Version)); Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Updated for every Patch!", "Updated for every Patch!")); var Cred = Menu.Add(new Menu("Credits", "Credits")); { Cred.Add(new MenuSeparator("Everything has been done by trooperhdx with some help of StopMotionCuber!", "Everything has been done by trooperhdx with some help of StopMotionCuber!")); } var Sup = Menu.Add(new Menu("Supported Champions", "Supported Champions")); { Sup.Add(new MenuSeparator("Urgot", "Urgot")); Sup.Add(new MenuSeparator("Evelynn", "Evelynn")); Sup.Add(new MenuSeparator("Vladimir", "Vladimir")); Sup.Add(new MenuSeparator("Akali", "Akali")); } switch (Me.ChampionName) { case "Urgot": new Plugins.Urgot(); EnableOrbwalker = true; break; case "Vladimir": new Plugins.Vladimir(); EnableOrbwalker = true; break; case "Evelynn": new Plugins.Evelynn(); EnableOrbwalker = true; break; case "Akali": new Plugins.Akali(); EnableOrbwalker = true; break; default: Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("NotSupported", Me.ChampionName + " Isn't supported yet, feel free to suggest any Champion!")); EnableOrbwalker = false; break; } foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes) { Enemies.Add(enemy); } foreach (var ally in GameObjects.AllyHeroes) { Allies.Add(ally); } if (EnableOrbwalker == true) { Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true; } else if (EnableOrbwalker == false) { Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = false; } }
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { if (ObjectManager.Player.BaseSkinName != "Nautilus") { return; } foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1100, SkillShotType.Linear, (int)0.5f, (int?)1900f, 90); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 300); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, (uint)ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.R).SData.CastRange); nautmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Nautilus", "Nautilus"); nautmenu.AddGroupLabel("Nautilus!"); PredictionMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Prediction", "prediction"); StringList(PredictionMenu, "Qpred", "Q Prediction", new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High" }, 3); ComboMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ts", new CheckBox("Use EB TargetSelector")); ComboMenu.Add("ts1", new CheckBox("Only one target", false)); ComboMenu.Add("minGrab", new Slider("Min range grab", 250, 125, (int)Q.Range)); ComboMenu.Add("maxGrab", new Slider("Max range grab", (int)Q.Range, 125, (int)Q.Range)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Grab:"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team)) { ComboMenu.Add("grab" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Use R")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Don't Use Ult On: Enemy"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(enemy.BaseSkinName) { CurrentValue = false }; if (enemy.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team) { ComboMenu.Add("DontUltenemy" + enemy.BaseSkinName, cb); } } KSMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("KS"); KSMenu.AddGroupLabel("KS Settings"); KSMenu.Add("ksQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KSMenu.Add("ksE", new CheckBox("Use E")); LaneMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("LaneCLear"); LaneMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneCLear Settings"); LaneMenu.Add("UseWlc", new CheckBox("Use W")); LaneMenu.Add("UseElc", new CheckBox("Use E")); LaneMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneMenu.Add("lccount", new Slider("Min minions for E", 3, 1, 5)); LaneMenu.Add("lanem", new Slider("Minimum mana %", 20, 0, 100)); JungleMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungleclear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("UseQjg", new CheckBox("Use Q")); JungleMenu.Add("UseWjg", new CheckBox("Use W")); JungleMenu.Add("UseEjg", new CheckBox("Use E")); JungleMenu.Add("jgMana", new Slider("Minimum mana %", 20, 0, 100)); JungleMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Smite", "Smite"); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu.Add("smiteActive", new KeyBind("Smite Active (toggle)", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H')); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu.Add("useSlowSmite", new CheckBox("KS with Blue Smite")); SmiteMenu.Add("comboWithDuelSmite", new CheckBox("Combo with Red Smite")); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu.AddGroupLabel("Camps"); SmiteMenu.AddLabel("Epics"); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron")); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon")); SmiteMenu.AddLabel("Buffs"); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Blue")); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Red")); SmiteMenu.AddLabel("Small Camps"); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Gromp", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Murkwolf", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Krug", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Razerbeak", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Skuttles", false)); FleeMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Flee"); FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Flee Settings"); FleeMenu.Add("fleeuseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); FleeMenu.Add("fleeuseW", new CheckBox("Use W")); MiscMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings"); MiscMenu.Add("antiG", new CheckBox("Use E - Antigapcloser")); MiscMenu.Add("interruptq", new CheckBox("Use Q - interrupter")); MiscMenu.Add("interruptr", new CheckBox("Use R - interrupter")); DrawMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Draw"); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Draw Settings"); DrawMenu.Add("drawq", new CheckBox("Draw Q")); DrawMenu.Add("drawe", new CheckBox("Draw E")); DrawMenu.Add("drawr", new CheckBox("Draw R")); Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += SmiteEvent; }
public static void GameOnOnGameLoad() { enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("一键制胜 合集", "OneKeyToWin_AIO" + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName); #region MENU ABOUT OKTW Config.Add("debug", new CheckBox("调试", false)); Config.Add("debugChat", new CheckBox("调试信息", false)); Config.Add("print", new CheckBox("OKTW更新信息")); #endregion Config.Add("AIOmode", new Slider("合集模式 (0 : 功能集 & 英雄 | 1 : 只载入英雄 | 2 : 只载入功能集)", 0, 0, 2)); AIOmode = getSliderItem("AIOmode"); Config.Add("PredictionMODE", new Slider("预判库 (0 : 库预判 | 1 : OKTW© 预判 | 2 : S预判)", 0, 0, 2)); Config.Add("HitChance", new Slider("AIO 预判模式 (0 : 非常高 | 1 : 高 | 2 : 中)", 0, 0, 2)); Config.Add("debugPred", new CheckBox("显示 瞄准OKTW©预判", false)); Config.Add("harassLaneclear", new CheckBox("清线时技能骚扰")); if (getSliderItem("PredictionMODE") == 2) { SPrediction.Prediction.Initialize(Config); SPredictionLoad = true; } else { Config.AddLabel("S预判未加载"); } if (AIOmode != 2) { Config.Add("supportMode", new CheckBox("辅助模式", false)); Config.Add("comboDisableMode", new CheckBox("连招屏蔽普攻", false)); Config.Add("manaDisable", new CheckBox("连招时无视蓝量控制器")); Config.Add("collAA", new CheckBox("面对亚索风墙停止普攻")); #region LOAD CHAMPIONS switch (Player.ChampionName) { case "Anivia": PortAIO.Champion.Anivia.Anivia.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Annie": PortAIO.Champion.Annie.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ashe": PortAIO.Champion.Ashe.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Braum": PortAIO.Champion.Braum.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Caitlyn": new Caitlyn().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ekko": PortAIO.Champion.Ekko.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ezreal": Ezreal.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Graves": Graves.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jayce": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Champions.Jayce.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jinx": Jinx.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Karthus": Karthus.LoadOKTW(); break; case "MissFortune": MissFortune.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Malzahar": Malzahar.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Orianna": Orianna.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Sivir": Sivir.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Twitch": Twitch.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Syndra": Syndra.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Velkoz": Velkoz.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Xerath": Xerath.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Swain": Swain.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Urgot": Urgot.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ahri": Ahri.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Thresh": Thresh.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Brand": Brand.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Blitzcrank": Blitzcrank.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Corki": Corki.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Darius": Darius.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Evelynn": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Champions.Evelynn.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jhin": Jhin.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Kindred": Kindred.LoadOKTW(); break; case "KogMaw": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.KogMaw.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Lux": Lux.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Morgana": Morgana.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Quinn": Quinn.LoadOKTW(); break; case "TwistedFate": OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Champions.TwistedFate.LoadOKTW(); break; } } #endregion foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies) { if (hero.IsEnemy && hero.Team != Player.Team) { Enemies.Add(hero); if (IsJungler(hero)) { jungler = hero; } } } foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Allies) { if (hero.IsAlly && hero.Team == Player.Team) { Allies.Add(hero); } } if (AIOmode != 1) { new OKTWward().LoadOKTW(); new OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW(); } Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalking_BeforeAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; }
public void AddAlly(Entity ally) => Allies.Add(ally);
public static void GameOnOnGameLoad() { enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("OneKeyToWin AIO", "OneKeyToWin_AIO" + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName); #region MENU ABOUT OKTW Config.Add("debug", new CheckBox("Debug", false)); Config.Add("debugChat", new CheckBox("Debug Chat", false)); Config.Add("print", new CheckBox("OKTW NEWS in chat")); #endregion Config.Add("AIOmode", new Slider("AIO mode (0 : Util & Champ | 1 : Only Champ | 2 : Only Util)", 0, 0, 2)); AIOmode = getSliderItem("AIOmode"); if (AIOmode != 2) { if (Player.ChampionName != "MissFortune") { new OktwTs().LoadOKTW(); } } Config.Add("PredictionMODE", new Slider("Prediction MODE (0 : Common Pred | 1 : OKTW© PREDICTION)", 0, 0, 1)); Config.Add("HitChance", new Slider("AIO mode (0 : Very High | 1 : High | 2 : Medium)", 0, 0, 2)); Config.Add("debugPred", new CheckBox("Draw Aiming OKTW© PREDICTION", false)); if (AIOmode != 2) { Config.Add("supportMode", new CheckBox("Support Mode", false)); Config.Add("comboDisableMode", new CheckBox("Disable auto-attack in combo mode", false)); Config.Add("manaDisable", new CheckBox("Disable mana manager in combo")); Config.Add("collAA", new CheckBox("Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision")); #region LOAD CHAMPIONS switch (Player.ChampionName) { case "Anivia": PortAIO.Champion.Anivia.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Annie": PortAIO.Champion.Annie.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ashe": PortAIO.Champion.Ashe.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Braum": PortAIO.Champion.Braum.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Caitlyn": PortAIO.Champion.Caitlyn.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ekko": PortAIO.Champion.Ekko.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ezreal": Ezreal.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Graves": Graves.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jayce": Jayce.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jinx": Jinx.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Karthus": Karthus.LoadOKTW(); break; case "MissFortune": MissFortune.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Malzahar": Malzahar.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Orianna": Orianna.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Sivir": Sivir.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Twitch": Twitch.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Syndra": Syndra.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Velkoz": Velkoz.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Xerath": Xerath.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Swain": Swain.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Urgot": Urgot.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ahri": Ahri.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Thresh": Thresh.LoadOKTW(); break; } } #endregion foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies) { if (hero.IsEnemy && hero.Team != Player.Team) { Enemies.Add(hero); if (IsJungler(hero)) { jungler = hero; } } } foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Allies) { if (hero.IsAlly && hero.Team == Player.Team) { Allies.Add(hero); } } Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalking_BeforeAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; }
public static void GameOnOnGameLoad() { enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy); Q = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.R); Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("OneKeyToWin AIO", "OneKeyToWin_AIO" + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName); #region MENU ABOUT OKTW Config.Add("debug", new CheckBox("Debug", false)); Config.Add("debugChat", new CheckBox("Debug Chat", false)); Config.Add("print", new CheckBox("OKTW NEWS in chat")); #endregion Config.Add("AIOmode", new Slider("AIO mode (0 : Util & Champ | 1 : Only Champ | 2 : Only Util)", 0, 0, 2)); AIOmode = getSliderItem("AIOmode"); if (AIOmode != 2) { if (Player.ChampionName != "MissFortune") { new Core.OktwTs().LoadOKTW(); } } if (AIOmode != 1) { Config.Add("timer", new CheckBox("GankTimer")); Config.AddLabel("RED - be careful"); Config.AddLabel("ORANGE - you have time"); Config.AddLabel("GREEN - jungler visable"); Config.AddLabel("CYAN jungler dead - take objectives"); } Config.Add("PredictionMODE", new Slider("Prediction MODE (0 : Common Pred | 1 : OKTW© PREDICTION | 2 : SPediction press F5 if not loaded)", 0, 0, 2)); Config.Add("HitChance", new Slider("AIO mode (0 : Very High | 1 : High | 2 : Medium)", 0, 0, 2)); Config.Add("debugPred", new CheckBox("Draw Aiming OKTW© PREDICTION", false)); if (getSliderItem("PredictionMODE") == 2) { SPrediction.Prediction.Initialize(Config); SPredictionLoad = true; } else { Config.AddLabel("SPREDICTION NOT LOADED"); } if (AIOmode != 2) { Config.Add("supportMode", new CheckBox("Support Mode", false)); Config.Add("comboDisableMode", new CheckBox("Disable auto-attack in combo mode", false)); Config.Add("manaDisable", new CheckBox("Disable mana manager in combo", true)); Config.Add("collAA", new CheckBox("Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision", true)); #region LOAD CHAMPIONS switch (Player.ChampionName) { case "Anivia": PortAIO.Champion.Anivia.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Annie": PortAIO.Champion.Annie.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ashe": PortAIO.Champion.Ashe.Program.LoadOKTW(); break; } } #endregion foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies) { if (hero.IsEnemy && hero.Team != Player.Team) { Enemies.Add(hero); if (IsJungler(hero)) { jungler = hero; } } } foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Allies) { if (hero.IsAlly && hero.Team == Player.Team) { Allies.Add(hero); } } if (getCheckBoxItem("debug")) { new Core.OKTWlab().LoadOKTW(); } if (AIOmode != 1) { new OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby.Activator().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWward().LoadOKTW(); new Core.AutoLvlUp().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWdraws().LoadOKTW(); } new Core.OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW(); Config.AddGroupLabel("!!! PRESS F5 TO RELOAD MODE !!!"); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalking_BeforeAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; if (getCheckBoxItem("print")) { Chat.Print("<font size='30'>OneKeyToWin</font> <font color='#b756c5'>by Sebby</font>"); Chat.Print("<font color='#b756c5'>OKTW NEWS: </font> Vayne Q fix, Jinx faster E, Thresh new options"); } }
private static void GameOnOnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Config = new Menu("OneKeyToWin AIO", "OneKeyToWin_AIO" + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, true); #region MENU ABOUT OKTW Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("debug", "Debug").SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("debugChat", "Debug Chat").SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("0", "OneKeyToWin© by Sebby")); Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("1", "visit")); Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("2", "DONATE: [email protected]")); #endregion Config.AddItem(new MenuItem("AIOmode", "AIO mode", true).SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Utility and champion", "Only Champion", "Only Utility" }, 0))); AIOmode = Config.Item("AIOmode", true).GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex; //var targetSelectorMenu = new Menu("Target Selector", "Target Selector"); //TargetSelector.AddToMenu(targetSelectorMenu); //Config.AddSubMenu(targetSelectorMenu); if (AIOmode != 2) { if (Player.ChampionName != "MissFortune") { new Core.OktwTs().LoadOKTW(); } Config.AddSubMenu(new Menu("Orbwalking", "Orbwalking")); Orbwalker = new Orbwalking.Orbwalker(Config.SubMenu("Orbwalking")); } if (AIOmode != 1) { foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("GankTimer").SubMenu("Custome jungler (select one)").AddItem(new MenuItem("ro" + enemy.ChampionName, enemy.ChampionName).SetValue(false)); } Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("GankTimer").AddItem(new MenuItem("timer", "GankTimer").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("GankTimer").AddItem(new MenuItem("1", "RED - be careful")); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("GankTimer").AddItem(new MenuItem("2", "ORANGE - you have time")); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("GankTimer").AddItem(new MenuItem("3", "GREEN - jungler visable")); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("GankTimer").AddItem(new MenuItem("4", "CYAN jungler dead - take objectives")); } Config.SubMenu("Prediction MODE").AddItem(new MenuItem("PredictionMODE", "Prediction MODE", true).SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Common prediction", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPediction press F5 if not loaded" }, 1))); Config.SubMenu("Prediction MODE").AddItem(new MenuItem("HitChance", "Hit Chance", true).SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Prediction MODE").AddItem(new MenuItem("debugPred", "Draw Aiming OKTW© PREDICTION").SetValue(false)); if (Config.Item("PredictionMODE", true).GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 2) { SPrediction.Prediction.Initialize(Config.SubMenu("Prediction MODE")); SPredictionLoad = true; } else { Config.SubMenu("Prediction MODE").AddItem(new MenuItem("322", "SPREDICTION NOT LOADED")); } if (AIOmode != 2) { Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("supportMode", "Support Mode", true).SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("comboDisableMode", "Disable auto-attack in combo mode", true).SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("manaDisable", "Disable mana manager in combo", true).SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("collAA", "Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision", true).SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").SubMenu("Anti-Melee Positioning Assistant OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("positioningAssistant", "Anti-Melee Positioning Assistant OKTW©").SetValue(true)); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").SubMenu("Anti-Melee Positioning Assistant OKTW©").SubMenu("Positioning Assistant:").AddItem(new MenuItem("posAssistant" + enemy.ChampionName, enemy.ChampionName).SetValue(true)); } Config.SubMenu("Extra settings OKTW©").SubMenu("Anti-Melee Positioning Assistant OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("positioningAssistantDraw", "Show notification").SetValue(true)); Config.Item("supportMode", true).SetValue(false); #region LOAD CHAMPIONS switch (Player.ChampionName) { case "Jinx": new Jinx().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Sivir": new Sivir().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ezreal": new Ezreal().LoadOKTW(); break; case "KogMaw": new KogMaw().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Annie": new Annie().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ashe": new Ashe().LoadOKTW(); break; case "MissFortune": new MissFortune().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Quinn": new Quinn().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Kalista": new Kalista().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Caitlyn": new Caitlyn().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Graves": new Graves().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Urgot": new Urgot().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Anivia": new Anivia().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Orianna": new Orianna().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ekko": new Ekko().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Vayne": new Vayne().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Lucian": new Lucian().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Darius": new Champions.Darius().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Blitzcrank": new Champions.Blitzcrank().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Corki": new Champions.Corki().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Varus": new Champions.Varus().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Twitch": new Champions.Twitch().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Tristana": new Champions.Tristana().LoadMenuOKTW(); break; case "Xerath": new Champions.Xerath().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Jayce": new Champions.Jayce().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Kayle": new Champions.Kayle().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Thresh": new Champions.Thresh().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Draven": new Champions.Draven().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Evelynn": new Champions.Evelynn().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Ahri": new Champions.Ahri().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Brand": new Champions.Brand().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Morgana": new Champions.Morgana().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Lux": new Champions.Lux().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Malzahar": new Champions.Malzahar().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Karthus": new Champions.Karthus().LoadOKTW(); break; case "Swain": new Champions.Swain().LoadOKTW(); break; case "TwistedFate": new Champions.TwistedFate().LoadOKTW(); break; } } #endregion foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); if (IsJungler(hero)) { jungler = hero; } } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } if (Config.Item("debug").GetValue <bool>()) { new Core.OKTWlab().LoadOKTW(); } if (AIOmode != 1) { new Activator().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWward().LoadOKTW(); new Core.AutoLvlUp().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWdraws().LoadOKTW(); } new OktwCommon().LoadOKTW(); new Core.OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW(); Config.AddItem(new MenuItem("aiomodes", "!!! PRESS F5 TO RELOAD MODE !!!")); //new Core.OKTWtargetSelector().LoadOKTW(); if (AIOmode != 2) { //new Core.OKTWfarmLogic().LoadOKTW(); } //new AfkMode().LoadOKTW(); Config.AddToMainMenu(); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalking.BeforeAttack += Orbwalking_BeforeAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; }
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { if (ObjectManager.Player.BaseSkinName != "Nautilus") { return; } foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Enemies.Add(hero); } if (hero.IsAlly) { Allies.Add(hero); } } Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1100, SkillShotType.Linear, (int)0.5f, (int?)1900f, 90); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 300); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, (uint)ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.R).SData.CastRange); nautmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Nautilus", "Nautilus"); nautmenu.AddGroupLabel("Nautilus!"); PredictionMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Prediction", "prediction"); StringList(PredictionMenu, "Qpred", "Q Prediction", new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High" }, 3); ComboMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Ayarları"); ComboMenu.Add("ts", new CheckBox("EB hedef seçici kullan")); ComboMenu.Add("ts1", new CheckBox("Sadece 1 hedefe odaklan", false)); ComboMenu.Add("minGrab", new Slider("Çekmek için en az menzil", 250, 125, (int)Q.Range)); ComboMenu.Add("maxGrab", new Slider("Çekmek için en fazla menzil", (int)Q.Range, 125, (int)Q.Range)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Çekme:"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team)) { ComboMenu.Add("grab" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Kullan R")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultiyi şu düşmanlara kullanma"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(enemy.BaseSkinName) { CurrentValue = false }; if (enemy.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team) { ComboMenu.Add("DontUltenemy" + enemy.BaseSkinName, cb); } } KSMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("KS"); KSMenu.AddGroupLabel("KS Ayarları"); KSMenu.Add("ksQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); KSMenu.Add("ksE", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); LaneMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("LaneCLear"); LaneMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lanetemizleme Ayarları"); LaneMenu.Add("UseWlc", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); LaneMenu.Add("UseElc", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); LaneMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneMenu.Add("lccount", new Slider("E için en az minyon", 3, 1, 5)); LaneMenu.Add("lanem", new Slider("Minimum mana %", 20, 0, 100)); JungleMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ormantemizleme Ayarları"); JungleMenu.Add("UseQjg", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); JungleMenu.Add("UseWjg", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); JungleMenu.Add("UseEjg", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); JungleMenu.Add("jgMana", new Slider("en az mana %", 20, 0, 100)); JungleMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Smite", "Smite"); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu.Add("smiteActive", new KeyBind("Çarp Aktif (Tuşu)", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H')); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu.Add("useSlowSmite", new CheckBox("Mavi çarpla canavar çal")); SmiteMenu.Add("comboWithDuelSmite", new CheckBox("Kırmızı Çarp Komboda")); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kamplar"); SmiteMenu.AddLabel("Epics"); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron")); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Ejder")); SmiteMenu.AddLabel("BUFFLAR"); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Mavi")); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Kırmızı")); SmiteMenu.AddLabel("Küçük Kamplar"); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Kurbağa", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Alacakurtlar", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Golemler", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Sivrigagalar", false)); SmiteMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Yampiriyengeç", false)); FleeMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Flee"); FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Flee(kaçma) Ayarları"); FleeMenu.Add("fleeuseQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); FleeMenu.Add("fleeuseW", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); MiscMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar"); MiscMenu.Add("antiG", new CheckBox("Kullan E - Antigapcloser")); MiscMenu.Add("interruptq", new CheckBox("Kullan Q - interrupter")); MiscMenu.Add("interruptr", new CheckBox("Kullan R - interrupter")); DrawMenu = nautmenu.AddSubMenu("Draw"); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gösterge"); DrawMenu.Add("drawq", new CheckBox("Göster Q")); DrawMenu.Add("drawe", new CheckBox("Göster E")); DrawMenu.Add("drawr", new CheckBox("Göster R")); Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += SmiteEvent; }
public static void BeforeLogLineRead(bool isImport, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.LogLineEventArgs logInfo) { string l = logInfo.logLine; try { DateTime timestamp = ParseLogDateTime(l); char[] dt = { '\t' }; string[] logParts = l.Split(dt); int flag = Convert.ToInt32(logParts[2], 16); if (flag > 7) { return; } l = logParts[7]; Match m; // open m = regex_open.Match(l); if (m.Success) { string target = m.Groups["target"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["target"].Value) : ""; encounter = target; Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.SetEncounter(timestamp, encounter, encounter); // DQX_ACT_Plugin.LogParserMessage("Open: "+target); NameClass.Clear(); return; } // close m = regex_close.Match(l); if (m.Success) { // Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.ChangeZone("test"); Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.EndCombat(true); // DQX_ACT_Plugin.LogParserMessage("Close: "); return; } // action if (!l.StartsWith(" →")) { m = regex_action.Match(l); if (m.Success) { actor = m.Groups["actor"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["actor"].Value) : ""; action = m.Groups["action"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["action"].Value) : ""; if (!NameClass.ContainsKey(actor)) { if (SkillClass.ContainsKey(action)) { NameClass.Add(actor, SkillClass[action]); } } return; } m = regex_action2.Match(l); if (m.Success) { actor = "不明"; action = m.Groups["action"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["action"].Value) : ""; return; } // death m = regex_dead2.Match(l); if (m.Success) { string target = m.Groups["target"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["target"].Value) : ""; Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.AddCombatAction( (int)Advanced_Combat_Tracker.SwingTypeEnum.Healing, false, "", "不明", "Death", Advanced_Combat_Tracker.Dnum.Death, timestamp, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.GlobalTimeSorter, target, ""); return; } return; } if (!Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.InCombat) { return; } // crit m = regex_crit.Match(l); if (m.Success) { isCritical = true; return; } // damage m = regex_hit.Match(l); if (m.Success) { string target = m.Groups["target"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["target"].Value) : ""; // if (Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.SetEncounter(timestamp, actor, encounter)) { MasterSwing ms = new MasterSwing( (int)Advanced_Combat_Tracker.SwingTypeEnum.NonMelee, isCritical, "", new Advanced_Combat_Tracker.Dnum(int.Parse(m.Groups["damage"].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands)), timestamp, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.GlobalTimeSorter, action, actor, "", target); Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.AddCombatAction(ms); var e = false; foreach (var a in Allies) { if (a.Name == ms.Attacker) { e = true; break; } } if (ms.Attacker == encounter) { e = true; } if (!e) { CombatantData cd = ms.ParentEncounter.GetCombatant(ms.Attacker); Allies.Add(cd); } ms.ParentEncounter.SetAllies(Allies); } isCritical = false; return; } // miss m = regex_miss.Match(l); if (m.Success) { string target = m.Groups["target"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["target"].Value) : ""; // if (Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.SetEncounter(timestamp, actor, encounter)) { Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.AddCombatAction( (int)Advanced_Combat_Tracker.SwingTypeEnum.NonMelee, isCritical, "", actor, action, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.Dnum.Miss, timestamp, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.GlobalTimeSorter, target, ""); } isCritical = false; return; } // heal m = regex_heal.Match(l); if (m.Success) { string target = m.Groups["target"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["target"].Value) : ""; // if (Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.SetEncounter(timestamp, actor, encounter)) { MasterSwing ms = new MasterSwing( (int)Advanced_Combat_Tracker.SwingTypeEnum.Healing, isCritical, "", new Advanced_Combat_Tracker.Dnum(int.Parse(m.Groups["damage"].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands)), timestamp, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.GlobalTimeSorter, action, actor, "", target); Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.AddCombatAction(ms); var e = false; foreach (var a in Allies) { if (a.Name == ms.Attacker) { e = true; break; } } if (ms.Attacker == encounter) { e = true; } if (!e) { CombatantData cd = ms.ParentEncounter.GetCombatant(ms.Attacker); Allies.Add(cd); } ms.ParentEncounter.SetAllies(Allies); } isCritical = false; return; } // death m = regex_dead.Match(l); if (m.Success) { string target = m.Groups["target"].Success ? DecodeString(m.Groups["target"].Value) : ""; // if (Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.SetEncounter(timestamp, actor, encounter)) { Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.AddCombatAction( (int)Advanced_Combat_Tracker.SwingTypeEnum.Healing, isCritical, "", actor, "Death", Advanced_Combat_Tracker.Dnum.Death, timestamp, Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.GlobalTimeSorter, target, ""); } isCritical = false; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { string exception = ex.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, " "); if (ex.InnerException != null) { exception += " " + ex.InnerException.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, " "); } DQX_ACT_Plugin.LogParserMessage("Error [LogParse.BeforeLogLineRead] " + exception + " " + logInfo.logLine); } // For debugging // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l)) // DQX_ACT_Plugin.LogParserMessage("Unhandled Line: " + logInfo.logLine); }