private static async Task InsertCustomers(IScenarioContext context) { var userTable = AllTables.GetItUser(); var customerTable = AllTables.GetItCustomer(); await InsertInto(customerTable, customerTable.UserId) .From(Select(userTable.UserId) .From(userTable) .Where(!Exists(SelectOne() .From(customerTable) .Where(customerTable.UserId == userTable.UserId)))) .Exec(context.Database); context.WriteLine("Customers inserted:"); var clCount = CustomColumnFactory.Int64("Count"); var res = await SelectDistinct(customerTable.CustomerId, userTable.UserId, Cast(CountOneOver(), SqlType.Int64).As(clCount)) .From(customerTable) .InnerJoin(userTable, @on: customerTable.UserId == userTable.UserId) .OrderBy(userTable.UserId) .OffsetFetch(0, 5) .QueryList(context.Database, r => (UserId: userTable.UserId.Read(r), CustomerId: customerTable.CustomerId.Read(r), Count: clCount.Read(r))); foreach (var tuple in res) { Console.WriteLine(tuple); } }
protected override IExprSubQuery CreateQuery() { var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var tCompany = AllTables.GetItCompany(); return(Select( this._tCustomer.CustomerId, Case() .When(IsNotNull(tUser.UserId)) .Then((short)CustomerType.User) .When(IsNotNull(tCompany.CompanyId)) .Then((short)CustomerType.Company) .Else(Null) .As(this.CustomerTypeId), Case() .When(IsNotNull(tUser.UserId)) .Then(tUser.FirstName + " " + tUser.LastName) .When(IsNotNull(tCompany.CompanyId)) .Then(tCompany.CompanyName) .Else("-") .As(this.Name) ) .From(this._tCustomer) .LeftJoin(tUser, on: this._tCustomer.UserId == tUser.UserId) .LeftJoin(tCompany, on: this._tCustomer.CompanyId == tCompany.CompanyId) .Done()); }
//[OutputCache(Duration=3600,VaryByHeader="X-Requsted-With",Location=OutputCacheLocation.Server)] public ActionResult Index() { //get map location serial and pot it in viewbag for contact section string maplocation = (from a in db.C_Section_Content where a.C_Section_Table.C_Section_Name == "Contact" select a.C_Url_4).First(); if (maplocation != null) { ViewBag.maplocation = maplocation; } else { ViewBag.maplocation = ""; } //alltables model has the sections table and section content table join the images table AllTables AllTables = new AllTables(); try{ AllTables.C_Section_Table = (from o in db.C_Section_Table select o).ToList(); AllTables.C_Section_Content = (from o in db.C_Section_Content.Include(r => r.C_Images) select o).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.error = ex.Message; return(View("error")); } return(View(AllTables)); }
/// <summary> /// 加载注释信息. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">注释信息文件.</param> public void LoadComments(string filePath) { if (!(File.Exists(filePath))) { return; } XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(filePath); List <XElement> entitys = xDoc.Root.Elements("EntityClass").ToList(); List <XElement> members; TableInfoModel tableInfo; foreach (XElement elem in entitys) { members = elem.Elements("Member").ToList(); foreach (XElement m in members) { tableInfo = AllTables.Where(item => item.tableName == elem.Attribute("Name").Value&& item.paramName == m.Attribute("Name").Value).First(); if (tableInfo == null) { continue; } tableInfo.tableDescription = elem.Attribute("Comment").Value; tableInfo.paramDescription = m.Attribute("Comment").Value; } } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var tCustomer = AllTables.GetItCustomer(); var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var topUsers = new TopFirstNameUsers(5); await Delete(tCustomer) .From(tCustomer) .InnerJoin(topUsers, @on: topUsers.UserId == tCustomer.UserId) .All() .Exec(context.Database); context.WriteLine("Deleted:"); var list = await Select(tUser.FirstName, tUser.LastName) .From(tUser) .Where(!Exists(SelectOne().From(tCustomer).Where(tCustomer.UserId == tUser.UserId))) .OrderBy(tUser.FirstName) .QueryList(context.Database, r => (FirstName: tUser.FirstName.Read(r), LastName: tUser.LastName.Read(r))); foreach (var name in list) { context.WriteLine($"{name.FirstName} {name.LastName}"); } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var tCustomer = AllTables.GetItCustomer(); var maxVersion = (int) await Select(Max(tUser.Version)) .From(tUser) .QueryScalar(context.Database); var countBefore = (long) await Select(Cast(CountOne(), SqlType.Int64)) .From(tUser) .Where(tUser.Version == maxVersion & Exists(SelectOne().From(tCustomer).Where(tCustomer.UserId == tUser.UserId))) .QueryScalar(context.Database); await Update(tUser) .Set(tUser.Version, tUser.Version + 1) .From(tUser) .InnerJoin(tCustomer, on: tCustomer.UserId == tUser.UserId) .All() .Exec(context.Database); var countAfter = (long) await Select(Cast(CountOne(), SqlType.Int64)) .From(tUser) .Where(tUser.Version == maxVersion + 1) .QueryScalar(context.Database); if (countBefore != countAfter) { throw new Exception($"Something went wrong: count before {countBefore}, count after {countAfter}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"{countAfter} items were updated."); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void TestGetTableData() { Assert.AreEqual(2, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 1)); // 2 Rages at levels 1 & 2 Assert.AreEqual(2, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 2)); Assert.AreEqual(3, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 3)); Assert.AreEqual(3, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 4)); Assert.AreEqual(3, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 5)); Assert.AreEqual(4, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 6)); Assert.AreEqual(4, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 7)); Assert.AreEqual(4, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 8)); Assert.AreEqual(4, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 9)); Assert.AreEqual(4, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 10)); Assert.AreEqual(4, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 11)); Assert.AreEqual(5, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 12)); Assert.AreEqual(5, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 13)); Assert.AreEqual(5, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 14)); Assert.AreEqual(5, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 15)); Assert.AreEqual(5, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 16)); Assert.AreEqual(6, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 17)); Assert.AreEqual(6, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 18)); Assert.AreEqual(6, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 19)); Assert.AreEqual(int.MaxValue, AllTables.GetData("Barbarian", "Rages", "Level", 20)); }
private void btnSaveXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); if (metadataReader == null) { MessageBox.Show("Connect to db first!"); } else { var _tables = metadataReader.GetTables(ownersComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (_tables.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Connect to table first!"); return; } if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (var item in _tables) { var gridData = metadataReader.GetTableDetails(item, ownersComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()) ?? new List <Column>(); item.Columns = gridData; } AllTables at = new AllTables(); at.DataBaseName = _currentConnection.Name; at.Tables = _tables; at.Save(sfd.FileName); } } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { IReadOnlyList <TableBase> createList = AllTables.BuildAllTableList(context.Dialect == SqlDialect.PgSql); var dropping = createList.Reverse().Select(i => i.Script.DropIfExist()).Combine(); await context.Database.Statement(dropping); var creating = createList.Select(i => i.Script.Create()).Combine(); await context.Database.Statement(creating); }
public ActionResult Fish(int id) { List <SelectListItem> FileInfo = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> FishTypes = new List <SelectListItem>(); AllTables fish = new AllTables(); ="AffiliateLink").Include("FishType").Include("ImageCall").Include("PreferredFood").Where(x => x.ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); { SelectListItem defaultValue = new SelectListItem(); defaultValue.Value =; defaultValue.Text =; FileInfo.Add(defaultValue); } { SelectListItem Object = new SelectListItem(); Object.Value =; Object.Text =; FishTypes.Add(Object); } foreach (var item in context.affiliateLinks) { if (item.ID != { SelectListItem Object = new SelectListItem(); Object.Value = item.ID.ToString(); Object.Text =; FileInfo.Add(Object); } } foreach (var item in context.fishTypes) { if (item.ID != { SelectListItem Object = new SelectListItem(); Object.Value = item.ID.ToString(); Object.Text = item.Name; FishTypes.Add(Object); } } SelectList a = new SelectList(FileInfo, "Value", "Text"); SelectList b = new SelectList(FishTypes, "Value", "Text"); IEnumerable <SelectListItem> inum = FileInfo; ViewBag.Affiliates = a; ViewBag.Context = context; ViewBag.FishTypes = b; return(View(fish)); }
/// <summary> /// 保存注释信息. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">注释文件的保存路径.</param> public void SaveComments(string filePath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { return; } List <TableInfoModel> tables = AllTables.Distinct(p => p.tableName).ToList(); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><CodeComments></CodeComments>"); XmlNode Root = document.SelectSingleNode("/CodeComments"); XmlElement entityClass, memberElem; foreach (TableInfoModel tableInfo in tables) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableInfo.tableDescription)) { tableInfo.tableDescription = string.Empty; } entityClass = document.CreateElement("EntityClass"); entityClass.SetAttribute("Name", tableInfo.tableName); entityClass.SetAttribute("Comment", tableInfo.tableDescription); // 创建并存储类成员的注释 List <TableInfoModel> classMembers = AllTables.Where(item => item.tableName == tableInfo.tableName).ToList(); foreach (TableInfoModel m in classMembers) { memberElem = document.CreateElement("Member"); memberElem.SetAttribute("Name", m.paramName); memberElem.SetAttribute("Comment", m.paramDescription); entityClass.AppendChild(memberElem); } Root.AppendChild(entityClass); } // 保存 xml 文档. if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); } XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, NewLineChars = Environment.NewLine }; using (Stream fs = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) { XmlWriter writer = XmlTextWriter.Create(fs, settings); document.WriteTo(writer); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); fs.Flush(); } }
private static void LoadAllTables() { for (int i = 0; i < singleTon.chkListTables.Items.Count; i++) { AllTables.CreateTableEntry(singleTon.chkListTables.Items[i].ToString()); } foreach (TableName aTable in TablesAndViewsUI.AllTables.Tables) { aTable.ForeignKeys = singleTon.schemaLoader.LoadToList(FormatSQLParser.ForeignKeyQueryString(aTable.Name, FormatSQLParser.MSSQL_ForeignKeyQuery), _aDataObject); aTable.PrimaryKeys = singleTon.schemaLoader.LoadToList(FormatSQLParser.PrimaryKeyQueryString(aTable.Name, FormatSQLParser.MSSQL_PrimaryKeyQuery), "ColumnName", _aDataObject); aTable.AlternativeKeys = singleTon.schemaLoader.LoadToList(SchemaRestrictions.Columns, aTable.Name, "COLUMN_NAME", _aDataObject); } }
private void todasAsTabelasToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var AllTB = new AllTables(); AllTB.MdiParent = this; // o if verifica se o form ja foi aberto assim nao criando mais de um ao mesmo tempo if (Application.OpenForms.OfType <AllTables>().Count() > 0) { Application.OpenForms.OfType <AllTables>().First().Focus(); } else { AllTB.Show(); } }
// GET: Admin/Home public ActionResult Index() { AllTables MyModel = new AllTables(); MyModel.books = db.books.ToList(); MyModel.users = db.users.ToList(); MyModel.authors = db.authors.ToList(); MyModel.categories = db.categories.ToList(); MyModel.subcategories = db.subcategories.ToList(); MyModel.comments = db.comments.ToList(); MyModel.publications = db.publications.ToList(); MyModel.logs = db.Logs.ToList(); return(View(MyModel)); }
//[OutputCache(Duration = 360)] public ActionResult Index() { AllTables AllTables = new AllTables(); try{ AllTables.C_Section_Table = (from o in db.C_Section_Table select o).ToList(); AllTables.C_Section_Content = (from o in db.C_Section_Content.Include(r => r.C_Images) select o).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.error = ex.Message; return(View("error")); } return(PartialView(AllTables)); }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var table = AllTables.GetItAllColumnTypes(context.Dialect == SqlDialect.PgSql); var jsonStringOriginal = await ReadAsJsonString(context, table); await context.Database.Exec(SqQueryBuilder.Delete(table).All()); await Insert(context, jsonStringOriginal, table); var jsonStringAfter = await ReadAsJsonString(context : context, table : table); if (jsonStringOriginal != jsonStringAfter) { throw new Exception("Export/Import/Export was not correct"); } }
private void btnReadTableXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _Tablexmlpath = string.Empty; OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _Tablexmlpath = ofd.FileName; mnuReadTable.ToolTipText = _Tablexmlpath; } if (File.Exists(_Tablexmlpath) ) { _rgProject.Alltables = AllTables.Load(_Tablexmlpath); LoadTablesToTree(_rgProject.Alltables.Tables); } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var tCompany = AllTables.GetItCompany(); var unionResult = await SelectTop(2, (tUser.FirstName + "-" + tUser.LastName).As("Name")).From(tUser) .Union(SelectTop(2, tCompany.CompanyName.As("Name")).From(tCompany)) .QueryList(context.Database, r => r.GetString("Name")); Console.WriteLine("Union"); foreach (var name in unionResult) { Console.WriteLine(name); } var exceptSet = Values(unionResult .Where((i, index) => index % 2 == 0) .Select(i => new ExprValue[] { Literal(i) }) .ToList()) .As("EX", "Name"); var unionExceptResult = await SelectTop(2, (tUser.FirstName + "-" + tUser.LastName).As("Name")).From(tUser) .Union(SelectTop(2, tCompany.CompanyName.As("Name")).From(tCompany)) .Except(Select(exceptSet.Alias.AllColumns()).From(exceptSet)) .QueryList(context.Database, r => r.GetString("Name")); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Union Except"); foreach (var name in unionExceptResult) { Console.WriteLine(name); } for (int i = 0; i < unionResult.Count; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { if (unionResult[i] != unionExceptResult[i / 2]) { throw new Exception(unionResult[i] + " != " + unionExceptResult[i / 2]); } } } }
public ActionResult Send(AllTables model) { string _mail = model.Email; string _fname = model.First_Name; string _lname = model.Last_Name; string _subject = model.Subject; dynamic email = new Email("MyMail"); email.To = "*****@*****.**"; email.from = _mail; email.subject = "website email from :" + _fname; email.Body = _subject; email.CustMail = _mail; email.firstname = _fname; email.lastname = _lname; email.Send(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public override CompletionWindow Complete(TextArea textArea) { CompletionWindow completionWindow = new CompletionWindow(textArea); string lineLeft = textArea.Document.GetLineLeftOf(textArea.Caret.Offset); string tableName = lineLeft.EverythingBetweenNarrow("Table(\"", "\""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName)) { return(null); } List <string> tableColumns = AllTables.GetColumns(tableName); IList <ICompletionData> data = completionWindow.CompletionList.CompletionData; foreach (string tableColumn in tableColumns) { data.Add(new TextStringCompletionData(tableColumn)); } return(completionWindow); }
public IActionResult Index(AllTables model) { // Get all states again var tables = GetAllTables(); // Set these states on the model. We need to do this because // only the selected value from the DropDownList is posted back, not the whole // list of states. model.Tables = GetSelectListItems(tables); // In case everything is fine - i.e. both "Name" and "State" are entered/selected, // redirect user to the "Done" page, and pass the user object along via Session // if (ModelState.IsValid) // { // Session["SignUpModel"] = model; // return RedirectToAction("Done"); // } // Something is not right - so render the registration page again, // keeping the data user has entered by supplying the model. return(View("~/Views/Klient/Index.cshtml")); }
public static Chair GetRandomEmptyChair() { if (AllTables.Count == 0) { return(null); } Table[] freeTables = AllTables.Where(tbl => !tbl.IsFull && !tbl.IsDestroyed).ToArray(); if (freeTables.Length == 0) { return(null); } Table table = freeTables[Random.Range(0, freeTables.Length)]; Chair[] freeChairs = table.Chairs.Where(chr => !chr.IsOccupied).ToArray(); if (freeChairs.Length == 0) { return(null); } return(freeChairs[Random.Range(0, freeChairs.Length)]); }
public ActionResult UploadFish(AllTables FishUploaded, HttpPostedFileBase filetobeuploaded, int selectedaffiliate, int selectedfishtype) { using (MemoryStream a = new MemoryStream()) { filetobeuploaded.InputStream.CopyTo(a); byte[] imagefile = a.GetBuffer(); Image picture = new Image(); picture.Name = filetobeuploaded.FileName; picture.ImageFile = imagefile; Fish FishToBeUploaded =; FishToBeUploaded.ImageCall = picture; FishToBeUploaded.Price =; FishToBeUploaded.AffiliateLink = ucContext.affiliateLinks.Where(u => u.ID == selectedaffiliate).FirstOrDefault(); FishToBeUploaded.FishType = ucContext.fishTypes.Where(u => u.ID == selectedfishtype).FirstOrDefault(); FishToBeUploaded.Available = true; int i = 0; List <Food> foodpreference = new List <Food>(); foreach (var item in FishUploaded.fpyn) { if (item == true) { int temp = FishUploaded.fpid[i]; foodpreference.Add(ucContext.foods.Where(u => u.ID == temp).SingleOrDefault()); } i++; } FishToBeUploaded.PreferredFood = foodpreference; FishToBeUploaded.Available = true;; ucContext.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Fish", "List")); }
private static async Task SelectAllColumns(IScenarioContext context) { void PrintColumns(ISqDataRecordReader r) { for (int i = 0; i < r.FieldCount; i++) { context.Write(r.GetName(i) + ","); } context.WriteLine(null); } var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var tCustomer = AllTables.GetItCustomer(); await SelectTop(1, AllColumns()).From(tUser).Query(context.Database, PrintColumns); await SelectTop(1, tUser.AllColumns()).From(tUser).Query(context.Database, PrintColumns); await SelectTop(1, tUser.AllColumns(), tCustomer.AllColumns()) .From(tUser) .InnerJoin(tCustomer, on: tCustomer.UserId == tUser.UserId) .Query(context.Database, PrintColumns); }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var top2Users = await SelectTop(2, UserEmail.GetColumns(tUser)) .From(tUser) .OrderBy(tUser.FirstName) .QueryList(context.Database, r => UserEmail.Read(r, tUser)); Console.WriteLine(top2Users[0]); Console.WriteLine(top2Users[1]); if (context.Dialect != SqlDialect.TSql) { top2Users = await SelectTop(2, UserEmail.GetColumns(tUser)) .From(tUser) .OrderBy(tUser.FirstName) .Offset(5) .QueryList(context.Database, r => UserEmail.Read(r, tUser)); Console.WriteLine(top2Users[0].Email); Console.WriteLine(top2Users[1].Email); } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var data = this.ReadUserData(); var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; var userTable = AllTables.GetItUser(); var ids = await InsertDataInto(userTable, data) .MapData(s => s .Set(s.Target.ExternalId, s.Source.ExternalId) .Set(s.Target.FirstName, s.Source.FirstName) .Set(s.Target.LastName, s.Source.LastName) .Set(s.Target.Email, s.Source.Email) ) .AlsoInsert(s => s .Set(s.Target.RegDate, utcNow) .Set(s.Target.Version, 1) .Set(s.Target.Created, utcNow) .Set(s.Target.Modified, utcNow) ) .Output(userTable.UserId, userTable.FirstName, userTable.LastName) .QueryList(context.Database, r => $"{userTable.UserId.Read(r)}, {userTable.FirstName.Read(r)} {userTable.LastName.Read(r)}"); foreach (var id in ids.Take(3)) { context.WriteLine(id); } context.WriteLine("..."); context.WriteLine($"Total users inserted: {ids.Count}"); var count = (long) await Select(Cast(CountOne(), SqlType.Int64)).From(userTable).QueryScalar(context.Database); context.WriteLine($"Users count: {count}"); await InsertCustomers(context); }
void ISqlFormattable.AppendTo(SqlStringBuilder builder) { if (IsEmpty) { return; } builder.Append("FROM "); var tables = AllTables.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) { var source = tables[i]; JoinPart joinPart = null; if (i > 0 && joinParts.Count > 0) { joinPart = GetJoinPart(i - 1); if (joinPart != null && joinPart.OnExpression != null) { if (joinPart.JoinType == JoinType.Inner) { builder.Append(" INNER JOIN "); } else if (joinPart.JoinType == JoinType.Right) { builder.Append(" RIGHT OUTER JOIN "); } else if (joinPart.JoinType == JoinType.Left) { builder.Append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN "); } else if (joinPart.JoinType == JoinType.Full) { builder.Append(" FULL OUTER JOINT "); } } } if (i > 0 && (joinPart == null || joinPart.OnExpression == null)) { builder.Append(", "); } if (source.IsSubQuery) { builder.Append("("); source.SubQuery.AppendTo(builder); builder.Append(")"); } else { builder.Append(source.Name); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Alias)) { builder.Append(" AS "); builder.Append(source.Alias); } if (joinPart != null && joinPart.OnExpression != null) { builder.Append(" ON "); joinPart.OnExpression.AppendTo(builder); } } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var guid = Guid.Parse("58AD8253-4F8F-4C84-B930-4F58A8F25912"); var tCompany = AllTables.GetItCompany(); var data = new[] { new CompanyInitData(id: 0, name: "TestCompany", externalId: guid) }; var exprInsert = InsertDataInto(tCompany, data) .MapData(CompanyInitData.GetMapping) .AlsoInsert(m => m .Set(m.Target.Modified, GetUtcDate()) .Set(m.Target.Created, GetUtcDate()) .Set(m.Target.Version, 1) ).Done(); using (context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { await exprInsert.Exec(context.Database); if (!await CheckExistence()) { throw new Exception("Inside transaction the data should be visible"); } } if (await CheckExistence()) { throw new Exception("Transaction was not committed, so it should return nothing"); } using (var t = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { await exprInsert.Exec(context.Database); t.Commit(); } if (!await CheckExistence()) { throw new Exception("Transaction was committed, so it should return something"); } using (var t = context.Database.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable)) { await Delete(tCompany).Where(tCompany.ExternalId == guid).Exec(context.Database); t.Commit(); } if (await CheckExistence()) { throw new Exception("The row is suppose to be deleted"); } async Task <bool> CheckExistence() { var col = await Select(Literal(1).As("Col")) .From(tCompany) .Where(tCompany.ExternalId == guid) .QueryList(context.Database, r => r.GetInt32("Col")); return(col.Count > 0); } }
public async Task Exec(IScenarioContext context) { var tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); var users = await SqQueryBuilder.Select(UserName.GetColumns(tUser)) .From(tUser) .OrderBy(tUser.FirstName) .OffsetFetch(0, 10) .QueryList(context.Database, r => UserName.Read(r, tUser)); var modifiedUsers = users.Select(u => u.WithFirstName(u.FirstName + "Modified")).ToList(); await SqQueryBuilder.UpdateData(tUser, modifiedUsers) .MapDataKeys(UserName.GetUpdateKeyMapping) .MapData(UserName.GetUpdateMapping) .AlsoSet(s => s.Set(s.Target.Version, s.Target.Version + 1)) .Exec(context.Database); var usersAfterMod = await SqQueryBuilder.Select(UserName.GetColumns(tUser)) .From(tUser) .OrderBy(tUser.FirstName) .OffsetFetch(0, 10) .QueryList(context.Database, r => UserName.Read(r, tUser)); for (var index = 0; index < usersAfterMod.Count; index++) { if (usersAfterMod[index].FirstName != modifiedUsers[index].FirstName) { throw new Exception("Name was not updated"); } if (usersAfterMod[index].LastName != modifiedUsers[index].LastName) { throw new Exception("Name was not updated"); } } await SqQueryBuilder.UpdateData(tUser, users) .MapDataKeys(UserName.GetUpdateKeyMapping) .MapData(UserName.GetUpdateMapping) .AlsoSet(s => s.Set(s.Target.Version, s.Target.Version + 1)) .Done() .Exec(context.Database); var usersAfterMod2 = await SqQueryBuilder.Select(UserName.GetColumns(tUser)) .From(tUser) .OrderBy(tUser.FirstName) .OffsetFetch(0, 10) .QueryList(context.Database, r => UserName.Read(r, tUser)); for (var index = 0; index < usersAfterMod2.Count; index++) { if (usersAfterMod2[index].FirstName != users[index].FirstName) { throw new Exception("Name was not updated"); } if (usersAfterMod2[index].LastName != users[index].LastName) { throw new Exception("Name was not updated"); } } }
public TopFirstNameUsers(int top, Alias alias = default) : base(alias) { this._top = top; this._tUser = AllTables.GetItUser(); this.UserId = this._tUser.UserId.AddToDerivedTable(this); }