private bool _AreEqual(VariableExpression a, VariableExpression b)
            if (_aliases == null)

            // TODO currently only allowing one single alias. There are cases
            // multiple are correct, but also where not. If loop dependence analysis
            // supports branches, this has to be improved.
            var aAliases = _aliases.GetAliasesOfVariableBefore(a.Name, _aNode).ToList();

            if (aAliases.Count != 1)

            var bAliases = _aliases.GetAliasesOfVariableBefore(b.Name, _bNode).ToList();

            if (bAliases.Count != 1)

            // TODO support nested expressions through aliasing?
        private Expression _GetAliasTarget(string variableName, FlowNode node)
            // TODO at this point this check is unnecessary and could be removed.
            // because of the loop dependence analysis check beforehand which does not support
            // multiple values of a variable, there should actually be exactly one alias.
            var aliases = _aliasAnalysis.GetAliasesOfVariableBefore(variableName, node).ToList();

            if (aliases.Count != 1)
                // TODO it might be possible to support multiple distinct aliases in some cases
                throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException($"detected multiple possible values for variable {variableName}: {aliases}");
