public async Task <AlertGroupValue> Edit(AlertGroupValue model) { var updateResult = await _alertGroupValueRepository.Update(model); if (updateResult) { return(await _alertGroupValueRepository.Read(model.Id)); } return(model); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <AlertGroupValue> > CorrelateAlertsForSystem(int systemId) { var alertGroups = (await _alertGroupRepository.ReadAll()).Where(elem => elem.SystemId.Equals(systemId)).ToList(); var result = new List <AlertGroupValue>(); foreach (var alertGroup in alertGroups) { if (alertGroup.Alerts != null && alertGroup.Alerts.Any()) { var alertValues = await AlertValuesForAlertGroup(alertGroup); // A0 start time => Av0,Av1..Avn var groups = new List <List <AlertValue> >(); // => number of times used var usedAlertValues = new Dictionary <int, int>(); var isFirstAlert = true; foreach (var alert in alertGroup.Alerts.OrderBy(a => a.Position)) { // init with first cause if (isFirstAlert) { isFirstAlert = false; foreach (var alertValue in alertValues.Where(av => av.AlertId.Equals(alert.Id))) { var list = new List <AlertValue> { alertValue }; groups.Add(list); } } else { var groupsToRemove = new List <List <AlertValue> >(); foreach (var group in groups) { var endTime = group.Last().TimespanEnd; // find next alert value in chain that started after previous alert value ended var next = alertValues.FirstOrDefault(av => av.AlertId.Equals(alert.Id) && av.TimespanStart >= endTime); if (next != null && !alert.Not) { group.Add(next); } // if such alert value does not exist else { groupsToRemove.Add(group); } } // remove groups that could not be fully formed foreach (var group in groupsToRemove) { groups.Remove(group); } } } // foreach group candidate order by timespan in which correlation takes place(shortest to longest) foreach (var(groupCandidate, timeWindow) in groups .ToDictionary(l => l, list => list.Last().TimespanEnd - list.First().TimespanStart) .OrderBy(pair => pair.Value)) { var alertValuesInGroup = groupCandidate.Select(grp => grp.Id).ToList(); //check that group satisfies time constraint if such constraint exists if (alertGroup.CorrelationWindow != null && timeWindow <= alertGroup.CorrelationWindow) { //check that alert value was not already associated with another alert group value if (!usedAlertValues.Keys.Any(elem => alertValuesInGroup.Contains(elem))) { // create new instance of group var alertGroupValue = new AlertGroupValue { Id = 0, AlertGroupId = alertGroup.Id, TimespanStart = groupCandidate.First().TimespanStart, TimespanEnd = groupCandidate.Last().TimespanEnd }; var createdId = await _alertGroupValueRepository.Create(alertGroupValue); // assign each alertValue to newly created group foreach (var alertValue in groupCandidate) { alertValue.AlertGroupValueId = createdId; await _alertValueService.Edit(alertValue); // keep track of which alert values were used usedAlertValues.Add(alertValue.Id, 1); } result.Add(await _alertGroupValueRepository.Read(createdId)); } } } } } return(result); }
public async Task <AlertGroupValue> Create(AlertGroupValue model) { var createdId = await _alertGroupValueRepository.Create(model); return(await _alertGroupValueRepository.Read(createdId)); }