public static Vector3 GetTargetCenter(ISkillTarget target) { SkillRunner runner = target as SkillRunner; if (runner != null && runner.GetComponent <Collider>() != null) { AiObject aiObj = runner as AiObject; if (aiObj != null) { return(; } else { return(AiUtil.GetColliderCenter(runner.GetComponent <Collider>())); } } else { //CreationSkillRunner creation = runner as CreationSkillRunner; //if (creation != null) //return creation.transform.TransformPoint(; // else // return target.GetPosition(); } return(; }
public static Vector3 GetShootPosition(ISkillTarget target) { SkillRunner runner = target as SkillRunner; if (runner != null && runner.GetComponent <Collider>() != null) { AiObject aiObj = runner as AiObject; if (aiObj != null) { if (aiObj.model != null) { Rigidbody[] rigids = aiObj.model.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>(); if (rigids != null && rigids.Length > 0) { return(rigids[Random.Range(0, rigids.Length)].worldCenterOfMass); } } return(; } else { return(AiUtil.GetColliderCenter(runner.GetComponent <Collider>())); } } else { //CreationSkillRunner creation = runner as CreationSkillRunner; //if (creation != null) // return creation.transform.TransformPoint(; //else // return target.GetPosition(); } return(; }
void RemoveActiveAiObjects(AiObject aiObj) { if (mActiveAiObjects.Contains(aiObj)) { mActiveAiObjects.Remove(aiObj); } }
protected virtual void RPC_S2C_ResponseAnimatorState(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth) { return; } AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai == null) { return; } /*bool rifleState = */ stream.Read <bool> (); byte[] data = stream.Read <byte[]> (); //if (ai is AiPuja) // ((AiPuja)ai).RifleAim(rifleState); //if (ai is AiPaja) // ((AiPaja)ai).BazookaAim(rifleState); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data)) using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms)) { int count = BufferHelper.ReadInt32(reader); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string name = BufferHelper.ReadString(reader); bool state = BufferHelper.ReadBoolean(reader); ai.SetBool(name, state); } } }
protected void RPC_S2C_SetIKPosition(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } AvatarIKGoal goal = stream.Read <AvatarIKGoal> (); Vector3 goalPosition = stream.Read <Vector3> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { switch (goal) { case AvatarIKGoal.LeftFoot: ai.SetLeftFootIKPosition(goalPosition); break; case AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand: ai.SetLeftHandIKPosition(goalPosition); break; case AvatarIKGoal.RightFoot: ai.SetRightFootIKPosition(goalPosition); break; case AvatarIKGoal.RightHand: ai.SetRightHandIKPosition(goalPosition); break; default: break; } } }
void RegisterActiveAiObjects(AiObject aiObj) { if (!mActiveAiObjects.Contains(aiObj)) { mActiveAiObjects.Add(aiObj); } }
bool Match(AiObject aiObj) { //if (aiObj == null || !aiObj.isActive || aiObj.enemy != null || aiObj.dead) // return false; return(AiUtil.GetChild(aiObj.transform, "faece") != null); }
void OnSpawned(GameObject go) { if (go == null) { return; } go.transform.parent = transform; AiObject aiObj = go.GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (aiObj != null) { if (mTDInfo != null) { aiObj.tdInfo = mTDInfo; } RegisterAiObjects(aiObj); } if (OnSpawndEvent != null) { OnSpawndEvent(go); } }
void OnAiDestroy(AiObject aiObj) { if (aiObj != null && objs.Contains(aiObj.gameObject)) { objs.Remove(aiObj.gameObject); } }
public virtual void OnDeath(AiObject aiObj) { mDeath = true; if (mDelete) { Delete(); } }
protected virtual void OnDeath(AiObject aiObj) { if (aiObj == null) { return; } mKilledCount++; }
public void SpawnRandom() { //Vector3 screenPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2, Camera.main.nearClipPlane+5)); //will get the middle of the screen Vector3 screenPosition = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Random.Range(0, Screen.width), Random.Range(Screen.height * 1.1f, Screen.height * 1.2f), 0)); screenPosition.z = 0; AiObject enemy = Instantiate(enemyPrefab, screenPosition, Quaternion.identity, transform); }
public void RegisterAiObject(AiObject aiObj) { aiObject = aiObj; //AiImplementSingle[] impSingles = GetComponentsInChildren<AiImplementSingle>(); //foreach (AiImplementSingle imp in impSingles) //{ // imp.Initialize(aiObject); //} }
public virtual void ClearDeathEvent() { if (clone != null) { AiObject aiObj = clone.GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (aiObj != null) { aiObj.DeathHandlerEvent -= OnDeath; } } }
protected override void OnSpawnedChild(GameObject obj) { base.OnSpawnedChild(obj); AiObject aiObj = obj.GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (aiObj != null) { aiObj.lifePercent = hpPercent; } }
protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetLookAtPosition(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } Vector3 lookAtPosition = stream.Read <Vector3> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null && lookAtPosition != { ai.LookAtPosition(lookAtPosition); } }
protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetLookAtWeight(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } float weight = stream.Read <float> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { ai.LookAtWeight(weight); } }
protected void RPC_S2C_SetIKRotationWeight(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } AvatarIKGoal goal = stream.Read <AvatarIKGoal> (); float value = stream.Read <float> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { ai.SetIKRotationWeight(goal, value); } }
protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetInteger_Int(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } int id = stream.Read <int> (); int value = stream.Read <int> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { ai.SetInteger(id, value); } }
//[RPC] //protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetFloat_String(uLink.BitStream stream) //{ // if (IsController || null == Runner) return; // string name = stream.Read<string>(); // float value = stream.Read<float>(); // AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; // if (ai != null) // { // ai.SetFloat(name,value); // } //} //[RPC] //protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetFloat_Int(uLink.BitStream stream) //{ // if (IsController || null == Runner) return; // int id = stream.Read<int>(); // float value = stream.Read<float>(); // AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; // if (ai != null) // { // ai.SetFloat(id, value); // } //} //[RPC] //protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetFloat_String_1(uLink.BitStream stream) //{ // if (IsController || null == Runner) return; // string name = stream.Read<string>(); // float value = stream.Read<float>(); // float dampTime = stream.Read<float>(); // float deltaTime = stream.Read<float>(); // AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; // if (ai != null) // { // ai.SetFloat(name, value, dampTime, deltaTime); // } //} //[RPC] //protected virtual void RPC_S2C_RPC_C2S_SetFloat_Int_1(uLink.BitStream stream) //{ // if (IsController || null == Runner) return; // int id = stream.Read<int>(); // float value = stream.Read<float>(); // float dampTime = stream.Read<float>(); // float deltaTime = stream.Read<float>(); // AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; // if (ai != null) // { // ai.SetFloat(id, value, dampTime, deltaTime); // } //} protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetBool_String(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } string name = stream.Read <string> (); bool value = stream.Read <bool> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { ai.SetBool(name, value); } }
protected void RPC_S2C_SetIKRotation(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } AvatarIKGoal goal = stream.Read <AvatarIKGoal> (); Quaternion goalPosition = stream.Read <Quaternion> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { ai.SetIKRotation(goal, goalPosition); } }
void OnAnimatorIK(int layerIndex) { //if (layerIndex != 1) // return; AiObject aiObject = GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (aiObject == null) { return; } if (GameConfig.IsMultiMode && !aiObject.IsController) { return; } if (effect <= PETools.PEMath.Epsilon) { aiObject.LookAtWeight(0.0f); aiObject.SetLeftHandIKWeight(0.0f); aiObject.SetRightHandIKWeight(0.0f); } else { aiObject.LookAtWeight(effect); Vector3 lookAtPosition =; if (aimTarget != { lookAtPosition = aimTarget; } else { Transform eye = aiObject.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head); Vector3 eyePosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(eye.position); lookAtPosition = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(0.0f, eyePosition.y, 1.0f)); } aiObject.LookAtPosition(lookAtPosition); aiObject.SetLeftHandIKWeight(1.0f); aiObject.SetRightHandIKWeight(1.0f); aiObject.SetLeftHandIKPosition(IKLeft.position); aiObject.SetRightHandIKPosition(IKRight.position); } }
protected virtual void RPC_S2C_SetLayerWeight(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (hasOwnerAuth || null == Runner) { return; } int layerIndex = stream.Read <int> (); float weight = stream.Read <float> (); AiObject ai = Runner as AiObject; if (ai != null) { ai.SetLayerWeight(layerIndex, weight); } }
public override void ClearDeathEvent() { base.ClearDeathEvent(); foreach (GameObject obj in objs) { if (obj != null) { AiObject aiObj = obj.GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (aiObj != null) { aiObj.DeathHandlerEvent -= OnDeath; } } } }
protected override void OnSpawned(GameObject obj) { base.OnSpawned(obj); if (!objs.Contains(obj)) { objs.Add(obj); } AiObject ai = obj.GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (ai != null) { ai.DestroyHandlerEvent += OnAiDestroy; } }
protected virtual void Start() { seeker = GetComponentInChildren <AiSeeker>(); aiObject = GetComponent <AiObject>(); alignCorrection = new Quaternion(); alignCorrection.SetLookRotation(forwardVector, Vector3.up); alignCorrection = Quaternion.Inverse(alignCorrection); //groundLayers = AiManager.Manager.groundedLayer; if (habit == LifeArea.LA_Water || habit == LifeArea.LA_Sky) { gravity = 0.0f; } }
protected override void OnDeath(AiObject aiObj) { base.OnDeath(aiObj); if (mMissionID > 0) { // GameGui_N.Instance.mMissionTrackGui.SetMonsterLeft(mMissionID, KilledCount); } //if (KilledCount >= m_data.m_Count) //{ // PlayerFactory.mMainPlayer.ProcessTowerMission(m_missionID, true); // DestroyObject(this.gameObject, 0.1f); //} }
public void RegisterAiObjects(AiObject aiObj) { if (!mAiObjects.Contains(aiObj)) { aiObj.transform.parent = transform; aiObj.DeathHandlerEvent += OnAiObjectDeath; aiObj.DestroyHandlerEvent += OnAiObjectDestroy; aiObj.ActiveHandlerEvent += OnAiObjectActive; aiObj.InactiveHandlerEvent += OnAiObjectDeActive; mAiObjects.Add(aiObj); RegisterActiveAiObjects(aiObj); AddGroupMaxHP(aiObj); } }
public override void OnSpawned(GameObject obj) { base.OnSpawned(obj); AiObject aiObj = obj.GetComponent <AiObject>(); if (aiObj != null) { aiObj.tdInfo = transform; } SPGroup spGroup = obj.GetComponent <SPGroup>(); if (spGroup != null) { spGroup.tdInfo = transform; } }
public void InitItem(AiObject enemy) { mShowObj = enemy; //AiNpcObject npc = mShowObj as AiNpcObject; //if (npc != null) // mHeadSpr.spriteName = npc.m_NpcIcon; //else //{ // AiDataObject monster = mShowObj as AiDataObject; // if (monster != null) // { // mHeadSpr.spriteName = AiAsset.AiDataBlock.GetIconName(monster.dataId); // } // else { // Debug.LogError("mShowObj is not npc or monster"); // } //} mHeadSpr.MakePixelPerfect(); mHeadSpr.transform.localScale = new Vector3(32, 32, 1); }