static void DemoPhysics() { ManagerPackage package = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Resource.MainFolderPath + "/DemoPhysics/PhysicsDemo_ManagerPackage.asset", typeof(ManagerPackage)) as ManagerPackage; if (package != null) { if (!ACInstaller.IsInstalled()) { ACInstaller.DoInstall(); } package.AssignManagers(); AdventureCreator.RefreshActions(); if (UnityVersionHandler.GetCurrentSceneName() != "Office") { #if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER bool canProceed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Open demo scene", "Would you like to open the Physics Demo scene, Office, now?", "Yes", "No"); if (canProceed) { if (UnityVersionHandler.SaveSceneIfUserWants()) { UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(Resource.MainFolderPath + "/DemoPhysics/Scenes/Office.unity"); } } #else ACDebug.Log("Physics Demo managers loaded - you can now run the Physics Demo scene in '" + Resource.mainFolderPath + "/DemoPhysics/Scenes/Office.unity'"); #endif } AdventureCreator.Init(); } }
static void Demo3D() { ManagerPackage package = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/AdventureCreator/Demo/ManagerPackage.asset", typeof(ManagerPackage)) as ManagerPackage; package.AssignManagers(); AdventureCreator.RefreshActions(); }
// Action messages private void ActionMessages(AdventureCreator myAdventure) { editorScript.numberOfMessages = myAdventure.zx81numberOfMessages; editorScript.actionMessage = new string[editorScript.numberOfMessages, NUMBER_OF_LINES]; editorScript.temporaryMessageArray = new string[editorScript.numberOfMessages]; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfMessages - 1; i++) { editorScript.temporaryMessageArray = myAdventure.zx81actionMessage; } // Message description index int k = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfMessages - 1; i++) { for (int j = k; j <= (NUMBER_OF_LINES - 1) + k; j++) { editorScript.actionMessage[i, (j - k)] = editorScript.temporaryMessageArray[j]; } k = k + NUMBER_OF_LINES; } }
static void Init() { // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one: AdventureCreator window = (AdventureCreator)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(AdventureCreator)); window.GetReferences(); }
// Actions private static void Actions(AdventureEditor editorScript, AdventureCreator adventureData) { adventureData.zx81numberOfActions_A = editorScript.savedNumberOfActions_A; for (int i = 0; i <= adventureData.zx81numberOfActions_A; i++) { adventureData.zx81action_As = editorScript.savedAction_As; } }
// Conditions private static void Conditions(AdventureEditor editorScript, AdventureCreator adventureData) { adventureData.zx81numberOfConditions_C = editorScript.savedNumberOfConditions_C; for (int i = 0; i <= adventureData.zx81numberOfConditions_C; i++) { adventureData.zx81condition_Cs = editorScript.savedCondition_Cs; } }
// Vocabulary private static void Vocabulary(AdventureEditor editorScript, AdventureCreator adventureData) { adventureData.zx81numberOfWords_V = editorScript.savedNumberOfWords_V; for (int i = 0; i <= editorScript.savedNumberOfWords_V; i++) { adventureData.zx81vocabulary_Vs = editorScript.savedVocabulary_Vs; adventureData.zx81actionCode = editorScript.savedActionCode; } }
// Actions private void Actions(AdventureCreator myAdventure) { editorScript.numberOfActions_A = myAdventure.zx81numberOfActions_A; editorScript.action_As = new string[editorScript.numberOfActions_A]; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfActions_A - 1; i++) { editorScript.action_As = myAdventure.zx81action_As; } }
// Conditions private void Conditions(AdventureCreator myAdventure) { editorScript.numberOfConditions_C = myAdventure.zx81numberOfConditions_C; editorScript.condition_Cs = new string[editorScript.numberOfConditions_C]; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfConditions_C - 1; i++) { editorScript.condition_Cs = myAdventure.zx81condition_Cs; } }
// Objects private static void Objects(AdventureEditor editorScript, AdventureCreator adventureData) { adventureData.zx81numberOfObjects_O = editorScript.savedNumberOfObjects_O; for (int i = 0; i <= adventureData.zx81numberOfObjects_O; i++) { adventureData.zx81objectDescription_Os = editorScript.savedObjectDescription_Os; adventureData.zx81objectLocation_Q = editorScript.savedObjectLocation_Q; adventureData.zx81gameObject_O = editorScript.savedGameObject_O; } }
// Rooms private static void Rooms(AdventureEditor editorScript, AdventureCreator adventureData) { adventureData.zx81numberOfRooms_R = editorScript.savedNumberOfRooms_R; for (int i = 0; i <= adventureData.zx81numberOfRooms_R; i++) { adventureData.zx81roomNumber = editorScript.savedRoomNumber; adventureData.zx81roomDescription = editorScript.savedRoomDescription; adventureData.zx81roomConnection_Ms = editorScript.savedRoomConnection_Ms; } }
// Action Messages private static void ActionMessages(AdventureEditor editorScript, AdventureCreator adventureData) { adventureData.zx81numberOfMessages = editorScript.savedNumberOfMessages; for (int i = 0; i <= adventureData.zx81numberOfMessages; i++) { adventureData.zx81messageNumber = editorScript.savedMessageNumber; for (int j = 0; j <= NUMBER_OF_LINES; j++) { adventureData.zx81actionMessage = editorScript.savedActionMessage; } } }
// Vocabulary private void Vocabulary(AdventureCreator myAdventure) { editorScript.numberOfWords_V = myAdventure.zx81numberOfWords_V; editorScript.vocabulary_Vs = new string[editorScript.numberOfWords_V]; editorScript.actionCode = new string[editorScript.numberOfWords_V]; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfWords_V - 1; i++) { editorScript.vocabulary_Vs = myAdventure.zx81vocabulary_Vs; editorScript.actionCode = myAdventure.zx81actionCode; } }
public void saveData() { AdventureCreator adventureData = new AdventureCreator(); // Get file name filePath = dataFilePath(editorScript.fileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(dataFilePath(filePath)); } BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream saveDataStream = File.Open(dataFilePath(filePath), FileMode.Create); // Adventure name adventureData.zx81adventureName_Ns = editorScript.savedAdventureName_Ns; // Rooms Rooms(editorScript, adventureData); // Objects Objects(editorScript, adventureData); // Vocabulary Vocabulary(editorScript, adventureData); // Conditions Conditions(editorScript, adventureData); // Actions Actions(editorScript, adventureData); // Action messages ActionMessages(editorScript, adventureData); binaryFormatter.Serialize(saveDataStream, adventureData); saveDataStream.Close(); }
private void OnEnable() { if (AdvGame.GetReferences()) { if (AdvGame.GetReferences().actionsManager) { actionsManager = AdvGame.GetReferences().actionsManager; AdventureCreator.RefreshActions(); } else { Debug.LogError("An Actions Manager is required - please use the Game Editor window to create one."); } } else { Debug.LogError("A References file is required - please use the Game Editor window to create one."); } }
public void loadData() { // Get file path filePath = dataFilePath(editorScript.fileName); //Debug.Log("Data path from loadData: " + filePath); // See if file exists if (File.Exists(filePath)) { BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); // Open the file to read FileStream loadDataStream = File.Open(dataFilePath(filePath), FileMode.Open); AdventureCreator myAdventure = (AdventureCreator)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(loadDataStream); // Close file loadDataStream.Close(); // Adventure name editorScript.adventureName_Ns = myAdventure.zx81adventureName_Ns; // Rooms Rooms(myAdventure); // Objects Objects(myAdventure); // Vocabulary Vocabulary(myAdventure); // Conditions Conditions(myAdventure); // Actions Actions(myAdventure); // Action messages ActionMessages(myAdventure); } }
// Objects private void Objects(AdventureCreator myAdventure) { editorScript.numberOfObjects_O = myAdventure.zx81numberOfObjects_O; editorScript.objectDescription_Os = new string[editorScript.numberOfObjects_O]; editorScript.objectLocation_Q = new int[editorScript.numberOfObjects_O]; editorScript.gameObject_O = new int[editorScript.numberOfObjects_O]; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfObjects_O - 1; i++) { editorScript.objectDescription_Os = myAdventure.zx81objectDescription_Os; editorScript.objectLocation_Q = myAdventure.zx81objectLocation_Q; editorScript.gameObject_O = myAdventure.zx81gameObject_O; } }
// Rooms private void Rooms(AdventureCreator myAdventure) { editorScript.numberOfRooms_R = myAdventure.zx81numberOfRooms_R; editorScript.roomDescription = new string[editorScript.numberOfRooms_R, NUMBER_OF_LINES]; editorScript.roomConnection_Ms = new string[editorScript.numberOfRooms_R]; editorScript.temporaryRoomArray = new string[editorScript.numberOfRooms_R]; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfRooms_R - 1; i++) { editorScript.roomConnection_Ms = myAdventure.zx81roomConnection_Ms; //print("i = " + i + ", roomConnection_Ms: " + editorScript.roomConnection_Ms[i]); } for (int i = 0; i <= (editorScript.numberOfRooms_R - 1) * NUMBER_OF_LINES; i++) { editorScript.temporaryRoomArray = myAdventure.zx81roomDescription; //print("i = " + i + ", Temporary array: " + editorScript.temporaryRoomArray[i]); } // Room description index int k = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= editorScript.numberOfRooms_R - 1; i++) { for (int j = k; j <= (NUMBER_OF_LINES - 1) + k; j++) { editorScript.roomDescription[i, (j - k)] = editorScript.temporaryRoomArray[j]; //print("k = " + k + ", i = " + i + ", j = " + j + ", (j - k) = " + (j - k) + ", Room description: " + editorScript.roomDescription[i, ( j - k )]); } k = k + NUMBER_OF_LINES; } }