public AdvancedShader GetShader(string _shaderName) { for (int _iter = 0; _iter < m_shaderList.Count; _iter++) { AdvancedShader _curShader = m_shaderList[_iter]; if (_shaderName.Equals(_curShader.ShaderName)) { return(_curShader); } } return(null); }
void FindShaderFromCurrentOptions() { Setup(); exactMatchShader = null; exactEffectConflicts = ""; //List<AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect> selectedEffectsList = new List<AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect>(); //int[] selectedEffectsIndices = new int[selectedEffects.Count]; List <int> selectedEffectsIndicesList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < allEffectsArray.Length; i++) { //if (selectedEffects[i]) selectedEffectsList.Add(allEffectsArray[i]); if (selectedEffects[i]) { //selectedEffectsIndices[c] = i; selectedEffectsIndicesList.Add(i); } } int[] selectedEffectsIndices = selectedEffectsIndicesList.ToArray(); bool valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < selectedEffectsIndices.Length; i++) { AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect effectI = allEffectsArray[selectedEffectsIndices[i]]; if (ignoreEffects.Contains(effectI)) { valid = false; break; } for (int j = 0; j < selectedEffectsIndices.Length; j++) { AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect effectJ = allEffectsArray[selectedEffectsIndices[j]]; if (i == j) { continue; } if (cantCombineEffects[effectI].Contains(effectJ)) { exactEffectConflicts = AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[i]] + " with " + AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[j]]; valid = false; break; } if (cantCombineEffects[effectJ].Contains(effectI)) { exactEffectConflicts = AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[i]] + " with " + AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[j]]; valid = false; break; } if (ignoreEffects.Contains(effectJ)) { valid = false; break; } } if (!valid) { break; } } if (valid && selectedEffectsIndices.Length > 0) { exactMatchShader = new AdvancedShader(); for (int k = 0; k < selectedEffectsIndices.Length; k++) { exactMatchShader.shaderEffects.Add(allEffectsArray[selectedEffectsIndices[k]]); } } }
void OnGUI() { bool hasChanged = false; bool current = false; Color previousColour = GUI.contentColor; GUI.contentColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1f); GUILayout.Label("Select Required Shader Effects"); GUI.contentColor = previousColour; GUILayout.Space(5f); GUIStyle scrollViewStyle = new GUIStyle("ScrollView")); scrollViewStyle.margin = new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 5); effectsScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(effectsScrollPosition, scrollViewStyle); int numSelectedEffects = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allEffectsArray.Length; i++) { if (!selectedEffects.ContainsKey(i)) { PreSetup(); return; } current = selectedEffects[i]; if (mobile && nonMobileEffects.Contains(allEffectsArray[i])) { selectedEffects[i] = false; if (current) { hasChanged = true; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); } selectedEffects[i] = GUILayout.Toggle(selectedEffects[i], AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[i]); if (current != selectedEffects[i]) { hasChanged = true; } if (selectedEffects[i]) { numSelectedEffects++; } if (mobile && nonMobileEffects.Contains(allEffectsArray[i])) { selectedEffects[i] = false; EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.Space(20f); mobile = GUILayout.Toggle(mobile, "Mobile"); if (exactMatchShader != null && != mobile) { if (exactMatchShader != null) { = mobile; } } transparent = GUILayout.Toggle(transparent, "Transparent"); if (exactMatchShader != null && exactMatchShader.transparent != transparent) { if (exactMatchShader != null) { exactMatchShader.transparent = transparent; if (transparent) { exactMatchShader.transparentCutout = false; } exactMatchShader.SetQueueForTransparency(); } } transparentCutout = GUILayout.Toggle(transparentCutout, "Transparent Cutout"); if (exactMatchShader != null && exactMatchShader.transparentCutout != transparentCutout) { if (exactMatchShader != null) { exactMatchShader.transparentCutout = transparentCutout; if (transparentCutout) { exactMatchShader.transparent = false; } exactMatchShader.SetQueueForTransparency(); } } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Leave this as 0 if unsure.", MessageType.Info, true); int currentQueueOffset = queueOffset; queueOffset = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Queue Offset", queueOffset); if (currentQueueOffset != queueOffset) { exactMatchShader.queueOffset = queueOffset; } if (hasChanged) { FindShaderFromCurrentOptions(); if (numSelectedEffects < 9) { FindPermutationFromCurrentOptions(); } } bool create = false; bool specificShader = false; EditorGUILayout.Separator(); if (exactMatchShader == null && foundPermutations.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Select shader effects from the list above", MessageType.None, true); } else { GUILayout.Label("Generate Exact Shader:"); if (exactMatchShader == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Can't create this specific shader. Conflicting effects: " + exactEffectConflicts, MessageType.Error, true); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This will generate the shader \"" + exactMatchShader.ShaderName() + "\"", MessageType.Info, true); if (GUILayout.Button("Create \"" + exactMatchShader.ShaderName() + "\" shader")) { create = true; specificShader = true; } } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); GUILayout.Label("Generate All Selected Shader Effect Permutations:"); MessageType permMessageType = MessageType.Info; string permutationStringEnd = foundPermutations.Count.ToString() + " unique shaders."; if (foundPermutations.Count == 1) { permutationStringEnd = foundPermutations.Count.ToString() + " unique shader."; } if (numSelectedEffects >= 9) { permutationStringEnd = "over one hundred unique shaders. It may take a few minutes."; permMessageType = MessageType.Warning; } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This will generate " + permutationStringEnd, permMessageType, true); if (GUILayout.Button("Create all (" + foundPermutations.Count.ToString() + ") selected shader permutations")) { create = true; specificShader = false; } if (create) { if (specificShader && exactMatchShader != null) { exactMatchShader.CreateShaderFile(shaderDirectory); } else { for (int i = 0; i < foundPermutations.Count; i++) { AdvancedShader newShader = new AdvancedShader(); = mobile; for (int j = 0; j < foundPermutations[i].Length; j++) { newShader.shaderEffects.Add(foundPermutations[i][j]); } // Create opaque, alpha and alphatest shaders //newShader.CreateShaderFile(shaderDirectory); newShader.transparentCutout = transparentCutout; newShader.transparent = transparent; newShader.SetQueueForTransparency(); newShader.CreateShaderFile(shaderDirectory); } } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } }
void OnGUI() { bool hasChanged = false; bool current = false; Color previousColour = GUI.contentColor; GUI.contentColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1f); GUILayout.Label("Select Required Shader Effects"); GUI.contentColor = previousColour; GUILayout.Space(5f); GUIStyle scrollViewStyle = new GUIStyle("ScrollView")); scrollViewStyle.margin = new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 5); effectsScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(effectsScrollPosition, scrollViewStyle); int numSelectedEffects = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allEffectsArray.Length; i++) { if (!selectedEffects.ContainsKey(i)) { PreSetup(); return; } current = selectedEffects[i]; if (mobile && nonMobileEffects.Contains(allEffectsArray[i])) { selectedEffects[i] = false; if (current) hasChanged = true; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); } selectedEffects[i] = GUILayout.Toggle(selectedEffects[i], AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[i]); if (current != selectedEffects[i]) { hasChanged = true; } if (selectedEffects[i]) numSelectedEffects++; if (mobile && nonMobileEffects.Contains(allEffectsArray[i])) { selectedEffects[i] = false; EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.Space(20f); mobile = GUILayout.Toggle(mobile, "Mobile"); if (exactMatchShader != null && != mobile) { if (exactMatchShader != null) { = mobile; } } transparent = GUILayout.Toggle(transparent, "Transparent"); if (exactMatchShader != null && exactMatchShader.transparent != transparent) { if (exactMatchShader != null) { exactMatchShader.transparent = transparent; if (transparent) { exactMatchShader.transparentCutout = false; } exactMatchShader.SetQueueForTransparency(); } } transparentCutout = GUILayout.Toggle(transparentCutout, "Transparent Cutout"); if (exactMatchShader != null && exactMatchShader.transparentCutout != transparentCutout) { if (exactMatchShader != null) { exactMatchShader.transparentCutout = transparentCutout; if (transparentCutout) { exactMatchShader.transparent = false; } exactMatchShader.SetQueueForTransparency(); } } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Leave this as 0 if unsure.", MessageType.Info, true); int currentQueueOffset = queueOffset; queueOffset = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Queue Offset", queueOffset); if (currentQueueOffset != queueOffset) { exactMatchShader.queueOffset = queueOffset; } if (hasChanged) { FindShaderFromCurrentOptions(); if (numSelectedEffects < 9) FindPermutationFromCurrentOptions(); } bool create = false; bool specificShader = false; EditorGUILayout.Separator(); if (exactMatchShader == null && foundPermutations.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Select shader effects from the list above", MessageType.None, true); } else { GUILayout.Label("Generate Exact Shader:"); if (exactMatchShader == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Can't create this specific shader. Conflicting effects: " + exactEffectConflicts, MessageType.Error, true); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This will generate the shader \"" + exactMatchShader.ShaderName() + "\"", MessageType.Info, true); if (GUILayout.Button("Create \"" + exactMatchShader.ShaderName() + "\" shader")) { create = true; specificShader = true; } } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); GUILayout.Label("Generate All Selected Shader Effect Permutations:"); MessageType permMessageType = MessageType.Info; string permutationStringEnd = foundPermutations.Count.ToString() + " unique shaders."; if (foundPermutations.Count == 1) permutationStringEnd = foundPermutations.Count.ToString() + " unique shader."; if (numSelectedEffects >= 9) { permutationStringEnd = "over one hundred unique shaders. It may take a few minutes."; permMessageType = MessageType.Warning; } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This will generate " + permutationStringEnd, permMessageType, true); if (GUILayout.Button("Create all (" + foundPermutations.Count.ToString() + ") selected shader permutations")) { create = true; specificShader = false; } if (create) { if (specificShader && exactMatchShader != null) { exactMatchShader.CreateShaderFile(shaderDirectory); } else { for (int i = 0; i < foundPermutations.Count; i++) { AdvancedShader newShader = new AdvancedShader(); = mobile; for (int j = 0; j < foundPermutations[i].Length; j++) { newShader.shaderEffects.Add(foundPermutations[i][j]); } // Create opaque, alpha and alphatest shaders //newShader.CreateShaderFile(shaderDirectory); newShader.transparentCutout = transparentCutout; newShader.transparent = transparent; newShader.SetQueueForTransparency(); newShader.CreateShaderFile(shaderDirectory); } } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } }
void FindShaderFromCurrentOptions() { Setup(); exactMatchShader = null; exactEffectConflicts = ""; //List<AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect> selectedEffectsList = new List<AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect>(); //int[] selectedEffectsIndices = new int[selectedEffects.Count]; List<int> selectedEffectsIndicesList = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < allEffectsArray.Length; i++) { //if (selectedEffects[i]) selectedEffectsList.Add(allEffectsArray[i]); if (selectedEffects[i]) { //selectedEffectsIndices[c] = i; selectedEffectsIndicesList.Add(i); } } int[] selectedEffectsIndices = selectedEffectsIndicesList.ToArray(); bool valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < selectedEffectsIndices.Length; i++) { AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect effectI = allEffectsArray[selectedEffectsIndices[i]]; if (ignoreEffects.Contains(effectI)) { valid = false; break; } for (int j = 0; j < selectedEffectsIndices.Length; j++) { AdvancedShader.ShaderEffect effectJ = allEffectsArray[selectedEffectsIndices[j]]; if (i == j) continue; if (cantCombineEffects[effectI].Contains(effectJ)) { exactEffectConflicts = AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[i]] + " with " + AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[j]]; valid = false; break; } if (cantCombineEffects[effectJ].Contains(effectI)) { exactEffectConflicts = AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[i]] + " with " + AdvancedShader.shaderEffectNames[selectedEffectsIndices[j]]; valid = false; break; } if (ignoreEffects.Contains(effectJ)) { valid = false; break; } } if (!valid) break; } if (valid && selectedEffectsIndices.Length > 0) { exactMatchShader = new AdvancedShader(); for (int k = 0; k < selectedEffectsIndices.Length; k++) { exactMatchShader.shaderEffects.Add(allEffectsArray[selectedEffectsIndices[k]]); } } }