public void LoadSettings()
     this.UserName = BsaContext.GetUserName();
     this.Url      = $"http://{BsaContext.GetURL()}:8081";
     this.Role     = BsaContext.GetUserRole();
     this.IP       = AddressResolving.GetIp4AddressesString();
        // Problem: Can't use a loop to create the dropdown menu buttons for the AquireServerButton, because
        //      Command = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(addresses[i].ToString())
        // can't be executed, due to access to modified closure (the variable i) within lambda expression.
        // Normally you can create a new local variable (var i1 = i) and use this local variable within the lambda expression
        // -> no access to modified closure anymore.
        // But this doesn't work here, too.
        // You can't specify a index of the addresses list within the "Command" - lambda expression here.
        // It has to be a constant value.
        // This method is a pseudo-workaround (very, very ugly).
        // Wasn't able to find another solution at this point.
        // It stops working, once AddressResolving.GetIpv4Addresses() returns more than 5 elements.
        // ToDo find another solution to add the ip addresses to the AquireServerButton, with some working loop
        private void AddAquireServerButtonDropdownElements()
            var addresses       = AddressResolving.GetIp4Addresses().ToList();
            var dropdownButtons = new List <ShellCommandBarButton>();

            // This does NOT work!
            //foreach (var ipAddress in addresses)
            //    this.AcquireServerButton.Items.Add(
            //        new ShellCommandBarButton
            //        {
            //            ImageUri =
            //                new Uri("pack://application:,,/Resources/Images/ShellIcons/versions.scale-150.png"),
            //            Label = ipAddress.ToString(),
            //            Command = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(ipAddress.ToString()))
            //        });

            // The following code works, but it's ugly
            // ToDo Fix that, create a better code

                if (addresses.Count >= 1)
                    dropdownButtons.Add(new ShellCommandBarButton
                        ImageUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,/Resources/Images/ShellIcons/versions.scale-150.png"),
                        Label    = addresses[0].ToString(),
                        Command  = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(AddressResolving.GetIp4Addresses().ToList()[0].ToString()))

                if (addresses.Count >= 2)
                    dropdownButtons.Add(new ShellCommandBarButton
                        ImageUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,/Resources/Images/ShellIcons/versions.scale-150.png"),
                        Label    = addresses[1].ToString(),
                        Command  = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(AddressResolving.GetIp4Addresses().ToList()[1].ToString()))

                if (addresses.Count >= 3)
                    dropdownButtons.Add(new ShellCommandBarButton
                        ImageUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,/Resources/Images/ShellIcons/versions.scale-150.png"),
                        Label    = addresses[2].ToString(),
                        Command  = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(AddressResolving.GetIp4Addresses().ToList()[2].ToString()))

                if (addresses.Count >= 4)
                    dropdownButtons.Add(new ShellCommandBarButton
                        ImageUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,/Resources/Images/ShellIcons/versions.scale-150.png"),
                        Label    = addresses[3].ToString(),
                        Command  = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(AddressResolving.GetIp4Addresses().ToList()[3].ToString()))

                if (addresses.Count >= 5)
                    dropdownButtons.Add(new ShellCommandBarButton
                        ImageUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,/Resources/Images/ShellIcons/versions.scale-150.png"),
                        Label    = addresses[4].ToString(),
                        Command  = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeToServer(AddressResolving.GetIp4Addresses().ToList()[4].ToString()))

                // Add buttons to dropdown menu
            catch (Exception)
                // Do nothing.
                // Just wanted to create some exception handling when dealing with about 3 billion indices.