Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 経験値を増加する。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async UniTask <bool> AddExpAsync(int amount, bool login = true)
            var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest
                VirtualCurrency = "EP",
                Amount          = amount,

            var response = await PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrencyAsync(request);

            if (response.Error != null)
                throw new PlayFabErrorException(response.Error);

            Exp = response.Result.Balance;
            var isLevelUp = Exp >= UserDataManager.NextLevelInfo.Exp;

            if (isLevelUp)
                await AddStaminaAsync(UserDataManager.NextLevelInfo.MaxStamina);

            if (login)
                await LoginManager.LoginAndUpdateLocalCacheAsync();

Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Send a request to playfab to increase the credit count for a player
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="amount"></param>
    public void AddCredits(int amount)
        var currencyRequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest {
            VirtualCurrency = "CR", Amount = amount

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(currencyRequest, OnSuccess, OnFailure);
Пример #3
    public void AddPlayFabVirtualCurrecy(int i, string virtualCurrecy)
        var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest {
            Amount = i, VirtualCurrency = virtualCurrecy

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, OnAddVirtualCurrencySuccess, OnAddVirtualCurrencyFailure);
    /// <summary>
    /// Method called to give the player a certain amount of in-game currency.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="amount">Currency amount to give.</param>
    public void AddInGameCurrency(int amount)
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest();

        request.VirtualCurrency = GameConstants.inGameCurrencyID;
        request.Amount          = amount;
        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, OnAddedInGameCurrency, OnAddGameCurrencyError);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Increments the specified virtual currency by the stated amount
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddUserVirtualCurrency(AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest request, Action <ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResult> resultCallback, Action <PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null)
            if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null)
                throw new Exception("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

            PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AddUserVirtualCurrency", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData);
Пример #6
    void UpdateCoins()
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest();

        request.VirtualCurrency = "CO";
        request.Amount          = Coins - InitCoins;

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, UpdateCoinsSuccess, UpdateCoinsFailed);
Пример #7
    public void AddSBCurrency(int amount)
        var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest
            Amount          = amount,
            VirtualCurrency = "SB"

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, AddCurrencySuccess, AddCurrencyError);
Пример #8
    // ADS

    // public void ShowRewardedAd()
    // {
    //     if(Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideo"))
    //     {
    //         var options = new ShowOptions
    //         {
    //             resultCallback = HandleShowResult
    //         };

    //         Advertisement.Show("rewardedVideo", options);

    //     }
    // }

    // private void HandleShowResult(ShowResult result)
    // {
    //     switch (result)
    //     {
    //         case ShowResult.Finished:
    //             //Ajouter des Coins
    //             playFabMananger.LoadingMessage("Updating data...");
    //             playFabMananger.Player_Coin += 500;
    //             txtCoins.text = playFabMananger.Player_Coin.ToString();
    //             AddCoins();
    //             //Update de VC sur Playfab
    //             break;

    //         case ShowResult.Skipped:
    //             Debug.Log("...");
    //             break;

    //         case ShowResult.Failed:
    //             Debug.Log("...");
    //             break;
    //     }
    // }

    void AddCoins()
        var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "CO",
            Amount          = 500

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, AddSuccess, AddFailed);
Пример #9
    public void AddMoney()
        //request - 청구서 , VirtualCurrency = 통화의 단위(플레이펩에서 설정), Amount : 더하고 싶은 양
        var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "GD", Amount = 50

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, (result) => print("돈 얻기 성공! 현재 돈 : " + result.Balance), (error) => print("돈 얻기 실패"));
Пример #10
    public void AddUserVirtualCurrency(string currency, int amount, System.Action <ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResult> successCallback, System.Action <PlayFabError> failureCallback)
        if (failureCallback == null)
            failureCallback = Callback_Generic_Error;
        var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest {
            VirtualCurrency = currency, Amount = amount

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, successCallback, failureCallback);
Пример #11
    public static Promise AddCurrency(CurrencyCode currencyCode, int amount)
        var promise = new Promise();
        var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest {
            VirtualCurrency = currencyCode.ToString(), Amount = amount

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, (result) => {
        }, ErrorCallback);
Пример #12
    // 유저 돈 지급
    public void giveMoney(int amout)
        var moneyrequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "MY", Amount = amout

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(moneyrequest, (resultmoney) =>
            User.money = resultmoney.Balance;
                                                , (errormoney) => Debug.Log("돈 지급 실패"));
Пример #13
    void AddUserCurrency(int resultWeight)
        var playerCustomProperties            = PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties;
        int currencyAmount                    = 20 + 200 * resultWeight + 10 * (int)playerCustomProperties["Score"] - 1 * (int)playerCustomProperties["Death"];
        Dictionary <string, string> skillData = PlayFabSimpleJson.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(GameInfo.titleData["ExpAndMoneySkill"]);

        currencyAmount = (int)((float)currencyAmount * (1.0f + float.Parse(skillData["Level" + PlayFabUserData.expAndMoneySkillLV.ToString()]) / 100));
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "GC",
            Amount          = currencyAmount

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(request, (result) => {  }, (error) => { });
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// スタミナを回復する。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async UniTask AddStaminaAsync(int amount)
            var request = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest
                VirtualCurrency = "ST",
                Amount          = amount,

            var response = await PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrencyAsync(request);

            if (response.Error != null)
                throw new PlayFabErrorException(response.Error);

            StaminaRaw = response.Result.Balance;
Пример #15
    private void GiveCurrencyToPlayer(int numberOfCoins)
        makingPlayFabRequest = true;
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest virtualCurrencyRequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "GC",
            Amount          = numberOfCoins

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(virtualCurrencyRequest, (result) => {
            Debug.Log("Adding (" + numberOfCoins + ") coins to Player " + result.PlayFabId + " has left them with: " + result.Balance);
            makingPlayFabRequest = false;
        }, (error) => {
            Debug.Log("Error Updating Virtual Currency: " + error.ErrorMessage);
            makingPlayFabRequest = false;
    public void saveMoney(int money, bool isSub = false)
        Debug.Log("saveMoeny callled");

        if (!isSub)
            var moneyrequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
                VirtualCurrency = "GD", Amount = money
            PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(moneyrequest, (resultmoney) => { MoneyManager.instance.setMoneyText(resultmoney.Balance); }, (errormoney) => Error("ERROR-A-2"));
            loadPopUpflag = true;

            var moneycheckrequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
                VirtualCurrency = "GD", Amount = 0
            PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(moneycheckrequest, (resultmoney) =>
                //// 구매 할수 있는지 체크
                //if (resultmoney.Balance - money < 0)
                //    Debug.Log("니 돈없음 ㅅㄱ 팝업창 띄워 주세요.");
                //    return;

                // 돈 사용
                var moneylessrequest = new SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
                    VirtualCurrency = "GD", Amount = money
                PlayFabClientAPI.SubtractUserVirtualCurrency(moneylessrequest, (resultmoney1) =>
                    Debug.Log(money + "원 사용 완료 (1/2)");
                    loadPopUpflag = false;
                    Debug.Log(money + "원 사용 완료 (2/2)");
                }, (errormoney1) => Error("ERROR-A-1"));
            }, (errormoney) => Error("ERROR-A-1"));
        Debug.Log("saveMoeny done");
Пример #17
    private void GetCurrencyOfPlayer()
        makingPlayFabRequest = true;
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest virtualCurrencyRequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "GC",
            Amount          = 0

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(virtualCurrencyRequest, (result) => {
            Debug.Log("It looks like player (" + result.PlayFabId + ") currently has the following Virtual Currency: " + result.Balance);
            this.virtualCurrency = result.Balance;
            makingPlayFabRequest = false;
        }, (error) => {
            Debug.Log("Error Retrieving Virtual Currency: " + error.ErrorMessage);
            makingPlayFabRequest = false;
Пример #18
        public async Task <string> AddUserVirtualCurrency(string playFabId, int Amount)
            var reqAddUserVirtualCurrency = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest
                PlayFabId       = playFabId,
                Amount          = Amount,
                VirtualCurrency = configuration.Currency

            var result = await PlayFabAdminAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrencyAsync(reqAddUserVirtualCurrency);

            if (result.Error != null)
                throw new Exception(result.Error.ErrorMessage);

            return(await UpdateBudget());
    /// <summary>
    /// 仮想通貨を追加
    /// </summary>
    public void AddUserVirtualCurrency(string VCcode, int value)
        // 通信待ちでなかったら通信開始
        if (!waitConnect.GetWait(gameObject.name))
            // 通信待ちに設定する
            var addUserVirtualCurrencyRequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest
                Amount          = value,  //追加する金額
                VirtualCurrency = VCcode, //仮想通貨のコード

            PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(addUserVirtualCurrencyRequest, OnSuccessAdd, OnErrorAdd);
    /* 学生作业:实现成就奖励领取按钮的响应函数GetReward以及相关PlayFab请求成功或者失败的回调函数
     * GetReward函数的两个参数解释:name表示成就奖励名称,value表示成就奖励的金币数。
     * 作业提示:
     * 首先,启用processingWindow窗口,提示正在处理玩家领取成就奖励的请求;
     * 其次,使用UpdateUserDataRequest函数,更新玩家的自定义属性Player Data,包括玩家已领取相关成就奖励的数据;
     * UpdateUserDataRequest函数调用成功后,使用GetUserDataRequest函数,重新获取玩家的自定义属性,保存在PlayFabUserData类的userData中;
     * 接着,使用AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest函数,增加玩家的金币数量(该请求需要包含两个参数:VirtualCurrency表示增加的虚拟货币种类,Amount表示增加的虚拟货币数量);
     * AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest函数调用成功后,更新玩家金币数量的显示
     * 最后,若两个请求都调用成功,禁用processingWindow窗口,并更新成就奖励条目的显示。

    void GetReward(string name, int value)
        requestNum = 2;
        //使用UpdateUserDataRequest函数,更新玩家的自定义属性Player Data,包括玩家已领取相关成就奖励的数据;
        UpdateUserDataRequest updateUserDataRequest = new UpdateUserDataRequest();

        updateUserDataRequest.Data = new Dictionary <string, string>();
        updateUserDataRequest.Data.Add(name, "true");
        PlayFabClientAPI.UpdateUserData(updateUserDataRequest, OnUpdateUserRewardData, OnPlayFabError);
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest addUserVirtualCurrencyRequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            VirtualCurrency = "GC",
            Amount          = value

        PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(addUserVirtualCurrencyRequest, OnAddUserVirtualCurrencyResult, OnPlayFabError);
Пример #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Syncing player prefs data for highscore if playing offline.
    /// Syncing player prefs data for currency value if purchase with diamonds was made offline.
    /// </summary>
    public static void SyncCurrencyWhenOnline()
        AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest addCurrencyRequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
            Amount          = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToAddForSync),
            VirtualCurrency = "DM"

        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToAddForSync) != 0)
                                                    result =>
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToAddForSync, 0);
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 0);
                                                    error =>
                FindObjectOfType <ShowErrorMessageController>().SetErrorMessage("Syncing offline data failed: " + error.GenerateErrorReport());
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 1);
            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToSubstractForSync) == 0)
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 0);

        //TBD: This was made because when clicking an upgrade, substract currency is updated as playerpref, if game is closed without pressing back, when coming online again currency could go to minus
        //With this check players can exploit the upgrades without paying for currency
        //You could create a new playerpref holding the values before starting the upgrades as (old currency value) and one for upgrades process started = 1
        //When pressing back the upgrade process started playerpref should be 0 and the old values should be updated with the new upgraded ones
        //If upgrade process started playerpref = 1 don't do the currency substraction // eventuall make a difference between the currency substracted from upgrades and other currencies
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToSubstractForSync) != 0)
            SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequest substractCurrencyRequest = new SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
                Amount          = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToSubstractForSync),
                VirtualCurrency = "DM"

            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToSubstractForSync) != 0)
                                                             result =>
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToSubstractForSync, 0);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 0);
                                                             error =>
                    if (error.GenerateErrorReport().Contains("destination host"))
                        FindObjectOfType <ShowErrorMessageController>().SetErrorMessage("NETWORK CONNECTION FAILED! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN ACTIVE INTERNET CONNECTION!");
                        FindObjectOfType <ShowErrorMessageController>().SetErrorMessage("SyncCurrencyWhenOnline: " + error.GenerateErrorReport());

                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 1);
                if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToAddForSync) == 0)
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 0);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyValueToSubstractForSync, 0);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefsStrings.currencyNeedsSync, 0);
Пример #22
    IEnumerator Load()
        int    i    = 0;
        string star = null;
        int    cut  = 0;

        #region 서버에 저장된 데이터를 꺼내옴
        var request = new GetUserDataRequest()
            PlayFabId = User.FabId
        PlayFabClientAPI.GetUserData(request, (result) =>
            loadData = new string[result.Data.Count, 4];

            #region  저 도감, 재화, 세포 데이터 로드
            if (result.Data.Count > 0) // 유저 데이터가 있으면 로드 없으면 새로만들기
                foreach (var item in result.Data)
                    // 값이 비었으면 불러오지 않음
                    if (item.Value.Value != null)
                        // 도감 데이터 로드
                        if (item.Key == "book")
                            string[] book = item.Value.Value.Split('|');

                            for (int h = 0; h < book.Length; h++)
                                if (book[h] == "o")
                                    CellData.CellDataArray[h, 5] = book[h];


                        // 유저 자금
                        if (item.Key == "usermoney")
                            string[] init = item.Value.Value.Split('|');

                            if (init[0] == "true")
                                var moneyrequest1 = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
                                    VirtualCurrency = "MY", Amount = 0
                                PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(moneyrequest1, (resultmoney1) => { User.money = resultmoney1.Balance; AllManager.AM.UM.setUserMoney(); }, (errormoney1) => Debug.Log("돈 로드 실패"));

                        // 유저 캐릭터 정보
                        if (item.Key == "userchar")
                            string[] init = item.Value.Value.Split('|');

                            if (init[0] == "true")

                        // 유저 정보
                        if (item.Key == "userInfo")
                            string[] init = item.Value.Value.Split('|');

                            AllManager.AM.GM.setUserInfo(init[0], init[1]);

                        // 세포 가격
                        if (item.Key == "cellCount")
                            SystemDB.CurrentCellValue = int.Parse(item.Value.Value);

                        // 좌표와 몇성인지 분해
                        star = item.Key.Substring(2, 1);
                        cut  = item.Value.Value.IndexOf("|");
                        // 이름 분해
                        textEnd  = item.Key.IndexOf("|");
                        cellName = item.Key.Substring(0, textEnd);

                        loadData[i, 0] = cellName;
                        loadData[i, 1] = item.Value.Value.Substring(0, cut);
                        loadData[i, 2] = item.Value.Value.Substring(cut + 1);
                        loadData[i, 3] = star;

                // 불러온 데이터 새로고침
            else if (result.Data.Count == 0) // 완전 초기 실행
                // 유저 돈 지급
                var moneyrequest = new AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest()
                    VirtualCurrency = "MY", Amount = 1000
                PlayFabClientAPI.AddUserVirtualCurrency(moneyrequest, (resultmoney) => { User.money = resultmoney.Balance; AllManager.AM.UM.setUserMoney(); }, (errormoney) => Debug.Log("돈 지급 실패"));

                var usermoneysave = new UpdateUserDataRequest()
                    Data = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "usermoney", "true|" }
                PlayFabClientAPI.UpdateUserData(usermoneysave, (result3) => { }, (error2) => Debug.Log("데이터 저장실패"));

                // 캐릭터 생성

            #region  저 인벤토리 로드
        }, (error) => Debug.Log("세포 데이터 로드 실패"));

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));