public Task <HttpResponseMessage> AddLabelName(AddLabel addLabel) { ResponseBase <IList <micromsg.LabelPair> > response = new ResponseBase <IList <micromsg.LabelPair> >(); try { var result = wechat.AddContactLabel(addLabel.WxId, addLabel.LabelName); if (result == null || result.BaseResponse.Ret != (int)MMPro.MM.RetConst.MM_OK) { response.Success = false; response.Code = "501"; response.Message = result.BaseResponse.ErrMsg.String ?? "添加失败"; } else { response.Data = result.LabelPairList; response.Message = "添加成功"; } } catch (ExpiredException ex) { response.Success = false; response.Code = "401"; response.Message = ex.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Success = false; response.Code = "500"; response.Message = ex.Message; } return(response.ToHttpResponseAsync()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddLabel([FromRoute] Guid projectId, [FromBody] AddLabel command) { command.ProjectId = projectId; await commandQueryBus.SendAsync(command); return(Created("api/project-management/labels/", command.CreatedId)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the label. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> AddLabel(AddLabel model, int userId) { try { SqlConnection connection = DBConnection(); SqlCommand command = StoreProcedureConnection("spAddLabel", connection); connection.Open(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("LabelName", model.LabelName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserId", userId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("CreatedDateTime", DateTime.Now); int result = await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); connection.Close(); if (result != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); }; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public async Task HandleAsync(AddLabel command) { var project = await projectRepository.GetAsync(command.ProjectId); var projectVersion = project.Version; project.AddLabel(command); await projectRepository.Update(project, projectVersion); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddLabel(AddLabel model) { int userId = TokenUserId(); if (await labels.AddLabel(model, userId)) { string status = "Label added"; return(Ok(new { status, userId, model })); } else { string status = "Label did not added"; return(BadRequest(new { status, userId, model })); } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AddButton != null) { AddButton.Dispose(); AddButton = null; } if (AddProduct != null) { AddProduct.Dispose(); AddProduct = null; } if (ResetButton != null) { ResetButton.Dispose(); ResetButton = null; } if (ShuffleSwitch != null) { ShuffleSwitch.Dispose(); ShuffleSwitch = null; } if (ViewTouched != null) { ViewTouched.Dispose(); ViewTouched = null; } if (AddLabel != null) { AddLabel.Dispose(); AddLabel = null; } if (AddDescription != null) { AddDescription.Dispose(); AddDescription = null; } }
public void SeedData(ICommandQueryBus commandQueryBus, IEventManager eventManager) { var queue = new Queue <IDomainEvent>(); var adminCreated = new UserCreated(AdminId, "Admin", "Admin", "*****@*****.**", Role.Admin); var userAssignedCreated = new UserCreated(UserAssignedToProjectId, "Assigned", "Assigned", "*****@*****.**", Role.User); var userNotAssignedCreated = new UserCreated(UserNotAssignedToProjectId, "NotAssigned", "NotAssigned", "*****@*****.**", Role.User); queue.Enqueue(adminCreated); queue.Enqueue(userAssignedCreated); queue.Enqueue(userNotAssignedCreated); var createProject = new CreateProject(ProjectName); Task.Run(() => eventManager.PublishEventsAsync(queue)).Wait(); Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createProject)).Wait(); ProjectId = createProject.CreatedId; //Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(new AssignUserToProject(AdminId, UserAssignedToProjectId, 1) { ProjectId = ProjectId})).Wait(); AddLabel createLabel; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { createLabel = new AddLabel(RandomString("NAME_"), RandomString("DESCR_")) { ProjectId = ProjectId }; Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createLabel)).Wait(); LabelsIds.Add(createLabel.CreatedId); } var createTask = IssueExtensions.GenerateBasicCreateTaskCommand(this); Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createTask)).Wait(); TaskId = createTask.CreatedId; var createNfr = IssueExtensions.GenerateBasicCreateNfrCommand(this); Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createNfr)).Wait(); NfrId = createNfr.CreatedId; var createTasksBug = IssueExtensions.GenerateBasicAddBugToCommand(this, IssueType.Task); Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createTasksBug)).Wait(); TasksBugId = createTasksBug.CreatedId; var createNfrsBug = IssueExtensions.GenerateBasicAddBugToCommand(this, IssueType.Nfr); Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createNfrsBug)).Wait(); NfrsBugId = createNfrsBug.CreatedId; var createSprint = new CreateSprint(RandomString("Sprint_"), DateTime.UtcNow.Date, DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(14)) { ProjectId = ProjectId }; Task.Run(() => commandQueryBus.SendAsync(createSprint)).Wait(); SprintId = createSprint.CreatedId; }
/// <summary> /// Adds the label. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> AddLabel(AddLabel model, int userId) { return(await labels.AddLabel(model, userId)); }