// Prompt the user for the location to save the file

        static ExportData PromptForData()
            PartExportFormat exportFormat = PartExportFormat.AcisText;
            string           fileName     = null;

            AddIn.ExecuteWindowsFormsCode(() => {
                using (var fileDialog = new SaveFileDialog())
                    var formats = new List <PartExportFormat>();

                    // add the supported file formats to the SaveAs dialog
                    string filter = string.Empty;
                    foreach (PartExportFormat format in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PartExportFormat)))
                        string formatFilter = GetFilter(format);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formatFilter))
                            filter += formatFilter + "|";
                    filter            = filter.TrimEnd('|');
                    fileDialog.Filter = filter;

                    if (fileDialog.ShowDialog(SpaceClaim.Api.V18.Application.MainWindow) != DialogResult.OK)
                        return; // user canceled
                    // get the data the user entered
                    exportFormat = formats[fileDialog.FilterIndex - 1];
                    fileName     = fileDialog.FileName;

            return(new ExportData(exportFormat, fileName));