Пример #1
 private void AddCatalog(ToolStripMenuItem tsmi)
     if (this.InvokeRequired)
         AddCatalogItem aci = new AddCatalogItem(AddCatalog);
         this.Invoke(aci, new object[] { tsmi });
Пример #2
        public async Task WhenSendingValidData_ShouldAddSuccessfully()
            // Arrange
            const int catalogTypeId    = 1;
            const int catalogBrandId   = 2;
            const int catalogItemId    = 3;
            var       addCatalogItem   = new AddCatalogItem("test-name", "test-description", 123.45m, "picture-uri", catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId);
            var       addedCatalogItem = new TestCatalogItem(catalogItemId, catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId, "test-description", "test-name", 123.45m, "picture-uri");

            MockGetByIdAsync(catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId, new CatalogType("type-1"), new CatalogBrand("brand-1"));
            .Setup(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny <CatalogItem>()))

            // Act
            var id = await _sut.Handle(addCatalogItem, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
Пример #3
        public async Task WhenSendingInvalidData_ShouldThrow()
            // Arrange
            const int catalogTypeId  = 1;
            const int catalogBrandId = 2;
            var       addCatalogItem = new AddCatalogItem("", "test-description", 123.45m, "picture-uri", catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId);

            MockGetByIdAsync(catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId, null, null);

            // Act
            var task = new Func <Task <int> >(() => _sut.Handle(addCatalogItem, CancellationToken.None));

            // Assert
            var exceptionAssertions = await task.Should().ThrowAsync <ValidationException>();

            var errors = exceptionAssertions.ExtractErrorMessages();

            errors.Should().Contain($"Catalog Brand with id {catalogBrandId} does not exist in DB");
            errors.Should().Contain($"Catalog Type with id {catalogTypeId} does not exist in DB");
Пример #4
        public async Task WhenFailingToAdd_ShouldThrow()
            // Arrange
            const int catalogTypeId  = 1;
            const int catalogBrandId = 2;
            var       addCatalogItem = new AddCatalogItem("", "test-description", 123.45m, "picture-uri", catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId);

            MockGetByIdAsync(catalogTypeId, catalogBrandId, new CatalogType("type-1"), new CatalogBrand("brand-1"));
            .Setup(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny <CatalogItem>()))
            .ThrowsAsync(new Exception("db failure"));

            // Act
            var task = new Func <Task <int> >(() => _sut.Handle(addCatalogItem, CancellationToken.None));

            // Assert
            var exceptionAssertions = await task.Should().ThrowAsync <GeneralException>();

            var errors = exceptionAssertions.Subject
                         .Select(x => x.Message)

            errors.Should().Contain($"Failed to add an item");