/// <summary>
        /// Process the incoming data.  This will screen and average the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data to display.</param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Originial Format of the data.</param>
        private void ProcessEnsemble(DataSet.Ensemble data, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // Distribute the dataset to all subscribers
            if (data != null)
                // Publish the ensemble before it is screened and averaged
                _events.PublishOnBackgroundThread(new EnsembleRawEvent(data.Clone(), EnsembleSource.Playback, EnsembleType.Single, origDataFormat));

                // Make a copy of the ensemble to pass to all the views
                DataSet.Ensemble newEnsemble = data.Clone();

                // Lock the ensemble
                lock (newEnsemble.SyncRoot)
                    // Vessel Mount Options
                    VesselMountScreen(ref newEnsemble);

                    // Screen the data
                    _screenDataVM.ScreenData(ref newEnsemble, origDataFormat);

                    // Average the data

                    // Create and Ensembl event
                    EnsembleEvent ensEvent = new EnsembleEvent(newEnsemble, EnsembleSource.Playback);

                    // Publish the ensemble after screening and averging the data

                    // Display the ensemble
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble to send in event.</param>
 /// <param name="source">Source of the ensemble.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Type of ensemble: single or averaged.  Default is SINGLE.</param>
 /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original data forma.</param>
 public EnsembleRawEvent(DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, EnsembleSource source, EnsembleType type = EnsembleType.Single, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat = AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.Binary)
     Ensemble       = ensemble;
     Source         = source;
     Type           = type;
     OrigDataFormat = origDataFormat;
 /// <summary>
 /// Look for the view model for the screen options.
 /// Then pass the ensemble to the VM to be screened.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble to screen.</param>
 /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data format.</param>
 public void ScreenData(ref DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
     if (ensemble != null)
             // Find the VM that matches the configuration
             foreach (ScreenDataViewModel vm in ScreenDataVMList)
                 // Do not rescreen the averaged data
                 // it already has been screen
                 if (vm.Config == ensemble.EnsembleData.SubsystemConfig && vm.Config.Source != EnsembleSource.LTA && vm.Config.Source != EnsembleSource.STA)
                     // Screen the data based off the options in the VM
                     vm.ScreenEnsemble(ref ensemble, origDataFormat);
         catch (Exception e)
             // Ususually an exception occurs here at startup when
             // all the VMs are being created.
             log.Error("Error screening the data.", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process all the ensembles in batches.  This will ensure that not all the data is read
        /// in at one time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index in the total ensemble list.</param>
        /// <param name="batch_size">Batch size.</param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Format of the data.</param>
        private void ProcessEnsembleBatch(long index, uint batch_size, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // Get all the data from the files
            Cache <long, DataSet.Ensemble> data = _pm.SelectedProject.GetEnsembles(index, batch_size);

            // Store the new screened data
            Cache <long, DataSet.Ensemble> screenData = new Cache <long, DataSet.Ensemble>(batch_size);

            // Screen all the data
            for (int x = 0; x < data.Count(); x++)
                // Make a copy of the ensemble to pass to all the views
                DataSet.Ensemble newEnsemble = data.IndexValue(x).Clone();

                lock (newEnsemble.SyncRoot)
                    // Vessel Mount Options
                    VesselMountScreen(ref newEnsemble);

                    // Screen the data
                    _screenDataVM.ScreenData(ref newEnsemble, origDataFormat);

                    // Add the screened ensemble to the list
                    screenData.Add(data.IndexKey(x), newEnsemble);

            // Publish all the ensembles
            //_events.PublishOnBackgroundThread(new BulkEnsembleEvent(screenData, EnsembleSource.Playback));
            _pm.DisplayEnsembleBulk(new BulkEnsembleEvent(screenData, EnsembleSource.Playback));
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the values.
 /// </summary>
 public PlaybackArgs()
     Index          = 0;
     TotalEnsembles = 0;
     Ensemble       = null;
     OrigDataFormat = AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.Binary;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the ensemble to the dictionary.  The ensemble will then
        /// be available to playback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ensembleRaw"></param>
        /// <param name="ensemble"></param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Originl Data format.</param>
        public void AddEnsemble(byte[] ensembleRaw, DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // **********
            // Moved this to eventhandler
            // Not needed when reading in the entire file
            // **********
            // Copy the data
            //var ens = ensemble.Clone();
            //byte[] raw = new byte[ensembleRaw.Length];
            //Buffer.BlockCopy(ensembleRaw, 0, raw, 0, ensembleRaw.Length);

            // Create the velocity vectors for the ensemble
            DataSet.VelocityVectorHelper.CreateVelocityVector(ref ensemble);

            if (ensemble.IsEnsembleAvail)
                // Store the found ensemble to the dictionary
                if (!_ensembleDict.ContainsKey(ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber))
                    _ensembleDict.Add(ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber, new EnsembleData(ensembleRaw, ensemble, origDataFormat));

                    // Find the first ensemble number
                    if (_firstEnsNum == 0 || _firstEnsNum > ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber)
                        _firstEnsNum = ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber;

                    // Find the last ensemble number
                    if (_lastEnsNum < ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber)
                        _lastEnsNum = ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber;
                    if (!_ensembleDict.ContainsKey(_lastEnsNum + ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber))
                        // Create a new ensemble number key based off the last ensemble and add 1
                        _ensembleDict.Add(_lastEnsNum + ensemble.EnsembleData.EnsembleNumber, new EnsembleData(ensembleRaw, ensemble, origDataFormat));
                        // Generate the key from the datetime
                        _ensembleDict.Add((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks, new EnsembleData(ensembleRaw, ensemble, origDataFormat));

            // Set total number of ensembles
            // Subtract because 0 based
            TotalEnsembles = _ensembleDict.Count() - 1;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the ensemble and decode it to output the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ens">Ensemble.</param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data format.</param>
        public void ReceiveEnsemble(DataSet.Ensemble ens, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // Set the buffer size to display data
            // To much data will make the system run slower
            int dataOutputMax = 5000;

            // If the HeadingOffset is set or
            // If they want to retransform the data or
            // They are replacing the heading with GPS heading,
            // The data needs to be retransformed to use the new heading.
            // Retransform the data with the new heading
            // Apply HDT heading if requried and available
            // This will also apply the heading offset
            if (_options.IsRetransformData || _options.IsUseGpsHeading || _options.HeadingOffset != 0)
                // Retransform the Profile datas
                Transform.ProfileTransform(ref ens, origDataFormat, 0.25f, _options.SelectedHeadingSource, _options.HeadingOffset);

                // Retransform the Bottom Track data
                // This will also create the ship data
                Transform.BottomTrackTransform(ref ens, origDataFormat, 0.90f, 10.0f, _options.SelectedHeadingSource, _options.HeadingOffset);

                // WaterMass transform data
                // This will also create the ship data
                if (ens.IsInstrumentWaterMassAvail)
                    Transform.WaterMassTransform(ref ens, origDataFormat, 0.90f, 10.0f, _options.SelectedHeadingSource, _options.HeadingOffset, _options.ShipXdcrOffset);

            // Remove the ship speed
            RemoveShipSpeed(ref ens);

            // Encode the data
            string output = EncodeVelocity(ens);

            // Display data
            DataOutput += output;

            // Send data to serial port

            // Write data to file if turned on

            // Keep the Buffer to a set limit
            if (DataOutput.Length > dataOutputMax)
                DataOutput = DataOutput.Substring(DataOutput.Length - dataOutputMax);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the ensembles.  Look for new subsystem configurations with each ensemble.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ensemble"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="dataFormat"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ProcessEnsemble(Ensemble ensemble, EnsembleSource source, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum dataFormat)
            if (ensemble != null && ensemble.IsEnsembleAvail)
                // Create subsystem config
                ViewSubsystemConfig config = new ViewSubsystemConfig(ensemble.EnsembleData.SubsystemConfig, source);

                // Check if the config exist already
                if (!_dictSsConfig.ContainsKey(config))
                    // Create the viewmodel for each subsystem config/source found
                    DashboardSubsystemConfigViewModel vm = new DashboardSubsystemConfigViewModel(config);

                    // Add the vm to the list
                    _dictSsConfig.Add(config, vm);

                    // Add to the list of subsystems
                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((System.Action) delegate

                    log.Debug(string.Format("Add configuration {0}", config.Config.DescString()));

                    // Select the last config add
                    SelectedSsConfigIndex = SsConfigList.Count();

                    // Pass the ensemble to the viewmodel
                    vm.ProcessEnsemble(ensemble, source);

                    //return config;
                    // Viewmodel already exist, so send the ensemble
                    //DashboardSubsystemConfigViewModel vm = null;
                    //if (_dictSsConfig.TryGetValue(config, out vm))
                    //    vm.ProcessEnsemble(ensemble, source);

                    //return config;

            // Not a valid ensemble
            //return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Display all the data from the project.
        /// </summary>
        private void DisplayAllData()
            // Stop playback if it is playing back
            lock (_playbackIndexLock)
                PlaybackIndex = DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_INDEX;

            if (_pm.IsPlaybackSelected)
                IsLoading = true;

                // Get all the ensembles from the project
                Cache <long, DataSet.Ensemble> data           = _pm.SelectedPlayback.GetAllEnsembles();
                AdcpCodec.CodecEnum            origDataFormat = _pm.SelectedPlayback.GetOrigDataFormat();

                int numEns = _pm.SelectedProject.GetNumberOfEnsembles();

                // We will process in batches of 100
                int  batches    = numEns / 100;
                int  remainder  = numEns % 100;
                long index      = 1;
                uint BATCH_SIZE = 100;

                // Process all the ensembles
                for (int x = 0; x < batches; x++)
                    // Process an ensemble batch
                    ProcessEnsembleBatch(index, BATCH_SIZE, origDataFormat);

                    index += BATCH_SIZE;
                    Debug.WriteLine("PlaybackVeiwModel Batch Number: " + index);

                // Process the remainder of the ensembles not a multiple of 100
                ProcessEnsembleBatch(index, (uint)remainder, origDataFormat);

                // Set new Total ensembles
                _TotalEnsembles = (long)data.Count();
                this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.TotalEnsembles);

                IsLoading = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Screen the ensemble.  Then pass it along to the average layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Raw binary Ensemble.</param>
        /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble object.</param>
        /// <param name="source">Source of the ensemble.</param>
        /// <param name="dataFormat">Format of the ensemble.</param>
        /// <returns>Negative number indicates an error.</returns>
        public int ScreenEnsemble(byte[] data, Ensemble ensemble, EnsembleSource source, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum dataFormat)
            // Fill in for missing data if only Bottom Track is turned on
            FillInMissingWpData(ref ensemble);

            // Screen for bad heading
            ScreenData.ScreenBadHeading.Screen(ref ensemble, _prevHeading);

            // Force 3 Beam Solution
            if (_Options.IsForce3BeamSolution)
                ScreenData.ScreenForce3BeamSolution.Force3BeamSolution(ref ensemble, _Options.Force3BeamSolutionBeam, dataFormat);

            // Force 3 Beam Bottom Track solution
            if (_Options.IsForceBt3BeamSolution)
                ScreenData.ScreenForce3BeamSolution.Force3BottomTrackBeamSolution(ref ensemble, _Options.ForceBt3BeamSolutionBeam, dataFormat);

            // Retransform the data
            if (_Options.IsRetransformData)
                // PD0 has a different cooridiate matrix
                // And the beams are in different positions
                Transform.ProfileTransform(ref ensemble, dataFormat, _Options.RetransformWpCorrThresh, _Options.RetransformHeadingSource, _Options.RetransformHeadingOffset);
                Transform.BottomTrackTransform(ref ensemble, dataFormat, _Options.RetransformBtCorrThresh, _Options.RetransformBtSnrThresh, _Options.RetransformHeadingSource, _Options.RetransformHeadingOffset);

                // WaterMass transform data
                // This will also create the ship data
                if (ensemble.IsInstrumentWaterMassAvail)
                    Transform.WaterMassTransform(ref ensemble, dataFormat, _Options.RetransformBtCorrThresh, _Options.RetransformBtSnrThresh, _Options.RetransformHeadingSource, _Options.RetransformHeadingOffset, 0.0f);

            // Mark Bad Below Bottom
            if (_Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottom)
                ScreenData.ScreenMarkBadBelowBottom.Screen(ref ensemble, _prevBtRange);

            // Remove Ship Speed
            if (_Options.IsRemoveShipSpeed)
                ScreenData.RemoveShipSpeed.RemoveVelocity(ref ensemble, _prevBtEast, _prevBtNorth, _prevBtVert, _Options.IsRemoveShipSpeedBottomTrack, _Options.IsRemoveShipSpeedGps, _Options.RemoveShipSpeedHeadingOffset);
                ScreenData.RemoveShipSpeed.RemoveVelocityInstrument(ref ensemble, _prevShipSpeedX, _prevShipSpeedY, _prevShipSpeedZ, _Options.IsRemoveShipSpeedBottomTrack, _Options.IsRemoveShipSpeedGps, _Options.RemoveShipSpeedHeadingOffset);
                ScreenData.RemoveShipSpeed.RemoveVelocityShip(ref ensemble, _prevShipSpeedTransverse, _prevShipSpeedLongitudinal, _prevShipSpeedNormal, _Options.IsRemoveShipSpeedBottomTrack, _Options.IsRemoveShipSpeedGps, _Options.RemoveShipSpeedHeadingOffset);

                // Create the new velocity vectors based off the new data
                DataSet.VelocityVectorHelper.CreateVelocityVector(ref ensemble);

            // Record the previous ship speed values

            // Pass the ensemble to the Processed Ensemble Layer
            foreach (var vm in IoC.GetAllInstances(typeof(IProcessEnsLayer)))
                ((IRecordEnsLayer)vm).RecordEnsemble(data, ensemble, EnsembleSource.Serial, dataFormat);

Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Process the ensemble.
 /// Cause a blink.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ensemble"></param>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="dataFormat"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void ProcessEnsemble(Ensemble ensemble, EnsembleSource source, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum dataFormat)
     // Cause a blink
        /// <summary>
        /// Screen the ensembles based off the options selected.
        /// The original data format is needed because the Re-Transform will be done
        /// different for PD0 data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble to screen.</param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data format.</param>
        public void ScreenEnsemble(ref DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // Fill in for missing data if only Bottom Track is turned on
            FillInMissingWpData(ref ensemble);

            // Screen for bad heading
            ScreenData.ScreenBadHeading.Screen(ref ensemble, _prevHeading);

            // Force 3 Beam Solution
            if (_Options.IsForce3BeamSolution)
                ScreenData.ScreenForce3BeamSolution.Force3BeamSolution(ref ensemble, _Options.ForceBeamBad, origDataFormat);

            // Force 3 Beam Bottom Track solution
            if (_Options.IsForce3BottomTrackBeamSolution)
                ScreenData.ScreenForce3BeamSolution.Force3BottomTrackBeamSolution(ref ensemble, _Options.ForceBottomTrackBeamBad, origDataFormat);

            // Retransform the data
            if (_Options.IsRetransformData)
                // PD0 has a different cooridiate matrix
                // And the beams are in different positions
                Transform.ProfileTransform(ref ensemble, origDataFormat, _Options.WpCorrThresh, _Options.RetransformHeadingSource, _Options.RetransformHeadingOffset);
                Transform.BottomTrackTransform(ref ensemble, origDataFormat, _Options.BtCorrThresh, _Options.BtSnrThresh, _Options.RetransformHeadingSource, _Options.RetransformHeadingOffset);

                // WaterMass transform data
                // This will also create the ship data
                if (ensemble.IsInstrumentWaterMassAvail)
                    Transform.WaterMassTransform(ref ensemble, origDataFormat, _Options.BtCorrThresh, _Options.BtSnrThresh, _Options.RetransformHeadingSource, _Options.RetransformHeadingOffset, 0.0f);

            // Mark Bad Below Bottom
            if (_Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottom || _Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottomAmplitude || _Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottomCorrelation)
                ScreenData.ScreenMarkBadBelowBottom.Screen(ref ensemble, _prevBtRange, _Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottom, _Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottomAmplitude, _Options.IsMarkBadBelowBottomCorrelation);

            // Mark Bad Above Surface
            if (_Options.IsMarkBadAboveSurface || _Options.IsMarkBadAboveSurfaceAmplitude || _Options.IsMarkBadAboveSurfaceCorrelation)
                ScreenData.ScreenMarkBadAboveSurface.Screen(ref ensemble, _prevRangeTrackRange, _Options.IsMarkBadAboveSurface, _Options.IsMarkBadAboveSurfaceAmplitude, _Options.IsMarkBadAboveSurfaceCorrelation);

            // Remove Ship Speed
            if (_Options.IsRemoveShipSpeed)
                ScreenData.RemoveShipSpeed.RemoveVelocity(ref ensemble, _prevBtEast, _prevBtNorth, _prevBtVert, _Options.CanUseBottomTrackVel, _Options.CanUseGpsVel, _Options.GpsHeadingOffset);
                ScreenData.RemoveShipSpeed.RemoveVelocityInstrument(ref ensemble, _prevShipSpeedX, _prevShipSpeedY, _prevShipSpeedZ, _Options.CanUseBottomTrackVel, _Options.CanUseGpsVel, _Options.GpsHeadingOffset);
                ScreenData.RemoveShipSpeed.RemoveVelocityShip(ref ensemble, _prevShipSpeedTransverse, _prevShipSpeedLongitudinal, _prevShipSpeedNormal, _Options.CanUseBottomTrackVel, _Options.CanUseGpsVel, _Options.GpsHeadingOffset);

                // Create the new velocity vectors based off the new data
                DataSet.VelocityVectorHelper.CreateVelocityVector(ref ensemble);

            // Record the previous ship speed values

            // Record the previous ranges
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the ensemble from the codec.
        /// Then set the ensemble size in bytes
        /// so that the next ensemble can be found quicker.
        /// Set the flag that the ensemble was found.
        /// Then store the ensemble for playback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ensembleRaw">Ensemble binary data.</param>
        /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble object.</param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data format.</param>
        private void _adcpCodec_ProcessDataEvent(byte[] ensembleRaw, DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // Set the length of an ensemble to find the next ensemble
            // quicker
            BytesPerEnsemble = ensembleRaw.Length;

            // Copy the data
            var ens = ensemble.Clone();

            byte[] raw = new byte[ensembleRaw.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ensembleRaw, 0, raw, 0, ensembleRaw.Length);

            AddEnsemble(raw, ens, origDataFormat);
Пример #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Force a specific beam to be bad to do a 3 beam solution.  This will take the beam
            /// from the options to choose the beam to mark bad.  It will then mark the Bottom Track Beam Velocity value
            /// bad for all the bins in the Bottom Track Beam Velocity.  It will then recalculate Bottom Track Earth Velocity data based
            /// off the new Bottom Track Beam Velocity.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble to set bad beam.</param>
            /// <param name="beam">Beam to mark bad.</param>
            /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data Format.</param>
            /// <returns>TRUE = Screening could be done.</returns>
            public static bool Force3BottomTrackBeamSolution(ref DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, int beam, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
                // Verify the data exist
                if (!ensemble.IsEnsembleAvail || !ensemble.IsBottomTrackAvail)

                // Verify the given bad beam exist
                if (beam < 0 || beam > ensemble.BottomTrackData.NumBeams)

                // Set all the velocities to bad for the given bad beam
                ensemble.BottomTrackData.BeamVelocity[beam] = DataSet.Ensemble.BAD_VELOCITY;
                ensemble.BottomTrackData.BeamGood[beam]     = 0;

                // Calculate the new Earth velocities
                Transform.BottomTrackTransform(ref ensemble, origDataFormat);

Пример #15
            /// <summary>
            /// Force a specific beam to be bad to do a 3 beam solution.  This will take the beam
            /// from the options to choose the beam to mark bad.  It will then mark the Beam Velocity value
            /// bad for all the bins in the Beam Velocity.  It will then recalculate Earth Velocity data based
            /// off the new Beam Velocity.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble to set bad beam.</param>
            /// <param name="beam">Beam to mark bad.</param>
            /// <returns>TRUE = Screening could be done.</returns>
            /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data format.</param>
            public static bool Force3BeamSolution(ref DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, int beam, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
                // Verify the data exist
                if (!ensemble.IsEnsembleAvail || !ensemble.IsBeamVelocityAvail || !ensemble.IsGoodBeamAvail)

                // Verify the given bad beam exist
                if (beam < 0 || beam > ensemble.EnsembleData.NumBeams)

                // Set all the velocities to bad for the given bad beam
                for (int bin = 0; bin < ensemble.BeamVelocityData.NumElements; bin++)
                    ensemble.BeamVelocityData.BeamVelocityData[bin, beam] = DataSet.Ensemble.BAD_VELOCITY;
                    ensemble.GoodBeamData.GoodBeamData[bin, beam]         = 0;

                // Calculate the new Earth velocities
                Transform.ProfileTransform(ref ensemble, origDataFormat);

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the ensemble and decode it to output the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ens">Ensemble.</param>
        /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data Format.</param>
        public void ReceiveEnsemble(DataSet.Ensemble ens, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
            // Set the buffer size to display data
            // To much data will make the system run slower
            int dataOutputMax = 5000;

            // Set the maximum bin for bin list
            if (ens.IsEnsembleAvail)
                // If it different from what is now
                if (BinList.Count != ens.EnsembleData.NumBins)
                    // Subtract 1 because 0 based
                    NumBins = ens.EnsembleData.NumBins - 1;

                    // Clear and repopulate
                    for (int x = 0; x < ens.EnsembleData.NumBins; x++)

            // If the HeadingOffset is set or
            // If they want to retransform the data or
            // They are replacing the heading with GPS heading,
            // The data needs to be retransformed to use the new heading.
            // Retransform the data with the new heading
            // Apply HDT heading if requried and available
            // This will also apply the heading offset
            if (_options.IsRetransformData || _options.IsUseGpsHeading || _options.HeadingOffset != 0)
                // Retransform the Profile datas
                Transform.ProfileTransform(ref ens, origDataFormat, 0.25f, _options.SelectedHeadingSource, _options.HeadingOffset);

                // Retransform the Bottom Track data
                // This will also create the ship data
                Transform.BottomTrackTransform(ref ens, origDataFormat, 0.90f, 10.0f, _options.SelectedHeadingSource, _options.HeadingOffset);

                // WaterMass transform data
                // This will also create the ship data
                if (ens.IsInstrumentWaterMassAvail)
                    Transform.WaterMassTransform(ref ens, origDataFormat, 0.90f, 10.0f, _options.SelectedHeadingSource, _options.HeadingOffset, _options.ShipXdcrOffset);

            // Remove the Ship speed from the data
            RemoveShipSpeed(ref ens);

            // Water Track
            if (_options.IsCalculateWaterTrack)
                _manualWT.Calculate(ref ens, _options.WtMinBin, _options.WtMaxBin);

            if (_options.SelectedFormat == DataOutputViewOptions.ENCODING_VMDAS)
                VmDasAsciiCodec.VmDasAsciiOutput output = _codecVmDas.Encode(ens, _options.VmDasMinBin, _options.VmDasMaxBin);

                // Display data
                DataOutput = output.Ascii;

                // Max size of data output buffer
                dataOutputMax = 5000;

                // Send data to serial port

                // Write data to file if turned on

                // Update the Min and Max Bin selection
                if (_options.VmDasMinBin != output.BinSelected.MinBin)
                    MinBin = output.BinSelected.MinBin;

                if (_options.VmDasMaxBin != output.BinSelected.MaxBin)
                    MaxBin = output.BinSelected.MaxBin;
            else if (_options.SelectedFormat == DataOutputViewOptions.ENCODING_PD6_PD13)
                // PD6 or PD13
                EnsToPd6_13Codec.Pd6_13Data output = _codecPd6_13.Encode(ens);

                // Output all the strings
                foreach (var line in output.Data)
                    // Output to display
                    DataOutput += line;

                    // Output to the serial port
                    // Trim it because the serial port adds a carrage return
                    SendDataToSerial(line, false);

                    // Write data to file if turned on

                // Max size of data output buffer
                dataOutputMax = 1000;
            else if (_options.SelectedFormat == DataOutputViewOptions.ENCODING_Binary_ENS)
                // Convert to binary array
                byte[] rawEns = ens.Encode();

                // Output to display
                DataOutput += ens.ToString();

                // Output data to the serial port
                _serialPort.SendData(rawEns, 0, rawEns.Length);

                // Write data to file if turned on

                // Max size of data output buffer
                dataOutputMax = 10000;
            else if (_options.SelectedFormat == DataOutputViewOptions.ENCODING_PD0)
                byte[] pd0 = null;

                switch (_options.SelectedCoordTransform)
                case PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Beam:
                    pd0 = ens.EncodePd0Ensemble(PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Beam);

                case PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Instrument:
                    pd0 = ens.EncodePd0Ensemble(PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Instrument);

                case PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Ship:
                    pd0 = ens.EncodePd0Ensemble(PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Ship);

                case PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Earth:
                    pd0 = ens.EncodePd0Ensemble(PD0.CoordinateTransforms.Coord_Earth);

                // Output to display
                DataOutput += System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(pd0);

                // Output data to serial port
                _serialPort.SendData(pd0, 0, pd0.Length);

                // Write data to file if turned on

                // Max output buffer size
                dataOutputMax = 10000;
            else if (_options.SelectedFormat == DataOutputViewOptions.ENCODING_RETRANSFORM_PD6)

            // Keep the Buffer to a set limit
            if (DataOutput.Length > dataOutputMax)
                DataOutput = DataOutput.Substring(DataOutput.Length - dataOutputMax);
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rawData">Raw binary data.</param>
 /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble data.</param>
 /// <param name="origDataFormat">Original Data format.</param>
 public EnsembleData(byte[] rawData, DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum origDataFormat)
     RawData        = rawData;
     Ensemble       = ensemble;
     OrigDataFormat = origDataFormat;
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the ensemble data from the codec.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binaryEnsemble">Binary ensemble data.</param>
        /// <param name="ensemble">Ensemble object.</param>
        /// <param name="dataFormat">Format the data was decoded.</param>
        private void _codec_ProcessDataEvent(byte[] binaryEnsemble, DataSet.Ensemble ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum dataFormat)
            // Determine the data format
            switch (dataFormat)
            case AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.Binary:                                    // RTB
                _RtbDataBytes += binaryEnsemble.Length;
                log.Debug(string.Format("Binary Codec: Ensemble Size: {0}", binaryEnsemble.Length));

            case AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.DVL:                                       // RTD
                _RtdDataBytes += binaryEnsemble.Length;
                log.Debug(string.Format("DVL Codec: Ensemble Size: {0}", binaryEnsemble.Length));

            case AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.PD0:                                       // PD0
                _Pd0DataBytes += binaryEnsemble.Length;
                log.Debug(string.Format("PD0 Codec: Ensemble Size: {0}", binaryEnsemble.Length));

            case AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.PD6_13:                                       // PD6/13
                _Pd6_13DataBytes += binaryEnsemble.Length;
                log.Debug(string.Format("PD6_13 Codec: Ensemble Size: {0}", binaryEnsemble.Length));

            case AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.PD4_5:                                       // PD4/5
                _Pd4_5DataBytes += binaryEnsemble.Length;
                log.Debug(string.Format("PD4_5 Codec: Ensemble Size: {0}", binaryEnsemble.Length));


            // Pass the data to all Screen layers
            foreach (var vm in IoC.GetAllInstances(typeof(IProcessEnsLayer)))
                ((IProcessEnsLayer)vm).ProcessEnsemble(ensemble, EnsembleSource.Serial, dataFormat);

            // Pass the data to all Record layers
            foreach (var vm in IoC.GetAllInstances(typeof(IRecordEnsLayer)))
                ((IRecordEnsLayer)vm).RecordEnsemble(binaryEnsemble, ensemble, EnsembleSource.Serial, dataFormat);