Пример #1
        static void TestIRR(double[] values, double[] times, double expectedRate, double guess = 0.1)
            double rate = F.IRR(values, times, guess);

            AssertEqual(expectedRate, rate);
            AssertEqual(0, F.PresentValue(rate, values, times)); // IRR(x) is the value of r where NPV(r,x) == 0, so test that
Пример #2
        public void T04_Rates()
            AssertEqual(0.12682503013196972066, F.CompoundRate(0.01, 12));
            AssertEqual(0.44061124131308475614, F.CompoundRate(0.001, 365.25));
            AssertEqual(-.113615128283870719341199, F.CompoundRate(-0.01, 12));
            AssertEqual(0.0040741237836483016054, F.PeriodicRate(0.05, 12));
            AssertEqual(0.00013358911160635399973, F.PeriodicRate(0.05, 365.25));
            AssertEqual(-0.004265318777560644925018, F.PeriodicRate(-0.05, 12));
            AssertEqual(-0.000140423526107102958349, F.PeriodicRate(-0.05, 365.25));

            AssertEqual(.05116189788173318980487, F.EffectiveRate(.05, 12));
            AssertEqual(-.04886993281129903190071, F.EffectiveRate(-.05, 12));
            AssertEqual(.05, F.NominalRate(.05116189788173318980487, 12));
            AssertEqual(-.05, F.NominalRate(-.04886993281129903190071, 12));
            AssertEqual(.04888948540377961926506, F.NominalRate(0.05, 12));

            AssertEqual(-0.02439024390243902439024, F.InvertRate(.025));
            AssertEqual(.025, F.InvertRate(-0.02439024390243902439024));

            AssertEqual(0.004878048780487804878049, F.CombineRates(.03, F.InvertRate(.025)));
            AssertEqual(0.02081738306172299391155, F.CombineRates(.05, F.InvertRate(.0035), F.InvertRate(0.025)));
            AssertEqual(0.02081738306172299391155, F.CombineRates(new[] { .05, F.InvertRate(.0035), F.InvertRate(0.025) }));
            Assert.AreEqual(0.25, F.CombineRates(new[] { .25 }));

            AssertEqual(0.0077014724882020438160, F.Rate(-200, 4 * 12, 8000));
            AssertEqual(0.013910762587407681666, F.Rate(-200, 4 * 12, 8000, -2000));
            AssertEqual(0.0080529819239060342467, F.Rate(-200, 4 * 12, 8000, false));
            AssertEqual(0.014414334213886103585, F.Rate(-200, 4 * 12, 8000, -2000, false));
            AssertEqual(0.0049355932778172330408, F.Rate(50, 21, -1000));
            AssertEqual(-0.06765766138943930352052, F.Rate(100, 10, -1500));
Пример #3
 static void TestInvestment(double rate, double payment, int paymentCount, double presentValue = 0, double futureValue = 0, bool payAtEnd = true)
     AssertEqual(futureValue, F.FutureValue(rate, payment, paymentCount, presentValue, payAtEnd));
     AssertEqual(payment, F.Payment(rate, paymentCount, presentValue, futureValue, payAtEnd));
     AssertEqual(paymentCount, F.Periods(rate, payment, presentValue, futureValue, payAtEnd));
     AssertEqual(presentValue, F.PresentValue(rate, payment, paymentCount, futureValue, payAtEnd));
Пример #4
        static void TestIRR(double[] values, string[] dateStrs, double expectedRate)
            DateTime[] dates = ToDates(dateStrs);
            double     rate  = F.IRR(values, dates);

            AssertEqual(expectedRate, rate);
            AssertEqual(0, F.PresentValue(rate, values, dates)); // IRR(x) is the value of r where NPV(r,x) == 0, so test that
Пример #5
 public void T03_PV()
     AssertEqual(-60716.104029902083489, F.PresentValue(.05 / 12, 0, 10 * 12, 100000));
     TestInvestment(.08 / 12, 500, 12 * 20, -59777.145851188021817);
     TestInvestment(.045 / 12, -1250, 30 * 12, 246701.44876107713821);
     TestInvestment(F.PeriodicRate(.05, 12), -250, 10 * 12, -37699.927708720942270, 100000);
     TestInvestment(0.05 / 12, -1250, 30 * 12, 232852.02130759440896);
     TestInvestment(F.PeriodicRate(.05, 365.25), 1000, 20 * 12, -236177.89990613201544);
     TestInvestment(.09 / 12, 100, 7 * 12, -6262.0119295608783911, 0, false);
     TestInvestment(.05 / 12, -100, 10 * 12, -51248.685101108485610, 100000, false);
     TestInvestment(-.05 / 12, -100, 10 * 12, -149498.8168650295333123, 100000, false);
     TestInvestment(0, 100, 10, 0, -1000);
Пример #6
        public void T01_IRR()
            // test periodic IRR
            TestIRR(new[] { -70000d, 12000, 15000, 18000, 21000, 26000 }, 0.086630948036531614293);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10000d, 2750, 4250, 3250, 2750 }, 0.11541278310055859438);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10000d, 2750, -4250, 3250, 2750 }, -0.20311190538966381366);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, 10, 20 }, 1);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, -1, 1 }, -0.72984378812835756568);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, 10 }, 0);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, 100 }, 9);
            TestIRR(new[] { -100d, 10, 10, 10, 10, -90, 20, 20, 20, 20, 120, 10, 10, 10, 10, 110 }, 0.1);
            TestIRR(new[] { -1000d, -4000, 5000, 2000 }, 0.2548201113387211);

            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(new[] { 1d }));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(new[] { -10000d, 2750, -4250, 3250, -2750 }));

            // test non-periodic IRR
            TestIRR(new[] { -10000d, 2750, 4250, 3250, 2750 }, new[] { "2008/1/1", "2008/3/1", "2008/10/30", "2009/2/15", "2009/4/1" },
            TestIRR(new[] { -10000d, 2750, -4250, 3250, 2750 }, new[] { "2008/1/1", "2008/3/1", "2008/10/30", "2009/2/15", "2009/4/1" },
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, 10, 20 }, new[] { "2000/1/1", "2002/1/2", "2003/1/3" }, 0.52007207699370034614);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, -1, 1 }, new[] { "2000/1/1", "2002/1/2", "2003/1/3" }, -0.60624440874805840070);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10d, 10 }, new[] { "2000/1/1", "2003/1/1" }, 0);
            TestIRR(new[] { -10.01, 21, -11, 1 }, new[] { 0d, 1, 2, 300 }, 0.086330243649776002292, 0.022); // test the need for bracketing

            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(new[] { 1d }, ToDates("2000/1/1")));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(new[] { -10d, 10 }, ToDates("2000/1/1", "2000/1/1")));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(new[] { -10d, 100 }, ToDates("2000/1/1", "2000/1/1")));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(new[] { -10000d, 2750, -4250, 3250, -2750 }, ToDates("2008/1/1", "2008/3/1", "2008/10/30", "2009/2/15", "2009/4/1")));

            // test the modified IRR
            AssertEqual(0.17908568603489275993, F.ModifiedIRR(new[] { -1000d, -4000, 5000, 2000 }, 0.1, 0.12));
            AssertEqual(0.17908568603489275993, F.ModifiedIRR(new[] { 5000d, -1000, 2000, -4000 }, 0.1, 0.12));
            AssertEqual(-0.02027768631762256020441, F.ModifiedIRR(new[] { -1d, -4, 3, 1 }, 0.1, 0.12));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.ModifiedIRR(new[] { 5000d, 1000, 2000, 4000 }, 0.1, 0.12));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.ModifiedIRR(new[] { -100d, -200, -300 }, 0.1, 0.12));

            // test simple IRR based on periodic growth with two values
            AssertEqual(0.0013246290443537750297885, F.IRR(72, 10000, 11000));
            AssertEqual(-0.0013228767234238282709869, F.IRR(72, 11, 10));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.IRR(10, 10, 10));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.IRR(10, 0, 0));
            AssertEqual(-1, F.IRR(1, 10, 0));
            AssertEqual(-1, F.IRR(10, 1, 0));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.IRR(2, 0, 1));
Пример #7
        public void T02_FV()
            TestInvestment(.01, -1000, 12, 0, 12682.503013196972066);
            TestInvestment(.05 / 12, -500, 10 * 12, 0, 77641.139722833964102);
            TestInvestment(.02 / 12, 0, 5 * 12, -10000, 11050.789265308194982);
            TestInvestment(F.PeriodicRate(.05, 12), -500, 10 * 12, -3000, 82068.264531065282197);
            TestInvestment(.03, 1000, 5, 0, -5468.4098843, false);
            TestInvestment(.06 / 12, -200, 10, -500, 2581.4033740601791537, false);
            TestInvestment(.09 / 12, -100, 7 * 12, 0, 11730.013040950889105, false);
            TestInvestment(0, -100, 10, -1000, 2000);
            TestInvestment(0, 100, 10, -1000, 0, false);
            TestInvestment(-0.1, 100, 10, -10000, 2835.462841100002151506487);

            AssertEqual(-40, F.FutureValue(0.1, new[] { -100d, 10, 10, 10, 10, 70 }));
            AssertEqual(31.6712, F.FutureValue(0.1, new[] { 2d, 3, 5 }.Concat(new[] { 7d, 11 }))); // try a non IList<T>
            AssertEqual(41.902, F.FutureValue(-0.1, new[] { -100d, 10, 10, 10, 10, 70 }));
Пример #8
        public void T07_InterestPrincipal()
            AssertEqual(-2083.3333333333333333333333, F.Interest(.05 / 12, 0, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-600.77478172736159080912956, F.Principal(.05 / 12, 0, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-1694.6263435829236801337996, F.Interest(.05 / 12, 120, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-989.48177147777124400866327, F.Principal(.05 / 12, 120, 30 * 12, 500000));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.Interest(0, 120, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-1388.8888888888888888888889, F.Principal(0, 120, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(366.7471384570263007182, F.Interest(-.05 / 12, 10, 100, 100000));
            AssertEqual(-1170.784888340898589609, F.Principal(-.05 / 12, 10, 100, 100000));

            AssertEqual(-24832.470652890942184703259, F.CumulativeInterest(.05 / 12, 0, 12, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-7376.8267278373969050062960, F.CumulativePrincipal(.05 / 12, 0, 12, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-855.63460516596849487786568, F.CumulativeInterest(.05 / 12, 29 * 12, 12, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-31353.662775562370594831689, F.CumulativePrincipal(.05 / 12, 29 * 12, 12, 30 * 12, 500000));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.CumulativeInterest(0, 29 * 12, 12, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(-16666.666666666666666666667, F.CumulativePrincipal(0, 29 * 12, 12, 30 * 12, 500000));
            AssertEqual(2127.714029484451706242, F.CumulativeInterest(-.05 / 12, 10, 6, 100, 100000));
            AssertEqual(-6951.940528787685439586, F.CumulativePrincipal(-.05 / 12, 10, 6, 100, 100000));
Пример #9
        public void T05_Periods()
            AssertEqual(60.082122853761722554, F.Periods(0.01, -100, -1000, 10000, true));
            AssertEqual(59.673865674294625588, F.Periods(0.01, -100, -1000, 10000, false));
            AssertEqual(-9.5785940398131666704, F.Periods(0.01, -100, -1000, 0));
            AssertEqual(28.911809737480831494, F.Periods(0.01, 100, -1000, -2000));
            AssertEqual(8.6690930741204999513, F.Periods(0.01, 100, 1000, -2000, false));
            AssertEqual(10.802372638626807957, F.Periods(.05 / 12, -1000, 100000) / 12);
            AssertEqual(3.8598661626226451824, F.Periods(F.PeriodicRate(.025, 12), 0, -2000, 2200) / 12);
            AssertEqual(14.51957583084954867337, F.Periods(-.05 / 12, 100, -1500));
            AssertEqual(10, F.Periods(-0.06765766138943930352052, 100, -1500));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.Periods(0.01, 100, -1000, 1000));

            TestInvestment(0, -100, 10, 1000);
            TestInvestment(0, -100, 30, 1000, 2000);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.Periods(0, -100, 1000, -1000));

            Assert.AreEqual(0, F.Periods(0, 0, 1000, 1000));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.Periods(0, 0, 1000, 2000));
            Assert.IsNaN(F.Periods(0, 0, 1000, -2000));