static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //GlobalService.User = AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"); if (Environment.UserName.Substring(0, 2).ToLower() == "hk") { GlobalService.User = AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"); } else { GlobalService.User = AdUtil.getUsername("kmas.local"); } GlobalService.HardwareList = DataUtil.GetHardwareList(); GlobalService.SoftwareList = DataUtil.GetSoftwareList(); GlobalService.QaList = DataUtil.GetQaList(); GlobalService.ITList = new List <string>(); GlobalService.ITList.AddRange(new string[] { UserUtil.ItUserName1(), UserUtil.ItUserName3(), UserUtil.ItUserName2(), UserUtil.ItUserName4() }); //GlobalService.ITList.AddRange(new string[] { "Yeung Wai, Gabriel (楊偉)", "Lee Ming Fung(李銘峯)", "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)", "Chan Fai Lung(陳輝龍,Onyx)" }); //Application.Run(new Form2()); //Application.Run(new Main()); Application.Run(new Main2()); }
public FaApprovalView() { InitializeComponent(); user = AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"); this.LoadData(); Application.Idle += new EventHandler(Application_Idle); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); /*OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); * * if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) * { * DataTable table = ImportExcel2007.TranslateToTable(ofd.FileName); * * foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) * { * string id = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim(); * string group = row.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim(); * * string query = string.Format("update tb_vendor set v_group = '{0}' where v_id = '{1}'", group, id); * DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); * } * }*/ GlobalService.Owner = AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"); //GlobalService.Owner = "Cato Yeung Pui Kwan (楊沛昆)"; //GlobalService.IPO1st = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; //GlobalService.IPO2nd = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; GlobalService.IPO1st = "Poon Nga Wai(潘雅慧,Anna)"; GlobalService.IPO2nd = "Cheng Chong Wah(鄭創華)"; //Application.Run(new testform()); if (GlobalService.Owner == "Cheng Chong Wah(鄭創華)") { Application.Run(new MainSimple()); } else { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { DataTable vendorTable = new DataTable(); vendorTable = ImportXlsUtil.TranslateToTable(filename); foreach (DataRow row in vendorTable.Rows) { string vendorcode = row.ItemArray[0].ToString(); string vendorname = row.ItemArray[1].ToString(); string pgroup = row.ItemArray[2].ToString(); string detail = row.ItemArray[3].ToString(); string paycurr = row.ItemArray[4].ToString(); string payterm = row.ItemArray[5].ToString(); string request = row.ItemArray[6].ToString(); string edi = row.ItemArray[7].ToString(); string remarks = row.ItemArray[8].ToString(); if (vendorcode.Length == 9) { vendorcode = "0" + vendorcode; } vendorname = vendorname.Replace("'", ""); string query = string.Format("if exists (select * from tb_vendor where v_code = '{0}') update tb_vendor set v_name = '{1}', v_group = '{2}'" + ", v_detail = '{3}', v_paycurr = '{4}', v_payterm = '{5}', v_request = '{6}', v_edi = '{7}', v_remarks = '{8}' where v_code = '{0}'" + " else insert into tb_vendor (v_code, v_name, v_group, v_detail, v_paycurr, v_payterm, v_request, v_edi, v_remarks) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}')", vendorcode, vendorname, pgroup, detail, paycurr, payterm, request, edi, remarks); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); } string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Vendor", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), "-", "Master Uploaded"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Data uploaded"); }
private void modify() { //table.Rows.Add(); int lastId = 0; string text = "select top 1 tm_id from tb_betamould order by tm_id desc"; GlobalService.reader = DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(text); while (GlobalService.reader.Read()) { lastId = GlobalService.reader.GetInt32(0); } GlobalService.reader.Close(); GlobalService.reader.Dispose(); lastId = lastId + 1; string strChaseNo = DataChecking.getLastChaseNo(); string itemcode = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); string rev = (Convert.ToInt32(DataChecking.getLastRev(itemcode)) + 1).ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(rev) < 10) { rev = "0" + rev; } string mouldno = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); string status = "Modify"; string type = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[10].Value.ToString(); string currency = DataChecking.getCurrency(dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString()); string amount = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[13].Value.ToString(); string mpa = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[15].FormattedValue.ToString(); string vendor = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string vendorname = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string mouldcode = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[11].Value.ToString(); string qstatus = ""; //string owner = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[13].Value.ToString(); string oemasset = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[18].Value.ToString(); string remarks = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[19].Value.ToString(); string category = ""; string commonstatus = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[20].Value.ToString(); string purchasegroup = dgvQuotation.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); if (DataChecking.amountWithRate(currency, amount) < 10000) { category = "K"; if (vendor != "" && mouldcode != "" && mouldno != "" && itemcode != "" && rev != "" && amount != "") { qstatus = "U"; } else { qstatus = "Q"; } } else { category = "A"; if (vendor != "" && mouldcode != "" && mouldno != "" && itemcode != "" && rev != "" && amount != "" && oemasset == "") { qstatus = "F"; } else if (vendor != "" && mouldcode != "" && mouldno != "" && itemcode != "" && rev != "" && amount != "" && oemasset != "") { qstatus = "U"; category = "K"; } else { qstatus = "Q"; } } string amounthkd = DataChecking.amountWithRate(currency, amount).ToString("#.##"); string kdcstatus = DataChecking.getKdcStatus(qstatus); string currentstatus = DataChecking.getCurrentStatus(qstatus); string createdperson = AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"); string createddatetime = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string accountcode = ""; string costcentre = ""; if (oemasset != "") { accountcode = DataChecking.getAccountCode(oemasset); costcentre = DataChecking.getCostCentre(oemasset); } else { } table.Rows.Add(new object[] { lastId, currentstatus, strChaseNo, vendor, vendorname, purchasegroup, itemcode, rev, mouldno, status, type, mouldcode, currency, amount, amounthkd, mpa, qstatus, kdcstatus, oemasset, remarks, commonstatus, createdperson, createddatetime }); string itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+" + status; string projecttext = itemcode + "-" + rev; string request = itemcode + rev; string quantity = ""; if (mpa == "True") { quantity = "2"; } else { quantity = "1"; } string model = itemcode.Substring(2, 3); string common = DataChecking.getCommon(mouldno, itemcode); string insertText = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', '{22}', '{23}', '{24}')", strChaseNo, mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, type, currency, amount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, quantity, itemtext, projecttext, request, "KDTHK", category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText); lblTotal.Text = "ROWS COUNT: " + dgvQuotation.Rows.Count; }
public SplashForm() { InitializeComponent(); string domain = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName; //GlobalService.User = domain == "kmhk.local" ? AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local") : ""; string currentUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.ToUpper(); //string currentUser = Environment.UserDomainName.ToUpper(); if (currentUser.StartsWith("KMHK")) { GlobalService.User = AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"); GlobalService.DbTable = "TB_" + AdUtil.GetUserIdByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"); } else if (currentUser.StartsWith("KMAS")) { //GlobalService.User = AdUtil.getUsername("kmas.local"); //GlobalService.DbTable = "TB_" + AdUtil.GetUserIdByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmas.local"); string tb = currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600048" ? "hk070022" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600049" ? "hk110017" //: currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600050" ? "hk040015" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600051" ? "hk160002" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600053" ? "hk950330" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600054" ? "hk110023" //: currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600055" ? "hk120027" //: currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600056" ? "hk140005" : ""; : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600056" ? "hk140005" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700059" ? "hkit001" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700060" ? "hkit002" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700061" ? "hkit003" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS060701057" ? "hkit004" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700063" ? "AS1700063" : ""; GlobalService.DbTable = "TB_" + tb; string name = currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600048" ? "Chow Chi To(周志滔,Sammy)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600049" ? "Ling Wai Man(凌慧敏,Velma)" //: currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600050" ? "Chan Fai Lung(陳輝龍,Onyx)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600051" ? "Ng Lau Yu, Lilith (吳柳如)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600053" ? "Lee Miu Wah(李苗華)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600054" ? "Lee Ming Fung(李銘峯)" //: currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600055" ? "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1600056" ? "Yeung Wai, Gabriel (楊偉)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700059" ? "Darli Yeung Sheung Yu (楊尚儒)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700060" ? "Donovan Chan Wing Shing (陳永成)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700061" ? "Cash Tsang Yuk Kam (曾旭鑫)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS1700063" ? "Cato Yeung Pui Kwan (楊沛昆)" : currentUser == @"KMAS\AS060701057" ? "Nakata" : ""; GlobalService.User = name; } else { throw new Exception("User does not belongs to KMHK or KMAS"); } //GlobalService.User = "******"; //GlobalService.User = "******"; //GlobalService.DbTable = "TB_hk950193"; if (!worker.IsBusy) { worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
sendToFile() { DataTable pdfTable = new DataTable(); pdfTable.Columns.Add("Chase No."); pdfTable.Columns.Add("Item Text"); pdfTable.Columns.Add("Item Code"); pdfTable.Columns.Add("Ringi"); pdfTable.Columns.Add("Vendor"); List <int> indexList = new List <int>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvRingiItemList.Rows) { string isSelected = row.Cells[13].FormattedValue.ToString(); if (isSelected == "True") { string chaseno = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim(); string mouldno = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string rev = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string currency = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string amount = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString(); string amounthkd = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString(); string itemtext = row.Cells[7].Value.ToString(); string itemcode = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); string ringi = row.Cells[9].Value.ToString(); string vendor = row.Cells[8].Value.ToString(); string vendorname = DataChecking.getVendorName(vendor); string resultVendor = vendor + " " + vendorname; string remarks = row.Cells[12].Value.ToString(); string ringitext = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_ringi_code = '{0}', tm_modify = 'Yes', tm_ringiRemarks = '{1}' where tm_chaseno = '{2}'", ringi.Trim(), remarks, chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(ringitext); string inserttext = string.Format("insert into tb_ringirelations (rr_chaseno, rr_mouldno, rr_itemcode, rr_rev, rr_ringi) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, ringi.Trim()); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(inserttext); string updatetext = string.Format("update tb_ringi set rg_balance = convert(decimal,rg_balance) - convert(decimal,'{0}') where rg_no = '{1}'", amounthkd, ringi.Trim()); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(updatetext); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", "-", ringi, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), chaseno, "Assign Ringi"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); string delText = string.Format("delete from tb_tempringi where tmp_chaseno = '{0}'", chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(delText); string expenseText = string.Format("update tb_expensetransfer set et_ringino = '{0}' where et_chaseno = '{1}'", ringi.Trim(), chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(expenseText); pdfTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { chaseno, itemtext, itemcode, ringi, resultVendor }); } else { continue; } } foreach (DataColumn col in pdfTable.Columns) { Debug.WriteLine("Column: " + col); } foreach (DataRow row in pdfTable.Rows) { Debug.WriteLine(row.ItemArray[0].ToString() + row.ItemArray[1].ToString() + row.ItemArray[2].ToString() + row.ItemArray[3].ToString() + row.ItemArray[4].ToString()); } ExportPdfUtil.ExportFixedAssetCode(pdfTable); Process.Start(""); this.loadData(); }
private void transferWithoutFee(List <TransferNoFeeList> list) { if (list.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { string listChaseno = list[i].ChaseNo; string listMouldno = list[i].MouldNo; string listItemcode = list[i].ItemCode; string query = string.Format("select tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_mpa, tm_fixedassetcode, tm_tmpfixedassetcode" + ", tm_qty, tm_common, tm_request, tm_projecttext, tm_category, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_owner, tm_vendor_code, tm_pcs" + " from tb_betamould where tm_chaseno = '{0}'", listChaseno); string mouldno = "", itemcode = "", rev = "", status = "", type = "", currency = "", mpa = ""; string fac = "", tmpfac = "", qty = "", common = "", request = "", indate = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string projecttext = "", category = "", vendor = "", mouldcode = "", owner = "", fromVendor = "", pcs = ""; GlobalService.reader = DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query); while (GlobalService.reader.Read()) { mouldno = GlobalService.reader.GetString(0); itemcode = GlobalService.reader.GetString(1); rev = GlobalService.reader.GetString(2); status = GlobalService.reader.GetString(3); type = GlobalService.reader.GetString(4); mpa = GlobalService.reader.GetString(5); fac = GlobalService.reader.GetString(6); tmpfac = GlobalService.reader.GetString(7); qty = GlobalService.reader.GetString(8); common = GlobalService.reader.GetString(9); request = GlobalService.reader.GetString(10); projecttext = GlobalService.reader.GetString(11); category = GlobalService.reader.GetString(12); mouldcode = GlobalService.reader.GetString(13); owner = GlobalService.reader.GetString(14); fromVendor = GlobalService.reader.GetString(15); pcs = GlobalService.reader.GetString(16); } GlobalService.reader.Close(); GlobalService.reader.Dispose(); string tStatus = ""; if (status == "New") { tStatus = "TM"; } else { tStatus = "TM+Modify"; } string itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+" + tStatus; string chaseno = DataChecking.getLastChaseNo(); string tmpPo = chaseno.Replace("MS", "TM"); string transferChaseNo = DataChecking.getLastTransferNo(); vendor = txtVendorAfter.Text; currency = DataChecking.getCurrency(vendor); string text = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency" + ", tm_amount, tm_amounthkd, tm_mpa, tm_fixedassetcode, tm_tmpfixedassetcode, tm_common, tm_itemtext, tm_request, tm_indate" + ", tm_projecttext, tm_po, tm_category, tm_vendor_code, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_st_code, tm_transfer, tm_owner, tm_qty" + ", tm_createdby) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', '{22}', '{23}', '{24}', '{25}'", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, tStatus, type, currency, "0", "0", mpa, fac, tmpfac, common, itemtext, request, indate, projecttext, tmpPo, category, vendor, mouldcode, "P", transferChaseNo, owner, qty, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local")); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mainMouldNo = lblMouldNo.Text; string mainItemCode = lblItemcode.Text; string mainText = string.Format("if not exists (select * from tb_relationcommon where rc_itemcode = '{1}') begin" + " insert into tb_relationcommon (rc_oldmouldno, rc_itemcode, rc_newmouldno) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}') end", mainMouldNo, mainItemCode, mainMouldNo); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(mainText); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvResult.Rows) { string mouldnocommon = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string itemcode = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); string vendor = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string mouldcode = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string newOld = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString(); string oemasset = row.Cells[7].Value.ToString(); string remarks = row.Cells[8].Value.ToString(); string mouldnoold = row.Cells[9].Value.ToString(); string query = string.Format("insert into tb_relationcommon (rc_oldmouldno, rc_itemcode, rc_newmouldno) values " + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}')", mouldnoold, itemcode, mouldnocommon); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string commandText = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_common = 'Common', tm_type = 'Common', tm_modify = 'Yes', tm_moulditemviewer = 'Yes' where tm_mouldno = '{0}'", lblMouldNo.Text); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(commandText); if (newOld == "New") { string projectText = itemcode + "-01"; string request = itemcode + "01"; string itemText = mouldnoold + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+New"; string currency = DataChecking.getCurrency(vendor); string group = DataChecking.getVendorGroup(vendor); string chaseno = DataChecking.getLastChaseNo(); string inserttext = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_group) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', '{22}', '{23}')", chaseno, mouldnocommon, itemcode, "01", "New", currency, "0", "0", "False", mouldcode, vendor, "S", "1", itemText, projectText, request, "KDTHK", "K", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), "Common", oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), group); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(inserttext); } else { string updateText = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_common = 'Common', tm_modify = 'Yes', tm_moulditemviewer = 'Yes' where tm_mouldno = '{0}' and tm_itemcode = '{1}'", mouldnoold, itemcode); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(updateText); } } MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); if (formClose != null) { formClose(this, new EventArgs()); } }
private void RollBack2() { string po = txtPO.Text; if (!IsPOExist(po)) { MessageBox.Show("PO does not exist."); return; } if (!IsPOInStock(po)) { MessageBox.Show("PO : " + po + " does not in In-Stock status."); return; } string query = ""; if (rbtnK.Checked) { query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_st_code = 'K', tm_instockdate = '#N/A', tm_instockdate50 = case when tm_mpa = 'True' then 'Yes' else '#N/A' end where tm_po = '{0}'", po); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string chaseno = DataChecking.GetChaseNoByPO(po); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "In Stock", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, "Roll Back"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); } else if (rbtnPRpass.Checked) { query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_st_code = 'PR', tm_instockdate = 'Received', tm_instockdate50 = N'一回合格入庫' where tm_po = '{0}'", po); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string chaseno = DataChecking.GetChaseNoByPO(po); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "In Stock", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, "Roll Back"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); } else if (rbtnPRfail.Checked) { query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_st_code = 'PR', tm_instockdate = '#N/A', tm_instockdate50 = 'Received' where tm_po = '{0}'", po); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string chaseno = DataChecking.GetChaseNoByPO(po); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "In Stock", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, "Roll Back"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); } else if (rbtnHS.Checked) { query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_st_code = 'HS', tm_instockdate = '#N/A' where tm_po = '{0}'", po); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string chaseno = DataChecking.GetChaseNoByPO(po); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "In Stock", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, "Roll Back"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select one of the option"); return; } }
private void RollBack() { string po = this.txtPO.Text; if (!IsPOExist(po)) { MessageBox.Show("PO does not exist."); return; } if (!IsPOInStock(po)) { MessageBox.Show("PO : " + po + " does not in In-Stock status."); return; } switch (MessageBox.Show("You are trying to roll back PO : " + po + " from In-Stock status. Are you sure to do it?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes: string query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_st_code = 'K', tm_instockdate = '#N/A', tm_instockdate50 = case when tm_mpa = 'True' then 'Yes' else '#N/A' end where tm_po = '{0}'", po); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string chaseno = DataChecking.GetChaseNoByPO(po); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "In Stock", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, "Roll Back"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; break; case System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No: break; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sourceChaseNo = lblChaseno.Text; string mouldno = txtMouldno.Text; string itemcode = txtItemcode.Text; string rev = txtRev.Text; decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtAmount.Text); string oemasset = txtOemasset.Text; string remarks = txtRemarks.Text; string pcs = txtPcs.Text; string type = txtType.Text; //string owner = txtOwner.Text; string owner = cbOwner.SelectedItem.ToString(); string pgroup = cbGroup.SelectedItem.ToString(); string vendor = txtVendor.Text; string mouldcode = txtMouldCode.Text; string model = gModel; if (rev.Length == 1) { rev = "0" + rev; } string modify = ""; if (ckbModify.Checked) { modify = "True"; } else { modify = "False"; } bool mpa; if (ckbMpa.Checked) { mpa = true; } else { mpa = false; } if (!DataChecking.isValidVendor(vendor)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid vendor code"); return; } if (!DataChecking.isValidMouldCode(mouldcode)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid mould code"); return; } string curr = ""; string year = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy"); string month = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"); string jpyrate = DataChecking.getJpyRate(year, month); if (lblCurrency.Text.Contains("JPY")) { curr = "JPY"; } else { curr = DataChecking.getCurrency(vendor); } decimal calAmount = 0; if (lblCurrency.Text.Contains("JPY")) { calAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(amount) * Convert.ToDecimal(jpyrate); } else { calAmount = DataChecking.amountWithRate(curr, amount.ToString()); } string itemtext = ""; if (!mpa) { itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+Modify"; } else { itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+Modify*"; } string projecttext = itemcode + "-" + rev; string request = itemcode + rev; decimal tmpAmount = amount / Convert.ToInt32(pcs); //string currency = DataChecking.getCurrency(vendor); //string common = DataChecking.getCommon(mouldno, itemcode); string common = DataChecking.getCommonByMouldNo(mouldno); string quantity = ""; calAmount = calAmount / Convert.ToInt32(pcs); string amounthkd = calAmount.ToString("#.##"); quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(amounthkd) >= 10000 && mpa ? "2" : "1"; string qstatus = ""; string category = "A"; decimal tax = 0; string chaseno = sourceChaseNo.StartsWith("CM") ? DataChecking.GetLastCnChaseNo() : DataChecking.getLastChaseNo(); string accountcode = sourceChaseNo.StartsWith("CM") ? "" : "5005020002"; string costcentre = sourceChaseNo.StartsWith("CM") ? "" : "1404000029"; if (sourceChaseNo.StartsWith("CM")) { qstatus = "U"; amounthkd = "-"; double ta = Convert.ToDouble(amount); category = ta >= 5000 ? "A" : "K"; tax = Convert.ToDecimal(ta * 0.17); } else { if (calAmount < 10000) { if (calAmount == 0) { qstatus = "K"; } else { qstatus = "U"; } category = "K"; } else { if (mouldcode.StartsWith("8") && mouldcode != "8") { qstatus = "U"; category = "K"; } else if (oemasset != "") { qstatus = "U"; category = "K"; } else { qstatus = "F"; accountcode = ""; costcentre = ""; category = "A"; } } } if (oemasset != "") { if (oemasset.Length == 1) { oemasset = "0" + oemasset; } if (!DataChecking.validOem(oemasset)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid OEM"); return; } accountcode = DataChecking.getAccountCode(oemasset); costcentre = DataChecking.getCostCentre(oemasset); } //string model = itemcode.Substring(2, 3); string insertText = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_accountcode, tm_costcentre, tm_ismodify, tm_pcs) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', N'{22}', N'{23}', '{24}', '{25}', '{26}', '{27}', '{28}', '{29}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, "Modify", type, curr, amount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, quantity, itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, accountcode, costcentre, modify, pcs); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', N'{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), chaseno, "Modify Item"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); if (formClose != null) { formClose(this, new EventArgs()); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvQuotationDetail.Rows) { string mouldno = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string itemcode = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string rev = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); string model = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string status = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string currency = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString(); string amount = row.Cells[7].Value.ToString(); string mpa = row.Cells[8].FormattedValue.ToString(); string vendor = row.Cells[9].Value.ToString(); string mouldcode = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString(); string oemasset = row.Cells[10].Value.ToString(); string remarks = row.Cells[11].Value.ToString(); //string setmould = row.Cells[11].Value.ToString(); string accountcode = row.Cells[12].Value.ToString(); string costcentre = row.Cells[13].Value.ToString(); string pcs = row.Cells[14].Value.ToString(); string pgroup = cbGroup.SelectedItem.ToString(); string modify = row.Cells[15].FormattedValue.ToString(); string setitemcode = row.Cells[16].Value.ToString(); string vnonly = row.Cells[17].Value.ToString(); string cnvnonly = row.Cells[18].Value.ToString(); string owner = row.Cells[19].Value.ToString().Trim(); string is50 = row.Cells[20].Value.ToString().Trim(); string projecttext = itemcode + "-" + rev; string request = itemcode + rev; string chaseno = owner == "KDTCN" ? DataChecking.GetLastCnChaseNo() : DataChecking.getLastChaseNo(); string itemtext = ""; string type = "Single"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setitemcode) && setitemcode != "" && setitemcode != "N/A") { type = "Set"; } string instockdate50 = ""; if (mpa == "False") { itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+" + status; instockdate50 = "#N/A"; } else { itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+" + status + "*"; instockdate50 = "Yes"; } string quantity = ""; string qstatus = ""; string category = "A"; decimal calAmount = 0; string year = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy"); string month = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"); string jpyrate = DataChecking.getJpyRate(year, month); if (transferMode == "From KDC") { calAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(amount) * Convert.ToDecimal(jpyrate); } else { calAmount = DataChecking.amountWithRate(currency, amount); } string amounthkd = calAmount.ToString("#.##"); quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(amounthkd) >= 10000 && mpa == "True" ? "2" : "1"; int piece = Convert.ToInt32(pcs); calAmount = calAmount / piece; string po = ""; decimal tax = 0; if (owner == "KDTCN") { qstatus = "U"; amounthkd = "-"; double ta = Convert.ToDouble(amount); category = ta >= 5000 ? "A" : "K"; tax = Convert.ToDecimal(ta * 0.17); } else { if (calAmount < 10000) { if (calAmount == 0) { qstatus = "K"; } else { qstatus = "U"; } category = "K"; } else { if (mouldcode.StartsWith("8") && mouldcode != "8") { qstatus = "U"; category = "K"; } else if (oemasset != "") { qstatus = "U"; category = "K"; } else { qstatus = "F"; } } if (status == "TM") { qstatus = "T"; if (calAmount < 10000) { category = "K"; } else { category = "A"; qstatus = "F"; } po = chaseno.Replace("MS", "TM"); } } string common = "Non-Common"; string insertText = ""; if (accountcode == "N/A") { accountcode = ""; } if (costcentre == "N/A") { costcentre = ""; } if ((mpa == "True" || is50 == "Yes") && owner == "KDTCN") { //double tmAmount = Convert.ToDouble(amount) / 2; //double tmTax = Convert.ToDouble(tax) / 2; if (!itemtext.EndsWith("*")) { itemtext = itemtext + "*"; } insertText = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_accountcode, tm_costcentre, tm_ismodify, tm_instockdate50, tm_pcs, tm_po, tm_vnonly, tm_cnvnonly, tm_is50, tm_tax, tm_checkdate2) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', N'{22}', N'{23}', '{24}', '{25}', '{26}', '{27}', '{28}', '{29}', '{30}', '{31}', '{32}', '{33}', '{34}', '{35}', '{36}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, type, currency, amount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, "1", itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, accountcode, costcentre, modify, instockdate50, pcs, po, vnonly, cnvnonly, is50, tax, pgroup); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText); /*string is50ChaseNo = DataChecking.GetLastCnChaseNo(); * * string insertText2 = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + * ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_accountcode, tm_costcentre, tm_ismodify, tm_instockdate50, tm_pcs, tm_po, tm_vnonly, tm_cnvnonly, tm_is50, tm_tax, tm_checkdate2) values" + * " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', N'{22}', N'{23}', '{24}', '{25}', '{26}', '{27}', '{28}', '{29}', '{30}', '{31}', '{32}', '{33}', '{34}', '{35}', '{36}')", is50ChaseNo, mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, type, * currency, tmAmount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, "1", itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, accountcode, costcentre, modify, instockdate50, pcs, po, vnonly, cnvnonly, is50, tmTax, pgroup); * DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText2);*/ } else { insertText = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_accountcode, tm_costcentre, tm_ismodify, tm_instockdate50, tm_pcs, tm_po, tm_vnonly, tm_cnvnonly, tm_is50, tm_tax, tm_checkdate2) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', N'{22}', N'{23}', '{24}', '{25}', '{26}', '{27}', '{28}', '{29}', '{30}', '{31}', '{32}', '{33}', '{34}', '{35}', '{36}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, type, currency, amount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, quantity, itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, accountcode, costcentre, modify, instockdate50, pcs, po, vnonly, cnvnonly, is50, tax, pgroup); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setitemcode) && setitemcode != "" && setitemcode != "N/A") { string setText = string.Format("if not exists (select * from tb_setcommon where sc_itemcode = '{0}' and sc_mouldno = '{1}') begin" + " insert into tb_setcommon (sc_itemcode, sc_mouldno, sc_oldmouldno, sc_type) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{1}', 'Set') end", setitemcode, mouldno, mouldno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(setText); } if (oemasset != "") { string oemcontent = DataChecking.getOemContent(oemasset); string vendorname = DataChecking.getVendorName(vendor); string query = String.Format("insert into tb_expensetransfer(et_date, et_asset, et_partno, et_rev, et_mouldno, et_type, et_mouldcode, et_cur, et_amount" + ", et_vendorcode, et_vendor, et_chaseno, et_remarks) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'" + ", '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}')", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), oemcontent, itemcode, rev, mouldno, status, mouldcode, currency, amount, vendor, vendorname, chaseno, remarks); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); } /*if (setmould == "False") * { * insertText = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + * ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_accountcode, tm_costcentre) values" + * " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', '{22}', '{23}', '{24}', '{25}', '{26}', '{27}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, type, * currency, amount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, quantity, itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, accountcode, costcentre); * DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText); * } * else * { * insertText = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + * ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_oemasset, tm_rm, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_accountcode, tm_costcentre) values" + * " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', '{22}', '{23}', '{24}', '{25}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, "Set", * currency, amount, amounthkd, mpa, mouldcode, vendor, qstatus, quantity, itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, oemasset, remarks, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, accountcode, costcentre); * DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(insertText); * * string updateText = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_status = 'Set' where tm_mouldno = '{0}'", mouldno); * DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(updateText); * * }*/ string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', N'{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, "New Item"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); if (transferMode != "From Vendor") { string tmchaseno = chaseno.Replace("MS", "TM"); string ownerbefore = cbFromOwner.SelectedItem.ToString(); this.saveTransferHistory(mouldno, itemcode, rev, status, ownerbefore, "KDTHK", vendor, vendor, amount, tmchaseno); } } MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); if (formClose != null) { formClose(this, new EventArgs()); } }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { foreach (DataRow datarow in potable.Rows) { string chaseno = datarow[0].ToString(); string vendor = datarow[4].ToString(); string purchaserequest = datarow[6].ToString(); string po = datarow[7].ToString(); string porev = datarow[8].ToString(); string paydate = "-----"; if (!po.StartsWith("TM")) { if (porev.Length == 2) { po = po + "000" + porev; } else { po = po + "00" + porev; } } //string status = DataChecking.getStatusCodeByPo(po); string status = DataChecking.getStatusByChaseno(chaseno); string query = ""; if (status == "K") { query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_po = '{0}', tm_porev = '{1}', tm_poissued = '{2}'" + ", tm_modify = 'Yes', tm_moulditemviewer = 'Yes', tm_purchaserequest = '{4}' where tm_chaseno = '{5}'", po, porev, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") , purchaserequest, chaseno); } else { query = string.Format("update tb_betamould set tm_st_code = case when tm_status = 'New' then 'P' else 'K' end, tm_po = '{0}', tm_porev = '{1}', tm_poissued = '{2}'" + ", tm_modify = 'Yes', tm_moulditemviewer = 'Yes', tm_purchaserequest = '{3}' where tm_chaseno = '{4}'", po, porev, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") , purchaserequest, chaseno); } DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string text = string.Format("update tb_expensetransfer set et_pono = '{0}', et_poissued = '{1}' where et_chaseno = '{2}'", po, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "PO Issued", "-", po, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), chaseno, "PO Issued"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void saveLogRecord() { string logText = ""; if (oMouldno != txtMouldno.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oMouldno, txtMouldno.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oItemCode != txtItemcode.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oItemCode, txtItemcode.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oRev != txtRev.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oRev, txtRev.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oStatus != cbDiv.SelectedItem.ToString()) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oStatus, cbDiv.SelectedItem.ToString(), AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oAmount != txtAmount.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oAmount, txtAmount.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } string mpa = ""; if (ckbMpa.Checked) { mpa = "True"; } else { mpa = "False"; } if (oMpa != mpa) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oMpa, mpa, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oOemAsset != txtOemasset.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oOemAsset, txtOemasset.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oRemarks != txtRemarks.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oRemarks, txtRemarks.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oVendor != txtVendor.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oVendor, txtVendor.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } if (oMouldCode != txtMouldCode.Text) { logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Quotation", oMouldCode, txtMouldCode.Text, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), lblChaseno.Text, "Edit Data"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvTransferPreview.Rows) { string selected = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(); string mouldno = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string mouldcode = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); string itemcode = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string latestrec = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string rev = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString(); string vendor = row.Cells[8].Value.ToString(); string remarks = row.Cells[9].Value.ToString(); if (selected == "True") { string text = string.Format("select tm_fixedassetcode from tb_betamould where tm_mouldno = '{0}' and tm_fixedassetcode != '' and tm_fixedassetcode not like '%,%' and tm_fixedassetcode not like '%VC%'", mouldno); GlobalService.reader = DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(text); List <string> falist = new List <string>(); while (GlobalService.reader.Read()) { string fa = GlobalService.reader.GetString(0); falist.Add(fa); } GlobalService.reader.Close(); GlobalService.reader.Dispose(); string faremarks = ""; string category = "K"; if (falist.Count == 0) { faremarks = ""; } else if (falist.Count == 1) { faremarks = falist[0].ToString(); category = "A"; } else { faremarks = string.Join(",", falist.ToArray()); category = "A"; } string chaseno = DataChecking.getLastChaseNo(); string transferChaseno = chaseno.Replace("MS", "TM"); string pgroup = DataChecking.getVendorGroup(vendor); string latestStatus = DataChecking.getLastStatus(mouldno, itemcode); string itemtext = mouldno + "MP+" + mouldcode + "+TM"; string type = "TM"; string ismodify = "False"; string projecttext = itemcode + "-" + rev; string request = itemcode + rev; string quantity = "1"; string amount = "0"; string currency = DataChecking.getCurrency(vendor); string status = "T"; string owner = "KDTHK"; string common = "Non-Common"; string model = itemcode.Length == 10 ? itemcode.Substring(3, 3) : mouldno.Substring(1, 3); string oldvendor = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString(); //DataChecking.getVendorByMouldItem(mouldno, itemcode); string pcs = row.Cells[10].Value.ToString(); //DataChecking.getPcsByMouldItem(mouldno, itemcode); string query = string.Format("insert into tb_betamould (tm_chaseno, tm_mouldno, tm_itemcode, tm_rev, tm_status, tm_type, tm_currency, tm_amount, tm_amounthkd" + ", tm_mpa, tm_mouldcode_code, tm_vendor_code, tm_st_code, tm_qty, tm_itemtext, tm_projecttext, tm_request, tm_owner, tm_category, tm_indate, tm_common, tm_createdby, tm_model, tm_group, tm_po, tm_faremarks, tm_pcs, tm_ismodify, tm_fixedassetcode, tm_rm) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}', '{18}', '{19}', '{20}', '{21}', '{22}', '{23}', '{24}', '{25}', '{26}', '{27}', '{28}', '{29}')", chaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, type, "Single", currency, amount, amount, "False", mouldcode, vendor, status, quantity, itemtext, projecttext, request, owner, category, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), common, AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), model, pgroup, transferChaseno, faremarks, pcs, ismodify, faremarks, remarks); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); this.saveTransferHistory(transferChaseno, mouldno, itemcode, rev, type, owner, owner, oldvendor, vendor, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), chaseno, faremarks, remarks); } else { continue; } } MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved"); dgvTransferPreview.Rows.Clear(); }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { DataTable worktable = (DataTable)e.Argument; foreach (DataRow datarow in worktable.Rows) { string mouldcode = datarow[0].ToString().Trim(); string type = datarow[1].ToString(); string contentjp = datarow[2].ToString(); string contenteng = datarow[3].ToString(); string contentchin = datarow[4].ToString(); string itemgroup = datarow[5].ToString(); string commandText = string.Format("if exists (select * from tbm_mouldcode where mc_mouldcode = '{0}') update tbm_mouldcode set mc_type = '{1}'" + ", mc_contentjp = N'{2}', mc_contenteng = N'{3}', mc_contentchin = N'{4}', mc_itemgroup = '{5}' where mc_mouldcode = '{0}' else insert into tbm_mouldcode" + " (mc_mouldcode, mc_type, mc_contentjp, mc_contenteng, mc_contentchin, mc_itemgroup) values ('{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', N'{3}', N'{4}', '{5}')", mouldcode, type, contentjp, contenteng, contentchin, itemgroup); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(commandText); //string commandText = string.Format("insert into tbm_mouldcode (mc_mouldcode, mc_type, mc_contentjp, mc_contenteng, mc_contentchin, mc_itemgroup" + // " values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}')", mouldcode, type, contentjp, contenteng, contentchin, itemgroup); } string logText = string.Format("insert into tb_log (log_module, log_fromvalue, log_tovalue, log_user, log_datetime, log_chaseno, log_message) values" + " ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')", "Mould Code", "-", "-", AdUtil.getUsername("kmhk.local"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), "-", "Master Uploaded"); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(logText); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); validData = false; } }