Пример #1
        internal override void ProcessMappingsFromRowValues(RowValues values)
            AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation();

            values.ConvertToEntity(this, Mappings);
        internal override void ProcessMappingsFromRowValues(RowValues values)
            AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation();

            values.ConvertToEntity(this, Mappings);
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                Service = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData);

                // To discover all remarketing lists that the user can associate with ad groups in the current account (per CustomerAccountId header),
                // set RemarketingListIds to null when calling the GetRemarketingLists operation.

                var remarketingLists = (await GetRemarketingListsAsync(null)).RemarketingLists;

                // You must already have at least one remarketing list for the remainder of this example.
                // The Bing Ads API does not support remarketing list add, update, or delete operations.

                if (remarketingLists.Count < 1)

                // Add an ad group in a campaign. The ad group will later be associated with remarketing lists.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        Name                = "Women's Shoes" + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Description         = "Red shoes line.",
                        BudgetType          = BudgetLimitType.MonthlyBudgetSpendUntilDepleted,
                        MonthlyBudget       = 1000.00,
                        TimeZone            = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",
                        DaylightSaving      = true,
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name           = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        AdDistribution = AdDistribution.Search,
                        BiddingModel   = BiddingModel.Keyword,
                        PricingModel   = PricingModel.Cpc,
                        StartDate      = null,
                        EndDate        = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        SearchBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09
                        Language            = "English",
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,

                        // Applicable for all remarketing lists that are associated with this ad group. TargetAndBid indicates
                        // that you want to show ads only to people included in the remarketing list, with the option to change
                        // the bid amount. Ads in this ad group will only show to people included in the remarketing list.
                        RemarketingTargetingSetting = RemarketingTargetingSetting.TargetAndBid

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await AddCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, campaigns);

                long?[]      campaignIds    = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();
                OutputCampaignsWithPartialErrors(campaigns, campaignIds, campaignErrors);

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await AddAdGroupsAsync((long)campaignIds[0], adGroups);

                long?[]      adGroupIds    = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();
                OutputAdGroupsWithPartialErrors(adGroups, adGroupIds, adGroupErrors);

                // If the campaign or ad group add operations failed then we cannot continue this example.

                if (addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds == null || addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.Count < 1)

                var adGroupRemarketingListAssociations = new List <AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation>();

                // This example associates all of the remarketing lists with the new ad group.

                foreach (var remarketingList in remarketingLists)
                    if (remarketingList.Id != null)
                        var adGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation
                            AdGroupId         = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                            BidAdjustment     = 20.00,
                            RemarketingListId = (long)remarketingList.Id,
                            Status            = AdGroupRemarketingListAssociationStatus.Paused


                        OutputStatusMessage("\nAssociating the following remarketing list with the ad group.\n");

                var addAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse = await AddAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(adGroupRemarketingListAssociations);

                var getAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse = await GetAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(new[] { (long)adGroupIds[0] });

                foreach (var adGroupRemarketingListAssociation in getAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse.AdGroupRemarketingListAssociations)
                    OutputStatusMessage("\nThe following ad group remarketing list association was added.\n");

                // You can store the association IDs which can be used to update or delete associations later.

                var associationIds = addAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse.AssociationIds;

                // If the associations were added and retrieved successfully let's practice updating and deleting one of them.

                if (associationIds != null && associationIds.Count > 0)
                    var updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation
                        AdGroupId     = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                        BidAdjustment = 10.00,
                        Id            = associationIds[0],
                        Status        = AdGroupRemarketingListAssociationStatus.Active,

                    var updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse =
                        await UpdateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation[] { updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation });

                    var deleteAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse =
                        await DeleteAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation[] { updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation });

                // Delete the campaign, ad group, and ad group remarketing list associations that were previously added.
                // The remarketing lists will not be deleted.
                // You should remove this line if you want to view the added entities in the
                // Bing Ads web application or another tool.

                await DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(String.Format("Deleted CampaignId {0}\n", campaignIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #4
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                Service = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData);

                // Before you can track conversions or target audiences using a remarketing list,
                // you need to create a UET tag in Bing Ads (web application or API) and then
                // add the UET tag tracking code to every page of your website. For more information, please see
                // Universal Event Tracking at https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bing-ads-universal-event-tracking-guide.aspx.

                // First you should call the GetUetTagsByIds operation to check whether a tag has already been created.
                // You can leave the TagIds element null or empty to request all UET tags available for the customer.

                var uetTags = (await GetUetTagsByIdsAsync(null)).UetTags;

                // If you do not already have a UET tag that can be used, or if you need another UET tag,
                // call the AddUetTags service operation to create a new UET tag. If the call is successful,
                // the tracking script that you should add to your website is included in a corresponding
                // UetTag within the response message.

                if (uetTags == null || uetTags.Count < 1)
                    var uetTag = new UetTag
                        Description = "My First Uet Tag",
                        Name        = "New Uet Tag",
                    uetTags = (await AddUetTagsAsync(new[] { uetTag })).UetTags;

                if (uetTags == null || uetTags.Count < 1)
                        string.Format("You do not have any UET tags registered for CustomerId {0}.\n", authorizationData.CustomerId)

                OutputStatusMessage("List of all UET Tags:\n");
                foreach (var uetTag in uetTags)

                // After you retreive the tracking script from the AddUetTags or GetUetTagsByIds operation,
                // the next step is to add the UET tag tracking code to your website. We recommend that you,
                // or your website administrator, add it to your entire website in either the head or body sections.
                // If your website has a master page, then that is the best place to add it because you add it once
                // and it is included on all pages. For more information, please see
                // Universal Event Tracking at https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bing-ads-universal-event-tracking-guide.aspx.

                // We will use the same UET tag for the remainder of this example.
                var tagId = uetTags[0].Id;

                // Add a remarketing list that depend on the UET Tag Id retreived above.

                var addRemarketingLists = new[] {
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with CustomEventsRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with CustomEventsRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        Rule     = new CustomEventsRule
                            // The type of user interaction you want to track.
                            Action         = "play",
                            ActionOperator = StringOperator.Contains,
                            // The category of event you want to track.
                            Category         = "video",
                            CategoryOperator = StringOperator.Contains,
                            // The name of the element that caused the action.
                            Label         = "trailer",
                            LabelOperator = StringOperator.Contains,
                            // A numerical value associated with that event.
                            // Could be length of the video played etc.
                            Value         = 5.00m,
                            ValueOperator = NumberOperator.Equals,
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // ((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y))
                        // or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsRule
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y))
                        // or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z)))
                        // and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule
                            ExcludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "A"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "B"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            IncludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl NotEquals Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or
                        // ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z)))
                        // and (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule
                            AnotherRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "A"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "B"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId

                var addRemarketingListsResponse = await AddRemarketingListsAsync(addRemarketingLists);

                var updateRemarketingLists = new [] {
                    new RemarketingList
                        Id = addRemarketingListsResponse.RemarketingListIds[0],
                        // The ParentId cannot be updated, even if you update the rule type.
                        // You can either send the same value or leave ParentId empty.
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        Rule     = new CustomEventsRule
                            // For both add and update remarketing list operations, you must include one or more
                            // of the following events:
                            // Action, Category, Label, or Value.

                            // For example if you do not include Action during update,
                            // any existing ActionOperator and Action settings will be deleted.
                            Action = null,
                            //ActionOperator = null,
                            Category         = "video",
                            CategoryOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // You cannot update the operator unless you also include the expression.
                            // The following attempt to update LabelOperator will result in an error.
                            Label         = null,
                            LabelOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // You must specify the previous settings unless you want
                            // them replaced during the update conversion goal operation.
                            Value         = 5.00m,
                            ValueOperator = NumberOperator.Equals,
                        // The Scope cannot be updated, even if you update the rule type.
                        // You can either send the same value or leave Scope empty.
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        // You can update the tag as needed. In this example we will explicitly use the same UET tag.
                        // To keep the UET tag unchanged, you can also leave this element nil or empty.
                        TagId = tagId,
                    new RemarketingList
                        // You can change the remarketing rule type e.g. in this example a remarketing list
                        // with the PageVisitorsRule had been created above at index 1.
                        // Now we are using the returned identifier at index 1 to update the type from
                        // PageVisitorsRule to PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule.
                        Id   = addRemarketingListsResponse.RemarketingListIds[1],
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule
                            // If you want to keep any of the previous rule items,
                            // then you must explicitly set them again during update.
                            ExcludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            // If you leave the entire list of rule item groups null,
                            // then previous settings will be retained.
                            IncludeRuleItemGroups = null,
                    new RemarketingList
                        Id   = addRemarketingListsResponse.RemarketingListIds[2],
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsRule
                            // If you want to keep any of the previous rule items,
                            // then you must explicitly set them again during update.
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                    new RemarketingList
                        Id = addRemarketingListsResponse.RemarketingListIds[3],
                        MembershipDuration = 20,
                        // If not specified during update, the previous rule settings are retained.
                        Rule = null,

                var updateRemarketingListsResponse = await UpdateRemarketingListsAsync(updateRemarketingLists);

                // You must already have at least one remarketing list for the remainder of this example.

                if (addRemarketingListsResponse.RemarketingListIds.Count < 1)

                // Add an ad group in a campaign. The ad group will later be associated with remarketing lists.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        Name        = "Women's Shoes " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Description = "Red shoes line.",

                        // You must choose to set either the shared  budget ID or daily amount.
                        // You can set one or the other, but you may not set both.
                        BudgetId      = null,
                        DailyBudget   = 50,
                        BudgetType    = BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,
                        BiddingScheme = new EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme(),

                        TimeZone       = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",
                        DaylightSaving = true,

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name           = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        AdDistribution = AdDistribution.Search,
                        BiddingModel   = BiddingModel.Keyword,
                        PricingModel   = PricingModel.Cpc,
                        StartDate      = null,
                        EndDate        = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        SearchBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09
                        Language            = "English",
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,

                        // Applicable for all remarketing lists that are associated with this ad group. TargetAndBid indicates
                        // that you want to show ads only to people included in the remarketing list, with the option to change
                        // the bid amount. Ads in this ad group will only show to people included in the remarketing list.
                        RemarketingTargetingSetting = RemarketingTargetingSetting.TargetAndBid

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await AddCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, campaigns);

                long?[]      campaignIds    = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();
                OutputCampaignsWithPartialErrors(campaigns, campaignIds, campaignErrors);

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await AddAdGroupsAsync((long)campaignIds[0], adGroups);

                long?[]      adGroupIds    = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();
                OutputAdGroupsWithPartialErrors(adGroups, adGroupIds, adGroupErrors);

                // If the campaign or ad group add operations failed then we cannot continue this example.

                if (addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds == null || addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.Count < 1)

                var adGroupRemarketingListAssociations = new List <AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation>();

                // This example associates all of the remarketing lists with the new ad group.

                var getRemarketingListIds = new List <long>();
                foreach (var listId in addRemarketingListsResponse.RemarketingListIds)
                var remarketingLists = (await GetRemarketingListsAsync(getRemarketingListIds, RemarketingListAdditionalField.Rule)).RemarketingLists;

                foreach (var remarketingList in remarketingLists)
                    if (remarketingList.Id != null)
                        var adGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation
                            AdGroupId         = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                            BidAdjustment     = 20.00,
                            RemarketingListId = (long)remarketingList.Id,
                            Status            = AdGroupRemarketingListAssociationStatus.Paused


                        OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Associating the following remarketing list with AdGroup Id {0}.\n", (long)adGroupIds[0]));

                var addAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse = await AddAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(adGroupRemarketingListAssociations);

                var getAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse = await GetAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(new[] { (long)adGroupIds[0] });

                foreach (var adGroupRemarketingListAssociation in getAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse.AdGroupRemarketingListAssociations)
                    OutputStatusMessage("The following ad group remarketing list association was added.\n");

                // You can store the association IDs which can be used to update or delete associations later.

                var associationIds = addAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse.AssociationIds;

                // If the associations were added and retrieved successfully let's practice updating and deleting one of them.

                if (associationIds != null && associationIds.Count > 0)
                    var updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation
                        AdGroupId     = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                        BidAdjustment = 10.00,
                        Id            = associationIds[0],
                        Status        = AdGroupRemarketingListAssociationStatus.Active,

                    var updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse =
                        await UpdateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation[] { updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation });

                    var deleteAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsResponse =
                        await DeleteAdGroupRemarketingListAssociationsAsync(new AdGroupRemarketingListAssociation[] { updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation });

                // Delete the campaign, ad group, and ad group remarketing list associations that were previously added.
                // The remarketing lists will not be deleted.
                // You should remove this line if you want to view the added entities in the
                // Bing Ads web application or another tool.

                await DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Campaign Id {0}\n", campaignIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)