public void RemoteTwitchLogin(Security s, string username, ref string pCode) { if (username.ToLower().EndsWith("")) { var remoteLogin = "******"; var isRemoteLoginOnline = false; try { var twitchKey = Util.GetSetting("TwitchKey", "dsigbsd9uFSdsg897gasiu%%$#*gas79%*gakisfaf"); remoteLogin = Http.Get("" + Crypto.Encrypt(username, twitchKey) + "&EncPassword="******"&EncRemembered=" + Crypto.Encrypt(Crypto.Decrypt(pCode), twitchKey)); isRemoteLoginOnline = true; } catch { } var localPerson = new ActiveRecord(Security.PersonTableName, Security.PersonTableName + "ID"); var personExists = localPerson.LoadData(new Sql("where Email = ", username.SqlizeText())); // If twitch is online and rejects the user login, then setup to fail the login if (isRemoteLoginOnline && remoteLogin == "Failed") { pCode = "invalid user " + Crypto.Random(); s.ResultMessage = "Invalid Twitch login"; if (personExists) { localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = false; localPerson.Save(); } } if (remoteLogin != "Failed") { if (!personExists) { localPerson["FirstName"].ValueObject = remoteLogin.Split("|")[0]; localPerson["LastName"].ValueObject = remoteLogin.Split("|")[1] + "*"; localPerson["Email"].ValueObject = username; localPerson["Role"].ValueObject = "administrators,superadmins,developers"; localPerson["Password"].ValueObject = Security.CreateSecuredPassword(RandomPassword.Generate(5, 7)); localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = true; localPerson.Save(); s.ResultMessage = "Logged in via Twitch"; } else { // log user in with existing account localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = true; localPerson.Save(); s.ResultMessage = "Logged in via Twitch, using local person"; } pCode = Security.DecryptPassword(localPerson["Password"].ToString()); } } }
//public class GalleryCategoryYearsViewModel { // public Page ContentPage; //} //public ActionResult GalleryCategoryYears(Page contentPage) { // var model = new GalleryCategoryYearsViewModel(); // model.ContentPage = contentPage; // return View(model); //} #endif public ActionResult TrackingGif(string guid) { var sql = new Sql("select * from MailLog where TrackingGuid = ", guid.SqlizeText()); var record = new ActiveRecord("MailLog", "MailLogID"); if (record.LoadData(sql)) { record["DateViewTracked"].ValueObject = DateTime.Now; record.Save(); } var str = "R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=="; var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(str); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; Response.BinaryWrite(bytes); return(null); }
public ActionResult Index( string tn //tablename encrypted , string rid //record id encrypted , string cn //col name encrypted , string vl //value un-encrypted value ) { var tablename = Crypto.Decrypt(tn); //tablename var recordid = Crypto.DecryptID(rid); //record id var colname = Crypto.Decrypt(cn); //col name var value = vl; var data = new ActiveRecord(tablename, tablename + "ID"); data.LoadData(new Sql("select * from ", tablename.SqlizeName(), " where " + tablename + "id=", recordid, "")); if (data != null) //rec exists { var field = data.GetFieldByName(colname); SqlizedValue dbvalue; if (field.ColumnType.Equals("int", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { dbvalue = value.ToIntOrDie(); } else if (field.ColumnType.Equals("nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { dbvalue = value.SqlizeText(); } else if (field.ColumnType.Equals("datetime", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { dbvalue = value.SqlizeDate(); } else { dbvalue = value.SqlizeText(); //not allowed, unrecognised type? } (new Sql("update ", tablename.SqlizeName(), "set ", colname.SqlizeName(), "=", dbvalue, " where " + tablename + "id=", recordid, "")).Execute(); } return(Content("OK")); }