Пример #1
        private static void magix_web_get_file(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            Node dp = Dp(e.Params);

            if (!ip.ContainsValue("file"))
                throw new ArgumentException("you need to supply a [file] parameter");

            if (!ip["file"].ContainsValue("url"))
                throw new ArgumentException("you need to supply which file to load as the [url] parameter");

            string filepath = Expressions.GetExpressionValue <string>(ip["file"]["url"].Get <string>(), dp, ip, false);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath))
                throw new ArgumentException("you need to define which file to load, as [url]");

            DownloadFile(ip, filepath);
Пример #2
        private static void p5_crypto_get_public_key(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // House cleaning
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) {
                // Getting key ID to look for
                string keyID = e.Args.GetExValue <string> (context, null);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyID))
                    throw new LambdaException("No ID given to use for looking up key", e.Args, context);

                // Creating new GnuPG context
                using (var ctx = new GnuPrivacyContext()) {
                    // Looping through each public key in GnuPG database
                    foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing idxRing in ctx.PublicKeyRingBundle.GetKeyRings())
                        // Looping through each key in keyring
                        foreach (PgpPublicKey idxPublicKey in idxRing.GetPublicKeys())
                            // Checking if this is the requested key
                            if (idxPublicKey.KeyId.ToString("X") == keyID)
                                // This is the key we're looking for
                                using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                                    using (var armored = new ArmoredOutputStream(memStream)) {
                                    memStream.Position = 0;
                                    var sr = new StreamReader(memStream);
                                    e.Args.Value = sr.ReadToEnd();
        public void p5_web_widgets_find_ancestor(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Sanity check.
                if (e.Args.Children.Count(ix => ix.Name != "") == 0)
                    throw new LambdaException("No criteria submitted to [" + e.Name + "]", e.Args, context);
                if (e.Args.Value == null)
                    throw new LambdaException("No starting widget submitted to [" + e.Name + "]", e.Args, context);

                // Setting up a result node, to avoid modifying our args before all iteration is finished
                // Notice, if we hadn't done this, then each match would create a new (bogus) criteria, meaning there could never be more than one match.
                var retVal = new Node();

                // Iterating start widget(s) to start searching for criteria amongst ancestor widgets.
                foreach (var idxStartWidgetId in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args))
                    // Retrieving start widget from where to start searching for widgets matching criteria.
                    var startControl = FindControl <Widget> (idxStartWidgetId, Manager.AjaxPage);

                    // Retrieving all widgets having properties matching whatever criteria are supplied.
                    foreach (var idxWidget in FindWidgetsMatchingCriteria(e.Args, startControl, context, e.Name.Contains("-like"), true))
                        // Adding type of widget as name, and ID of widget as value.
                        retVal.FindOrInsert(idxStartWidgetId).Add(GetTypeName(idxWidget), idxWidget.ID);

                        // Checking if caller only wants one result for each starting widget.
                        if (e.Name.Contains("-first"))
Пример #4
        public static void p5_csv_lambda2csv(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args)) {
                // Loops through all documents we're supposed to transform, and stuffing into temporary StringBuilder.
                var  builder = new StringBuilder();
                bool first   = true;
                foreach (var idxLambda in XUtil.Iterate <Node> (context, e.Args))
                    var content = "";
                    if (first)
                        // Adding headers.
                        foreach (var idxInnerHeader in idxLambda.Children)
                            content += idxInnerHeader.Name + ",";
                        builder.Append(content.Substring(0, content.Length - 1) + "\r\n");
                        first = false;

                    // Adding values.
                    content = "";
                    foreach (var idxInner in idxLambda.Children)
                        var value = idxInner.Get <string> (context);
                        if (value.Contains(","))
                            content += "\"" + value.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\",";
                            content += value + ",";
                    builder.Append(content.Substring(0, content.Length - 1) + "\r\n");
                e.Args.Value = builder.ToString();
Пример #5
        static void p5_hyperlisp_get_object_value_date(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            if (e.Args.Value is DateTime)
            var strValue = e.Args.Get <string> (context);

            if (strValue != null)
                switch (strValue.Length)
                case 10:
                    e.Args.Value = DateTime.ParseExact(strValue, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                case 16:
                    e.Args.Value = DateTime.ParseExact(strValue, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                case 19:
                    e.Args.Value = DateTime.ParseExact(strValue, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                case 23:
                    e.Args.Value = DateTime.ParseExact(strValue, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    throw new ArgumentException("date; '" + strValue + "' is not recognized as a valid date");
                throw new LambdaException(
                          "Don't know how to convert that to a date",
Пример #6
        public static void magix_execute_open(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            if (!ip.ContainsValue("name"))
                throw new ArgumentException("[open] needs a [name] parameter");

            Node   dp          = Dp(e.Params);
            string activeEvent = Expressions.GetExpressionValue <string>(ip["name"].Get <string>(), dp, ip, false);

            if (!ip.Contains("persist") || ip["persist"].Get <bool>())
                DataBaseRemoval.Remove(activeEvent, "magix.execute.open", e.Params);

                Node saveNode = new Node("magix.data.save");
                saveNode["id"].Value             = Guid.NewGuid();
                saveNode["value"]["event"].Value = activeEvent;
                saveNode["value"]["type"].Value  = "magix.execute.open";

                BypassExecuteActiveEvent(saveNode, e.Params);
Пример #7
        public static void magix_execute_else_if(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params, true);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            // checking syntax

            // making sure previous [if] or [else-if] didn't execute before we run comparison to see if we should execute body of [else-if]
            if (!CheckState(e.Params))
                // checking to see if next keyword is [else] or [else-if], and if not, we remove signaling state ("_state_if") from state
                Node next = ip.Next();
                if (next == null || (next.Name != "else-if" && next.Name != "magix.execute.else-if" &&
                                     next.Name != "else" && next.Name != "magix.execute.else"))
                    PopState(e.Params, ip);
Пример #8
        private static void p5_crypto_delete_public_key(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // House cleaning
            using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Creating new GnuPG context
                using (var ctx = new GnuPrivacyContext()) {
                    // Signaler boolean
                    bool somethingWasRemoved = false;
                    var  bundle = ctx.PublicKeyRingBundle;

                    // Looping through each ID given by caller
                    foreach (var idxId in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args, true))
                        // Looping through each public key ring in GnuPG database until we find given ID
                        foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing idxPublicKeyRing in bundle.GetKeyRings())
                            // Looping through each key in keyring
                            foreach (PgpPublicKey idxPublicKey in idxPublicKeyRing.GetPublicKeys())
                                if (idxId == idxPublicKey.KeyId.ToString("X"))
                                    // Removing entire keyring, and signaling to save keyring bundle
                                    somethingWasRemoved = true;
                                    bundle = PgpPublicKeyRingBundle.RemovePublicKeyRing(bundle, idxPublicKeyRing);

                                    // Breaking inner most foreach

                    // Checking to see if something was removed, and if so, saving GnuPG context
                    if (somethingWasRemoved)
         * Raise the Active Event with the specified name, with the given args (if any), within the given application context.
        internal Node RaiseEvent(ApplicationContext context, Node args, string activeEventName)
            try {
                // Constructing EventArgs to pass into event handler.
                // If no Node is null, we create a new Node, such that event handlers are never given null node, and can return
                // values, even though caller did not pass in a Node into handler.
                var e = new ActiveEventArgs(activeEventName, args ?? new Node());

                // Checking if we have any Active Event handlers for the given name.
                if (_events.ContainsKey(activeEventName))
                    // Looping through all Active Events handlers for the given Active Event name, invoking all methods handling event.
                    // Notice, we must iterate the events using "ToList", since an Active Event, theoretically, might create a new Active Event,
                    // invalidating the enumerator for our foreach loop.
                    foreach (var idxMethod in _events[activeEventName].ToList())
                        idxMethod.Item1.Invoke(idxMethod.Item2, new object [] { context, e });

                // Then iterating through all "null Active Event handlers" afterwards, and invoking these handlers.
                if (_events.ContainsKey(""))
                    // Active Event was not protected, and we have a "null event handler".
                    foreach (var idxMethod in _events[""].ToList())
                        idxMethod.Item1.Invoke(idxMethod.Item2, new object [] { context, e });

                // Returning results of invocation of event to caller.
            } catch (TargetInvocationException err) {
                // Making sure we transform reflection exceptions into actual exceptions thrown.

                // Never reached, but needed for compiler to not choke, since it doesn't realize the above invocation to Capture will always throw ...!!
Пример #10
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_public_get(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Using common helper to iterate all public keyrings matching filter.
            PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpPublicKeyRing keyring) {
                // Retrieving fingerprint of currently iterated key, and returning to caller.
                var key         = keyring.GetPublicKey();
                var fingerprint = Fingerprint.FingerprintString(key.GetFingerprint());
                var node        = e.Args.Add(fingerprint).LastChild;

                // Returning public key as armored ASCII.
                using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                    using (var armored = new ArmoredOutputStream(memStream)) {
                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    var sr             = new StreamReader(memStream);
                    node.Value         = sr.ReadToEnd();
            }, false);
Пример #11
        public static void p5_mongo_insert(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Looping through each document to insert
            foreach (var idx in XUtil.Iterate <Node> (context, e.Args, false, false, true))
                // Finding table name to insert document into
                var tableName = idx.Name;

                // Populating document
                var document = CreateDocument(context, idx);

                // Checking if we've got an explicit ID
                if (idx.Value != null)
                    document.Add("_id", BsonValue.Create(idx.Value));

                // Inserting document into database instance
                var collection = Database.Instance.MongoDatabase.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(tableName);
Пример #12
        public static void p5_types_get_typename(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) {
                // Syntax checking invocation
                if (!(e.Args.Value is Expression))
                    throw new ArgumentException("[p5.types.get-typename] needs an expression as its value");

                // Getting value of expression.
                var val = e.Args.GetExValue <object> (context);
                if (val == null)
                    e.Args.Value = "unknown";
                    e.Args.Value = context.RaiseEvent(".p5.hyperlambda.get-type-name." + val.GetType().FullName).Value ?? "string";
Пример #13
        public static void p5_data_update(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Retrieving expression and doing some basic sanity checks.
            if (!(e.Args.Value is Expression))
                throw new LambdaException("[p5.data.update] requires an expression leading to whatever you want to be updated in your database", e.Args, context);

            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) {
                // Acquiring write lock on database.
                using (new Common.Lock(true)) {
                    // Storing affected nodes, and number of affected items.
                    var changed       = new List <Node> ();
                    int affectedItems = 0;

                    // Retrieving source, and iterating through each destination, updating with source value.
                    // Notice, we don't provide transaction support here, but we do make sure at least any changes
                    // that actually occurs, are serialized to disc!
                    var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args);
                    try {
                        foreach (var idxDestination in e.Args.Get <Expression> (context).Evaluate(context, Common.Database, e.Args))
                            // Updates the destination with the source, making sure we can keep track of files that are changed, and that we throw if update is unsuccessful.
                            if (!UpdateDestination(context, source, idxDestination))
                                throw new LambdaException("[p5.data.update] requires your new node needs to have a unique ID, or use its old ID by not providing one", e.Args, context);

                            Common.AddNodeToChanges(idxDestination.Node, changed);
                            affectedItems += 1;
                    } finally {
                        Common.SaveAffectedFiles(context, changed);
                        e.Args.Value = affectedItems;
Пример #14
        public static void magix_execute_stop(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params, true);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            // throws stop exception to signal upwards in stack that we're supposed to end the current execution scope
            throw new HyperlispStopException();
Пример #15
        public static void hyper2lambda(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Concatenating all Hyperlambda submitted, injecting CR/LF between each component
                var builder = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var idxHyperlisp in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args))
                    // Making sure we put in a carriage return between each Hyperlambda entity
                    if (builder.Length > 0)

                    // Appending currently iterated Hyperlambda into StringBuilder

                // Utilizing NodeBuilder to create our p5 lambda return value
                e.Args.AddRange(new NodeBuilder(context, builder.ToString()).Nodes);
Пример #16
        public static void p5_io_folder_list_files(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Getting root folder
            var rootFolder = Common.GetRootFolder(context);

            // Checking if we've got a filter
            string filter = e.Args.GetExChildValue("filter", context, "") ?? "";

            // Looping through each argument.
            ObjectIterator.Iterate(context, e.Args, true, "read-folder", delegate(string foldername, string fullpath) {
                foreach (var idxFile in Directory.GetFiles(fullpath))
                    if (filter == "" || MatchFilter(idxFile, filter))
                        // Making foldername "canonical".
                        var fileName = idxFile.Replace("\\", "/");
                        fileName     = fileName.Replace(rootFolder, "");
Пример #17
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_get_details(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
             * Using common helper to iterate all public keys, assuming that if caller
             * has supplied a fingerprint or key-id to a private key, the public key
             * will also exist in PGP context.
            PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpPublicKeyRing keyring) {
                // This key is matching specified filter criteria.
                var key         = keyring.GetPublicKey();
                var fingerprint = Fingerprint.FingerprintString(key.GetFingerprint());
                var node        = e.Args.Add(fingerprint).LastChild;
                node.Add("id", ((int)key.KeyId).ToString("X"));
                node.Add("algorithm", key.Algorithm.ToString());
                node.Add("strength", key.BitStrength);
                node.Add("creation-time", key.CreationTime);
                node.Add("is-encryption-key", key.IsEncryptionKey);
                node.Add("is-master-key", key.IsMasterKey);
                node.Add("is-revoked", key.IsRevoked());
                node.Add("version", key.Version);
                DateTime expires = key.CreationTime.AddSeconds(key.GetValidSeconds());
                node.Add("expires", expires);

                // Returning all user IDs that are strings to caller.
                foreach (var idxUserId in key.GetUserIds())
                    if (idxUserId is string)
                        node.FindOrInsert("user-ids").Add("", idxUserId);

                // Adding key IDs of all keys that have signed this key.
                foreach (PgpSignature signature in key.GetSignatures())
                    node.FindOrInsert("signed-by").Add(((int)signature.KeyId).ToString("X"), signature.CreationTime);
            }, false);
Пример #18
        public static void unzip(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Retrieving password, if there is one, and untying it,
            // to make sure it never leaves method, in case of an exception, etc.
            string password = e.Args.GetExChildValue <string> ("password", context, null);

            e.Args.FindOrInsert("password").UnTie();   // Making sure password never leaved method, in case of exceptions, etc ...

            // Basic syntax checking.
            if (e.Args.Value == null)
                throw new LambdaException(
                          "[unzip] needs at least one source zip file as its value",

            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Getting root folder.
                var rootFolder = Helpers.GetBaseFolder(context);

                // Getting destination folder.
                var destFolder = GetDestinationFolder(context, e);

                // Looping through each source zip file given.
                foreach (var idxZipFilePath in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args).ToList())
                    // Unzips currently iterated file.
                        Helpers.GetSystemPath(context, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, idxZipFilePath)),
Пример #19
        public static void p5_string_split(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Figuring out source value of [p5.string.split], and returning early if there is none.
                string source = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args);
                if (source == null)

                // Checking if we should explicitly keep empty items.
                StringSplitOptions options = e.Args.GetExChildValue("keep-empty", context, false) ?
                                             StringSplitOptions.None :

                // Checking if each item should be trimmed before returned.
                var trim = e.Args.GetExChildValue("trim", context, false);

                // Retrieving separator objects, which might be multiple integers, multiple strings, or a single regular expression.
                var sepObjects = e.Args.Children
                                 .Where(ix => ix.Name == "=")
                                 .Select(ix => ix.GetExValue <object> (context))

                // Checking if there were any separators.
                if (sepObjects.Count > 0)
                    // We have separators, meaning we should actually perform a split operation.
                    RunSplit(context, e.Args, source, options, trim, sepObjects);
                    // Special case, no separators, splitting entire string into characters.
                    // Which is actually the only way we can iterate over each character in a string in P5.
                    e.Args.AddRange(source.Select(ix => new Node(ix.ToString())));
Пример #20
        public static void p5_mysql_connect(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Creating connection, opening it, and evaluating lambda for [p5.mysql.connect].
            using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString(context, e.Args))) {
                // Opening connection.

                // Storing connection in current context, making sure it's on top of "stack of connections".
                var connections = Connections(context);

                // Evaluating lambda for current connection, making sure we are able to remove connection, even if an exception occurs.
                try {
                    // Evaluating lambda for [p5.mysql.connect].
                    context.RaiseEvent("eval-mutable", e.Args);
                } finally {
                    // Cleaning up ...
Пример #21
 public static void p5_events_get(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
     // Acquire write lock, since we're consuming object shared amongst more than one thread (_events).
     try {
         // Checking if event exists.
         var list = new List <Node> ();
         foreach (var idx in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args))
             if (_events.ContainsKey(idx))
                 list.Add(_events [idx]);
         e.Args.Value = null;
         e.Args.AddRange(list.Select(ix => ix.Clone()));
     } finally {
         // Making sure we release lock in a finally, such that we can never exit method, without releasing our lock.
Пример #22
        public void p5_web_widgets_ajax_events_raise(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Sanity check.
            if (e.Args.Value == null || e.Args.Count == 0)
                throw new LambdaException(
                          string.Format("[{0}] needs both a value being widget(s) to iterate, and children arguments being events to retrieve", e.Args.Name),

            // Iterating through all widget(s) supplied by caller.
            foreach (var idxWidget in FindWidgets <Widget> (context, e.Args))
                // Iterating through all Ajax event(s) requested by caller.
                foreach (var idxEventNameNode in e.Args.Children.Where(ix => ix.Name != ""))
                    // Raising currently iterated Ajax event for currently iterated widget, letting p5.ajax do the heavy lifting.
Пример #23
        public static void p5_imaging_get_size(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Looping through each image caller requests the size for.
                foreach (var idxPath in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args))
                    // Unrolling path, and verifying user is authorized to reading file.
                    var source = context.Raise(".p5.io.unroll-path", new Node("", idxPath)).Get <string> (context);
                    context.Raise(".p5.io.authorize.read-file", new Node("", source).Add("args", e.Args));

                    // Getting root folder, and opening file.
                    var rootFolder = Helpers.GetBaseFolder(context);
                    using (var src = Image.FromFile(rootFolder + source)) {
                        // Returning width and height to caller.
                        var resultNode = e.Args.Add(source).LastChild;
                        resultNode.Add("width", src.Width);
                        resultNode.Add("height", src.Height);
Пример #24
        protected void magix_viewport_pin_container(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            Node dp = Dp(e.Params);

            if (!ip.ContainsValue("container"))
                throw new ArgumentException("no [container] given to [magix.viewport.pin-container]");
            string container = Expressions.GetExpressionValue <string>(ip["container"].Get <string>(), dp, ip, false);

            if (ViewState["magix.viewport.pin-container"] == null)
                ViewState["magix.viewport.pin-container"] = new Node();

            Node viewStateNode = ViewState["magix.viewport.pin-container"] as Node;

            if (!viewStateNode.Contains(container))
                viewStateNode.Add(new Node(container));
Пример #25
        public static void magix_package_pack(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            Node dp = Dp(e.Params);

            if (!ip.Contains("files"))
                throw new ArgumentException("no [files] given to [magix.package.pack]");

            string zipFile = Expressions.GetFormattedExpression("zip", e.Params, "");

            string zipAbsolutePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(zipFile);

            using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
                foreach (Node idxZipFile in ip["files"])
                    zip.AddItem(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(idxZipFile.Get <string>()), idxZipFile.Name ?? "");
Пример #26
        public void magix_execute_debug(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params, true);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            Node stack = ip.RootNode();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip.Get <string>()))
                stack = Expressions.GetExpressionValue <Node>(ip.Get <string>(), Dp(e.Params), ip, false);
                if (stack == null)
                    throw new HyperlispExecutionErrorException("tried to debug a non-existing node tree in [debug], expression was; '" + ip.Get <string>() + "'");

            Node confirmNode = new Node();

            confirmNode["message"].Value       = "stackdump of tree from debug instruction";
            confirmNode["closable-only"].Value = true;
Пример #27
        private static void p5_crypto_list_public_keys(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // House cleaning
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Checking if user provided a filter
                string filter = e.Args.GetExValue <string> (context, null);

                // Creating new GnuPG context
                using (var ctx = new GnuPrivacyContext()) {
                    // Looping through each public key in GnuPG database
                    foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing idxRing in ctx.PublicKeyRingBundle.GetKeyRings())
                        // Looping through each key in keyring
                        foreach (PgpPublicKey idxPublicKey in idxRing.GetPublicKeys())
                            // Finding identity of key
                            foreach (var idxUserID in idxPublicKey.GetUserIds())
                                // Converting to a string, before checking for a match, but only if object is a string
                                if (idxUserID is string)
                                    var userID = idxUserID.ToString();

                                    // Checking if filter is not null, and if so, making sure identity of currently iterated key matches filter
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) || userID.Contains(filter))
                                        // Returning identity and key ID to caller
                                        e.Args.Add(userID, idxPublicKey.KeyId.ToString("X"));

                                        // We'll risk adding the same key twice unless we break here!
Пример #28
        protected void magix_ide_add_control(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e)
            Node ip = Ip(e.Params);

            if (ShouldInspect(ip))

            if (!SurfaceEnabled)
                throw new ArgumentException("wysiwyg surface is not enabled");

            if (!ip.Contains("control"))
                throw new ArgumentException("no [control] given to [magix.ide.add-control]");

            if (ip["control"].Count != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("you must supply exactly one control to [magix.ide.add-control]");

Пример #29
        public static void p5_mysql_select(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up after ourselves.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Getting connection, and doing some basic sanity check.
                var connection = Connection.Active(context, e.Args);
                if (connection == null)
                    throw new LambdaException("No connection has been opened, use [p5.mysql.connect] before trying to invoke this event", e.Args, context);

                // Retrieving SQL and running query, returning result to caller. Making sure we run basic sanity check.
                var sql = e.Args.GetExValue <string> (context);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                    throw new LambdaException("No SQL or query given to [p5.mysql.select]", e.Args, context);

                // Creating command object.
                using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection)) {
                    // Creating reader, and iterating as long as we have resulting rows.
                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                        while (reader.Read())
                            // Adding row.
                            var current = e.Args.Add("row").LastChild;

                            // Looping through all columns in current result row, returning to caller.
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < reader.FieldCount; ix++)
                                // Adding currently iterated cell for row.
                                current.Add(reader.GetName(ix), reader [ix]);
Пример #30
        public static void p5_data_update(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Retrieving expression and doing some basic sanity checks.
            if (!(e.Args.Value is Expression))
                throw new LambdaException("[p5.data.update] requires an expression leading to whatever you want to be updated in your database", e.Args, context);

            // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) {
                // Acquiring write lock on database, and making sure we keep track of which files are changed, and how many items were affected.
                var changed       = new List <Node> ();
                int affectedItems = 0;
                try {
                    // Retrieving source, and iterating through each destination, updating with source value.
                    var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args);
                    foreach (var idxDestination in e.Args.Get <Expression> (context).Evaluate(context, Common.Database, e.Args))
                        // Updates the destination with the source, making sure we can keep track of files that are changed, and that we throw is update is unsuccessful.
                        if (!UpdateDestination(context, source, idxDestination))
                            throw new LambdaException("[p5.data.update] requires your new node needs to have a unique ID, or use its old ID by not providing one", e.Args, context);
                        Common.AddNodeToChanges(idxDestination.Node, changed);
                        affectedItems += 1;
                } finally {
                    // Saving all affected files.
                    // Notice, we do this even though an exception has occurred, since exception is thrown before nodes are updated with any "bad data".
                    // This means that if you update several nodes, some might become updated though, while others are not updated.
                    // Hence, [p5.data.update] does not feature any sorts of "transactional update support" at the moment.
                    Common.SaveAffectedFiles(context, changed);
                    e.Args.Value = affectedItems;