/// <summary> /// 商品列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PageResult Do_GoodsList(BaseApi baseApi) { PageResult pageResult = new PageResult(); ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); string shopId = Util.GetUserShopId(baseApi.token); GoodsListParam goodsListParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoodsListParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (goodsListParam.current == 0) { goodsListParam.current = 1; } if (goodsListParam.pageSize == 0) { activeDao.DeleteActiveGoods(shopId); goodsListParam.pageSize = 10; } if (goodsListParam.goodsName != null && goodsListParam.goodsName != "") { goodsListParam.goodsName = " and goods_name like '%" + goodsListParam.goodsName + "%'"; } else { goodsListParam.goodsName = ""; } pageResult = activeDao.SelectGoods(goodsListParam, shopId); return(pageResult); }
/// <summary> /// 勾选商品 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Do_ChoseGoods(BaseApi baseApi) { MsgResult msg = new MsgResult(); ChoseGoodsParam choseGoodsParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChoseGoodsParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (choseGoodsParam.goodsId == "" || choseGoodsParam.goodsId == null) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGoodsIdCode, "InvalidGoodsIdCode"); } string shopId = Util.GetUserShopId(baseApi.token); ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); if (choseGoodsParam.type) { if (!activeDao.InsertActiveGoods(shopId, choseGoodsParam)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } else { if (!activeDao.DeleteActiveGoods(shopId, choseGoodsParam)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBDelError, "DBDelError"); } } return(""); }
public object Do_GetQbuyList(BaseApi baseApi) { ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); string memberId = Utils.GetMemberID(baseApi.token); var list = activeDao.GetQbuyList(memberId); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 删除勾选商品 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Do_DeleteActiveGoods(BaseApi baseApi) { string shopId = Util.GetUserShopId(baseApi.token); ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); if (!activeDao.DeleteActiveGoods(shopId)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBDelError, "DBDelError"); } return(""); }
public object Do_GetQbuyGoodsList(BaseApi baseApi) { QbuyParam qbuyParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <QbuyParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (qbuyParam == null) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidParam, "InvalidParam"); } ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); var list = activeDao.GetQbuyGoodsListByQbuyId(qbuyParam.qbuyCode); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 修改商品数量接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public AddActiveList Do_ChangeGoodsNum(BaseApi baseApi) { AddActiveList addActiveList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddActiveList>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (addActiveList.goodsId == null || addActiveList.goodsId == "") { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGoodsIdCode, "InvalidGoodsIdCode"); } if (addActiveList.goodsNums == null || addActiveList.goodsNums == "") { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGoodsNumCode, "InvalidGoodsNumCode"); } ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); if (!activeDao.UpdateActiveGoods(addActiveList)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBUpdateError, "DBUpdateError"); } return(addActiveList); }
/// <summary> /// 开始活动、暂停、结束 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Do_ChangeActive(BaseApi baseApi) { ActiveOperationParam activeOperationParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ActiveOperationParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (activeOperationParam.activeId == null || activeOperationParam.activeId == "") { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.ErrorActiveId, "ErrorActiveId"); } if (activeOperationParam.operation == null || activeOperationParam.operation == "") { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.ErrorOperation, "ErrorOperation"); } else { if (activeOperationParam.operation == "开始") { activeOperationParam.operation = "1"; } else if (activeOperationParam.operation == "暂停") { activeOperationParam.operation = "0"; } else if (activeOperationParam.operation == "结束") { activeOperationParam.operation = "-1"; } } ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); List <string> list = activeDao.CheckActive(activeOperationParam); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; if (list[0] == "" || list[0] == "-1" || time > Convert.ToDateTime(list[1])) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.ErrorState, "ErrorState"); } else if (list[0] != activeOperationParam.operation) { activeDao.ChangeActive(activeOperationParam); } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// 确认选择商品接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PageResult Do_MakeSureGoodsList(BaseApi baseApi) { GoodsListParam goodsListParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoodsListParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (goodsListParam.current == 0) { goodsListParam.current = 1; } if (goodsListParam.pageSize == 0) { goodsListParam.pageSize = 10; } PageResult pageResult = new PageResult(); string shopId = Util.GetUserShopId(baseApi.token); ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); string barcodes = activeDao.SelectActiveGoods(shopId); if (barcodes != "") { pageResult = activeDao.SelectGoods(barcodes, goodsListParam); //activeDao.DeleteActiveGoods(shopId); } return(pageResult); }
/// <summary> /// 活动列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PageResult Do_ActiveList(BaseApi baseApi) { ActiveListParam activeListParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ActiveListParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (activeListParam.current == 0) { activeListParam.current = 1; } if (activeListParam.pageSize == 0) { activeListParam.pageSize = 12; } if (activeListParam.title != "" && activeListParam.title != null) { activeListParam.title = " and a.remark like '%" + activeListParam.title + "%'"; } else { activeListParam.title = ""; } PageResult pageResult = new PageResult(); pageResult.list = new List <object>(); pageResult.pagination = new Page(activeListParam.current, activeListParam.pageSize); string shopId = Util.GetUserShopId(baseApi.token); ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; try { DataTable dt = activeDao.ActiveList(shopId, activeListParam); pageResult.pagination.total = 0; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView dataView = new DataView(dt); DataTable dt1 = dataView.ToTable(true, "active_id", "active_time_from", "active_time_to", "remark", "active_type", "active_state"); for (int i = (activeListParam.current - 1) * activeListParam.pageSize; i < dt1.Rows.Count && i < activeListParam.current * activeListParam.pageSize; i++) { ActiveListItem activeListItem = new ActiveListItem(); activeListItem.activeId = dt1.Rows[i]["active_id"].ToString(); activeListItem.img.Add("http://llwell-wxapp.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/A-cubic/goods.png"); activeListItem.img.Add("http://llwell-wxapp.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/A-cubic/heart.png"); activeListItem.img.Add("http://llwell-wxapp.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/A-cubic/up.png"); activeListItem.key = i + 1; DataTable dtselect = new DataTable(); if (dt1.Rows[i]["active_type"].ToString() == "0") { dtselect = activeDao.SelectActiveConsume(dt1.Rows[i]["active_id"].ToString()); } else { dtselect = activeDao.SelectActiveCheck(dt1.Rows[i]["active_id"].ToString()); } if (dtselect.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dtselect.Rows.Count; j++) { if (dtselect.Rows[j]["VALUE_TYPE"].ToString() == "0") { activeListItem.img[0] = "http://llwell-wxapp.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/A-cubic/goodsred.png"; } else if (dtselect.Rows[j]["VALUE_TYPE"].ToString() == "1") { activeListItem.img[1] = "http://llwell-wxapp.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/A-cubic/heartred.png"; } else if (dtselect.Rows[j]["VALUE_TYPE"].ToString() == "2") { activeListItem.img[2] = "http://llwell-wxapp.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/A-cubic/upred.png"; } } } activeListItem.title = dt1.Rows[i]["remark"].ToString(); if (time > Convert.ToDateTime(dt1.Rows[i]["active_time_to"]) && dt1.Rows[i]["active_state"].ToString() != "-1") { activeDao.UpdateActiveList(activeListItem.activeId); activeListItem.activeType = "-1"; } else { activeListItem.activeType = dt1.Rows[i]["active_state"].ToString(); } activeListItem.time = dt1.Rows[i]["active_time_from"].ToString() + "~" + dt1.Rows[i]["active_time_to"].ToString(); activeListItem.drainage = activeDao.Drainage(activeListItem.activeId, shopId, activeListParam).ToString(); activeListItem.consumeNum = dt.Select("consume>'0' and active_id='" + dt1.Rows[i]["active_id"].ToString() + "'").Length.ToString(); activeListItem.newUser = dataView.ToTable(true, "member_name", "active_id").Select("member_name<>'' and active_id = '" + dt1.Rows[i]["active_id"].ToString() + "'").Length.ToString(); pageResult.list.Add(activeListItem); } pageResult.pagination.total = dt1.Rows.Count; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBSelectError, e.StackTrace); } return(pageResult); }
/// <summary> /// 添加活动 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Do_AddActive(BaseApi baseApi) { AddActiveParam addActiveParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddActiveParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (addActiveParam.activeRemark == "" || addActiveParam.activeRemark == null) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidRemark, "InvalidRemark"); } if (addActiveParam.date == null || addActiveParam.date.Length != 2) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidTime, "InvalidTime"); } else { addActiveParam.date[0] = addActiveParam.date[0] + " 00:00:00"; addActiveParam.date[1] = addActiveParam.date[1] + " 23:59:59"; } if (addActiveParam.activeType == "" || addActiveParam.activeType == null) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidActiveType, "InvalidActiveType"); } else if (addActiveParam.activeType == "0") { if (addActiveParam.consume == "" || addActiveParam.consume == null || !double.TryParse(addActiveParam.consume, out double d)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidConsume, "InvalidConsume"); } } int mistake = 0; if (addActiveParam.heartItemValue != null && addActiveParam.heartItemValue != "" && addActiveParam.heartItemValue != "0") { if (!double.TryParse(addActiveParam.heartItemValue, out double h)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.ErrorHeartItemValue, "ErrorHeartItemValue"); } } else { mistake += 1; } if (addActiveParam.limitItemValue != null && addActiveParam.limitItemValue != "" && addActiveParam.limitItemValue != "0") { if (!double.TryParse(addActiveParam.limitItemValue, out double h)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.ErrorLimitItemValue, "ErrorLimitItemValue"); } } else { mistake += 1; } if (addActiveParam.list == null || addActiveParam.list.Count == 0) { mistake += 1; if (mistake == 3) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGift, "InvalidGift"); } } if (addActiveParam.list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < addActiveParam.list.Count; i++) { if (addActiveParam.list[i].goodsId == null || addActiveParam.list[i].goodsId == "") { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGoodsIdCode, "InvalidGoodsIdCode"); } if (addActiveParam.list[i].goodsNums == null || addActiveParam.list[i].goodsNums == "") { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGoodsNumCode, "InvalidGoodsNumCode"); } } } string shopId = Util.GetUserShopId(baseApi.token); ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); if (activeDao.InsertAddActive(addActiveParam, shopId)) { string id = activeDao.SelectAddActive(addActiveParam, shopId); if (addActiveParam.activeType == "0") { if (addActiveParam.heartItemValue != null && addActiveParam.heartItemValue != "" && addActiveParam.heartItemValue != "0") { addActiveParam.itemNums = "1"; addActiveParam.ItemValue = addActiveParam.heartItemValue; addActiveParam.valueType = "1"; if (!activeDao.InsertActiveConsume(addActiveParam, id)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } if (addActiveParam.limitItemValue != null && addActiveParam.limitItemValue != "" && addActiveParam.limitItemValue != "0") { addActiveParam.itemNums = "1"; addActiveParam.ItemValue = addActiveParam.limitItemValue; addActiveParam.valueType = "2"; if (!activeDao.InsertActiveConsume(addActiveParam, id)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } if (addActiveParam.list != null && addActiveParam.list.Count > 0) { addActiveParam.valueType = "0"; for (int i = 0; i < addActiveParam.list.Count; i++) { addActiveParam.itemNums = addActiveParam.list[i].goodsNums; addActiveParam.ItemValue = addActiveParam.list[i].goodsId; if (!activeDao.InsertActiveConsume(addActiveParam, id)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } } } else { if (addActiveParam.heartItemValue != null && addActiveParam.heartItemValue != "") { addActiveParam.itemNums = "1"; addActiveParam.ItemValue = addActiveParam.heartItemValue; addActiveParam.valueType = "1"; if (!activeDao.InsertActiveCheck(addActiveParam, id)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } if (addActiveParam.limitItemValue != null && addActiveParam.limitItemValue != "") { addActiveParam.itemNums = "1"; addActiveParam.ItemValue = addActiveParam.limitItemValue; addActiveParam.valueType = "2"; if (!activeDao.InsertActiveCheck(addActiveParam, id)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } if (addActiveParam.list != null && addActiveParam.list.Count > 0) { addActiveParam.valueType = "0"; for (int i = 0; i < addActiveParam.list.Count; i++) { addActiveParam.itemNums = addActiveParam.list[i].goodsNums; addActiveParam.ItemValue = addActiveParam.list[i].goodsId; if (!activeDao.InsertActiveCheck(addActiveParam, id)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } } } } } else { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.DBAddError, "DBAddError"); } activeDao.DeleteActiveGoods(shopId); return(""); }
public object Do_StartQBuyGoods(BaseApi baseApi) { StartQBuyGoodsParam startQBuyGoodsParam = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StartQBuyGoodsParam>(baseApi.param.ToString()); if (startQBuyGoodsParam == null) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidParam, "InvalidParam"); } ActiveDao activeDao = new ActiveDao(); var qBuyGoods = activeDao.GetQbuyGoodsByQBuyIdAndQBuyGoodsId(startQBuyGoodsParam.qBuyCode, startQBuyGoodsParam.qBuyGoodsId); PreOrder preOrder = new PreOrder(); OrderDao orderDao = new OrderDao(); MemberDao memberDao = new MemberDao(); string memberId = Utils.GetMemberID(baseApi.token); Store store = orderDao.GetStoreByMemberId(memberId); if (store == null) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.BindStoreFirst, "BindStoreFirst"); } preOrder.addr = store.storeAddr; string[] goodsIds = new string[1]; goodsIds[0] = qBuyGoods.goodsId; List <Goods> goodsList = orderDao.GetGoodsByGoodsIds(goodsIds); int total = 0; List <PreOrderGoods> list = new List <PreOrderGoods>(); foreach (Goods goods in goodsList) { if (qBuyGoods.goodsId != goods.goodsId) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.InvalidGoods, "InvalidGoods"); } if (Convert.ToInt32(qBuyGoods.num) < 0) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.ErrorNum, "ErrorNum"); } if (Convert.ToInt32(qBuyGoods.num) <= goods.goodsStock) { total += Convert.ToInt32(qBuyGoods.price) * Convert.ToInt32(qBuyGoods.num); PreOrderGoods preOrderGoods = new PreOrderGoods { goodsNum = Convert.ToInt32(qBuyGoods.num), goodsId = goods.goodsId, goodsImg = goods.goodsImg, goodsName = goods.goodsName, goodsPrice = Convert.ToInt32(qBuyGoods.price), }; list.Add(preOrderGoods); } else { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.NotEnoughGoods, "NotEnoughGoods"); } } preOrder.list = list; preOrder.total = total; preOrder.storeCode = store.storeCode; MemberInfo memberInfo = memberDao.GetMemberInfo(memberId); if (memberInfo.heart < Convert.ToInt32(total)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.NotEnoughHearts, "NotEnoughHearts"); } string orderCode = preOrder.storeCode + memberId.PadLeft(6, '0') + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); if (!activeDao.updateQBuy(startQBuyGoodsParam.qBuyCode, orderCode)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.PayForOrderError, "PayForOrderError"); } if (!orderDao.InsertOrder(memberId, orderCode, preOrder, startQBuyGoodsParam.qBuyCode, preOrder.addr, 0)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.CreateOrderError, "CreateOrderError"); } Order order = orderDao.GetOrderInfoByCode(orderCode); if (!orderDao.PayForOrder(memberId, order, memberInfo.heart)) { throw new ApiException(CodeMessage.PayForOrderError, "PayForOrderError"); } return(""); }