public GameObject SpawnAgent(AgentConfig config) { var go = Instantiate(config.Prefab, transform); = config.Name; var agentController = go.GetComponent <AgentController>(); agentController.SensorsChanged += AgentControllerOnSensorsChanged; agentController.Config = config; agentController.Config.AgentGO = go; SIM.LogSimulation(SIM.Simulation.VehicleStart, config.Name); ActiveAgents.Add(agentController.Config); agentController.GTID = ++SimulatorManager.Instance.GTIDs; agentController.Config.GTID = agentController.GTID; BridgeClient bridgeClient = null; if (config.Bridge != null) { bridgeClient = go.AddComponent <BridgeClient>(); bridgeClient.Init(config.Bridge); if (config.Connection != null) { var split = config.Connection.Split(':'); if (split.Length != 2) { throw new Exception("Incorrect bridge connection string, expected HOSTNAME:PORT"); } bridgeClient.Connect(split[0], int.Parse(split[1])); } } SIM.LogSimulation(SIM.Simulation.BridgeTypeStart, config.Bridge != null ? config.Bridge.Name : "None"); var sensorsController = go.AddComponent <SensorsController>(); agentController.AgentSensorsController = sensorsController; sensorsController.SetupSensors(config.Sensors); //Add required components for distributing rigidbody from master to clients var network = Loader.Instance.Network; if (network.IsClusterSimulation) { HierarchyUtilities.ChangeToUniqueName(go); if (network.IsClient) { //Disable controller and dynamics on clients so it will not interfere mocked components agentController.enabled = false; var vehicleDynamics = agentController.GetComponent <IVehicleDynamics>() as MonoBehaviour; if (vehicleDynamics != null) { vehicleDynamics.enabled = false; } } //Change the simulation type only if it's not set in the prefab var distributedRigidbody = go.GetComponent <DistributedRigidbody>(); if (distributedRigidbody == null) { distributedRigidbody = go.AddComponent <DistributedRigidbody>(); distributedRigidbody.SimulationType = DistributedRigidbody.MockingSimulationType.ExtrapolateVelocities; } //Add the rest required components for cluster simulation ClusterSimulationUtilities.AddDistributedComponents(go); } go.transform.position = config.Position; go.transform.rotation = config.Rotation; agentController.Init(); #if UNITY_EDITOR // TODO remove hack for editor opaque with alpha clipping 2019.3.3 Array.ForEach(go.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(), renderer => { foreach (var m in renderer.materials) { m.shader = Shader.Find(; } }); Array.ForEach(go.GetComponentsInChildren <DecalProjector>(), decal => { decal.material.shader = Shader.Find(; }); #endif return(go); }
public GameObject SpawnAgent(AgentConfig config) { var go = Instantiate(config.Prefab, transform); = config.Name; // set it inactive until we can be sure setting up sensors etc worked without exceptions and it AgentController was initialized go.SetActive(false); var agentController = go.GetComponent <AgentController>(); agentController.Config = config; agentController.Config.AgentGO = go; var lane = go.AddComponent <VehicleLane>(); var baseLink = go.GetComponentInChildren <BaseLink>(); if (baseLink == null) { baseLink = new GameObject("BaseLink").AddComponent <BaseLink>(); baseLink.transform.SetParent(go.transform, false); } ActiveAgents.Add(agentController.Config); agentController.GTID = ++SimulatorManager.Instance.GTIDs; agentController.Config.GTID = agentController.GTID; BridgeClient bridgeClient = null; if (config.Bridge != null) { bridgeClient = go.AddComponent <BridgeClient>(); bridgeClient.Init(config.Bridge); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Connection)) { bridgeClient.Connect(config.Connection); } } var sensorsController = go.AddComponent <SensorsController>(); agentController.AgentSensorsController = sensorsController; //Add required components for distributing rigidbody from master to clients var network = Loader.Instance.Network; if (network.IsClusterSimulation) { HierarchyUtilities.ChangeToUniqueName(go); if (network.IsClient) { //Disable controller and dynamics on clients so it will not interfere mocked components agentController.enabled = false; var vehicleDynamics = agentController.GetComponent <IVehicleDynamics>() as MonoBehaviour; if (vehicleDynamics != null) { vehicleDynamics.enabled = false; } } //Change the simulation type only if it's not set in the prefab var distributedRigidbody = go.GetComponent <DistributedRigidbody>(); if (distributedRigidbody == null) { distributedRigidbody = go.AddComponent <DistributedRigidbody>(); distributedRigidbody.SimulationType = DistributedRigidbody.MockingSimulationType.ExtrapolateVelocities; } //Add the rest required components for cluster simulation ClusterSimulationUtilities.AddDistributedComponents(go); } go.transform.position = config.Position; go.transform.rotation = config.Rotation; sensorsController.SetupSensors(config.Sensors); agentController.Init(); go.SetActive(true); return(go); }
public void SetupDevAgents() { var sceneAgents = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (var agent in sceneAgents) { var config = agent.GetComponent <AgentController>().Config; config.AgentGO = agent; ActiveAgents.Add(config); } if (ActiveAgents.Count == 0) { string data = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR data = UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetString("Simulator/DevelopmentSettings"); #endif if (data != null) { try { var json = JSONNode.Parse(data); var createVehicle = json["CreateVehicle"]; var vehicleName = json["VehicleName"]; if (createVehicle != null && createVehicle.AsBool && vehicleName != null) { using (var db = DatabaseManager.GetConfig(DatabaseManager.GetConnectionString()).Create()) { var sql = Sql.Builder.From("vehicles").Where("name = @0", vehicleName.Value); var vehicle = db.SingleOrDefault <VehicleModel>(sql); if (vehicle == null) { Debug.LogError($"Cannot find '{vehicleName.Value}' vehicle in database!"); } else { var bundlePath = vehicle.LocalPath; using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(bundlePath)) { Manifest manifest; ZipEntry entry = zip.GetEntry("manifest"); using (var ms = zip.GetInputStream(entry)) { int streamSize = (int)entry.Size; byte[] buffer = new byte[streamSize]; streamSize = ms.Read(buffer, 0, streamSize); manifest = new Deserializer().Deserialize <Manifest>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, streamSize)); } if (manifest.bundleFormat != BundleConfig.Versions[BundleConfig.BundleTypes.Vehicle]) { throw new Exception("Out of date Vehicle AssetBundle. Please check content website for updated bundle or rebuild the bundle."); } AssetBundle textureBundle = null; if (zip.FindEntry($"{manifest.assetGuid}_vehicle_textures", true) != -1) { var texStream = zip.GetInputStream(zip.GetEntry($"{manifest.assetGuid}_vehicle_textures")); textureBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(texStream, 0, 1 << 20); } string platform = SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily == OperatingSystemFamily.Windows ? "windows" : "linux"; var mapStream = zip.GetInputStream(zip.GetEntry($"{manifest.assetGuid}_vehicle_main_{platform}")); var vehicleBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(mapStream, 0, 1 << 20); if (vehicleBundle == null) { throw new Exception($"Failed to load '{bundlePath}' vehicle asset bundle"); } try { var vehicleAssets = vehicleBundle.GetAllAssetNames(); if (vehicleAssets.Length != 1) { throw new Exception($"Unsupported '{bundlePath}' vehicle asset bundle, only 1 asset expected"); } textureBundle?.LoadAllAssets(); if (manifest.fmuName != "") { var fmuDirectory = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, manifest.assetName); if (platform == "windows") { var dll = zip.GetEntry($"{manifest.fmuName}_windows.dll"); if (dll == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"{manifest.fmuName}.dll not found in Zip"); } using (Stream s = zip.GetInputStream(dll)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; Directory.CreateDirectory(fmuDirectory); var path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, manifest.assetName, $"{manifest.fmuName}.dll"); using (FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(path)) { StreamUtils.Copy(s, streamWriter, buffer); } vehicleBundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>(vehicleAssets[0]).GetComponent <VehicleFMU>().FMUData.Path = path; } } else { var dll = zip.GetEntry($"{manifest.fmuName}"); if (dll == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"{manifest.fmuName}.so not found in Zip"); } using (Stream s = zip.GetInputStream(dll)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; Directory.CreateDirectory(fmuDirectory); var path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, manifest.assetName, $"{manifest.fmuName}.so"); using (FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(path)) { StreamUtils.Copy(s, streamWriter, buffer); } vehicleBundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>(vehicleAssets[0]).GetComponent <VehicleFMU>().FMUData.Path = path; } } } var prefab = vehicleBundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>(vehicleAssets[0]); var config = new AgentConfig() { Name = vehicle.Name, Prefab = prefab, Sensors = vehicle.Sensors, Connection = json["Connection"].Value, }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vehicle.BridgeType)) { config.Bridge = Simulator.Web.Config.Bridges.Find(bridge => bridge.Name == vehicle.BridgeType); if (config.Bridge == null) { throw new Exception($"Bridge {vehicle.BridgeType} not found"); } } var spawn = FindObjectsOfType <SpawnInfo>().OrderBy(s =>; config.Position = spawn != null ? spawn.transform.position :; config.Rotation = spawn != null ? spawn.transform.rotation : Quaternion.identity; SpawnAgent(config); } finally { textureBundle?.Unload(false); vehicleBundle.Unload(false); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } } else { var config = ActiveAgents[0]; var bridgeClient = config.AgentGO.AddComponent <BridgeClient>(); bridgeClient.Init(new Simulator.Bridge.Ros.RosApolloBridgeFactory()); bridgeClient.Connect("localhost", 9090); var sensorsController = config.AgentGO.GetComponent <SensorsController>(); if (sensorsController == null) { sensorsController = config.AgentGO.AddComponent <SensorsController>(); var agentController = config.AgentGO.GetComponent <AgentController>(); if (agentController != null) { agentController.AgentSensorsController = sensorsController; } } sensorsController.SetupSensors(DefaultSensors.Apollo30); } ActiveAgents.ForEach(agent => agent.AgentGO.GetComponent <AgentController>().Init()); SetCurrentActiveAgent(0); }
public GameObject SpawnAgent(AgentConfig config) { var go = Instantiate(config.Prefab, transform); = config.Name; // set it inactive until we can be sure setting up sensors etc worked without exceptions and it AgentController was initialized go.SetActive(false); var controller = go.GetComponent <IAgentController>(); if (controller == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"{nameof(IAgentController)} implementation not found on the {config.Name} vehicle. This vehicle can't be used as an ego vehicle."); } else { controller.Config = config; controller.Config.AgentGO = go; ActiveAgents.Add(controller.Config); controller.GTID = ++SimulatorManager.Instance.GTIDs; controller.Config.GTID = controller.GTID; } var lane = go.AddComponent <VehicleLane>(); var baseLink = go.GetComponentInChildren <BaseLink>(); if (baseLink == null) { baseLink = new GameObject("BaseLink").AddComponent <BaseLink>(); baseLink.transform.SetParent(go.transform, false); } var sensorsController = go.GetComponent <ISensorsController>() ?? go.AddComponent <SensorsController>(); if (controller != null) { controller.AgentSensorsController = sensorsController; } //Add required components for distributing rigidbody from master to clients var network = Loader.Instance.Network; if (network.IsClusterSimulation) { HierarchyUtilities.ChangeToUniqueName(go); //Add the rest required components for cluster simulation ClusterSimulationUtilities.AddDistributedComponents(go); if (network.IsClient) { controller?.DisableControl(); } } BridgeClient bridgeClient = null; if (config.BridgeData != null) { var dir = Path.Combine(Simulator.Web.Config.PersistentDataPath, "Bridges"); var vfs = VfsEntry.makeRoot(dir); Simulator.Web.Config.CheckDir(vfs.GetChild(config.BridgeData.AssetGuid), Simulator.Web.Config.LoadBridgePlugin); bridgeClient = go.AddComponent <BridgeClient>(); config.Bridge = BridgePlugins.Get(config.BridgeData.Type); bridgeClient.Init(config.Bridge); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Connection)) { bridgeClient.Connect(config.Connection); } } go.transform.position = config.Position; go.transform.rotation = config.Rotation; sensorsController.SetupSensors(config.Sensors); controller?.Init(); if (SimulatorManager.Instance.IsAPI) { SimulatorManager.Instance.EnvironmentEffectsManager.InitRainVFX(go.transform); } go.SetActive(true); return(go); }