// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Initialize components
        faceAnim         = face.GetComponent <Animator>();
        speechController = this.transform.GetComponent <TextAndSpeech>();
        tedHead          = FindObjectOfType <TeddyHead>();

        if (this.transform.Find("Inventory") != null)
            inv = this.transform.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <Inventory>();
        actCoord = FindObjectOfType <ActionSceneCoordinator>();

        // Set blinking parameters
        isBlinking        = true;
        blinkRefTime      = 0;
        actualSecPerBlink = Random.Range(secPerBlink - secPerBlinkDelta, secPerBlink + secPerBlinkDelta);

        // Initialize head and eye rotations and directions
        headInitialRotation         = head.transform.rotation;
        headInitialForwardDirection = head.forward;
        headUpDirection             = head.up;
        foreach (Transform eye in eyes)

        // Setting look parameters
        lookingAtPerson                = false;
        lookingAtPersonDuration        = 0;
        lookingAtPersonDurationRefTime = 0;
        turningAwayFromPerson          = false;

        // Initialize action and interaction states
        speakingAndWaitingToCueOtherNPC = false;
Пример #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        commsNavigation  = FindObjectOfType <CommsNavigation>();
        commsDisplay     = GetComponent <Text>();
        responseText     = this.transform.Find("ResponseText").GetComponent <Text>();
        responseTextCopy = this.transform.Find("ResponseTextCopy").GetComponent <Text>();
        commsImg         = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <RawImage>();
        panels           = bgdPanels.GetComponent <PanelsBottom>();
        dateScreen       = FindObjectOfType <DatingScreen>();
        camMaster        = FindObjectOfType <CameraMaster>();
        musicBox         = FindObjectOfType <MusicPlayer>();
        scanner          = FindObjectOfType <InfoScan>();
        actCoord         = FindObjectOfType <ActionSceneCoordinator>();

        rightEye = FindObjectOfType <TeddyRightEye>();
        bCam     = FindObjectOfType <BodyCam>();

        commsDisplay.enabled     = false;
        commsImg.enabled         = false;
        responseText.enabled     = false;
        responseTextCopy.enabled = false;           // responseTextCopy is only used for determining the line count of individual responses; it is never displayed

        textActivated = false;
        textActive    = false;

        commsDisplay.supportRichText     = true;
        responseText.supportRichText     = true;
        responseTextCopy.supportRichText = true;

        currentText           = "";
        currentResponseText   = "";
        listOfResponses       = "";
        responseTextCopy.text = "";

        currentResponseNumber = 0;
        readyForSelection     = false;

        portrait.enabled      = false;
        portraitFrame.enabled = false;

        unravellingText             = false;
        unravellingResponseText     = false;
        showingLoadingText          = false;
        isUnravelled                = false;
        unravellingTextStartTimeSet = false;

        char[] tempChars = loadingString.ToCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < tempChars.Length; i++)

        skipUnravelling                = false;
        canSkipUnravelling             = false;
        unravellingTextCharIndex       = 0;
        loadingStringCharIndex         = 0;
        unravellingTextTimeRef         = 0;
        unravellingResponseTextTimeRef = 0;
        loadingTextTimeRef             = 0;

        closeEnoughToCommunicate = false;

        isUsingStardater = false;
        isInDatingChat   = false;
Пример #3
 void Awake()
     controller = this.GetComponent <CommsController>();
     actCoord   = FindObjectOfType <ActionSceneCoordinator>();
     //currentLine = null;