Пример #1
        public virtual void TestInternalGetAclStatus()
            UserGroupInformation currentUser = UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser();
            AclStatus            aclStatus   = fsView.GetAclStatus(new Path("/internalDir"));

            Assert.Equal(aclStatus.GetOwner(), currentUser.GetUserName());
            Assert.Equal(aclStatus.GetGroup(), currentUser.GetGroupNames()
            Assert.Equal(aclStatus.GetEntries(), AclUtil.GetMinimalAcl(Constants
Пример #2
        // last ditch effort to ensure temp file is removed
        /// <summary>Preserve the attributes of the source to the target.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Preserve the attributes of the source to the target.
        /// The method calls
        /// <see cref="ShouldPreserve(FileAttribute)"/>
        /// to check what
        /// attribute to preserve.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="src">source to preserve</param>
        /// <param name="target">where to preserve attributes</param>
        /// <param name="preserveRawXAttrs">true if raw.* xattrs should be preserved</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">if fails to preserve attributes</exception>
        protected internal virtual void PreserveAttributes(PathData src, PathData target,
                                                           bool preserveRawXAttrs)
            if (ShouldPreserve(CommandWithDestination.FileAttribute.Timestamps))
                target.fs.SetTimes(target.path, src.stat.GetModificationTime(), src.stat.GetAccessTime
            if (ShouldPreserve(CommandWithDestination.FileAttribute.Ownership))
                target.fs.SetOwner(target.path, src.stat.GetOwner(), src.stat.GetGroup());
            if (ShouldPreserve(CommandWithDestination.FileAttribute.Permission) || ShouldPreserve
                target.fs.SetPermission(target.path, src.stat.GetPermission());
            if (ShouldPreserve(CommandWithDestination.FileAttribute.Acl))
                FsPermission perm = src.stat.GetPermission();
                if (perm.GetAclBit())
                    IList <AclEntry> srcEntries     = src.fs.GetAclStatus(src.path).GetEntries();
                    IList <AclEntry> srcFullEntries = AclUtil.GetAclFromPermAndEntries(perm, srcEntries
                    target.fs.SetAcl(target.path, srcFullEntries);
            bool preserveXAttrs = ShouldPreserve(CommandWithDestination.FileAttribute.Xattr);

            if (preserveXAttrs || preserveRawXAttrs)
                IDictionary <string, byte[]> srcXAttrs = src.fs.GetXAttrs(src.path);
                if (srcXAttrs != null)
                    IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> > iter = srcXAttrs.GetEnumerator();
                    while (iter.HasNext())
                        KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> entry = iter.Next();
                        string xattrName = entry.Key;
                        if (xattrName.StartsWith(Raw) || preserveXAttrs)
                            target.fs.SetXAttr(target.path, entry.Key, entry.Value);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>Reads the existing ACL of an inode.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Reads the existing ACL of an inode.  This method always returns the full
        /// logical ACL of the inode after reading relevant data from the inode's
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.Permission.FsPermission"/>
        /// and
        /// <see cref="AclFeature"/>
        /// .  Note that every inode
        /// logically has an ACL, even if no ACL has been set explicitly.  If the inode
        /// does not have an extended ACL, then the result is a minimal ACL consising of
        /// exactly 3 entries that correspond to the owner, group and other permissions.
        /// This method always reads the inode's current state and does not support
        /// querying by snapshot ID.  This is because the method is intended to support
        /// ACL modification APIs, which always apply a delta on top of current state.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="inode">INode to read</param>
        /// <returns>List<AclEntry> containing all logical inode ACL entries</returns>
        public static IList <AclEntry> ReadINodeLogicalAcl(INode inode)
            FsPermission perm = inode.GetFsPermission();
            AclFeature   f    = inode.GetAclFeature();

            if (f == null)
            IList <AclEntry> existingAcl;
            // Split ACL entries stored in the feature into access vs. default.
            IList <AclEntry> featureEntries = GetEntriesFromAclFeature(f);
            ScopedAclEntries scoped         = new ScopedAclEntries(featureEntries);
            IList <AclEntry> accessEntries  = scoped.GetAccessEntries();
            IList <AclEntry> defaultEntries = scoped.GetDefaultEntries();

            // Pre-allocate list size for the explicit entries stored in the feature
            // plus the 3 implicit entries (owner, group and other) from the permission
            // bits.
            existingAcl = Lists.NewArrayListWithCapacity(featureEntries.Count + 3);
            if (!accessEntries.IsEmpty())
                // Add owner entry implied from user permission bits.
                existingAcl.AddItem(new AclEntry.Builder().SetScope(AclEntryScope.Access).SetType
                // Next add all named user and group entries taken from the feature.
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(existingAcl, accessEntries);
                // Add mask entry implied from group permission bits.
                existingAcl.AddItem(new AclEntry.Builder().SetScope(AclEntryScope.Access).SetType
                // Add other entry implied from other permission bits.
                existingAcl.AddItem(new AclEntry.Builder().SetScope(AclEntryScope.Access).SetType
                // It's possible that there is a default ACL but no access ACL. In this
                // case, add the minimal access ACL implied by the permission bits.
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(existingAcl, AclUtil.GetMinimalAcl(perm));
            // Add all default entries after the access entries.
            Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(existingAcl, defaultEntries);
            // The above adds entries in the correct order, so no need to sort here.
Пример #4
        /// <summary>Creates an AclFeature from the given ACL entries.</summary>
        /// <param name="accessEntries">List<AclEntry> access ACL entries</param>
        /// <param name="defaultEntries">List<AclEntry> default ACL entries</param>
        /// <returns>AclFeature containing the required ACL entries</returns>
        private static AclFeature CreateAclFeature(IList <AclEntry> accessEntries, IList <AclEntry
                                                                                          > defaultEntries)
            // Pre-allocate list size for the explicit entries stored in the feature,
            // which is all entries minus the 3 entries implicitly stored in the
            // permission bits.
            IList <AclEntry> featureEntries = Lists.NewArrayListWithCapacity((accessEntries.Count
                                                                              - 3) + defaultEntries.Count);

            // For the access ACL, the feature only needs to hold the named user and
            // group entries.  For a correctly sorted ACL, these will be in a
            // predictable range.
            if (!AclUtil.IsMinimalAcl(accessEntries))
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(featureEntries, accessEntries.SubList(1, accessEntries
                                                                                 .Count - 2));
            // Add all default entries to the feature.
            Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(featureEntries, defaultEntries);
            return(new AclFeature(AclEntryStatusFormat.ToInt(featureEntries)));
Пример #5
 /// <summary>Prints all the ACL entries in a single scope.</summary>
 /// <param name="aclStatus">AclStatus for the path</param>
 /// <param name="fsPerm">FsPermission for the path</param>
 /// <param name="entries">List<AclEntry> containing ACL entries of file</param>
 private void PrintAclEntriesForSingleScope(AclStatus aclStatus, FsPermission fsPerm
                                            , IList <AclEntry> entries)
     if (entries.IsEmpty())
     if (AclUtil.IsMinimalAcl(entries))
         foreach (AclEntry entry in entries)
         foreach (AclEntry entry in entries)
             PrintExtendedAclEntry(aclStatus, fsPerm, entry);
Пример #6
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            protected internal override void ProcessPath(PathData item)
                @out.WriteLine("# file: " + item);
                @out.WriteLine("# owner: " + item.stat.GetOwner());
                @out.WriteLine("# group: " + item.stat.GetGroup());
                FsPermission perm = item.stat.GetPermission();

                if (perm.GetStickyBit())
                    @out.WriteLine("# flags: --" + (perm.GetOtherAction().Implies(FsAction.Execute) ?
                                                    "t" : "T"));
                AclStatus        aclStatus = item.fs.GetAclStatus(item.path);
                IList <AclEntry> entries   = perm.GetAclBit() ? aclStatus.GetEntries() : Collections
                                             .EmptyList <AclEntry>();
                ScopedAclEntries scopedEntries = new ScopedAclEntries(AclUtil.GetAclFromPermAndEntries
                                                                          (perm, entries));

                PrintAclEntriesForSingleScope(aclStatus, perm, scopedEntries.GetAccessEntries());
                PrintAclEntriesForSingleScope(aclStatus, perm, scopedEntries.GetDefaultEntries());
Пример #7
        /// <summary>Updates an inode with a new ACL.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updates an inode with a new ACL.  This method takes a full logical ACL and
        /// stores the entries to the inode's
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.Permission.FsPermission"/>
        /// and
        /// <see cref="AclFeature"/>
        /// .
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="inode">INode to update</param>
        /// <param name="newAcl">List<AclEntry> containing new ACL entries</param>
        /// <param name="snapshotId">int latest snapshot ID of inode</param>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.AclException">if the ACL is invalid for the given inode
        ///     </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.QuotaExceededException">if quota limit is exceeded
        ///     </exception>
        public static void UpdateINodeAcl(INode inode, IList <AclEntry> newAcl, int snapshotId
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newAcl.Count >= 3);
            FsPermission perm = inode.GetFsPermission();
            FsPermission newPerm;

            if (!AclUtil.IsMinimalAcl(newAcl))
                // This is an extended ACL.  Split entries into access vs. default.
                ScopedAclEntries scoped         = new ScopedAclEntries(newAcl);
                IList <AclEntry> accessEntries  = scoped.GetAccessEntries();
                IList <AclEntry> defaultEntries = scoped.GetDefaultEntries();
                // Only directories may have a default ACL.
                if (!defaultEntries.IsEmpty() && !inode.IsDirectory())
                    throw new AclException("Invalid ACL: only directories may have a default ACL.");
                // Attach entries to the feature.
                if (inode.GetAclFeature() != null)
                inode.AddAclFeature(CreateAclFeature(accessEntries, defaultEntries), snapshotId);
                newPerm = CreateFsPermissionForExtendedAcl(accessEntries, perm);
                // This is a minimal ACL.  Remove the ACL feature if it previously had one.
                if (inode.GetAclFeature() != null)
                newPerm = CreateFsPermissionForMinimalAcl(newAcl, perm);
            inode.SetPermission(newPerm, snapshotId);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// If a default ACL is defined on a parent directory, then copies that default
        /// ACL to a newly created child file or directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="child">INode newly created child</param>
        public static void CopyINodeDefaultAcl(INode child)
            INodeDirectory parent           = child.GetParent();
            AclFeature     parentAclFeature = parent.GetAclFeature();

            if (parentAclFeature == null || !(child.IsFile() || child.IsDirectory()))
            // Split parent's entries into access vs. default.
            IList <AclEntry> featureEntries       = GetEntriesFromAclFeature(parent.GetAclFeature());
            ScopedAclEntries scopedEntries        = new ScopedAclEntries(featureEntries);
            IList <AclEntry> parentDefaultEntries = scopedEntries.GetDefaultEntries();

            // The parent may have an access ACL but no default ACL.  If so, exit.
            if (parentDefaultEntries.IsEmpty())
            // Pre-allocate list size for access entries to copy from parent.
            IList <AclEntry> accessEntries = Lists.NewArrayListWithCapacity(parentDefaultEntries
            FsPermission childPerm = child.GetFsPermission();
            // Copy each default ACL entry from parent to new child's access ACL.
            bool parentDefaultIsMinimal = AclUtil.IsMinimalAcl(parentDefaultEntries);

            foreach (AclEntry entry in parentDefaultEntries)
                AclEntryType     type    = entry.GetType();
                string           name    = entry.GetName();
                AclEntry.Builder builder = new AclEntry.Builder().SetScope(AclEntryScope.Access).
                // The child's initial permission bits are treated as the mode parameter,
                // which can filter copied permission values for owner, mask and other.
                FsAction permission;
                if (type == AclEntryType.User && name == null)
                    permission = entry.GetPermission().And(childPerm.GetUserAction());
                    if (type == AclEntryType.Group && parentDefaultIsMinimal)
                        // This only happens if the default ACL is a minimal ACL: exactly 3
                        // entries corresponding to owner, group and other.  In this case,
                        // filter the group permissions.
                        permission = entry.GetPermission().And(childPerm.GetGroupAction());
                        if (type == AclEntryType.Mask)
                            // Group bits from mode parameter filter permission of mask entry.
                            permission = entry.GetPermission().And(childPerm.GetGroupAction());
                            if (type == AclEntryType.Other)
                                permission = entry.GetPermission().And(childPerm.GetOtherAction());
                                permission = entry.GetPermission();
            // A new directory also receives a copy of the parent's default ACL.
            IList <AclEntry> defaultEntries = child.IsDirectory() ? parentDefaultEntries : Sharpen.Collections
                                              .EmptyList <AclEntry>();
            FsPermission newPerm;

            if (!AclUtil.IsMinimalAcl(accessEntries) || !defaultEntries.IsEmpty())
                // Save the new ACL to the child.
                child.AddAclFeature(CreateAclFeature(accessEntries, defaultEntries));
                newPerm = CreateFsPermissionForExtendedAcl(accessEntries, childPerm);
                // The child is receiving a minimal ACL.
                newPerm = CreateFsPermissionForMinimalAcl(accessEntries, childPerm);
Пример #9
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public override AclStatus GetAclStatus(Path path)
     return(new AclStatus.Builder().Owner(ugi.GetUserName()).Group(ugi.GetGroupNames()