Пример #1
        public static void TestSpell(Session session, params string[] parameters)
            uint  templatid;
            float x, y, z;
            float friction;
            float electicity;

                templatid  = Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[0]);
                x          = float.Parse(parameters[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                y          = float.Parse(parameters[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                z          = float.Parse(parameters[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                friction   = float.Parse(parameters[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                electicity = float.Parse(parameters[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
            catch (Exception)
                ChatPacket.SendServerMessage(session, $"Invalid Spell Parameters", ChatMessageType.Broadcast);

            AceVector3 velocity = new AceVector3(x, y, z);

            LandblockManager.AddObject(SpellObjectFactory.CreateSpell(templatid, session.Player.Location.InFrontOf(2.0f), velocity, friction, electicity));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Perfroms additional set up of the spell projectile based on the spell id or its derived type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spellId"></param>
        public void Setup(uint spellId)
            Spell     = new Server.Entity.Spell(spellId);
            SpellType = GetProjectileSpellType(spellId);


            // Runtime changes to default state
            ReportCollisions = true;
            Missile          = true;
            AlignPath        = true;
            PathClipped      = true;
            if (!Spell.Name.Equals("Rolling Death"))
                Ethereal = false;
            IgnoreCollisions = false;

            if (SpellType == ProjectileSpellType.Bolt || SpellType == ProjectileSpellType.Streak ||
                SpellType == ProjectileSpellType.Arc || SpellType == ProjectileSpellType.Volley || SpellType == ProjectileSpellType.Blast ||
                WeenieClassId == 7276 || WeenieClassId == 7277 || WeenieClassId == 7279 || WeenieClassId == 7280)
                PhysicsObj.DefaultScript          = ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayScript.ProjectileCollision;
                PhysicsObj.DefaultScriptIntensity = 1.0f;

            // Some wall spells don't have scripted collisions
            if (WeenieClassId == 7278 || WeenieClassId == 7281 || WeenieClassId == 7282 || WeenieClassId == 23144)
                ScriptedCollision = false;

            AllowEdgeSlide = false;
            // No need to send an ObjScale of 1.0f over the wire since that is the default value
            if (ObjScale == 1.0f)
                ObjScale = null;

            if (SpellType == ProjectileSpellType.Ring)
                ScriptedCollision = false;

            // Whirling Blade spells get omega values and "align path" turned off which
            // creates the nice swirling animation
            if (WeenieClassId == 1636 || WeenieClassId == 7268 || WeenieClassId == 20979)
                AlignPath = false;
                Omega     = new AceVector3(12.56637f, 0f, 0f);
Пример #3
        public static SetupModel ReadFromDat(DatReader datReader)
            SetupModel m = new SetupModel();

            m.ModelId = datReader.ReadUInt32();

            m.TypeId = datReader.ReadUInt32();

            if ((m.TypeId & 4) == 1)
                m.Type4 = true;
                m.Type4 = false;

            if ((m.TypeId & 8) == 1)
                m.Type8 = true;
                m.Type8 = false;

            // Get all the GraphicsObjects in this SetupModel. These are all the 01-types.
            uint numSubObjects = datReader.ReadUInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < numSubObjects; i++)

            if ((m.TypeId & 1) == 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < numSubObjects; i++)

            if ((m.TypeId & 2) == 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < numSubObjects; i++)
                    m.ObjectScales.Add(new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()));

            m.LT94Count       = datReader.ReadInt32();
            datReader.Offset += (9 * 4 * m.LT94Count); // skip over the LT94 Objects. Some sort of location/positional data.

            m.LT98Count       = datReader.ReadInt32();
            datReader.Offset += (9 * 4 * m.LT98Count); // skip over the LT98 Objects. Some other sort of location/positional data.

            int placementsCount = datReader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < placementsCount; i++)
                uint key = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                // there is a frame for each SubObject
                datReader.Offset += m.SubObjectIds.Count * 7 * 4; // This is frame data. Vector3 + Quaternion.

                uint hookCount = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                for (int j = 0; i < hookCount; j++)
                    // TODO: Handle this! HOWEVER, no objects appear to actually use this. At least none currently parsed as of 2017-03-29.

            int cylinderSphereCount = datReader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < cylinderSphereCount; i++)
                // Sphere is a Vector3 origin + float radius
                AceVector3 origin = new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle());
                m.CylSpheres.Add(new CylSphere(origin, datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()));

            int sphereCount = datReader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < sphereCount; i++)
                // Sphere is a Vector3 origin + float radius
                AceVector3 origin = new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle());
                m.Spheres.Add(new CSphere(origin, datReader.ReadSingle()));

            m.Height         = datReader.ReadSingle();
            m.Radius         = datReader.ReadSingle();
            m.StepDownHeight = datReader.ReadSingle();
            m.StepUpHeight   = datReader.ReadSingle();

            m.SortingSphere   = new CSphere(new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()), datReader.ReadSingle());
            m.SelectionSphere = new CSphere(new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()), datReader.ReadSingle());

            int lightCount = datReader.ReadInt32();

            // Light is made up of a Int32 uknown, Frame (Vector3 + Quaternion), int32 RGBColor, float unknown, float uknown and int32 unknown
            datReader.Offset += 12 * 4 * lightCount;

            m.DefaultAnimation   = datReader.ReadUInt32();
            m.DefaultScript      = datReader.ReadUInt32();
            m.DefaultMotionTable = datReader.ReadUInt32();
            m.DefaultSoundTable  = datReader.ReadUInt32();
            m.DefaultScriptTable = datReader.ReadUInt32();

Пример #4
        public static WorldObject CreateSpell(uint templateId, Position position, AceVector3 velocity, float friction, float electicity)
            ushort weenieClassId  = 0;
            Spell  spellId        = 0;
            uint   modelId        = 0;
            uint   soundTableId   = 0;
            uint   physicsTableId = 0;

            // todo: impletment more advanced templating.
            switch (templateId)
            case 0:
                weenieClassId  = 20974;
                spellId        = Spell.FlameBolt;
                modelId        = (uint)33555469;
                soundTableId   = (uint)536870967;
                physicsTableId = (uint)872415237;

            case 1:
                weenieClassId  = 7264;
                spellId        = Spell.ForceBolt;
                modelId        = (uint)33555443;
                soundTableId   = (uint)536870971;
                physicsTableId = (uint)872415241;

            case 2:
                weenieClassId  = 1635;
                spellId        = Spell.LightningBolt;
                modelId        = (uint)33555440;
                soundTableId   = (uint)536870968;
                physicsTableId = (uint)872415239;

            case 3:
                weenieClassId  = 1503;
                spellId        = Spell.FrostBolt;
                modelId        = (uint)33555444;
                soundTableId   = (uint)536870966;
                physicsTableId = (uint)872415238;

            case 4:
                weenieClassId  = 1636;
                spellId        = Spell.WhirlingBlade;
                modelId        = (uint)33555452;
                soundTableId   = (uint)536870972;
                physicsTableId = (uint)872415240;

            SpellLikeEffect mobj = new SpellLikeEffect(ObjectType.MissileWeapon, new ObjectGuid(CommonObjectFactory.DynamicObjectId, GuidType.None), "Spell", weenieClassId, ObjectDescriptionFlag.None, WeenieHeaderFlag.Spell, position, spellId, modelId, soundTableId, physicsTableId);

            mobj.PhysicsData.DefaultScript          = (uint)Network.Enum.PlayScript.ProjectileCollision;
            mobj.PhysicsData.DefaultScriptIntensity = (float)1;

            mobj.PhysicsData.PhysicsDescriptionFlag = PhysicsDescriptionFlag.CSetup | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.Stable | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.Petable | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.Position | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.Velocity | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.Friction | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.Elasticity | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.DefaultScript | PhysicsDescriptionFlag.DefaultScriptIntensity;
            mobj.PhysicsData.Velocity     = velocity;
            mobj.PhysicsData.Friction     = (float)friction;
            mobj.PhysicsData.Elastcity    = (float)electicity;
            mobj.PhysicsData.PhysicsState = PhysicsState.Spell;

            mobj.PlayerScript = PlayScript.Launch;

Пример #5
 public CylSphere(AceVector3 origin, float radius, float height)
     this.Origin = origin;
     this.Radius = radius;
     this.Height = height;
Пример #6
 public CSphere(AceVector3 origin, float radius)
     this.Origin = origin;
     this.Radius = radius;
Пример #7
        public static SetupModel ReadFromDat(uint fileId)
            // Check the FileCache so we don't need to hit the FileSystem repeatedly
            if (DatManager.PortalDat.FileCache.ContainsKey(fileId))
                DatReader  datReader = DatManager.PortalDat.GetReaderForFile(fileId);
                SetupModel m         = new SetupModel();
                m.ModelId = datReader.ReadUInt32();

                m.Bitfield = datReader.ReadUInt32();

                // Get all the GraphicsObjects in this SetupModel. These are all the 01-types.
                uint numParts = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)

                if ((m.Bitfield & 1) > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)

                if ((m.Bitfield & 2) > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
                        m.DefaultScale.Add(new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()));

                int numHoldingLocations = datReader.ReadInt32();
                if (numHoldingLocations > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numHoldingLocations; i++)
                        int key = datReader.ReadInt32();
                        m.HoldingLocations.Add(key, LocationType.Read(datReader));

                int numConnectionPoints = datReader.ReadInt32();
                if (numConnectionPoints > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numConnectionPoints; i++)
                        int key = datReader.ReadInt32();
                        m.ConnectionPoints.Add(key, LocationType.Read(datReader));

                int placementsCount = datReader.ReadInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < placementsCount; i++)
                    int key = datReader.ReadInt32();
                    // there is a frame for each Part
                    m.PlacementFrames.Add(key, PlacementType.Read(m.Parts.Count, datReader));

                int cylinderSphereCount = datReader.ReadInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < cylinderSphereCount; i++)
                    // Sphere is a Vector3 origin + float radius
                    AceVector3 origin = new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle());
                    m.CylSpheres.Add(new CylSphere(origin, datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()));

                int sphereCount = datReader.ReadInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < sphereCount; i++)
                    // Sphere is a Vector3 origin + float radius
                    AceVector3 origin = new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle());
                    m.Spheres.Add(new CSphere(origin, datReader.ReadSingle()));

                m.Height         = datReader.ReadSingle();
                m.Radius         = datReader.ReadSingle();
                m.StepDownHeight = datReader.ReadSingle();
                m.StepUpHeight   = datReader.ReadSingle();

                m.SortingSphere   = new CSphere(new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()), datReader.ReadSingle());
                m.SelectionSphere = new CSphere(new AceVector3(datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle(), datReader.ReadSingle()), datReader.ReadSingle());

                int numLights = datReader.ReadInt32();
                if (numLights > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numLights; i++)
                        int key = datReader.ReadInt32();
                        m.Lights.Add(key, LightInfo.Read(datReader));

                m.DefaultAnimation   = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                m.DefaultScript      = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                m.DefaultMotionTable = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                m.DefaultSoundTable  = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                m.DefaultScriptTable = datReader.ReadUInt32();

                // Store this object in the FileCache
                DatManager.PortalDat.FileCache[fileId] = m;
