Пример #1
	// Constructor.
	internal KnownAce(AceFlags aceFlags, AceType aceType,
					  int accessMask, SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier)
			: base(aceFlags, aceType)
				this.accessMask = accessMask;
				this.securityIdentifier = securityIdentifier;
Пример #2
		internal GenericAce (AceType type)
			if (type <= AceType.MaxDefinedAceType) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("type");
			this.ace_type = type;
Пример #3
		internal CommonAce (AceType type, AceFlags flags, int accessMask,
		                    SecurityIdentifier sid, byte[] opaque)
			: base(type, flags, opaque)
			AccessMask = accessMask;
			SecurityIdentifier = sid;
Пример #4
        public KnownAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, int mask, Sid sid)
            if (
                type != AceType.AccessAllowed &&
                type != AceType.AccessDenied &&
                type != AceType.SystemAlarm &&
                type != AceType.SystemAudit
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ACE type.");

            this.MemoryRegion = new MemoryAlloc(
                Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(KnownAceStruct)) -
                sizeof(int) +

            KnownAceStruct knownAce = new KnownAceStruct();

            knownAce.Header.AceType = type;
            knownAce.Header.AceFlags = flags;
            knownAce.Header.AceSize = (ushort)this.MemoryRegion.Size;
            knownAce.Mask = mask;


            this.MemoryRegion.WriteMemory(Win32.KnownAceSidStartOffset.ToInt32(), sid, 0, sid.Length);

Пример #5
 internal AzRecord(Guid subjectId, Guid actionId, AceType reaction, string objectId)
     SubjectId = subjectId;
     ActionId = actionId;
     Reaction = reaction;
     ObjectId = objectId;
Пример #6
        public KnownAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, int mask, Sid sid)
            if (
                type != AceType.AccessAllowed &&
                type != AceType.AccessDenied &&
                type != AceType.SystemAlarm &&
                type != AceType.SystemAudit
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ACE type.");

            this.MemoryRegion = new MemoryAlloc(
                Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(KnownAceStruct)) - // known ace struct size
                sizeof(int) + // minus SidStart field
                sid.Length // plus SID length

            KnownAceStruct knownAce = new KnownAceStruct();

            // Initialize the ACE (minus the SID).
            knownAce.Header.AceType = type;
            knownAce.Header.AceFlags = flags;
            knownAce.Header.AceSize = (ushort)this.MemoryRegion.Size;
            knownAce.Mask = mask;
            // Write the ACE to memory.
            // Write the SID.
            this.MemoryRegion.WriteMemory(Win32.KnownAceSidStartOffset.ToInt32(), sid, 0, sid.Length);
            // Update the cached info.
 public CustomAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque) : base(type, flags)
     if (type <= AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidUserDefinedAceType"));
Пример #8
		public CustomAce (AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque)
			: base(type, flags)
			/* FIXME: check length of opaque >
			 * MaxOpaqueLength or !multiple of 4
			SetOpaque (opaque);
Пример #9
		internal GenericAce (AceType type, AceFlags flags)
			if (type > AceType.MaxDefinedAceType) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("type");
			this.ace_type = type;
			this.ace_flags = flags;
 internal KnownAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, int accessMask, System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier) : base(type, flags)
     if (securityIdentifier == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("securityIdentifier");
     this.AccessMask = accessMask;
     this.SecurityIdentifier = securityIdentifier;
Пример #11
	// Constructor.
	internal QualifiedAce(AceFlags aceFlags, AceType aceType, int accessMask,
						  SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier,
						  byte[] opaque, AceQualifier aceQualifier,
						  bool isCallback)
			: base(aceFlags, aceType, accessMask, securityIdentifier)
				this.opaque = opaque;
				this.aceQualifier = aceQualifier;
				this.isCallback = isCallback;
Пример #12
		internal ObjectAce (AceType type, AceFlags flags, int accessMask,
		                    SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAceFlags objFlags,
		                    Guid objType, Guid inheritedType, byte[] opaque)
			: base(type, flags, opaque)
			AccessMask = accessMask;
			SecurityIdentifier = sid;
			ObjectAceFlags = objFlags;
			ObjectAceType = objType;
			InheritedObjectAceType = inheritedType;
Пример #13
		internal GenericAce(byte[] binaryForm, int offset)
			if (binaryForm == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("binaryForm");
			if (offset < 0 || offset > binaryForm.Length - 2)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", offset, "Offset out of range");
			ace_type = (AceType)binaryForm[offset];
			ace_flags = (AceFlags)binaryForm[offset + 1];
Пример #14
 // Constructor.
 public CustomAce(AceType aceType, AceFlags aceFlags, byte[] opaque)
     : base(aceFlags, aceType)
     this.opaque = opaque;
Пример #15
 public AzRecord(Guid subjectId, Guid actionId, AceType reaction, ISecurityObjectId objectId)
     : this(subjectId, actionId, reaction, AzObjectIdHelper.GetFullObjectId(objectId))
Пример #16
		internal QualifiedAce (AceType type, AceFlags flags,
		                       byte[] opaque)
			: base (type, flags)
			SetOpaque (opaque);
Пример #17
        public static void BasicValidationTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl             rawAcl    = null;
            SystemAcl          systemAcl = null;
            int                aceCount  = 0;
            SecurityIdentifier sid       = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;
            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sidStr          = "BG";
            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;
            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, no Ace
            revision    = 127;
            capacity    = 1;
            rawAcl      = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 0;
            sidStr      = "BG";
            sid         = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 2, only have 1 explicit Ace of the sid
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //199 has all aceflags but inheritedonly and inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 0;
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 3, only have 1 explicit Ace of different sid
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199 has all aceflags but inheritedonly and inherited
            sidStr = "BG";
            sid    = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            gAce   = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 1;
            sidStr      = "BA";
            sid         = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 4, only have 1 inherited Ace of the sid
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //215 has all aceflags but inheritedonly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 1;
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 5, have one explicit Ace and one inherited Ace of the sid
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //199 has all aceflags but inheritedonly and inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //215 has all aceflags but inheritedonly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 2, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(1, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 1;
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 6, have two explicit Aces of the sid
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.FailedAccess, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.SuccessfulAccess, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 2, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 0;
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, 0));

            //case 7, 1 explicit CustomAce

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                revision = 127;
                capacity = 1;
                rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
                aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
                //199 has all aceflags but inheritedonly and inherited
                aceFlag = (AceFlags)199;
                opaque  = null;
                gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
                rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
                isContainer = false;
                isDS        = false;
                systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
                sid         = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG"));
                aceCount    = 1;
                //After Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical and
                //forbid the modification on uncanonical ACL, this case will throw InvalidOperationException
                TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount);
            //case 8,  1 explicit CompoundAce

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                revision = 127;
                capacity = 1;
                rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
                //207 has all AceFlags but inherited
                aceFlag         = (AceFlags)207;
                accessMask      = 1;
                compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
                sid             = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG"));
                gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType, sid);
                rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
                isContainer = true;
                isDS        = false;
                systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
                aceCount    = 0;
                //After Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical and
                //forbid the modification on uncanonical ACL, this case will throw InvalidOperationException
                TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount);
            //case 9, 1 explict ObjectAce

            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG"));
            //207 has all AceFlags but inherited
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)207;
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.SystemAudit;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask, sid, objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = true;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount    = 0;
            Assert.True(TestPurge(systemAcl, sid, aceCount));
        public static void AdditionalTestCases()
            RawAcl rawAcl = null;

            byte[] binaryForm = null;
            int    offset     = 0;

            //case 1, binaryForm is null
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
                binaryForm = null;
                offset     = 0;
                rawAcl     = new RawAcl(binaryForm, offset);

            //case 2, binaryForm is empty
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                binaryForm = new byte[0];
                offset     = 0;
                rawAcl     = new RawAcl(binaryForm, offset);

            //case 3, negative offset
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                binaryForm = new byte[100];
                offset     = -1;
                rawAcl     = new RawAcl(binaryForm, offset);

            //case 4, binaryForm length less than GenericAcl.HeaderLength
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                binaryForm = new byte[4];
                offset     = 0;
                rawAcl     = new RawAcl(binaryForm, offset);

            //case 5, a RawAcl of length 64K. RawAcl length = HeaderLength + all ACE's  length
            // = HeaderLength + (HeaderLength + OpaqueLength) * num_of_custom_ace
            // = 8 + ( 4 + OpaqueLength) * num_of_custom_ace
            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;
            string     sid      = "BG";
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = 0;
            AceFlags aceFlag = 0;

            byte[] opaque = null;
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = (AceFlags)223;                                    //all flags ored together
            opaque   = new byte[GenericAcl.MaxBinaryLength - 3 - 8 - 4]; //GenericAcl.MaxBinaryLength = 65535, is not multiple of 4
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 6, a RawAcl of length 64K + 1. RawAcl length = HeaderLength + all ACE's  length
            // = HeaderLength + (HeaderLength + OpaqueLength) * num_of_custom_ace
            // = 8 + ( 4 + OpaqueLength) * num_of_custom_ace

            gAce = null;
            sid  = "BA";
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            aceType    = 0;
            aceFlag    = 0;
            binaryForm = new byte[65536];

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentException>("binaryForm", () =>
                revision = 127;
                capacity = 1;
                rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
                rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
                //change the length bytes to 65535
                binaryForm[2] = 0xf;
                binaryForm[3] = 0xf;
                //change the aceCount to 1
                binaryForm[4] = 1;
                aceType       = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
                aceFlag       = (AceFlags)223;                                    //all flags ored together
                opaque        = new byte[GenericAcl.MaxBinaryLength + 1 - 8 - 4]; //GenericAcl.MaxBinaryLength = 65535, is not multiple of 4
                gAce          = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
                gAce.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 8);
                TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0, revision, 1, binaryForm.Length);

            //case 7, a valid binary representation with revision 255, 256 Access
            //CommonAce to test the correctness of  the process of the AceCount in the header
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, i + 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
                rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength + 1000];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 1000);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, 1000, revision, 256, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 8, array containing garbage
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                binaryForm = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
                TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, 12);

            //case 9, array containing garbage
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                //binary form shows the length will be 1, actual length is 12
                binaryForm = new byte[] { 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
                TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, 12);

            //case 10, array containing garbage
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                binaryForm = new byte[] { 1, 1, 12, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
                TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, 12);
Пример #19
		private static bool IsObjectType(AceType type)
			return type == AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject
				|| type == AceType.AccessAllowedObject
				|| type == AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject
				|| type == AceType.AccessDeniedObject
				|| type == AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject
				|| type == AceType.SystemAlarmObject
				|| type == AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject
				|| type == AceType.SystemAuditObject;
Пример #20
        private AceQualifier QualifierFromType( AceType type, out bool isCallback )
            // Better performance might be achieved by using a hard-coded table 
            switch ( type ) 
                case AceType.AccessAllowed: 
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;

                case AceType.AccessDenied: 
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied; 
                case AceType.SystemAudit:
                    isCallback = false; 
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit;

                case AceType.SystemAlarm:
                    isCallback = false; 
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;
                case AceType.AccessAllowedCallback: 
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed; 

                case AceType.AccessDeniedCallback:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied; 

                case AceType.SystemAuditCallback: 
                    isCallback = true; 
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit;
                case AceType.SystemAlarmCallback:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;
                case AceType.AccessAllowedObject:
                    isCallback = false; 
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed; 

                case AceType.AccessDeniedObject: 
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied;

                case AceType.SystemAuditObject: 
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit; 
                case AceType.SystemAlarmObject:
                    isCallback = false; 
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;

                case AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject:
                    isCallback = true; 
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
                case AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject: 
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied; 

                case AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit; 

                case AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject: 
                    isCallback = true; 
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;

                    // Indicates a bug in the implementation, not in user's code 
                    Contract.Assert( false, "Invalid ACE type" ); 
                    throw new SystemException();
Пример #21
        internal KnownAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, int accessMask, SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier)
            : base(type, flags)
            if (securityIdentifier == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(securityIdentifier));

            // The values are set by invoking the properties.

            AccessMask = accessMask;
            SecurityIdentifier = securityIdentifier;
Пример #22
 internal QualifiedAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, int accessMask, SecurityIdentifier sid, byte[] opaque)
     : base(type, flags, accessMask, sid)
     this._qualifier = this.QualifierFromType(type, out this._isCallback);
Пример #23
        private AceQualifier QualifierFromType(AceType type, out bool isCallback)
            switch (type)
            case AceType.AccessAllowed:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.AccessDenied:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.SystemAudit:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.SystemAlarm:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.AccessAllowedObject:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.AccessDeniedObject:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.SystemAuditObject:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.SystemAlarmObject:
                isCallback = false;

            case AceType.AccessAllowedCallback:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.AccessDeniedCallback:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.SystemAuditCallback:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.SystemAlarmCallback:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject:
                isCallback = true;

            case AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject:
                isCallback = true;

                throw new SystemException();
Пример #24
        public static void Constructor3_AdditionalTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl           rawAcl           = null;
            DiscretionaryAcl discretionaryAcl = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;

            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;

            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BG";

            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;

            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, an AccessAllowed ACE with a zero access mask is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 0,
                                     new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //drop the Ace from rawAcl

            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 2, an inherit-only AccessDenied ACE on an object ACL is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //15 has all inheritance AceFlags but Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)15, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 3, an inherit-only AccessAllowed ACE without ContainerInherit or ObjectInherit flags on a container object is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //8 has inheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)8, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 4, 1 CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = AceFlags.None;
            opaque   = null;
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            //case 5, 1 CompoundAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            // 2 has ContainerInherit
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)2;
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            //case 6, 1 ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)15; //all inheritance flags ored together but Inherited
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = true;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 7, no Ace
            revision    = 127;
            capacity    = 1;
            rawAcl      = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 8, all Aces from case 1, and 3 to 6
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 5;
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")).ToString();
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //0 access Mask
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 0,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 1.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            //an inherit-only AccessAllowed ACE without ContainerInherit or ObjectInherit flags on a container object is meaningless, will be removed

            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)8, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 2.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            // ObjectAce
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)15; //all inheritance flags ored together but Inherited
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 3.ToString())), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            // CustomAce
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag = AceFlags.None;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            // CompoundAce
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)2;
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 4.ToString())));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical

            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            discretionaryAcl = null;
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            rawAcl           = null;
            //case 1, rawAcl = null
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(isDS ? GenericAcl.AclRevisionDS : GenericAcl.AclRevision, 1);
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(isDS ? GenericAcl.AclRevisionDS : GenericAcl.AclRevision, 1);
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));
Пример #25
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="type">Type of the new Access Control Entry (ACE). This value must be greater than <see cref="F:System.Security.AccessControl.AceType.MaxDefinedAceType" />.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Flags that specify information about the inheritance, inheritance propagation, and auditing conditions for the new ACE.</param>
 /// <param name="opaque">An array of byte values that contains the data for the new ACE. This value can be null. The length of this array must not be greater than the value of the <see cref="F:System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce.MaxOpaqueLength" /> field, and must be a multiple of four.</param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The value of the <paramref name="type" /> parameter is not greater than <see cref="F:System.Security.AccessControl.AceType.MaxDefinedAceType" /> or the length of the <paramref name="opaque" /> array is either greater than the value of the <see cref="F:System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce.MaxOpaqueLength" /> field or not a multiple of four.</exception>
 public CustomAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque) : base(type)
     base.AceFlags = flags;
Пример #26
 // Constructor.
 internal GenericAce(AceFlags aceFlags, AceType aceType)
     this.aceFlags = aceFlags;
     this.aceType  = aceType;
Пример #27
        static internal GenericAce CreateFromSddlForm(string sddlForm, ref int pos)
            if (sddlForm[pos] != '(')
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SDDL string.", "sddlForm");

            int endPos = sddlForm.IndexOf(')', pos);

            if (endPos < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SDDL string.", "sddlForm");

            int    count       = endPos - (pos + 1);
            string elementsStr = sddlForm.Substring(pos + 1,

            elementsStr = elementsStr.ToUpperInvariant();
            string[] elements = elementsStr.Split(';');
            if (elements.Length != 6)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SDDL string.", "sddlForm");

            ObjectAceFlags objFlags = ObjectAceFlags.None;

            AceType type = ParseSddlAceType(elements[0]);

            AceFlags flags = ParseSddlAceFlags(elements[1]);

            int accessMask = ParseSddlAccessRights(elements[2]);

            Guid objectType = Guid.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elements[3]))
                objectType = new Guid(elements[3]);
                objFlags  |= ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent;

            Guid inhObjectType = Guid.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elements[4]))
                inhObjectType = new Guid(elements[4]);
                objFlags     |= ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;

            SecurityIdentifier sid
                = new SecurityIdentifier(elements[5]);

            if (type == AceType.AccessAllowedCallback ||
                type == AceType.AccessDeniedCallback)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Conditional ACEs not supported");

            pos = endPos + 1;

            if (IsObjectType(type))
                return(new ObjectAce(type, flags, accessMask, sid, objFlags, objectType, inhObjectType, null));
                if (objFlags != ObjectAceFlags.None)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SDDL string.", "sddlForm");
                return(new CommonAce(type, flags, accessMask, sid, null));
Пример #28
        public CustomAce( AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque ) 
            : base( type, flags )
            if ( type <= AceType.MaxDefinedAceType )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidUserDefinedAceType" )); 

            SetOpaque( opaque );
Пример #29
 internal QualifiedAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, int accessMask, SecurityIdentifier sid, byte[] opaque)
     : base(type, flags, accessMask, sid)
     _qualifier = QualifierFromType(type, out _isCallback);
Пример #30
 private void AddAce(AceType type, AccessMask mask, AceFlags flags, Sid sid)
     AddAce(new Ace(type, flags, mask, sid));
Пример #31
 public Ace(Guid actionId, AceType reaction)
     ActionId = actionId;
     Reaction = reaction;
Пример #32
        protected void BaseInit(AceType type, int size, AceFlags flags, Sid sid, AccessType accessType)
            if (size >= ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Ace size is limited to an 16-bit integer", "size");
            if (size <= ACE_HEADER.SizeOf)
                throw new ArgumentException("Ace size must be at least the size of an ACE_HEADER", "size");

            _header.AceType = type;
            _header.AceSize = (ushort)size;
            _header.AceFlags = flags;
            _accessType = accessType;
            _sid = sid;
        public static void BasicValidationTestCases()
            RawAcl rawAcl = null;

            byte[] binaryForm = null;
            int    offset     = 0;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;
            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BA";
            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;
            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, a valid binary representation with revision 0, 1 SystemAudit CommonAce
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.SuccessfulAccess, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 2, a valid binary representation with revision 255, 1 AccessAllowed CommonAce
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 3, a valid binary representation with revision 127, 1 CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            opaque   = null;
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 4, a valid binary representation with revision 1, 1 CompoundAce
            revision        = 127;
            capacity        = 1;
            rawAcl          = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 5, a valid binary representation with revision 1, 1 ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 6, a valid binary representation with revision 1, no Ace
            revision   = 127;
            capacity   = 1;
            rawAcl     = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 0, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 7, a valid binary representation with revision 1, and all Aces from case 1 to 5
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 5;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //SystemAudit CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.SuccessfulAccess, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //Access Allowed CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 5, rawAcl.BinaryLength));
Пример #34
 public void AddAce(ISubject subject, IAction action, AceType reaction)
     AddAce(subject, action, null, reaction);
Пример #35
		protected static string GetSddlAceType (AceType type)
			switch (type) {
			case AceType.AccessAllowed:
				return "A";
			case AceType.AccessDenied:
				return "D";
			case AceType.AccessAllowedObject:
				return "OA";
			case AceType.AccessDeniedObject:
				return "OD";
			case AceType.SystemAudit:
				return "AU";
			case AceType.SystemAlarm:
				return "AL";
			case AceType.SystemAuditObject:
				return "OU";
			case AceType.SystemAlarmObject:
				return "OL";
			case AceType.AccessAllowedCallback:
				return "XA";
			case AceType.AccessDeniedCallback:
				return "XD";
				throw new ArgumentException ("Unable to convert to SDDL ACE type: " + type, "type");
Пример #36
        // Token: 0x06001E7A RID: 7802 RVA: 0x0006A800 File Offset: 0x00068A00
        internal static bool ParseBinaryForm(byte[] binaryForm, int offset, out AceQualifier qualifier, out int accessMask, out SecurityIdentifier sid, out ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, out Guid objectAceType, out Guid inheritedObjectAceType, out bool isCallback, out byte[] opaque)
            byte[] array = new byte[16];
            GenericAce.VerifyHeader(binaryForm, offset);
            if (binaryForm.Length - offset >= 12 + SecurityIdentifier.MinBinaryLength)
                AceType aceType = (AceType)binaryForm[offset];
                if (aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedObject || aceType == AceType.AccessDeniedObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAuditObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAlarmObject)
                    isCallback = false;
                    if (aceType != AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject && aceType != AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject && aceType != AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject && aceType != AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject)
                        goto IL_209;
                    isCallback = true;
                if (aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedObject || aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject)
                    qualifier = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
                else if (aceType == AceType.AccessDeniedObject || aceType == AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject)
                    qualifier = AceQualifier.AccessDenied;
                else if (aceType == AceType.SystemAuditObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject)
                    qualifier = AceQualifier.SystemAudit;
                    if (aceType != AceType.SystemAlarmObject && aceType != AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject)
                        goto IL_209;
                    qualifier = AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;
                int num  = offset + 4;
                int num2 = 0;
                accessMask  = (int)binaryForm[num] + ((int)binaryForm[num + 1] << 8) + ((int)binaryForm[num + 2] << 16) + ((int)binaryForm[num + 3] << 24);
                num2       += 4;
                objectFlags = (ObjectAceFlags)((int)binaryForm[num + num2] + ((int)binaryForm[num + num2 + 1] << 8) + ((int)binaryForm[num + num2 + 2] << 16) + ((int)binaryForm[num + num2 + 3] << 24));
                num2       += 4;
                if ((objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent) != ObjectAceFlags.None)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                        array[i] = binaryForm[num + num2 + i];
                    num2 += 16;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
                        array[j] = 0;
                objectAceType = new Guid(array);
                if ((objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent) != ObjectAceFlags.None)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++)
                        array[k] = binaryForm[num + num2 + k];
                    num2 += 16;
                    for (int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
                        array[l] = 0;
                inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid(array);
                sid    = new SecurityIdentifier(binaryForm, num + num2);
                opaque = null;
                int num3 = ((int)binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8) + (int)binaryForm[offset + 2];
                if (num3 % 4 == 0)
                    int num4 = num3 - 4 - 4 - 4 - (int)((byte)sid.BinaryLength);
                    if ((objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent) != ObjectAceFlags.None)
                        num4 -= 16;
                    if ((objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent) != ObjectAceFlags.None)
                        num4 -= 16;
                    if (num4 > 0)
                        opaque = new byte[num4];
                        for (int m = 0; m < num4; m++)
                            opaque[m] = binaryForm[offset + num3 - num4 + m];
            qualifier              = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 0;
            sid                    = null;
            objectFlags            = ObjectAceFlags.None;
            objectAceType          = Guid.NewGuid();
            inheritedObjectAceType = Guid.NewGuid();
            isCallback             = false;
            opaque                 = null;
 public void HasAccessOrException(string securityContext, string planUniqueName, AceType aceType, object right)
     _splxDal?.TrySecurityOrException(securityContext, planUniqueName, aceType, right, "Plan");
 public CustomAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque);
Пример #39
 protected Ace(AceType aceType, PrincipalIdentifier principal)
     : this(aceType, principal, AccessMask.None)
Пример #40
 public AzRecord(Guid subjectId, Guid actionId, AceType reaction, ISecurityObjectId objectId)
     : this(subjectId, actionId, reaction, AzObjectIdHelper.GetFullObjectId(objectId))
Пример #41
        public void RemoveAce <T>(ISubject subject, IAction action, ISecurityObjectId objectId, AceType reaction)
            if (subject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("subject");
            if (action == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            var r = new PermissionRecord(subject.ID, action.ID, AzObjectIdHelper.GetFullObjectId(objectId), reaction);

            if (permRecords.ContainsKey(r.Id))
Пример #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects and loads security for the given UniqueName into a SplxRecordManager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueName"></param>
        /// <returns>A loaded and resolved SplxRecordManager</returns>
        SplxSecureManagerBase GetSecureManagerSecurityRecurseUp(string userName, AceType aceType, string uniqueName, SecurityLoadParameters slp)
            string          rootUniqueName = ContainerRootUniqueName;
            SecureContainer root           = new SecureContainer()
                UniqueName = rootUniqueName

            #region setup SecurityLoadParameters, load ExternalGroupInfo
            if (slp == null)
                slp = new SecurityLoadParameters()
                    ExternalGroupInfo = new ExternalGroupInfo(LdapRoot, true, GlobalExternalGroupsCsv),
                    User = this.GetSuplexUser(userName)

            ExternalGroupInfo egi =
                new ExternalGroupInfo(LdapRoot, true, GlobalExternalGroupsCsv);

            SecureContainer       ctrl    = root;
            SplxSecureManagerBase context = null;

            #region IsFileStore = true
            if (IsFileStore)
                context = new SplxRecordManager()
                    UniqueName = uniqueName
                if (aceType == AceType.FileSystem)
                    context = new SplxFileSystemManager()
                        UniqueName = uniqueName

                splxApi.UIElement uie = _splxStore.UIElements.GetByUniqueNameRecursiveIgnoreCase(uniqueName);
                if (uie == null)
                    throw new SecurityException($"Could not find security element [{uniqueName}] in the permissione configuration.");

                ISecureControl curr      = context;
                IObjectModel   parentObj = uie.ParentObject;
                while (parentObj != null)
                    SecureContainer par = new SecureContainer()
                        UniqueName = ((splxApi.UIElement)parentObj).UniqueName
                    curr = par;

                    parentObj = parentObj.ParentObject;

                curr.Security.Load(_splxStore, slp);
            #region IsFileStore = false
                DataSet ds = _da.GetDataSet("splx.splx_dal_sel_security_byuserbyuie_up",
                                            new System.Collections.sSortedList(
                                                "@UIE_UNIQUE_NAME", uniqueName,
                                                "@SPLX_USER_ID", slp.User.Id,
                                                "@EXTERNAL_GROUP_LIST", egi.GroupsList));

                _da.NameTablesFromCompositeSelect(ref ds);

                //todo, when suplex is ready
                //DataSet ds = _splxApi.GetSecurity( rootUniqueName, slp.User, slp.ExternalGroupInfo, future:recurseUp );

                DataTable acl  = ds.Tables["AclInfo"];
                DataRow[] rows = acl.Select(string.Format("UIE_UNIQUE_NAME = '{0}'", rootUniqueName));
                if (rows.Length > 0)
                    rows = acl.Select(string.Format("UIE_PARENT_ID = '{0}'", rows[0]["SPLX_UI_ELEMENT_ID"]));

                while (rows.Length > 0)
                    string un = rows[0]["UIE_UNIQUE_NAME"].ToString();
                    if (un.StartsWith(ContainerUniqueNamePrefix))
                        context = new SplxRecordManager()
                            UniqueName = un
                        if (aceType == AceType.FileSystem)
                            context = new SplxFileSystemManager()
                                UniqueName = un

                        SecureContainer child = new SecureContainer()
                            UniqueName = un
                        ctrl = child;

                    rows = acl.Select(string.Format("UIE_PARENT_ID = '{0}'", rows[0]["SPLX_UI_ELEMENT_ID"]));

                root.Security.Load(ds, slp);

 internal Ace(AceType type)
     Type = type;
Пример #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests security /and/ RlsOwner for the given UniqueName and validates SecurityResults[AceType.Record, right].AccessAllowed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uniqueName">The UniqueName for which to select security.</param>
 /// <param name="right">The RecordRight to test (used in error message).</param>
 /// <param name="assetType">The associated AssetType (used in error message).</param>
 /// <param name="rowOwnerId">The rlsOwner from the row.</param>
 public SuplexSecurityInfo TrySecurityOrException(string userName, string uniqueName, AceType aceType, object right, string assetType, Guid rowOwnerId, bool recurseUp = true)
     return(this.TrySecurityOrException(userName, uniqueName, aceType, right, assetType, rowOwnerId, null, true, recurseUp));
Пример #45
 public Ace(Guid actionId, AceType reaction)
     ActionId = actionId;
     Reaction = reaction;
Пример #46
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests security /and/ RlsMask for the given UniqueName and validates SecurityResults[AceType.Record, right].AccessAllowed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uniqueName">The UniqueName for which to select security.</param>
 /// <param name="right">The RecordRight to test (used in error message).</param>
 /// <param name="assetType">The associated AssetType (used in error message).</param>
 /// <param name="rowRlsMask">The rlsMask from the row.</param>
 public SuplexSecurityInfo TrySecurityOrException(string userName, string uniqueName, AceType aceType, object right, string assetType, byte[] rowRlsMask, bool recurseUp = true)
     return(this.TrySecurityOrException(userName, uniqueName, aceType, right, assetType, Guid.Empty, rowRlsMask, false, recurseUp));
Пример #47
        /// <summary>
        ///     Set "User Cannot Change Password ACL".
        ///     @param sddl SDDL.
        ///     @param cannot <tt>true</tt> to set the ACL; <tt>false</tt> to unset.
        ///     @return updated SDDL.
        /// </summary>
        public static Sddl UserCannotChangePassword(Sddl sddl, bool cannot)
            AceType type = cannot ? AceType.AccessDeniedObjectAceType : AceType.AccessAllowedObjectAceType;

            Ace self = null;
            Ace all  = null;

            List <Ace> aces = sddl.GetDacl().GetAces();

            for (var i = 0; (all == null || self == null) && i < aces.Count; i++)
                Ace ace = aces[i];

                if ((ace.GetAceType() == AceType.AccessAllowedObjectAceType ||
                     ace.GetAceType() == AceType.AccessDeniedObjectAceType) &&
                    if (ace.GetObjectType() == ucpObjectGuid)
                        SID sid = ace.GetSid();
                        if (sid.GetSubAuthorities().Count == 1)
                            if (self == null &&
                                sid.GetIdentifierAuthority().SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }) &&
                                sid.GetSubAuthorities().First().SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }))
                                self = ace;
                            else if (all == null &&
                                     sid.GetIdentifierAuthority().SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05 }) &&
                                     sid.GetSubAuthorities().First().SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a }))
                                all = ace;

            if (self == null)
                // prepare aces
                self = Ace.NewInstance(type);
                self.SetObjectFlags(new AceObjectFlags(AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceObjectTypePresent));
                self.SetRights(new AceRights().AddOjectRight(AceRights.ObjectRight.Cr));
                SID sid = SID.NewInstance(NumberFacility.GetBytes(0x000000000001, 6));

            if (all == null)
                all = Ace.NewInstance(type);
                all.SetObjectFlags(new AceObjectFlags(AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceObjectTypePresent));
                all.SetRights(new AceRights().AddOjectRight(AceRights.ObjectRight.Cr));
                SID sid = SID.NewInstance(NumberFacility.GetBytes(0x000000000005, 6));

Пример #48
	// Constructor.
	internal GenericAce(AceFlags aceFlags, AceType aceType)
				this.aceFlags = aceFlags;
				this.aceType = aceType;
Пример #49
        private AceQualifier QualifierFromType(AceType type, out bool isCallback)
            // Better performance might be achieved by using a hard-coded table

            switch (type)
                case AceType.AccessAllowed:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;

                case AceType.AccessDenied:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied;

                case AceType.SystemAudit:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit;

                case AceType.SystemAlarm:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;

                case AceType.AccessAllowedCallback:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;

                case AceType.AccessDeniedCallback:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied;

                case AceType.SystemAuditCallback:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit;

                case AceType.SystemAlarmCallback:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;

                case AceType.AccessAllowedObject:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;

                case AceType.AccessDeniedObject:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied;

                case AceType.SystemAuditObject:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit;

                case AceType.SystemAlarmObject:
                    isCallback = false;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;

                case AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;

                case AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.AccessDenied;

                case AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAudit;

                case AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject:
                    isCallback = true;
                    return AceQualifier.SystemAlarm;


                    // Indicates a bug in the implementation, not in user's code

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid ACE type");
                    // Replacing SystemException with InvalidOperationException. It's not a perfect fit,
                    // but it's the best exception type available to indicate a failure because
                    // of a bug in the ACE itself.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
Пример #50
 public AzRecord(Guid subjectId, Guid actionId, AceType reaction)
     : this(subjectId, actionId, reaction, default(string))
Пример #51
        internal GenericAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags)
            // Store the values passed in;
            // do not make any checks - anything is valid here

            _type = type;
            _flags = flags;
Пример #52
        public static void RemoveInheritedAces_BasicValidationTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl           rawAcl           = null;
            DiscretionaryAcl discretionaryAcl = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;

            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;

            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BG";

            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;

            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, no Ace
            revision         = 127;
            capacity         = 1;
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 2, only have explicit Ace
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 3,  non-inherited CommonAce, ObjectAce, CompoundAce, CustomAce
            revision   = 127;
            capacity   = 5;
            sid        = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")).ToString();
            rawAcl     = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag    = AceFlags.InheritanceFlags;
            accessMask = 1;

            //Access Allowed CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 1.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //Access Dennied CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 2.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(2, gAce);
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 3.ToString())));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(3, gAce);
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 4.ToString())), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(2, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //After Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical and
            //forbid the modification on uncanonical ACL, this case will throw InvalidOperationException
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>

            //case 4,  all inherited CommonAce, ObjectAce, CompoundAce, CustomAce
            revision   = 127;
            capacity   = 5;
            sid        = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")).ToString();
            rawAcl     = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag    = AceFlags.InheritanceFlags | AceFlags.Inherited;
            accessMask = 1;

            //Access Allowed CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 1.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //Access Dennied CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 2.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 3.ToString())));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 4.ToString())), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 5, only have one inherit Ace
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 6, have one explicit Ace and one inherited Ace
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)(FlagsForAce.AuditFlags | FlagsForAce.OI | FlagsForAce.CI | FlagsForAce.NP), AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //215  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)(FlagsForAce.AuditFlags | FlagsForAce.OI | FlagsForAce.CI | FlagsForAce.NP | FlagsForAce.IH), AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BA")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(1, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 7, have two inherited Aces
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //215  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            sid = "BA";
            //16 has Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)16, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BA")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 8, 1 inherited CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            aceFlag = (AceFlags)215;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 9,  1 inherited CompoundAce
            revision        = 127;
            capacity        = 1;
            rawAcl          = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 10, 1 inherited ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = true;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

Пример #53
        public CustomAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque)
            : base(type, flags)
            if (type <= AceType.MaxDefinedAceType)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(

        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce" /> object from the specified binary data.</summary>
        /// <param name="binaryForm">The binary data from which to create the new <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce" /> object.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset at which to begin unmarshaling.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce" /> object this method creates.</returns>
        // Token: 0x06001E46 RID: 7750 RVA: 0x00069C80 File Offset: 0x00067E80
        public static GenericAce CreateFromBinaryForm(byte[] binaryForm, int offset)
            GenericAce.VerifyHeader(binaryForm, offset);
            AceType    aceType = (AceType)binaryForm[offset];
            GenericAce genericAce;

            if (aceType == AceType.AccessAllowed || aceType == AceType.AccessDenied || aceType == AceType.SystemAudit || aceType == AceType.SystemAlarm || aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedCallback || aceType == AceType.AccessDeniedCallback || aceType == AceType.SystemAuditCallback || aceType == AceType.SystemAlarmCallback)
                AceQualifier       qualifier;
                int                accessMask;
                SecurityIdentifier sid;
                bool               isCallback;
                byte[]             opaque;
                if (!CommonAce.ParseBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, out qualifier, out accessMask, out sid, out isCallback, out opaque))
                    goto IL_1A8;
                AceFlags flags = (AceFlags)binaryForm[offset + 1];
                genericAce = new CommonAce(flags, qualifier, accessMask, sid, isCallback, opaque);
            else if (aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedObject || aceType == AceType.AccessDeniedObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAuditObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAlarmObject || aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject || aceType == AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject || aceType == AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject)
                AceQualifier       qualifier2;
                int                accessMask2;
                SecurityIdentifier sid2;
                ObjectAceFlags     flags2;
                Guid               type;
                Guid               inheritedType;
                bool               isCallback2;
                byte[]             opaque2;
                if (!ObjectAce.ParseBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, out qualifier2, out accessMask2, out sid2, out flags2, out type, out inheritedType, out isCallback2, out opaque2))
                    goto IL_1A8;
                AceFlags aceFlags = (AceFlags)binaryForm[offset + 1];
                genericAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlags, qualifier2, accessMask2, sid2, flags2, type, inheritedType, isCallback2, opaque2);
            else if (aceType == AceType.AccessAllowedCompound)
                int                accessMask3;
                CompoundAceType    compoundAceType;
                SecurityIdentifier sid3;
                if (!CompoundAce.ParseBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, out accessMask3, out compoundAceType, out sid3))
                    goto IL_1A8;
                AceFlags flags3 = (AceFlags)binaryForm[offset + 1];
                genericAce = new CompoundAce(flags3, accessMask3, compoundAceType, sid3);
                AceFlags flags4 = (AceFlags)binaryForm[offset + 1];
                byte[]   array  = null;
                int      num    = (int)binaryForm[offset + 2] + ((int)binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8);
                if (num % 4 != 0)
                    goto IL_1A8;
                int num2 = num - 4;
                if (num2 > 0)
                    array = new byte[num2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                        array[i] = binaryForm[offset + num - num2 + i];
                genericAce = new CustomAce(aceType, flags4, array);
            if ((genericAce is ObjectAce || (int)binaryForm[offset + 2] + ((int)binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8) == genericAce.BinaryLength) && (!(genericAce is ObjectAce) || (int)binaryForm[offset + 2] + ((int)binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8) == genericAce.BinaryLength || (int)binaryForm[offset + 2] + ((int)binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8) - 32 == genericAce.BinaryLength))
            throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentException_InvalidAceBinaryForm"), "binaryForm");
Пример #55
 public AzRecord(Guid subjectId, Guid actionId, AceType reaction)
     : this(subjectId, actionId, reaction, default(string))
 // Token: 0x06001E42 RID: 7746 RVA: 0x00069B73 File Offset: 0x00067D73
 internal GenericAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags)
     this._type  = type;
     this._flags = flags;
Пример #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests security /and/ (RlsOwner /or/ RlsMask) for the given UniqueName and validates SecurityResults[AceType.Record, right].AccessAllowed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueName">The UniqueName for which to select security.</param>
        /// <param name="right">The RecordRight to test (used in error message).</param>
        /// <param name="assetType">The associated AssetType (used in error message).</param>
        /// <param name="rowOwnerId">The rlsOwner from the row.</param>
        /// <param name="rowRlsMask">The rlsMask from the row.</param>
        public SuplexSecurityInfo TrySecurityOrException(string userName, string uniqueName, AceType aceType, object right, string assetType, Guid rowOwnerId, byte[] rowRlsMask, bool allowOwnerOverride, bool recurseUp = true)
            string exceptionMsg        = this.GetNoRightsErrorMessage(right, assetType);
            SecurityLoadParameters slp = new SecurityLoadParameters()
                ExternalGroupInfo = new ExternalGroupInfo(LdapRoot, true, GlobalExternalGroupsCsv),
                User = this.GetSuplexUser(userName, resolve: true)

            SplxSecureManagerBase perms = recurseUp ?
                                          GetSecureManagerSecurityRecurseUp(userName, aceType, uniqueName, slp) :
                                          GetSecureManagerSecurity(userName, aceType, uniqueName, slp);

            #region eval rls
            RowLevelSecurityHelper.EvalOption option = RowLevelSecurityHelper.EvalOption.None;
            if (rowOwnerId != Guid.Empty)
                option |= RowLevelSecurityHelper.EvalOption.Owner;
            if (rowRlsMask != null)
                option |= RowLevelSecurityHelper.EvalOption.Mask;

            RowLevelSecurityHelper rlsHelper = new RowLevelSecurityHelper()
                RowOwnerId               = rowOwnerId,
                RowRlsMask               = rowRlsMask,
                SecurityPrincipalId      = slp.User.IdToGuid(),
                SecurityPrincipalRlsMask = slp.User.RlsMask,
                Option = option

            perms.Security.EvalRowLevelSecurity(rlsHelper, aceType, new object[] { right }, allowOwnerOverride);

            if (option != RowLevelSecurityHelper.EvalOption.None &&
                !perms.Security.Descriptor.SecurityResults[aceType, right].AccessAllowed)
                exceptionMsg = "You do not have rights to this record.";

            if (!perms.Security.Descriptor.SecurityResults[aceType, right].AccessAllowed)
                throw new SecurityException(exceptionMsg);

            return(new SuplexSecurityInfo(slp.User, perms));
Пример #58
        protected virtual void Read()
            var aceHeader = _memory.ReadStruct<AceHeader>();

            _flags = aceHeader.AceFlags;
            _size = aceHeader.AceSize;
            _type = aceHeader.AceType;
 public CustomAce(AceType type, AceFlags flags, byte[] opaque);
Пример #60
 public SecureContainer(AceType aceType = AceType.FileSystem)
     _sa = new SecurityAccessor(this, aceType);
     _sr = _sa.Descriptor.SecurityResults;