Пример #1
        public void SaveAccountMasterData(DBSite site, AccountMasterEntity ame)
            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblAccountMaster(AccountName, CreationDate, OpeningBalance, DRCR, ";

            qry += " Address, City, Phone,  Mobile, Email, Remarks, GroupId, UserID, SubuserId ,FYear)  VALUES(";
            qry += "'" + ame.AccountName + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.CreationDate + "'";
            qry += ", " + ame.OpeningBalance;
            qry += ", " + ame.DRCR;
            qry += ", '" + ame.Address + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.City + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Phone + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Mobile + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Email + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Remarks + "'";
            qry += ", " + ame.GroupId + ",";
            qry += util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

            //qry += ", " + UserBLL.userID;
            //qry += ", " + UserBLL.fYear;

            qry += " )";

Пример #2
        public void EditAccountMasterData(DBSite site, AccountMasterEntity ame)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblAccountMaster SET ";

            qry += " AccountName='" + ame.AccountName + "'";
            qry += ", CreationDate='" + ame.CreationDate + "'";
            qry += ", OpeningBalance=" + ame.OpeningBalance + "";
            qry += ", DRCR=" + ame.DRCR + "";
            qry += ", Address='" + ame.Address + "'";
            qry += ", City='" + ame.City + "'";
            qry += ", Phone='" + ame.Phone + "'";
            qry += ", Mobile='" + ame.Mobile + "'";
            qry += ", Email='" + ame.Email + "'";
            qry += ", Remarks='" + ame.Remarks + "'";
            qry += ", GroupId=" + ame.GroupId;
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);      //-------------  gwt user where condition --------------
            qry += " AND AccountMasterId=" + ame.AccountMasterId;

Пример #3
        public List <AccountMasterEntity> GetAccountMasterData(DBSite site, int userId, string id = "")
            List <AccountMasterEntity> accountMasterList = new List <AccountMasterEntity>();

            string qry = "";

            qry += "SELECT ";
            qry += "AccountMasterId, AccountName, CreationDate, OpeningBalance,";
            qry += "DRCR,  Address, City, Phone, Mobile, Email,";
            qry += " Remarks, acc.UserID, FYear ";

            qry += ", acc.GroupID  GroupID";
            qry += ", GroupName ";

            qry += " FROM tblAccountMaster as acc ";
            qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblGroup as gp ON ";
            qry += " acc.GroupId = gp.GroupId ";

            //qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition();
            qry += " Where acc.UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId;

            if (id != string.Empty)
                qry += "AND  AccountMasterId = " + id;

            DataTable           dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);
            AccountMasterEntity ac;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ac = new AccountMasterEntity();

                ac.AccountMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["AccountMasterId"].ToString());
                ac.AccountName     = dr["AccountName"].ToString();

                DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["CreationDate"]);

                ac.CreationDate = date.ToShortDateString();

                ac.OpeningBalance = util.ToDecimal(util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["OpeningBalance"]));

                ac.DRCR      = util.CheckNullInt(dr["DRCR"]);
                ac.DRCR_Name = (util.CheckNullInt(dr["DRCR"]) == 0) ? "Credit" : "Debit";
                ac.Address   = util.CheckNull(dr["Address"].ToString());
                ac.City      = util.CheckNull(dr["City"].ToString());
                ac.Phone     = util.CheckNull(dr["Phone"].ToString());
                ac.Mobile    = util.CheckNull(dr["Mobile"].ToString());
                ac.Email     = util.CheckNull(dr["Email"].ToString());
                ac.Remarks   = util.CheckNull(dr["Remarks"].ToString());
                ac.GroupId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["GroupId"]);
                ac.GroupName = util.CheckNull(dr["GroupName"]);
                ac.UserID    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]);
                ac.FYear     = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);


Пример #4
        public List <AccountMasterEntity> GetMatchedRecords(DBSite site, string value_to_search)
            List <AccountMasterEntity> selected_account_list = new List <AccountMasterEntity>();

            string qry = "";

            qry += "SELECT ";
            qry += "AccountMasterId, AccountName,  CreationDate, OpeningBalance,";
            qry += "DRCR,  Address, City, Phone, Mobile, Email,";
            qry += " Remarks, acc.UserID, FYear ";
            qry += ", acc.GroupId  ";
            qry += ", GroupName  ";

            qry += " FROM tblAccountMaster as acc ";
            qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblGroup as gp ON ";
            qry += " acc.GroupId = gp.GroupId ";

            //----- selection condition ----------

            qry += " WHERE acc.UserID = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND  FYear= " + Util_BLL.User.fYear + " AND ";     //------  user from session -----
            qry += " (( AccountName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            if (IsDate(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( CreationDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";

            qry += " ( Address LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( City LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            if (util.IsNumber(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( OpeningBalance = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( Phone = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( Mobile = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";

            qry += " ( Email LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( GroupName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%') )";

            DataTable           dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);
            AccountMasterEntity ac;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ac = new AccountMasterEntity();

                ac.AccountMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["AccountMasterId"].ToString());
                ac.AccountName     = dr["AccountName"].ToString();
                ac.CreationDate    = util.CheckNullDate(dr["CreationDate"]);

                ac.OpeningBalance = util.ToDecimal(util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["OpeningBalance"]));

                ac.DRCR      = util.CheckNullInt(dr["DRCR"]);
                ac.DRCR_Name = (util.CheckNullInt(dr["DRCR"]) == 0) ? "Credit" : "Debit";
                ac.Address   = util.CheckNull(dr["Address"].ToString());
                ac.City      = util.CheckNull(dr["City"].ToString());
                ac.Phone     = util.CheckNull(dr["Phone"].ToString());
                ac.Mobile    = util.CheckNull(dr["Mobile"].ToString());
                ac.Email     = util.CheckNull(dr["Email"].ToString());
                ac.Remarks   = util.CheckNull(dr["Remarks"].ToString());
                ac.GroupId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["GroupId"]);
                ac.GroupName = util.CheckNull(dr["GroupName"]);
                ac.UserID    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]);
                ac.FYear     = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);

