public async Task <ActionResult <AccountLedgerListDTO> > GetAccountLedgers([FromQuery] int page = 1, [FromQuery] int itemsPerPage = 20)
                if (page < 1 || itemsPerPage < 1)
                    return(BadRequest("Request contained one or more invalid paging values."));

                var accountLedgers = await _accountLedgerRepo.GetAccountLedgers()
                                     .Skip((page - 1) * itemsPerPage)

                var accountLedgerCount = await _accountLedgerRepo.GetAccountLedgers().CountAsync();

                var accountLedgerList = _mapper.Map <List <AccountLedger>, List <AccountLedgerDTO> >(accountLedgers);

                var dto = new AccountLedgerListDTO
                    AccountLedgers = accountLedgerList,
                    TotalItems     = accountLedgerCount,
                    TotalPages     = decimal.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((decimal)accountLedgerCount / (decimal)itemsPerPage)),
                    CurrentPage    = page,
                    ItemsPerPage   = itemsPerPage

            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError("Exception occurred while attempting to retrieve Account Ledgers.\nError: " + e.Message);
        public async Task <ActionResult <AccountLedgerListDTO> > LookupAccountLedger(
            [FromQuery] int?fiscalYearId,
            [FromQuery] int?accountId,
            [FromQuery] int?ledgerNo)
                if (fiscalYearId.HasValue && (fiscalYearId.Value < byte.MinValue || fiscalYearId.Value > byte.MaxValue))
                    return(BadRequest($"Fiscal Year ID must be between {byte.MinValue} and {byte.MaxValue}."));

                var accountLedgerQuery = _accountLedgerRepo.GetAccountLedgers();

                if (fiscalYearId.HasValue)
                    accountLedgerQuery = accountLedgerQuery.Where(l => l.FiscalYearId == fiscalYearId.Value);
                if (accountId.HasValue)
                    accountLedgerQuery = accountLedgerQuery.Where(l => l.AccountId == accountId.Value);
                if (ledgerNo.HasValue)
                    accountLedgerQuery = accountLedgerQuery.Where(l => l.LedgerNo == ledgerNo.Value);

                var accountLedgers = await accountLedgerQuery
                                     .OrderBy(l => l.FiscalYearId)
                                     .ThenBy(l => l.AccountId)
                                     .ThenBy(l => l.LedgerNo)

                var accountLedgerList = _mapper.Map <List <AccountLedger>, List <AccountLedgerDTO> >(accountLedgers);

                var accountLedgerListCount = accountLedgerList.Count;

                var dto = new AccountLedgerListDTO
                    AccountLedgers = accountLedgerList,
                    TotalItems     = accountLedgerListCount,
                    TotalPages     = 1,
                    CurrentPage    = 1,
                    ItemsPerPage   = accountLedgerListCount

            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError("Exception occurred while attempting to lookup an Account Ledger.\nError: " + e.Message);