public PersonResponse AuthenticateUser(string userName_, string password_) { PersonResponse personResponse = new PersonResponse(); try { //WebRequestLogManager objWebRequestLogManager = new WebRequestLogManager(); //decimal requestId = objWebRequestLogManager.AddRequest(string.Format("Project {0}, Page {1}, Method {2}, currentCulture {3}, clientID {4}, statusids {5}, partnertypecodes {6}", "ELSBackendBLL", "masterManager.cs", "GetAllPartners", culture, clientId, statusids, partnertypecodes), 0, CommonFunctions.RequestSource.WEB.ToString()); AccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); personResponse = accountDB.AuthenticateUser(userName_, password_); //objWebRequestLogManager.AddResponse(masterResponse.Status.ToString(), requestId, 0); } //catch (CustomException ex) //{ // masterResponse = new MasterResponse(ex.ResponseStatus); //} catch (Exception ex) { //var Error = "Exception : " + ex.Message + ", Inner Exception : " + (ex.InnerException == null ? "" : ex.InnerException.Message); //ExceptionLogDB.LogException("ELSBAL", "MasterManager.cs", "GetAllRoles", CommonFunctions.RequestSource.WEB.ToString(), Error); personResponse = new PersonResponse(BaseResponse.ResponseStatus.Error); } return(personResponse); }
public String Deposit(Transaction transaction) { TransactionDB.Deposit(transaction); double balance = AccountDB.getBalance(transaction.Acctno); return("Deposit of $" + transaction.Amount + " made to account " + transaction.Acctno + " ($" + balance + " remaining)"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel reg) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Check username is not taken if (!await AccountDB.IsUsernameTaken(reg.Username, _context)) { Account acc = new Account() { Email = reg.Email, FullName = reg.FullName, Password = reg.Password, Username = reg.Username }; // Add account to database await AccountDB.Register(_context, acc); //Create user session SessionHelper.CreateUserSession(acc.AccountId, acc.Username, _http); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { // Display error with other username error messages ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(Account.Username), "Username is already taken."); } } return(View(reg)); }
/// <summary> /// 创建用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RPCResult <Guid> CreateAccount(Account account) { Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.AccountID)) { account.AccountID = guid.ToString(); } else { guid = Guid.Parse(account.AccountID); } account.SMSNumber = 0; try { if (AccountDB.CreateAccount(account)) { return(new RPCResult <Guid>(true, guid, "创建用户成功!")); } LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.CreateAccount", "创建账号数据库失败"); return(new RPCResult <Guid>(false, guid, "创建账号失败!")); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogError("SMSService", "SMSService.CreateAccount", ex.ToString()); return(new RPCResult <Guid>(false, guid, "创建账号异常")); } }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new TellerForm()); //Construct the models. CustomerDB cDatabase = new CustomerDB(); AccountDB aDatabase = new AccountDB(); //Create virtual Donald Trump. cDatabase.addNewCustomer("D. Trump", "Atlantic City, NJ"); aDatabase.addNewAccount(1, 80); MessageBox.Show("Account number 100 constructed for D.Trump.", "New Customer Created"); //Create Virtual Bill Gates. He gets $10,000 and a custoemr number of 2. cDatabase.addNewCustomer("Bill Gates", "Microsoft Lane, United States"); aDatabase.addNewAccount(2, 10000); MessageBox.Show("Account number 101 constructed for Bill Gates.", "New Customer Created"); //Construct the controllers for the ATM's. AtmPresenter ATMController1 = new AtmPresenter(cDatabase, aDatabase); AtmPresenter ATMController2 = new AtmPresenter(cDatabase, aDatabase); //Construct the controller for the Teller form. TellerController TellerConroller1 = new TellerController(aDatabase, cDatabase); //Construct the threads for the ATM's. new Thread(ATMThread1).Start(ATMController1); new Thread(ATMThread2).Start(ATMController2); //Construct the thread for the Teller assmebly. new Thread(TellerThread1).Start(TellerConroller1); }
public UserModel GetUserRole(int pfid) { log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution start."); try { using (AccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB()) { UserModel userModel = null; UserRoleModel userRoleModel = accountDB.GetUserRole(pfid); if (userRoleModel != null) { userModel = new UserModel { Pfid = pfid, Name = userRoleModel.Name, RoleId = userRoleModel.RoleId }; } return(userModel); } } catch (Exception exception) { errorLog.Fatal("Exception " + exception.Message + "\n" + exception.StackTrace); throw; } finally { log.Debug(MethodHelper.GetCurrentMethodName() + " Method execution end."); } }
/// <summary> /// 提交短信,并扣费 /// </summary> /// <param name="sms"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RPC_Result <SMS.DTO.SMSDTO> SendSMS(SMS.DTO.SMSDTO sms) { try { Account account = AccountDB.GetAccount(sms.Message.AccountID);//AccountServer.Instance.GetAccount(sms.Message.AccountID); if (account == null) { LogHelper.LogWarn("Pretreatment", "PretreatmentService.SendSMS", "系统中不存在此用户 -> {Account=" + sms.Message.AccountID + "}"); MessageTools.MessageHelper.Instance.WirteInfo("提交短信失败,PretreatmentService.SendSMS,系统中不存在此用户 -> {Account=" + sms.Message.AccountID + "}"); return(new RPC_Result <SMS.DTO.SMSDTO>(false, sms, "用户不存在")); } if (account.SMSNumber < sms.Message.NumberCount) { return(new RPC_Result <SMS.DTO.SMSDTO>(false, sms, "总共要发 " + sms.Message.FeeTotalCount + " 条短信,账号余额不足!")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sms.Message.SPNumber)) { sms.Message.SPNumber = defaultSPNumber.Split(',')[0]; } SMS.DB.SMSDAL.AddSMS(sms); account = AccountDB.GetAccount(sms.Message.AccountID); return(new RPC_Result <SMS.DTO.SMSDTO>(true, sms, "短信已提交成功,扣费:" + sms.Message.FeeTotalCount + "条,剩余" + account.SMSNumber + "条")); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.MessageHelper.Instance.WirteError("发送短信时发生了异常", ex); return(new RPC_Result <SMS.DTO.SMSDTO>(false, sms, "发送短信时发生了异常")); } }
private void AccountlistView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { dictAccount = AccountDB.ReadFromFile(); dictCustomer = CustomerDB.ReadFromFile(); Dictionary <int, Transaction> tempDictTrans = new Dictionary <int, Transaction>(); if (AccountlistView.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { Account anAcc; Customer aCustomer; dictAccount.TryGetValue(Int32.Parse(AccountlistView.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text), out anAcc); this.AccountNumbertextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(anAcc.AccNumber); this.AccCustIDtextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(anAcc.CustomerId); this.AccountTypecomboBox.SelectedItem = anAcc.Acctype; dictCustomer.TryGetValue(Int32.Parse(AccountlistView.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text), out aCustomer); this.CustomerIDtextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(aCustomer.PersonId); this.FirstNametextBox.Text = aCustomer.Fn; this.LastNametextBox.Text = aCustomer.Ln; this.EmailtextBox.Text = aCustomer.Email.ToString(); this.PhonetextBox.Text = aCustomer.Phone.ToString(); this.StreetNumbertextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(aCustomer.Address.StreetNo); this.StreetNametextBox.Text = aCustomer.Address.StreetName; this.AptNumbertextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(aCustomer.Address.AptNo); this.CitytextBox.Text = aCustomer.Address.City; this.ProvincetextBox.Text = aCustomer.Address.Province; this.CountrytextBox.Text = aCustomer.Address.Country; this.PostalCodetextBox.Text = aCustomer.Address.PostalCode; this.AccCustIDtextBox.Text = this.CustomerIDtextBox.Text; tempDictTrans = anAcc.accTransactionDict; ShowAllTransactions(tempDictTrans); } }
/// <summary> /// Apaga o usuário. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void strip_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pData.ID == 0) { DarkMessageBox.ShowInformation("Você precisa carregar um usuário para fazer essa ação.", "Aviso"); return; } var result = DarkMessageBox.ShowWarning("Deseja realmente apagar este usuário?", "Aviso", DarkDialogButton.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.No) { return; } if (AccountDB.DeleteAccountData(pData.ID) > 0) { DarkMessageBox.ShowInformation("Usuário deletado.", "Aviso"); CharacterDB.DeleteAllCharacter(pData.ID); Clear(); pData.Clear(); return; } DarkMessageBox.ShowWarning("Não foi possível fazer a exclusão.", "Aviso"); }
private void LoadData() { var db = new AccountDB(); var dbError = db.Open(); if (dbError.Number != 0) { var errorText = $"Cannot connect to database {Environment.NewLine}"; errorText += $"Error Number: {dbError.Number}{Environment.NewLine}"; errorText += $"Error Message: {dbError.Message}"; MessageBox.Show(errorText); } else { if (db.Connected) { var character = db.GetCharacter(CharacterId); FillControlData(ref character); name = character.Name; } else { MessageBox.Show("Database is not connected."); } } }
/// <summary> /// 账号充值 /// </summary> /// <param name="accountID">充值账号</param> /// <param name="quantity">充值数</param> /// <param name="operatorAccount">操作人</param> /// <returns></returns> public RPCResult AccountPrepaid(string accountID, uint quantity, string operatorAccount) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountID)) { LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountPrepaid", "充值账号为空"); return(new RPCResult(false, "充值账号不能为空!")); } Account account = AccountDB.GetAccount(accountID);//AccountServer.Instance.GetAccount(accountID); if (account == null) { LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountPrepaid", "充值账号不存在"); return(new RPCResult(false, "账号不存在")); } if (account.SMSNumber + (int)quantity < 0 && quantity > 10000000) { return(new RPCResult(false, "充值金额太大")); } if (AccountDB.AccountPrepaid(account.AccountID, (int)quantity)) { PrepaidRecordDB.Add(operatorAccount, accountID, quantity); return(new RPCResult(true, "充值成功")); } LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountPrepaid", "充值数据库操作失败"); return(new RPCResult(false, "充值失败")); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogError("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountPrepaid", ex.ToString()); return(new RPCResult(false, "充值失败")); } }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { model.errMessage = "Please enter valid information."; return(View(model)); } Account account = AccountDB.FindActivatedAccount(model.username); if (account == null) { model.errMessage = "Account not found"; return(View(model)); } string code = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AccountDB.UpdateCode(account.Username, code); string subject = "Password Reset Link."; string url = "http://*****:*****@" <p><a href='" + url + @"'>" + url + @"<a/></p> Thank you, <br> hANNGry "; EmailNotifier.SendHtmlEmail(account.Email, subject, body); model.message = "Link Sent"; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult ResetPassword(ChangePasswordViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { model.errMessage = "Please enter valid information."; return(View(model)); } Account existingAccount = AccountDB.FindAccountByCode(model.code); if (existingAccount == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { AccountDB.ResetPassword(model.code, model.psw); model.message = "Reset successfully"; } else { model.errMessage = "Please enter valid information."; } return(View(model)); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // Application.Run(new MainForm(AccountDB.FindAccount("employee"))); Application.Run(new MainForm(AccountDB.FindActivatedAccount("manager"))); }
public ActionResult Staff_ChangePassword(ChangPasswordModel model, string returnURL) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string username = model.Username; string password = model.Password; string confirm = model.ConfirmPassword; if (confirm.Equals(password)) { AccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); bool check = accountDB.ChangePass(username, password); if (check) { TempData["alertMessage"] = "Success"; return(RedirectToAction("Staff_Product", "Staff")); } else { TempData["alertMessage"] = "Fail"; } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Password must match Confirm"); } } return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// Salva os dados. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void strip_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!VerifyTextbox()) { return; } FillPlayerData(); if (pData.ChangePass) { if (pData.LastPassword.CompareTo(pData.Password) == 0) { pData.ChangePass = false; } } if (pData.ChangePin) { if (pData.LastPin.CompareTo(pData.Pin) == 0) { pData.ChangePin = false; } } if (AccountDB.SaveAccountData(pData) > 0) { DarkMessageBox.ShowInformation("As informações do usuário foram atualizadas.", "Aviso"); Clear(); return; } DarkMessageBox.ShowWarning("Não foi possível salvar os dados.", "Aviso"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel reg) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Check username is not taken if (!await AccountDB.IsUsernameTaken(reg.Username, _context)) { Account acc = new Account() { FullName = reg.FullName, Username = reg.Username, Password = reg.Password, Email = reg.Email }; await AccountDB.Register(acc, _context); SessionHelper.CreateUserSession(acc.AccountID, acc.Username, _http); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(Account.Username), "That username is taken"); } } return(View(reg)); }
/// <summary> /// 账号扣费,返费 /// </summary> /// <param name="accountID">扣费账号</param> /// <param name="quantity">扣费数 可以为负</param> /// <returns></returns> public RPCResult AccountDeductSMSCount(string accountID, int quantity) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountID)) { LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountDeductSMSCharge", "账号为空"); return(new RPCResult(false, "扣费账号不能为空!")); } Account account = AccountDB.GetAccount(accountID);// AccountServer.Instance.GetAccount(accountID); if (account == null) { LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountDeductSMSCharge", "账号不存在"); return(new RPCResult(false, "账号不存在")); } if (AccountDB.DeductAccountSMSCharge(account.AccountID, (int)quantity)) { return(new RPCResult(true, "")); } LogHelper.LogWarn("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountDeductSMSCharge", "扣费数据库操作失败"); return(new RPCResult(false, "扣费失败")); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogError("SMSService", "SMSService.AccountDeductSMSCharge", ex.ToString()); return(new RPCResult(false, "扣费失败")); } }
public ActionResult Login(string username, string password) { try { AccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); int role = accountDB.CheckRole(username, password); if (role == 0) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false); return(RedirectToAction("Show_Product", "Admin")); } else if (role == 1) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false); return(RedirectToAction("Staff_Product", "Staff")); } else if (role == 2) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your Role is not Supported"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Wrong username or password"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Error")); } return(View()); }
public bool Consume(string username, string product, int quantity) { IAccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); IAccountManager accountManager = new AccountManager(accountDB); return(accountManager.Consume(username, product, quantity)); }
public bool LoadWithUsername(string username, decimal quota) { IAccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); IAccountManager accountManager = new AccountManager(accountDB); return(accountManager.TransferMoneyWithUsername(username, quota)); }
public bool LoadWithUID(int UID, decimal quota) { IAccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); IAccountManager accountManager = new AccountManager(accountDB); return(accountManager.TransferMoneyWithUID(UID, quota)); }
public Account DisplayAccountByUsername(string username) { IAccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); IAccountManager accountManager = new AccountManager(accountDB); var account = accountManager.GetAccountByUsername(username); return(account); }
public Account DisplayAccountByUID(int UID) { IAccountDB accountDB = new AccountDB(); IAccountManager accountManager = new AccountManager(accountDB); var account = accountManager.GetAccountByUID(UID); return(account); }
public String AddAccount(Account account) { var successful = AccountDB.CreateAccount(ref account); return(successful ? "Account " + account.Acctno + " created for user " + account.Username : "******" + account.Username + " does not exist"); }
public LoginQueue(Authentication configuration, Common.Database.DatabaseConnection db, Logger logger) { this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("LoginQueue"); this.mConfiguration = configuration; this.m_mDatabaseConnection = db; this.mAccountDB = new AccountDB(this.m_mDatabaseConnection); this.mThread = new Thread(Run); }
public GuestListingForm(GuestController aController, AccountDB acctDB) { InitializeComponent(); guestController = aController; this.Load += GuestListingForm_Load; this.FormClosed += GuestListingForm_FormClosed; this.Activated += GuestListingForm_Activated; accountDB = acctDB; }
public GuestMDIParent() { InitializeComponent(); guestController = new GuestController(); accountDB = new AccountDB(guestController); bookingController = new BookingController(guestController); accountDB.setBookingController(bookingController); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; }
public LoginQueue(Authentication configuration, AccountDB db, Logger logger) { this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("LoginQueue"); this.Configuration = configuration; this.AccountDB = db; // start the queue thread new Thread(Run).Start(); }
private void CloseAccountButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dictCustomer[Int32.Parse(AccCustIDtextBox.Text)].customerAccount.Remove(Int32.Parse(AccountNumbertextBox.Text)); dictAccount.Remove(Convert.ToInt32(AccountNumbertextBox.Text)); AccountDB.SaveToFile(dictAccount); Reset(); ShowAllAccounts(dictAccount); this.AccountTypecomboBox.SelectedItem = EnumType.Undefined; }
public static bool StartDatabase() { try { charDB = new MySQLActorDB(Configuration.Instance.DBHost, Configuration.Instance.DBPort, Configuration.Instance.DBName, Configuration.Instance.DBUser, Configuration.Instance.DBPass); accountDB = new MySQLAccountDB(Configuration.Instance.DBHost, Configuration.Instance.DBPort, Configuration.Instance.DBName, Configuration.Instance.DBUser, Configuration.Instance.DBPass); charDB.Connect(); accountDB.Connect(); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }