//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) public bool AddAccountBL() { bool result = false; Account account = new Account(); //AddCustomer(); // First we will make him a customer in Customer if he already exists then skip this step Console.WriteLine("Choose Account Type(Savings, Current,FD)"); if ((Enum.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out account._accType) == true)) { } else { throw new EnterValidAccountTypeException("Enter Valid Account Type"); } Console.WriteLine("Choose Your Home Branch"); account.HomeBranch = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Initial Amount(For FD minimum 20,000)"); double temp = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if ((int)account._accType == 2 && temp < 20000) { throw new InitialAmountOfFDException("Amount should be Atleast 20000"); } else if ((int)account._accType == 2 && temp > 20000) { account.FdDeposit = temp; } else { account.InitialAmount = temp; account.Balance = account.Balance + account.InitialAmount; } if ((int)account._accType == 0) { account.InterestRate = 5; if (AccnogenSavings.Count == 0) // If list empty then only { account.AccountNo = 500001; // Account No of Savings Account Starts with 5 series AccnogenSavings.Add(account.AccountNo); } else { int i = AccnogenSavings.Count; account.AccountNo = (AccnogenSavings[i - 1] + 1); // Add the existing list number + 1 (eg 500001 +1) } } else if ((int)account._accType == 1) { account.InterestRate = 0; if (AccnogenCurrent.Count == 0) { account.AccountNo = 400001; // Account No of Current Account Starts with 4 series AccnogenCurrent.Add(account.AccountNo); } else { int i = AccnogenCurrent.Count; account.AccountNo = (AccnogenCurrent[i - 1] + 1); } } else { if (account.InitialAmount > 100000) { account.InterestRate = 5.5; } if (account.InitialAmount < 100000) { account.InterestRate = 5; } if (AccnogenFD.Count == 0) { account.AccountNo = 300001; // Account No of FD Account Starts with 3 series AccnogenFD.Add(account.AccountNo); } else { int i = AccnogenFD.Count; account.AccountNo = (AccnogenFD[i - 1] + 1); } } AccountDAL ad = new AccountDAL(); result = ad.AddAccountDAL(account); // After adding Method return(result); }