static int usrAdd(string[] args) { if (ContainsOpt(args, "-f")) { var no = GetParm(args, 1); var name = GetParm(args, 2); var apwd1 = GetParm(args, 3); var apwd2 = GetParm(args, 4); if (apwd1 != apwd2) { logger().Error("Two times input password mismatch."); return(0); } AccountCtlMain.AddUser(no, name, apwd1); } else { var no = GetParm(args, 1); var name = GetParm(args, 2); Console.Write("Please input user's password : "******"Confirm password : "******"Two times input password mismatch."); return(0); } AccountCtlMain.AddUser(no, name, apwd1); } return(0); }
static int Exec(string cmd, string[] args) { switch (cmd) { case "init": logger.Warn("This is a dangerous command. Are you sure you want to execute it?(yes/no)"); var sure = Console.ReadLine(); if (sure == "yes") { AccountCtlMain.Init(); } break; case "act.print": AccountCtlMain.AccoutPrint(); break; case "act.create": AccountCtlMain.CreateAccount(GetParm(args, 1), GetParm(args, 2)); break; case "act.load": AccountCtlMain.LoadAccount(GetParm(args, 1), GetParm(args, 2)); break; case "act.unload": var parm1 = GetParm(args, 1); logger.Warn("This is a dangerous command. Are you sure you want to execute it?(yes/no)"); var yes = Console.ReadLine(); if (yes == "yes") { AccountCtlMain.UnloadAccount(parm1); } break; case "act.init": var parm2 = GetParm(args, 1); logger.Warn("This is a dangerous command. Are you sure you want to execute it?(yes/no)"); var yes1 = Console.ReadLine(); if (yes1 == "yes") { if (args.Count() > 2) { AccountCtlMain.InitAccount(parm2, GetParm(args, 2)); } else { AccountCtlMain.InitAccount(parm2); } } break; case "usr.pwd": var userName = GetParm(args, 1); Console.Write("Please input user's old password : "******"Please input user's new password : "******"Confirm new password : "******"Two times input password mismatch."); return(0); } AccountCtlMain.ChagePwd(userName, pwd1); } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect user name or password."); } break; case "usr.add": var no = GetParm(args, 1); var name = GetParm(args, 2); Console.Write("Please input user's password : "******"Confirm password : "******"Two times input password mismatch."); return(0); } AccountCtlMain.AddUser(no, name, apwd1); break; case "usr.delete": var duserName = GetParm(args, 1); Console.Write("Please input user's password : "******"Incorrect user name or password."); } break; case "usr.print": AccountCtlMain.UserPrint(); break; default: logger.Debug(string.Format("Don't has this command [{0}].", cmd)); throw new FinanceException(FinanceResult.IMPERFECT_DATA); } logger.Info("execute success."); return(0); }