private static void CheckMesh(MultiTargetAbstractBehaviour mtb) { bool flag = false; Transform transform = mtb.transform.Find("ChildTargets"); if (transform == null) { flag = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { Transform child = transform.GetChild(i); MeshFilter component = child.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer renderer = child.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (((component == null) || (component.sharedMesh == null)) || (((renderer == null) || (renderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0)) || (renderer.sharedMaterials[0] == null))) { flag = true; } } } if (flag) { TrackableAccessor accessor = AccessorFactory.Create(mtb); if (accessor != null) { accessor.ApplyDataSetProperties(); } } }
private async Task ExecuteLoadRepositoriesAsync(RepositoryQueryArguments arguments) { Cursor cursor = this.Cursor; this.Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting; try { this.resultContainer.Children.Clear(); IPublicRepositoryReader accessor = AccessorFactory.Create <IPublicRepositoryReader>(this.model.RepositoryName, this.model.IsOrganization); IResult <IRepository> result = await accessor.ReadAsync(arguments); if (result != null) { this.ApplyResults(result.Results); this.ApplyPagings(result.Pagination); if (result.Limitation != null) { Shared.StatusHandler.GlobalStatus.LimitationMaximum = result.Limitation.Maximum; Shared.StatusHandler.GlobalStatus.LimitationRemaining = result.Limitation.Remaining; Shared.StatusHandler.GlobalStatus.LimitationExpiration = result.Limitation.Expiration.DateTime; } } } finally { this.Cursor = cursor; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector(); base.DrawDefaultInspector(); MultiTargetAbstractBehaviour target = (MultiTargetAbstractBehaviour); IEditorMultiTargetBehaviour behaviour2 = target; if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(target) == PrefabType.Prefab) { GUILayout.Label("You can't choose a target for a prefab.", new GUILayoutOption[0]); } else if (ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects > 1) { string[] configDataNames = new string[ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects]; ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigDataNames(configDataNames); int indexFromString = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(behaviour2.DataSetName, configDataNames); if (indexFromString < 0) { indexFromString = 0; } int index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Data Set", indexFromString, configDataNames, new GUILayoutOption[0]); string dataSetName = configDataNames[index]; ConfigData configData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(dataSetName); string[] arrayToFill = new string[configData.NumMultiTargets]; configData.CopyMultiTargetNames(arrayToFill, 0); int selectedIndex = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(behaviour2.TrackableName, arrayToFill); if (selectedIndex < 0) { selectedIndex = 0; } int num4 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Multi Target", selectedIndex, arrayToFill, new GUILayoutOption[0]); if ((arrayToFill.Length > 0) && ((index != indexFromString) || (num4 != selectedIndex))) { behaviour2.SetDataSetPath("QCAR/" + configDataNames[index] + ".xml"); behaviour2.SetNameForTrackable(arrayToFill[num4]); } behaviour2.SetExtendedTracking(EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Extended tracking", behaviour2.ExtendedTracking, new GUILayoutOption[0])); } else if (GUILayout.Button("No targets defined. Press here for target creation!", new GUILayoutOption[0])) { SceneManager.Instance.GoToTargetManagerPage(); } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); TrackableAccessor accessor = AccessorFactory.Create(target); if (accessor != null) { accessor.ApplyDataSetProperties(); } SceneManager.Instance.SceneUpdated(); } }
private void UpdateTrackableProperties(TrackableBehaviour[] trackables) { foreach (TrackableBehaviour behaviour in trackables) { if (behaviour is DataSetTrackableBehaviour) { DataSetTrackableBehaviour target = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour)behaviour; TrackableAccessor accessor = AccessorFactory.Create(target); if (accessor != null) { accessor.ApplyDataSetProperties(); } } } }
// Updates trackables in scene from config data. private void UpdateTrackableProperties(TrackableBehaviour[] trackables) { foreach (TrackableBehaviour tb in trackables) { // Ignore non-data set trackables. if (!(tb is DataSetTrackableBehaviour)) { continue; } DataSetTrackableBehaviour trackable = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour)tb; TrackableAccessor configApplier = AccessorFactory.Create(trackable); configApplier.ApplyDataSetProperties(); } }
private void UpdateTrackableAppearance(TrackableBehaviour[] trackables) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { foreach (TrackableBehaviour behaviour in trackables) { if (behaviour is DataSetTrackableBehaviour) { DataSetTrackableBehaviour target = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour)behaviour; TrackableAccessor accessor = AccessorFactory.Create(target); if (accessor != null) { accessor.ApplyDataSetAppearance(); } } } } }
private static void TestRepositories(String value, Boolean organization) { IPublicRepositoryReader accessor = AccessorFactory.Create <IPublicRepositoryReader>(value, organization); IResult <IRepository> result = null; Task.Run(async() => { var count = await accessor.TotalCountAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"total count: {count}"); RepositoryQueryArguments arguments = new RepositoryQueryArguments(new PagingArgument(50)); while (true) { result = await accessor.ReadAsync(arguments); if (!result.Results.Any()) { break; } Console.WriteLine(result); foreach (IRepository repository in result.Results) { Console.WriteLine(repository); } Console.WriteLine($"count: {result.Results.Count()}"); if (result.Pagination == null || result.Pagination.Next == null) { break; } arguments.Paging = new PagingArgument(result.Pagination.Next); } Console.WriteLine($"total count: {count}"); }) .Wait(); }
// Updates trackables in scene from config data. private void UpdateTrackableAppearance(TrackableBehaviour[] trackables) { // do not set appearance in play mode if (!Application.isPlaying) { foreach (TrackableBehaviour tb in trackables) { // Ignore non-data set trackables. if (!(tb is DataSetTrackableBehaviour)) { continue; } DataSetTrackableBehaviour trackable = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour)tb; TrackableAccessor configApplier = AccessorFactory.Create(trackable); if (configApplier != null) { configApplier.ApplyDataSetAppearance(); } } } }
private static void TestReleases(String owner, String repository) { IPublicReleaseReader accessor = AccessorFactory.Create <IPublicReleaseReader>(owner, repository); IResult <IRelease> result = null; Task.Run(async() => { ReleaseQueryArguments arguments = new ReleaseQueryArguments(new PagingArgument(50)); while (true) { result = await accessor.ReadAsync(arguments); if (!result.Results.Any()) { break; } Console.WriteLine(result); foreach (IRelease release in result.Results) { Console.WriteLine(release); } Console.WriteLine($"count: {result.Results.Count()}"); if (result.Pagination == null || result.Pagination.Next == null) { break; } arguments.Paging = new PagingArgument(result.Pagination.Next); } }) .Wait(); }
private static void CheckMesh(MultiTargetBehaviour mtb) { // when copy-pasting targets between scenes, the mesh and materials of // the game objects get lost. This checks for them and re-creates them if they are found missing. bool updateGeometry = false; Transform childTargets = mtb.transform.Find("ChildTargets"); if (childTargets == null) { updateGeometry = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < childTargets.childCount; i++) { Transform childTarget = childTargets.GetChild(i); MeshFilter meshFilter = childTarget.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer meshRenderer = childTarget.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (meshFilter == null || meshFilter.sharedMesh == null || meshRenderer == null || meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0 || meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[0] == null) { updateGeometry = true; } } } if (updateGeometry) { TrackableAccessor accessor = AccessorFactory.Create(mtb); if (accessor != null) { accessor.ApplyDataSetProperties(); } } }
public AbstractAccessor CreateAccessor() { return(AccessorFactory.Create(HttpContext.User)); }
// Lets the user choose a Multi Target from a drop down list. Multi Target // must be defined in the "config.xml" file. public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector(); DrawDefaultInspector(); MultiTargetBehaviour mtb = (MultiTargetBehaviour)target; IEditorMultiTargetBehaviour editorMtb = mtb; if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(mtb) == PrefabType.Prefab) { GUILayout.Label("You can't choose a target for a prefab."); } else if (ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects > 1) { // Draw list for choosing a data set. string[] dataSetList = new string[ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects]; ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigDataNames(dataSetList); int currentDataSetIndex = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(editorMtb.DataSetName, dataSetList); // If name is not in array we automatically choose default name; if (currentDataSetIndex < 0) { currentDataSetIndex = 0; } int newDataSetIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Data Set", currentDataSetIndex, dataSetList); string chosenDataSet = dataSetList[newDataSetIndex]; ConfigData dataSetData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(chosenDataSet); // Draw list for choosing a Trackable. string[] namesList = new string[dataSetData.NumMultiTargets]; dataSetData.CopyMultiTargetNames(namesList, 0); int currentTrackableIndex = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(editorMtb.TrackableName, namesList); // If name is not in array we automatically choose default name; if (currentTrackableIndex < 0) { currentTrackableIndex = 0; } int newTrackableIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Multi Target", currentTrackableIndex, namesList); if (namesList.Length > 0) { if (newDataSetIndex != currentDataSetIndex || newTrackableIndex != currentTrackableIndex) { editorMtb.SetDataSetPath("QCAR/" + dataSetList[newDataSetIndex] + ".xml"); editorMtb.SetNameForTrackable(namesList[newTrackableIndex]); } } } else { if (GUILayout.Button("No targets defined. Press here for target " + "creation!")) { SceneManager.Instance.GoToARPage(); } } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(mtb); // If name has changed we apply the correct values from the config // file. TrackableAccessor accessor = AccessorFactory.Create(mtb); if (accessor != null) { accessor.ApplyDataSetProperties(); } SceneManager.Instance.SceneUpdated(); } }