public IEnumerator Setup() { this.user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); if (this.user.Session.IsValid()) { Result logoutResult = null; this.user.Logout(r => logoutResult = r); while (logoutResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } } Result loginWithDevice = null; this.user.LoginWithDeviceId(result => { loginWithDevice = result; }); while (loginWithDevice == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Debug.Log(this.user.Session.UserId); Assert.That(!loginWithDevice.IsError); }
private void OutputAuthCode(Sony.NP.Auth.AuthCodeResponse response) { if (response == null) { return; } PrintLog("Auth Code Response"); if (response.Locked == false) { PrintLog("AuthCode : " + response.AuthCode); PrintLog("IssuerId : " + response.IssuerId); var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); PrintLog("\nLogin to AB"); user.LoginWithOtherPlatform(AccelByte.Models.PlatformType.PS4, response.AuthCode, result => { if (!result.IsError) { PrintLog("\nLogin Success!"); user.GetData(resultData => { if (!resultData.IsError) { PrintLog("\nUserId: " + resultData.Value.userId); PrintLog("\nDisplayName: " + resultData.Value.displayName); } }); } }); } }
public IEnumerator Setup() { var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); Result loginWithDevice = null; user.LoginWithDeviceId(result => { loginWithDevice = result; }); while (loginWithDevice == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Result <UserData> getDataResult = null; user.GetData(r => getDataResult = r); while (getDataResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.LogResult(getDataResult); TestHelper.Assert.That(getDataResult.IsError, Is.False); TestHelper.Assert.That(!loginWithDevice.IsError); }
/// <summary> /// When logout button pressed, redirect to LoginPage scene. /// </summary> void OnLogoutClicked() { User user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); user.Logout(); SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneNames.LoginPage.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Use this for initialization /// </summary> void Start() { AssignSceneComponents(); user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); entitlements = AccelBytePlugin.GetEntitlements(); entitlementList = new List <PagedEntitlements>(); pageNow = 0; pageSize = 18; entitlements.GetUserEntitlements(pageNow, pageSize, OnGetUserEntitlements); }
void SignIn() { try { Sony.NP.Auth.GetAuthCodeRequest request = new Sony.NP.Auth.GetAuthCodeRequest(); // test values from SDK nptoolkit sample ... replace with your own project values Sony.NP.Auth.NpClientId clientId = new Sony.NP.Auth.NpClientId(); clientId.Id = ""; request.ClientId = clientId; request.Scope = "psn:s2s"; request.UserId = GetLocalProfiles(); PrintLog("\nGet UserId Success! UserId: " + request.UserId); Sony.NP.Auth.AuthCodeResponse response = new Sony.NP.Auth.AuthCodeResponse(); int requestId = Sony.NP.Auth.GetAuthCode(request, response); while (response.Locked) { new WaitForSeconds(1); } PrintLog("\n Return Code: " + response.ReturnCode); PrintLog("\nIssuerId: " + response.IssuerId); if (!response.IsErrorCode) { PrintLog("\nAuthCode: " + response.AuthCode); var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); PrintLog("\nLogin to AB"); user.LoginWithOtherPlatform(AccelByte.Models.PlatformType.PS4, response.AuthCode, result => { if (!result.IsError) { PrintLog("\nLogin Success!"); user.GetData(resultData => { if (!resultData.IsError) { PrintLog("\nUserId: " + resultData.Value.userId); PrintLog("\nDisplayName: " + resultData.Value.displayName); } }); } }); } } catch (Sony.NP.NpToolkitException e) { PrintLog("\nException : " + e.ExtendedMessage); } }
void SignIn() { GgpPlayerId playerId = StadiaNativeApis.GgpGetPrimaryPlayerId(); float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; while (playerId.Value == (int)GgpIdConstants.kGgpInvalidId && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime < 10f) { new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); playerId = StadiaNativeApis.GgpGetPrimaryPlayerId(); } if (playerId.Value == (int)GgpIdConstants.kGgpInvalidId) { PrintLog("\n[STADIA] Can't retrieve playerId!"); } PrintLog("\n[STADIA] PlayerId: " + playerId.Value); GgpStatus reqStatus; GgpPlayerJwt playerJwt = StadiaNativeApis.GgpGetJwtForPlayer(playerId, 1000, new GgpJwtFields((ulong)GgpJwtFieldValues.kGgpJwtField_None)).GetResultBlocking <GgpPlayerJwt>(out reqStatus); PrintLog("\nPlayerJwt: " + playerJwt.jwt); var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); PrintLog("\nLogin to AB"); user.LoginWithOtherPlatform(AccelByte.Models.PlatformType.Stadia, playerJwt.jwt, loginResult => { if (!loginResult.IsError) { PrintLog("\nLogin Success!"); user.GetData(resultData => { if (!resultData.IsError) { PrintLog("\nUserId: " + resultData.Value.userId); PrintLog("\nDisplayName: " + resultData.Value.displayName); } }); } else { PrintLog("\nCannot logged in."); PrintLog("\nError: " + loginResult.Error.Code + " | Message: " + loginResult.Error.Message); } }); }
public IEnumerator LoginTestUser() { var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); Result userLoginResult = null; user.LoginWithDeviceId(result => { userLoginResult = result; }); while (userLoginResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!userLoginResult.IsError, "User cannot login."); TestVariables.userId = user.Session.UserId; TestHelper testHelper = new TestHelper(); Result <TokenData> getAccessToken = null; testHelper.GetAccessToken(result => { getAccessToken = result; }); while (getAccessToken == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getAccessToken.IsError, "Cannot get access token."); TestVariables.accessToken = getAccessToken.Value.access_token; DedicatedServer server = AccelByteServerPlugin.GetDedicatedServer(); Result loginResult = null; server.LoginWithClientCredentials(result => loginResult = result); while (loginResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!loginResult.IsError, "Server cannot login."); }
public IEnumerator GetDescendantCategory_CategoryValid_LanguageInvalid_Success() { var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); Result loginResult = null; user.LoginWithDeviceId(result => loginResult = result); while (loginResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Categories categories = AccelBytePlugin.GetCategories(); Result <CategoryInfo[]> getDescendantCategoryResult = null; bool containDogeCoin = false; categories.GetDescendantCategories( TestVariables.expectedRootCategoryPath, "unknown", result => { getDescendantCategoryResult = result; }); while (getDescendantCategoryResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } foreach (CategoryInfo child in getDescendantCategoryResult.Value) { if (child.categoryPath.Contains(TestVariables.expectedGrandChildCategoryPath)) { containDogeCoin = true; } } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue( !getDescendantCategoryResult.IsError, "Get descendant category with invalid language failed."); TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(containDogeCoin, "Get descendant category with invalid language failed."); }
void SignIn() { try { //TODO: URL needs to be changed string url = ""; var result = mCurrentUser.GetTokenAndSignatureAsync("POST", url, ""); PrintLog("\n After GetTokenAndSignatureAsync...." + result); while (result.Status != Windows.Foundation.AsyncStatus.Completed) { PrintLog("\n Waiting...." + result.Status); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } PrintLog("\nReturn Code: " + result.ErrorCode); PrintLog("\nAuthCode: " + result.GetResults().Token); var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); PrintLog("\nLogin to AB"); user.LoginWithOtherPlatform(AccelByte.Models.PlatformType.Live, result.GetResults().Token, loginResult => { if (!loginResult.IsError) { PrintLog("\nLogin Success!"); user.GetData(resultData => { if (!resultData.IsError) { PrintLog("\nUserId: " + resultData.Value.userId); PrintLog("\nDisplayName: " + resultData.Value.displayName); } }); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintLog("\n Exception...." + ex); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Use this for initialization /// </summary> void Start() { user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); AssignSceneComponents(); user.GetData(OnGetUserData); }
public IEnumerator TestSendEvent_WithStringData_ReturnsError() { var userAccount = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); Result emailLoginResult = null; Result <RegisterUserResponse> registerResult = null; var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); user.Register( "*****@*****.**", "Password123", "testeraccelbyte", "US", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-22), result => registerResult = result); while (registerResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } userAccount.LoginWithUsername( "*****@*****.**", "Password123", result => { emailLoginResult = result; }); while (emailLoginResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!emailLoginResult.IsError); var telemetry = AccelBytePlugin.GetTelemetry(); Result telemetryResult = null; telemetry.SendEvent(new TelemetryEventTag(), "string data", result => { telemetryResult = result; }); while (telemetryResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Result deleteResult = null; var helper = new TestHelper(); helper.DeleteUser(userAccount, result => deleteResult = result); while (deleteResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Result logoutResult = null; userAccount.Logout(r => logoutResult = r); while (logoutResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(telemetryResult.IsError); TestHelper.Assert.That(deleteResult.IsError, Is.False); TestHelper.Assert.That(logoutResult.IsError, Is.False); }
public IEnumerator Setup() { var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); this.server = AccelByteServerPlugin.GetDedicatedServer(); Result loginResult = null; this.server.LoginWithClientCredentials(result => loginResult = result); while (loginResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Result loginWithDevice = null; user.LoginWithDeviceId(result => { loginWithDevice = result; }); while (loginWithDevice == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } this.userId1 = user.Session.UserId; Result logoutResult = null; user.Logout(result => logoutResult = result); while (logoutResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } var steamTicketBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (SteamManager.Initialized) { var ticket = new byte[1024]; uint actualTicketLength; SteamUser.GetAuthSessionTicket(ticket, ticket.Length, out actualTicketLength); Array.Resize(ref ticket, (int)actualTicketLength); foreach (byte b in ticket) { steamTicketBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b); } } Result steamLoginResult = null; user.LoginWithOtherPlatform( PlatformType.Steam, steamTicketBuilder.ToString(), result => steamLoginResult = result); while (steamLoginResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } this.userId2 = user.Session.UserId; this.statistic = AccelByteServerPlugin.GetStatistic(); //Get AccessToken Result <TokenData> GetAccessToken = null; this.helper.GetAccessToken(result => { GetAccessToken = result; }); while (GetAccessToken == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } this.helperAccessToken = GetAccessToken.Value.access_token; for (int i = 0; i < this.statCodes.Length - 1; i++) { Debug.Log("Start to create stat! " + this.statCodes[i]); Result <StatConfig> createStatResult = null; TestHelper.StatCreateModel createStat = new TestHelper.StatCreateModel { defaultValue = 0, description = "Stat for SDK Test", incrementOnly = true, maximum = 999999, minimum = 0, name = this.statCodes[i], setAsGlobal = false, setBy = StatisticSetBy.SERVER, statCode = this.statCodes[i], tags = new[] { this.tags[i] } }; this.helper.CreateStatConfig( this.helperAccessToken, createStat, result => { createStatResult = result; }); while (createStatResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } } Debug.Log("Start to create stat! " + this.statCodes[5]); Result <StatConfig> createStat6Result = null; TestHelper.StatCreateModel createStat6 = new TestHelper.StatCreateModel { defaultValue = 0, description = "Stat for SDK Test", incrementOnly = false, maximum = 999999, minimum = 0, name = this.statCodes[5], setAsGlobal = false, setBy = StatisticSetBy.SERVER, statCode = this.statCodes[5], tags = new[] { this.tags[5] } }; this.helper.CreateStatConfig( this.helperAccessToken, createStat6, result => { createStat6Result = result; }); while (createStat6Result == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } foreach (string statCode in this.statCodes) { Result deleteResult = null; this.helper.DeleteStatItem( this.helperAccessToken, this.userId1, statCode, result => deleteResult = result); while (deleteResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } deleteResult = null; this.helper.DeleteStatItem( this.helperAccessToken, this.userId2, statCode, result => deleteResult = result); while (deleteResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Use this for initialization /// </summary> void Start() { user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); AssignSceneComponent(); }
public IEnumerator Z_DeleteDependencies() { TestHelper testHelper = new TestHelper(); var user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); Result deleteResult = null; testHelper.DeleteUser(user, result => { deleteResult = result; }); // testHelper.DeleteUser(AccelBytePlugin.Config.Namespace, PlatformType.Device, "", result => { deleteResult = result; }); while (deleteResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!deleteResult.IsError); Result <TestHelper.StoreInfoModel> storeDeleteResult = null; testHelper.DeleteStore( TestVariables.accessToken, TestVariables.createdTemporaryStoreInfoId, result => { storeDeleteResult = result; }); while (storeDeleteResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!storeDeleteResult.IsError); if (TestVariables.bPublishedStoreIsExist) { Result <TestHelper.StoreInfoModel> cloneResult = null; testHelper.CloneStore( TestVariables.accessToken, TestVariables.createdArchiveStoreInfoId, TestVariables.publishedStoreId, result => { cloneResult = result; }); while (cloneResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!cloneResult.IsError); storeDeleteResult = null; testHelper.DeleteStore( TestVariables.accessToken, TestVariables.createdArchiveStoreInfoId, result => { storeDeleteResult = result; }); while (storeDeleteResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!storeDeleteResult.IsError); } else { storeDeleteResult = null; testHelper.DeletePublishedStore(TestVariables.accessToken, result => { storeDeleteResult = result; }); while (storeDeleteResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!storeDeleteResult.IsError); } Result <TestHelper.CurrencyInfoModel> deleteCurrencyResult = null; testHelper.DeleteCurrency( TestVariables.accessToken, TestVariables.currencyCode, result => { deleteCurrencyResult = result; }); while (deleteCurrencyResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.That(!deleteCurrencyResult.IsError); }
public IEnumerator Setup() { this.user = AccelBytePlugin.GetUser(); Result loginWithDevice = null; this.user.LoginWithDeviceId(result => { loginWithDevice = result; }); while (loginWithDevice == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Debug.Log(this.user.Session.UserId); this.statistic = AccelBytePlugin.GetStatistic(); //Get AccessToken Result <TokenData> GetAccessToken = null; this.helper.GetAccessToken(result => { GetAccessToken = result; }); while (GetAccessToken == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } this.helperAccessToken = GetAccessToken.Value.access_token; for (int i = 0; i < this.statCodes.Length - 1; i++) { Debug.Log("Start to create stat! " + this.statCodes[i]); Result <StatConfig> createStatResult = null; TestHelper.StatCreateModel createStat = new TestHelper.StatCreateModel { defaultValue = 0, description = "Stat for SDK Test", incrementOnly = true, maximum = 999999, minimum = 0, name = this.statCodes[i], setAsGlobal = false, setBy = StatisticSetBy.CLIENT, statCode = this.statCodes[i], tags = new[] { this.tags[i] } }; this.helper.CreateStatConfig( this.helperAccessToken, createStat, result => { createStatResult = result; }); while (createStatResult == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } } Debug.Log("Start to create stat! " + this.statCodes[5]); Result <StatConfig> createStat6Result = null; TestHelper.StatCreateModel createStat6 = new TestHelper.StatCreateModel { defaultValue = 0, description = "Stat for SDK Test", incrementOnly = false, maximum = 999999, minimum = 0, name = this.statCodes[5], setAsGlobal = false, setBy = StatisticSetBy.CLIENT, statCode = this.statCodes[5], tags = new[] { this.tags[5] } }; this.helper.CreateStatConfig( this.helperAccessToken, createStat6, result => { createStat6Result = result; }); while (createStat6Result == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } }