Пример #1
        private PathGeometry KnotenlastZeichnen(AbstraktLast knotenlast)
            var       pathGeometry     = new PathGeometry();
            var       pathFigure       = new PathFigure();
            const int lastPfeilGroesse = 10;

            if (modell.Knoten.TryGetValue(knotenlast.NodeId, out var lastKnoten))

            if (lastKnoten != null)
                var endPoint = new Point(lastKnoten.Coordinates[0] * auflösung - knotenlast.Intensity[0] * lastAuflösung,
                                         (-lastKnoten.Coordinates[1] + maxY) * auflösung + knotenlast.Intensity[1] * lastAuflösung);
                pathFigure.StartPoint = endPoint;

                var startPoint = TransformKnoten(lastKnoten, auflösung, maxY);
                pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(startPoint, true));

                var vector = startPoint - endPoint;
                vector  *= lastPfeilGroesse;
                vector   = RotateVectorScreen(vector, 30);
                endPoint = new Point(startPoint.X - vector.X, startPoint.Y - vector.Y);
                pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(endPoint, true));

                vector   = RotateVectorScreen(vector, -60);
                endPoint = new Point(startPoint.X - vector.X, startPoint.Y - vector.Y);
                pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(endPoint, false));
                pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(startPoint, true));

                if (knotenlast.Intensity.Length > 2 && Math.Abs(knotenlast.Intensity[2]) > Eps)
                    startPoint.X += 30;
                    pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(startPoint, false));
                    startPoint.X -= 30;
                    startPoint.Y += 30;
                    pathFigure.Segments.Add(new ArcSegment
                                                (startPoint, new Size(30, 30), 270, true, new SweepDirection(), true));

                    vector   = new Vector(1, 0);
                    vector  *= lastPfeilGroesse;
                    vector   = RotateVectorScreen(vector, 45);
                    endPoint = new Point(startPoint.X - vector.X, startPoint.Y - vector.Y);
                    pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(endPoint, true));

                    vector   = RotateVectorScreen(vector, -60);
                    endPoint = new Point(startPoint.X - vector.X, startPoint.Y - vector.Y);
                    pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(endPoint, false));
                    pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(startPoint, true));

Пример #2
        public double[] ComputeLoadVector(AbstraktLast ael, bool inElementCoordinateSystem)
            for (var i = 0; i < loadVector.Length; i++)
                loadVector[i] = 0.0;

            switch (ael)
            case LinienLast ll:
                // transform GAUSS point to range [0 -> 1] by using 0.5*(1+z)
                var gp = new[] { 0.5 * (1 - gaussPoint), 0.5 * (1 + gaussPoint) };
                foreach (var point in gp)
                    double xLoad;
                    double yLoad;

                    if (!ll.IsInElementCoordinateSystem())
                        xLoad = ll.GetXIntensity(point) * cos + ll.GetYIntensity(point) * sin;
                        yLoad = ll.GetXIntensity(point) * -sin + ll.GetYIntensity(point) * cos;
                        xLoad = ll.GetXIntensity(point);
                        yLoad = ll.GetYIntensity(point);

                    loadVector[0] += shapeFunction[0] * (xLoad) * length / 2;
                    loadVector[1] += shapeFunction[1] * (yLoad) * length / 2;
                    loadVector[2] += shapeFunction[2] * (yLoad) * length / 2;
                    loadVector[3] += shapeFunction[3] * (xLoad) * length / 2;
                    loadVector[4] += shapeFunction[4] * (yLoad) * length / 2;
                    loadVector[5] += shapeFunction[5] * (yLoad) * length / 2;

            case PunktLast pl:
                var intensity = pl.Intensity;

                double xLoad;
                double yLoad;

                if (!pl.IsInElementCoordinateSystem())
                    xLoad = intensity[0] * cos + intensity[1] * sin;
                    yLoad = intensity[0] * -sin + intensity[1] * cos;
                    xLoad = intensity[0];
                    yLoad = intensity[1];

                loadVector[0] = shapeFunction[0] * xLoad;
                loadVector[1] = shapeFunction[1] * yLoad;
                loadVector[2] = shapeFunction[2] * yLoad;
                loadVector[3] = shapeFunction[3] * xLoad;
                loadVector[4] = shapeFunction[4] * yLoad;
                loadVector[5] = shapeFunction[5] * yLoad;

                throw new ModellAusnahme("Last " + ael + " wird in diesem Elementtyp nicht unterstützt ");

            if (inElementCoordinateSystem)
            var tmpLoadVector = new double[6];

            Array.Copy(loadVector, tmpLoadVector, loadVector.Length);
            // transforms the loadvector to the global coordinate system.
            loadVector[0] = tmpLoadVector[0] * cos + tmpLoadVector[1] * -sin;
            loadVector[1] = tmpLoadVector[0] * sin + tmpLoadVector[1] * cos;
            loadVector[2] = tmpLoadVector[2];
            loadVector[3] = tmpLoadVector[3] * cos + tmpLoadVector[4] * -sin;
            loadVector[4] = tmpLoadVector[3] * sin + tmpLoadVector[4] * cos;
            loadVector[5] = tmpLoadVector[5];