Пример #1
        public static bool CxAlreadyExistsChecker(Abstractions.IRepositoryCustomer <Customer1> repo, string email, string phone)
            var customers = repo.ReadInCustomer();

            foreach (var Cx in customers)
                if (Cx.Email != null && Cx.Email.Equals(email))
                    if (Cx.Phone.Equals(phone))
        public static string LoginUserPrompter(Abstractions.IRepositoryCustomer <Customer1> repo)
            var customers = repo.ReadInCustomer();

            string email = EmailCheck.NewEmailChecker();

            if (email.Equals("quit"))

            string password = PassCheck.NewPassChecker();

            if (password.Equals("quit"))
            string name        = "";
            bool   correctAuth = false;

            foreach (var Cx in customers)
                if (Cx.Email != null && Cx.Email.Equals(email))
                    if (Cx.UserPass.Equals(password))
                        name        = Cx.Fname;
                        correctAuth = true;
            if (!correctAuth)
                Console.WriteLine("No User found with that email and password.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Choose Pizza Location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="stores"></param>
        public static void choosePizzaStoreLocation(string username,
                                                    Abstractions.IRepositoryCustomer <Customer1> repo,
                                                    Abstractions.IRepositoryOrders <Order1> orderRepo,
                                                    Abstractions.IRepositoryPizza <Pizza1> pizzaRepo,
                                                    Abstractions.IRepositoryStore <Store1> storeRepo)
            var customer = repo.ReadInCustomer();
            var order    = orderRepo.ReadInOrder();
            var pizza    = pizzaRepo.ReadInPizza();
            var store    = storeRepo.ReadInStore();

            int locationChoice = -1;

            while (locationChoice != 0)
                Console.WriteLine(" __________________________________________________________");
                Console.WriteLine(" | Hello:\t[" + username + "]");
                Console.WriteLine(" |---------------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine(" | Select a Pizza Parlor Location");
                Console.WriteLine(" |_________________________________________________________");

                // read through the list of Pizza parlors available.
                Dictionary <int, int> LocChoice = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                int storeCount = 0;
                foreach (var s in store)
                    //DateTimeLogic.MostRecentOrder.getMostRecentOrder(store, customer, order, username);
                    // var cx = customer.OrderByDescending(Cx => Cx.Fname != null && Cx.Fname.Equals(username));
                    var Cus = customer.FirstOrDefault(Cx => Cx.Fname.Equals(username));

                    DateTime dt    = DateTime.Now;
                    double   time  = 25;
                    double   date2 = 25;
                    // For each order go through and check if store id and customer id match
                    foreach (var Ord in order)
                        if (Cus.Id == Ord.CustId && Ord.StoreId == s.Id)
                            TimeSpan ts2 = (TimeSpan)(dt - Ord.OrderDate);
                            date2 = ts2.TotalMinutes / 60;
                            if (date2 < time)
                                time = date2;

                    if (time >= 24)
                        //Console.WriteLine($"Yes visited and time {time}hrs ago");
                        Console.WriteLine($" |{storeCount}. :  {s.StoreName}");
                        Console.WriteLine($" |        {s.StoreLocation}");
                        Console.WriteLine(" |");
                        LocChoice.Add(storeCount, s.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine($" | Plese wait 24 hours before ordering from \"{s.StoreName}\" again.");
                        Console.WriteLine($" | \t - You have {Math.Round((24 - time), 2)} hours remaining.");
                        Console.WriteLine(" |");
                Console.WriteLine(" |0. : Return to previous page.");
                Console.WriteLine(" |_________________________________________________________");

                locationChoice = IntCheck.IntChecker();
                if (locationChoice == -1)

                // choose location and bring up data about that location
                if (locationChoice > 0 && locationChoice <= storeCount)
                    var Loc = store.FirstOrDefault(S => S.Id == LocChoice[locationChoice]);

                    // Call Main logic for In Store.
                    _d_StorePortal.inStoreLogic(username, Loc.StoreName, repo, orderRepo, pizzaRepo, storeRepo);

                if (locationChoice == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("returning to the previous page...");
        public static void DisplayOrderHistory(string username,
                                               Abstractions.IRepositoryCustomer <Customer1> repo,
                                               Abstractions.IRepositoryPizza <Pizza1> pizzaRepo,
                                               Abstractions.IRepositoryOrders <Order1> orderRepo
            var customer = repo.ReadInCustomer();
            var order    = orderRepo.ReadInOrder();
            var pizza    = pizzaRepo.ReadInPizza();

            BitFlagConversion BFC = new BitFlagConversion();

            Console.WriteLine(" ____________________________________________________________________________");
            Console.WriteLine(" | Hello:\t[" + username + "]");
            Console.WriteLine(" |---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine(" | ... Order history ...");

            var Cus = customer.FirstOrDefault(Cx => Cx.Fname.Equals(username));
            var ORD = order.OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderDate);

            foreach (var Ord in ORD)
            //foreach (var Ord in order.OrderByDescending)
                int inOrder = 0;
                foreach (var pie in pizza)
                    if (Cus.Id == Ord.CustId && pie.OrderId == Ord.OrderId)
                        if (inOrder != pie.OrderId)
                            Console.WriteLine(" |---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
                            Console.WriteLine($" | Order: {Ord.OrderId} on Date {Ord.OrderDate}  Total Cost ${Ord.Price}");
                        Console.Write($" |     ${pie.Price}       :: {pie.Size}inch {pie.Crust} ");
                        char[] tops = BFC.convertIntToFlagArray(pie.Toppings, 5);
                        if (tops[0] == '1')
                            Console.Write(" <sauce> ");
                        if (tops[1] == '1')
                            Console.Write(" <cheese> ");
                        if (tops[2] == '1')
                            Console.Write(" <pepperoni> ");
                        if (tops[3] == '1')
                            Console.Write(" <sausage> ");
                        if (tops[4] == '1')
                            Console.Write(" <pineapple> ");
                        inOrder = pie.OrderId;
            Console.WriteLine(" |___________________________________________________________________________");
            Console.WriteLine("...Press Any Key To Continue.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Main Logic for initial choices a Cx can make when they login to the store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="stores"></param>
        /// <param name="locationChoice"></param>
        /// <param name="CurOrd"></param>
        /// <param name="LocationOrderHistory"></param>

        public static void inStoreLogic(string username, string storeName,
                                        Abstractions.IRepositoryCustomer <Customer1> repo,
                                        Abstractions.IRepositoryOrders <Order1> orderRepo,
                                        Abstractions.IRepositoryPizza <Pizza1> pizzaRepo,
                                        Abstractions.IRepositoryStore <Store1> storeRepo)
            var customer = repo.ReadInCustomer();
            var order    = orderRepo.ReadInOrder();
            var pizza    = pizzaRepo.ReadInPizza();
            var store    = storeRepo.ReadInStore();

            // Create new order object to temporarily store the order before confirming it.
            CurrentOrder curOrder      = new CurrentOrder();
            int          inStoreChoice = -1;

            while (inStoreChoice != 0)
                ZZ_PrintLoggedInHeader.printStoreHeaderLoggedIn(username, storeName);
                Console.WriteLine(" |---------------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine(" | 1. : Order a Pizza.");
                Console.WriteLine(" | 2. : Preview Your Current Order.");
                Console.WriteLine(" | 3. : [ADMIN] Preview All Orders at this Location.");
                Console.WriteLine(" | 0. : Return to Restaurant choice.");
                Console.WriteLine(" |_________________________________________________________");

                inStoreChoice = IntCheck.IntChecker();
                if (inStoreChoice == -1)

                // Pizza Size
                if (inStoreChoice == 1)
                    _e_PizzaMakeChoice.pizzaMakerChoice(username, storeName, curOrder);

                if (inStoreChoice == 2)
                    if (curOrder.pizzasInOrder.Count == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("No pizza's ordered yet!");
                        inStoreChoice = 0; // trying to for customer back to store choice after checking out a pizza.
                        // Ordering.CxCurrentOrder.getCustCurrentOrder(username, storeName, curOrder, customer);
                        int num = CxOrdersAtLocation.printCxPrevOrdersAtCurrLoc(username, storeName, curOrder);

                        if (num == 1) // try to read int choice
                            // Randomize and create new order.
                            Random random  = new Random();
                            int    OrderID = random.Next(1000000000, 2000000000);
                            var    cx      = customer.FirstOrDefault(Cx => Cx.Fname != null && Cx.Fname.Equals(username));
                            var    stor    = store.FirstOrDefault(S => S.StoreName.Equals(storeName));

                            // Tally the complete order first to get the total.
                            double total = 0;
                            foreach (var pi in curOrder.pizzasInOrder)
                                total += pi.getPriceOfPizza();

                            // Create new order and submit.
                            Order1 Or = new Order1()
                                CustId  = cx.Id,
                                OrderId = OrderID,
                                StoreId = stor.Id,
                                Price   = (decimal)total

                            foreach (var pie in curOrder.pizzasInOrder)
                                char [] tops = Ordering.AddToppingsToPie.getAddToppingsToPie(pie);

                                // Convert toppings int a singular decimal representing a bit flag
                                int    topSet = BitFlagConversion.convertFlagArrayToInt(tops);
                                Pizza1 Cu     = new Pizza1()
                                    PizzaId  = random.Next(1000000000, 2000000000),
                                    Toppings = topSet,
                                    Crust    = pie.getCrustChoice(),
                                    Size     = pie.getSizeChoice(),
                                    OrderId  = OrderID,
                                    Price    = (decimal)pie.getPriceOfPizza()

                // Look at previous order history at current location
                if (inStoreChoice == 3)
                    Ordering.RestaurantOrdersEmployee.AllRestaurantOrders(orderRepo, storeRepo, username, storeName);

                if (inStoreChoice == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("returning to the previous page...");