private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); about.ShowDialog(); }
public override void control(bot ircbot, ref IRCConfig conf, int module_id, string[] line, string command, int nick_access, string nick, string channel, bool bot_command, string type) { string module_name = ircbot.conf.module_config[module_id][0]; if (type.Equals("channel") || type.Equals("query") && bot_command == true) { foreach (List<string> tmp_command in conf.command_list) { if (module_name.Equals(tmp_command[0])) { string[] triggers = tmp_command[3].Split('|'); int command_access = Convert.ToInt32(tmp_command[5]); string[] blacklist = tmp_command[6].Split(','); bool blocked = false; bool cmd_found = false; bool spam_check = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp_command[8]); foreach (string bl_chan in blacklist) { if (bl_chan.Equals(channel)) { blocked = true; break; } } if (spam_check == true) { blocked = ircbot.get_spam_status(channel, nick); } foreach (string trigger in triggers) { if (trigger.Equals(command)) { cmd_found = true; break; } } if (blocked == true && cmd_found == true) { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I am currently too busy to process that."); } if (blocked == false && cmd_found == true) { foreach (string trigger in triggers) { switch (trigger) { case "about": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); string[] owners = conf.owner.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(',').Split(','); string owner_num = " is"; if (owners.GetUpperBound(0) > 0) { owner_num = "s are"; } string response = "IRCBot"; if (conf.module_config[module_id][3].Equals("True")) { response += " v" + about.AssemblyVersion + "."; } if (conf.module_config[module_id][4].Equals("True")) { response += " Created by Uncled1023."; } if (conf.module_config[module_id][5].Equals("True")) { response += " My owner" + owner_num + " "; if (owners.GetUpperBound(0) > 1) { int index = 0; foreach (string owner in owners) { response += owner; if (index == owners.GetUpperBound(0) - 1) { response += ", and "; } else if(index < owners.GetUpperBound(0)) { response += ", "; } index++; } } else { response += conf.owner.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", " and "); } } if (type.Equals("channel")) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :" + response); } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :" + response); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; case "uptime": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); now = DateTime.Now; int days = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Days; int hours = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Hours; int minutes = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Minutes; int seconds = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Seconds; string uptime = ""; if (days > 0) { uptime += days + " days, "; } if (hours > 0) { uptime += hours + " hours, "; } if (minutes > 0) { uptime += minutes + " minutes, "; } if (seconds > 0) { uptime += seconds + " seconds, "; } if (type.Equals("channel")) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :I have been online for " + uptime.Trim().TrimEnd(',')); } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I have been online for " + uptime.Trim().TrimEnd(',')); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; } } } } } } }
private void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 AboutForm = new AboutBox1(); AboutForm.ShowDialog(); AboutForm.Dispose(); }
public override void control(bot ircbot, ref IRCConfig conf, int module_id, string[] line, string command, int nick_access, string nick, string channel, bool bot_command, string type) { string module_name = ircbot.conf.module_config[module_id][0]; if (type.Equals("channel") && bot_command == true) { foreach (List<string> tmp_command in conf.command_list) { if (module_name.Equals(tmp_command[0])) { string[] triggers = tmp_command[3].Split('|'); int command_access = Convert.ToInt32(tmp_command[5]); string[] blacklist = tmp_command[6].Split(','); bool blocked = false; bool cmd_found = false; bool spam_check = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp_command[8]); foreach (string bl_chan in blacklist) { if (bl_chan.Equals(channel)) { blocked = true; break; } } if (spam_check == true) { blocked = ircbot.get_spam_status(channel, nick); } foreach (string trigger in triggers) { if (trigger.Equals(command)) { cmd_found = true; break; } } if (blocked == true && cmd_found == true) { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I am currently too busy to process that."); } if (blocked == false && cmd_found == true) { foreach (string trigger in triggers) { switch (trigger) { case "stopchat": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { foreach (string chat_nick in chatting_nick) { if (chat_nick.Equals(nick)) { still_chatting = false; chatting_nick.Clear(); chat_time.Enabled = false; chat_time.Stop(); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :Ok, I will stop."); break; } } if (still_chatting == true) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :You are not currently talking to me."); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; } } } } } } if (type.Equals("channel") && bot_command == false) { chat_time.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(conf.module_config[module_id][3]) * 1000; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) >= 3) { string msg = ""; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) > 3) { msg = line[3].TrimStart(':') + " " + line[4]; } else { msg = line[3].TrimStart(':'); } string[] words = msg.Split(' '); bool me_in = false; foreach (string word in words) { if (word.ToLower().Contains(conf.nick.ToLower())) { me_in = true; break; } } if (me_in == true || still_chatting == true) { bool nick_found = false; for (int x = 0; x < chatting_nick.Count(); x++) { if (chatting_nick[x].Equals(nick)) { nick_found = true; } } if (me_in == true && nick_found == false) { chatting_nick.Add(nick); nick_found = true; } if (nick_found == true) { // Start Chatting still_chatting = false; chat_time.Stop(); Request r = new Request(msg, myUser, myBot); Result res = myBot.Chat(r); AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :" + res.Output.Replace("[nick]", nick).Replace("[me]", conf.nick).Replace("[owner]", conf.owner.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", " and ")).Replace("[version]", about.AssemblyVersion).Replace("\n", " ")); chat_time.Start(); still_chatting = true; } } } } }
private void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var tmpAbout = new AboutBox1(); tmpAbout.ShowDialog(); }
private void label6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 guanyu = new AboutBox1(); guanyu.Show(); }
private void mnuAboutNotepad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 abtBox = new AboutBox1(); abtBox.Show(); }
private void oProgramieToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); about.ShowDialog(); }
private void ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 ab = new AboutBox1(); ab.ShowDialog(); }
public override void control(bot ircbot, ref IRCConfig conf, int module_id, string[] line, string command, int nick_access, string nick, string channel, bool bot_command, string type) { string module_name = ircbot.conf.module_config[module_id][0]; if (type.Equals("channel") && bot_command == true) { foreach (List <string> tmp_command in conf.command_list) { if (module_name.Equals(tmp_command[0])) { string[] triggers = tmp_command[3].Split('|'); int command_access = Convert.ToInt32(tmp_command[5]); string[] blacklist = tmp_command[6].Split(','); bool blocked = false; bool cmd_found = false; bool spam_check = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp_command[8]); foreach (string bl_chan in blacklist) { if (bl_chan.Equals(channel)) { blocked = true; break; } } if (spam_check == true) { blocked = ircbot.get_spam_status(channel, nick); } foreach (string trigger in triggers) { if (trigger.Equals(command)) { cmd_found = true; break; } } if (blocked == true && cmd_found == true) { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I am currently too busy to process that."); } if (blocked == false && cmd_found == true) { foreach (string trigger in triggers) { switch (trigger) { case "stopchat": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { foreach (string chat_nick in chatting_nick) { if (chat_nick.Equals(nick)) { still_chatting = false; chatting_nick.Clear(); chat_time.Enabled = false; chat_time.Stop(); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :Ok, I will stop."); break; } } if (still_chatting == true) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :You are not currently talking to me."); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; } } } } } } if (type.Equals("channel") && bot_command == false) { chat_time.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(conf.module_config[module_id][3]) * 1000; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) >= 3) { string msg = ""; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) > 3) { msg = line[3].TrimStart(':') + " " + line[4]; } else { msg = line[3].TrimStart(':'); } string[] words = msg.Split(' '); bool me_in = false; foreach (string word in words) { if (word.ToLower().Contains(conf.nick.ToLower())) { me_in = true; break; } } if (me_in == true || still_chatting == true) { bool nick_found = false; for (int x = 0; x < chatting_nick.Count(); x++) { if (chatting_nick[x].Equals(nick)) { nick_found = true; } } if (me_in == true && nick_found == false) { chatting_nick.Add(nick); nick_found = true; } if (nick_found == true) { // Start Chatting still_chatting = false; chat_time.Stop(); Request r = new Request(msg, myUser, myBot); Result res = myBot.Chat(r); AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :" + res.Output.Replace("[nick]", nick).Replace("[me]", conf.nick).Replace("[owner]", conf.owner.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", " and ")).Replace("[version]", about.AssemblyVersion).Replace("\n", " ")); chat_time.Start(); still_chatting = true; } } } } }
public override void control(bot ircbot, ref IRCConfig conf, int module_id, string[] line, string command, int nick_access, string nick, string channel, bool bot_command, string type) { string module_name = ircbot.conf.module_config[module_id][0]; if (type.Equals("channel") && bot_command == true) { foreach (List<string> tmp_command in conf.command_list) { if (module_name.Equals(tmp_command[0])) { string[] triggers = tmp_command[3].Split('|'); int command_access = Convert.ToInt32(tmp_command[5]); string[] blacklist = tmp_command[6].Split(','); bool blocked = false; bool cmd_found = false; bool spam_check = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp_command[8]); foreach (string bl_chan in blacklist) { if (bl_chan.Equals(channel)) { blocked = true; break; } } if (spam_check == true) { blocked = ircbot.get_spam_status(channel, nick); } foreach (string trigger in triggers) { if (trigger.Equals(command)) { cmd_found = true; break; } } if (blocked == true && cmd_found == true) { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I am currently too busy to process that."); } if (blocked == false && cmd_found == true) { foreach (string trigger in triggers) { switch (trigger) { case "ver": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { if (line.GetUpperBound(0) > 3) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", line[4].Trim().ToLower() + " :\u0001VERSION\u0001"); List<string> tmp_list = new List<string>(); tmp_list.Add(line[4].Trim().ToLower()); tmp_list.Add(channel); version_list.Add(tmp_list); } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :" + nick + ", you need to include more info."); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; } } } } } } if (type.Equals("query")) { string version = ":\u0001VERSION\u0001"; if (line[3] == version) { AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :\u0001VERSION IRCBot v" + about.AssemblyVersion + " on " + conf.module_config[module_id][3] + "\u0001"); } } if (type.Equals("line")) { string version_reply = ":\u0001VERSION"; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) > 3) { if (line[3].Equals(version_reply)) { for (int x = 0; x < version_list.Count(); x++) { if (version_list[x][0].Equals(nick)) { string response = "[" + nick + "] Using version: " + line[4].Replace("\u0001", ""); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", version_list[x][1] + " :" + response); version_list.RemoveAt(x); break; } } } } } }
public override void control(bot ircbot, ref IRCConfig conf, int module_id, string[] line, string command, int nick_access, string nick, string channel, bool bot_command, string type) { string module_name = ircbot.conf.module_config[module_id][0]; if (type.Equals("channel") || type.Equals("query") && bot_command == true) { foreach (List <string> tmp_command in conf.command_list) { if (module_name.Equals(tmp_command[0])) { string[] triggers = tmp_command[3].Split('|'); int command_access = Convert.ToInt32(tmp_command[5]); string[] blacklist = tmp_command[6].Split(','); bool blocked = false; bool cmd_found = false; bool spam_check = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp_command[8]); foreach (string bl_chan in blacklist) { if (bl_chan.Equals(channel)) { blocked = true; break; } } if (spam_check == true) { blocked = ircbot.get_spam_status(channel, nick); } foreach (string trigger in triggers) { if (trigger.Equals(command)) { cmd_found = true; break; } } if (blocked == true && cmd_found == true) { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I am currently too busy to process that."); } if (blocked == false && cmd_found == true) { foreach (string trigger in triggers) { switch (trigger) { case "about": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); string[] owners = conf.owner.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(',').Split(','); string owner_num = " is"; if (owners.GetUpperBound(0) > 0) { owner_num = "s are"; } string response = "IRCBot"; if (conf.module_config[module_id][3].Equals("True")) { response += " v" + about.AssemblyVersion + "."; } if (conf.module_config[module_id][4].Equals("True")) { response += " Created by Uncled1023."; } if (conf.module_config[module_id][5].Equals("True")) { response += " My owner" + owner_num + " "; if (owners.GetUpperBound(0) > 1) { int index = 0; foreach (string owner in owners) { response += owner; if (index == owners.GetUpperBound(0) - 1) { response += ", and "; } else if (index < owners.GetUpperBound(0)) { response += ", "; } index++; } } else { response += conf.owner.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", " and "); } } if (type.Equals("channel")) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :" + response); } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :" + response); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; case "uptime": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= command_access) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); now = DateTime.Now; int days = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Days; int hours = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Hours; int minutes = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Minutes; int seconds = now.Subtract(ircbot.start_time).Seconds; string uptime = ""; if (days > 0) { uptime += days + " days, "; } if (hours > 0) { uptime += hours + " hours, "; } if (minutes > 0) { uptime += minutes + " minutes, "; } if (seconds > 0) { uptime += seconds + " seconds, "; } if (type.Equals("channel")) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", channel + " :I have been online for " + uptime.Trim().TrimEnd(',')); } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I have been online for " + uptime.Trim().TrimEnd(',')); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; } } } } } } }
private void aboutToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ab = new AboutBox1(); ab.Show(); }
private void tsmiHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var about = new AboutBox1(); about.ShowDialog(this); }
private void toolStripButton16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 frm = new AboutBox1(); frm.ShowDialog(); }
private void оПрограммеToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutBox1 about = new AboutBox1(); about.Show(); }