private void GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(Vector3 scale, Pose pose, ISupportClosestPointQueries<T> otherPartition, Vector3 otherScale, Pose otherPose, Func<T, T, float> callback)
      // Test leaf nodes against other partition.

      // Use a wrapper for the callback to reduce the parameters from Func<T, T, float> to 
      // Func<T, float>.
      ClosestPointCallbackWrapper<T> callbackWrapper = ClosestPointCallbackWrapper<T>.Create();
      callbackWrapper.OriginalCallback = callback;

      // Prepare transformation to transform leaf AABBs into local space of other partition.
      Pose toOther = otherPose.Inverse * pose;
      Vector3 otherScaleInverse = Vector3.One / otherScale;

      float closestPointDistanceSquared = float.PositiveInfinity;
      foreach (var leaf in _leaves.Values)
        callbackWrapper.Item = leaf.Item;

        // Transform AABB into local space of other partition.
        Aabb aabb = leaf.Aabb.GetAabb(scale, toOther);

        closestPointDistanceSquared = otherPartition.GetClosestPointCandidates(aabb, closestPointDistanceSquared, callbackWrapper.Callback);
        if (closestPointDistanceSquared < 0)
          // closestPointDistanceSquared == -1 indicates early exit.

    private IEnumerable<Pair<T>> GetOverlapsImpl(Vector3 scale, ISpatialPartition<T> otherPartition, Vector3 otherScale, Pose otherPose)
      // Compute transformations.
      Vector3 scaleInverse = Vector3.One / scale;
      Vector3 otherScaleInverse = Vector3.One / otherScale;
      Pose toLocal = otherPose;
      Pose toOther = otherPose.Inverse;

      // Transform the AABB of the other partition into space of the this partition.
      var otherAabb = otherPartition.Aabb;
      otherAabb = otherAabb.GetAabb(otherScale, toLocal); // Apply local scale and transform to scaled local space of this partition.
      otherAabb.Scale(scaleInverse);                      // Transform to unscaled local space of this partition.

      var leafNodes = GetLeafNodes(otherAabb);

      foreach (var leaf in leafNodes)
        // Transform AABB of this partition into space of the other partition.
        Aabb aabb = leaf.Aabb.GetAabb(scale, toOther);    // Apply local scale and transform to scaled local space of other partition.
        aabb.Scale(otherScaleInverse);                    // Transform to unscaled local space of other partition.

        foreach (var otherCandidate in otherPartition.GetOverlaps(aabb))
          var overlap = new Pair<T>(leaf.Item, otherCandidate);
          if (Filter == null || Filter.Filter(overlap))
            yield return overlap;
      // Avoiding garbage:
      return GetOverlapsWithTransformedPartitionWork.Create(this, otherPartition, leafNodes, ref scale, ref otherScaleInverse, ref toOther);

Пример #3
        public void Scale()
            Aabb aabb = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 6));

            aabb.Scale(new Vector3F(-2, 3, 4));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(-8, 6, 12), new Vector3F(-2, 15, 24)), aabb);

            aabb = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 6));
            aabb.Scale(new Vector3F(2, -3, 4));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(2, -15, 12), new Vector3F(8, -6, 24)), aabb);

            aabb = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 6));
            aabb.Scale(new Vector3F(2, 3, -4));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(2, 6, -24), new Vector3F(8, 15, -12)), aabb);
    /// <summary>
    /// Makes an AABB check for the two node AABBs where the second has a pose and scale.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nodeA">The first AABB node.</param>
    /// <param name="scaleA">The scale of the first AABB node.</param>
    /// <param name="nodeB">The second AABB node.</param>
    /// <param name="scaleB">The scale of the second AABB node.</param>
    /// <param name="poseB">The pose of the second AABB node relative to the first.</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// <see langword="true"/> if the AABBs have contact; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
    /// </returns>
    private static bool HaveAabbContact(Node nodeA, Vector3 scaleA, Node nodeB, Vector3 scaleB, Pose poseB)
      // Scale AABB of A.
      Aabb aabbA = nodeA.Aabb;

      // Scale AABB of B.
      Aabb aabbB = nodeB.Aabb;

      // Convert AABB of B to OBB in local space of A.
      Vector3 boxExtentB = aabbB.Extent;
      Pose poseBoxB = poseB * new Pose(aabbB.Center);

      // Test AABB of A against OBB.
      return GeometryHelper.HaveContact(aabbA, boxExtentB, poseBoxB,
                                        false);   // We do not make edge tests.
Пример #5
            protected override bool OnNext(out Pair <int> current)
                while (true)
                    if (_otherCandidates == null)
                        if (_leafNodes.MoveNext())
                            var leaf = _leafNodes.Current;
                            _leafAabb = _partition.GetAabb(leaf);
                            _leafAabb = _leafAabb.GetAabb(_scale, _toOther);
                            _otherCandidates = _otherPartition.GetOverlaps(_leafAabb).GetEnumerator();
                            current = default(Pair <int>);

                    while (_otherCandidates.MoveNext())
                        var leaf           = _leafNodes.Current;
                        var otherCandidate = _otherCandidates.Current;
                        var overlap        = new Pair <int>(leaf.Item, otherCandidate);
                        if (_partition.Filter == null || _partition.Filter.Filter(overlap))
                            current = overlap;

                    _otherCandidates = null;
Пример #6
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override Aabb GetAabb(Vector3F scale, Pose pose)
            // Recompute local cached AABB if it is invalid.
              if (Numeric.IsNaN(_minHeight))
            // Find min and max height.
            // TODO: We could cache that beforehand.
            _minHeight = float.PositiveInfinity;
            _maxHeight = float.NegativeInfinity;
            foreach (float height in _samples)
              if (height < _minHeight)
            _minHeight = height;
              if (height > _maxHeight)
            _maxHeight = height;

              Vector3F minimum = new Vector3F(_originX, _minHeight, _originZ);
              Vector3F maximum = new Vector3F(_originX + _widthX, _maxHeight, _originZ + _widthZ);

              // Apply scale.
              var scaledLocalAabb = new Aabb(minimum, maximum);

              // Add depth after scaling because scaleY = 0 makes sense to flatten the height field
              // but the bounding box should have a height > 0 to avoid tunneling.
              scaledLocalAabb.Minimum.Y = Math.Min(scaledLocalAabb.Minimum.Y - _depth, -_depth);

              // Apply pose.
              return scaledLocalAabb.GetAabb(pose);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all items that are candidates for the smallest closest-point distance to items in a
        /// given partition. (Internal, recursive.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeA">The first AABB node.</param>
        /// <param name="scaleA">The scale of the first AABB node.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeB">The second AABB node.</param>
        /// <param name="scaleB">The scale of the second AABB node.</param>
        /// <param name="poseB">The pose of the second AABB node relative to the first.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">
        /// The callback that is called with each found candidate item. The method must compute the
        /// closest-point on the candidate item and return the squared closest-point distance.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="closestPointDistanceSquared">
        /// The squared of the current closest-point distance.
        /// </param>
        private void GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(Node nodeA, Vector3F scaleA, Node nodeB, Vector3F scaleB, Pose poseB, Func <T, T, float> callback, ref float closestPointDistanceSquared)
            // closestPointDistanceSquared == -1 indicates early exit.
            if (nodeA == null || nodeB == null || closestPointDistanceSquared < 0)
                // Abort.

            nodeA.IsActive = true;
            nodeB.IsActive = true;

            // If we have a contact, it is not necessary to examine nodes with no AABB contact
            // because they cannot give a closer point pair.
            if (closestPointDistanceSquared == 0 && !HaveAabbContact(nodeA, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB))

            if (nodeA.IsLeaf && nodeB.IsLeaf)
                // Leaf vs leaf.
                if (Filter == null || Filter.Filter(new Pair <T>(nodeA.Item, nodeB.Item)))
                    var leafDistanceSquared = callback(nodeA.Item, nodeB.Item);
                    closestPointDistanceSquared = Math.Min(leafDistanceSquared, closestPointDistanceSquared);

            // Determine which one to split:
            // If B is a leaf, we have to split A. OR
            // If A can be split and is bigger than B, we split A.
            if (nodeB.IsLeaf || (!nodeA.IsLeaf && IsABiggerThanB(nodeA, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB)))
                #region ----- Split A -----

                Node leftChild  = nodeA.LeftChild;
                Node rightChild = nodeA.RightChild;

                if (closestPointDistanceSquared == 0)
                    // We have contact, so we must examine all children.
                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(leftChild, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(rightChild, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);

                // No contact. Use lower bound estimates to search the best nodes first.
                // TODO: Optimize: We do not need to call GeometryHelper.GetDistanceLowerBoundSquared for OBBs. We have AABB + OBB.

                // Scale AABB of B.
                Aabb aabbB = nodeB.Aabb;

                // Convert AABB of B to OBB in local space of A.
                Vector3F boxExtentB = aabbB.Extent;
                Pose     poseBoxB   = poseB * new Pose(aabbB.Center);

                // Scale left child AABB of A.
                Aabb leftChildAabb = leftChild.Aabb;

                // Convert left child AABB of A to OBB in local space of A.
                Vector3F leftChildBoxExtent = leftChildAabb.Extent;
                Pose     leftChildBoxPose   = new Pose(leftChildAabb.Center);

                // Compute lower bound for distance to left child.
                float minDistanceLeft = GeometryHelper.GetDistanceLowerBoundSquared(leftChildBoxExtent, leftChildBoxPose, boxExtentB, poseBoxB);

                // Scale right child AABB of A.
                Aabb rightChildAabb = rightChild.Aabb;

                // Convert right child AABB of A to OBB in local space of A.
                Vector3F rightChildBoxExtent = rightChildAabb.Extent;
                Pose     rightChildBoxPose   = new Pose(rightChildAabb.Center);

                // Compute lower bound for distance to right child.
                float minDistanceRight = GeometryHelper.GetDistanceLowerBoundSquared(rightChildBoxExtent, rightChildBoxPose, boxExtentB, poseBoxB);

                if (minDistanceLeft < minDistanceRight)
                    // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                    // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceLeft is NaN.
                    if (minDistanceLeft > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                    // Handle left first.
                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(leftChild, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);

                    // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                    // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceRight is NaN.
                    if (minDistanceRight > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(rightChild, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
                    // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                    // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceRight is NaN.
                    if (minDistanceRight > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                    // Handle right first.
                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(rightChild, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);

                    // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                    // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceLeft is NaN.
                    if (minDistanceLeft > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(leftChild, scaleA, nodeB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
                #region ----- Split B -----

                Node leftChildB  = nodeB.LeftChild;
                Node rightChildB = nodeB.RightChild;

                if (closestPointDistanceSquared == 0)
                    // We have contact, so we must examine all children.
                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(nodeA, scaleA, leftChildB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
                    GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(nodeA, scaleA, rightChildB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
                    // No contact. Use lower bound estimates to search the best nodes first.
                    // TODO: Optimize: We do not need to call GeometryHelper.GetDistanceLowerBoundSquared for OBBs. We have AABB + OBB.

                    // Scale AABB of A.
                    Aabb aabbA = nodeA.Aabb;

                    // Convert AABB of A to OBB in local space of A.
                    Vector3F boxExtentA = aabbA.Extent;
                    Pose     poseBoxA   = new Pose(aabbA.Center);

                    // Scale left child AABB of B.
                    Aabb leftChildAabb = leftChildB.Aabb;

                    // Convert left child AABB of B to OBB in local space of A.
                    Vector3F childBoxExtent = leftChildAabb.Extent;
                    Pose     poseLeft       = poseB * new Pose(leftChildAabb.Center);

                    // Compute lower bound for distance to left child.
                    float minDistanceLeft = GeometryHelper.GetDistanceLowerBoundSquared(childBoxExtent, poseLeft, boxExtentA, poseBoxA);

                    // Scale right child AABB of B.
                    Aabb rightChildAabb = rightChildB.Aabb;

                    // Convert right child AABB of B to OBB in local space of A.
                    childBoxExtent = rightChildAabb.Extent;
                    Pose poseRight = poseB * new Pose(rightChildAabb.Center);

                    // Compute lower bound for distance to right child.
                    float minDistanceRight = GeometryHelper.GetDistanceLowerBoundSquared(childBoxExtent, poseRight, boxExtentA, poseBoxA);

                    if (minDistanceLeft < minDistanceRight)
                        // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                        // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceLeft is NaN.
                        if (minDistanceLeft > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                        // Handle left first.
                        GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(nodeA, scaleA, leftChildB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);

                        // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                        // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceRight is NaN.
                        if (minDistanceRight > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                        GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(nodeA, scaleA, rightChildB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
                        // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                        // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceRight is NaN.
                        if (minDistanceRight > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                        // Handle right first.
                        GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(nodeA, scaleA, rightChildB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);

                        // Stop if other child cannot improve result.
                        // Note: Do not invert the "if" because this way it is safe if minDistanceLeft is NaN.
                        if (minDistanceLeft > closestPointDistanceSquared)

                        GetClosestPointCandidatesImpl(nodeA, scaleA, leftChildB, scaleB, poseB, callback, ref closestPointDistanceSquared);
Пример #8
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Object A should be the composite, swap objects if necessary.
            // When testing CompositeShape vs. CompositeShape with BVH, object A should be the
            // CompositeShape with BVH.
            CompositeShape compositeShapeA = geometricObjectA.Shape as CompositeShape;
            CompositeShape compositeShapeB = geometricObjectB.Shape as CompositeShape;
            bool           swapped         = false;

            if (compositeShapeA == null)
                // Object A is something else. Object B must be a composite shape.
                swapped = true;
            else if (compositeShapeA.Partition == null &&
                     compositeShapeB != null &&
                     compositeShapeB.Partition != null)
                // Object A has no BVH, object B is CompositeShape with BVH.
                swapped = true;

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref collisionObjectA, ref collisionObjectB);
                MathHelper.Swap(ref geometricObjectA, ref geometricObjectB);
                MathHelper.Swap(ref compositeShapeA, ref compositeShapeB);

            // Check if collision objects shapes are correct.
            if (compositeShapeA == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a composite shape.", "contactSet");

            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            Vector3 scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Vector3 scaleB = geometricObjectB.Scale;

            // Check if transforms are supported.
            if (compositeShapeA != null &&                                     // When object A is a CompositeShape
                (scaleA.X != scaleA.Y || scaleA.Y != scaleA.Z) &&              // non-uniform scaling is not supported
                compositeShapeA.Children.Any(child => child.Pose.HasRotation)) // when a child has a local rotation.
            {                                                                  // Note: Any() creates garbage, but non-uniform scalings should not be used anyway.
                throw new NotSupportedException("Computing collisions for composite shapes with non-uniform scaling and rotated children is not supported.");

            // Same check for object B.
            if (compositeShapeB != null &&
                (scaleB.X != scaleB.Y || scaleB.Y != scaleB.Z) &&
                compositeShapeB.Children.Any(child => child.Pose.HasRotation)) // Note: Any() creates garbage, but non-uniform scalings should not be used anyway.
                throw new NotSupportedException("Computing collisions for composite shapes with non-uniform scaling and rotated children is not supported.");

            // ----- A few fixed objects which are reused to avoid GC garbage.
            var testCollisionObjectA = ResourcePools.TestCollisionObjects.Obtain();
            var testCollisionObjectB = ResourcePools.TestCollisionObjects.Obtain();

            // Create a test contact set and initialize with dummy objects.
            // (The actual collision objects are set below.)
            var testContactSet       = ContactSet.Create(testCollisionObjectA, testCollisionObjectB);
            var testGeometricObjectA = TestGeometricObject.Create();
            var testGeometricObjectB = TestGeometricObject.Create();

                if (compositeShapeA.Partition != null &&
                    (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints ||
                     compositeShapeA.Partition is ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>))
                    if (compositeShapeB != null && compositeShapeB.Partition != null)
                        Debug.Assert(swapped == false, "Why did we swap the objects? Order of objects is fine.");

                        if (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                            // ----- Boolean or Contact Query

                            // Heuristic: Test large BVH vs. small BVH.
                            Aabb  aabbOfA        = geometricObjectA.Aabb;
                            Aabb  aabbOfB        = geometricObjectB.Aabb;
                            float largestExtentA = aabbOfA.Extent.LargestComponent;
                            float largestExtentB = aabbOfB.Extent.LargestComponent;
                            IEnumerable <Pair <int> > overlaps;
                            bool overlapsSwapped = largestExtentA < largestExtentB;
                            if (overlapsSwapped)
                                overlaps = compositeShapeB.Partition.GetOverlaps(
                                overlaps = compositeShapeA.Partition.GetOverlaps(

                            foreach (var overlap in overlaps)
                                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean && contactSet.HaveContact)
                                    break; // We can abort early.
                                    overlapsSwapped ? overlap.Second : overlap.First,
                                    overlapsSwapped ? overlap.First : overlap.Second,
                            // Closest-Point Query

                            var callback = ClosestPointsCallbacks.Obtain();
                            callback.CollisionAlgorithm   = this;
                            callback.Swapped              = false;
                            callback.ContactSet           = contactSet;
                            callback.TestCollisionObjectA = testCollisionObjectA;
                            callback.TestCollisionObjectB = testCollisionObjectB;
                            callback.TestGeometricObjectA = testGeometricObjectA;
                            callback.TestGeometricObjectB = testGeometricObjectB;
                            callback.TestContactSet       = testContactSet;

                            ((ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>)compositeShapeA.Partition)

                        // Compute AABB of B in local space of the CompositeShape.
                        Aabb aabbBInA = geometricObjectB.Shape.GetAabb(
                            scaleB, geometricObjectA.Pose.Inverse * geometricObjectB.Pose);

                        // Apply inverse scaling to do the AABB checks in the unscaled local space of A.
                        aabbBInA.Scale(Vector3.One / scaleA);

                        if (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                            // Boolean or Contact Query

                            foreach (var childIndex in compositeShapeA.Partition.GetOverlaps(aabbBInA))
                                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean && contactSet.HaveContact)
                                    break; // We can abort early.
                        else if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                            // Closest-Point Query

                            var callback = ClosestPointsCallbacks.Obtain();
                            callback.CollisionAlgorithm   = this;
                            callback.Swapped              = swapped;
                            callback.ContactSet           = contactSet;
                            callback.TestCollisionObjectA = testCollisionObjectA;
                            callback.TestCollisionObjectB = testCollisionObjectB;
                            callback.TestGeometricObjectA = testGeometricObjectA;
                            callback.TestGeometricObjectB = testGeometricObjectB;
                            callback.TestContactSet       = testContactSet;

                            ((ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>)compositeShapeA.Partition)

                    // Compute AABB of B in local space of the composite.
                    Aabb aabbBInA = geometricObjectB.Shape.GetAabb(scaleB, geometricObjectA.Pose.Inverse * geometricObjectB.Pose);

                    // Apply inverse scaling to do the AABB checks in the unscaled local space of A.
                    aabbBInA.Scale(Vector3.One / scaleA);

                    // Go through list of children and find contacts.
                    int numberOfChildGeometries = compositeShapeA.Children.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChildGeometries; i++)
                        IGeometricObject child = compositeShapeA.Children[i];

                        // NOTE: For closest-point queries we could be faster estimating a search space.
                        // See TriangleMeshAlgorithm or BVH queries.
                        // But the current implementation is sufficient. If the CompositeShape is more complex
                        // the user should be using spatial partitions anyway.

                        // For boolean or contact queries, we make an AABB test first.
                        // For closest points where we have not found a contact yet, we have to search
                        // all children.
                        if ((type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints && !contactSet.HaveContact) ||
                            GeometryHelper.HaveContact(aabbBInA, child.Shape.GetAabb(child.Scale, child.Pose)))
                            // TODO: We could compute the minDistance of the child AABB and the AABB of the
                            // other shape. If the minDistance is greater than the current closestPairDistance
                            // we can ignore this pair. - This could be a performance boost.

                            // Get contacts/closest pairs of this child.

                            // We have contact and stop for boolean queries.
                            if (contactSet.HaveContact && type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                Debug.Assert(collisionObjectA.GeometricObject.Shape == compositeShapeA, "Shape was altered and not restored.");

Пример #9
        public void Scale()
            Aabb aabb = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 6));
              aabb.Scale(new Vector3F(-2, 3, 4));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(-8, 6, 12), new Vector3F(-2, 15, 24)), aabb);

              aabb = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 6));
              aabb.Scale(new Vector3F(2, -3, 4));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(2, -15, 12), new Vector3F(8, -6, 24)), aabb);

              aabb = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 6));
              aabb.Scale(new Vector3F(2, 3, -4));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(2, 6, -24), new Vector3F(8, 15, -12)), aabb);