Пример #1
		public Attack_Shot04 (A_Fighter attackOwner, float preAttackPeriod = 0.0f, float attackPeriod = 0.0f, float animationDuration = 0.0f):base(attackPeriod,attackOwner)
			//HB_Instruction(attackOwner, keyframe, "hitbox Name", damage, radius, attackMechanic, Particle)

			// ********* this goes in attacks that inherit A_Attack		
			HB_KeyFrame onOffTime;  
			List<HB_KeyFrame> keyFrames; 
			HB_Instruction hbInstruct;
			this.preAttackPeriod = preAttackPeriod;
			this.attackPeriod = attackPeriod;
			this.animationDuration = animationDuration;
			this.postAttackPeriod = animationDuration - (preAttackPeriod + attackPeriod);		
			// *************************************
			keyFrames = new List<HB_KeyFrame>();
			keyFrames.Add(new HB_KeyFrame(2.0f,8.0f)); //turn on, turn off keyframe
			//hbInstruct =  new HB_Instruction(attackOwner,keyFrames,"P_MilkySpore",20.0f,1.5f,null,null);
			hbInstruct =  new HB_Instruction(attackOwner,keyFrames,"P_MilkySpore",5.0f,1.5f,0.2f,new Vector3(1,0,0),new Vector3(0,5,0),2f,null,null);
		public Amaterasu_QuakeWithFear(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Amaterasu_projectile", 		// projectile name
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				1.0f, 							// radius
				1.0f, 							// damage
				0.8f, 							// startTime
				1.2f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Amaterasu_projectile", 		// projectile name
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				1.0f, 							// radius
				1.0f, 							// damage
				1.1f, 							// startTime
				1.3f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement

		//diagonal head to ground stomp kick like
		public Amaterasu_SettingSun(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				1.5f, 							// radius
				5.0f,							// damage
				0.1f, 							// startTime
				0.8f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				5f, 							// radius
				7.0f,							// damage
				0.85f, 							// startTime
				1.2f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
		//spinning low kick
		public Amaterasu_LightFlash(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			//ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(projectilename,starting joint,direction,speed,attackowner,radius,damage,starttime,endtime,offset,movement
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				"r_ball_jnt", 		//joint
				attackOwner, 		//fighter
				2.0f, 				//radius
				5.0f, 				//damage
				0.2f, 				//start time 
				3.0f, 				//end time
				Vector3.zero, 		//offset
				Vector3.zero 		//movement

			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Amaterasu_projectile", 		// projectile name
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				3.0f, 							// radius
				1.0f, 							// damage
				0.2f, 							// startTime
				0.8f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(-2.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f),// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement
		public Amaterasu_Backdraft(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			//range attack, range 1.5, speed med, size med, damage small
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				new Vector3(1,0,0), 
			//empty hitbox to cause slide back at start of animation, rather than projectile at spawn.
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				new Vector3(-0.1f,0.0f,0.0f)));								
		public Attack_coldShoulder (A_Fighter attackOwner, float preAttackPeriod = 0.0f, float attackPeriod = 0.0f, float animationDuration = 0.0f):base(attackPeriod,attackOwner)
			//HB_Instruction(attackOwner, keyframe, "hitbox Name", damage, radius, attackMechanic, Particle)

			// ********* this goes in attacks that inherit A_Attack		
			HB_KeyFrame onOffTime;  
			List<HB_KeyFrame> keyFrames; 
			HB_Instruction hbInstruct;
			// Right Fist
			keyFrames = new List<HB_KeyFrame>();
			keyFrames.Add(new HB_KeyFrame(0.35f,1.8f));
			hbInstruct =  new HB_Instruction(attackOwner,keyFrames,"HB_Fist_R",20.0f,0.8f,null,null);
			///Left Fist
			keyFrames = new List<HB_KeyFrame>();
			keyFrames.Add(new HB_KeyFrame(0.35f,1.8f));
			hbInstruct =  new HB_Instruction(attackOwner,keyFrames,"HB_Fist_L",20.0f,0.8f,null,null);					

			this.preAttackPeriod = preAttackPeriod;
			this.attackPeriod = attackPeriod;
			this.animationDuration = animationDuration;
			this.postAttackPeriod = animationDuration - (preAttackPeriod + attackPeriod);	
Пример #7
		public void RestartFighter(){
			string fighterName = "Fighter_" + this.Fighter.name;
			GameObject.Destroy( this.fighter.gobj );
			this.fighter = null;
			//Hieu commented out, so when players hit restart, they can reselect fighter
			//GameManager.CreateFighter( fighterName, this.playerNumber );
		public ProjectileHitBoxInstruction( string projectileName, string startJoint, Vector3 direction, float speed, A_Fighter fighter, float radius, float damage, float startTime, float endTime, Vector3 offset = default(Vector3), Vector3 movement = default(Vector3)) : base(fighter, radius, damage, startTime, endTime, movement){
			float timePeriod	= (endTime - startTime);
			this.projectileName = projectileName;
			this.startJoint		= fighter.joints[startJoint];
			this.increment		= direction.normalized * speed * (Time.deltaTime);
			this.offset			= offset;
			this.speed			= speed;
			this.knockback 		= Vector3.left;
Пример #9
		public A_Buff ( float duration, A_Fighter attackOwner, string name, float chargeTime )
			this.timer 		= 0.0f;
			this.duration 	= duration;
			this.activated 	= false;
			this.attackOwner 		= attackOwner;
			this.name		= name;
			this.chargeTime = chargeTime;
		protected A_HitBoxInstruction(A_Fighter fighter, float radius, float damage, float startTime, float endTime, Vector3 movement, bool canKnockDown = false){
			this.fighter		= fighter;
			this.startTime 		= startTime;
			this.endTime 		= endTime;
			this.radius			= radius;
			this.damage			= damage;
			this.started		= false;
			this.movement		= movement;
			this.canKnockDown	= canKnockDown;
Пример #11
		public Attack_None(A_Fighter attackOwner, float preAttackPeriod, 
								float attackPeriod, 
								float animationDuration):base(attackPeriod,attackOwner)
			base.attack_name = attack_name;
			this.preAttackPeriod = preAttackPeriod;
			this.attackPeriod = attackPeriod;
			this.animationDuration = animationDuration;
			this.postAttackPeriod = animationDuration - (preAttackPeriod + attackPeriod);
		public Heavy_NapalmFlameThrower(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 					// projectile name
				"l_wrist_jnt", 						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 		// direction
				0.5f, 								// speed
				attackOwner, 						// A_fighter
				1.0f, 								// radius
				1.0f, 								// damage
				0.4f, 								// startTime
				1.6f,  								// endTime
				new Vector3(-1.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f),		// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)		// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 					// projectile name
				"l_wrist_jnt", 						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 		// direction
				0.5f, 								// speed
				attackOwner, 						// A_fighter
				1.0f, 								// radius
				1.0f, 								// damage
				0.4f, 								// startTime
				1.6f,  								// endTime
				new Vector3(-1.8f, 0.4f, 0.0f),		// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)		// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 					// projectile name
				"l_wrist_jnt", 						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 		// direction
				0.5f, 								// speed
				attackOwner, 						// A_fighter
				1.0f, 								// radius
				1.0f, 								// damage
				0.5f, 								// startTime
				1.6f,  								// endTime
				new Vector3(-2.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f),		// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)		// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 					// projectile name
				"l_wrist_jnt", 						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, -0.4f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				0.5f, 								// speed
				attackOwner, 						// A_fighter
				2.0f, 								// radius
				1.0f, 								// damage
				0.5f, 								// startTime
				1.6f,  								// endTime
				new Vector3(-3.0f, 0.6f, 0.0f),		// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)		// movement
Пример #13
		public HitBox(A_Fighter attackOwner, GameObject gobj, bool isProjectile)
			this.attackOwner			= attackOwner;
			this.gobj			= gobj;
			this.isProjectile 	= isProjectile;
			this.inUse			= false;
			this.damage			= 0.0f;
			this.knockback		= Vector3.left;
			this.canKnockDown	= false;
Пример #14
		protected A_Attack( string animationName, float speed, A_Fighter attackOwner)
			this.speed			= speed;
			this.attackOwner 	= attackOwner;
			this.timer 			= 0.0f;
			this.animationName 	= animationName;
			this.instructions 	= new List<A_HitBoxInstruction>();
			if (attackOwner.gobj.animation.GetClip(animationName) != null){
				this.length = attackOwner.gobj.animation[animationName].clip.length;
		public Amaterasu_SpinningHookKick(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				3.0f, 							// radius
				2.0f,							// damage
				0.7f, 							// startTime
				1.0f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// offset
				new Vector3(0.05f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
		public Heavy_MegatonPunch(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				"r_wrist_jnt", 					// joint
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				5.0f, 							// radius
				3.0f,							// damage
				1.5f, 							// startTime
				2.3f, 							// endTime
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// extraMovement
				true							// knockdown
		//knee kick 
		public Amaterasu_DawnFirstLight(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				1.5f, 							// radius
				1.5f,							// damage
				0.3f, 							// startTime
				1.0f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// offset
				new Vector3(0.05f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
		public Heavy_ColdShoulder(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				"l_elbow_jnt", 					// joint
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				5.0f, 							// radius
				4.0f,							// damage
				0.7f, 							// startTime
				1.6f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// offset
				new Vector3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// movement
				true							// canKnockDown
Пример #19
		public Heavy_123Fire(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 				// projectile name
				"head_jnt",						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				1.0f, 							// radius
				1.0f, 							// damage
				0.1f, 							// startTime
				5.0f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 				// projectile name
				"head_jnt",						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				1.0f, 							// radius
				1.0f, 							// damage
				0.8f, 							// startTime
				5.0f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 				// projectile name
				"head_jnt",						// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				1.5f, 							// radius
				3.0f, 							// damage
				1.6f, 							// startTime
				5.0f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(2.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement
			//move back on each shot fired for short duration 
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction("head_jnt", attackOwner,
				0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f, Vector3.zero, new Vector3(-0.01f,0.0f,0.0f)));
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction("head_jnt", attackOwner,
				0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.2f, Vector3.zero, new Vector3(-0.01f,0.0f,0.0f)));
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction("head_jnt", attackOwner,
				0.0f, 0.0f, 1.8f, 2.0f, Vector3.zero, new Vector3(-0.2f,0.0f,0.0f)));
Пример #20
	//non projectile
	public HB_Instruction(A_Fighter owner, List<HB_KeyFrame> onOffTimes, string jointName, 
		float damage, float radius, Mechanic attackMechanic = null, ParticleSystem p = null)
		this.owner = owner;
		this.onOffTimes = onOffTimes;
		this.jointName = jointName;
		this.damage = damage;
		this. radius = radius;
		this.attackMechanic = attackMechanic;
		this.particleSystem = particleSystem;
		this.projectileSpeed = 0.0f;
		this.projectileStartLocation = Vector3.zero;
		this.projectileDirection = Vector3.zero;
Пример #21
		public Heavy_HeatSeeker(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile_seek", 			// projectile name
				"r_shoulder_jnt", 					// starting joint
				new Vector3(0.75f, .75f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				7.0f, 								// speed
				attackOwner, 						// A_fighter
				2.0f, 								// radius
				3.0f, 								// damage
				0.7f, 								// startTime
				5.0f,								// endTime
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),		// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)		// movement
Пример #22
		public Heavy_Railgun(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 			// projectile name
				"head_jnt", 					// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				20.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				4.5f, 							// radius
				4.0f, 							// damage
				3.0f, 							// startTime
				8.0f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(-3.0f, 1.2f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement							
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 			// projectile name
				"head_jnt", 					// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				20.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				4.5f, 							// radius
				4.0f, 							// damage
				3.2f, 							// startTime
				8.0f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(-3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement							
			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 			// projectile name
				"head_jnt", 					// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				20.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				4.5f, 							// radius
				4.0f, 							// damage
				3.4f, 							// startTime
				8.0f,  							// endTime
				new Vector3(-3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement							
Пример #23
		public Heavy_FireCarpet(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)

			//this.instructions.Add(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction( "MilkySpore", "r_wrist_jnt", new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 10.0f, attackOwner, 2.0f, 10.0f, 0.7f, 2.0f ));
			//this.instructions.Add(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction( "Projectile_Cube", "r_wrist_jnt", new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 10.0f, attackOwner, 2.0f, 10.0f, 0.9f, 2.2f ));
			//this.instructions.Add(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction( "Projectile_Cube", "r_wrist_jnt", new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 10.0f, attackOwner, 2.0f, 10.0f, 1.1f, 2.4f ));

			this.AddInstruction(new ProjectileHitBoxInstruction(
				"Heavy_projectile", 				// projectile name
				"r_wrist_jnt", 					// starting joint
				new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 	// direction
				10.0f, 							// speed
				attackOwner, 					// A_fighter
				2.0f, 							// radius
				3.0f, 							// damage
				0.8f, 							// startTime
				5.0f,							// endTime
				new Vector3(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),	// offset
				new Vector3(-0.15f, 0.0f, 0.0f)	// movement
Пример #24
		public void InstantiateFighter(string fighter, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation){
			GameObject character = GameObject.Instantiate( Resources.Load("Fighters/" + fighter, typeof(GameObject)),
				position, rotation ) as GameObject;
			Vector3 localScale = this.playerNumber == 1 ? character.transform.localScale : 
				new Vector3(-character.transform.localScale.x, character.transform.localScale.y, character.transform.localScale.z);
			character.transform.localScale = localScale;
			switch (fighter){
			case "Fighter_Odin":
				this.fighter = new Fighter_Odin(character, this.playerNumber);
			case "Fighter_Heavy":
				this.fighter = new Fighter_Heavy(character, this.playerNumber);
			case "Fighter_Amaterasu":
				this.fighter = new Fighter_Amaterasu(character,this.playerNumber);
		public Heavy_TriplePunch(string animationName, A_Fighter attackOwner, float animationSpeed = 1.0f) : base(animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				"l_wrist_jnt", 					// joint
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				3.0f, 							// radius
				2.0f,							// damage
				0.1f, 							// startTime
				0.5f,  							// endTime
				Vector3.zero,					// offset
				new Vector3( 0.005f, 0, 0 )		// movement
			this.AddInstruction(new JointHitBoxInstruction(
				"r_wrist_jnt", 					// joint
				attackOwner, 					// fighter
				3.0f, 							// radius
				2.0f,							// damage
				1.0f, 							// startTime
				1.4f,  							// endTime
				Vector3.zero,					// offset
				new Vector3( 0.005f, 0, 0 )		// movement
Пример #26
		public Attack_Mixed (string animationName, float animationSpeed, A_Fighter attackOwner) : base (animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner) { }
		public JointHitBoxInstruction( string joint, A_Fighter fighter, float radius, float damage, float startTime, float endTime, Vector3 offset = default(Vector3), Vector3 movement = default(Vector3), bool canKnockDown = false) : base(fighter, radius, damage, startTime, endTime, movement,canKnockDown){
			this.joint 	= fighter.joints[joint];
			this.offset = offset;
			this.knockback = Vector3.left;
Пример #28
		public Attack_SelfBuff (string animationName, float animationSpeed, A_Fighter attackOwner) : base (animationName, animationSpeed, attackOwner)
			this.activated = false;
Пример #29
		public Player (int playerNumber)
			this.playerNumber 	= playerNumber;
			this.controls     	= new GamePad(this);
			this.fighter 		= null;
Пример #30
		public void SelectFighter( A_Fighter fighter ){}