public static void Run() { using (var app = /*new VulkanApplication() */ new OpenGlApplication()) { var win = app.CreateSimpleRenderWindow(samples: 8); var cone = IndexedGeometryPrimitives.Cone.solidCone(V3d.OOO, V3d.OOI, 1.0, 0.2, 48, C4b.Red).ToSg(); // build object from indexgeometry primitives var cube =, AValModule.constant(Box3d.FromCenterAndSize(V3d.Zero, V3d.III))); // or directly using scene graph var initialViewTrafo = CameraView.LookAt(V3d.III * 3.0, V3d.OOO, V3d.OOI); var controlledViewTrafo = Aardvark.Application.DefaultCameraController.control(win.Mouse, win.Keyboard, win.Time, initialViewTrafo); var frustum = win.Sizes.Map(size => FrustumModule.perspective(60.0, 0.1, 10.0, size.X / (float)size.Y)); var whiteShader = Aardvark.Rendering.Effects.SimpleLighting.Effect; var trafo = Effects.Trafo.Effect; var currentAngle = 0.0; var angle = win.Time.Map(t => { return(currentAngle += 0.001); }); var rotatingTrafo = angle.Map(a => Trafo3d.RotationZ(a)); var sg = new[] { cone.Trafo(AValModule.constant(Trafo3d.Translation(1.0, 1.0, 0.0))), cube.Trafo(rotatingTrafo) } .ToSg() .WithEffects(new[] { trafo, whiteShader }) .ViewTrafo(controlledViewTrafo.Map(c => c.ViewTrafo)) .ProjTrafo(frustum.Map(f => f.ProjTrafo())); win.RenderTask = Aardvark.Rendering.RenderTask.ofArray( new[] { app.Runtime.CompileClear(win.FramebufferSignature, AValModule.constant(C4f.Gray10)), app.Runtime.CompileRender(win.FramebufferSignature, sg) } ); win.Run(); } }
public static ISg WithVertexAttribute(this ISg sg, string semantic, Array data) { var bufferView = new BufferView(AValModule.constant((IBuffer) new ArrayBuffer(data)), data.GetType().GetElementType()); return(new Sg.VertexAttributeApplicator(Symbol.Create(semantic), bufferView, AValModule.constant(sg))); }
public static void Run() { using (var app = /*new VulkanApplication() */ new OpenGlApplication()) { var win = app.CreateSimpleRenderWindow(samples: 8); // create CPU side array var indices = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; // wrap it into cpu buffer. ArrayBuffer is a CPU buffer (which will be uploaded on demand), // In contrast, BackendBuffer would be a buffer prepared for a specific backend. // both implement the IBuffer interface. var indexBuffer = (IBuffer) new ArrayBuffer(indices); // same applies for vertex data. Here we do not explicitly create an ArrayBuffer since // we use convinience functions which internally create the ArrayBuffer for us var vertices = new V3f[] { new V3f(-1, -1, 0), new V3f(1, -1, 0), new V3f(1, 1, 0), new V3f(-1, 1, 0) }; var colors = new C4b[] { C4b.Green, C4b.Red, C4b.Blue, C4b.White }; // In this low level API, we manually construct a drawCallInfo which essentially map // to the arguments of glDrawElements etc. var drawCallInfo = new DrawCallInfo() { FaceVertexCount = 6, InstanceCount = 1, // DrawCallInfo is a struct and is initialized with zeros. make sure to set instanceCount to 1 FirstIndex = 0, }; // next we create a scene graph node which describes a simple scene which, when rendered // uses the supplied drawCallInfo to render geometry of type TriangleList (in constrast to points, linestrip etc) var drawNode = new Sg.RenderNode(drawCallInfo, IndexedGeometryMode.TriangleList); // the main principle is to use scene graph nodes as small building blocks to build together the // complete scene description - a bit like lego ;) // the same applies for applying geometry data. just like any other attribute (e.g. model trafos), // vertex data can be inherited along the edges in the scene graph. thus the scene graph would look like this // VertexIndexApplicator (applies index buffer to sub graph) // ^ // | // drawNode (performs draw call using attributes inherited along scene graph edges) var sceneWithIndexBuffer = new Sg.VertexIndexApplicator( new BufferView(AValModule.constant(indexBuffer), typeof(int)), drawNode ); // of course constructing scene graph nodes manually is tedious. therefore we use // convinience extension functions which can be chaned together, each // wrapping a node around the previously constructed scene graph var scene = sceneWithIndexBuffer .WithVertexAttribute("Positions", vertices) // there are a lot such extension functions defined to conviniently work with scene graphs .VertexAttribute(DefaultSemantic.Colors, colors) // next, we apply the shaders (this way, the shader becomes the root node -> all children now use // this so called effect (a pipeline shader which combines all shader stages into one object) .WithEffects(new[] { Aardvark.Rendering.Effects.VertexColor.Effect }); // next we use the aardvark scene graph compiler to construct a so called render task, // an optimized representation of the scene graph. var renderTask = app.Runtime.CompileRender(win.FramebufferSignature, scene); // next, we assign the rendertask to our render window. win.RenderTask = renderTask; win.Run(); } }