public ActionResult GetReportTemplates(string MarketId = "", long ClientId = 0, long ProjectId = 0) { AV_MarketConfigurationBL db = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); var res = db.SelectedList("getReportTemplates", MarketId, ClientId, ProjectId); return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult UpdateTemplate(MainClass Model, List <string> Keys, int Value = 0, string TemplateName = "") { ParserController PC = new ParserController(); var filepath = ""; string keystring = string.Join(",", Keys.ToArray()); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string jsonData = js.Serialize(Model); DataTable dt = PC.getData(Model, filepath); var dtColumns = dt.Columns; AV_MarketConfigurationBL mc = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); string Filter = "UpdateTemplate"; var response = mc.SaveDataTemplate(Filter, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, 0, null, jsonData, keystring, Value, 0); bool IsUpdate = true; bool IsCreated = mc.CreateDataTemplateTable(IsUpdate, TemplateName, dtColumns); if (IsCreated) { // Insert Data To Table // mc.SaveDataToDataBase(dt, TemplateName); return(Json("Template Updated Successfully")); } else { return(Json("SomeThing Went Wrong")); } }
public ActionResult RFLegends(FormCollection frm) { AV_MarketConfigurationBL mcbl = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); var res = mcbl.SaveRFPlotLegend(frm); return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult DeleteTemplateById(int DataTemplateId) { AV_MarketConfigurationBL bl = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); string Filter = "DeleteDataTemplateById"; var res = bl.DeleteDataTemplate(Filter, DataTemplateId); return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetTemplateById(int id) { if (id != 0) { AV_MarketConfigurationBL bl = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); var res = bl.GetTemplateById("GetTemplateById", id); return(Json((res.Rows[0]["Keys"]).ToString().Split(','), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult SaveReportTemplate(long ClientId, long ProjectId, string MarketId, string ReportTemplateName) { // Check For Existing Report Template string Filter = "NewReportTemplate"; var user = Session["user"] as LoginInformation; AV_MarketConfigurationBL mc = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); var response = mc.SaveDataTemplate(Filter, MarketId, 0, ClientId, 0, null, null, ProjectId, ReportTemplateName, null, null, 0, user.UserId); if (response == "Success") { return(Json("Saved Successfully")); } else { return(Json(response)); } }
public ActionResult SaveTemplate(long ReportTypeId, long ScopeId, string TemplateName, string Files, int ReportTemplateId, MainClass Model, List <string> Keys) { TemplateName = TemplateName.Replace(' ', '_'); bool exists = CheckExistence(TemplateName); if (!exists) { ParserController PC = new ParserController(); var filepath = ""; string keystring = string.Join(",", Keys.ToArray()); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string jsonData = js.Serialize(Model); var user = Session["user"] as LoginInformation; DataTable dt = PC.getData(Model, filepath); var dtColumns = dt.Columns; AV_MarketConfigurationBL mc = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); string Filter = "NewTemplate"; var response = mc.SaveDataTemplate(Filter, null, ReportTypeId, 0, ScopeId, TemplateName, Files, 0, null, jsonData, keystring, ReportTemplateId, user.UserId); bool IsUpdate = false; bool IsCreated = mc.CreateDataTemplateTable(IsUpdate, TemplateName, dtColumns); if (IsCreated) { // Insert Data To Table //mc.SaveDataToDataBase(dt, TemplateName); return(Json("Template Created Successfully")); } else { return(Json("SomeThing Went Wrong")); } } else { return(Json("Template name already exists!")); } }
public bool FileDataParser(long SiteId) { // Parse File Here try { AV_MarketConfigurationBL bl = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); DataTable WO = bl.GetWorkOrderById("GetWorkOrderById", SiteId); long ClientId = Convert.ToInt64(WO.Rows[0]["ClientId"]); long ProjectId = Convert.ToInt64(WO.Rows[0]["ProjectId"]); long MarketId = Convert.ToInt64(WO.Rows[0]["MarketId"]);; long ScopeId = Convert.ToInt64(WO.Rows[0]["ScopeId"]); string ClientPrefix = WO.Rows[0]["ClientPrefix"].ToString(); string SiteCode = WO.Rows[0]["SiteCode"].ToString(); DataTable dt = bl.GetDataTemplate("GetDataTemplate", ClientId, ProjectId, MarketId, ScopeId); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int p = 0; p < dt.Rows.Count; p++) { string Files = dt.Rows[p]["Files"].ToString(); string Json = dt.Rows[p]["JsonData"].ToString(); string TemplateName = dt.Rows[p]["DataTemplateName"].ToString(); List <string> ListofFiles = Files.Split(',').ToList(); //var dir = Server.MapPath("~/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "\\" + SiteCode); var dir = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + SiteCode); bool isDirectoryExists = Directory.Exists(dir); if (isDirectoryExists) { DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(dir); //directory/Folder FileInfo[] directoryFiles = d.GetFiles("*.avx", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //Getting avx files //List<FileInfo> filteredFiles = CheckForAlreadyProcessedFiles(directoryFiles, SiteId); foreach (var file in directoryFiles) { StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); List <string> names = file.Name.Split('_').ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { if (names[i] != SiteCode) { if (i != 0) { fileName.Append("_"); } fileName.Append(names[i]); } else { break; } } foreach (var filename in ListofFiles) { if (fileName.ToString() == filename) { AV_MarketConfigurationBL mc = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); string Filter = "CheckFiles"; var processed = mc.CheckFiles(Filter, SiteId, file.Name, TemplateName); if (!processed) { // File is Matched with out Saved Pattern So Parse File Here MainClass Model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MainClass>(Json); ParserController PC = new ParserController(); var filepath = file.FullName; DataTable fileData = PC.GetParserDataFromFile(Model, filepath); mc.SaveDataToDataBase(fileData, TemplateName, SiteId); } } } } } } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public bool CheckExistence(string TemplateName) { AV_MarketConfigurationBL mc = new AV_MarketConfigurationBL(); return(mc.checkExistence(TemplateName)); }