Пример #1
    public override void AddElement(AUnitElementModel element) {

        // A facility that is in Idle without being part of a unit might attempt something it is not yet prepared for
        FacilityModel facility = element as FacilityModel;
        D.Assert(facility.CurrentState != FacilityState.Idling, "{0} is adding {1} while Idling.".Inject(FullName, facility.FullName));
Пример #2
    public override void AddElement(AUnitElementModel element) {

        element.Command = this;
        if (HQElement != null) {
            _formationGenerator.RegenerateFormation();    // Bases simply regenerate the formation when adding an element
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the Element to this Command including parenting if needed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The Element to add.</param>
 public virtual void AddElement(AUnitElementModel element) {
     D.Assert(!Elements.Contains(element), "{0} attempting to add {1} that is already present.".Inject(FullName, element.FullName));
     D.Assert(!element.IsHQElement, "{0} adding element {1} already designated as the HQ Element.".Inject(FullName, element.FullName));
     // elements should already be enabled when added to a Cmd as that is commonly their state when transferred during runtime
     D.Assert((element as MonoBehaviour).enabled, "{0} is not yet enabled.".Inject(element.FullName));
     element.onDeathOneShot += OnSubordinateElementDeath;
     Transform parentTransform = _transform.parent;
     if (element.Transform.parent != parentTransform) {
         element.Transform.parent = parentTransform;   // local position, rotation and scale are auto adjusted to keep ship unchanged in worldspace
     //TODO consider changing HQElement
Пример #4
 public virtual void RemoveElement(AUnitElementModel element) {
     element.onDeathOneShot -= OnSubordinateElementDeath;
     bool isRemoved = Elements.Remove(element);
     isRemoved = isRemoved && Data.RemoveElement(element.Data);
     D.Assert(isRemoved, "{0} not found.".Inject(element.FullName));
     if (Elements.Count == Constants.Zero) {
         D.Assert(Data.UnitHealth <= Constants.ZeroF, "{0} UnitHealth error.".Inject(FullName));
Пример #5
 protected internal virtual void PositionElementInFormation(AUnitElementModel element, Vector3 stationOffset) {
     element.Transform.position = HQElement.Position + stationOffset;
     //D.Log("{0} positioned at {1}, offset by {2} from {3} at {4}.",
     //    element.FullName, element.Transform.position, stationOffset, HQElement.FullName, HQElement.Transform.position);
Пример #6
 protected virtual void OnHQElementChanging(AUnitElementModel newHQElement) {
     if (HQElement != null) {
         HQElement.IsHQElement = false;
     if (!Elements.Contains(newHQElement)) {
         // the player will typically select/change the HQ element of a Unit from the elements already present in the unit
         D.Warn("{0} assigned HQElement {1} that is not already present in Unit.", FullName, newHQElement.FullName);
Пример #7
    protected override void PositionElementInFormation(AUnitElementModel element, Vector3 stationOffset) {
        ShipModel ship = element as ShipModel;
        if (ship.transform.rigidbody.isKinematic) { // if kinematic, this ship came directly from the FleetCreator so it needs to get its initial position
            // instantly places the ship in its proper position before assigning it to a station so the station will find it 'onStation'
            // during runtime, ships that already exist (aka aren't kinematic) will move under power to their station when they are idle
            base.PositionElementInFormation(element, stationOffset);
            // as ships were temporarily set to be immune to physics in FleetUnitCreator. Now that they are properly positioned, change them back
            ship.Transform.rigidbody.isKinematic = false;

        IFormationStation shipStation = ship.Data.FormationStation;
        if (shipStation == null) {
            // the ship does not yet have a formation station so find or make one
            var unusedStations = _formationStations.Where(fst => fst.AssignedShip == null);
            if (!unusedStations.IsNullOrEmpty()) {
                // there are unused stations so assign the ship to one of them
                //D.Log("{0} is being assigned an existing but unassigned FormationStation.", ship.FullName);
                shipStation = unusedStations.First();
                shipStation.AssignedShip = ship;
                ship.Data.FormationStation = shipStation;
            else {
                // there are no unused stations so make a new one and assign the ship to it
                //D.Log("{0} is adding a new FormationStation.", ship.FullName);
                shipStation = UnitFactory.Instance.MakeFormationStationInstance(stationOffset, this);
                shipStation.AssignedShip = ship;
                ship.Data.FormationStation = shipStation;
        else {
            //D.Log("{0} already has a FormationStation.", ship.FullName);
        //D.Log("{0} FormationStation assignment offset position = {1}.", ship.FullName, stationOffset);
        shipStation.StationOffset = stationOffset;
Пример #8
    // A fleetCmd causes heading and speed changes to occur by issuing orders to
    // ships, not by directly telling ships to modify their speed or heading. As such,
    // the ChangeHeading(), ChangeSpeed() and AllStop() methods have been removed.

    protected override void OnHQElementChanging(AUnitElementModel newHQElement) {
        _navigator.OnHQElementChanging(HQElement, newHQElement as ShipModel);
Пример #9
    public override void RemoveElement(AUnitElementModel element) {

        // remove the formationStation from the ship and the ship from the FormationStation
        var ship = element as ShipModel;
        var shipFst = ship.Data.FormationStation;
        shipFst.AssignedShip = null;
        ship.Data.FormationStation = null;

        if (!this.IsAlive) {
            // fleetCmd has died

        if (ship == HQElement) {
            // HQ Element has left
            HQElement = SelectHQElement();
Пример #10
    public override void AddElement(AUnitElementModel element) {
        ShipModel ship = element as ShipModel;
        //D.Log("{0}.CurrentState = {1} when being added to {2}.", ship.FullName, ship.CurrentState.GetName(), FullName);

        // fleets have formation stations (or create them) and allocate them to new ships. Ships should not come with their own
        D.Assert(ship.Data.FormationStation == null, "{0} should not yet have a FormationStation.".Inject(ship.FullName));

        ship.Command = this;

        if (HQElement != null) {
            // regeneration of a formation requires a HQ element
            var unusedFormationStations = _formationStations.Where(fst => fst.AssignedShip == null);
            if (!unusedFormationStations.IsNullOrEmpty()) {
                var unusedFst = unusedFormationStations.First();
                ship.Data.FormationStation = unusedFst;
                unusedFst.AssignedShip = ship;
            else {
                // there are no empty formation stations so regenerate the whole formation
                _formationGenerator.RegenerateFormation();    //TODO instead, create a new one at the rear of the formation